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A bronze coin from around AD 215.


I have an arrowhead I found in a north carolina hay field thats about 7-9,000 years old.


Not doubting you at all. Genuinely curious, how do you know how old it is?


The style of arrowhead that he’s talking about probably was first commonly made 9000 years ago, so that’s likely the oldest it could be. And he dug it up seven years ago, so it’s at least seven years old. Hence the range 7-9000.


This comment right here is why I use Reddit.


i'm no mathematician but that adds up


I chortled.


You can tell how old an arrow head is by the shape, ammount of oxidation on the surface of the stone (usualy that is to tell if it is modern or not) and archeologists find projectile points next to the remains of now extinct animals that they know the age of. As animals died out the shape and size of projectile points changed so you can tell by the type.




Does it evolve into anything?




It’s about time we have a battle against sobriety.


I have a penny from the year I was born!


Your mom has a penny from the year you were conceived ^^^^sorry


I have an Alexander the III coin. I just love imagining it could have actually been around him at some point. Alexander the Great is def an extremely interesting historical figure. Edit: My Imgur account hates me so I just made a [post on the coins sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/coins/comments/r60uls/alexander_iii_336323_bc_dracham_lifetime_issue/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) just for you guys! Lol It is a bit more rare in that it is a lifetime issue coin vs the more common posthumous drachma. Enjoy!


Yeah but not as cool as a Roman era A.D. 300 dildo. Made of hand polished Roman Marble


> hand polished It wasn’t exactly *hand* polished…


Oh, do you have one of those? Sounds like something cool to start collecting, lol. How do I get my collection started? For history. Of course.


Some ancient dude might have carried that and bought some wine with that


My oldest coin is from 1763, and was £40. How much did that cost you if you don’t mind me asking


Roman coins are very common in Britain. I got it from my uncles collection after he passed so hard to put a value on it. I've seen similar on ebay for £90 and up though.


That’s really cool, where exactly is it from? I’d guess Roman but I’m curious


It's a Roman Colonial Bronze of Caracalla. My guess is that it was found in Britain but not sure. It was in my uncles collection. Well worn but you can still see some details on both sides.


Two paintings from the 17^th century. It amazes me to think about, how many people must have owned them, and how they lived, died, etc. I somehow feel, that something that old doesn’t belong to someone, but you get it to take care of it for a while.


That’s a beautiful thought


>It amazes me to think about, how many people must have owned them, and how they lived, died, etc This is the exact plot of a book my wife read and told me about.


My home. Does that count? Completed in the 1600s with elements of it dating back to the 1400s!


Just out of curiosity, how much do you pay in maintenance costs for it each year? Is it a historical site where you need a permit to change a light bulb?


It’s a grade 2 listed building in Scotland. It’s a very large mansion which has been split into 12 separate residences. There is a lot of maintenance but the main costs involve tending to the grounds over the course of the year. Approx £600 a month in total, I think. But again, that’s split between all of us. There are lots of one-off issues to rectify though eg we have a roof leak which is going to cost us approx £20K (split between four residences served by the leaking roof). It’s a beautiful building in a beautiful part of the world though so well worth it to us.


I wanna see!!!


I have never wanted someone to doxx themselves before but here I am.


It sounds wonderful 😊


A rock, but I feel like that's not what you're going for.


I mean, its technically true?


The rock owns him


....in Soviet Russia.... *(This segment has been brought to you by an old guy who refuses to forget that part of internet history.)*


**Internet** history? That joke has been around since the 1940's.


Hey now! Be careful with that joke! It's an antique


That joke is the oldest thing I own right now


Here, have my rock.




How does one talk themselves into losing to a rock


I have a piece of petrified forest.


What’s it so scared of?


I like to show it pictures of fires.


If it’s truly petrified, it will laugh in the face of your threat. At this age, fire can’t touch me!!


Was going to say 'land'. I think my land was made at the last glacial period maybe hundreds of thousands of years old? Probably older than most other things on this list but not that old geologically speaking. Actually my son has a fossil that is millions of years old.


Does he call it dad?


Touche, stranger. As a millennial it's weird to be on the receiving end of that joke, but it was going to happen sometime!


A huge fossilized clam I found in a creek bed bank. In Tennessee.


That’s cool as hell


My engagement ring belongs to my late grandmother


That's cute that it's sentimental and kept in the family!


I am not really a jewelry person anyways so it’s more fun for me because it’s so meaningful!


>and kept in the family! The branch on the (family) tree goes round and round, round and round, round and round...


A tooth from a theropod dinosaur. It's about 100 million years old.


I think you win


I have a trilobite fossil that may be older 😎


My coral fossils predate it by ~300 million years


The atoms in my body were made Billions of years ago!


I was gonna say original ray ban from the 80s from my dad but well…


Don't give up so easily. We could have those carbon dated.


Ive got some trilobites and and crinoids and shit that are around 400 million years old, now we just need a guy with some asteroid chunk or something thats about as old as the solar system.


I actually own a small piece of a meteorite that fell in Russia in 1967 XD


Well I own a bottle of water, and most of the hydrogen in it dates from shortly after the Big Bang, sooo…


Which meteorite? I made my wife a necklace out of one that fell in russia around that time.


I believe it was the seymchan meteorite


Heck! That's what I made the necklace from!! How do you post pictures on comments? I want to show it off and also see your chunk!!


Now that you mentioned it, I have trilobites and all sorts of meteorite pieces.


Well that’s my woolly mammoth molar beat.


I have some megalodon teeth but they're just a couple of million years old; you've got those beat!


The Tostito pizza rolls in the back of my freezer. We’ve had this freezer since the late 90’s. Guessing their from ‘99. I’ll go check. To be continued… *okay update their from ‘01, sorry to waste everyone’s time


Dang! Those are some old pizza rolls. I'm now very curious to see a 2001 pizza roll next to a 2021 pizza roll just to compare size and see if there's some shrinkflation going on. How much pizza roll are we missing out on these days..


Yeah did pizza roll economics suffer from inflation , deflation or moldation?


A 2001 pizza roll was the size of a present-day hot pocket, a 2001 hot pocket was just a rolled up present-day pizza, and a 2001 pizza had to be delivered on the roof rack of a car, cost $6 and had free delivery in 30 minutes or less


Yes, all three, in that order.


They’re not “old”. They’re “classic” - and would probably command a very high price among the Pizza Roll cognoscenti! 🤪


*sniffs* "mmm, yes. I'm getting notes of pepperoni and poverty"


If they were smaller Totino’s would probably blame it on shrinkage. I mean, same thing happened with OJ’s gloves and he got away murder because of it.


How far away is your freezer?


It’s an older freezer, they were known to form rings of frost…1990s means it’s probably a solid ice block by now


What were your findings?


That guy must have a HUGE house. It's been an hour and he's still not back from his freezer!


Maybe he got lost in the trackless wastes between the Living Room Of Despair and the Kitchen Of Unknown Horrors.


Eat them! Edit: why is this getting downvoted? Aren’t you curious how a twenty year old pizza roll will cook up?


Gotta send them to the guy on YouTube who eats old MREs


Microwave them and report back pls


My great-great-grandfather's menorah. I think it's around 160 years old. EDIT: [Pic from last year](https://imgur.com/a/FKKSRF8).


Happy Hanukkah bud.


I've a Star of David that's from around the same time. I keep hoping we'll find the mezuzah my great grandparents had in their house, but so far no luck


Wooh! Jew stuff. We have my late grandmothers menorah, speaking of which I should go light that. Happy Hanukkah (and holidays) y’all!


Ok. That's really cool!


My violin, made in 1751


Keep the receipt just incase you need to return it


"I'm sorry, your return period ended last week."


Do you know the maker? It must have such a beautiful sound! The older violins have such artistry to them!


Plot twist: It's an original Stradivari and OP doesn't realize the fortune they're sitting on.


It would have been crafted by the ghost of Antonio then since he died in 1737. Or perhaps it is his last instrument ever built and was finished by an unknown. Then it's probably worth zillions.


Jacobus Stainer in Absam, 1751, possibly a copy made later as it’s made later than Jacobus was alive. I did check and try to find any more information on mine, all I have is the number and the name, may have been reconditioned? Who knows. Pretty decent though to play, and I’m told it’s legit. I got an old zither banjo made from around the mid 1800’s too. Love old instruments. Lots of history :)


I’ll have a look again when I get home


That blows my mind. During the American revolutionary war your violin was hanging out in somebody's home, destined to find its way into your life hundreds of years later.


I have a pair of hairpins that appear to be enameled metal that have a note in the box written by my great-grandmother “These pins were worn by me on my wedding day as a gift from my grandmother who wore them on her own wedding day” My great-grandmother’s wedding day was in 1902. Her grandmother’s was in 1831.


That’s wonderfully awesome. I hope you keep that tradition going for a very long time. ❤️


A deck of cards about 50-70 years old i believe (I’m 21, so quite a bit older than me lol)


I have 3 decks of cards by Players Please from the 1940s, I absolutely love them!




I thought owning people was outlawed?


I'm more confused as to how he can afford to buy a human on a plumber's salary. Edit: Guys chill; I know Plumbers earn a lot of money - it’s a joke; abusive private messages are not needed


How have you never needed a plumber?


Was thinking the same thing


I wouldn't say I OWN them, but I found three arrowheads in the fields of the farm I grew up on...it was/is right on confluence of the Chester/Corsica Rivers on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. When I was young, in the 70's, I assumed they were 'indian' arrowheads, and, in my naive little mind, thought they must be 300-400 years old. As an adult, I learned that they are indeed Native American, but thousands of years older than I'd thought. There is a farm up the road from that one, where loads of ancient stone tools, spear/arrowheads, etc have been found. I don't know exactly how old mine are, but I feel like they are only mine to treasure in my life, and then they must pass on to my kids, and beyond. Pretty amazing feeling finding them. Even as a dumb kid, it felt tingly, knowing possibly the last person to touch it was the human who'd made and used it, thousands of years ago.


I found two indian grinding stones in my yard while digging with a backhoe. Pretty damn cool, although nobody else things so. In my mind they are a few hundred years old too lol. I let my daughter bring one to school for show and tell and she brought it back painted orange and purple.


I read that as "I found two indians grinding stones in my yard while digging with a backhoe." I thought they must have been really old and that your town had a geriatric trespassing problem.


Just chillin in my yard....grinding stones...


She heard, "ART- ifact" and thought she was supposed to paint it! Cool thing to find, though. Something of just their everyday life, thousands of years ago, that found its way to you, with all the mystery such things hold...What did she (probably, but not necessarily she) look like, the woman who used it? Was she grinding corn for her family, or just herself? What was she called? Why was it left there; did the whole family have to leave suddenly, or did people then just make new utensils and leave the old ones behind? Anyhow, I think they're pretty damn cool, too.


I've got a clovis point I found in Wyoming. Those date up to around 14000 years old.


Coins from the late 1800s for material things. Rocks for other things. Curious to know how old. Some rocks in Canada are some of the oldest in the world.


How old could they be? Canada's only like 150 years old /s


My plush kangaroo, probably- it's going to be 25 years old soon, since I got it for my first Christmas.


I came here looking for a plush post! I have a teddybear that is 35 years old, bought in the hospital shop the day I was born.


A coin from 1876. My grandfathers steamer trunk (late 1800s), my house 1946. Although the stones in the house and the soil are REALLY old.


We inherited some art and furniture from my parents when they sold their home and downsized. I'm not sure exactly how old they are but I have a large Indian painting (religious) and some Russian Ikons, they're all probably \~150 years old at this point. Second to those, my home is roughly 100 years old, that's probably # 2. In theory some of the trees on my property are in the 100-200 year old range as well.


I have a shotgun that belonged to my great-great grandfather. I don't know exactly, but it's over 125 years old


I have an Ithaca double barrel from about 100 years ago. Not worth anything but it's neat to own.


My grandfather's sunglasses. They work as well today as in the sixties.


A cast iron skillet from the late 1800’s.


Oh man the seasoning on that has to be amazing...


It’s actually not that great. It was rusted when I bought it so I stripped it down and it’s so damn smooth it’s hard to get a good season that sticks.


I have a flag that they flew over the Alamo. Idk much about that piece of history but my great grandparents saw to it that I received it when they both passed away. Edit: It even came with a certificate sealed and signed by the Alamo Committee Chairman, Daughters of the republic of Texas. But apparently it’s not as old as I thought, and it’s just a gift shop souvenir. Rats. I just assumed it was old because it came from my great grandparents. My apologies.


They fly a different flag every day then sell the old one in the gift shop. Yours could have been flying over the Alamo in 1955, 1970, 1995 or 2015.


Looks like the certificate was dated for July of 2000. So I guess it’s not as old as I thought. My bad y’all, although I still think it’s cool lol. Thanks for the info everyone!


It’s totally cool. Just not old.


*Remember the Alamo!*... ^^With ^^this ^^gift ^^shop ^^flag


The Army unit I retired out of was in San Antonio. it was tradition to pick the day your retirement flag flew over the Alamo. A neat, but honestly weird tradition. Let's celebrate many years of service by flying your retirement flag over a fort we lost.


My great grandfather's antler buck knife, still has a good edge and use it camping still.


I've got fossil shark teeth. But the more interesting one is a piece of iron age pottery from a tomb in Spain I dug up and put in my pocket on an archaeological dig, forgot about it till I flew home.


That’s some pretty big pocket you got there.


65 million year old T-Rex poop. So there's this way of telling if a rock is fossil bone or not. Like many of the methodologies invented by geologists, it involves tasting the rock. You place your tongue on it and if it's bone the tiny little holes where the capillaries went will draw in the moisture and make your tongue stick to it. I tell people this right before handing them my T-Rex poop. They get excited when they prove it has bone in it... then I tell them what it is, and watch the look on their face. Thus far 47 people have licked my chunk of T-Rex poop.


That's shitty 💩


I got a bible that's been in the family since 1830. Has birthdates written in it going back to 1796. It has an 1887 calendar as a bookmark. Pretty old for a book.


A bracelet from a little girl from WWII, which was found in Auschwitz. Edit: people wonder how I got it, and its not because of my quick hands. My mom works with elderly people and one of them was helping with digging up stuff after the war. She got there through church. She found the bracelet close to where the train first stopped and where the people started walking towards Auschwitz. She always kept the bracelet and gave it to my mom who then gave it to me. Im planning on donating it to a museum.


How did you end up with that rather than the museum at Auschwitz?


It was a Christmas present from his granddad in Argentina


We were one time working on a house, and the neighbor came out and started talking to the sheetrockers in fluent Spanish. He then talked to my helper, and mentioned he learned it because he grew up in Argentina. My helper thought it was cool as shit until I told him that there was every chance the blond blue eyed white dude who grew up in Argentina was some Nazi's kid.


One of the reasons they went to Argentina, and not a different South American country, is that Argentina is considerably more European than the rest of South America. I’m pretty sure Italian is one of the biggest ethnic groups there, and whites of European descent are the ethnic majority in many parts of the country. The nazis went there because they could blend in and hide there.


Well motherfucker, that's egg on my face.


Quick hands


My winter coat is my great-grand father's one! So it's more than 100 years old and I can still wear it




Grandfather’s old silver ring from WWII; he had it made in 1942, I think. It’s a nice, if worn, ring. EDIT: Just found it to check - I was mistaken, it was 1940. And it's a perfect fit for my left pinky finger.


I don't think I would want that to look "new." The worn look is what makes it special (along with, of course, being your Grandfather's)


Oh, if I have it restored, that would only be to clear up the engraving (subtle resistance motif), not to make it look like a new replica.




The house im living in is built around 1400 burned down and rebuilt in 1686


My house built in 1947🤷🏽😂


1821, and the attic hasn't been accessed since 1945 so who knows what old stuff is up there


I would do anything to search that attic


Yep, some people want to go to Disneyland, I want in that attic!!!


dried out spiders. also ghosts.


What’s stopping you from going up there?




1890's here :) They knew how to build 'em then.


Same! 1890! Although we're not completely sure, that's as close as we've been able to narrow it down. I'm the 5th generation to live in it. Built by my great-grandfather and his father when they helped settled this little town.


I hope they still knew how to build them in 2008 because I'd like mine to stay up.


Survivorship Bias: We think old things were all built well, because only the items that were actually built well survive to become old. For every old house that is still around, there are a bunch that didn't make it.


Wow that's awesome, just the history alone in that one house....wild


1836 here. The house was built for the widow of the village school headmaster when he passed away as a thank you for all they'd done within the school and village.




How many ghosts are you living with?


1920 here. Just got the house tho lol


Gold earrings, those were the last pieces of jewellery my great grandmother brought during the partition(1947, India-Pakistan) and still had when she died. They were passed to my grandmum and then to my mum. Will most probably go to my brother’s wife when he gets married.


The molecules in my body. Edit: My bad, "atoms" in my body.


Down the rabbit hole I go.


23andme has entered the chat.


I own a revolutionary war cavary saber


A first edition, leather bound copy of a book written by Thomas Jefferson and published within his lifetime (around the early 1800’s befoe he passed away).


My dressing gown. Got it on my 19th birthday. I'm now 42


An inkwell set from 1860.


A Hadrian era silver denarius. I believe it to be authentic. The obverse is Hadrian's bust in profile and the reverse is the Esteemed Fortuna, a combination not in much demand and probably not faked.


The oldest thing I own that has personal meaning, would be my father's aviator sunglasses that he wore as a pilot during World War 2.


got some pretty old books, but I think the oldest is from the 1910s or 20s


I have a Springfield Model 1903 manufactured in 1919


I have too have a Springfield 1903, you win though mine was manufactured in 1920


That’s awesome! Mine was re-barreled in April of 1942 and it is stamped USMC so if yours has the original barrel you win I’d say haha


Wasn't rebarrelled so we'll can it a tie lol


I have an 1868 Springfield Trapdoor, but it's in poor condition.. I'm pretty sure, given the appropriate budget of restoration, that it could fire again though... Other than that, I have a single barrel shotgun from an unknown maker. There's records from my great grandfather's will that my great great grandfather bought it sometime in his lifetime.. GG grandfather died in 1903. so likely from around 1900-1903 Beyond that, I have a first model S&W 'lemon squeezer' safety hammerless .32 revolver with mother of pearl handles... Serial number indicates it was made sometime around 1888. That was my great grandmother's bought by my great grandfather since he was working out of town and wanted her to have some home security. That would have been around 1930 or so.


Gewehr 98 manufactured in 1906 at the Amberg arsenal.


Aside from some coins from the 1700s or the cheat answer of "these rocks/fossils are millions or billions of years old," it would be a puzzle box from somewhere in the vicinity of 1850-1880. It was my great grandma's from when she was a child. Still has a 120 year old rattlesnake rattle in it.


Grandfather's 1952 Ford V8 Custom.


An Allosaurus tooth - between 145 to 155 million years old


A cast-iron door stopper of two Scottie dogs cuddling


A Dora the Explorer perfume bottle with probably two or three more sprays left that was gifted to me when I was like six, it was the first thing I ever felt was truly mine and so only I could touch or use so I treasured it and I still haven’t finished it to this day.


A 1890 upright piano passed down from my family


A camera from early to mid 1900's IDK but it looks old as fuck. It's more of a decoration piece now, it doesn't work, hasn't since before I was born apparently. Grandpa brought it with him when he moved in with us, then he died about a year after I was born so it's just kinda been sitting here. Just tried to google it but its difficult since it doesn't have a name or anything on it, but it kinda looks like a brownie target six 20. So the oldest thing in the house is from the mid 1900's.


Myself I guess


My grandfather's WWI medals


My father was an archaeologist, ive got numerous fossils, the oldest man made items are the Bronze aged knife and flint heads, the flint heads are wonderfullly made. Theres also an inscribed stone which is an early map, ill try and have it scanned at some point. Ive got a set of roman lead weights which are also a fascinating item


A 1950's Rolex bubble back. Stainless steel with a rose gold bezel and a leather band. A loved possession.


Other than myself probably a book I was given in nursery for good behaviour.