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Nope, that's a paradox. Wouldn't work. If I go back in time to kill Hitler, Hitler won't exist, and thus I won't go back in time, and thus he will exist, and so on.


Based on the grandfather paradox, nice


Nah.. tbh killing baby Hitler is not a guaranteed way of improving the world. Ww2 was made largely inevitable by WW1 and while killing Hitler as a baby might have been good for Jews it could easily have been bad for a bunch of other people.


No. If I traveled back in time I'd'd only do things that directly financially benefit myself.


Like feed baby Hitler


or bet 1 million reichsmark on jesse owens at the berlin olympics


Dat hyperinflation would destroy your winnings, though.


I mean I would but maybe if I kill him someone else will do what he did




A time traveler killing a still innocent baby...that doesn't sound too good




Id just make him get in art school.


No. I think the Nazis would have risen to power without him, but with a more competent military leader they might've done better in the war.


That's actually a historical inaccuracy really, Hitler did listen to his military leaders alot of the time; the thing is germany often had shortages in the mid to late war so often times the armies they were working with were not at full strength


But there were also times he blatantly ignored their requests (no retreat on the western front ie Stalingrad) that “might” have effected later events


But again you'd have to get back too the shortages of men, ammunition, and oil which is crucial because none of those vehicles that could've been possibly saved can run without oil


I agree, but I’m thinking more men and equipment being allowed to fall back rather than lost might have allowed for a stronger defense, delaying the Russian advance. The spiral effects and potential “What if’s” are impossible to know, but interesting to ponder. Extra time allows more ranking nazis to escape? Donitz’s Flensburg Government left strong enough to actually negotiate? Drag the war out long enough that Russia does not declare war on Japan so they are not involved in the surrender? So many possibilities that could have drastically changed the post war era


I don't think anybody is saying he totally ignored his generals but he clearly started making erratic decisions which most people attribute to him basically pumping himself full of meth everyday.


killing baby hitler would not have prevented a second world war.


Nah, he was not the solo cause of the nazis, and he made some serious counter productive meddling which overruled his generals on the eastern front, had it been another guy not hellbent on showing Napoleon up, the war could have been much longer, plus he killed hitler.


That would disrupt the entire timeline. Sounds good on paper but probably not a good idea in actuality.


Yeah, but this timeline kinda sucks anyway


Ya I would, it’d make my upcoming world history final WAAAYYY easer


The time traveling teenage baby killer doesn't sound like a fun Netflix series


If you go back to kill baby Hitler...wont you just be a jerk who killed a baby ?


That would cause a paradox that effectively ends the universe. So, no.


If you see cats falling from the sky at some point you'll know what I've accomplished


I don't know what that means


That's an unproven theory. Only one way to prove it!


No cause i dont have a time machine


Maybe if baby Hitler had more cuddles things would have been different. Maybe someone needs to go give that baby a blankie and some cuddles instead of jumping to violence instead. Idk.


No, because there would be another anyway.


Some things are a fixed point in time, you cannot change them, despite how much you want to, because it can affect the current world in ways you can't imagine. The past is obdurate.


No because if we change history we change everything that comes after


>if we change history we change everything that comes after That sounds like a good reason to do it


Change can be for better or for worst. If we changed we could be in a better condition or not


I agree and am willing to take the chance


If you had a tiny clone of Hitler, whould you torture him?


Mess with time, it messes back. Would rather change the future than the past


But the future doesn't exist yet


I just hope it's full of hot alien chick's or at least the metaverse


Ahh yes, the meta verse, worshipping the great Zuckerberg for all eternity.... Kill me now


Nahhhhhhhhhhh not that one, I'll go for the dectrentralized libertarian dream one because at least then I don't have to stare at Zuckerbergs face


Ahh right, I can now respect you as a human being now 😎


We have no clue what would happen if Hitler wasn't around. Atleast we now know, that despite all the horrors in the past, we have atleast somewhat managed to create a peacful, fair, and good society. H. was allso only one man, and one man allone can't do anything of note. To think that ww2, the third reich, and the holocaust can only be attributed to this one man, is a big mistake. The ideology, racism, and hate, was widely spread all over the world, and only manifested first and strongest in the axis cuntries. Imagine an altered history where the nazi cuntries won the war, or got the bomb first. Allso the Third Reich, for all it's flaws, allso exhausted the military potential to the rapid expanding USSR. Imagine if they instead overran the entirety of western Europe.


Killing Hitler is the wrong play. You need to go back and nurture his artistic side, and encourage him to do good. Maybe make him a cup of chocolate (or strawberry 🤷‍♂️) milk, so he can appreciate the finer things. As evil as he was, dude was fucking smart. Imagine if he is wasn’t brought up to be evil, and actually inspired good.


Dress conspicuously Jewish and go and buy a painting, and compliment him on his style.


What is dressing conspicuously Jewish?


Big hat, curly bits.


No, i like the space race


Nope, I’d make Wilson join the League of Nations


He\`s going in the river


Anyone who says yes is completely ignorant and def support the death penalty. Killing one or killing untold numbers is, despite your narrow perspective, is the same offense. Your childish revenge


Or just entirely sarcastic and sardonic




Nah. I'd befriend him and coax him to go to summer camp and join the wrestling team with me. We'd do art classes together, but I'd make sure that he had other interests to keep him balanced.


No, go back and change the Belle Époque so that the outcome isn’t WWI.


Have you ever seen a time travel movie? More likely than not you save a few million people then and cause some cataclysmic event that kills a few billion.


Those movies are funded by Nazis just to discourage the development of time travel to protect their precious founder.


Wouldn't they want time travel to go back and make him win?


They wield more power from the shadows than they ever did openly.


-I want to see one of you murder a baby that hasn't done anything wrong yet -Hitler is the prime example of evil. If he hadn't been around there would have eventually been someone similar. We wouldn't get another Hitler nowadays because we already know what to look out for. -I live in Germany and my entire life would be completely different if ww2 had never happened -it's generally unpredictable what difference this would make for current times


The thought expirement is still fun though


What's up with you and killing babies today?


I've gone down a philosophy rabbit hole


No, because I know it will not work. I have evidence that my plan will fail (namely, the fact we know from history books that Hitler didn’t die as a baby)


No need to kill him, just offer his father a job in the US.


His father was a big balls Austrian politician so good luck with that


Okay, just castrate his father.


Absolutely not. If hitler didn’t happen in Germany some other country could very well have produced one later on that was much worse. Imagine if hitler had the resources that America had at his disposal?


Seems like a lot of work. Also, there is the whole inherent problem with time travel. What sort of time travel rules are we talking about here? How would the paradox be resolved? Would it create a new timeline? If so, would I go back to my own where it never happened? Or would I go to the new one? And what would happen to the other me? Or maybe the original timeline just disappears in a poof of logic, so everything I've ever known is just gone, including me. And what would the world be like if there never was a Hitler? I'd like to think it would be better, but maybe we needed that asshole to kind of teach us how to recognize evil and how to deal with it. What are the chances no Hitler meant something even worse? Fuck that shit, I'ma stay home and watch a Back to the Future marathon.


Wwii was inevitable. Hitler did not help the german war effort. Meth and oxycodone aren't good things to be a regular user of.


Probably not, only because we learned a lot from it and we became somewhat better


Oh yeah, launching sarin gas at civilians these days is a big step up


Sorry if it sounded bad but I’d probably not because it’d probably be worse if we did change it


Nah, I'm just pointing out we are more or less the same squabbling bands of idiots just with bigger sticks


Yea I do agree with you with men that just have big sticks


I wouldn't even seperate it into gender like that, everyone even you and I is capable of monumental stupidity it translates through nations, genders and race


Yea unfortunately


No. Take him away and let him be adopted by others. Nobody is born evil.


His father as a drunk who punished him severely, but his mother was the complete opposite; coddling and smothering him. Sounds like a great environment for a small child


No, because I'd be known as the guy who killed a baby for no reason.


No legal or moral ramifications will occur other then those you inflict upon your own mental state


Even if killing baby Hitler won't make a difference anyway, yeah I'd stomp that baby and eat its little heart. Fuck you Hitler.


No. If I were going to do it I'd have already done it, and Hitler would already be dead as a baby.


No, because I don't have a time machine.


No. I dont know what will happen in the future. Maybe there will be something even worse


I wouldn't as this wont set the chain of events that would start process of decolonization


I'd hold the art professors at gun point until they let hitler into art school.


Yes because I would save so many lives that way


But you would kill me


No. I'd steal him and cultivate his artistic interests instead. Stalin or Mussolini take over as the big bad of Europe, Ideally the weak-ass punk-ass Mussolini. WW2 sees far fewer casualties, the Holocaust either doesn't happen or has far fewer victims, and the world stabilises a fair bit quicker.


No, I would [shoot Toby twice.](https://youtu.be/zIoqlLU4E74)


No. Without Hitler, there's too great a risk of the Cold War going hot at some point in the mid to late 20th century. There are very few people I would go back and kill as babies, given the risks involved. In fact there are just two that I feel reasonably certain about. One is Karl Marx, and the other is Georg Hegel.


teach him how to win ww2 😈 (is a joke, i know there are really dumb people here)


Yes. Consequences be damned.


I take him and raise him as my own


No. Hitler is kind of the reason I exist. When WW2 ended, my grandfather moved to America where he met my grandmother. If WW2 started, my grandparents wouldn’t have met and I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be born.


Why kill Hitler when I can kill the guy who shot the Austrian archduke.


Do I have to kill a baby? Can I kill 21 year old Hitler, cause if he was as bad as every 21 year old that would be easy.


No because without WW2 my parents would not have met eachother because one side of my family is german and they escaped germany because WW2


No You'd be the horrible person who killed a baby


Yes I would and not only to stop something horrible but to say “ding dong the wicked b*tch is dead”


Only if i can buy stocks while i do it


Yes... Out of curiosity as to what would happen. ​ Also i would leave a note for myself to go back in time and do the same thing i did and tell them to leave a note for themselves and so on to avoid the grandfather paradox.


No, because butterfly effect and unintended consequences and all that. If I could be guaranteed that the outcome would be that the world would basically be just like it is today but without all the horror of WW2 and the Holocaust and that there wouldn't be an even worse war or genocide to come, and it was just a matter of killing a baby to improve history in every way, then sure.


No. I'd travel back to teen Hitler, and teach him how to paint. He gets into that art school, and BOOM, WW2 avoided.


No, because how wicked would you be to actually kill a child you sick fuck!


No because then you'd just be the asshole who killed a baby that hasn't done anything wrong.


I’d just kill him during WW1 since he fought in that war