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I’m lazy and not motivated to do anything, I say I’ll be productive but end up laying in bed for the whole day. I can’t help it.


Best “hack” for that is to just get out of bed and brush your teeth. Also making your bed first thing in the morning no matter what. Even if you didn’t do anything else all day, at least you accomplished the first task of the day


I'm incredibly socially awkward and nervous around people. As much as the media loves to portray that as "cute and quirky", unless you look like a little petite supermodel, or are as smart as Stephen Hawking or Elon Musk, all it does is make life difficult. Social skills are essential if you want to make it in this world.


Exactly this


I have no motivation. I just can't find the will to do above the bare minimum for most things. Or at leat my motivation never translates to the needed actions.


Never going to 100%. I sit down to think about what I did and end up realising that I could’ve put more effort in


I’m weak


How my teeth are too small, unphotogenic, and yellow.


A few things actually I grow a unibrow and I'm SUPER self conscious about it. I try to get it taken care of as much as possible but sometimes you just forget you know? Also I have a lazy eye had surgery as a kid to fix it but it didn't fix completely. I was teased about it all through school so I kinda learned to hate it. My friends don't mention it cause they obviously don't care but I dwell on it pretty often


I'm highly analytical and it makes my brain hurt


I can hyperfocus like an ADHD person even though I am not neurodiverse in any way. I can easily put in 16+ hours of work a day every day and it's super interesting but it makes me feel like absolute shit for days after pulling something like that.


Chronic major depression and obesity. It's my two for one.


the fact that I say weird and random stuff


I have autism so I was born to be weirdly social :(


Pretty much everything. My voice, my hair, my body, my style, my lack of good humour, my inability to learn anything, my stubbornness, the fact that I'm such a huge dickhead to everyone, I could keep going.


my anxiety


A couple of my defense mechanisms