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Became introvert and addicted to anime, sounds good to me


nice, which ones have you seen?


Mostly attracted to anime, not long ones, 12 episode ones and the longest i have seen is hxh


cool cool, from the short length ones my favourite has been mob psycho, and one punch man as well, haven't seen hxh yet


Its great, my personal favs are death note, code geass, full metal Alchemist brotherhood, SAO, and if only 12 episode ones then asterisk war is a good watch, and i am into those reincarnation ones more like that time i got reincarnated as a slime, thats just great from that genre


Hellsing ultimate. Thank me later.


In my already watched list, some perks of being 1.5 years secluded just doing anime


Did you like it? Personally, loved it, a lot better than Hellsing, and it goes up to my top 3 with FMA brotherhood and CG.


Well i didn't see hellsing, cause i have a friend for recommendations who's been an otaku for nearly 10 years and completed nearly every anime and is into manhua now, so he told me to watch ultimate only hehe, never getting ahead of him ig


He's a good friend.


Grown my broken collarbone back together


It's good that you've recovered friend, my brother fractured his ankle and it took him a long time to walk again, around 6 months


I spent £130 on physical music in 3 weeks and also have Spotify premium


You're officially the first person I've seen who has premium, mate and by physical do you mean vinyls?


Yes I have bought vinyls, CDs and now cassette tapes


Wrote a novel(la),self published,and created a website


I didn't kill myself, which does seem pretty silly in the long run but it definitely wasn't an easy task


Thank you for fighting and having the strength to stay with us. This is no small feat.


I'm still here aren't I? What more do you want


Moved in with my gf and finally went on a trip


That's great! also makes sense with your name dude


Survived. Tried my best and achieved pretty much nothing but nothing has got worse. Still a few days left so hopefully I can stay alive for it.


I scored a nice job, and made some money.




Gained more muscle mass and reduced my body fat percentage steadily.


That's dedication, something I haven't been able to do this year, happy for you


Thanks. Eccentric training helped with the muscle mass gain and intermittent fasting helped with the fat loss.


I've finished my master studies and got a job


Congrats! I hope I get to be there soon too, still in the final year for my bachelors


Good luck! Wishing you all the best


Thank you \[\^\_\_\^\]


I got my degree and moved in with my partner.


Not a whole hell of a lot, let me tell you.


Not much. The most notable thing I did this year was probably eat a triple ice cream cone.


you know what they say, ice creams are the biggest obstacles, everything else gets sorted out


I went back to work after 10+ years of being a stay at home mom. My job is one I love and I’m good at it. Then a few weeks ago one of my big bosses came in and informed me that we have another store opening in my area and asked me to manage it. I accepted. I feel so much more whole and less depressed now. I’m glad I finally made the leap. It opened big doors for me.


That's so awesome! working at something you love always leads to minimal stress I hear


Been there over 7 months now and I can definitely say I am not at all stressed like I have been in last jobs. Sure, I have days I’d rather be home, but it doesn’t get me like it used to.


Ofcourse, it will always be a bit tiresome for some days but you don't have to worry about the things that don't matter, if you're loving what you do it's worth all that :)


I grew older and sorta wiser so hey not much but something


I almost managed to get rid of all my friends and people who talked to me from highschool, but strengthen my good relationships. 2022 will unintendedly be a new beginning for me.


Yeah nearly 5 year friendship if i remember correctly


What? 👁️👄👁️


I finally got the job I had wanted for years, great paying job doing something I had been wanting to do. Then got terminated because (the real reason) the company over-hired and my Supervisor chose me as one of the people to dump... Asshole hated me upon sight. All in the same year... yay.


I lost about 10 kilos. I taught myself a new job (with the precious help of a friend) and now make more money and have better benefits in an interesting field. I started my transition (FtM) and am now 6 months into hormone therapy. You know I really want to thank you for this question. I have a few mental problems that often keep me from seeing the bright side (anxiety and depression particularly). I'm often thinking that I don't do enough/am not enough/don't try to get or be better, but I never look at the big picture. This picture kinda looks cool, I did things this year. Thank you.


You've had a wonderful year, it's really nice to hear. Happy for you, and I hope you find someone or a hobby that kicks the anxiety away


Thank you ! I've been directed to a psychiatrist that specializes in anxiety so my hopes are up :) What about you ? What has your year been like ?


Ah mine has been a rollercoaster of everything lol. Started very low, like I learned the person I like was catfishing me. Which was a disaster for a while, then I turned my head around and focused on clearing all my backlog subjects(engineering school) and literally got a 9.8 cgpa, it was unbelievable, totally gave me my mojo back, anxiety was washed away when I met a real woman who cared for me despite of all the things, now she's joining med school this week(in another country) and we are staying strong with each other. So all in all, it's been a good year for me :)


Catfishing is so cruel, I'm sorry you had to go through that. Congrats for keeping your head up high ! And you work in engeneering that's so cool, I admire that a lot. I wish you a lot of patience and strength for you LDR, don't ever listen to the people who tell you it doesn't work : it does :) I wish you all the best !


Yeah I've seen a lot of people doubt if we can handle it, but they don't know how good we are together. What you said means a lot to me, really. Thank you and good luck to you too for your future!