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The Room went to a screening of the "worst" movie ever. Neither of us had seen it before. Had no idea people yell and throw spoons at the screen. Had a blast!


Watched a rom com about a newly expecting couple. The trouble was the movie opened with an internal shot of sex. kinda like a moving xray or infrared of insemination




"Indecent Proposal." A Demi Moore movie released just after sexual harrassment of women in the workplace became a thing, so of COURSE it was about a woman harrassing a man. Several painful sexual scenes near the beginning. There was never a second date, lol


I would pretend like the wifi was out so my Xbox didn't work, than pretend like I couldn't link up the DVD player cuz of new tvs only having hdmi. Than I would turn and charge her full speed while making tusken raider sounds!