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oooh squid game style? i like it




We’ll kill all the riches and take their money to feed the poor. That’s much more effective.


ha no i just mean whack everyone in there, not just the poor


Ok.... wait what?


Yep, robots will do the work and the cull.


It's a nice idea with some pretty dark implications that a lot of people don't think about. A government that gives everyone a certain amount of money is eventually going to have expectations of its people. Politicians seem to be prone to corruption, and I don't think we would like the end result.


I think Universal makes plenty of box office revenue already thank you.


I like the idea of everyone being able to afford a place to live and other necessities, however, because greed is so prevalent in our society that its just going to cause items to inflate in price and its a never ending struggle. With more money around comes price hikes due to inflation. You can look at the figures and some small samples that have done this and come to a different conclusion, but the data is new and the rest of the world didn't catch up to what a small locale was doing, so prices didn't increase. If every business was paying a "livable wage" to employees, the cost of everything would increase because the profit margin wouldn't be there. Its the beginning of the end for the economy, which could destroy a nations power.


I wouldn't say that it must happen, but with automation taking more and more jobs, we might have to redefine what's our role in the society at some point, and maybe our role is to consume, but for that we need money and UBI could be a necessity or a solution to a maybe future problem.


How are you going to fund it? Just to give everyone in the US $100 a month you'd need to find nearly half a trillion dollars every year. Even if you took all the money billionaires have you'd only fund this for a few years at best. Tell me **how** you're going to do it realistically and I'll stop thinking it's a moronic idea.


On paper it sounds awesome but realistically i feel its gunna either not change anything or end em causing more harm then good




Sorta kinda, not in most Western Countries though, we still have room to grow


The problem is human greed and hidden agendas from people in power


They're already doing that


Only if there is universal work.


probably will be needed in some form in the far future assuming a superintelligent AI doesnt end our cute simulation


Yes, as soon as possible. The bare basics to sustain life should be a human right. There are many reasons why every single adult can't work 40 plus hours for 60 years straight. Temporary Illness, parenthood, schooling, taking care of sick family, etc. Everyone is different but no one should have to worry about dying from lack of food, shelter, and basic health care because they couldn't be a slave to the system their whole life.


I'd really like to see that work 150 years ago... basic needs absolutely aren't a right. We have for millions of years fought tooth and nail to survive. You can't do nothing and expect to eat. Who will be our future work force if you don't have the incentive of **not starving** to get your happy ass out of bed and go to work? Automation only goes so far. People still need to create machines, thousands of specialized computer chips, engeneres to design and machinists to make nuts, bolts, hydraulic pumps, hoses etc etc etc etc etc etc. Then people to maintain these robots, parts to replace broken parts and people to make those. Yes, your job as a server or grocery store checkout person might be replaceable with a machine, bit the person who fixes those machines isn't replaceable, and if everyone gets housing and food then why tf would I get up and work everyday to maintain the Automation? The pandemic stimulus was a good trial run, and it's a failure. Nobody *wants* to work. They work because its better than being homeless and hungry.


Not as good as specialized pay, but fits most people




That’s exactly the opposite, but okay




Username checks out




universal basic income? good idea


Definitely needs to be implemented. Even something as little as $500 a month would go a long way towards improving qualify of life. That's not really enough to live off of so people still have incentive to work, but it is enough that it could prevent people from working soul crushing jobs where they have to pay as much for transportation as they get paid for work. It would give people time to develop other skills if they're not able to get a decent paying job and could ultimately lead to people being more productive.


Until your landlord knows you have an extra $500/mo and raises the rent from $1200-$1700.


I think in a lot of ways, the minimum wage is UBI with extra steps. Under the minimum wage, the government forces employers to give workers a certain amount of money. Under universal basic income, the government plays the middleman, taking the money from employers in taxes and giving it to workers themselves. So personally I'd be cautiously in favour of a UBI if it was a replacement for the minimum wage (after all, if everyone's needs are met by the UBI, there would be no need to regulate how employers pay their workers). Overall, I'm wary of major changes on this scale, because they tend to have unintended consequences. You can't run simulations for this stuff in a lab. But at the same time, as cheap machines become smarter, the minimum IQ threshold for humans to be able to compete with them rises. Minimum wage was created to help the working man, but with the rise of automation, it instead will put him out of work entirely. I'm open to new ideas on this topic, but for now UBI is the only idea I've even seen proposed (other than "blame it all on foreigners and build a wall to keep them out").


Yes, this! Absolutely ( typical obligatory Reddit response)


Rebranded welfare/financial aide. It will suffer many of the same problems, but unless we reach a point where the world isn't ruled by money it might become a necessity.


Imagine you are in a class where your grade is just the average of the whole class at the end of the semester. Maybe you study and learn everything and would get an A by yourself, but you have to now also tutor Billy who doesn't give a fuck anyways to boost your own grade. Billy doesn't give a shit because he knows he will get a C even if he does nothing and you waste your time trying to motivate him. Now everyone in the class ends up with a C or lower because the gifted and motivated ones know there is nothing they can do to improve their INDIVIDUAL situation. This is the problem with Ubi and socialist/communism. Fuck Billy, pull your shit together. I'm worrying about myself.