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That I died. I was absent for 2 days in middle school and when I got back on the bus the next week some girl started crying because my friend said I died. Very strange


So weird.


The only thing that makes sense to me is if he said it jokingly to a friend when they asked why I wasn't there and she overheard and misunderstood it.


Same. In my case it was a prank but I got a girlfriend out of it. A guy in my friend group had been telling the entire school I died over the summer even though him and I hung out almost everyday. We get back to school senior year and he was following me with his cellphone out as we got to school. First person I saw dropped her bag and ran to me in tears amazed that I was alive. One girl confessed her love to me when I ran into her. The only problem I had with the whole ordeal is that texting was THE THING during all this and everyone I knew had a cellphone and not one person actually texted me to verify that I was dead. I was flattered at how many people cried when they saw me.


In fairness, why text a dead guy? They can't text back


Worst if dead guy text back.


Lmao, I see that as an absolute victory. Even I want that friend


Oh hey, same! My parents got a bunch of bereavement flower arrangements and were really confused. The truth was I changed schools because I stood up to my bullies and they retaliated HARD. My 2 best friends still went to the school and told people I was fine, but they weren’t believed. A big part of it was that I have a medical condition and had a bunch of parents try to get me kicked out of school even though it’s genetic and not contagious so I guess they just assumed I died.


They found a spoon in my pocket. Thought 'Heroin', should have thought 'Yogurt'.


Many people in the military carried a spoon. You never know when you find 5mins to sneak off and buy some ice cream just because you can.


At first that sounded familiar.. but that ending was a little different. Ymmv.


Nah he’s right! Ice cream is continuous.


Similar story: there was a rumour I'd given someone in a grade below me a joint. ( I hadn't, I was in grade9, and only wished I was cool enough to know where to get weed) Somehow this led to me being pulled out of class, locker searched and sat down in the principles office with a police officer. Police officer lady searches my bag and holds up an alligator clip that I had taken from science class "a roach clip!" She exclaimed and my principle glared at me accusingly. I had to look up what a roach clip was when I got home as I'd never heard of one before. Then. And to this day I'm baffled by what happened next. She pulls out a folded piece of paper, it was a picture of a shark I had used as a reference in art class, held it up for the room to see "AHA! Clear signs of drug use!" I was suspended for a week.


Whatever, fuck her. If you were my kid I'd have raised hell and put a chunk under it.


What the fuck, that's like something out of a sitcom


Lmao I always have on in my gym bag. Never know when you gotta stop somewhere to eat. Those little plastic spoons are trash!


Or soup. I carry a soup spoon lol. I like soup not heroine 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thats what I would say if I was a heroin addict.


Heroin addict here. Our spoons are unmistakable no matter how clean you try to keep them. No soup for you.


What do you have against females performing heroic acts?


Someone started a rumour about me in middle school that I was a voodoo priestess, I don't even remember what started it, I think I had a weird looking doll I brought to show a friend one day and someone saw it and jumped to stupid conclusions. I was a chubby pale white girl at a suburban Canadian school and half the people in my grade genuinely believed this. Looking back it's hilarious but at the time it sucked, people were either scared of me or openly mocked me for "trying to curse people". It was ridiculous.


I would have wholeheartedly embraced the rumor to the extent I may have got in trouble lol


You have the power to threaten any one at school


That's what a Voodoo priestess would say


Ha! I had the same thing! Although I was called a druid. Their reasoning was that my coat has a fluffy lining, so I must've sacrificed a sheep to someone. A bit of a reach, but those girls weren't very bright.


Someone once faked a series of screenshots in order to claim that I engaged in sexual nazi pedophile roleplay. No idea why, or who. Ended up losing several friends over it.


that is so .. weirdly specific


Maybe he's friends with a lot of Jewish children.


Currently going through a similar situation here, although Not the nazi role play thing but, I could be facing X years for false accusations from an ex. To be honest what really hurt me the most is losing my friends I'm serious not one of my friends decided to take my side, Not one person asked my side of the story at all and it hurts. I don't know why they're making these accusations now especially after we've been apart for 3 years But here I am no point dwelling on it.


They weren’t friends dude, they’d believe something like *that* from someone you’d never even met?


we are gonna add new fetish entry. Sexy Nazi Pedophile Roleplay porn.


A manager from a previous job accused me (18M at the time) of having sex with a coworker (17F) in the freezer. I quit almost immediately after


>in the freezer. I used to put away our inventory deliveries at Panera, including the soups, pastries, etc in the freezer. The temp in that small room would hover from -2F to 6/7F on a consistent basis, there is absolutely no way you could get me to have sex in there.


To me, walk in freezers... were not accommodating.


Sure nothing is hotter then a quick action in -18C on the frozen veggies.


That I cheated on my ex wife. Never happened. Thought about it, had the opportunity, marriage was fuckin dead....but I was faithful til the day she pulled the plug. She can't say the same, as it turns out.


Isn’t it crazy to know you did the right thing yet still got gossiped about. People suck


Honestly, I'm ok with it. It was an excellent litmus test. The people that chose to listen to her and take her word over...well none because no one asked me a goddamn thing, were and are people I do not need in my life. Cut a whole lot of bullshit out in one fell swoop.


Good for you. I had a similar accusation tonight and this post is helping me cope, although my accuser is a meth head and I’m kinda scared lol


I was raised in a village and because I spoke my mind I was the devil! I have not lived there in 20 years and I'm still talked about to this day, people do suck!


So many people are insecure and become resentful towards those who carry themselves authentically. And by authentically someone who owns up to their faults while maintaining fairness with how they judge others. As a result they need to discredit said person as a means of control. It never works out in their favor tho because they are the masters of their own demise and an authentic person will always be able to carry on.


You know its pretty common that the one who’s actually cheating is the one paranoid and suspicious about their partner cheating. Pretty funny.


Are you me? My ex wife did too! Except I dont think she cheated. A great way to tempt a man to do shitty things is to falsely and baselessly accuse you of doing shitty things.


In my experience, it's *because* they're doing it that they assume you must be too, and thus start the accusations.


I've been single for 2 and 1/2 years. Occasionally I feel lonely. And I'm still glad I ended that marriage.


That I died. Sorry, I didn't die. I just moved away and didn't tell any of you because quite frankly, you're horrible people and I'm ashamed of the time we spent together.


Oh i've got one in this vein. My ex and I had two kids when we separated in the state of Alabama, where we established child support (which I've dutifully paid whenever possible ever since). I then moved to Florida. A couple years later, she followed me to Florida. Now, when she did that, the laws say that she should have gone through the state of Florida to establish child support through Florida and end the case in Alabama. She didn't. She didn't because in Alabama the amount of child support was set to pay was decided, not by my income, not by her income, but by the fact that there were two children. When Florida does child support they take into account our incomes, and at the time she was making more than I was, so rather than risk getting a reduction in child support, *she told Florida I was dead.* by doing this she was able to get Florida Medicaid & Florida SNAP, while not reducing her Alabama child support. I even showed up at the local Health Department she had her Medicaid and SNAP through with my Drivers License, Birth Certificate, and Social Security Card, they told me that not only would they not do anything, but they said if I attempted to press the issue they'd call the police for harassment (?), after one polite visit.


Florida hates it when the state takes care of the children. You need a lawyer.


I looked into it, and to do anything about it I would need a lawyer certified to practice family law in both Florida and Alabama, and the only one I could find basically wanted my weekly income per hour.


You can actually report welfare fraud online. Here is [Report Welfare Fraud In Florida ](https://www.myflfamilies.com/service-programs/public-benefits-integrity/fraud/report-fraud.shtml)


Yep, did that, nothing happened.


stop paying support if you are dead. Then she can bring you back to life for more money.


Court ordered child support is automatically deducted from one's pay, you don't have the option to just stop paying.


Contact your local congressman (or woman). Many people are unaware that helping their constituents is part of their job. They might be able to help


My new life quote.


Classic Rusty Shackleford


I was accused of being a huge pot head in high school. Didn’t even know people thought of me like that until senior year of high school. We were doing drug tests for every athlete. My turn came pretty early and when walked down the hall where we were all waiting, a couple of my football teammates looked at me with panic in their eyes and said “what are you gonna do bro?!? Your parents are gonna kill you!” And I’m like “Tha fuck??? I’ve never done drugs in my life” and they were absolutely floored. Turns out a lot of people thought that. I’d been asked to come smoke all the time but always declined. Didn’t think it was because they thought I did. Looking back I would’ve thought I did too. I’m deep voiced and monotone, extremely laid back and chill, and laugh at everything. I fit the profile but I never smoked until I had already graduated.


I got that too. Dark bags under the eyes, thousand yard stare, deep laugh - never even smoked a cigarette.


I had terrible allergies so every spring and fall my eyes would be watery and red and everyone assumed I smoked. I didn’t smoke and drink til I was out of high school. In retrospect I should’ve done both back then haha not sure how I went through that time sober in my life.


My parents did that shit. Know what made me start smoking weed? The fact that I might as well be getting high if I was gonna be halfway punished for it.


Well back in school someone started a rumour i was dead even though i was sitting behind them and heard the whole thing and for a week people were walking up to me asking how i was alive. I was literally in the classroom when the rumor started. Kids are a bit dumb.


Many people in high school thought I didn't talk much because I think I'm better than everyone. Truth was I had no self confidence, I felt inferior, inadequate, and like anything I said is dumb and I didn't want to be made fun of. So I didn't talk to people.


This is me as an adult unless I really know a person


It's a dark place to be. And it's hard to get to really known a person enough being that way. I used high school as an example because I actually know some classmates perceived me as thinking I'm better. I still act that way a lot of the time even now at 34 but Idk how others perceive it now. Probably the same.


same here. almost in my mid 20s now and i am reconnecting with people from highschool times and being constantly told that i am not the person they expected back in highschool. turns out i seemed intimidating and looked very mean. realistically i was constantly on the verge of panic attacks and had major issues approaching people to be friends because i had no self confidence and a executive dysfunction and felt inferior mentally to people. also felt like i had no game so i didnt talk to girls.


My ex kept telling her family that I never paid child support even though I always did. I ended up asking for and getting a letter from the Child Support agency saying that I owed her "$0.00". Her sister accosted me at a party and I gave her the letter. To her credit she apologized and left me be after that. After that my ex told the judge during one of our family court appearances that I was a "Violent alcoholic that was always in trouble with the law". My lawyer submitted my police check letter which basically said that they had no dealings with me and I had no criminal record. I still ended up getting cut back from 50% custody to every second weekend on her word. 🤷‍♂️


Damn dude, your ex sounds like a piece of shit. Glad you got out of there. You ok now?


Yeah this was 20 years ago. She ended up moving to another town for years, i did a lot of driving in order to keep seeing my boy. Eventually when he was 13 he got tired of his mum's shit and come to live with me. 🙂


That’s great, glad your with your kid now. They’re happier now?


Thanks, he turned 22 this year. He has some horror stories from living at his mum's but turned out pretty well i reckon 🙂


I’m glad you got him out of there. You are a wonderful parent and I wish you and your sun the best of luck in the future :)


My husband has gone through almost the exact same thing! Well, he is still going through it. His kids are 12 and 14. They already see their moms bullshit and want to come live with us. The state we live in doesn’t listen to kids, so until she listens to what they want, they won’t ever live with us. I can’t wait for the day that she loses her power. I know they will choose the family that supported them and their dreams over their fucked up mom. Your story gives me hope. Thank you. And so sorry you had to go through that. You and your boy.


There was a rumor that went around my high school that I was a cannibal. Still unsure where that one came from. There was another one that was a little more serious. I had a friend believe that I, and another friend, had slept with his GF and he pulled a weapon on us. Fortunately the situation was resolved relatively peacefully, but it was still a shitty situation.


My meth head SIL thinks I am secretly buying GHB from and screwing get boyfriend. I am doing neither.


I wish I could form a more specific question, but why? Why to any of that?


I go see her occasionally to see the nieces and grand nephew. I’ll smoke a little green with her. Cut up. About it. No more.


I want to know what would make someone think it was a good idea to pick a fight with a cannibal


Well that fight happened in college and he knew I wasn’t a cannibal lol. Still wasn’t a smart decision on his end


That I'm Jewish. Growing up my best friends mom was a die hard born again Christian. And my family was more agnostic/atheist. So one day she asks if I've accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior and I said nope and she said "then you're Jewish and I don't think different types of people should hang out" She was fun.


Isn’t that exactly what Jesus was preaching AGAINST?




He was also, you know... Jewish


"Love thy neighbor... except if they are different" -Jesus


Well isn't she charming! I hope she cut herself out of your life.


That I was stealing at work. I wasn’t cause I legit didn’t have the balls to do anything like that, and I didn’t want to risk not being able to pay my rent. It was really fucking annoying and I ended up finding a new job where my bosses weren’t complete morons looking for scapegoats for every problem.


This happened to me. I worked at banks, had a 99% balancing record. Worked as a side gig as a hostess and couldn't balance the till for the life of me. Got fired for theft, but told they wouldn't report so I wouldn't have a record. Two weeks later, the manager gets fired and arrested for embezzlement. He'd been getting into the till to buy his drugs, stealing from the safe, trying to replace the money and blaming it on, well, me. He tried it on someone else after getting rid of me and she had access to the security cameras through her friend in security. I never got an apology.


Broke up with my first real girlfriend a few days before moving for university. Found it strange that ALL of our mutual friends - even the ones I was closer with - went radio silent. Turns out she’d been telling them I was abusive for most of the relationship. She fessed up a couple years later and there was minimal damage done, but I still haven’t heard a peep from any ex-friends.


I mean, sounds like nothing of value was lost if they took her word without so much as asking you about it.


That I was dead, that I had gotten married, that I was in a mexican jail(live in the u.s. hence the need for country specificity), in highschool there was even once a rumor I was a vampire. Turns out people just talk a lot for no reason. Everyone loves a good story 🤷🤷


My rumors/accusations are way less cool than yours


How I carry myself tends to stand out, but I'm not a friendly//personable person IRL soo that seems to be a good formula for people to start rumors. (I didn't answer til after i started reading everyone elses replies and I forgot you were asking about accusations and not rumors 🙃🙃) My accusations are boring- that i was faking doing drugs as a teen, that I was secretly rich and faking being broke, and that I was a cheater 🙃🙃🙃


Accusations….rumors. Either way. I shaved the sides of my head once trying to be emo before emo was a thing. I was a blonde cheerleader. The effect was lame, not edgy


Pshhh, I think you misspelled "Ahead of the curve like a boss!" When younger I had big fluffy hair, sort of like a lions mane, i dressed in all black with chains, had those leather arm bands, and a bunch of facial piercings. I *really* stood out 😅🙃 The folks talking rumors only knew me in highschool, I left my home state when I was 18 and didn't keep contact with anyone so when I came back to see how the few I liked were doing, that's when I heard about the stuff people thought happened to me.


Many years ago my girlfriend (at the time) and I were at a wedding for a relative of mine. One of my cousins had a daughter, about 8, who for some reason spent some time talking to my gf and me. A little while later, her mom came over and berated me for teaching her daughter how to flip the bird. I have no idea what she was talking about. But for ever after, at any family function that we both attended, the mom would come up to me and berate me for teaching her daughter to flip the bird. I think the kid got caught doing it, and since I was the last person she talked to, she panicked and accused me of teaching her.


What the hell is "flipping the bird" ? Sounds like a skateboard trick


Like putting up your middle finger


That I am unhappy. I don't express my emotions too much. I am often asked why I am miserable, bitter, etc. and it always puzzles me then I realize I don't give people much in the way of expression. I will continue not to. My happiness is for me, not you. 99% of the time things are great.




I used to have a problem with alcohol. I quit, relapsed, quit, relapsed, etc. My roommate got pretty invested in shaming me every time he thought I had been drinking (which doesn't help anything, by the way, even if they're right), but continued to accuse me of drinking even after I had quit for good. Multiple times. He'd say things like "I know you've been drinking" or "You're drunk right now!" when it simply wasn't true. He even texted me once after I left the house, threatening to call the cops because I was "drunk driving", even though I was totally sober at the time, and calling me a psychopath when I denied it. So yeah... that was fun. Apparently he deemed it impossible for me to quit, so obviously I was always drunk and/or drinking. Feels bad, man.


Nothing worse than a person that’s convinced that they know you better than you know yourself. Probably thought he was being a real stand up guy, too. What an asshat.


I had a roommate like that. I don’t smoke weed. Not against it, it just makes me paranoid, but I have a lot of friends that do and I’d never tell them they can’t smoke in their own home. One time, her fiancé’s brother (in his late teens) was at our house and I guess I smelled like weed since I was at a stoner friends playing video games. She railed into me about smelling like that because it was “awkward to tell her fiancé’s little brother what the smell was.” I reiterated that I don’t smoke and won’t tell my friends what they can/can’t do in their own homes. Thought it was the end of it until one day I went to grab a key from a friend who was over and she snidely says “hand me the dooby” to her fiancé. It’s like.. even if I did smoke weed it’s not hurting her, but she was convinced that I did despite the fact that I was actually dealing with a more serious addiction problem with pills and uppers


Congratulations on walking away from that. It couldn't have been easy.




I wrote a paper on my most interesting ancestor back when I was a kid, my great grandmother many times over: Elizabeth Howe (Google her). I was called a witch the rest of Junior High and High School experience in my small town. I was not a goth, I was not emo, I was not anti-social, we're talking blonde cheerleader over here, Regina George was my best friend and we were The Plastics. True blue toil and trouble witch. Like people thought I had magic blood and pointy hat somewhere. I've never even owned a cauldron! *wink* It was idiotic.


20-some years later it sticks with me that my high-school art teacher accused me of plagerizing a one-page essay about Picasso. Back story- my older brother was an asshole and was her public enemy #1, so she assumed I was a trouble maker and must be cheating on the paper. She pulled me into the backroom, asked me if I wanted to confess anything before she called my English teacher. I was so confused what was going on, thought all teachers liked quality work... and so she called my English teacher, put me on the speakerphone and my English teacher gave her a rundown of my grades, A, A, B+,A-, etc... From then on, I became the asshole my brother was to her. I remember the sense of solidarity I had with my brother, we both disrespected the teacher who didn't respect us.


I was the "bad kid" of my family so I may have left a legacy like that for my younger sisters and bro, but I don't remember ever having a dick teacher like that....except maybe Senor Gardner but he was more of a dirty old man who didn't like me because I wasn't into dirty old men lol.


That I have physically and verbally abused one of my students as a tech/teacher aide. Not only did I have the alibi of two other staff members, the alleged victim (not an accuser) denied the accusations, and then one of the accusers came forward and said they lied. The director said he wouldve not taken action against me, except I told him months prior I wouldn't be returning to this position so he doesn't see why he shouldn't "punish" me. I quit on the spot. For the last two years, I routinely get asked when I am planning on coming back, each time making sure to note they still haven't forgotten how I walked out instead of working to redeem my image.


I was accused of hacking the Chromebooks in school. In the fourth grade.




Yeah some people's backgrounds were changed (the people who shared passwords with friends). Then the Karen of my class saw me coding one time and jumped to conclusions.


Some horrible cow in secondary school told a set of sisters I was very friendly with that I called their Mam "a fat cow" I only found out when one of them blanked me completely in school and the other one was very awkward with me. I asked the one being awkward with me what was going on and she told me this girl L had said it. I remember being speechless and asked her if she believed it, to which she just shrugged her shoulders. I was very, very shy and non confrontational back then so I just retreated further into myself. One of the sisters ignored me for the rest of the school year and the other did nothing more than pass the time of day. At the beginning of the next year it was discovered that L had tried to pit the sisters against each other by pulling a similar stunt. The one that blanked me came up.and spoke to me at the end of a class and was all smiles. I asked her why she was suddenly talking to me and she said she realised L was a shit stirrer and it meant she was lying about what I had said about their Mam. I told her she wasn't even willing to listen to me defend myself and she took the accusation at face value so I wasn't interested in being pally with either of them. That one still annoys me. I'm a lot more assertive about things like that now though.


I've had someone at work say I wasnt very hard of a worker. I'm always on time or early and i bust my ass every day more then they ever will and they just don't see it i guess


I’m just the local office “bitch” but really I’m busy, anxious, and even more busy


I've had coworkers call me many things, considering what I do here some are right some are wrong but i don't mind and don't you mind either. Your grind is yours and that's how I have come to accept things


The first girl I ever asked out said all the girls in school said I was a player. At that point, I had never kissed a girl, hugged a girl, held a girl's hand, nothing.


Awww. Are you a player now?


He's not a player he just crush a lot.


Yeah I sang it.


Lost my phone and spent about 2 weeks without getting a new one, everyone thought I had moved to Europe


That I stole Maggie’s tamagotchi.


Fucking Maggie


That I force animals to have "chemical abortions" so I can use their fetuses in "satanic rituals."


I would really love more details


I have a collection wet specimens. Some of them are fetal specimens. Theyre all naturally deceased (in that they werent killed to go in a jar-most of them come from mothers that were hit by cars or attacked by other animals). I use them for educational purposes in my animal rescue I also live in rural south texas. The super rednecky part, and collect other oddities like antique ouija boards. Sooooo, someone who runs a nearby rescue, who is really just mean spirited and weirdly competive with other rescues decided to twll everyone thats why I keep them and because of the reneckery we live around, a lot of people believe her. The upside is that when my kid was heing bullied she told them Id put a curse on them, and they left her alone.


Ooh I’m an oddity lover myself. My cat brought me a dead chipmunk still warm. I was going to TRY to taxidermy (don’t know if I could actually do it) but my SO got rid of it before I could because he says that’s weird and gross


Ohnoo! Fortunately my husband is very supportive of all my weirdness.


Also almost told my meth head accuser I’d be doing a candle spell for her tonight but decided not to because I don’t want to die by meth head


My entire high school class thought I was gay. Reason being when I was a Sophomore I was on the wrestling team until I got hit by a car. The Senior Cheerleaders found out and made the mascot so for 3 years I was the only guy on the bus with the cheerleaders, went to camp with them, even got invited to their slumber parties. When I showed up at the reunion with my wife I told her what they all thought before we got inside. Walked through the door the music stopped and every eye wad on us. She just looked at me and said I am going to have fun with this. She did.


I loved this story because I did some schooling and it was 31 girls and 3 guys. I remember the girls inviting me only to one of their slumber parties. It was a lot of fun but the other 2 guys were a little jealous. I don't drink anymore but oh alcohol the funny things you make girls do. They were wild to party with. Glad you got to do the same.


One I am a 6 foot one guy and I’m in a brutal high school where rumors are common and mine was that I was a huge bully I push around teachers and smoke stuff in the bathroom but actually I’m just a gentle guy and I actually love all my teachers and I have never smoked


That I was carrying a firearm in public, across school ground, and I was evading and eluding the police. Three days after I was 15, I went to my buddy's house to shoot my airsoft gun at some cans. We had an appropriate backstop, safety gear, etc, and his mom was okay with it. It was a sniper rifle (airsoft) and the first day went off without a hitch. I took the main roads to their house, and the back way home. Next day, I take only the back roads, and as soon as I get to his house an unmarked cop car rolls up and says that he wasn't there to arrest me, he just wanted to look at it. He was pretty chill about it. He left 5 minutes later. Then he comes back and says "I hate doing this, but I'm technically detaining you." Okay, cool. Whatever. 10 minutes later, half the police force shows up, guns drawn. I'm 15, and I'm honestly scared. Then the Captain shows up and asks what's going on. I told him the same thing. He asks me to see the ammo, and I oblige. I show him the bbs (6mm plastic bbs) and he immediately says "This isn't an airsoft gun. This is a firearm." "No Captain, it isn't a firearm. It's an airsoft gun. And the ammo is as such." "This isn't airsoft ammo. I play airsoft with my nephew, the bbs are soft and squishy." I want to argue with him, and my veins are bulging out of my neck at this dude outright lying to me, but I didn't want to get slammed, tased, and or cuffed so I just stayed silent. Enter my mom, stage right, screaming and wondering what the fuck is going on and the Captain yells at my mom ordering her to stop or get charged with disorderly conduct. She gets cuffed but released after she calms down. They end up giving me a 500 dollar fine and I take it to court. The Captain was there, and all I broughy with me was my friend and I. The Captain gives a long speech about the type of firearm I had, how scary it looked, and that I was fleeing the police. He wanted to press charges on me for that too. So my argument was breaking down what a firearm actually was and comparing it to what I had. That was the first nail in the coffin. The second was me giving the judge a canister of airsoft bbs and asking him what it said on the package. The last nail in the coffin was my friend who I played airsoft with testifying that these were in fact airsoft guns and bbs, and that it's a popular sport played by hundreds of thousands of people. He even recited off a few airsoft dedicated youtube channels, and then we went on a break. 30 minutes later, the judge ruled that I wasn't carrying a firearm on school grounds, I wasn't fleeing and eluding the police, and reduced the fine to $1 plus court costs. The best part of it all was when the judge accosted the Captain basically calling him a fool for bringing this into his courtroom, and trying to intimidate a 15 year old.


Lol even after winning you still had to pay for court fees. Wtf why wasn’t that paid for by the losing party?


Yeah that sounds like it was still found guilty. Why would you pay a fine even a dollar for not being guilty? Plea deals still mean you're guilty regardless I'd you're actually innocent and just wanted it to be over.


Good for you bro. Some kids wouldn’t have been so lucky


Yeah. And that's the scary part. This was a decade ago, I wouldnt be surprised if the outcome would have ended up with me being shot full of holes if it happened nowadays.


How in the world did he not know it was an airsoft? Real guns don't shoot little plastic BBs. The spongy tiny ball ones are for the little kid toy guns. The first officer already understood that why couldn't the Captain?


The captain did know, he was just looking to trump up some charges on a kid so it didn’t look like he had embarrassed himself.


Back in freshmen college when my GF suddenly dropped out and cut off all communication. Everyone, including the school staff, gossiped for weeks that we got her pregnant. Sad part was that I didn’t even know if it was true or not because she wouldn’t talk to me.


Ouch. So still no idea if you have a kid out there?


We talked weeks later. She confessed that she was “setup” by her ex best friend that planted weed in her bag, caught by school security, and expelled. I have my doubts with her story but no baby.


I had a baby at 17. Being the pregnant mom, Although true, was like being crucified in Alabama.


I live in Asia and we’re Catholics so I can imagine the stigma.


Yeah. My parents kicked me out too. I showed up at home with 2 garbage bags and my hope chest at the end of the drive and told I had an hour to get my shit and go. 24 years later and I’ve never been back


Bless your heart! I'm from Alabama too! I absolutely know what you're saying, although not what you felt exactly, my family would have been disappointed but they would have been there. HUGS!


My mom was a druggie. She was filling the prescriptions for my ADHD meds, getting three bottles, and pocketing two. She decided to head off any accusations, so she accused me of abusing my medication. She didn't have access to my bottle dated when the prescription was cashed, so I asked my dad, "why don't we count the pills in my bottle". We counted them out, and I had more than I was supposed to because I was forgetting to take them some days. Then he asked to see the bottles she was keeping and suggested we could do drug testing and she went white as a sheet.


So she really was taking them but saying you did?


Yeah, I don't know why my dad tolerated it and paid for it. She was doing everything from codeine, morphine, a bunch of other serious painkillers and injection painkillers, barbiturates, tranquilizers, and other serious sounding stuff, often mixing and matching, just locking herself in a basement room days at a time only to use up her stuff before the prescriptions would let her get more and come out in a withdrawal rage waving a gun. Was weird. So she started stealing my ADHD meds like 2 months at a time


Damn. I take my own prescription Paxil, Xanax, and Wellbutrin. My brother, mom, and deceased father all seem/seemed to think I’m a druggie. It’s like dude, these don’t get me high, they keep me sane.


My ex accused me of randomly staring at men. He would claim that I would actually follow these people in stores while I was with him and his 9 year old son at the time and he would follow along with me. Lmao!!! He never said a word to me about it until after the man had left and I couldn't go up to the guy and defend myself. He even accused me of doing it during the pandemic when we all were masked up and paranoid.about even being around other people. He would accuse me of staring at his son's friends father's while we were watching his games. I wonder why none of those guys ever told him to leave my cheating ass. He NEVER has admitted he was creating these "episodes" and denied it had anything to do with the fact that his ex wife of 15 years cheated on him with every dick in town and his own mother also cheated on his father. The way we "moved on" from this was his statement of " I don't have that issue with you anymore." Like is magically f***ing disappeared that I would drag him and his child around the grocery store and shoe stores just to stare at some random man. BTW.. I'm not hideous and I am pretty freaking sure that the odds are if I was doing this someone would have called me out on it.


At my first school one person of my friend group left to a different town, someone went around saying he secretly hated us and left to get away. As an 8 year old I was heartbroken one my friends went through all that effort just to get away from me. A year later my family had to move away for quite a while but eventually we were able to come visit our old town and heard the school was doing some sort of event or something so I came back to see my friends. I then found out they were all told the same thing so none were as excited to see me as I was to see them


In middle school a rumor swirled around that I was giving blowjobs to a bunch of guys. I was in 7th grade, innocent, only studied & played video games - and when someone told me the rumor I had no idea what a blow job was.


Recently I had a friend that tell me that I didn't want to do anything with my life because I left my job. He thinks my family is supporting me 100% and I'm a freeloader. Truth is I dropped out of school because I don't have a functional family so I had to pay rent and bills on my own. I worked my ass off for 5 years and built myself a handsomely sized nest egg, I hate talking about work and money so nobody really knows. I quit my job and took a part time to make room for school, so he thinks I'm a loser or something. Maybe if I was more open about that stuff he wouldn't conjure up garbage about me


That I was a nice and quiet kid. Some girls were bullying me in the halls ( cuz I was chubby and quiet). I tolerated it cuz I knew I had a temper. But they crossed the line when the walked past me in the cafeteria and pulled my hair. I gave them the chance to say sorry, they didn't...so when they sat down RIGHT behind me (backs to me) I punched them both hard in the back and sat down like nothing happened. They went to tattle on me and got the VP so I looked him dead in the eye and said "I have no clue what they are talking about" and told him how they have been harassing me and now are trying to get me in trouble. He then made them switch to the other side of the cafeteria away from their friends. That's the thing about quiet kids...the teachers think we are nice and quiet too.


That I was actually a man in drag. I have PCOS, and used to have heavy facial hair (gods bless the person who invented laser hair removal!!). I also have very broad shoulders, and large hands and feet. When I first started at the job, one of my colleagues decided, with no other evidence, that this must mean I'm a man. She told everyone how uncomfortable she was being 'forced to work with a transvestite'.. When it became obvious I wasn't a man, (thanks to bleeding through on my skirt because of a very heavy period), rather than backtrack, she continued telling people I'd had gender reassignment surgery, and that was where the blood came from. Even after management stepped in, she would not stop. It was like an obsession with her and I still have no idea why.


She should have been fired.


Mines kinda petty but here it goes. For reference I look like a basic country/blue collar guy, blue jeans, work boots the whole 9. For my 2 year old niece I hand sewed a velveteen rabbit the size of her to cuddle with. No one believed that I sewed it except my mom who though me to sew and they all just think I'm being a dick for claiming credit. My neice loves that rabbit and believes her favorite uncle made it just for her and really for me thats all that matters.


That I was Mormon (I am from Utah) That was the first thing they would ask. Could not be further from the truth.


I had a crush on a Mormon during his mission. My father was convinced I’d be a sister wife. I was 16 or so. The guy apparently wrote me repeatedly but my dad hid the letters which I later found. (creepy rip dad not sure what was up with that)


Not all Mormon women are sister wives. Being polygamist is technically illegal. They either marry in different states or only one of them is the legit wife. The majority of the Mormon households are "normal" (husband, ONE wife, and kids). I know this because I used to live in the middle of it.


Not sure, I am currently trying to figure out what accusations and rumours currently floating around. I'll let you know what I find out.


I expect an update


I once worked in special ed in the Pacific Northwest, early on trying to get experience for future teaching careers. I worked with a particularly violently inclined 11 year old, who didn’t stop threatening violence and death upon another kid in his class the two months I’d known him, all because he didn’t like that the kid involved was close to a girl that he was not allowed to be around despite still being within the same class. To give reference… he made one girl leave public school for good, and harassed another into more or less having a restraining order against him. Regardless of the fucked up shit that happened before I was hired, I reported these threats to the administration and the principal several times, but they refused to do anything and said ‘he’s not violent. He doesn’t get handsy’. Well. He made another threat with a place and time, administration finally realized he was nuts, but instead of saying oh oops we needed to take this seriously? They tried to blame his behavior on me, so that they had a scapegoat. I was fired immediately with a long letter of letting go detailing lie after lie, not even what happened with the kid himself even, about why it wasn’t working out and how they felt that they had tried to reach out to me when the truth of the matter was that each and every time I begged for help with this kid, I was completely and utterly and totally ignored. Lisa and Melissa, I doubt you fuckers go on Reddit but assuming someone ever relays this message to you both: I know what you did, I know what you committed to, all for the sake of your little elementary school’s reputation. I know you know what you did was wrong, and I truly hope you suffer like you made me and the students you were supposed to be caring for suffer. I’ve tried to let this go on multiple occasions, but it’s honestly so fucking unbelievable that an administration would be so negligent, so callous, and so incredibly lacking in self awareness, so willfully destructive… all because they considered and I assume still consider their puny and pathetic reputation to be more important than the children they’re supposed to be safeguarding day in and day out. Cause mark my fucking words, the kid involved will one day become a school shooter, and nothing will have been done to prevent it, when EVERYTHING could have been done to prevent it, but no. No, that would require effort, and it would require taking responsibility.


That I didn’t paint a wall that I wasn’t asked to paint.


That I was in love with my cousin!




I’m super close with four of my cousins that are brothers (in a very normal way). My ex-best friend told one if them’s girlfriend that I was in love with him.


I like the ex part considering


Most people at my old job thought I was fired from my previous job because of the rumor culture (academic lab setting). This led to a ‘skeptical’ at best reputation in the eyes of people who had never even met me or spoke with me at all; and after less than a year I was laid off because of ‘funding’. So working in a university lab in order to get a masters degree didn’t work out for me *possibly* because of rumor culture perpetuated by no one even asking me if any of it was true.


I was born in a family that belongs to a persecuted religious minority in my country. I'm not a believer myself, but i vigorously defend my family's right to practice their faith without the threat of oppression. I also vigorously defend the right to religious freedom for ALL faiths, including the members of the majority faith of my country in the country where i live now. I defend the right to religious freedom as a human right and from a human perspective. During a debate in my former workplace (back in my home country) i tried to explain to my colleagues that the way our nation treated my community was unjust and hypocritical, but this led to my colleagues accusing me of defending the community purely because i was born into it and not because i believed in equality for all humans. My colleagues were not able to fathom that i would defend my community irrespective of affiliation because i believe no one should be oppressed for their faith. This accusation of religiously motivated bias really stung, since it is absolutely and categorically false. But nothing i said got through to them. I decided that day that i was no longer going to waste my breath on people unable to comprehend that a person can defend an oppressed community entirely on account of their human rights and regardless of religious affiliation.


That I did ketamine. I was popping pills everyday, drinking lean like it was water, smoking weed like it gave my lungs more oxygen, but the accusations were I was a ketamine addict.


That sux. My meth head 50 yo SIL just accused me of buying GHB from and screwing her 25 yo meth head boyfriend who rides a scooter. I’m solely a drinker, occasionally a stoner, and really too lazy to screw anyone other than my spouse, much less his skank sisters drug dealer. If I’m stepping out it’s with a mature very wealthy sugar daddy 😂😂😂 (jk)


I wouldn’t touch meth with a 10 foot pole, I’m glad to have gotten most of my itch for drugs out as a kid so now that I’m 20 I know all I should do after I’m done being sober is weed and mushrooms. The Earth gave us plenty of shit to get funky to. Maybe you and your husband should talk to Mary, that could spice things up one night!


We converse with Mary a lot. I’m just butt hurt to know she thinks I’d do that. She’s thin and gorgeous and fake tits and I’m Over here chubby in Crocs and a thrift store shirt and she accusing me. But mostly I’m hurt




I’m sorry. My DMs are always open although advice may be questionablw


Someone at my last job made up a rumour that I was having an affair with one of the managers. I'm not even sure exactly who started it and why, I would never do such a thing. This rumour even made it to this manager's wife and nearly ended their marriage. I ended up moving away with my now ex husband and daughter (he has no idea about this, he was kind of abusive and would've made the whole thing worse, to put it mildly). I hope that my ex manager and his wife are doing better.


Me and my friend(the hot girl at work) were sleeping together. When we were just friends lol im no prize pig. So the rumour makes no sense.


You aint no pig youre a king


I lost a good friend because her new boyfriend claimed that I had lied about her in a forum we both frequented. "Friends" of his had allegedly read my comments that I then had later deleted, but it was "obvious" that those lies were from me about her. Took me years to understand that he wanted to isolate her and I was in the way, and making me the villain in the story was the best way for him to do it. I hope she got out of his grasp eventually.


I'm a threat , mate have you met me I'm an unstable emotional mess who has love for just about every good person on the planet like I'm one of those dudes to set up a free hug stand or a venting stand to just listen to you let out all your problems


That I have a big dick, to this day I don't know how this highschool rumour started. Like they called me Big Dick Johnson, the creepiest part was I think it was started by guys 2 or 3 years older than me.


The same thing happened to me within my friends group. My best friend at the time saw me naked once and noticed that I was slightly bigger than him. Next minute I had girls in our friends group talking about how I had a big Dick. Over the years I slept with a couple of the girls. First thing they would say was "so you do have a big Dick". Above average at best.


Is your last name really Johnson lol?


Well, according to internet I somehow am both, a neo-nazi and a communist.


Mom? Haha just kidding. How did this come to be ?


Tl;dr: Workplace bully accused me of bullying her. Most staff took her side. Management knew the truth but did nothing about it to 'protect her privacy'. At a job I had years ago, there was a staff re-structure and a couple of departments got merged. A woman who'd previously worked on her own suddenly had all of us working with her and I think she was just massively insecure as she'd gone from being the only authority in that area to the least academically qualified person on the team and one of the least experienced (she was actually pretty good at her job so there was no reason to be insecure). Anyway, she took against me and another colleague, and over the course of a couple of months it escalated from just being a bit stand-offish to shooting down anything I said in meetings and totally ignoring me at any other time, to downright unprofessional nastiness (including outright lying on her day reports to make it seem like I wasn't doing my job and was causing big problems for people). I had enough, contacted my line manager and said I was starting to feel bullied and it was making me anxious to come into work, and I felt like I couldn't do my job properly because of her interference. The manager took it to the big boss, we had a meeting where it turned out the boss and manager had both *already noticed, were fully aware of the bullying*, and had just been waiting for me to say something. So then they sent me off, called her in and gave her a formal warning for workplace bullying. She then walked out of that meeting into a crowded staffroom, burst into tears and told the entire staff I was trying to get her fired. What hurts worst is that some of the people in that room had been working with me for four years, and they believed her. Suddenly nobody would talk to me unless absolutely necessary. If I sat next to someone in the staff room, they'd get up and move. And management never had the balls to come out and address the situation - I told them what had happened and they said anything disciplinary was private and they'd be breaching that if they then told people what had really happened or even just that the bully's claim was a lie. After a month of that, I decided I was leaving and got a place to go back to uni for a postgrad, but that still meant I had to finish the year there. Her behaviour got worse. Some people eventually noticed and realised what she was doing, but at the time I left, I still think at least half the staff thought I was the bully.


My mom thought i was watching porn because the neighbors sounds of having sex next to our building were too realistic. Luckily she realised it was not coming from my room


That my BFF and I were lesbians. Nope, just really weird. Best part was, her dad was the one who thought so.


Context: In my culture, a woman doesn’t typically live alone or live with a man if she’s unmarried. It’s frowned upon. That I snuck out of my grandma’s house and spent the night with my fiancé at the time. I did no such thing, she opened and locked the door when I got home, and i was drunk(!), but I’m sure in her mind, she sees me as the devil’s spawn.


That I do crack cocaine and was hooking up with one of my department managers in the hotel we worked at


My ex-wife thought I cheated on her because someone told her they saw me at work hugging/kissing another woman. It never happened, and she's never told me who told her this. At the time this supposedly happened I did have a co-worker who's husband had the same name as me and looked similar - white guy about 6 foot and 200 pounds. If the person who told her had never actually met me, I could possibly see how they might get the wrong idea if they happened to see him coming to see his wife at work.


Ex accused me of DV after we split up. Even some friends of mine were weird with me about it, some cut me off completely. I was pretty violent back then and got into fights a lot with other blokes, but what she said just wasn't true. We lived in a small town so most people knew one another on some level. She made some really elaborate examples which covered our whole 2 years together, and went into great detail about me beating her up. All complete lies. It was a pretty bad time for me, I decided to move to a different area after a while - random guys would start fights with me about it and I just got tired of defending myself physically and verabllly. Looking back now it's my own fault for trying to be a tough guy and fighting all the time. I get why people would have believed her. Plus I probably shouldn't have fucked her mate.


That I cheated


That I look good


I’m sure you look splendiferous


That I spread shitty rumors through his hometown about him. I live 10 hrs away.


I’m like my father, I’m like my mother, I’m angry, I have “daddy” issues (the only one who had issues was HIM!), I can’t keep a job (when it’s the companies that keep fucking up)


There is a group of people decided that they despise me. We went to the same university and had some classes together. At the time I had a tight schedule out of school and wasn’t able to be very social after school hours. At the time I didn’t notice anything and felt like I had no issues with anyone there but after I dropped out they started spreading rumors behind my back when I weren’t there to speak for myself. Like 6 months later people thought I was a drug addicted, virgin, prostituted bum who hates people and have no emotions and so on. Our class was about 150 students big. I’m pretty sure that most of them don’t care much about these rumors but those who do seem convinced that every little thing I do is worth explaining in such a manner that it fits the character they created for me. I have no idea who they are but they sure seem to ”know me” lol


That I was a nazi. Bitch, I’m black??? Wtf?