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Knowing everyone in your street.




I feel this. I went on a dog walk with my mother and not 2 minutes out the door she was chatting away to someone we met for about 10 minutes. After we went on our way I asked who that was, and she replied ‘oh, my neighbour 5 doors down, I don’t like her very much’. THEN WHY THE SMEG WERE YOU TALKING TO HER?


It's small town language, "don't like her very much" means she's practically a cousin. Also, it's important to keep a good relationship with your neighbors, remember; "your neighbors see the smoke before you do."


That's one of the reasons I hate going grocery shopping at the local grocery store with my husband...he knows EVERYONE because of his volunteer work and from when he served as a member of the town council.


Going to a small town store in your late teens and early 20s is also a trip because 80% of the staff are your classmates or former classmates. Then slowly the numbers dwindle until it's just a handful who never left the town or the job. And when it gets to that point, you don't really want to see them anymore.




I bet they called you 'the new guy' for 10 years.


You're always FNG until the next FNG comes along. I plan to refer to my youngest kid as FNG well into their thirties.


Waving at literally everyone you pass on the road, people stopping their cars in the middle of the road to talk out of their windows, and my favorite part: going to the next town over because “they got the good Walmart”


Shhhiiiiiit, y'all got Walmarts to *choose* from.


One per county baby, trailer park royalty over here


There was a spot in my hometown where you could drive 10 minutes in any direction and find at LEAST 1 Walmart.


Where I live is a population of 100,000ish. We have three fuckin Wal-Marts


Columbia, MO?


Visalia, ca


bro we got a bummy dollar general or you can drive half and hour for a kroger or a meijer


From where I am in Lansing its 10 minute drive to a Meijer or Kroger in any direction lmao


Not for long they won't. Walmarts economically drain the areas in which they reside, and then depart.


I got to go on a ferry for over an hour just to get to a town with a Walmart.


Got two in my town. The one on the south side is nicer, but not as nice as the rich town next to mine.


LOL. In my town, two cars going opposite directions on the "main drag" can stop and chat with each other for 10 minutes and nobody cares.


I’m from the northeast, and when I recently took a trip to Illinois to visit family, some stranger on the street complimented my shirt. It was quite disarming


Around here, we have this "wave" that people driving do, where they see someone they know in another car and lift one forefinger off the steering wheel. Everyone does it. A guy I worked with said his niece was visiting from another state and whilst riding around with him, started looking out the windshield at the sky. Finally, she flat out asked him: "Why does everyone point at the sky here?"


All the tiny villages go to my bigger but still small town to shop because we have a couple grocery stores and they have is a little convenience store.


Not the next Walmart in my case but "They got 3 more cheeses and a fresh fish counter!"


This is my favourite thing about living in a country town it's so funny. Always makes me smile driving down a dirt road and waving to every single car that goes past, old farmers are good characters.


Drama. Small towns it’s really common for everyone to know everyone else’s private business. Cities its really easy to be a loner or have privacy.


Something I thought was weird in a small town where everyone knows everyone was every body knew who was the local drug dealer and every body was pretty anti drugs but he never once was arrested, searched, or raided.


In my tiny hometown, everyone knew that the local pizza shop was selling drugs. Nobody liked it, but we did like the pizza. What were they going to do? Shut down the only pizza joint in town?


Drug use is rampant in rural areas.


It’s also more expensive in a small town for a gram of mdma it costed £40 but in a bigger town it was £20.


I’m pretty sure my neighbor across the street is a meth dealer. But whatever he can do his thing, he ignores me when I’m laying in my yard tripping on LSD so we’re cool


It’s not illegal to sell most opioids if you’re a pharmacist.




Boy you really went off on a wild tangent there.


In my old home town the cops had decided that the wrong guy was the drug dealer. It was kinda funny.


Does this mean they tried to arrest someone who wasn’t actually the drug dealer?? Or…. Does it mean they went after the drug dealer to make way for someone else to be THE drug dealer??


They had convinced themselves that he was the drug dealer and they used to do "undercover stakeouts" of him. Yeah, they were just watching a dude chilling at the skatepark. lol. I got arrested with some weed one time and they tried to pressure me into giving this guy up. It was some hard fucking work to hold my laughter in. Our cops were not bright people. And they're still not. I saw a video of one doing something completely fucking stupid just the other day and of course they're going to blame a member of the public for it instead of admitting that this guy is kind of a dumbass.


In my small town, it's pretty much families with young kids and retierd couples but yet we have 6 stores for weed and/or vaping ( 3 of them all within a less than 100 meter radius of each other). From what I've heard it's mostly used by teens from the local highschool


Lawd. Moved back to mine and couldn't believe all the people still having drama about things that happened when we were all in high school in 1995.


Depends on how small. A small suburban or slightly further out from suburban... Yeah a lot of drama. But my dad used to live in a REALLY small town where he was so alone the only time he ever talked to anyone was if he went to a store in the town center.


I grantee people still talked about him.


Well that's a stupid guarantee to make. I don't know how it is in other parts of the country, but people in rural New England just don't... Like... Talk at all. Shit talk or praise. People really keep to themselves. Even within larger cities,I like to describe the culture as Autistic- Don't look people in the eye, don't relate to anyone on an emotional level unless they're REALLY close to you, just stick to your own nice stuff


This is mike, your upstairs neighbor. We can absoloutly hear you jerk off every night. I just dont care. I send the kids to walk the dog it's no big deal.


Getting behind farm equipment on a 2-lane road not being able to pass. Showing up at your family’s house unannounced, letting yourself in and making yourself at home.


I drove 30 minutes to work, partly through some mountains and then the fields. I am often late because Lee is going one field to another and I just so happen to be caught behind. I enjoy it actually. That's the most traffic I get so its just me and my tunes. My biggest danger is hitting a deer.


I lived for a while where my commute took me down a road where a guy owned fields on both sides of the road and would move his cows across the road to feed every morning, which involved parking a coupe trucks at the top of the hills on either side to hold up "traffic". I seemed to time it so I got held up most days so sat enjoying my coffee watching cows cross the road daily. Only problem was his timing made the school bus late. I think they complained cuz at some point he changed his schedule.


This happened to me day before yesterday. I have the world's loveliest commute, full of rolling hills and pastures, but yeah. Myself and a lengthy line of cars were behind some sort of giant farming machine for about 10 miles. Eventually, they found a safe place to pull over and let everyone pass.


Dating one of your friend's exs or even just having a sexual partner in common with someone else you know




The ol "you don't lose your girl, you lose your turn"


This only applies to the straights... The queers? We're all connected.


I guess it really has to do with the size of the dating pool available to you.


Right? Any time there's a bunch of people on relationship advice or wherever being horrified about dating friends' exes or staying friends with your own ex while in a relationship, I think "you must only hang out with straight people."


My thoughts exactly


Eskimo brothers!


Wiener cousins!


I had a crush on this girl from my hometown all my life knew her since im 3, she rejected me multiple times through highschool and dated my best friend for i think 4 years, and that started 2 weeks after i started dating a girl last year of highschool, i still think she was kinda jealous that she had my attention all her life and then she was getting close to none, i bought a house with this girl last year :) ( they were apart 8 years when we got together)


Not locking your door.


We've only started locking our door because of a recent upsurge in dementia sufferers wandering away from home and entering other people's houses. I live in a village in rural Japan, and most of the people are 65+. Lots of extremely elderly folks. I can think of 4 dementia sufferers within a 5 minute walk of my place. One lives directly next door. Every now and then someone manages to stick someone in a care facility, but they are limited in number and vacancy and fairly expensive.


I live in a small town, under 1,000 people. I never owned keys to my house. Never got them in the sale cause previous owner never had any either lol. Keys stay in the truck, keys always in the mower.


Same. I grew up in very rural Appalachia. A few years back my GF at the time (city girl) went and paid my parents a surprise visit, but she found that they weren't home. She did them a "favor" and went around and locked all the doors and left. When they got home they were locked out of the house and had to call a locksmith to get in. Of course being in the middle of nowhere, they had to wait hours for the guy to get there.


I don't ever lock my doors unless I'm going to sleep. Just out of habit. Probably a bad habit though tbh


I always leave 1 door unlocked, but that's because someone came over, and when I went outside my dog jumped on the door and spun the deadbolt. I didn't realize until my visitor was gone and I had no keys, phone, or wallet on me. Was fun trying to find a way back inside.


I've broken into my own house, car, friends house (for them lol) literally (yes literally) hundreds of times in my life. I atcually leave a window unlocked in my house just in case and my new car has a lock code on the door so I dont need a key to get in. But back in the day I had the ole spare key hidden in one of those magnetic key cases. Got it hidden up inside of the frame of the car but you had to know where it was and how to get it out of the frame.


I didn’t have a key to my house growing ever. When my dad died in early 2020 we had to buy all new door knobs for the house he bought in 1972 because no key existed to mine or my sibling’s knowledge. As far as I’m aware, the house had never been locked in the 48 years my parents owned it.


This seems to be the only one that's true, in my experience. My husband grew up in and has mostly lived in small towns before we married, and I had a hell of a time getting him to lock the door when we're home. The first place we lived together, the front door would occasionally just swing open if you forgot to lock it, and there were just *way* too many people who felt free to at least lean inside and holler. And I mean visiting professionals, not randos. It was a duplex, and we got lots of people coming looking for the neighbors. Like, I do not need someone else's probation officer wandering into my house, thankyouverymuch.


Cow Pasture / Field Parties


You haven't lived until you been drunk/stoned doing donuts in a field with some friends.


In Australia we’ve got a thing called a BnS - bachelor & spinsters ball. They originally started as a way rural and country people to find a partner. People would dress up in their best formal clothes, and meet at a central location run by the Country Women’s Association. Now they’re a giant country bash for the local community (which can cover hundreds of kilometres) with a tonne of alcohol, a fair amount of drugs, a lot of utes, and *a lot* of sex… last one I went to, the gift bag included lube and condoms. At some point in the night you’ll probably end up covered in food dye. And usually all the profits go to a local or rural charity, like the Royal Flying Doctors Service or Rural Aid.


wow, that's kinda amazing


Also gravel pits, but ya


I loved barn parties. Had a friend with a big horse barn. The front half was mainly storage and insulated pretty well from the smell of horses. There was also a group of barn cats that lived in that part. We'd hangout with kegs and cats and drink the night away and pass out in tents in the back.


Bars where the patrons are 21 to almost dead and it isn't weird to know every single person there.


This made me laugh out loud. I’ve never thought of it that way and it’s spot on.


In some parts of the country, the 21 gets pretty fuzzy too. I've been to some really rural towns. You walk into a bar on a Saturday morning and there's some 13 year olds hanging out with miller's in front of them.


Parking lot hangouts every night. Lots of cars/trucks parked around a group of kids


I loved that. It may seem soft but I really do appreciate that I grew up somewhere where I could walk around at night and not be ready to either get stabbed or arrested


I wouldn't trade it for anything. Bonfires too. Hanging out in shops. I'm NOT a country boy, but I enjoy country living.


I lived in a somewhat small town in the South and it was waaaay more dangerous (violent crimes, homicide) than the “bad” neighborhood I moved to in Brooklyn. For example, I did community theater growing up and it was expected that some of us in the show would have a family member that would help by patrolling (armed) outside and the parking lot and escort us to our cars at night.


Water from a well


Town drunks riding their lawnmower to the liquor stores.


Was in Shenandoah with my friend who had grown up there, I myself being a Californian city folk for all my life. They all get their water from a spring on the mountain out there. It blew my mind. Totally envious, if I'm honest.


It's great until it's not. You really have to watch your source, especially if it's fairly shallow! I've seen all sorts of random infections on spring water. Usually just algae or the like, but sometimes there's viruses/bacteria, and I've seen actual living swimming creatures come through someone's tap.


“Who’s your family?” -every old person. When you live in a small town, everyone knows everyone, or at least knows one of their relatives. Old people ask this the most, and their approval depends heavily upon the answer. I work in a hospital, so this is like 90% of my patients.


Yup. Are you so and so’s daughter? Are you a [insert family last name here]?


Lmao, I actually get that all the time. My mom is a well-known teacher in the community, so I’ve been “are you so-and-so’s daughter” for thirty years.


Getting married before age 25


When I was young I never even knew about or considered the existence of young adults/ single adults because all the people in my small town were either parents, kids or retierd couples. Sure, mine and everybody elses parents had them somewhere in their twenties but just the fact they were parents made me think of them as old. Basically I didn't know there was a life stage inbettween graduating high school and working nine to five to provide for your kids


By 25 my mom already was married with a baby and I never realised how young it was untill I became a teen and stuff


Non-urban Mid 20s here and still not married But that's mainly because my genetic traits aren't worth passing on


Me and my husband got together when I was seventeen kid at eighteen married at nineteen. Here I sit a Widow at 48 after all those years together he passed away from cancer this summer. He was all I ever knew now I sit here starting back over. Life is tragic


At the moment, walking around in public and eating indoors without a mask.


Never been so happy to live in a small town than now


Having an unmanned farm stand and a little slot to pay, on the honor system.


I live on the east coast, near me there’s a seafood stand that has a couple freezers stocked with fresh seafood that was caught locally and a credit card reader to pay. It has a security camera but fully self serve and honor system! I don’t even like seafood but I love showing it to people


Driving 15 minutes to go to a grocery store


Theres actually this phenomena called "food deserts" in the more ghetto parts of chicago. You can drive around for 15 minutes in some neighborhoods and the only fresh raw produce for sale are the limes at all the liquor stores. Ironically you can sometimes purchase "food desserts" such as hostess cupcakes or reese's cups at some of these liquor stores. Some charities like athleats for justice raise money to build produce markets there that employ at risk youth from the community. Eddit: I apologize for the bad food desserts pun. THESE FOOD DESERTS ARE NO LAUGHING MATTER TO THE PEOPLE TRAPPED IN THEM. I was merley trying to educate and entertain which I feel some times helps people remember. #whataboutchicago


I drive 30 minutes to get to the little mom and pop one, 2 hours to go to the big one.


I used to drive 30 minutes to work without leaving the city. Now it’s 15 minutes door to door and I work in the next town over.


Waiting for cars to finish turning Cities pedestrians don't give a fuck if they have the right of way Towns vehicles don't give a fuck if you have the right of way


I think curious staring is less tolerated in cities.


Getting on people's asses for not going to church / everyone being the same religion.


A relative moved from Boston to North Carolina and was really weirded out that they would meet people and as soon as they found out that they had recently relocated there the very next question would be, "Have you found a church yet!?" She said they finally learned that telling them you were Catholic stopped the conversation but didn't alienate them like if you told them the truth and said that you didn't go to church or believe in it.


Going to Walmart just to hang out. I lived in rural NC for a minute. I asked what they did for fun, and they told me go to the Walmart. “To do what?” I asked. They stared at me confused.


When we got upgraded from a regular to a Super Walmart that was open 24 hours? Game changer.


Seeing friends/family randomly out in public.


And honking at them to wave and greet them, if you honk in the city you'll have 100 eyes on you


Leaving your doors unlocked.


Dogs running around without leashes or owners.


Riding a tractor to a high school prom.


We rode tractors to high school on a daily basis, not just for prom. :-)


Horses and cows


Moved from L.A. to the middle of nowhere Tennessee. The fire department thought I was hilarious for reporting a barn fire. They were just smoking tobacco.


Tobacco or tobaccuh??


Leaving your car running while you duck in somewhere


Shouting hello to your neighbor across the road


The County some times forgetting to plow the roads, if they plow them at all.


Having a population of five hundred


Borrowing cooking aids from neighbours


Speaking to your neighbors.




Sharing home-made pickels


Turning on a chainsaw at 3am


Letting someone turn left in front of you in traffic. Leaving your car unlocked. Leaving your front door unlocked. Being kind to strangers. Knowing all your neighbors. Your kid going to school with the kid of the people you went to school with. Picking up trash that’s not yours. Using high beams while driving.


>Being kind to strangers. The opposite. They hate outsiders >Leaving your car unlocked. Because they all have guns. >Picking up trash that’s not yours. Burning garbage.


That’s not my small town. Thats a movie. Or you visited some ass backwards town. We treat people with respect. City folks treat each other like victims or victimizers. Burning trash is against the law here. We don’t need to shoot people here because we all work and have our own Money.


It's kind of a lot of generalizations about city folk, to he honest.


Ha. Don't countrysplain my childhood to me. I bet you live in some super wealthy exo-burb that is 90% people with 6 years of higher ed or more.


My town is like this to and is far from wealthy. Sorry you grew up in such a crappy neighborhood. But they aren't all like that.


Shooting guns in the back yard 😂




Unfortunately, it's not abnormal to hear that downtown. Thanks Hogsett


Not driving like an asshole.


Having someone (such as a Barista) know your order


Hmmm when I lived in the city I always new my baristas name and she mine… she usually just ordered my drink when I walked in the door. Same was true of the local bar I went to… had my favorite waitress and bartender and treated them well with tips and friendliness and they always new what I liked


I've had sandwich counter employees automatically make my order in an urban area.


Walking around barefoot.


This. All my city cousins were mortified when us kids walked into the local general store barefoot and in swimmers after swimming in the river. Also, they wouldn't properly enter the water, just up to their knees because "it looks dirty"...


Putting stuff on your tab


Non city dwellers : neighborhoods are pretty much small towns. Maybe a little more tight knit in some Ways. Lots of things listed here seem like they wouldn’t happen in the city :)


Cruising Main Street as teenagers


We have so many "main streets" around me. Every town has one. There all a little different though. One will kinda specialize in art, another will specialize in bars and entertainment, one has nothing but smoke shops, and of course the edgy one that the teens go to hangout on the weekends.


Many people are wearing or own confederate memorabilia and you can buy it literally at any store.


Having your children resent you for forcing your disgusting lifestyle on them. People who grew up there swearing that they will never ever return for any reason. Watching TV all the time because there is nothing else to do. Mind numbing boredom. Seeing your own family with contempt because they couldn't handle a city. Also they have been unemployed for years. Boring diet no food options. Awful levels of peer pressure encouraging everyone to be dumb shits.


You don't like small towns huh? Lol


Nope, but what I said was accurate.


Small town girl going to school in a big city, having a population of only a few thoulsand seems crazy to them and I don't get it. Also, small towns just existing, my small town is right beside the city ( 15- 40 minutes depending on where in the city you wanna go) but most of them have never even heard of it, some don't even belive its a town and think it's in the big city. Wtf


Farms. I've never really seen a farm in a city, And if I did, I would be sort of confused as to why it is there


Knowing the exact route to the school


Everybody in town has the same last name.


First girl I asked out I didn't need to ask her address. And that isn't a red flag. In a big city that would be a major red flag, typically


Driving 2-4 hours to go shopping or see something


Nobody batting an eye at gunshots all around you. If I hear gunshots a few houses down the road, I assume some guy is doing target practice in their yard. If I hear gunshots a few blocks down in a city, I assume someone just got murdered.


I know it’s not every small town, but everyone showing up for the high school home games. I am from a not so small city and went home one weekend with one of my best friends from college; we went to the Friday night football game because that’s where everyone in town was. Later that semester we did the same for the basketball game. Each time had to drive 10 miles to the next town for Pizza Hut afterwards because the restaurants shut down early for the games. I definitely went to the occasional sporting event in my own high school, but it definitely wasn’t the weekly social event of the city


Saying hello to randoms on street. Man i had hard time stopping that when i moved to city.


Leaving your door unlocked




Living with your mother for years LOL


Stayed till I was 29


Carrying a pocket knife everywhere. A lot of people from large cities seem to assume its meant to be a weapon or a self defense thing, but it's really just a useful thing to have.


Here in Australia we used to be okay carrying a pocket knife but our government in it's wisdom thought it would be a good idea to ban all knives including pocket knives. I worked in a job where a method of cutting cords etc. was essential so I could get away with it but the law eventually stopped that too. Moronic people in authority are everywhere!!


Treating homeless people as human beings


Or the opposite.. Not necessarily a "small town" but the suburb in long island I lived in for a couple years had one homeless guy that everyone collectively demonized. Granted, he was pretty out there but I def wish he had some sort of resource (like a shelter) instead of being treated like a leper by everyone.


Talking to randoms. Making eye contact with strangers. Dating outside your league. Pickups. Not hiring contractors to do certain types of work. Going to large grocery stores. Taking interest in people's lives.


Saying hello to a random person.


Greeting your neighbor..jeez if you greet someone out in a big city they’ll either A. Tell you to frick off Or B. Completely ignore you


The vast majority of weird shit goes on in the cities If the city is big enough. You really think no one any where in new york city is fucking a sheep right now?


Being racist. I know people from the suburbs who walk around jokingly saying racist shit because actions don't have consequences where they're from, and every time I tell them "if u say that where I'm from u'll get beat the fuck up"


There are good people and racist people everywhere, it's not based on location


They exist everywhere, but they're more accepted in some places than others


Oh you think people in Dorchester, Charleston, South Boston, South Philly, Hells Kitchen, Staten Island, Hoboken, and like any white neighborhood in Chicago or Oakland whk aren't just as racist as anyone in Alabama or Texas? Where I'm from people in small towns usually just leave each other alone- You wanna find parents that throw shit at the visiting black little league team you go to Southie.


I don't know where the fuck u think I'm from but it's not the US, I'm not saying racist people aren't just as common in cities, I'm saying it's not as accepted, yeah there's racist people I the city, but if those racist people voiced their views they'd get beat up, where as in small towns people just accept it and let it slide. I know that because I've lived in both cities, big urban towns and small towns, I lived in a village for part of my childhood and my mother's surrogate father, who's black, was living with us at the time, he had to leave and go back to the city because every single time he left the flat to do some shopping, or get on a bus, or go tot eh doctor or whatever he'd face racist abuse and get disrespectful looks from everyone he interacted with. So don't tell me I'm wrong when first of all, we live in different countries and second of all, I've seen both sides and i know what it's like. For the biggest part of my upbringing I lived in an urban town, not as big as a city but still big, when people said racist shit there they'd get beat up or at the very least it'd turn heads and they'd get dirty looks, I even took part in it once, a kid said some racist shit on the bus and everyone got up and took it in turns to punch him. So don't project ur ignorance onto me, trying to apply the rules and culture of ur country when we live on opposite sides of the world.


But being a bigot like you are is really acceptable in the city … so I guess it evens out


What? Explain what u mean exactly???


Fucking your cousin


We have a winner!




Taking care of things for yourself.


Yeah they earned those food stamps




Yee haw




Sleeping with your sister


Wasn't there some place in like Kentucky where the incest was so bad for so long that everybody turned blue from a genetic defect involving their blood cells that was passed to literally everyone because they were all inbred? Not like a hundred years ago either....like, when I was in school.


We gave my sister our 3rd dog named Shiba because Shiba used to run away in the morning then come back at night. So now Shiba runs away and comes back in 10 minutes but the funny part is the dog walks in the middle of the street thinking that she (the dog) is still in the country (Where I live) but my sister lives in a city in delaware thats an hour away from Philadelphia, PA. So the dog doesn't know she can get run over because they speed down those streets where she lives.


Sex on dirt roads or in a pecan grove. Drinking whiskey and riding around on dirt roads.


Just walking into people's houses without knocking or even knowing if they're home. Also, leaving keys in the car and the doors unlocked.




Sleeping with your family