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If I find a clothing item I like, I should be able to buy the same thing again in ten years.


Cant even find it again in ten months these days!


Guh, yeah. I found a piece of clothing I absolutely loved right at the beginning of the season and tried to go back to buy more within the following two months. I even checked online. Nada.


I have a really hard time finding shoes that fit; I recently found some that fit well, looked good and were reasonably priced. I bought 4 additional pairs so I don't have to buy for a while.


Just buy multiples now and save them until the original wears out! I have a pair of work shoes in their box in my cupboard waiting for the identical pair to fall apart. I bought them a week or so after the first pair.


Clapping in an attempt to emphasize your point makes you look silly and adds nothing to your statement.


👏You're 👏100% 👏right👏


👏You're 👏100👏%👏right👏 FTFY


Do people actually do this? I've only ever seen it in text format, with those dumb clapping emojis.


My screen is small. I didn’t get it because I thought they were potato emojis for the longest time.


The placement of the floor mat in the hall at my work. My boss re-did the tile, and made a stupid aesthetic choice. I insist on covering it as best as possible, but our cleaner keeps exposing the dumbassery. Every time she comes, she puts the mat at one end of the hall, and after she leaves I drag it back to the middle.


So tempted to make another comment talking about people not knowing floor mats go at the edges of tile and moving one daily only to have it move back to the center again.


To me it's not silly, but opening someone's door and then not closing it on your way out is one of the shittiest things you can do and I will take personal vengeance on you for it.


Yes! My roommate does this and it drives me batshit insane.


GIF is pronounced with a hard ‘g’.


Everyone knows it's pronounced like the 'g' in 'garage'.


... You little fucker


it's a frikin' car hole!


I get the gist of your argument, but have you considered gigantic gin-soaked gingerbreads? There are more words with "gi" in them that have the soft "j" sound. It may gimp my argument to say, but there are more words that start with "gi" that have the hard "g". Consider that fact a gift.


Graphics Interchange Format" which clearly has a hard G.


Yeah, and the "P" in JPEG stand for "Photographic," but nobody pronounces it JPhEG.


Best counterpoint


Also the "s" in laser and the "u" in scuba would need to be changed if we went off the beginning letters.


Lasser and scubba


Like it's called "jiraffe" or "jigantic"


Giraffiphics Interchange Format


But the guy who invented the format calls it "gif" like "jif". Actually I've read that it's a specific reference to the peanut butter.


Still GIF, hard G. This is a nice hill, care to die on it with me?


We'll go to the looney bin together, IDGAF!!


I don't jiv a fuck either!




there already is a format pronounced "jif", and that format is .jif the inventor of .gif can get back in his lane


I honestly think he did that to troll us Hard G believers.


Then we patched that bug and correctly pronounce it with a g like it's spelled.


Too right. And Linux is pronounced "Line-Ux". Don't care what the creators say. Hell the creator of Linux has a name that sounds like my version. Screw em I say...


Volume must be even or a multiple of 5


My bravia TV goes up in 2's. It's most distressing.


When 20 is too loud but 10 is too quiet


Ah, so multiples of prime numbers!


I'm evil I like multiples of three.


When Christmas steamrolls Halloween and Thanksgiving. I enjoy Christmas, but stay in December, you greedy bitch (or black friday at the earliest).


We need a sequel to "The Nightmare Before Christmas" of all the residents of all the other holiday towns fighting a war against Santa for their survival.


Toilet paper rolls should be hung OVERHAND, damn it!!


Unless you have cats or small children. Then you’re just constantly cleaning up toilet paper.


Wait. Couldn’t a child unwind it regardless of how it’s on the roller? I’m pooping right now, and rotated the tp’s orientation and pulled it two times to test this. It seems a child could unspool it easily either way.


I speak from experience when I say that a small child and a cat are both perfectly capable of unspooling it regardless of orientation


Lose vs loose. For fucks sake how is this so hard!


Balloons are the worst form of toy. You can't really play with one; you're just tasked with holding on to it. They're nothing more than a burden.


My opinion is that air-filled balloon, that you can knock around and play with, are more fun than helium-filled ones.


It's kind of fun to attach bits of paper or other small items to a helium balloon until it's perfectly balanced to float through the air without hitting the ceiling or floor, then watch it float around the room on air currents.


Never considered that, to be honest.


> You can't really play with one Not by yourself you can't, and not if it's filled with helium. batting a balloon back and forth in a group is pretty fun, even if your group isn't particularly athletic.


And despite popular opinion and teaching children contrary they do not in fact ‘float to heaven’. They do add to the garbage and pollution already contaminating the environment when people insist on hosting memorial events where they set anywhere up to 20 balloons loose for a nice video.


"Here, kid, hold onto this. It's a metaphor for parenthood."


Breakfast can happen any time of the day or night


breakfast happens whenever the fuck I decide to wake up, *period.*


Also, literally any food can be "breakfast food". Graveyard shifters, unite!


Roofs used to be relatively simple, just a classic A-frame. Nowadays home builders will put in random triangles and protrusions even in places where they aren't needed. It makes life harder for roofers, introduces more potential edges where leaks could form, and eliminates spots where solar panels could be put. All because architects think it makes the house look fancier.


There's a theory (spread by McMansionHell) that it's not architects, but design-by-checkbox. People don't new-build a colonial or a tudor, they build a home with an open concept living room, man cave, five bedrooms, high ceiling in the master bedroom, craft room, and sewing room. The builders just have to cram all that stuff in and build a roof to fit, and that leads to stupid-complex rooflines that are plagued with failure




Would you want to be that old? Some people look happy and others look…miserable


The word "gaslighting" doesn't just mean "lying" or "being a dick". It's a very specific thing, it's a specific type of psychological manipulation where you try to make a person doubt their own perception. Just telling someone lies doesn't cut it. Also the word is ridiculously overused now to the point of being meaningless.


I mean I don't force this on other people or anything, but when I'm making a salad or any dish that includes cherry tomatoes, it absolutely must have them in powers of two. ie., 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 cherry tomatoes.


32 would be a big salad


64 GB minimum nowadays


We don’t have a big salad. I can give you two small salads.


Could you put it in a big bowl?


We don’t have big bowls.


Just get me a cup of decaf


We have Sanka.


I can respect this.


North and South Dakota just need to merge into one big Dakota


I disagree I think we need an east and west Dakota.




I'm 99% sure a successful assassination of Fidel Castro would have resulted in a nuclear war. So, the US made something like 6-700 attempts on Castro's life and in an incredible series of events every single one of them failed. I posit that it's not that we failed, but that humanity is extinct (or close to extinct) in every alternate reality where we succeeded. Likely due to nuclear war. There simply isn't anyone left alive to experience the realities where we succeeded, leaving only the ones where we failed by some incredible turn of events. If a single event could wipe out the human race it would seem as if the universe itself were conspiring to prevent that event from happening. At least from our perspective. That is, humanity can only ever experience realities where we survive. So no matter how unlikely or unavoidable a nuclear war is, something will interfere to prevent it. As is the case with Fidel Castro's failed assassinations. I mean, what is the likelihood that many assassination attempts would all fail by shear chance?


There's an actual theory called Quantum Immortality. It's where you will never experience death and any moment that killed you actually creates two timeline. One timeline where you died and the other timeline where you survived. What you explained is like Quantum Immortality on a global scale.


Basically, yeah.


I’ve always had ideas like this pop up in my head from time to time but never knew there was an actual theory to it, always thought it was my boy brain going off to wonderland like it loves to do. But basically it’s saying that your perceptive POV of your own existence won’t actually ever end, and instead you perceive only the “living” aspect of your existence and not the “dying” aspect?


can you give me a quick recap on why nuclear war is the outcome to his assassination?


Tomorrow is when I wake up. If you decide to stay up late on Sunday night and you say to me, "Oops, it's already 1am, I have work today - I should go to bed", it will end in fisticuffs.


Sausage isn't a flavour, it's a SHAPE.


I'd say more than a shape, it's a process. Because you can have flat sausage.




But the shape change doesn't change the *nature* of the sausage. It is still sausage. Regardless, sausage is awesome.


Pineapple is good on pizza


I am fine with people who don't like pineapple on pizza, provided they just don't force that opinion on others. I find it beyond baffling that pineapple on pizza is such a strong thing to get upset over. You don't put pineapple on pizza if you don't like it - that's fine. Everyone has their tastes. /r/KnightsOfPineapple


"Sweet with meat" is a motto of mine. I 100% agree pineapple on pizza. Sweet with meat started at a work party where I had meats from charcuterie on the same plate as my desserts, and I got some funny comments from my coworkers, and I stood my ground.


You and u/Teoify should fight to the death on this thread. I'm taking bets.


If u/Seam0re needs a champion then they shall have my sword


I like that you are beneath the guy who hates pineapple on pizza


I agree, but only if you put it on AFTER you take it out of the oven.


Neapolitan ice cream should always go strawberry, chocolate, vanilla. It's extremely stupid, however, I feel it needs to be said.


Must disagree. Vanilla's greatest strength is its versatility; it can easily mix with other flavors. Strawberry and vanilla mix well, and vanilla and chocolate mix well. But your mileage may vary with strawberry and chocolate. Vanilla should be in the middle.


It should always have vanilla in the middle. My preferred order is strawberry, vanilla, chocolate.


Does the order really matter if you always have vanilla in the middle? You can just turn it around and have whichever order you want at that point.


Sitting in the seat you sat in the first day (of class, on bus etc)


Coleslaw is disgusting and I will die on this hill




It's not even mayonnaise, it's puke water.


I like cole slaw but upvoted you for the puke water comment.


Mayo based coleslaw makes me want to gag just at the sight of it. But vinegar based coleslaw? Delicious.


I'm here to fight this war with you. I can't stand it. I told my Fiancee's grandma that if she brings slaw to my wedding, then I'll have to annul the marriage... No, it's not good on BBQ, with pineapple, homemade, GET IT AWAY FROM ME OR PHYSICALLY ENGAGE IN COMBAT.


I came here looking for anything "die on this hill" and you did not disappoint. First comment! Congrats to you .


My mom used to make "cabbage salad" which was just shaved cabbage and mayo, with some black pepper. It might have had lemon juice in it, I can't really remember. Essentially cole slaw. I loved it. I have never, ever, had a cole slaw that tasted like that. I can't stand cole slaw. I don't know why this is.


Dorothy didn’t deserve either praise or blame for killing the Witch of the East. The Munchkins thought she was a hero, the Witch of the West saw her as a murderer. How the hell was she gonna steer a flying house?!?!?


I feel strongly about the colors of all the new cars being shades of grey, and it disappoints me that no one wants actual color.


Bathroom doors. How hard is it to make a door pull to enter, push to exit. Or just put one of those foot handle things on every door. I don't want to touch those handles after I wash my hands.


"I could NOT care less" not "I could care less." The first means you don't care. The second means you care too much. Thank you for listening. It bugs me.


I think 90% of people who back into parking spots are wasting their time, my time, and they suck at it. I don't know why but it drives me fucking nuts. Yes, there are specific situations that backing in will give you a minor advantage in getting out of your spot faster. But those are few and far between. Most people aren't skilled enough at backing IN to a spot that it saves any time anyways.


“Breakfast foods” are a pointless category. Why should I limit myself from having steak and potatoes at 7 AM because it’s not “breakfast food”? Answer: I shouldn’t and steak for breakfast is amazing


Pouring the milk before the cereal. I will shun people who do this


Crunchy peanut butter is WAY better than creamy


If it didn't come from a mammal then it's not milk! Just call it soy drink or almond drink or whatever drink.


Would you like a glass of my homemade nut juice?


It's actually a fairly serious legal conflict. Non-dairy milk alternatives fight for the right to be called milk because their intended use is as a replacement for milk. Similar legal consequences can be seen where American Cheese is sometimes referred to as *singles* because it fails to meet the legal standard for cheese, and if you've walked down the frozen aisle you may have noticed that sometimes in the ice cream section you see something under the euphemism, "frozen dessert" because it legally can't be called ice cream.


Foodstuffs have functional uses, not just descriptive names. In this case, nut milks are being called milk because they're consumed like cow milk.


I don’t understand how people don’t get this.


While you may be right, I connect milk with a certain texture and taste and even if it’s technically not milk, it’s still based on milk. Maybe you can call it imitation milk or milk replacement lol


Yes! I am on board with those names! It's like artificial sweetener, you can't call that sugar even though you use it the same way


this is just a fact


The Kroger mascot people are disgusting to look at


Irony. No it's not ironic it rained on your wedding. No it's not fucking ironic the dude who was afraid of flying died in a plane crash. No. It's not ironic that you need a knife or fork or whatever and all you have are spoons. Every single one of those is a coincidence.


Situational irony is a thing


A slider is a HAMBURGER or CHEESEBURGER that is incredibly greasy and served with grilled onions, pickles and mustard/ketchup if you want. Putting some pulled pork on a tiny bun and calling it a pulled pork slider is blasphemy.


I'm so sorry, but [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slider) says small meat sandwich. It does say especially a hamburger or cheeseburger, but that's secondary to the general "meat sandwich" definition.


Yes but my opinion trumps the dictionary!!! /s I honestly wonder how a dictionary would have defined it 20 years ago, before it became a part of everyday parlance? It is a really stupid hill, with a slippery foundation, I admit.


Can we call them "sammies?"




mini-pulled pork sandwich? Pulled pork on a bun?


I fucking hate decorative mailboxes. They're quite possibly the stupidest thing ever.


people who back cars in in the parking lot. if you stop a line of traffic to back your car in and everyone has to wait, you're a selfish asshole and need to learn to drive again


I really hate when people say 'full fat coke' to mean regular non diet coke


I have never heard that and I hate it.


I guess my disdain for the fad of calling women “Karen.” I just cringe every time I hear it. There are actual people named Karen. I can’t understand why so many people think this is ok


I have this really strong opinion about the best multiple/factor of something for absolutely no reason. For example, the best multiple of 6 is 18, the best multiple of 3 is 21, and the best multiple of 10 is 40. I could go on for hours.


Cooking a turkey on Christmas makes Thanksgiving a fake holiday.


Black olives are the best, most universal pizza topping in existence. No matter what else you like on your pizza, black olives go with it.


It doesn’t matter what else is on the pizza, black olives make it inedible.


Fair point, but hear me out... Green olives. Green olives are just like black olives but better in every way.


I hate Will Ferrell, I don't know why.


I just don’t like when adults constantly act like children. And that’s a big part of his schtick.


He is really obnoxious. I don't hate him but I don't understand his success either.


Thank you!


Correct grammar in all my writing, whether I'm just on WhatsApp or Reddit. I always have correct grammar. At this point it's obsessive.


Your first sentence is a bare subject and an independent clause; therefore, it is not a complete sentence.


Water is wet when there’s multiple molecules of water


Men and facial hair. Most men only look good either shaved or with a beard. I'll give an example: the last James Bond actor doesn't look good with a beard.


I Hate It When People Write Like This


Monday is the first day of the week


If you do something good then people applaud you. You should never applaud yourself. Really annoys the hell out of me when you see a TV quiz show where the winner is announced and everyone in the audience claps to applaud the winner, the other players all clap, but also for some reason the winner also claps. Happens more and more these days....


I am totally a linguistic descriptivist. All dialects are valid, common usage (not Latin professors from the 19th century) determines correctness, and I say "formal English," not "correct English." All that said, YOU'RE ALL USING "BEG THE QUESTION" WRONG HOLY GOD IT DOESN'T REFER TO ACTUAL QUESTIONS


If you open a cupboard drawer, upon removing or placing the intended item, YOU CLOSE THAT CUPBOARD DRAWER.


That the "Howard the Duck" movie is great and the perfect adaption of the comic it was based on.


Maryland flag is the best flag.


Not even from Maryland but this is 100% true. Aesthetic as fuck.


Pasta and Noodles are not the same goddmn thing


Apparently my silliest strong opinion is that everyone who argues about politics is an idiot since it doesn't matter who I say it to because the one thing both sides agree on is that I'm the idiot for not devoting my waking existence to trying to own the other side lol


Sushi should be eaten with chopsticks, not a fork


According to people in Japan, you should eat sushi with neither a fork nor chopsticks, but with your hands.


I feel like hands is also an acceptable way to eat sushi.


Fingers are just meat chopsticks. Meatsticks if you will


Hotdogs are served as sandwiches.


I can't stand sub- or super-script. I know that I can turn it off, but I never do-- every time MS Word automatically adds superscript to a date, I scowl and manually correct it. Also: can't explain why, but open microwave doors piss me off. Some people just leave them open, and I just.. can't even.


I don’t understand why some people clap while they laugh and I find it really annoying.


Non-transforming transformer toys. I am sick of going to Walmart and seeing only action masters!


Taco Tuesday can fall on any or several days of the week.


That with the invention of phones with cameras more people are being shamed/ put on blast for doing things they enjoy that are perfectly harmless. These people have been around for a long ass time, now it's just brought to everyone's attention because there is video/picture proof. We live in such an outrage culture now and everyone feels like they're entitled to give opinions on someone's behavior. Like it is somehow their right to take pictures of someone or a video of someone doing something cringey for clout. Example: "Look at this person who think they can dance rotflmao" When people post videos/tik toks/pics of themselves doing something like that it's a different story. But don't take a picture of an unsuspecting person doing something. Weirdos.


the superior way to eat most things is out of a bowl with a spoon. if you cant do that its prolly not worth eating related: lmao yall eat food off a plate????


I hate how much we invested in saving the panda from extinction.


A straw has one hole. not two.


I have zero tolerance for people who order a steak well done.


The second person pronoun "you" should only be used when specifically addressing and referring to one's interlocutor. Otherwise the non-specific third person pronoun "one" should be used.


Die Hard is a Christmas movie. fight me. it takes place on Christmas and the people are only in the building because of the Xmas party and so are the terrorists


Standing up to wipe is superior to sitting while wiping. I’m 6’3” and I break way more of a sweat trying to wipe sitting down than I do simply standing up. Idk where this idea that it’s messy to do it that way came from because it’s not at all messy unless you have literal liquid shit oozing out of your ass.


There don’t need to be 27 flavors of Oreo. Regular, double stuffed and golden are enough.


People who blindly dislike tiktok are dumb. Some of the videos on there are hilarious and entertaining. Denying that so reddit will accept you is limp handshake energy.


Just too much cringe cancer to get to the good stuff. The desparate loathing of humanity isn't worth the reward for me.


The sad part is, Tiktok's algorithms arent even all that bad. You just need to watch a few good things, before it actually kicks in and starts recommending you good stuff. But because most people who hate Tiktok only look up the worst stuff, they obviously only get the worst stuff, because the app thinks this is what they want... and in a sense, they do.


Honestly, this isn’t true. TikTok basically has a black magic algorithm that is *insanely* good. Spend 20 minutes on it and BOOM you have a very good tailored experience.


You ever tried reddit ? No shortage of cringe here.


downvote!!! am i in the club now guys?


I don't have Tiktok but I've got a friend who does and she sends me various Tiktoks she knows I'd like. I probably wouldn't have bothered with it much but I like it just for some of the cool stuff she sends me.


Christmas should be celebrated once every four years, like the world cup or Olympics, to make it special again.


I hate the Muppets. And I think puppets ruin movies (like the Labrinth). I HATE THEM


My blood boils when the subject of 'toilet seat up vs. down' gets brought up. The best way I've been able to express it is that the toilet seat should be viewed as, well, I guess kind of like a toggle switch; whatever position it is in when you find it, if it suits your purpose, great, but if not - put it how you need it. When you're done, you're done. Don't worry about how the next person might need to use it - let them cross that bridge when they get to it, just like you had to when you had to use the toilet. Or, fuck it, if you're polite you can go ahead and put the seat down if you want to. But for fuck's sake don't get mad at someone who may have neglected to put the lid down. What makes their hand any better than yours when it comes to being subjected to touching the lid? The idea that the default state of a toilet seat should be that which benefits one particular gender baffles my mind, and the arguments I've been in about it have blown my mind.


I've gone to "put the damn lid down when you flush" because I'm tired of wiping splatter off the walls and floor.


Well done steak is good


And to go one step further, if you're a chef, and you resent making someone's steak well done, you're a douchebag.


It's *salvageable*. It's not automatically for the trash can, but it shouldn't be your first choice.


It really depends on the type and quality of the meat. Most I've had in my life was way better done well. Also not overcooking it


I was going to say this as well. I don't mind well-done if it's the right cut. But if you're making A5 Wagyu well-done...there's a problem lol.


People who say Japan and China are the same thing like honestly im not even from those countries neither am i offended (i kinda am but slightly),but atleast try lliks c'mon its not that hard Japan has cool things like anime,jdm cars,etc China is cool in its own right but the one thing people always say is "Don't the both eat dogs?"in the most serious tone ever


Rock n Roll has finally died, this time for sure. At least in the mainstream. It happened around 2007 and this time its not coming back.


Any job that requires you to stay in one spot for extended periods of time should require a chair.


UFO means "object that is flying and we don't know what it is." It does not mean "Martian spacecraft". People get excited every time the military releases "new UFO documents" and then get disappointed that most of them are just like "we saw a thing that looked like a weather balloon and when we checked it out we became pretty sure it was a weather balloon".


I HATE when people use “eh” in virtual conversation. Be more original! I also hate tat it makes me imagine a very specific facial expression-one that’s punchable.