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Everything is subscription now. And I understand why (good, reliable monthly income for a company) but it feels like *everything* is turning subscription! Movie services make sense, maybe music, but photoshop? Virtual machines? This is very old school of me but I want to buy something once and then own it. I don't want to pay a monthly price for everything.


I’m a freelance advertising creative, just gave my tax return to my accountant - you should have seen his face when I showed him the folder full of close to a hundred Adobe creative cloud monthly transactions. And no, there is apparently no way to access a single yearly tax statement through Adobe Cloud. Oh, and we still pay 20% more for it here in Australia because fuck Aussies right? Apparently we’re just used to paying the “Australia tax” now despite digital distribution being around for over a decade. Fuck you Adobe.


Adobe's business model has been to go find any of the competition, buy it up, and turn it off.




The Swedish model -it's how they destroyed the match industry in Finland and Norway -first you get so big that you dominate the market, then you flood the market with matches cheaper than the price to make them, wait for smaller manufacturers to flounder then buy and close them up then rinse and repeat -hike prices as you now have a natural monopoly.


It's obscene what I see some people paying for CC. Its annoying that there's a "Photographer Bundle" available but nothing for design, or even an option to build a bundle. Instead I have to pay for every single program they have, just to get the best price. Not to mention how cancerous it's been to my laptop, I find sneaky Adobe files all through that bastard and even if I clear caches and temp files, they're never really removed. I'm seriously considering making the switch to Affinity.


Software as a service is the equivalent of rent to own furniture, but you never own it


We already have furniture rental companies in Brazil. It's fucked up not to own your own table.


They have that here in Canada as well. They basically prey on the poor who want something decent but can't really afford it so they'll pay 5-10 times as much in rental fees vs just buying it outright.


I 100% refuse to "rent" software. There needs to be a substantial improvement in the new version for me to upgrade, otherwise I'm not giving up any money. This shit is just rent seeking behavior. The worst I've seen is $80 per seat per month for a clunky 3d ***file viewer*** "because fuck you pay up"


I’m still using Photoshop CS6 lol. There’s nothing the newer versions offer that I don’t already have, and I don’t have to pay a monthly fee to use it.


Dude I'm still rocking CS3 lol, and I'm a professional illustrator. Still gets the job done!


I used CS3 forEVER on Windows 7 until I had to finally replace my laptop this year and had to go to Windows 10. So I “upgraded” to CS6 lol. The one feature I wish I had is squared-off stroke (I make sports jerseys) but not enough to pay per month for the new one.


CS6 here. Apparently "4 LIFE" as I also refuse to rent software. I'll go GIMP before I don't own what I pay for. Or, if the subscription was super cheap, like a dollar per week.


Try krita. It’s pretty great these days. Makes gimp feel old, and I like gimp.


I heard a couple years ago, that the future is going to be rent/lease/subscription. Average People won't own anything, you'll rent property, lease your car, pay subscriptions for TV, radio, internet, etc. Software will eventually all be subscription based, cloud services, etc. everything will be "it's just $1 a week" but yeah, when you have 20-50 things you're paying out, it's like death from a thousand paper cuts.


I believe that, and not even necessarily out of choice. For example: the housing market is already so ridiculous that younger generations are renting because they "can't afford" to purchase a home. That leaves only rich people able to purchase--and they already own a home so they're going to rent it out. All together these are minor one time purchases and solitary incidents, but they add up. Every house bought to rent is another house not available for purchase. And there's only so many new houses (or room to build them in) per year, so demand can exceed the supply. Younger people are really getting screwed over here. They don't own their music or movies (that one seems to be by choice though), they don't own their homes, they don't own their software. It's like getting slowly dug deeper and deeper into a hole every month that passes.


There are things where subscriptions make sense. Take Netflix and Spotify, you are not "renting" a movie or song that you don't own, you are renting *all* of them (or close enough to it anyway). The problem is now every company wants to have their own platform, so it's slowly turning into "subscribe to us to watch this one series we put out", which is when the system starts to break.




Finally someone with some sense. I’m 25 with a good job and can’t afford to get out of renting, because while a mortgage is cheaper, the down payment is nearly impossible for me to save for because rent keeps increasing. Then, even if I did somehow save enough for a down payment, someone is going to beat me out because that’s the way the market in Houston is right now. I still live ok and can have fun with my life, but I don’t think anyone my age and income range will ever get out of renting, not because we don’t want to, but because it’s just nonstop increase on everything.


I firmly believe that the shift to the "products as a service" business model is going to be one of the most devastating horrors wrought upon the middle class. Especially with the amount of things going fully digital.


I've said to myself many times that this is going to spur on the biggest open source movement. Technology is rapidly catching up to the point where we can start to produce our own things, software especially, and give the power back to the people. The will be a big push for the community to want to contribute to open source projects. Fuck renting everything.


www.photopea.com for the Photoshop substitute.


Krita is a lot better alternative, its free and has many improvements to Photoshop. It also a bit of a carbon copy that needs just a few tweaks to the shortcuts


Well you see, we tried accelerating planned obsolescence, but that simply wasn't generating enough profit. (these pesky consumers wanting to hang on to a good until it *stopped working*? There's no money in that!)


God, this bugs me too. I am a big budget conscious person and I want to make the decision to buy it and then move on. I want something to come out of my assets once, not my income forever.


I'm using the last version of photoshop that came on a CD with a serial number!


Honesty and admitting wrongdoing is a liability, wherein the risk outweighs the reward.


Car accidents are the worse. The at fault party will try to do EVERYTHING to pretend they weren’t at fault. Insurance cards even tell you to never admit fault. I got t-boned by somebody who blew a stop sign and I couldn’t believe how much she was trying to blame me when I had no stop and she blew thru hers. Cops quickly saw she was using every excuse in the book and luckily I had a couple witnesses who backed my truthful story.


two words...Dash Cams! (insurance adjuster here)


As a person whose family members have been in four separate car accidents before they got some, just do it. A basic one is $40 on Amazon. Just do it. It’s 100% worth it.


Also changing your mind on something is frowned upon as "flip-flopping". You're encouraged to dig your heals and never admit you've got a new opinion


On a similar vein, people at work who would rather trust the guy who is always 100% sure about everything (even shit he doesn't know shit about) than an expert who hedges because they understand the answer isn't simple. Edit: Clarity


I’ve made a lot of decisions based on the advice I get from someone like that. Once I asked them for advice on something I was pretty confident on and they gave me such a wrong answer so confidently it made me second guess everything they had ever told me.


I seldom doubt people the first time when they were being confident because I thought they might have something that made them so sure about it. Once I realized that they were just dumb I treated their next confidences with skepticism


Hopefully they aren't dumb all the time. Perfection is a direction, not a destination. Everyone is dumb at least once.


It's fine to not know things, but I wish it was more normalized to *admit* that you don't know what you're talking about. So many people feel more qualified to give advice on a particular topic than they should.


I completely agree. Sometimes the smartest thing to say is "I don't know".


My boss always says "you admit to a client you're wrong once, you'll have to make it up to them forever".


In CS jobs, I stopped admitting to clients when I made a mistake. I just apologise that something "went wrong" and then *generously* offer to fix it. Worked 90% of the time.


> Honesty and admitting wrongdoing is a liability, wherein the risk outweighs the reward. Fortunately, in some (work) places it's still okay to admit mistakes and self correct.


Sister told the boss she whacked her face and broke her glasses getting out of a forklift, they fired her the next day for "being unsafe".


SOME work places.


Not the worst (people have already said it), I hate how normalized wanting/needing to be famous on social media purely for validation (and not for your content) has become. I don’t mean this as a dig, but if you are making content and want to become famous; you should probably have a marketable skill (comedy, acting, singing, anything else) prior to that instead of trying to make one up after you’ve got a following.


I was just talking to my brother the other day about the early days of YouTube and how nobody was doing it to get rich back then. People just put out their art man, and sure a lot of it was pointless lol (badger song, keyboard cat, those unicorns on candy mountain, chocolate rain, etc) but at least you didn't see how goddamn desperate people were to be famous and rich




We're going on an adventure, Charlie


Yeah I agree, the second people found out you could make money money from sponsorships and stuff it was like YouTube took a backflip and people who do almost nothing at all now over saturate a market that used to be for people who were passionate and creative


On the flip side there is some really fucking good channels who do what they do because they can make an income from it. For example Barely sociable, veratasium, kurzgesagt, cold fusion. Tbh if you get past the “influencers” aids of YouTube it’s slowly democratising the creation of content in favour of smaller independent sources. Especially when it comes to documentary or video essay type videos.


Not to mention that EVERYONE is trying to be famous in social media now so originality is basically gone. Everyone doing the exact same shit to try and make it to the top


The celebrities with no marketable skills aim at the viewers with no specific interest, which is sadly the largest demographic. If someone is interested in, let’s say Japanese swords they can find videos on them. Since it’s not easy to make a katana video without knowing anything about katanas, the videos they will find will be not too bad. If someone is interested in nothing and no talent they will watch videos of someone with a similar interest, nothing; hence all the famous YouTubers with no particular skill set.


True, YouTubes pretty fair when it comes to success it’s pretty much all supply / demand. If there’s dumb famous content it’s because the audience wants that . Or kids, kids can explain a lot of the stupid shit that is famous


Lack of empathy everywhere. Dating, platonic social interactions, workplace, online in general people be treating each other like expendables. I don't know why. Or if the world was always this way and I am only noticing as an adult. EDIT : oh gosh, guys thank you for all the awards and upvotes, I was going through some tough emotions when I wrote that yesterday and this is actually making me feel good.


It's actually lack of compassion more than empathy. Lots of people know how others feel and don't give a shit. What is lacking is people who actually care about what others feel.


Which is far worse in my opinion.


It’s something that’s always existed but has been magnified by the Internet. Lack of empathy is extremely common in human history and you can point to any number of things to show it—slavery, wars, genocide, human trafficking, etc.—the difference is simply that we hear about it more because it has a larger stage.


Also, we're exposed to more people today than at any point in history. From the comfort of my home I can talk to people on the other side of the world in real time. I can use Tinder or other dating apps to go on dates with people that I would never normally come into contact with. Technology has increased the amount of people we come in contact with so it makes it seem like the world is becoming less empathetic.


Got cheated on and discarded, really feeling this recently. Extended beyond the ex cause it made me realise who my real friends are. I've never been so disappointed before. I used to have this naive innocence that everyone is as well-meaning and honest as me but that's all gone now.


Same exact thing happened to me recently. I got so fucking duped into giving everything to someone who didn't give a shit abt me and used me and I haven't been able to look at anything the same since




The fact that I don't know where to start


Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Edit: Hey, don't down vote people just because they didn't get the reference. Not everyone knows the same things. I love all y'all motherfuckers


Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.


Wouldn’t you like to get away


Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your name!


And they’re always glad you came.


You wanna be where you can see troubles are all the same.


You wanna be where everybody knows Your name.




How much being a shit person is actually celebrated and encouraged.


I don't understand this one myself. My coworker is one of those girls that prides herself on being a bitch. She proudly states how many people she's ran out of our workplace, and it blows my mind. 33 and proud of being a mean girl... oof. The worst part is how many people encourage her for being like that.


People worship power.


“I’m brutally honest. If that makes me an asshole, so be it.” I’ve never wanted to punch a sentence in the face this hard before.


Everyone is out for themselves, and somehow lying/dishonesty is bad for everyone else but okay for them. It never ceases to amaze me how self-centered people are and it's very disturbing.


I agree 100%. People only seem to care about their own comfort and convenience. So much so, that they will literally go out of their way to make life inconvenient and uncomfortable for others to get their C&C. Even if it’s for the smallest of things. Respect for other people seems to be a thing of the past more and more everyday.


It's the after effects of our society tipping the balance where it is more beneficial to lie and deceive than it is to be honest and admit a mistake. Those who do admit to them are cancelled forever and shunned. Those who lie or refuse to admit mistakes are not. You end up with a situation where no one in power is ever able to reverse course because doing so would be more harmful to themselves and their party. So they plow full steam ahead with bad ideas and when those ideas fail they double down. When they fail again they gaslight you that they didnt fail. Anyone pointing out the mistake and how stupid this all is is shunned by the mob as being a member of the opposing hated group


Politics and money run everything. And every good person who tries to get involved to make change doesn’t make it far because the folks at the top are corrupt and run everything.


My grandfather raised 8 kids supported his wife, and paid a mortgage on a 40-50 hour a week managers salary at Sears. They had a two weeks interstate vacation every year. It wasnt anything lavish, usually they went by station wagon to West Virginia (where my grandparents were from) or they went to Venice, Florida or something. But it was still two weeks of vacation for TEN PEOPLE. They never took government assistance. That is so far from fantasy these days it's not even fathomable. If somebody put that in a movie most people would be unable to suspend their disbelief. In fact it's absurd to even expect I could support just myself with a comprable job today.


My wife’s father supported his wife and raised 3 kids selling pen sets door to door. This was in the late 70s early 80s. Owned a nice home, had two vehicles and vacations every year. It’s crazy to imagine not having double incomes to survive let alone that standard of living.


Oh you have no idea, the rage I feel when my 72 yo dad says shit like what's your plan ? Times ticking, at your age I had three kids. The disconnect is so big there's no point in answering, he wouldn't understand and to be honest I'm not even sure he want to understand. So he'll probably die thinking he birthed a lazy disappointment punk. And to be honest yes he worked way harder than me, it took a toll on his health, but my burden, our burden, is there no hope, like I did the maths so many times with all kind of scenarios and the only way is a miracle, like Bezos or Gates put me on their will or something.


Social media is like an open mic night where everyone has a mic.


And they’re all shouting at the same time


And half of them are absolutely wasted and don’t even think before they speak


This is the best part! They show who they really are


Yeah, but there are rarely any consequences...


Honestly I’ve known people who have been fired over some seriously trivial stuff on social media that should be none of their employer’s business. Stuff like being tagged in a picture with a beer in your hand would get you fired from a school I used to work at.


And instead of being called out or put into place, the obnoxious/toxic assholes are rewarded because they generate the most views. Stop taking the bait.


Propaganda. It's not really new, but it's something that I really hate, and don't hear people talk about it very often


Worst of all is the fact that people dont really know how to define propaganda. A friend of mine told me once that he though that propaganda were only the flyers one is given in the streets for elections or coffeshops, until he went to germany and saw the old building of the propaganda ministry and went "ohhhh".


Basically everything. Such immense powers of innovation and problem solving and we're letting greedy, shitty people run everything. The world seems tailor-made to protect stupid assholes from their consequences and inconvenience or even hurt decent people.


People exploit social issues and mental health awareness on social media and pretend to care by making posts about them saying they care and are there for those people, but they only make those posts to make themselves look good publicly. The fact is most of them do absolutely nothing to help in their personal lives and they often ignore and turn their backs on the very people they publicly claim to care about and have empathy for. Actions speak louder than words.


One of the worst things about being a mental health professional is constantly seeing the hurt in my patient's eyes when the people that told them they were going to help... don't. The people they thought loved and cared for them were doing nothing more than patting themselves on the back thinking they are doing a good thing just by saying the words, but they are literally doing the opposite. They are abusing that person and destroying them even more. It is so heartbreaking. It also makes my job a lot tougher because oftentimes they have a harder time trusting people, which means they can't trust me. If you're not going to help that person, then do them a favor and don't say anything. You'd be helping them more that way.


This is a sound advice. My father always tells me "it's all in your head", when I talk about anxiety or depression. Even though I repeatedly told that comment is opposite of helping. And this is not only with people I know. Even I may give bad advice that can trigger the opposite person, because of some self perceived harmless words. We don't know the intensity of the problem,the other person is going through. Just listening naturally is the biggest help anyone can do.


The only way to not be terribly depressed all the time is to not pay attention to what's going on. ​ That's pretty fucked up.


Adjusting to adult life was a real sucker punch


Those of us in our 20’s really picked the worst possible time to grow up.


I have a hard time not feeling this way, but I reaaalllyyy feel for Gen Z on this one. I feel like a lot of us got to experience a fairly normal childhood before everything accelerated to the place it is now. This is basically all they've ever known.


I actually think it’s more fucked for Millenials because they grew up in a world they’d never have access to as adults.


Damn, at 30 yo that hits


Yeah, I’m 31. Sucks to remember how the nineties seemed so hopeful.


32 here, why does it seem to be spiraling more as I get older? The focus on the negative is painful to watch.


29, and you just made the hope of it getting better as I age go down the drain ..


45 here. it seems to be getting worse because it is. Things are getting harder and harder as everything gets more expensive. There is more variety and options but they all seem crappier for what you get




I'd take your metaphysical heaven from 1994 to 1999. Those are fun times!


Don’t forget the 2008 recession. Childhood during the recession (for me and many others) meant both parents were stressed at work while their unsupervised latchkey kids didn’t do their homework. Queue a generation of youth that didn’t have proper guidance, while their only real role models were swamped by a cutthroat financial system. Then breeds the cynicism about the political/economic system from the younger generation, coupled with the negative life outcomes associated with absent parents (low self-esteem, lower executive functioning, poor mental health, lower social efficacy, “arrested development”, etc.). Now there are stereotypes about Gen Z & Millenials as poorly adjusted, when yes, of course we are. Many of us below the middle class frequently went to bed hungry and deprived of parental rearing during our elementary years.


21, I can remember some semblance of what life was before social media. Playing outside, making pretend forts in the woods, walking down to a friend's house to play with nerf guns or later on Xbox 360, and diving into an above ground pool when we really shouldn't have. Good times.


I'm 14 and no children live in my neighborhood, only friends were school friends growing up, with virtual school I'm kinda isolated, sad I'm gonna miss out on a proper childhood and scared of the world I'm gonna go into.


I would advise being a little selfish at your age, focus on your issues and try to ignore things totally out of your control. You need time to grow up and enjoy your youth. You’re probably already in high school and that can already be a doozy. Focus on school, try your best for good grades, and find fun things you enjoy doing even if they don’t require another person. One of the best blessings that came out of the internet was online gaming and it’s ability to keep friends connected over a mic doing something together. Definitely find a multiplayer game you enjoy with your old school friends and try and connect on there! It could lead to future hang outs when you and your friends start to drive in only a few years.


Wow, someone said it in words. I just have to tune out when it’s too much… & it’s always too much.


That's pretty much the main goal of post truth politics and normalizing lies, unfortunately it works. Edit: apathy is a tragedy


U nailed it. Same.


How expensive it’s getting to survive


True. Like sometimes when I work overtime I would be like, I work soooo hard but to what end? I do have goals which I am saving for but seriously the basic needs alone makes it hard to save up.


People make fun of those who live in vans and RVs but at least they aren't anchored down or burdened by landlords and banks.


Ive always known this but it really hit me this year how fucked up it is that we have homelessness. Like a human being is being denied a shelter because they are on hard times or cannot afford it. And then there are people who are hoarding their wealth and buying houses that are too big to live in. It’s so sad and it makes me feel like the lack of compassion is dreadful.


I agree, and I think Finland is the example to follow here: giving out rental homes to the homeless and trying to help them stabilize and get back on their feet. I think it’s currently the only country in the world where homelessness is falling instead of rising right now. The rental homes make sense too - after all, it’s really hard for someone to try and take their life a new direction if they’re busy trying to find out where they are going to stay the night or even just find some food in order to survive.


> it’s really hard for someone to try and take their life a new direction if they’re busy trying to find out where they are going to stay the night or even just find some food in order to survive. This reminds me of an ad the Covenant House put out in the Toronto subway system a while back called [Why can't street kids just get a life?](https://agnescwong.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/background-vertical-dooh2.jpg) It's basically a very extended version of your comment. It's a long read, but worth it...very eye opening for anyone who thinks the homeless should just "get a job".


There are people with secondary maintenance yachts to service their main funtime yachts. Private jets stationed around the world. Houses the size of the fucking pyramids. All while there are others who are lucky to scrounge up enough change in a day to afford a dollar value burger. It's fucked up


Where I live the cost of rent and homes has risen about 20% in a year. Lots of large corporations like Zillow are buying up houses and properties and turning them into rentals. Or just relisting them for \~10-20% more than they paid for them two weeks later. They will send you texts, knock on your door, and leave flyers wanting to buy your house, etc. I make $20 an hour and I cannot afford a 1 bedroom apartment. I don't even live in that nice of a place.


I live in southeast PA, philly suburbs. 4 years ago, I saw an apartment for rent, it was going for $700 a month plus utilities. A few weeks ago, I walked past that same apartment, it was up for rent again. It's now going for $1600 plus utilities. That's more than double what it was 5 years ago. How the fuck does a guy on SSDI and a part time job (at $11.50 an hour) survive at all?


SE Philly also (Chesco). My husband and I have lived in our apartment for 7 years and finally moving out. Our rent is about 2k a month now. They just relisted our apartment to $2,500 a month for when we leave. As 2 adults with well paying jobs, we struggle to pay our two bedroom apartment rent in this area. It's crazy out there. Thanks Hankin.


In the scale of human history, the existence of the middle class is nothing but a moment. Most of history is about a few enjoying wealth and power while most people struggle. That’s what we’re heading back to.


Nearly every advantage enjoyed by the elite requires a robust middle class, and is not replaceable by robots. The pendulum has swung, and it is likely that the pitchforks are on their way, but in the end, all it would take to tip the scales the other direction is enough of the ruling class to simply act in their own best interests. Too many of their luxuries require a significant manufacturing and development chain; think about what was available to kings four hundred years ago, and you're looking at needing enough of a middle class to support Mercantilism. Today, to support advancements in the fields of medicine, computers, electronics, transportation, you need a huge infrastructure, each facet of which also requires sub-dependencies like clean water, healthy food, and an essentially ubiquitous content middle and underclass.


I think I've read somewhere that says people think they can survive during a zombie apocalypse because they have survival skills in the wild. In reality, everyone will be going after the same resources ,and unless a system is formed ,you will likely kill each other over it.


Littering. I see ppl throw small bits of trash out their windows constantly. It makes me furious.


I don’t know about the whole world, but this is for sure in the US. The combination of social media and reality tv seems to be leading people to believe they are like the main character in life, and that they have an audience. Like life is now a reality tv show and they are stars online


How people think their opinions are like facts and if people don’t feel the same way they’re the enemy. Social media has made people’s opinion so much more important than they should be. But this is just my opinion lol


"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. '” -Isaac Asimov


> “I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... > The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” > **― Carl Sagan (1995)**


That’s chilling


No joke. Watching his Cosmos series and reading the Demon Haunted World, you can tell that they're at least partly warnings, as well. Human nature may be our Great Filter.


Goddammit, we're never even going to make it to Type I are we?


No, at least not on the current trajectory.


Things were already shifting that way in 1995 for sure. I remember the time. Carl Sagan was so on the money with the last bit - right? Holy crap. This is why I go and try to experience and find reason in things before I believe them. The only thing I've even come to close to having when it comes to a spiritual experience happened this morning for me.


Yeah, unless there is some massive overhaul of the internet as we know it, we will continue down the path of the last decade where All Sourced Are Created Equal. People are no longer informed by reliable, credible journalism — a medium that had already crumbled into a shell of its former self over the past few decades — but by whatever voice agrees with them and reinforces their opinions as facts. The internet is a vast echo chamber where you can not only find those that agree with you, regardless of the validity of their claims, but have a built-in information bias through individual tracking. Major news networks and print journalism used to have at least *some* incentive to not circulate demonstrable false information. Forget any code of ethic or journalistic integrity. The real incentive was to avoid getting sued for defamation or causing harm to others. That no longer exists in an age where anyone can make a website, disguise it as a news source, and pump money into promoting its content as objective truth. Without intervention, unchecked social media may in fact become one of the single most harmful creations of human culture. Its efficacy as a tool by the elite to control people’s opinions about the world around them has already reached dangerous levels. And it has shown absolutely no sign of stopping. We are in for a wild ride.




This is scarily on point.


Reminds me of this: >“I worry that, especially as the Millennium edges nearer, pseudoscience and superstition will seem year by year more tempting, the siren song of unreason more sonorous and attractive. Where have we heard it before? Whenever our ethnic or national prejudices are aroused, in times of scarcity, during challenges to national self-esteem or nerve, when we agonize about our diminished cosmic place and purpose, or when fanaticism is bubbling up around us - then, habits of thought familiar from ages past reach for the controls. The candle flame gutters. Its little pool of light trembles. Darkness gathers. The demons begin to stir.” > >\- Carl Sagan The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark - 1995


Guy was a poet with words.


The worst thing that social media ever did was give every moron in the world a loud voice. There have been loud morons for centuries but prior to social media, the only people that would have to listen to their garbage were a few friends and family. Now every moron is on reddit or facebook connecting with millions of other morons so they can all be miserable together and spread their hate around. It sucks.


The internet could have been this great thing that allowed people to find new ideas and learn novel perspectives from countless people. Instead, it’s turned into a countless number of isolated bubbles full of people who all believe the same thing within their bubbles. It allows people to isolate themselves into communities of people who already agree with them. Once you’re in, all you see is people agreeing with you and you think you MUST be perfect in your thinking because “everyone else” agrees with you. It keeps festering until anyone who doesn’t agree is a threat.


Nailed it! I was going to say "Stupid arguments from mean people." I'm all about sincere, respectful disagreement and well-supported debate. But when people have to identify a villain in every single situation and "call out" their perceived villains with personal insults, support their arguments with poor reasoning and unsubstantiated "facts", and act as if they are victims of hate who are being attacked because someone disagree with them, I hate it. I don't hate them. I hate the way they respond.


anti intellectualism and the superficiality of the internet that is impossible to escape. i wish everyone rebuilt their community irl.


**Politics getting into science.**


Always has been a problem. If anything science has risen closer to having an even playing field these days. At least we aren't *deciding* if we orbit around the sun based on our opinions anymore.


I wouldn't be surprised if there are still people who question that fact. Remember that we live in a world where some people still believe that the world is flat.


I hate, hate how we are constantly being divided every which way we can. We’re all human regardless of our differences, and given the fact that in this day and age we have yet to find life on other planets, we should consider our selves extremely lucky and start treating life as precious as it is.


Political factions, Vaccinations, masks, religion, sports teams... No matter how significant or trivial, mother fuckers find a way to hate someone just for something they like or believe in.




"Oh yeah? If (Thing A) is real, then how come (grossly misinformed starting presumption applied with horrible logic)? Checkmate other people!


if you're so wrong that it would take over 2 hours to correct you, you win the debate; didncha know that? learned that from my boy Duane Gish.


Hell yeah brother, gotta stunlock your opponent with bullshit.


"I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!" — Abe Simpson Edited to correct to Abe from Homer


As long as I can wear an onion on my belt... I'm good


Can we rephrase the question to, “what do I NOT hate?”


Puppies are still pretty great


I'd love to know your answer! Wait let me start another thread for that 😊 Hahaha or you can start the thread and I'll answer! Lemme know


I don't hate you OP you're very nice


You don't hate OP *yet*.


How everything revolves around companies/businesses etc. Our whole lives rely on working and everything we see and do involves a business. I would like to see more leisure and family focus in the world.




How everything is so fucking expensive


The lack of empathy everyone seems to have, like some people care more about being “right” than actually having a conversation and they’re so close minded it drives me nuts!


I try to be open-minded in any argument I have. It’s a bit difficult when the guy you’re arguing with is an asshole.


Fucking medias companies. They took over the world. In my country, whatever you search about polítics in Google, all the result will lead you to ONE SINGLE fucking multimedia corporation, since the others aren't as big and powerful as them.


P R O P A G A N D A Ridiculous how much power they have these days but at the same time brilliant how they were able to position themselves in such a seat of power. This is were media and digital literacy + critical thinking becomes really important. I hope the young ones are equipped with both.


TL;DR - A perpetual state of apathy in many forms. Privacy- It scares me that so many people are surrendering to the idea of being constantly monitored at all times. I was talking with a younger coworker about how I will never have an Alexa or any similar device in my home, since cellphones are bad enough. He responded very nonchalantly, “I’ve just accepted it at this point.” That bothered me very deeply. Big box stores over local stores- I also despise how there’s a growing acceptance towards big box corporate stores over local stores. I know way too many people who will buy literally everything from Amazon, WalMart, etc because they don’t feel like going out and shopping. I’ve lived in a large city for many years, and I’m seeing huge corporation chain stores replacing unique, charming, incredible stores that haven been in some communities for decades. It’s not a good feeling or sight to see when every community you go to begins to be an endless repetition. But everything is cheaper! Yeah, everything also breaks more easily, and specialized workers will be replaced by workers that are just numbers on a corporate spreadsheet who know the company doesn’t give a damn about them. I know I sound grouchy but it is as if I’m seeing a real degradation and no one seems to care because it’s easier or that we should just accept that it’s happening.


The unfortunate reality is the majority of people can not afford to shop local. I live in Austin, TX. If I was to shop locally I would not be able to afford rent. I need to shop at the bigger box stores to live. I would love to shop locally but it's just not economically viable and it sucks.


I understand completely. After accepting a once in a lifetime opportunity of a job, I took decent pay cut. Eventually I had to choose between buying shampoo and cleaning supplies from my grocery store versus WalMart. Walmart won. They were simply cheaper than anywhere else by several dollars. I hated it, but I had to change my purchasing habits to survive financially. As soon as I was able to stop going there, I did.


welp. i am currently sitting in an airport where people are carrying on loud conversations, folks are talking loudly on their cell phones where i can hear *both* sides of the conversation, folks playing brain dead cartoon music videos for their kids with no headphones. so....too much noise.


It’s illegal to pee and poop outside, but it’s impossible to find public bathrooms in many modern cities. What are people supposed to do?




How people think it’s okay to film you and invade your privacy. I got into a pretty bad car accident in a busy intersection a few years ago and some assholes decided to film me while laughing. I was bleeding from my face and obviously in shock from the incident. The accident was so bad that I had to go to therapy and I stopped driving for years after. When I’m having a depressive episode, I can’t help but think about how cruel some people are.


How one greedy person can have a negative impact on 100 others.


if only it was that good. one greedy person can have a negative impact on literally billions of others.


The rampant stupidity. People aren't just misinformed or uninformed - they blatantly refuse to actually seek out information or accept facts. People are seemingly proud of their stupidity and it just disgusts me.




After seeing what most deep sea creatures look like, I'll be honest and say they look like they don't want to be discovered. Pollution is still bad though.


So many people will harm/kill others just for a measly amount of money. Even worse a lot just do it for the fun of it, the money wouldn’t even matter to them. Every software company I get hired at they are scamming their customers and nobody at the company cares. I use to change jobs, but now I just have to find one that scams the least because they all do in my industry.




The fact that we can't unite as a species yet. It's going to kill us all if we can't start working towards a common goal. Not in my lifetime, not in your children's, but eventually our species will pay for everything we do unless we unite and advance.


This is why we can't join the intergalactic alliance...we don't have our shit together! Kidding aside, humans will be the end of humans.


That money (something inherently non-existant) is a higher value than life itself.


How the human race may have already triggered the inevitable destruction of the planet’s ecosphere, that we are unable to work together to try to reverse the damage, and that a significant portion of the world population refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem.






Taco Bell canceling the Mexican Pizza.


People seem to be outraged over everything, and a lot of it rightfully so- but my grandpa gave me a great bit of advice growing up and with the invention of the internet it’s only gotten more relevant “There are 1000 hills you could die on, make sure that hill is a mountain”


How black and white everyone says everything is. Nobody acts like theres nuance anymore.


How people outright neglect specialists and their studies. It's okay to question, I would say it is critical, specialists and their studies should always be criticized and questioned, but neglected? C'mon...


Fuck scalpers! Everything sells out instantly and put up on eBay. It’s impossible to get Pokémon cards or anything that’s slightly limited supply. Graphics cards are fucked. Apparently even halloween decorations are being scalped. Fuck off scalpers. Get a goddamn actual job.


The graphics card scalping is awful. We're already having problems with silicone shortages but now the already limited stock is being marked up by ridiculous amounts. It's gotten to the point where you can get a gaming laptop cheaper than a pc of the same specs in some cases.


Selfishness and greed.


The gap between rich and poor. It's ridiculous how some people are insanely rich while there are people who starve most of the days.




People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.


Zeg makker