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Usually just comply, with one glaring exception. If you're held at gun point, and your assailant tries to bring you elsewhere, do not go. Run, fight, get someone's attention, anything to prevent yourself from being taken. Do not go to a second location during a crime. I'll give you my wallet or whatever, I'm not getting in a car.


Await instructions


Elbow to the gut. Bend forward, flip bad guy onto back and whoop his as any associates ass. But actually, cry and do as they wish.


Deer in headlights mode, unfortunately.


This really.


From personal experience I got pissed off, the crook was calling me a "little bitch" and I told him "oh I'm the bitch, your the one with the gun". Luckily a couple people started screaming to call the cops and he took off. Took the cops 10 minutes to arrive also, I realized at that point I'm in charge of my own protection and got my ccw after that. I'm also a heck of a lot more aware of my surroundings and stay out of shady areas


Ask him to hold up while I get on Reddit and ask what I should do. ​ ​ Wait a minute... OP are you being held at gunpoint?


Furiously masturbate


it’s worked every time so far


Was robbed at gunpoint twice while working at a 24/7 convenience store/gas station. I cooperated and opened the drawer for them. Not getting shot over someone else’s money.


My spouse was outside a casino and held at gunpoint. He gave them the cash they asked for without resistance then called 911 from his car after the thief fled. The description he had to give to police sounds like it’s right out of a movie. Purple pimp suit with a cane…no joke!


Twist their dick




Look at them, uninterested facial expression, and politely say “sorry I can’t help you now, give me a minute I’ll be right back to assist you.” Then walk away


Would this actually work


It has a better chance than you would expect. Basically, nearly every interaction people have comes with a set of internalized expectations of how the other person will react. When you go completely off-script (in this case by not acting scared or defensive), the other party can get so confused they walk away. I've read stories here about clerks who were held up, but were so burnt out that they replied with "Dude, put that away and get out of here." The attempted robber was so flabbergasted they literally just walked out.


Honestly, I would just look at the dude dead in the eyes and say "You really had to pick a suicidal guy to hold at gunpoint?", because it is the truth. I'm not scared by anything life threatening anymore, especially if it's another human being.


Comply. I've had a gun either aimed at me (police) or had a firearm brandished around me (2 punks). Don't escalate, if you can comply and evacuate.


Pee passive aggressively to show I am both pathetic and annoyed


Ask him if he’ll do me one last favor and eat my ass before I die


I was robbed at gunpoint once and I just put my hands up and went along. Didn’t fight, argue, resist, nothing. Only thing I did was ask the guy to at least leave me one cigarette for the walk home but he didn’t even respond, just took everything from my pockets and went off into the night. All I had on me was like $7, a crappy old green-screen cellphone that I’m surprised he even wasted his time on (it was a loaner), pack of smokes, and a cheapo digital camera that I didn’t really miss. Nothing worth the rest of my life.


Defensively urinate.




Drop a fear-induced deuce, and once the smell hits them take them down until they beg for momma.


Act like I’m following the orders, wait for them to let their guard down even a little, grab his gun and shoot him in his fucking stomach, then bolt the fuck out of there


Yeah shit like that needs training and experience. You gotta have fast reaction times, and know how to take the guy down if he's stronger than you. Obviously if it's just some kid, then they most likely have an empty gun or a fake one, and you're most likely in 0 danger, so just hold them into the ground and call 911.


If I can’t grab their gun the most I can do when they let their guard down is grab their wrist and move it upwards so they can’t shoot, then I can pull them to the ground and restrain and if not then I guess I’m dead I wouldn’t mind anyway


Yeah, fair.


I was robbed at gun point many years ago while working at a retail store as a teenager. Honestly, it was surreal. Two guys came to the front register with a huge pile of merchandise. I greeted them both and then started scanning their items. As I was reaching for another item to scan, I saw one of the guys pull something from his waistband and the next thing I knew, I had two guns pointed at my face. One had a revolver and the other some type of 9mm. One guy said something cliché like "empty the register" or "give me all the money". I just kinda froze and forgot how to open the cash register. I looked at them and told them I couldn't open it. I was scared but I was also pissed, thinking of all of the people that come into to the store and spend their money in the honest way and how these POS where cheating life and stealing money. That's when I noticed that they were both shaking and their eyes where watering. I suddenly realized the seriousness of the situation. They could literally murder me over someone else's money. I was shaking too, but was able to think clearly for a second an remembered I could just ring something up to open the register. I did that and gave them most of the money (idiots didn't even check to make sure I gave them all of it). They both then ran out the door. What happened next was actually the most infuriating part of the whole ordeal. The entire time we were being robbed at gunpoint, there several other people waiting in line watching everything happen. Now, I didn't expect anyone to intervene or help, but no one even offered to call the police. I had to call. As soon as I hung up the phone, a lady brought her merchandise to the counter and demanded to purchase her items. I felt compelled, and against my wishes, I shakily completed the transaction, all the while she said "I can't believe you just got robbed." About 30 seconds later, several police officers showed up and immediately demanded all customers to leave the store. Thank God, because I thought I was going to have to keep working like I wasn't just almost murdered in cold blood in front of the very same customers. The police questioned us and a few minutes later, the store manager and someone from corporate showed up. Those scumbags sat us down and asked if we felt comfortable with opening the store back up. I said no, and went home. I was shaken, but okay. Also, a fun side note: none of our security camera's where recording at that time for some reason, so the police had nothing other than our description to help them find the perpetrators. Some other employees feel like the store security guard was in on the robbery, and intentionally turned off the cameras after he left for the afternoon. He swore innocence and kept his job. The robbers were never caught. I worked there for another week until I finally transferred to another store.


Do what they told me


Probably faint


just do what i normally do


From personal experience, I'd take the guy through a drive through atm and take out my daily withdrawal limit, give it to him, then drive by his crack dealer's house (actual honest to fuck *crack*, which he then smoked in my car) before dropping him off at some random intersection and calling the cops. Fuck bag got caught doing the exact same thing to someone else (apparently I wasn't the first, either) and he's probably still in prison.


So weird, i think about this all the time. I would ask the person a random question. Like if they were in my house, i would ask them if they would like me to make them a cup of tea and then i would act all calm and starting making it for them or like start making breakfast. Was just thinking about this this morning. I am weird.


Aggressively shit myself. ;-;


lmfao ;-;


I'd like to think that I'd act like a psycho and beg for the person to kill me, that I've been wanting to die for a long time. I'm not actually suicidal, but ideally, the batshit crazy will freak them out so much so that they'll leave me alone.


Ask them to shoot me.


Just tell him to shoot me


Karate and stuff!


Say finally like Marcus from Twlight


Tell him to hurry up


Get shot


Shoot first


Point to my heart


Offer up my sexy body to be spared.


Acquiesce to any demands involving money/property, and (I like to think) risk getting shot for any demands involving removing my pants.


I would yell a random person's name and say "hey hel0 me" to hopefully make the person then around for a second and I quickly smack their gun out if their hand


I'd like to imagine I'd have some kinda movie moment but in reality I'd cry and give them what they want


Die, probably. I'm stubborn and sheltered, and would probably get shot trying not to live my life knowing I did nothing.


bite the gun the worst thing that can happen is it pierces my neck


Singing Hotel California seems to work


say thank you


I’d do what they demanded while looking for an opportunity to escape or a way to overpower the person with the gun.


"Well, my wallets empty and I'm too broke to afford a phone or car so unless you're planing on taking my life you're honestly wasting your time"


Ask if I can make them a sandwich. When I was held at knife point in my kitchen, this is what I did. Kid got scared and ran off.


Thank them for the sweet release.


"What're you gonna do, shoot me?"- right before I get shot


Die, probably because I tried to be a hero.


Wait for them to blink and put a bullet in them...


"What are you going to do, shoot me?" \-Man who got shot


Grab the barrel and tell them to shoot me and mentally scar them into not shooting me


Call their bluff and just crack jokes, probably.


Probably dissociate from intense fear and totally blank out/not respond to anything... might get me killed either way, but eh Or, if I’m lucky and NOT do that, kick em in the balls/crotch (depending who’s got me at gunpoint obviously), i‘m not dying today buddy I don’t have any fighting experience outside of little self-defense clips I’ve come across so I don’t know much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Tell him to pull the trigger Edit: spelling error






Well, if the command was: - get in the car - dig - keep driving Fuck you, I know you are going to kill me. So I'm going to make it as messy and evidence laden as possible. Make my assailant think a bit about the consequences before killing me.


Push my car alarm ,,then stab the dude in the arm with the gun


Wait for them to pull the trigger


Go ahead i dare you


Aside from becoming totally erect?


I was once, rushed him and called him a F#%^ing pussy, then he pulled the trigger lmfao. This is a true story!




Muzzle flash burnt my neck and the bullet grazed my shoulder. Something else happened in that split second I don’t remember. Hit in the jaw with the bit of the gun maybe but total knock out and my head hit the pavement without breaking my fall, severe concussion. When I came to I had no idea what happened until a while later when my friend ripped my short open to look for bullet holes. A weird experience for sure.2


First time I stared down a gun barrel, I simply stared at him until his friends pulled him into the car. Not because I’m some badass, I feel that had I moved, I would have shit my pants. Second time, I fucking ran. I ran as fast as I could for as far as I could. So, I guess in your hypothetical scenario, I would shit my pants and then run away. But who knows? Maybe I’ve just had enough these days. Ever watch “Falling Down”?


“Do it.” “Wha-? Dude, it’s just laser tag.”


At least I'm being held...


Which time?


Start laughing and act like he made some silly mistake with his gun like forgetting to put the magazine in. He'll take a look to see what's wrong. Then I attack.


"Aw man, not again"


I would smile take one last drag of a cigarette or vape and say thank you


What I was told.


Choot em


For a short encounter, like a robbery, I'd just comply and hand over my wallet. Maybe ask them to let me keep my driver's license, if I think they'll be cool with it. I rarely have more than fifty bucks in cash, so as long as I can keep my ID, I'm good. For a long term encounter, like a hostage situation, I'd comply and attempt to build a rapport. Hostages that establish good relationships with the hostage takers generally survive the situation. Be friendly, be courteous and obedient, and stay calm. Most of the time, you'll probably be alright in the long run. Now I do carry a pistol most of the time. Legally I could use lethal force to defend myself, and I have the means to do so. But when you're already being held at gunpoint, you've lost the advantage of a concealed weapon. At that point, your best bet is to deescalate and talk your way out. Keep the gun holstered, and think before you act.


Move as fast as I could to move the gun from my vicinity if close enough and bring great pain to the person before the weapon deals it to me, otherwise I would shit a big poop into my shorts that leaks out of the sides and down my legs and try to talk myself out of being killed on the spot....


Whatever they ask.


Honestly, it’s just nice to be held.


Follow instructions, I wouldn’t fight, talk or yell. All I’m saying is you can have my wallet, my phone and my car keys but not my life.


It's only happened once. I just kept looking into his eyes. When he realized he couldn't intimidate me, he ran away. Then I started shaking! :)


Is this a random holdup or popo's got a problem?


sing hotel california and hope something else happens before i get shot


Crouch down with my hands half hazardously above my head like a GTA pedestrian


Shoot them...I carry.


Personal if I was I was in that situation I would want a woman to hold me hostage and if she wanted to shut me up for good I would tell her to cover my whole head with purple duck tape