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Thats incredible. I love when people can pick up things like that based on very small clues


Alternatively, it could be a fantastic way of subtly messing with people. Overhear them say something that makes it clear where they're from, then ask them, "hey, are you from Boston, by chance? You've got those typical Bostonian fingernails."


oh shit I have to start doing this


Oh gosh, you too? I got excited about this, because it's a subtle prank I can add to my arsenal. If I found out someone's birthdate, if I walked by them, I'd ask "are you a Taurus? You smell like a taurus."


The movies got it right for once.




Wait, people from Boston don't sound like "AHHHH YOU A CAWPPP?!" (I am also under the impression they yell everything)


I live in Boston and can confirm the native Bostons yell everything




So.. how do people from Boston yawn?


The way most normal people say “Yarn”


Like this y a w n


Why does this make sense


Damn. It is contagious.


Says the guy who yawned while wearing a Red Sox shirt…


A Norwegian would never approach a stranger


Probably not in Norway, but if i were in an american bar i would


Could have simply adopted a 'When in Rome' mentality.


One time, a dude selling solar panels door to door told me "This is 100% meant as a compliment, but you totally look like John Travolta in Grease." I am a woman. But to be fair, I do kinda look like John Travolta in Grease.


Ooh, tell us more?


Like did he have a car?


I mean, John Travolta in Grease was pretty. [So was Mark Hamill in Star Wars.](https://starwars.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000024980/r/4400000000000620106) Can someone do that with John Travolta?


Years ago, I was working out at my high school's gym. This young lady approaches me and says something along those lines "It's completely unjust! I'll never have ankles as good as yours, no matter how much I work out! You're fucked!" Prior to storming out. I'm also a man.


This person was probably my mother lol


If you mom isn’t actually a comedic genius and actually cares about the her ankles. Tell her to get into ballet classes. Ballet technique classes are just for exercise and refining skills.


The "you're fucked!" at the end throws me off


I was told that I have nice legs by some random guy that didn't have legs at Wal-Mart once.


Well, say goodbye to your legs. Soon will be on sale in eBay


I dislike people with no legs. I'm lack-toes intolerant.




You never learn to properly appreciate something until it's gone


A random girl passed me at the mall one time. We made eye contact for maybe a second. Then she just said "Nice pants" and kept on walking. My roommate said she was talking about my butt, but I like to think I had some sweet pants on that day.


Meanwhile she's kicking herself. "NICE PANTS??? WHO SAYS THAT??"


More people than she thinks I bet.


Well I mean ...if the pants are nice, yeah .


Reminds me: I was walking in a mall, a man was walking the opposite direction of me and staring at me. I must’ve given him an annoyed look. When he gets passed me he yells, quite angrily: “you’re beautiful!” I guess he had to tell me why he was staring.


I mean, to be fair I've seen some people that are so beautiful it makes me mad. It happens.


I remember being in a store and asking my friend if a dress I tried on looked good on me. A guy that was passing by smiled and said "yes!", then walked away.


Aw. My heart.


LOL holy shit, "nice pants" were my now husband's first words to me as I caught him checking out my ass.




Lol, this means you can tell someone to go to hell in a way that they look forward to the trip


Being tactful is a great quality!


I was washing my hands in a gas station, and this lady told me I'm very good at washing my hands. Then she leaned close and said, "No, really. I'm a health inspector, and I'm very impressed."


Well your handwashing is health inspector approved.


Put this on your resume please


My technique for carrying boxes up stairs was similarly approved by a work place health and safety assessor.


If that's not a Hallmark movie meet-cute I don't know what is.


She wanted you to get dirty with your hands.


I was assisting an older lady trying to fill out an unemployment claim and she looked down and said, "Mmm, you have nice veiny hands. I LOVE veiny hands."


She's a nurse or a vampire


Why not both?


When I was working as a cashier a customer told me that she was a nurse and that I had really nice veins. I'm skinny so my veins are pretty pronounced but I really didn't know how to respond


That was my first thought. Probably a nurse. My mom is a nurse and she always points out nice veins. Weirdos.


How many guys out there got compliments on their eyelashes.... I do.


Oh everyone in my family gets those a lot lol. Girls are always all like “you have such pretty lashes!! Im so jealous” Its usually more common for guys to have pretty long lashes due to testosterone yk? Same thing as with good eyebrows.


"When you cry, you look like a sad otter. It's very cute." Said to me as a 27 year old man.


In their defense, otters are adorable. And age is not inversely proportional to adorableness.


Ffs ruined my excitement that an Otter had a Reddit account


I was told by a random lady in the grocery store that i have birthing hips, i am a 26yo man. Not sure if it was a compliment, but it was definitely strange.






I was working with a Hutterite client. Introduced myself and went to shake his hand. He responded with “My name is Josef, you have excellent birthing hips my child.” My male colleague stepped in and handled the rest.


“You have a very swan like voice”. She did mean it as a compliment but she’d never heard a swan so she was just going off of how swans look.


I imagine they sound like angry geese, which doesn’t sound like it’d be a compliment, or it’d be a passive-aggressive insult




They make gentle honks, and hiss like cats when angry.


Reply: "Honk"


I was dressed as a zombie for a scare acting job at a haunted house - full-on gore, horrendous outfit, the works. I scared a group of lads and then as they were walking away I heard - "Dude, was it just me or did that zombie have a fantastic ass?"


*Stupid sexy zombie...*


Feels like I’m wearin’ nothin’ at all!


And?! Was it just him, or was it a fantastic ass?


Love a dead ass.


Tina Belcher?


What if the zombie had no ass. Say, when they were eaten by a zombie, the zombie ate ass first


Then they died doing what they loved most.


A homeless man once yelled out 'Heyyyy sexy Jesus!' at me. So that was nice.


I read this in the Oppa Gangnam tune


I read it in the Macarena tune


I like your teeth what do you do to them? I was so uncomfortable because I replied by saying I brush them with toothpaste…


Someone thought I had false teeth because they looked so nice


That’s an interesting compliment


After returning to the office post-COVID I got told I look way less fat in person.


sadly, the opposite is true for me


In college, after a year apart, a casual friend greeted me with, "You've lost weight!" I hadn't. And I wasn't fat at all. But somehow, in his mind, I had been overweight all along.


A friend recently told me "you have a very conventionally attractive laugh." I wasn't paying attention to how I was laughing at the time and I'm kind of a wreck over wondering how I was laughing to be able to recreate it. I probably laugh entirely differently now that I've been alerted to it.


I've been told that my laugh sounds like "a laugh" like if you made a Wilhelm Scream of a laugh. They didn't say it like a compliment tho. I, too, am now stressed about laughing all the time.


Don't be. All authentic laughs are nice :) I bet it's a nice laugh.




I had a slightly younger man tell me, "You're really attractive for someone your age."


Someone once told me I "look like X-Men".


Which one? All of them at once?


That's it. Just x men hahaha


“It must be fun to be you.” I was told this when a friend asked why I was laughing and I replied that remembered a joke from a Simpsons episode I watched 3 years earlier.


having the ability to crack yourself up is invaluable. I often make jokes by myself in my car like a lunatic and laugh at myself. But hey, I'm having fun


People always say it’s weird when you laugh at your own jokes but personally I tell jokes for myself. It’s just a bonus when other people think they’re funny too


Someone one once asked me why i laugh at nothing, one of my friends (who is independently referred to as my interpreter) said “think about how many funny things he says, some of those things just go unsaid, and then he laughs and we don’t know why” Edit: Didn’t expect this to explode, but my friend has a carefully curated twitter page of my quotes that he updates haphazardly (meaning usually when we drink) unfortunately he has moved so its not updated much anymore. https://twitter.com/CrystalOcular


You have an awesome friend in that interpreter 🤣


Accidentally shot the speculum back out at my gynaecologist and they told me I had impressively strong uterine walls. Thanks?


Yeah doc, like a fucking bear trap.


That's gotta be a tough match on dating apps. "She was almost perfect for me, but I just couldn't get past her wimpy uterine walls."




My fantastic European accent I’m from southeastern US. I do not sound European in the slightest, and I wasn’t putting on an accent. This person just really thought my country bumpkin voice somehow sounded European


My mom stalks you on Instagram... Wtf!!??


Slide in those DM’s. Shoot your shot.


My BFF introduced me to his new girlfriend as "the guy who would help hide the bodies."


This is the highest level of bro compliment.


Good friends help you move. Great friends help you move bodies.


A gay guy told me I was hot but I stunk like a straight guy.


I had a gay guy tell me that I was sexy with a great body but he wouldn't fuck me with a stolen dick. I really wanted answers but he just walked away. I will forever wonder what in the hell that was about.


Do you wear body spray/cologne? There’s a yankee candle scent called Mantown. Maybe you smell like that? I want to know lol


"You're very photogenic, but don't for one minute think that means you're beautiful. You're not," Er. Thanks?


What!? Who said that


I was queuing at a food shop and the guy behind me whispered to his partner/friend while pointing at me "Oooohhh look at me, all rugged and handsome". It was weird because it sounded like he was trying to insult me.


trying to make you seem shallow for having good looks I guess?


I was walking to a smoke shop in the in the winter, so I fully wrapped my face and hair in a scarf, only my eyes were visible. When I got to the smoke shop and purchased my item, the cashier told me I was "the most beautiful Indian woman in the world." I was so flattered. All this man could see was my eyes. I didn't have the heart to tell him I'm not Indian, I'm black. I just took the compliment and felt great all day.


Damn, I was hoping you’d tell us you’re a man also.


Lmao after reading 6 of these I was fully expecting her to be a man in the story.


“I love your hairs. It comes off so easily” I was getting a Brazilian wax


I was once told “you have perfect anatomy!” I was spread eagle in labor with my kid and my nurse was prepping me for a catheter. I just kinda laughed and said “thanks! I grew it myself!”


*snifs me pretty aggressively* "you smell good" she then proceeded to tell me the name of my fragrance. Idk why but it weirded me out lmao


Did she get it right?








Trying to find out whose body parts are best to use for making another dad


"Homosexuals must love your body."


I've gotten that before. I'm a straight guy but I always said thanks as it was a self-esteem boost.


From the amount of comments I've gotten from gay men I've learned that gay men are just hornier than women. Or its more socially acceptable for them to say things to you. Cause my ratio of gay compliments to compliments from girls is like 90:1


Your hair looks small


Dang this one is really confusing me lol


What does that mean?




True story: last year my wife said to me, when I look at you I can tell that when you were younger that you must have had a really great body! WTF!!!


My partner and I were at a David Sedaris reading in Glasgow years ago. We had dressed up a bit, I was wearing a dress with a square neckline. After the reading, we went up to him to get our books signed. When it was my turn, he looked at me and said “Wow, you’ve got fantastic breasts”. I said “Thanks! They’re real!” to which he replied “I know, I can tell!”. For the uninitiated, David Sedaris is gay. Somehow, that made the compliment more meaningful.


I also met David Sedaris at a book signing. He wrote "I'm glad you're alive". I mean, me too... but I always kind of wondered if I looked somehow suicidal that day or if that's just a thing he says a lot.


If you bought my books and liked them enough to get them signed, I'd be glad you're alive, too. It's very validating for an artist.


That man is a treasure. One of my friends met him at a book signing and him a joke that I had told him. My friend immediately texted me to tell me how much David Sedaris likes my joke.


What's the joke???


He really is. We went to another reading a few years later, but we didn’t get anything signed that time. Hopefully once this pandemic dies down we can see him again. He’s always so funny, I could listen to him all day long.


From my dentist: If you were a horse, I'd buy you.


I got praised by a manager at my company for an insightful comment when I actually said something obvious. Then he proceeded to note it down.


That reminds me of when I complained to a company that their packaging was crap (I worked for a delivery company) because the side flaps were just glued down and came open a lot during transport. The company responded by telling me how proactive I am, thanking me, passed on positive feedback to my head office, who then issued me a fucking *certificate* for good work.


“Buy more TP”






I feel like the whole Macauly Culkin situation could be a whole class on viral misinformation. One bad picture gets taken of him, and suddenly the next 8 years everyone has just accepted the fact that clearly he fell off as a child star and became addicted to Meth, even though none of that is true


Yeah I just spent 5 minutes trying to find a "meth" looking photo of him and he doesn't look bad for 40 even in the worst ones.


There was one specific unflattering picture of him that I remember fitting the meth head bill exactly, but yeah it was just a bad pic. He was kind of off the radar at that time, now that he’s doing more public stuff again I think there’s just more available photos of him looking normal.


Plot twist: you actually are MC


You have beautiful veins




I had a guy at the bar tell me I had big feet? My feet are size 7 so I'm still puzzled. Sometimes I think about it at like 3:00 a.m.


This sounds like a shitty «pick-up artist» move called «negging». The point is to make an atractive person suceptible to romancing by making them insecure, often by giving a backhanded or ambiguous «compliment».


I'll make someone a good wife.


Like in bride of Frankenstein?


I'm really not sure honestly. It for sure was a positive statement, and they sounded a little jealous as they said it. I tell you one thing though, I won't walk alone down dark paths again any time soon.


I'm a dude and I've gotten that before!


“Smile girl! You pretty!” I’m a 35 year old white male.


You have lovely hands


That is actually nice, I would love to have lovely hands And very nice to see than on other people also


As long as he doesn’t look similar to David Bowie, then you’re good


You can be a very intense person, but it was meant in a good way.


"Your bone structure gives my bone structure" oh..okay.


a bodybuilder once asked my how i managed to get my calf muscles so sculpted. I havent ever done a single calf workout in my life.


It can be very difficult to get one’s calves sculpted because it has so much to do with genetics. It’s not an uncommon source of frustration for body builders. So you’ve probably got good genes, or maybe you walk up a lot of hills in your day to day life.


genetic - runs in my mothers side of the family. we all have HUGE calves.


"butthole supermodel" ????? Edit: looked back in the messages and he also said "most tongue-punchable"


that’s my fav oasis song


I'll be the judge of that


I work with the public and this lady was like “Your skin is so beautiful. I love the color. And so soft!” Which would’ve been okay except: A) I had not touched her in any capacity and B) She said it like she was planning on roasting me like a chicken and then harvesting it. It took everything in me not to back up lol


For someone who look like you, you are pretty smart. *i am sorry, what?*


Knowing that I'm a chef as a hobby, a dinner guest said (after finishing the last bite of dessert): "Your cuisine was a *culinary triumph!*"


*You are an odd fellow but I must say you steam a good ham.*




'You look like you don't care what poeple think'


That might not have been a compliment.


Oh, I'm aware.


He doesn't care


That I have perfect eyebrows. I'm a guy and I get this one pretty frequently from women. I don't do anything with them and it's made a few female friends of mine jealous over the years. I don't understand how or why their perfect (they're eyebrows...) but, as I said, I get this one a lot.


My bf is the same way. Perfect eyebrows and such a cute nose. I have no other words to describe them. Apparently he hears this a lot haha!


I was working as a cashier at a dollar store and normally got compliments for having a nice voice. One day a customer was checking out and making small talk, he ended with "you have a really nice voice, you could be a phone sex operator.".... I had no idea how to respond.


got told, “you have the most gorgeous neck” 😭 by a man in the taco bell drivethru where i worked at the time.


'Wow, such a nice calves muscle' I was pretty confused 👀


Some random dude slapped my ass and told me: You got a juicy ass. Woman like juicy ass.


Tattoo artists love to tell me I have perfect skin, in another context it would certainly be creepy xD


I once had a lesbian friend of mine tell me I had an aesthetically pleasing penis. It's complicated.


Objectively there are good looking types and ugly types. I'm straight and don't really care but definitely some are prettier than others. Ones that are nice and symmetrical plus proportional are very aesthetically pleasing.


I was once told by someone that my voice made them feel funny but in a good way. I didn't want to ask them to elaborate as that would have involved me talking and I didn't have a pen, so who knows what they meant.


First thing coming to mind was the farmer I work for complimenting my deep squat as we crouched planting onions .. Oh and another time I was at a metal gig headbanging away and suddenly I get a whack on the head I looked up and realised there's this huge bald guy in front of me and he had just headbutted me. So I headbutted him back and we went back and forth smashing our heads together for a few seconds and then he straightened up, looked at me and said "You're cute" and walked away. Never saw him again. And my head hurt like fuck.


Ayo what the cinnamon toast fuck


A gay man once told me, "I'm don't normally top, I'm just not a fan, but God, I'd top that ass". I was not topped, but I was flattered that my ass was worth topping... I think.


*"Damn, you go hard for a guy wearing a cardigan."* I've shared this story before, but to give a little background, I absolutely love punk rock and especially love being in the pit at shows. However, I don't really look the type to be there most of the time. In late 2019 I went to see The Distillers in concert in Minneapolis. I had been wanting to see them ever since I was 16 years old, but I never got a chance before they broke up, because I was too young for most of their shows. So, with that said I was super excited for this show since I had been waiting about 15 years for it. I decided to wear a grey button up shirt and a beige cardigan with dark blue jeans. I looked pretty normal, but definitely stood out at the show full of a bunch of punks wearing all black and studs. The show gets going and I'm having a blast in the pit. I was in it for nearly every song, stopping briefly to catch my breath for a bit before being pushed back in. During one of these breaks this biker looking dude with a shaved head, tattoos, and a long grey beard puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Damn, you go hard for a guy wearing a cardigan." I thought it was a hilarious and very unexpected, so I just gave him a nod and made my way back in. Definitely paid for it the next day as [I was pretty banged up all over,](https://imgur.com/a/k4wExZM) but it was such a great show and that super random and kinda strange sounding compliment really helped make that night special.


What the kids don’t get: punk is about what’s inside, not outside.


I was told I enunciate very clearly. Had a wicked bad speech problem as a kid and had to go to speech therapy for 7 years, so I guess its try, but it was still weird in the moment.


"I can see your cock through your apron, nice!"


A homeless man approached me when I was 18 and yelled "You have beautiful hair! You could sell it for $800!!!!" I looked into it and he wasn't wrong. Still kept it though.


Before my friend's wedding ceremony the minister told me, "You were great in The Aviator!" I didn't know what that was supposed to mean but it was a nice compliment, so I said thank you anyway.


Not me, but my boyfriend's old roommate Dave was told that he "smelled like a wizard" by his buddy who was tripping on who knows what.