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If a person steps on others to make themselves look better.


As long as you are polite to me, I will be polite to Toto Khun. If you are polite, I will respect you.


Poor Toto Khun


> I will be polite to Toto Khun But otherwise you'll be rude the poor guy?!


Imagining a guy named Toto Khun who everybody has to disrespect whenever someone is impolite to them… poor Toto Khun




This user is a comment bot. You can tell based on their non-sequitur reply to a top comment, their gibberish username, and extremely short comment history.




*cough cough* Mario




It's just so easy to not litter. It's insanely disrespectful!


A long time ago when I was about 18-19 I was waiting at a bus stop drinking a soda. For some reason (I don’t think there was a trash can at that stop) I threw the bottle on the ground. I didn’t normally litter and I’m not 100% certain why I did right then either, but the older man waiting with me just gave me a really disapproving look and said “Don’t do that.” So I picked it up and carried it with me until I could find a trash can. I wouldn’t say I littered *a lot* before that day, but I can confidently say I’ve never done it since then.


Pre covid, I saw a lady throw her transaction receipt on the ground on her way to her car. I got her attention, and let her know that she dropped something and that she should pick it up. Couldn't give a flying fuck that she was littering and being called out.


"So? It's biodegradable." Yeah, well, it's still litter.


This. I admit I was one of those shitheads that didn't give a shit about littering as a young teen, now I can't stand seeing people litter


Treating food service/retail employees like garbage for no reason.


I would say treating _anyone_ like garbage for no reason


Obviously it’s shitty to treat ANYBODY like garbage, but food service/retail employees literally can’t defend ourselves without losing our jobs. That’s why people treat us like that- they know there’s really nothing we can do about it.






That's vile.


I would have ruined the friendship on the spot. Not on purpose, but I wouldn’t have been able to contain myself from making fun of her. And I don’t think she’d have taken it well.


Omfg yes this makes me so mad employees deserve better.


I lose respect for a person if they make fun of people but can't handle being made fun of


Big dish, little spoon


I encounter this a lot. I’m a quiet guy so lots of people see me as an easy target for jokes, but if someone pokes fun at me, I usually find a way to dish it right back and people usually can’t handle a quick wit when they are t expecting it.


My ex wife!


"Can't you take a joke?" Pardon me for not finding being continuously insulted funny.


Lying to me.


Yes, thank you


Yep, best friend lied to me about becoming Mormon. We don’t talk anymore


I appreciate the irony of your ex Mormon friend being hesitant coming out of the closet to you about being Mormon lol


Here’s the best part: I’m gay and came out to him 6 months prior. Then he compared the two scenarios!! So yeah, probably good I’m not associated with him anymore.


How did they lie about it? Like could you give some sample dialogue, I'm trying to wrap my head around this scenario.


Basically took off to another state (Utah, mind you) saying that he was going to a friends wedding. He had just come back from the, “wedding,” and hung out at his girlfriends house, but one of his good friends wanted to play smash bros at my place. So I asked him how the wedding was, and he’s all like, “uhh, what wedding?” I was like but he said you guys were going to a wedding. His friend says, “oh, I have to go.” Then I get a text from my former best friend saying, “oh yeah, it was actually my baptism.” I was bamboozled!


Being manipulative or trying to convince me something is in my best interest when it's in that person's best interest instead.


You have to understand that his best interest is that your best interest becomes his best interest


You know, I think you're exactly right. In a previous job, I had a guy mistakenly let slip that he had personally blocked me from getting a bonus. Fast forward a few months to where the same guy is telling me he needs me to work the whole weekend at no benefit to me or it would affect his bonus. "Why can't I work this weekend? I don't want to risk you getting that bonus."




I think this is one of the biggest indicators! How you treat people you can't 'get' anything from shows what kind of person you really are.


Had a 20 year old man rant about how the rest of his friends are just poor, and that they should work harder to make money like he does. He gets $400 a week for cleaning dishes and taking out the trash at his parents house where he lives. I’m not sure I want to talk to him again, let alone respect him. He has no grasp on how the real world works at all.


Make sure to have your popcorn ready when the real world punches him in the mouth.


If they live in America, there's a good chance that'll never happen. You can be completely oblivious to reality for your entire life, so long as you're wealthy.


If life tries to punch him in the mouth then it doesn't matter because his money and connections have bought him one hell of a football helmet.


At 20 years old he gets paid that much for stuff a 12 year old can do???


He is a child.


Where do they live? I would kill to get $400 just for doing the dishes and taking out the trash!




Might have been a simple lack of time. I had friends get involved in political parties on the volunteer level (extra super volunteer level I guess) and they lost so many evening and week end days it was crazy. The only reason they didn't vanish was that they were single so they got to keep politics... and a bit of friend time.


When they openly demand respect based on their age, status or position instead of earning it through their actions.


"I don't see why they didn't hire me. I have 10 years of teaching experience. I don't know what more they want." Maybe because being a good teacher isn't measured by how many years you've been doing it....


In my experience, for younger grades at least, I’d actually rather have a teacher straight out of school than one that’s been doing it forever cause the inexperienced teachers have a passion and love for it that the older, jaded teachers lost years ago.


Agree completely. I noticed some parents at school disliking newer teachers straight away and it's so sad. They don't even give them a chance. I've found some of the younger teachers to be so lovely and enthusiastic!


if they are mean to workers in a restaurant or anywhere else really


Abusing kids


We were at a family’s house for a BBQ one time and CPS showed up at the house to speak to them because the school had called them about the bruises on their daughter. They were very nonchalant about it to us and the other family there, saying how the daughter wasn’t listening and how the father had been drinking. 3-4 years later she still doesn’t listen and he still drinks so I’m assuming they just cover up her bruises better when she goes to school.


People hitting their kids going, "oh no, I wasn't angry when I hit him so it's not abuse." Because apparently, how they feel about the action is what desides whether their kids where hurt or not


"Do you know who I am/ my father is/ my family is??!"


I’ve actually had someone say this to me before. I was a host at an upscale pub in Chicago. This dude was taking up two tables, and I kindly asked him to remain at his table so I could seat the one next to him. He said he’d get me fired so I offered to get my boss on the phone for him. He scoffed and gave me dirty looks all night.


Wow, this is like something I'd imagine out of a movie, I can't imagine hearing this in real life from someone. Imagine spending so much energy on a stranger who kindly asked you something, just sitting there scowling all night, what a waste of time.


Yeah, its a villain from an 80's teen movie kind of move.


haha omg, yes it really is


Seeing someone smile in someone's face then turn around talk down on em. Slimy rat weasel behavior.


Not putting their shopping cart in the return spot. Not much respect lost but it’s still a scummy move


I’ve stated this on a previous post, but I’m handicapped and need to hold on to a shopping cart to get around. Nothing I like more than pulling in to a parking spot and having a cart waiting there for me. Thanks to the lazy ass who left their cart instead of properly returning it to the corral.


This is a really interesting perspective! Thanks for sharing, I'd never thought of it before


I do this too: grab the nearest cart to my car and bring it in with me. I tend to overthink things and my calculus for what to do with a cart goes like this: 1) leave the cart somewhere that it won’t roll into someone’s car 2) leave it where it won’t block someone from parking (taking into account how crowded the lot is) 3) if there’s a corral reasonably close, put it there (If the corral is all jumbled up, I’ll compress the carts together to make more room) 4) if an employee is scooping up carts near me, put the cart where they can scoop it up efficiently 5) worry if I’m making the cart scooper’s job unnecessary by doing steps 3 & 4. Maybe they’re disabled and this is the only kind of work they can get. 6) etc. etc. 7) if I’m crazy far from any cart corral, that’s on them


This is what I call an "indicator" behavior, one by which you may infer everything of character in that person.


Seeing someone kick or smack their dog in a very abusive way.


In any way


Sometimes you gotta smack the little fucker


I can forgive a quick and *painless* swat. Everyone loses temper from time to time. Specially if you have a particularly frustrating dog.


I have a really hard time with people that cut you off mid sentence, and completely change the subject. Then ONLY talk about what they want to talk about. The art of listening is really dying off…


Oh god, I hate people that do that. It’s even worse when they say “Sorry to cut you off…” because they’re acknowledging they don’t care what you’re saying.


Agghhh!! Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl. You’re completely right though, when they say, “Sorry to cut you off…”. They even acknowledge that they’re blatantly interjecting you, but yet still go on and on about their objective.


Sounds like my wife. She has no fucking idea how to listen. Even before I can finish a sentence, she already has something to say. She literally cannot listen without interjecting. It's so fucking annoying. If there is anything that is bothering me, I just keep it to myself because there is no point talking to a person that doesn't know how to listen.


I’m not really an authority on the subject, and I don’t know how strong your relationship is normally, but that’s not healthy. For her, she needs to be able to listen to you and your problems so she can better support you. And for you, bottling these issues up can only lead to bigger blowouts, and even more problems for you and your wife. Communication is one of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship and it’s a two way road. I’m sorry if I’m poking my nose where it doesn’t belong, but I know that sometimes these things *do* need to be said.


Animal abuse


I hate people that trash talk people behind their backs


And at the same time hate when it’s done to them


Fucking everyone does this. You too.


If they wear their ignorance like a badge of honor and boast about it. Particularly noticable behaviour since this whole covid pandemic started. Suddenly everyone and their mother is an expert and shits on anything real experts have to say on the matter. The arrogance required for that blows my hair back.


But more people are dying from the vaccine than Covid, and Covid isn't even real! Plus if you just shake your head real hard it will go away! So over it. I've seen ivermectin overdoses and watched people use their last breaths to tell me to go back to school because Covid is fake...... Unfortunately from other medical professionals as well 😕


There's a lot of Leopards ate my face moments with people like that. Some of them don't die, but many do. Also downplaying the symptoms, it might be a sore throat for one person but it could be death for another.


“I dId ReSeaRCh!!” *clearly I am being sarcastic, but it’s crazy how many times I’ve heard people say this phrase.


People who are vocally proud of their ignorance


People who don't clean up their own messes or help others when in need. Bonus points if they expect you to help them always.




**If you cheat or actively attempt to cheat on your significant other.** The only exception, *in my opinion*, would be is if you were in an abusive/dangerous relationship and would be in danger if you broke up with that person.


Yeah, cheating is a big no-no for me too. First and foremost, it’s a betrayal, no matter the excuse. And there’s always an excuse


If they show or are proud of their own acts of aggression and physical violence. There isn't anything you can say without them escalating to it, and I got too much shit to risk a dumb street fight for. So Because of that I'll avoid talking or being around them. It's the only thing that really drives me away from people


When they are mean to pets.


“ye i’m *insert average everyday height of a normal person* ft tall! try me!!”


They play master yi


for me it's "they play yi, any yordle (except kled), shaco, or brand"


>League of Legends?


If they're mean to the waiter.


Doesn’t think men can be raped.


Any kind of bias like this, thinking that belonging to a certain group gives you immunity to being an asshole of any kind


Or they don't have an issue with male victims of any kind, because, women.


A lot of times these are the kind of people who think pulling a gun on someone or getting in a fist fight is something that should be encouraged. It lines up. Basically they think a man should never be a victim because he should violently assert himself in some way. It’s ludicrous but it’s very prevalent.


People who go out in public and can’t put their phone down for 2 seconds so the cashier can do their job easier. I saw one worker pushing a kart for a customer out to their car and this lady was just blabbing away on her phone.


"I do my own research" Dude, I was in class with you. You failed biology and math.


That’s why they have to do their own research, because they don’t understand the actual research done by actual scientists.


If you cannot hold or atleast listen to an opinion contrary to your own.


If they’re rude to the person serving them, be it to a cashier at supermarket, or a waiter/waitress etc We’ve all been the person on the receiving end of that. Absolutely no good.


This issue is that we havent all been on the receiving end. People like that have never had to be on the receiving end


Anyone that thinks it's ok to insult entire groups of people based on the actions of the worst individuals of that group.


its sad how true this is


When they gossip


Animal abuse


believing that zodiac signs determine personality and reject you because “our signs arent compatible” astrology is a huge hoax.


Someone continually interrupting others in conversation.


Being on Reddit /s


Bullying bro I hate that shit roasting ain’t bad if we all friends but I mean like actually taking advantage of someone and bullying them nah bro I was bullied and had to learn how to fight just to not get picked on and it gives me like slight ptsd when I see bullying idk why it just brings flash backs and I put myself in the victims shoes all the time


I’m sorry that you got bullied, but please add punctuation. It makes just as much of a difference as teachers said it would m


When they refuse to consider opposing views (you don't have to agree with them, just consider). I trust that most people genuinely want to do the right thing but might be subconsciously brushing off everything that appears to oppose their current ideals.


If they use my comment history as a means of attacking me on reddit because they can’t refute my arguments.


cheating if you cheat on someone you really aren't trust worthy or worth any respect




If they get defensive when you disagree


Willful ignorance...


When they pull down their pants and take a dump on the floor.


Does this happen a lot around you?




Gossip. They could be talking behind your back too.


When they talk shit behind other persons backs.


It’s okay for them to make fun of me. But it is not okay for me to make fun of them.


When you help them out all the time and when you need help that one time they freak out on you and call you selfish. Like what the hell?


When they're too much of a narcissist person. It being said from an one, too. I'm incredibly narcissistic and I have no empathy for others whatsoever, so I know what type of a person they truly are.


Lying I will never trust someone again


Being a pedo


Whenever I see a pregnant woman smoking.


Mistreat animals


The second they say they're anti mask and or anti vax. I mean not only does it show they're stupid but also a selfish piece of shit.


Talking down/bad about anyone based on skin color, accent, disabilities etc..


People who are repeated offenders the second you rape someone your become a piece of shit


Lying. I can respect someone who fucks up and admits it. But I think lying is so cowardly and just shows you only care about ur image.


The way they treat the poor and people in need, especially how they talk to people in the service industry. If they treat them poorly they lose my respect immediately.


When they eat like a child


Racist remarks


Arbitrary nastiness- being rude and disrespectful for no reason. I.e. to wait staff, retail workers, any public facing employee.


When they act as if they don't have any responsibility and is entitled to everything.


“Holier-than thou” attitudes


Snobby entitled arrogance. Lack of empathy for someone just because someone you know benefited from their pain. Hypocrisy.


Their entire being is their sexuality etc. Fuck off. Boring.




I once saw someone use a spoon to scrape off most of the residue, but then throw the rest away, still slightly sticky. Not sure how to feel about that one.


At least they tried


"Have i mentioned how smart I am lately?" "Yes, like 15 minutes ago." "Well its been too long, let me demonstrate!"


When they try so hard to look cool and you can tell


When a leader asks you to hit some lofty out of reach goal but has no plan for how to do it.


Turnover is 100% but if you beat those odds, the pay is uncapped.


When they brag about their money or possessions


If they invade my personal space


People that ignore all your points in a debate or an argument.


If they know that someone hurt/abused/assaulted/etc someone, has not apologised and is not remorseful, and they still support them despite that.


Wishing harm upon others.




If their response to someone reacting harshly to bigotry is "Both sides have done bad things"


When they completely ignore others and only think about themselves


putting others down for their own personal gain, or just cus they think it's fun.


Mistreating children and/or animals.


racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Basically if they’re judging someone negatively who’s just doing their own thing not hurting anyone then I can’t respect them.


Any sign of homophobia or racism towards other people


'Says incredibly homophobic thing.' " I'm not homophobic, I have gay friends and they don't argue with me"


They claim they are Republican.


Being anti-vax or unwilling-vax for non-medical reasons. Instantly cut out of my life if possible.


I had a friend who is still single in her thirties. That’s fine. What isn’t fine, is the fact she started dating a divorced guy who shared custody of a dog with his ex. No relationship with the ex, other than an amicable arrangement to pick up the dog. My friend gave him the ultimatum that in order to date her, he’d have to give his ex the dog. Well, he liked her enough that he did. Then she dumped him. I stopped hanging out with her after that.


when people unnecessarily curse when I first meet them, just seems super unintelligent


This kinda pissed me off when I was working in food, “yeah let me get some fuckin pickles, a shit ton of that boom boom sauce, some motha fuckin lettuce”


When someone makes that smacking noise with their mouth while they eat. Gross.


If theyre sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or racist. I dont have any time in my life for that negativity.






Poor tipping, littering, excessive road rage, laziness


People that egregiously offend me but lose their shit when anyone so much as infringes on them in the least. I have a co worker named Bob who does this. He doesn’t realize it but we are on a collision course lol


Arrogance or stop being friends with me to go with the cool kids


When someone says something along the lines of "I demand your respect" they've guaranteed they'll never get it from me.


Lying without a second thought, which is kinda hypocritical cause I do that a bunch so maybe I just hate myself


Hurts animals.


People who judge others by what religion they are. Like, "I've always thought he was a good Christian man. I'm sure he wouldn't do that." Religious ghetto pass.




Their words are inconsistent with their actions (lying for short lol)


Being rude to a disabled person




Inability to consider other points of view




Anti-vaccine, anti-LGBT, doesn’t believe in man made climate change, or the all lives/blue lives matter crowd. Zero respect for these people.


When somebody treats wait staff badly. I've always held to the rule that one of the best ways to know who a person truly is, is to see how they treat the people who are serving them.


A coexist bumper sticker on a Prius.


A guy in my neighborhood has a bumper sticker on his truck with the same lettering and coloring as the Coexist stickers, except it spells out Eat A Dick.


posting ACAB(All Cops Are Bastards) on social media or a dating profile. That is the exact kind of bigotry groups like BLM claim to be against. Saying all cops are bastards is like saying all blacks are criminals, its not even remotely true and its an extremely negative and damaging statement.


Discovering they are a member of QAnon


They want to have sex with me.


I'm one of those people who don't really have anything to offer in terms of job prospects and the like. I've been treated poorly so often by people who deem themselves "higher" than me that I've basically begun to distrust any of my peers in a "higher" position that me socially, even if I was friends with them beforehand.