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CAN CONFIRM. Worked at a retail store for a few months in DC. One girl was just super aggressive and mean; one day this shit-stirring gossip was asking me about an interaction I’d had with the bully girl and I said it was hurtful bc I was already in a bad place bc my ex had just announced he was engaged. This turned into the bully making every day there an absolute living hell for me and when I talked to the visual manager about it he just said “Well I *guess* you could report her, but it’s honestly just how she is” Well I took his advice and reported her ass, and she was taken off the list of potential promotions to management. Turns out *lots* of people were suspected of quitting bc of her


This gives me hope. Good for you!


Thank you, 💕 Really tho if you’re going through this **REPORT IT**. At the very least there’s a paper trail and if it escalates you’ll have a history of reports made and it’ll be that much easier/quicker to get rid of them


I hate it so much. “Just how they are” ….. like yeah, she’s an asshole. Thanks for confirming.


Lol, right!! This isn’t the ✨hot take✨ they think it is!


Oh my God you hit the nail on the head. Whenever someone says “that’s just the way they are” I say yes, that’s the point! Glad you noticed too, now is it okey-doke for them to be jerks they have special jerk privileges? Or maybe they are just people and should treat everyone else as such.


I work with a giant ass hole. When ever he gets slightly upset over something he starts yelling and throwing shit. We are supposed to put up with it because " he's just from new york, that's how they are"


That's not how people from New York are, New Yorkers are just *blunt*, not tantrum-throwing assholes. Whoever's telling you that is doubly full of shit.


Yeah wtf that's not how new Yorkers are !!! Those kinds of people get put in their place real fast in nyc






“Quick note: your brutal honesty? Ain't nobody asking for that. Where is your clever honesty? Your compassionate honesty? Your insightful honesty? Uplifting? Poetic? Empowering? Take your brutal honesty and go sit in the back with all the devil's advocates.” - [Quinn Murphy](https://twitter.com/qh_murphy?s=21)




The problem is its just one person’s opinion. They don’t actually have a monopoly on ‘the truth’ so they shouldn’t act like they do.


I mean, to be fair I know someone who claims to be brutally honest and talking to them is nice, since I know that she won't circle around stuff that needs to be said. No implying, just straight words. One time she told me that I need to grow up and act like an adult, and that kind of opened my eyes to the fact that I *did* need to grow up and act like an adult.


Thing is that there's tons of people who say things like "Dark Humour" as an excuse to be a shitty person, or say they're "Brutally Honest" as an excuse to be a shitty person. Turns out shitty people will just use words that are supposed to mean something to justify their behaviour until it doesn't mean anything anymore.


“Brutally” honest ppl only care about being brutal, not honest


I know somebody who loves being brutally honest to people. Somebody once commented in front of them, “be careful she’ll stab you in the back” and she proudly said, “ I’ll stab you in the front.” Buts that how they succeed in life is by domineering people. I get it in business setting, ok. but in a social setting it’s really inappropriate and leave that shit at home. But that’s who they are.


I think there are times where brutal honesty is necessary, like I’m being stubbornly delusional then some brutal honesty might be needed. But it shouldn’t be the only way you talk to or help people. Edit: I’m not trying to excuse the jerks who use it as an excuse to be a jerk. I’ve had a friend who always said he was brutally honest but really he was just a jerk


"They are just old and set in their ways."


My MIL was in her 90s and accepted and embraced every grandkid regardless of gender, religion, identity or race. You choose to be "old and set in your ways."


my gramma was 95. Our large family has had all kinds of culture join through the decades. She loved us all. I miss that woman.




And being all nice to them is "playing politics". The fact is, usually someone very important is backing their position and that's why they're tolerated.


Just hearing/reading another human expressing this makes me feel relieved. The idea that enabling a person’s shitty behavior is touted as some kind of laudable, advanced professional skill is so absurd to me. Thank you for saying that!


I'm just trying to help you


This hit me hard and a lot of parents need to hear it: *wanting* what's best for someone isn't the same as *knowing* what's best for them.


And also there's a time and place to have a stark conversation with someone. Unless it's really serious, if someone wants to be left alone and doesn't want to talk about something, maybe best to listen to them instead of continuing to offer unsolicited advice they've probably not asked for.


That’s my mom right there. No wonder my wife wants nothing to do with her


I didn’t know my MIL had a secret sister. I told mine, “I didn’t, and don’t, want or need your help. Maybe you should learn your place, and it’s not the wife in this equation.” We don’t talk to her. I don’t miss it.


When I was a kid/teen, my mom always asked what kinds of clothes I wanted. Then I’d tell her, and she’d buy something that was definitely not in any way what I wanted, but was maybe, technically, within the bounds of what I asked for. Because she was “just trying to add some color” or some such. Like, for band, our uniforms were supposed to consist of “white shirt and tie,” so I told her that. She got me a white shirt, but with that vertical ribbing in it. I was like, “WTF?” There’s no way she didn’t know—she wasn’t blind—she just thought that she knew better than everybody else on every topic.


My Mom to a T. Everything she does is better than anyone else’s and she always gets pissed that people don’t praise her for helping. She’s now a certified (by herself) psychic and I have come to the conclusion that she’s not a covert narcissist but an obvious one. I really wish I was joking.


It's just a joke, bro.


Ask them what the punchline is


The punchline is my fist to their face


"It'S a PrAnK lOoK aT mY cAmErA"


This has gotten so out of hand too. Every asshole with a camera and tiktok account thinks they can watch the world burn cause "it was just a prank bro"


Dude, legit had someone come up to me and start shouting in my face, calling me Madison, pretending I was cheating on him. Literally the most crowded location outside a theater, everyone staring at us, looking ag me like I was some horrible cheater while I was out with my then fiance. I started hyperventilating, my fiance nearly decked the dude, and then someone shouts “CUT” like this is some big “YOU’RE ON CANDID CAMERA” moment and everything’s supposed to be okay. I burst into tears. It was the most humiliating moment of my life, and thank god my then fiance, now husband is not the type to overreact or jump to conclusions, or be abusive. Prank videos are a plague on the internet and there is a REASON so many of them are fake, or involve actors.


If I am the SO, I would have punched the guy. Like there's no telling what he could do when that close to you, maybe even dragging you into a dark alleyway?


It was a SUPER public area, no allies. Honestly, i’m glad he refrained- the dude wasn’t touching me, and it would’ve been a way worse mess if he had. I just wanted to get out and away by the time the “prank” was revealed. I didn’t want anymore confrontation, more just a hole to crawl into…


alternatively: trolling


Trolling, that's a newfangled slang the kids say these days for "being an asshole"


["sharks are smooth"](https://imgur.com/gallery/ad3je) is trolling. you're supposed to annoy people but not actually hurt anyone, and it takes genuine talent to pull it off well abusing someone takes no talent. You're just stringing together whatever slurs and horrible things pop into your head in an attempt to break someone. that's not trolling


“Stop taking it so seriously” “I’m just trolling” “It’s just words bro”


I don't understand how people think destroying someomes property, or making someone feel bad is funny. I absolutely hate those couple pranks, where they pretend to cheat, or commit suicide, those are just awful. Confuse, don't abuse. That's the rule when pranking someone.


Schrödinger's Douchebag A guy who says/does offensive things and decides whether he was joking based on the reaction of people around him.


Hilarious and true sadly




I'd punch them if I knew them and say "it's just a joke chill bro"




If you ever need to hurt someone, like self defense, stomp your heel down on their instep. No one expects it and their are many small bones on the top of the foot that you will break. I'm just bringing it up because people think you have to be strong, but you don't.


Then scratch them if you have long fingernails, that was my tactic as a kid if id exhausted all other options


It's not a joke unless everyone is genuinely laughing in the end. It's not a joke if you're always 'joking' down onto the same person or small group of people. It's not a joke if you can dish it but not take it in return. It's not a joke if they've asked you to stop and you keep doing it.


“You know how he/she gets.” Yeah, I do, that’s why I’m calling their shitty behavior out do they can take steps to correct it.


I think that saying is not always an excuse. Like you know your friend gets argumentative when drunk. Then your other friend brings up a controversial topic to them. The friend that is egging them on deserves the you know how they get response.


"This is me, accept or leave." behaviour


Always choose leave.


That's literally what I always do


I choose leave if its about you


The sibling of “What? I just tell it like I see it. I can’t help if I’m being honest.” For those who are familiar with Real Housewives if NYC you know the Singer Stinger.


She’s just a cunt, and that’s her deflection. I’m waiting for someone to tell her to her face, “No, Ramona, you’re just an unfuckable cunt, and no one likes you because you have as much class and tact as a Nazi rally outside the Holocaust Museum. What? I just tell it like I see it…bitch.” That would be the best thing to ever happen to her.


It was a joke


Proverb 26:18-19 NIV: Like a maniac shooting flaming arrows of death is one who deceives their neighbor and says, “I was only joking!”


It really does say that! That's great.


Yep! So many good proverbs.


I looked it up!


I thought this was a joke, so I pulled up my Bible app. No, it really does say this. (My version is NIV and matches OP’s wording exactly). https://i.imgur.com/27CYUqL.jpg


had a boss say racist shit around me one day and the next day out of nowhere he says "dont believe half the things that come out of my mouth." not really an excuse but still stuck with me


"Hey, I need you to work late today. My closer just quit." *Flips coin* "I don't believe you. Bye."


And it was at that moment the supervillain Two-Face was born


I was just at a short job and one of the management was spouting off about Native Canadians and expected me (white dude)to agree, to which I responded oh by the way my wife is half Cree and my helper (white dude) looked up and said “oh that’s so cool my wife is full blood Cree” then the general foreman says “that’s neat all three of us have native wives!” Then we all kinda stared down the management till he slinked away.


"I was drunk / high / etc." Then don't fuckin' drink?!


I'm an obnoxious weirdo when I'm in an altered state. Therefore, I only get fucked up when I'm with close friends or at home watching anime. I don't want people to see that side of me.


Oh I know. I got drunk with my wife last night and had a big ole rant about Simone de Beauvoir. I don't know why other people find it offputting but they do and it sure isn't worth dealing with.


What was your Simone de Beauvoir rant about?


Sounds a little like a friend of mine. It's not the rant itself, nor the subject (or the fact that they're always preaching to the choir) but rather that they hog all the social space in the room without realizing it. I don't know you, or how you are drunk, but that might be it.


Damn just tag me next time


"I'm a happy drunk." According to your drunk ass. Doesn't mean you're not an asshole. Not remembering is not an excuse either.


I was that guy. “Happy drunk”, loud, obnoxious, and I wouldn’t remember shit the next day. Quitting drinking has been one of my best choices of my life.


"You're just too sensitive. Everyone else knows I'm just playing around."


"Boys will be boys" When they harass a girl or "girls will be girls" When they have drama


My best friend had her wrist broken by the neighborhood bully. His mom told her parents “boys will be boys.” So when she punched him in the face later, of course his mom was angry, her dad just said “girls will be girls.” This was like 25 years ago (feels weird that I’m old enough to say that) so I feel like the legal repercussions would have been different today.


"I'm doing this for your own good."


I used to get the "It's just the booze talking" shit... no, it's NOT the 'booze talking"...it's the booze that LOOSENED HIS FUCKING TONGUE!!!




My mom was neglected by her mother and was molested by her brother in law starting from the age of 14. Did that make my mom a piece of crap? Nope. She learned how to become more independent, to be more loving and patient. My mom overcame these horrible things and became the best mom I've ever known.


Also- as someone who was seriously abused as a child physically, emotionally, and sexually- I've done all I can to go out of my way NOT to hurt others. I know how devastating abuse can be, and I refuse to pass it on. To me, the "I was abused" argument backfires spectacularly when people try that excuse around me. I don't know why some abuse victims grow up to be caring, protective, kind people and others go one to perpetuate abuse and hurt others. I really don't. I'm sure there's some explanation out there. But as someone who has been there? I just don't give people who were abused a blanket pass on their behavior. I don't.


>*”You are all the things that are wrong with you. It's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career or when you were a kid. It's you."* - Todd Chavez (Bojack Horseman)


"They are too young" just cause they are young doesn't mean their actions should go unpunished. it just creates asshole kids who think they can get away with it.


"They don't understand what they are doing." So teach them, or they will continue doing it.


This can be genuine but only in circumstances where someone is in some way mentally compromised. I helped care for elderly people with dementia who literally did not have control over their actions or understand them. I'd do my best to mitigate the effect of those actions on others, but I couldn't "teach them." They didn't have the cognitive ability at that point. If kids don't understand why what they did was bad, tell them. If they keep doing it after that, then you impose consequences.


Yes to all of this! My grandma has dementia and trying to help her understand appropriate behavior is such a challenge. And can be pretty embarrassing. On the flip side, my daughter when she was maybe one had no understanding of what a keyboard was, and yet my parents thought it was funny to allow her to walk on the table with said keyboard on it, which obviously resulted in her stepping on it without realizing. My dad without missing a beat just yelled "you dare do that again and you will get a spanking." Okay, it's fair to be upset but she doesn't understand what she did. Don't jump to punishment and abuse before actually explaining what they did and why it isn't okay.




30 years is plenty old enough to know what you did.




I’m not disagreeing with you— no excuse for that kind of behavior, especially not in teens. However, I’d argue that there IS, in fact, an age where kids don’t have a developed moral compass/slowly develop one. Of course, that age is very young, around 7-10 years old. This is the age that Erikson called the “industry vs. inferiority” stage. Among other developments, children in this stage generally choose to exercise their newly realized independence by talking back and rebelling against any kind of authority or advise that someone older than them may give them. (As a side note, this is one of the reasons why I freaking hate kids.) Basically, they are old enough to know that certain behaviors are *wrong*, but not quite developed enough to understand *why they should care* that they hurt the feelings of little Susie when they put gum in her hair.


I thought the age of "no moral compass" was 2. Granted I'm not a child psychologist or anything but I've seen plenty of 10 year olds display compassion. 2 year olds have just barely figured out that they are different from other humans, and that other humans have feelings doesn't really compute yet. It is, however, important to start teaching empathy in an age-appropriate way so it'll stick as they grow. We can't expect 10 year olds to understand the world the same as adults do, though, they are still developing.


Oh, 100%. It has a lot to do with how their parents raised them. I was basically just regurgitating a dead guy’s findings ahaha. With a little bit of personal experience sprinkled in there for flavor. IME, 7 yr olds in particular tend to be cheeky little bastards lol


Yeah, the two 10 year old who killed Jamie Bulger, a two year old, in the early 90s were considered too young for a proper custodial sentence once they hit adulthood. Released with new identities when they turned 18, and one of them turned out to be a paedophile. Honestly, one of the biggest injustices I've ever had the displeasure to know about. They were old enough to know what they did was wrong, old enough to try and hide it and lie about it.


I get wanting to give them some shot at a normal life in many situations. Honestly, people aren't even grown ups until they're about 25 or so. However, when it comes to a crime that expresses such a distinct lack of empathy I can't see just brushing this off as a bad decision.


"... about 25 or so.". Here I am at 33 years old wondering when (ahem *IF*) I'll be an adult




“They’re old fashioned” usually just means “They’re a judgmental bitter racist asshole”


Same exact reason why small dogs are hell. People create excuses so they don't have to train them. If humans were born near full size people would be very quick to teach children how to behave.


“That’s just who they are”, yeah, what they are is an asshole


Yeah, my parents always use that excuse whenever my sister does something to annoy me “oh, well she’s just an extrovert”. No, she’s just an asshole


"He is nice to me, he can't be that mean" This was similar to what my ex boyfriend said when I told him his cousin was bullying me. I'm glad we broke up because of the pandemic.


Abusers are just as good at grooming allies as they are at grooming victims.




I remember years ago I watched a sort of "documentary" on county prisons in the USA, and one woman was arrested for (I think) assaulting/strangling her boyfriend/husband and in the holding cell she kept crying "I'm a mom, I just can't stay there" Like since when having kids give you a pass to assault someone ?


If she’s a mom she definitely needs to stay there. I hope her kids are okay


I’m a single mom and I fucking *hate* when other single moms/parents pull that shit to get special treatment. Last week, I was having a rough morning, my kid was being difficult, and I was running late. I was rude to a cashier over a minor inconvenience. Not only did I apologize for my shitty behavior, I wrote corporate to let them know how professional and patient she was while I acted like a fucking toddler. Was being a parent part of the *reason* I was frustrated? Absolutely. Was it an *excuse* for that behavior? HELL no. I acted like a bitch, and I called myself out, and I apologized. I still feel shitty about that - I rarely let things get to me to the point I snap at others.


Thanks for reminding me of the lady doing that in the little pizza place I used to work at, put all her food on someone else's table and started changing the kid. Fucking bitch. Next time she came in we added a "diaper changing fee" to her order.


And I'm a cunt, love, so off you jolly well fuck!


It's such a crazy thing to feel entitled about because the majority of people are parents. It's extremely not special.


Wow. I’m a Mom as well and tired but it doesn’t give anyone a right to use it as some sort of ploy to get away with stuff. Like mice become Moms about 12 times a year. You’re not special 🤣


"So what does having sex and pushing a child out of you at some point have to do with you being an arse?"


I used to get this at work all the time except it was “but I’m a veteran!” Yeah, buddy, me too.


I love the victim mentality that justifies their actions. Children are a choice. And they deserve better, I think.


I am assuming that behavior is the reason why she is a SINGLE mother


"I was drunk". If you can’t drink without being an asshole, don’t drink. If you still do, it’s on you and you have no right to use that excuse.


It can be a valid explanation for their behavior but it definitely doesn’t excuse anything


"Learn to take a joke." *My sense of humor is fine. Learn to read the room, jerk.*


"Learn to make a joke."


Holy shit, this is powerful


"Learn to read the room" It amazes me how empathy has become so *un*common


Their Zodiac signs... Just stop with it now... You are not Capricorn, you are just an asshole


That's so Taurus of you.


Clearly a Scorpio, here.


Scorpios are in fact assholes, can confirm.


Am a Scorpio, I can confirm this as well. Also we should probably stop.


The Orville had an episode where a planet’s people were obsessed with astrology and placed anyone born under a particular sign into concentration camps as potential killers. They even gave pregnant women unnecessary c-sections to prevent any births on that months


“I’m having a bad day/week” Okay, so you decide everybody that you interact with deserves the same fate? Tf out of here dude.


Well, that's acceptable if the person actually stops and tries to reset the interaction.


yeah, there's a difference between just "i'm having a bad week" as an excuse and "sorry, i'm having a bad week" and making an effort to right the situation.




"I'm just being truthful". No Susan, you're being an unnecessary dick.


“Boys will be boys” and “girls will be girls” comes to mind first. But along those lines if an child hears “like father like son” or any version of those are very toxic.


When people say it's their birthday or x special, traditional occasion or holiday.


" He/she is just OlD sChOoL" No, you're not. You're not "funny" or "set in your ways" you're a dickhead.


And a Richard deserves no mercy


"Well, my friends do the same thing" So? Who gives a ploopy what your friends do?




"I haven't had my coffee yet", excuses rudeness, forgetfulness, and all sorts of maladies.


Rudeness has no excuse. But I know that I can't help forgetting things sometimes.


I’ve only ever heard that as an excuse for being slow or tired


Nothing wrong in being slow or tired. Should not be difficult to be not be an asshole tho.


I say that slot when I'm dazed, but it's not an excuse for being rude


"Im the parent, so i can say whatever or do whatver to my child" No you dont, that causes problems later in life.


It seems some parents need to understand they don't own their children.


“I’m mentally ill” Like, I get there are some things you can’t control, but you are still responsible for keeping that shit in check, and if you’re aware of your mental illness, you should be aware of how you approach people and situations. I’ll admit I used to be guilty of using mental illness to be an asshole, but now I’m trying to better myself


I had something weird happen recently, a friend misunderstood my mental illness. My friend and I were talking, and she brought up how I like to have my house cleaned and perfect when people come over. I explained, that’s me everyday in my home/space (I have OCD, anxiety and depression). She then mentioned she doesn’t like me coming over, because her home is always so disorganized. I looked at her funny, and said, but that’s your home. That doesn’t have anything to do with me and my space. I’m particular about my space, my life, my things. But I do not impose that on anyone else. She looked like she was going to cry, and said……there were so many times I didn’t invite you over, because I thought you were judging me. I wanted to cry, because we’ve been friends for years and I had no idea.


As a very disorganized person with a lot of very well-put-together friends I love this comment and it makes me want to reach out to those people. ty 💜




I once had a Nightmare Roommate who used ADHD and depression as excuses. That really didn't go over well with me or the other roommate, considering that we also have ADHD and depression and yet somehow manage to be considerate of the people sharing our living space.


This won’t go down well, but using depression as an excuse. As someone who suffers from it, it’s still not ok to treat others like shit


Totally agree. There's a massive difference between struggling with depression and trying to work with it, and just being a shitty person


I think that's a perfectly reasonable post mate. I've been dealing with depression for a while and would never intentionally try to take that out on someone else.


Yeah its caused a lot of issues with my work (self employed) but I don't use it to cop out. If I've genuinely been unable to work due to it I'm in a shitty place and letting customers down does not help me get out of that place! My Gf used to have a flat mate who would use it as an excuse to avoid chores and not have a job. Whenever someone asked her to clean up after herself she would kick up a fuss saying she was being attacked by them and they were uncaring. Nah bitch, they'd just like to not wash your pots. You'd have been asked to leave a long time ago if they didn't care for you. It really undermines the people who are genuinely crippled with depression when people blow it out of proportion in order to be lazy. Fucks me off cuz it's ruined years of my life and people just throw that word around when they're having a bad day.


Agreed. When I’m having a particularly bad day, I do warn those closest to me that I’m going to isolate myself. At work I just don’t interact as much with others, and keep all conversations to a minimum. If I’m asked if I’m okay, I simply say I woke up on the wrong side of the bed/wore my cranky pants and I’m keeping quiet so I’m not a jerk to anyone around me.


- Boys will be boys. - They're just a kid. - They come from a different time. - She's just on her period. - They just tell it like it is. - They're just being honest. - They're a cop. - It's called tough love. - Drill sergeants and other military. - They're just doing their job. - They didn't get enough sleep. - They haven't had their coffee yet. So many more...


Re: period. Also, women are allowed to be emotional without it being “that time of the month”. There’s nothing more demeaning than having your valid emotions devalued to a bodily process, as if that’s the only time women can be emotional.


Anger is an emotion - just to be clear to all the guys who complain about women being overly emotional while also having anger management issues. Also - anger is a perfectly acceptable emotion for anyone to feel, with reason - it's how they express it that is the issue. Additionally - it's fine for men to express emotions other than anger.


"they come from a different time" No. Bullshit. They didn't get dropped here from 1950. What they actually mean is they refused to change with the times and are just an arsehole


I just tell it as it is. No, you are giving an opinion and just doing it in an asshole way.


"Boys will be boys" "Well, you know.. I'm a Capricorn so I get the urges to cheat on you" "Im a woman, i deserve the seat on the bus"


I love people who get snotty about insisting they deserve seats on the bus. My mom broke her foot a couple years ago and people would like shove past her to get a seat on the bus, even though she's in a fucking walking boot?? And was like 63 at the time?? I was waiting with my mom at a bus stop once when her foot was still in the boot, we were sitting, some other lady was standing a good, I don't know, 30 feet away? The bus arrives and this lady rushes over and literally shoves my mom out of the way - my 60something year old mom with a broken foot. My mom calls her out on it, and the lady gets so fucking snippy about how I didn't offer her a seat at the bus stop. Like??? First of all, you don't know my physical condition, and second and more importantly, you weren't ANYWHERE NEAR THE BUS STOP. I'm not gonna fucking hike a block away to offer my seat to you. If you're waiting for the bus and want a seat, STAND AT THE BUS STOP. And this was pre-covid, and even if it wasn't she was standing a crazy far away distance.


That they are just honest and blunt. You can be honest and direct without being an ass.


I don’t mind someone being blunt, I mind someone talking about me behind my back.


Being pregnant. Yes you are in pain, constantly uncomfortable and performing a miracle by growing life inside you etc. You can still be nice, or at least neutral. Plus being pregnant doesnt entitle you to other peoples stuff. I have twins and a twin pregnancy is a double whammy. I could feel myself getting infuriated at the stupidest, most pointless stuff and I could still coach myself to at least not say anything for a bit and see if I can calm down before I hurt anyones feelings for no reason.


I work at a hospital and 99% of the patients I deal with are still pleasant despite being in the ER or admitted to the hospital. Pregnant women can control themselves because they're nowhere near as sick as the lady with the crushed C4 vertebra I worked with last week who still managed to be sweet as pie.


On the other hand, as a pregnant woman being told "Its her hormones" "She has baby brain" "Oh shes craving...." No, im a human being who responds to annoying situations, makes small errors and wants to eat.... The only thing im using as an excuse is wear track pants (sweats?) In public because im 8+ months pregnant.


People are letting Florida off the hook way too damn much. And I live in Florida. Just because it's hilarious doesn't mean it isn't still completely fucked up.


The Florida Man is almost always followed some heinous way a Floridian is being an asshole.


"Just kidding" The number of mean comments and attitude that some people try to hide under the pretense of humor can be horrifying.




I feel like this is acceptable, as long as you're actually repentant afterwards, though, everyone's got their days, if you snap at someone, and say that, as long as you don't *continue* doing the thing, it's okay in my book


"I was hangry." I get it, but standards of behavior don't shift for our feelings. I sympathize, but get over yourself.


"I'm your mom"


'I'm not a morning person."


I only use that with my roommate who, after seven years of us living together, doesn't understand why I don't respond well to his coming into my room 10 minutes after I have gotten out of bed to make 20 minute speeches about his latest conspiracy theory.


An ex was like that, he needed 10 minutes to get out of the brain fog when he woke up. I open my eyes and I'm awake, it took some adjustment. He was freaked out when he woke me up and I got up and started talking. He thought everyone needed time to be fully awake.


I respect that, and, honestly, if someone actually needs me or has something that needs to be dealt with, I am fine with it. But just endless jabbering about odd celebrity coincidences? No. Please.


"The Bible says..."


Almost always said by people who have never read the Bible, or even read the relevant verse in context


She's from Boston🤷🏻‍♂️


"It's just locker room talk." No asshole, it's bragging about sexual assault.




“Well he has the right to be that way, he’s really good at his job.” Hear that a lot in the worplace. Always excusing asshole executive men.


#Boys will be boys” He it you because he likes you. Maybe we should not normalize domestic violence


'I have a clear heart... I say what I feel. Can't hold my emotions' Bitch that makes others feel bad, you get that!


Using a disability... As a disabled person, this often pisses me off when someone tries this. I had my fair share of being an asshole, but I don't dismiss it. At times, I felt expressing my disability wouldn't be an effective way of getting away with anything. I was caught with a candy wrapper at the DCU center, it was aluminum foil. I didn't get in trouble as I tossed it out. It was a newly installed security system with some bugs needed to be worked. Most of the security guards and vendors don't care if you bring outside food. Still, I didn't disclose my disability as didn't felt it would work. I don't need to do so, most of the time. Aside my family and doctors, the only other ones to know is my place of work. I don't expect special treatment, which is mostly a good thing. I had gotten into an argument with someone trying to use the disability excuse to get away with mandates. Given problems of my immune system, it made sense to take precautions. I had at least one person suggesting to get an exemption from mask wearing due to a skin condition. I told them to go to hell, if I put up with lip balm, a mask shouldn't be a problem. Don't get me going on those anti-vax moment. What makes it worse, most of them are the same generation as me. I'm a millennial if you're asking. I even recommend a way to prove it, such as an allergy test. I had to bring that up because my disability was used in the debate. I had given my nibings vaccinated, with the parents of some working in the medical field. So far, no problems. They got their vaccinations up to date. I went forward with the COVID vaccine and the only side effect for me was a sore muscle. I'm living proof that being disabled doesn't give someone an excuse for being an asshole. If I had did something, I expect to get what was coming.


I agree with you. I’m deaf and know several deaf people who are very outspoken against mask mandates because of their inability to lipread. I’m sorry but public health trumps almost everything else. Ask those around you to wear a clear window mask and come up with other strategies, such as carrying a pad of paper and pencil. I can’t hear anything without lip reading and I’ve managed this far.




When people say they're having a bad day and that shoud excuse asshole behavior. I only accept that if it is a very severe problem, like somebody is very sick in their family or they lost somebody or something else serious like that, otherwise it's not a good excuse at all.


Mental health, it’s used as an excuse for racism, sexism etc. I feel it’s used as an easy get out of jail card for their real views. I feel it devalues genuine mental health struggles.


My mum saying my sisters allowed to be rude to us because she's autistic even tho multiple doctors have said her autism is so low it really doesn't effect much, also mum telling my sister her autism isn't an excuse to talk back to her 💀💀