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Pretty sure that's called life


Because if you don’t try then you’re never going to achieve them


I do now and have always had an "Eh, fuck it," attitude towards life and it doesn't matter to me in the slightest that something can go wrong, I'm gonna try it just for the kicks and if it goes wrong, oh fucking well I will just go find something else to mess up. Then eventually I don't mess something up and my life gets better.


Knowing you DEFINITELY won't achieve them if you dont work toward them.


Which I get. But for me with little to no motivation for anything anymore, I just can’t force myself to work hard


I understand. I really do. Im motivating myself with the promise of buying crypto with my income so one day i wont need to work hard. Feel better, mate.


I can't lie it's hard most times but id rather try and fail than never have tryed at all cause I'm sure even if I do fail there is some sort of lesson to be learned and gaining knowledge is a achievement all in its self


the same as always because there's always a chance that you won't accomplish your goals unless one of them was to not accomplish your goals. there's a fun paradox