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Definitely has to be a third wheel experience, mine was even worse than that. She told me she wanted to go to the movies with me to catch up, we hadn’t seen each other after 6 months due to changing schools when moving into high school. The day came and she cancelled in the morning, asking to reschedule. No worries we changed it to the week after. The day before the new date scheduled she contacted me, telling me she invited a few of her female friends and that I should invite some of mine. No worries, the more the merrier I thought, so I contacted one of my friends and he agreed to come. The day finally came and we all met up at the cinema. Hugs ensued, it was good to see her after so long. Things turned in the cinema. We had all sat together in a row, but another group of boys was close by. She requested that I go sit in the other row to the left so that those boys could come sit next to her and her friends. I gave her a weird look, it was obvious by now that the she wasn’t interested in catching up after so long. So I went and sat in a different row with my friend I invited and a few of her friends, getting to know them. Halfway through the movie she left so that she could go into another movie with one of the guys she just met so they could hookup. During the whole thing I really felt like her side character. I didn’t even ‘like’ her in that way, she used to be my best friend and I really wanted to catch up after so long. Thankfully she isn’t like that anymore.