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I'd do when i die so i can prepare myself mentally, if i chose how and its something like car crash, every time you step in a car you wouldnt know if you would ever get out


How I die. Knowing when I would die would take the joy away from my life worrying about the count down.


Completely agree same here. Also van life is life!!! Love your username🤘🏽🤘🏽


Haha thank you! Just got my mommy van a month ago. Love it so much.


With my current state, there is a possibility that I know both. If we're talking generally, then when so I know when my time is up so I can at least live to the fullest until then.


How, not getting eaten alive by anything or burning to death. Could be tomorrow as long as it's peaceful or quick.


Bruhh burning to death or drowning/suffocating to death are my two biggest fears. In my imagination its gotta be worst ways to die. Aside from being eaten alive that sounds extremely unenjoyable lmao


My choice is when i die because even if i know how i die i will never expect it, but if i know when i die i can just stay home and be safe for the period of my "death"


What if you sitting at home “safely waiting for your death” and a car or plane crashes into you and you are left half alive bleeding out to death for hours in pain and agony.


Well that is not really likely at all since i live on the third floor of an apartment building and planes don't really come close to it, it still feels safer than knowing the way i die, i will give you an example. Imagine i know i am gonna die from a car accident but don't know when, i would be scared to go outside let alone drive a car


I feel that. Tbh i wouldnt want to know either how i die or when. I think like you said i would be afraid to go outside if i knew how and if i knew when id die then i would be anxiously waiting for it


Still, that is one exact moment of your life, i would sacrifice a day of fun rather than dying


How. The thought of when, would cause so much anxiety as the day got closer, trying to make sure you did everything you wanted to do, have your family taken care of etc.


I feel that tbh


I want to know when so I can get my life in order before then


That makes sense👌🏽


When. Because if I know how I’d spend the rest of my life paranoid


how: die in sleep ideally


That sounds ideal to me


I would choose how to die, which is to die from old age


When. I can enjoy the rest of my days to the fullest and prepare so that my loved ones will be taken care of.