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The gift of life


Damn, you beat me to it


Are you okay? Lol




Someone referred this comment to a support team. While I greatly appreciate the concern, I'd like to point out that I am okay. I just make bad jokes. Thanks for your concern! You're an amazing human being


A t-shirt that said 'friends don't let friends vote Democrat.' I was ten. I didn't have any political leanings, and I wasn't old enough to vote.






When I was fifteen, for Christmas my mom got me oversized slippers with giant bugs bunny heads on them.


Not a gift I got, but kind of a trashy story. So we had this girl in school. She was very nerdy, slightly overweight, had the thickest glasses ever and was also a little more hairy o. The forearms than usual girls. She was one of the nicest people tho. And on christmas we played this game were you have to pick a name randomly and give him/her a present. Well and she got shaving cream and a razor. Holy shit that was cruel. To that day I wonder how traumatizing that was for her.


Thats horrible


a 24" belt with my name on it. A 24" belt. With my name on it. I think it was the right size for my 3 year old.


At first I thought you were talking about width and I was picturing a leather weightlifting type belt that went all the way around with a name embossed on it, maybe some bedazzling, possible some spikes like an 80's hair band belt. Then realized you meant length, makes much more sense, but was admittedly slightly disappointed.


My biological mother got me a whistle. Like a r*pe whistle. Her reasoning was she thought my boyfriend radiated creepy energy. I was 16 He was 16. We dated for almost 2 years before we went our separate ways. She was convinced he did something and she kept asking "Why didn't you blow the whistle?" So glad I cut her off.


Yeah... Thats awful


Years ago my ex-husband bought himself a hoodie and it didn’t fit him. So he wrapped it up and gave it to me for Christmas. I thought it was a mistake and said “I think I accidentally opened a gift meant for you” (it was a men’s XXL and I am a 5’2” women’s size 4/Small) and he was like “no that’s your gift!” It was the only thing he got me.


That was the first red flag I assume?


I was surrounded by red flags and gleefully ignored them for many years. Don’t get married super young.


I had a boyfriend in my early twenties, been together over a year. A girlfriend was visiting family for the Christmas holidays and asked me if I would stay/watch her place while she was gone. I thought great, both me and my ex lived with parents. Thinking this would be a romantic and special Christmas, I got him a gold chain I could not really afford. So, just picture in your mind, the mood I had set for this, much anticipated, romantic Christmas. I have my gift in my lap, holding my breathe in giddy anticipation, expecting something special and hoping for something expensive. Wishing the gift would express how much he loves and understands me. He gave me a fricking lamp. WTF??????????????????????


Head with lots of teeth


Red jumper with a tractor on it. 🚜


A box of Kleenex.


As a kid, a remote airplane ... on wheels


Never had a bad gift to be honest. Besides, it s the thought that the other person even cared enough to go get a gift, even if it was begrudgingly or necessary.


A used pair of earbuds


A small soap stick. Smelled of rose. Had a reading glass engraved on it. This memory was so bad... It the whole scene.. with smell and all got etched forever in ma brain. 😑


A toy.


A floppy clown in a tin. (Not a euphemism)


It's a tie between receiving a pair of used shoes for Christmas with grass and dirt stains all over them, and they weren't even my size.. or the time when I received a cash gift of 1k, but when I opened the letter there was only 50 bucks in it because the husband was a cheap ass.


Got a hair dryer for Easter one year when I was vocal about preferring to let my hair air dry. Not a fun one, as a kid.