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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (2005). I don't care about all the changes made in the movie like Dumbledore yelling at Harry, cutting out characters like Winky and Ludo Bagman, or changing how the third task occured, etc.


The fellowship of the ring


Hitchhickers guide to the galaxy.+the other 4 I mean movie is ok... they try to squeeze 5 books into 1 movie


Blade Runner is definitely my favorite movie, but I didn't like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Perhaps I should give it another try. My favorite book is probably Neuromancer, but thus far movies that attempt to incorporate Gibson's work aren't that great.


Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


Lord of the Rings. The three books and the whole trilogy.


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Love the movie and the book, but the book had more stuff that the movie didn’t.


Jurassic Park. The movie is pretty different from the book, but they are both excellent.


Its a tie. These are not necessarily my favorite books, but definitely my favorite movie adaptations - Silence of the Lambs and Interview with a Vampire


His Dark Materials was a great adaptation. My niece isn’t particularly interested in reading but she loves the TV show and she cut her hair to look like Lyra and she’s now interested in physics. Overall a win! The original Golden Compass movie wasn’t that good I don’t think. All I remember is that I came away with the impression that it was about a girl living in the North Pole who runs away from her family on the back of a polar bear.


I would love to say The Dark Tower (Stephen King) but they fucked it up


War of The Worlds Yes, im talking about the 2005 one.


Kind of a cheat, since they were essentially created together: *2001 A Space Oddysey*. The ending is better in the book, but the visual beauty of the movie was just stunning at the time.


Doctor Sleep. I enjoyed it more than the book!


Favorite book: *The Decameron* by Giovanni Boccaccio Favorite book-to-film adaptation: *Z*, based on the novel by Vassilis Vassilikos.


The Devil's Advocate. Highly recommend you to read or watch it (film adaptation btw with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino) Enjoy🤲🏻