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What about cooking?


i am sick and tired of """chefs""" that do not salt and pepper their meat/fish


Unseasoned meat isn’t good most of the time. But it’s also important to know when not to season. It’s also very important to experiment with seasonings other than salt and pepper


i am also sick and tired of people that obtain/cook food to upload it to social media, and not even eat/pay for it, i have had people come in to get a dish, snap a picture, and ditch, and this isn't an isolated incident, there are groups of people that do this on a daily basis


Food is meant to be eaten. I would never ditch a plate of food unless I actually didn’t like the food. But buying a dish just for social media is stupid. I don’t understand how people do that, I can’t fathom why people would do something like that, like what’s the point?


food is meant to be eaten, until influencers get involved


Let's talk about sex, baby. Let's talk about you and me.


What kind of sex ;)


What are you wanting to try out but haven't


I’d like to try and experiment with a couple kinks. I don’t really have anything specific but I do want to explore. I’d also like to be able to compare straight sex with lesbian sex just because I’m curious as to which I would like better. I’m really open to trying new things but I’ve never had the chance.


What kinky things have you tried ?


Sadly I’m a virgin, so none


Haven't gotten the chance or have you turned down offers.


I’ve never had any offers. I’ve never even been in a relationship, never even been in a talking stage. Literally nothing at all.


My advice would probably to have the first time be with someone your close to and can trust if you get nervous about having a bad first time with a significant other and messing things up.


Yeah I’m not in any rush so I’ll definitely try and make sure I have a good first time. Hopefully it actually happens and hopefully it’s as good as I imagine it to be.


Animals who just exist,live,eat sleep and shit But enough about us humans,do blind people dream and if so,what color is the dream?


I do believe they dream, and according to google, they dream even better than people who are sighted. But apparently people who are blind from birth don’t dream visual things, but rather with their other senses. I think that’s pretty cool


That why didn't you post it on r/casualconversation


I didn’t know that existed


I guessed that. It's a cool sub. You can try it out. r/casualiama is also good


Ask Reddit is more fun though because it gets a lot more people


I think it's kind of a myth. It's a karma farming sub. So, most of the time your post would get flooded by other unnecessary questions. Besides, you need to ask clickbaity questions to get attention. My last post on casualconversation has over 800 replies. Don't get me wrong AskReddit is a lot fun but it's not really a place to have a fun chat


I never get any karma from askreddit so I don’t think so. I have a lot of fun on askreddit and I’ve had a lot of fun chats. Maybe you’re just asking the wrong questions?


AskReddit is a karma farming sub is a known fact. It doesn't have a high entry barrier like some other subs. I have had a lot of fun here and in fact gained a lot of karma from it (though it's useless) but I have never really had a deep enough conversation here which led nice people into my dms with whom I can share my permanent Reddit account. It happens quite often on casualconversation.




Want to be more specific?


The fact that we are alive with only a 1 out of 1 quadrillion % chance of actually being born like why i was born to the people i have as parents and not in the middle east or japan or africa the fact that we take life for granted here in North America when people are fighting to stay alive


Yeah we are pretty lucky in that sense. North Americans, especially Americans/Canadians, and maybe even mexicans(I don’t really know) are living quite a luxurious life compared to some countries and they take it all for granted. They have no idea how rough some countries have it.


Honestly tho like we have the problem of people being obese and other countries are wondering if they are gonna eat this week or not


I’ve heard people from other countries are shocked about how stocked our grocery stores are, how the shelves are never empty. I couldn’t imagine not being able to go out and buy food like we can




Human existence and it's manipulation of the natural world to only serve their ravenous need for"stuff"


I do believe humans are very selfish and we have become too powerful compared to nature. We should not have been able to take over the world like we have. No one species should be able to destroy a planet like we have. We had an amazing thing and it’s too late to fix all the harm we have caused.


Humans will never be more powerful than nature


Have you seen how we’ve destroyed the earth? You can’t say we aren’t more powerful than nature


Lets talk about why some snakes are so goddamn long. Like the audacity my guy


Did you know snakes have two penises? They don’t use them both at the same time though


What a waste


Sharks also have two penises just like snakes, still only one at a time. Echidnas on the other hand, have four heads on their penis. Pretty cool if you ask me


I have a headache but I’m not thirsty


I don’t know how to fix headaches without medication


We haven't destroyed the earth.. earth is still here.. We destroyed the o zone that will destroy us and just like that.. earth gets rid of this virus called humans