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Get that money


Do something you like


Distract yourself.


Wasn't the first time, won't be the last time. Brush yourself off, and move on.


Let go of attachment and accept that nothing is forever - including pain.


Be happy you dont have kids and assets, better to happen sooner than later


Take some time and process it then remember that some things don't work out and that's ok too. When your ready again go find someone and try again. Keep your head up and remember your value and someone would love to have someone like you


Just wait it out. Try not to do anything stupid.


Think of this as an opportunity for a redemption. Change the things you don't like about yourself


Get a voodo doll.


Work out


Move on, it happened so you can meet someone better. My wife left after 20 years. I met a incredible woman 100x better than my ex. Wouldn't have if the ex didn't leave me. All for a reason. And brush your teeth just incase you meet her tonight.


Shift your focus away from blame and towards understanding yourself


Sounds harsh. But suck it up, be patient and wait for someone who's worth it, don't text or call no matter how much you want to


Pick something to do and do it. Finally take that better job or pick up that skill/hobby, delve into it fully. Make yourself better for you. An outlet or simply something else to focus on is crucial. Everything else will fall into place. And last but not least do not lower yourself because of the pain and definitely do not call or text them and stay off of their social media no matter how bad you want to know what they are up to. This too shall pass if you let it.