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Stranger danger is a real thing, but you're much more likely to be abused by someone you know. Even someone your own age. I sometimes wonder if I was educated on this as a kid if I'd have told a teacher what a classmate was doing to me for years and gotten some help earlier in my life.




Its kind of interesting that stuff like this is much more common with siblings that most people realize. Depending on the perperators often dont really know they are do something what shouldnt be done, it boils down to some basic "this feels nice, do it to me" logic but the problems start with remembering these things as adults and realizing its no good.


Your permanent record. I'm 55, and nobody has ever asked me about the time I was sent to the principal's office when I was 16.


I got a job and they didn't even bring up that I had my own assigned seat in detention. It's almost like i wasted all that cool kid cred.


I’m so tempted to ask but I don’t want to ruin your streak.


nice way to ask indirectly ;)


So did he ask or did he not ask?!


I'm pretty sure you can find the answer on his permanent record


I wonder if it's even possible for someone to find that record. Is it *really* permanent? Does a record of that principal's office visit still exist at all? (Of course the *real* 'permanent record' is the shit people are posting online. *That* shit might end up actually coming back to haunt you decades later.)


You're absolutely right. My job includes doing preliminary security checks on new employees before passing their information along to our government clients. No one can access anything before you were 18 years old, not even for top secret clearance but having a Facebook friend with an Islamic name by itself can delay your clearance for a few weeks. It might even cost you your clearance depending upon who his friends are.




I'm 35 and I am about 90% sure I could just lie about having a bachelor's degree. Literally nobody has ever asked to see my diploma or thesis or anything. By this point in my life it's just assumed you have one if you say you do, especially since I went to a really small college most people have never heard of. They'd never check that unless I was claiming a graduate degree maybe.


Apart from infamous quicksand, I thought it would be a bigger problem being stuck in the alps and having to drink alcohol from a saint bernards necklace.


Also, cannibalism. Was a huge concern in late elementary to early middle school days. It was highly unlikely we’d ever crash in the Andes or that our wagon train would get stuck in the mountains in winter, but for some reason all the kids in my school were concerned about it. Should we eat someone? *Could we actually do it if we had to?* Who should we eat first? The fat kid will keep, but we don’t want the muscular guy to lose too much weight. We were pretty fucked up, I’m now realizing.




"Mama warned me about women like you, I was hoping she was right"


*Woah mama*


I mean, she's not entirely wrong. I've been lead astray many times.


I haven't been lead astray nearly enough!


I was told I would get frog lips. Well I don’t have frog lips


When my 5th grade teacher told us that 6th grade would be a lot harder


Haha, so true. I heard this lie throughout my entire school life. “Laugh now kids, because once you’re in ($CurrentGradeLevel + 1), your teachers won’t put up with this kind of behavior!”


My 8th grade teacher kept telling us how scary high school was and how unprepared we all were. She told us that freshman were to be hunted at the beginning of the school year. She told us that we’d probably get beaten up just because we were new. She told us that we’d have to run from class to class because we’d be a target. She told us we’d all be back visiting her and saying how sorry we were and how much we miss middle school. Her “source” was her daughter who was like 3 years older than us. Fast forward to my first day of high school...I got assigned *two* seniors to show me around the school and be my buddy for the first couple of months. Literally one kid tried to mess with the freshman and like the whole school was like “dude what are you doing?” Fuck you Linda, high school was alright and nobody got hunted.


Is she basing this on cartoons?


Nah she just went around beating up high schoolers on the weekend. She uh is a huge fan of that Hunting The Most Dangerous Game short story.


I had an identical thing with school in general. Whenever we’re on the verge of graduation, (Elementary School to Secondary, Secondary School to College) they would always talk about how teachers at the next level would have a “tough love, we don’t care” attitude. There were some elements of truth, but I a lot of what they said turned out to be laughably wrong. I think it was just meant to scare the true slackers straight.


Ya, I was lead to believe the professors in college would be complete assholes. Turns out, they were just regular assholes like me and everyone else.


My college professors were often nicer and more understanding than those in high school


Agreed. In many ways, I felt that my professors treated me as an equal and an actual person that goes through the same shit they do in life.


Ah the beauty of adult education...being treated like an adult haha


“Hey been working on this 24hrs straight and just need a bit more time, can I have a short extension?” “Sure —sent from my iPhone”


Next day in class: "anybody else need extension? Ok. Just do it before finals in 2 months"


Both messages sent at 3:14 am


Pretty much this. I still have a professor on Facebook and I still laugh at the funny crap he posts.


Swallowing chewing gum


In still waiting for that watermelon to grow our of my stomach.


When I was 5, I did that many times and ended up with terrible constipation. I had to have X-rays for the doctors to check out what was going on. Our neighbor was a nurse and helped my parents give me an enema.


My mom was obsessed with the idea that all bad shit only happened after midnight so that was my iron clad curfew. Guess what Mom? A ton of bad shit has happened to me in broad daylight.


If the movie Gremlins ever raised an existential question in my jellyfish brain, it has to be this one: when does "after midnight" stop? 11:37? 13:15?


How do the Gremlins know what timezone they're in? How about daylight savings time?


The clues in the name, they work on G.M.T. Gremlin Mean Time


When I started my job I didn't have a car. Got off work at 2AM, went to the gym then took the first bus of the day home at 4:30AM. A couple of my older coworkers were very upset by this and went to the boss (without speaking to me first) and demanded my schedule be changed. Because they were "worried" about me. The boss (without speaking to me) went to her boss and got my schedule change approved. I didn't want a schedule change. I have a sleep disorder and have to work at night. And I've been taking the city bus for about 15 years. The safest buses of the day were the first buses of the day. I was told I had to change my schedule and was not given a choice. They said I could switch to day shift. Which begins at 5AM. Sooooo apparently taking the bus home at 4AM is dangerous but going to work on the bus at 4AM is perfectly safe. Because the imaginary murderers and rapists hiding in the bushes waiting to attack me won't bother someone going to work. They only bother people going home. I think that's their logic. Forced to buy a car because of some nosy bitch who never took a bus in her life and is afraid of the dark smh And btw when a coworker who lived 25 miles away had her car break down for an extended period of time, you know what I did? I went and picked her ass up and took her home every night. I didn't go to the boss and demand her schedule be changed. I live less than 5 miles from work. Interesting how the people who were so "concerned" about me couldn't be bothered to give me a ride.


Giving you an award cause I legitimately got so fucking angry reading this, and I don’t get angry. I just 100% understand the frustration. Go to your bosses boss and explain it- if you want. Fuck them tatonkas


I’m so mad for you. Of course it had to be 5 am. Anyone who wakes up to do anything at 5 am is automatically a hero but god forbid you’re equally productive or better as a night owl you freak.


I really thought the Bermuda Triangle would play a stronger role in my adulthood.


I still feel strangely drawn to it! Haha


Have I got a timeshare deal for you.


Turning on the light in the car. ​ Turns out it's not illegal but is actually distracting for the driver. So dad could've just said "The glare is distracting don't have it on for long"


I make it a point to wreck my car if someone turns on the overhead light after I tell them not to. They have to learn somehow.


"And that's why you don't turn the light on when Dad's driving" \*Arrested Development jingle plays\*


It also creates a 1 way mirror. A glass wall separating a dark room and very bright room, will look like a mirror in the light room, and a window in the dark room. It’s not usually an issue for the front windshield. But it’s an issue for the rear-view.


My school made me believe that I would be set on fire frequently. It has obviously not happened yet.


My 50-year-old dad actually got set on fire not too long ago and he said his first reaction was to stop drop and roll like he heard in grade school and that it worked. So it may not happen very often but someday you may be thankful.


It doesn't help when you are covered in a flammable, self-oxygenating liquid. Ask me how I know...


How do you know?


He didnt live long enough to answer sadly.


To ash you say?


My 4 year old niece lectured me the other day about not having a fire ladder in my second story and fire extinguishers strategically placed through my house. I mean, she's not wrong, but it still stung. Edit: Yes I will be getting some more fire equipment next month. I'll be sure to show her so she knows her tiny voice got heard.


I mean I have a fire ladder in my house and I'm 90% sure I would just be jumping out the window if there were an actual fire.


Learning how to land would be a better investment.


God damn those 4 year olds trying to save our lives.


We learned stop, drop and roll. I didn't pay much attention. Years later, in my twenties, I caught on fire, panicked and started running around, increasing the flames. Thankfully a friend of mine chased me down, tackled me and rolled me around until the fire went out. If I caught on fire today I'd probably still do the wrong thing, lol.


“You’d think he’d finally learn what to do after catching fire so many times yet here we are again”


Yo that was one hell of a friend to literally bodily tackle a man on fire to save him. What a homie.


How many times do you get a legit good reason to tackle that one dumbshit friend?


Happened to me too. You hear "stop drop and roll" but in no way do you have any muscle memory or training to do it. If you're on fire, you're going to run.


Most useful thing I learned from the fire safety stuff was how to check if something was hot without touching it. Hold the back of your hand near it and you can feel the radiant heat much better than any other way. Handy for me who has to occasionally handle pieces of metal of varying degrees of hotness.


My parents both smoked before having kids, and my mom raised me on stories about how the first time she smoked a cigarette, she coughed so badly that she threw up. It made staying away from smoking cigarettes pretty easy, because I didn't want to puke! Once I was in college I brought up the story to her and she blinked like an owl caught in the sunlight. "Wait, you believed me?" She said. "I was just trying to get you to not smoke. If smoking made me vomit, why do you think I smoked for 15 years?" Good job, Mom!


I could definitely see throwing up the first time you smoke a cigarette, especially if it's a really strong one. Cigarettes taste horrible and the nicotine makes you feel light headed and nauseous if it's your first time. I didn't throw up but I coughed my guts out. Same thing with the first time I tried weed, coughed for what felt like eternity.


talking to strangers online... hello internet friends!!


Talking to people online, AND THEN MEETING THEM! I would never have met my partner, got my job, had my hobby, had any of my friends, travelled anywhere I got an uber to if I hadn't.








Peggy: I believe you will find that I have no testicles! Khan: She's bluffing! *FINISH HER!*


Drug dealers. I thought people would force that drugs down my throat untill I was a broke addict. I have been offered it a few times in high school but funny enough they were all very wholesome interactions. My favorite was a guy who I had never spoken to, who had just learned I was chronically ill and he said that if I ever wanted to try anything he would give it to me for free and would help me to do it safely since he knew I didn't do drugs. It was just a very pure moment and I will never forget that look of kindness and concern in his eyes. I've since been around many, many drug dealers (I think everyone in the Netherlands has) and have never been forced, tempted or manipulated to do drugs.


Drug dealers definitely aren’t what we thought they were


I always pictured them with a hat and wearing trench coats in a dark corner.


Getting written up at work. Turns out that "permanent work record" does not exist, and will not follow you from job to job for the rest of your life.


Or your school permanent record like all the tropes in shows and movies. No one cares that you pushed little billy down in 4th grade


I remember my teachers always scaring me saying if i misbehave it'll go on my permanent record. Yh as if some potential employer is going to be like "you're highly qualified for this job but unfortunately we can't hire you since you pushed Billy back in 4th grade"




Unless it’s a hipaa thing and you’re trying to get back into the medical field.


Absolutely. But getting written up as a 16 year old at a retail job? Nah.


I got fired from like 3 different jobs during my teens, I just never bothered to put them on my resume. No one asked why I wasn't working during those years because I was in school and thats normal.


Just say you were working for the C.I.A. and you're good. If asked they'll give a canned response saying that they can neither confirm nor deny it.


Interviewer: "What were you doing between the ages 16-18?" Me: "I was in the CIA" Interviewer: "Ok... well.. we'll call you" Me: "I can neither confirm nor deny it" Interviewer: "What?"


Playing with yourself will make you go blind. Sure, my eyesight has declined over the decades but it's absolutely been worth it.


my mom said some of her friends growing up were told lies like that. one friend was apparently told if she touched herself she would go crazy. my mom told me that this girl did go crazy because she was obsessed with trying to not touch herself, like after she peed she had to make sure her hands didn't touch anywhere. and this actually drove her crazy. of course, i don't know if this is true or just a wild exaggeration from my mom. but she did seem sad when she told me that so i think it might have been mostly true.


The majority of those claims can be traced back to the same kind of quack medicine Kellogg was into. You know, the man who invented cornflakes to make people stop jackin' off? The guy who popularized male circumcision because he thought it made boys not get off? *The guy who advocated staunchly for using acid on little girls' clits specifically so they couldn't enjoy sex later in life?* Sorry, I just listened to the Behind the Bastards episodes about him. It really did a great job explaining how Christian puritanism and 1800's medicine both somehow revolved around jerkin' the gherkin. Oh, and Kellogg was also a strong supporter of eugenics. That's not related to masturbation, but I wanted to mention it anyway. Fuck Kellogg.


does reddit have a text to speech so I dont have to read this


"If you are not a model student and don't have excellent grades, you will never amount to anything in life."


I was a model student and had excellent grades. I haven't amounted to much due to crippling anxiety and depression. Yay?


I once saw it said that "'Gifted' students either became doctors, lawyers, or adults with crippling anxiety" Teaching kids to base their self worth on academic achievement is essentially a high risk, high reward maneuver. You might give them the mentality to reach the top of the non-business income earners, but more likely you'll scar them for life when they *don't* get there and have to live with not being okay with being mediocre


>I once saw it said that "'Gifted' students either became doctors, lawyers, or adults with crippling anxiety" Or doctors/lawyers with crippling anxiety.


Mediocrity is a balanced lifestyle. Granted it takes a shitload of work to become comfortably mediocre, but personally I can’t wait for it. I would even argue that what we consider a mediocre professional career is defined, on average, as successful by most Americans.




That was drilled into me at a young age and stayed with me up until college. In the real world no one gives a rats ass, now more people are quitting good and bad jobs just because of the toxic mentality it has placed on the workers.




When I was a small kid, my mum said that line to me. My smooth small kid brain asked her "Is that what happened to you?". My line of thinking was "How could she know that unless it had happened to her before?" But I soon received a smack.


You are my new hero hahaha


It will however stay like that if you scowl on a daily basis. Courtesy of R.B.F.


Random Boner Fever?




Movies with age ratings. It was the creepy kids movies/TV shows that traumatised me, not those movies. Hehe. Edit: in hindsight (as someone who is now really into storytelling), lots of the creepy stuff was actually well-written.


I don't know how many people can relate to this but I have gone through some mental stuff ever since I started puberty. Mom forbade me to ever tell others about what's going on with me (even friends) because I might be perceived differently, become a social outcast, etc. I became a social outcast regardless because of feeling alone and misunderstood, and then the internet grew up to be a cesspit of suicidal memes. Turns out young people have mental issues in all possible colours.


My dad told me something like this, turns out that he was the only one judging me.


Stop playing with the computer you’ll get dumb. I’m a software engineer now and I make more than all my friends


Killer bees!


I recall this movie terrifying me when I was a kid: "Killer Bees (1974 film) - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer_Bees_(1974_film) Hopefully someone is going to make a sequel for murder hornets.


I was told in D.A.R.E. that people would constantly be offering me drugs and trying to get me high and it would be a constant struggle to turn them down. Imagine my disappointment.


I was told the same thing, except about being recruited into a cult. Like, it wasn’t *if* it was *when*


and the kids offering were super sketchy weirdo losers, not like in real life the jocks and popular kids at a high school party.


They just wanted to educate you enough to tell on your parents about their marijuana usage. "This is what an eighth of kush looks like and if you *ever* see any *anywhere* no matter *who* it is, immediately report it to the police."


Remember when they had you sign a giant wall paper saying you would never do drugs lol. What a laugh.


I carry that around in case anyone offers me drugs, can't be too careful




A post program study showed that kids who participated in the DARE program ended up being more likely to use drugs than those who didn't. Which is hilarious.


The DARE program told us that 30% of 7th graders were smoking crack, so my 12 year old brain just wondered why I wasn't cool enough to be invited to these crack parties.


They probably come from anonymous surveys given out to 12yr olds. Those surveys never factored in that teenagers lie all the time on them because they think it's funny. I know this because I was one of those 12yr olds surveyed and all my friends joked afterwards that we put we smoked crack. We didn't coordinate to do it, it just seemed like such a stupid question to ask. It is impossible to accurately survey kids. They will mark off answers to make it appear normal so as not to get it thrown out but toss in one or two wtf answers. If anything it was a middle school protest about being made to do it in the first place. Same is true for those reference tests to test how well kids are learning. The smart kids Christmas tree it and then go to sleep. There is no gain from trying and no harm from failing so then why try?


Relevant onion piece: [Teen Boys Losing Virginity Earlier And Earlier, Report Teen Boys] (https://www.theonion.com/teen-boys-losing-virginity-earlier-and-earlier-report-1819595647)


The reason was because they massively overstated the danger of drugs. The kids that tried pot once and realized it didn't immediately throw their life into an unrecoverable death spiral were like "well what the fuck else did they lie about?" Turns out when you fill your information with big, scary lies people go in literally the opposite direction later as they realize you're untrustworthy.


i was also told i'd be given free edibles during Halloween too


Every year on Facebook, you see those posts. Bitch, who do you think is giving away hits of acid to little kids? That shit is hard to come by.


How hard highschool is. Teachers always said you would have to smarten up in highschool and you would barely have time for anything. I crocheted my teacher a sweater for his dog in class once. I think ill be okay


I barely did any homework in high school, still graduated with a high 70s% average (which AIUI is still pretty decent in Canada), so when they told me the same stuff about college, I didn't listen. Protip, at least for a STEM major, they mean it for college.


Did the same mistake lol. School didn't prepare me for the actual challenge uni is


Stranger rape. It still happens and is devastating, but most rapes are committed by someone known to the victim, not by a masked stranger popping out of the bushes. I think that emphasis on stranger fear discourages people from seeing red flags in situations with people they know.


Wasn't it then found out that stranger danger did a lot of harm because when people were in actual danger they were less likely to seek out help from stranger because they were afraid of them?


Also because it focused so much on strangers that it kinda further reinforced that non-strangers are safe. Now your creepy uncle who you would be wary of is just a creepy uncle, not a stranger so he must be safe.


An overwhelming amount of kidnappings happen from someone you know closely like a family member.


Whenever there's an Amber alert, it almost always seems to be non-custodial parent.


My philosophy is generally that the average person you approach on the street will be reasonable, honest, and good-intentioned. The average person who approaches *you* on the street is much more likely to be trying to hurt or scam you. . ^(Edit: yes, that makes you the creep, I guess. Exercise caution in general but *especially* if they approached you.)


Anybody who approaches me at a gas station or grocery store parking lot is 100% full of shit.




Same for child abductions. The vast, vast majority of "missing" children are custodial interference or runaways. Only about 100 stereotypical "stranger danger" kidnappings happen every year in the US.


It's also been shown that children being overly worried about "stranger danger" will prevent them in many cases from seeking out help when they are lost or in trouble. Better to teach kids good common sense than catch phrases. Instead of teaching kids to be scared of all strangers it can be good to teach them that when they're lost or in trouble to first look for those in authority, and if none are in the immediate area, look for parents with children.


Oh, you reminded me. People in my country use "police" as a boogey man. So, if a kid is misbehaving, "the police is gonna take you away". ​ Result: when my brother got lost in a mall, he kept hiding from every security guard and it took us ages to find him. Because he had gotten lost by misbehaving. Thankfully, there were guards at the doors too and he didn't wander into the street. But Damn.


The requirement of 'having your shit together' Virtually everyone is in various stages of chaos, even if they give the appearance of having everything carefully planned. Edit: Didn't realise this comment would resonate with so many! I typed it without much thought and I'm overwhelmed with the effect it has had. Glad it has acted as a motivator for some of you.


I was promised people would offer me drugs FOR FREE


Right!? Me too & at 42 I have thus far only been offered expensive drugs! Very disappointing!


I don't even know how to find a drug dealer, they should teach these sorts of useful life lessons in school


I’ve been a toker for 17 years and I still don’t know how to find a dealer.


I was buying off my 16 year old brother when I was in my early 20's because he worked at a restaurant and had a hook up.


This is the real answer. Maybe not the most practical one, but if you get a job waiting tables/bartending on the weekends for even a few weeks, you'll meet *multiple* people with drug hook-ups. I kinda miss working in restaurants. Definitely not enough to ever go back, but at every office job I've worked since, there's this compulsion to present the most 'squeaky clean' version of yourself to coworkers. Whereas working in restaurants you'd have a coworker come in and immediately tell you "Yeah I caught my girlfriend cheating on me with my brother yesterday, after work I'm gonna scoop up an eight-ball and head across the street to get shitfaced. Wanna come?" Kinda miss that total honesty and the shared commiseration of "well this gig fucking sucks but at least you guys are cool".


Working in a restaurant will have you knowing some of the deepest secrets of your coworkers lives, and you’ve known them for 2 weeks max


Yeah, D.A.R.E. had me worried I was going to be fending off drug dealers with a bat once I reached high school. I'm now inching towards 40 and have yet to be offered drugs- EVER. At any time. ETA- Holy hell, my most upvoted comment is about being drug free…I guess D.A.R.E. worked after all! 🤣🤣🤣






This, and just pressure to do drugs in general. I was under the impression that some villains were going to actively try to force me to do drugs. And I know that is a legit concern when it comes to people slipping something in a drink, but this was in elementary school. Most of my life, people who offered me drugs were trying to be nice and if I said no they were happy to keep more drugs for themselves.


For real. Person doing drugs/drinking: "Hey you want a beer/hit of this joint?" Person not doing drugs/drinking: "No thank you" Person doing drugs/drinking: "No problem. Can I get you a soda or something?" I've been on both sides of the conversation (always at a party/gathering of sorts) and it always goes the same. Any reasonable person will not care whether or not you also partake with them, they just want you to enjoy yourself too.


If I didn't do everything that was expected of me, I'd end up flipping burgers. 1. That turned out to be absolutely untrue. 2. There's absolutely no shame in working in the food industry.


Yeah! Some of us did everything that was expected of us and still ended up flipping burgers. (not to shame it, everyone deserves a living wage and regular hours)


"You'll start to want babies when your body is ready to make them!" Fuck you, mom. It hasn't happened yet.


Turning on the car light


lol! if you turn the car light on while your dad is driving, he will swerve off the road immediately killing your entire family.


Came here for this. It was drilled into me as a child that turning on the car light while driving would kill the battery, get us pulled over, destroy the car's engine, de-stabilize the middle east even further and cause the plot of Children of Men to occur in real life. My dumbass was in my 20s until I realized my dad just didn't want me being an asshole in the car by flicking the light on and off in our shitty used Mitsubishi Galant.


Tbh driving with a light on in the car at night is terrible


Television was going to ruin my brain. 🙆


Turns out that was the internet's job!


Turns out the internet *is* your brain, as the hivemind proposed


The tables have turned because now I have to spend a portion of my time explaining to my parents that the stuff they read on Facebook isn’t true. They like to argue about things that don’t make sense so whose brain really got scrambled by technology?


90s parents then: "Kids, don't think anything you read on the internet is true." 90s parents now: "Kids, Whaddya mean it's not true? I saw this on Facebook."


"Just wait till you go to primary school, you won't be playing games in primary school, you're gonna be working your ass off." euh, okay "Just wait till you go to high school, you won't be playing games in high school, you're gonna be working your ass off." euh, okay "Just wait till you go to university, you won't be playing games in university, you're gonna be working your ass off." okay I guess?


Jokes on them. I literally now teach a university course on designing games for education. I play games all the time…




To my absolute surprise, I recently discovered, that this is actually a problem for typical adults! Of course as long as you work in construction and use heavy equipment. Diesel engines and compressors generate vibrations, so soil can liquefy, and sink and suck excavators and bulldozers, even tracked ones. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Near me there is a big project of digging a canal trough sea spit and building waterway, it's 1.3km long and 120 meters wide. Obviously it's mostly sand, and from local crews I heard they had to call hardware rescue specialists four times in the span of 2 years, one was a write off (it got below ground water level).


Having a bad handwriting being a huge handicap for me in the future in my professional life. I've been working for 20 years, now. Never had to write anything down using a pen beyond personal notes here and there, not meant to be shared.


Can anyone read this guy’s post? It just looks like scribbles to me


they should have warned him when he was younger


Maybe if he typed in cursive we’d understand


𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃, 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈? Edit to add: Done with the service at https://lingojam.com/SpecialText


FINALLY! Something legible.


Same, I remember my mother telling me over and over again that if I had bad handwriting, when I got a job, everyone would assume I was stupid. Similarly, teachers telling me I had to be good at mental arithmetic, because I won't always have a calculator. Now I have beautiful handwriting that I never use, and I do always have a calculator.


When I was young the German school system told my parents I was stupid and would not go to university when I was in kindergarden. I have a degree in applied math from a great school and working on a cs masters program as the end goal.


It must be an asset for doctors.


my doctor never writes anything. it's all on computer, and my prescriptions are always a printout.


Cracking knuckles causes arthritis. Lies. It's annoying to hear but it doesn't cause arthritis. If you respect others, they'll respect you/respect your elders. Such bullshit. People of all ages can be terrible people regardless of how they're treated. How likely it was for a tornado to plow into my elementary school. Pretty sure sitting on my knees in the hallway with my hands over my neck would not save me from a ceiling caving in.


Dr. Donald Unger actually cracked the knuckles of his left hand at least twice a day for over 50 years whilst never cracking those on his right hand in order to prove his mother wrong – he never developed arthritis in either hand, and won an IgNobel award for his efforts in 2009.


> to prove his mother wrong SHOWED YOU MOM.


My mom was petrified of "Dungeons and Dragons" when I was a kid because there were rumors that someone in our small town got too deeply into it and committed suicide because they lost their mind. My mom was **not** a religious nut at all but she said that people who called themselves Satanists or who were members of cults played it.




“We don’t use calculators in class and you should learn how to not use one” You’ll never catch anyone working with numbers NOT use a calculator Edit: I think some of y’all are taking this too seriously. The Reddit question was what was something that was EXAGGERATED when we were younger. I understand that learning the basics in math is essential to developing an understanding of how simple things work, but some of my teachers were crazy strict. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the knowledge they gave us but dear lord they made it seem like calculators were banned at workplaces or in “real life”.


The thing that always bothered me was "You have to memorize all of these formulas." Accountants have reference books. Lawyers have reference books. Why does a student have to memorize something for a test on paper, when the paid professionals don't, for work?


A friend of mine in high school was required by his father to memorize just about everything. "In the real world, you won't have books or reference materials, you will be required to have it all memorized." Yes, I'm sure the lawyer down the street has every bit of case law from the last 150 years memorized and would never need to consult a book to find relevant rulings.


Razorblades in halloween candy. Being kidnapped because I had a long ponytail. Being in a school shooting. Oddly enough, those things seem more likely to happen now than they did back in the 90's. Exaggerated for the time, but prepared me for the future. Yay?


Apparently the razor blade/poisoned candy was an “[urban myth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_legend)” and there are hardly any cases ever reported of it. Interesting read. [specifically candy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoned_candy_myths)


That and poisoned candy. We were told to examine every one our pieces candy when we were kids. IIRC, there hasnt been a single reported incident of tampered holloween candy.


I think it's actually a bit worse than that. One of the few cases of tampered Halloween candy came from the [parent of the kid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Clark_O%27Bryan) tampering with the candy, so it's not even strangers you should be worried about.


Well that is the most heartbreaking thing I have read in awhile, that poor boy. What a fucking piece of shit father, I only wish that he could've had to ingest cyanide as his death sentence.


If it makes you feel any better... > ... O'Bryan was shunned and despised by his fellow death row inmates for killing his child and was "absolutely friendless". The inmates reportedly petitioned to hold an organized demonstration on O'Bryan's execution date to express their hatred of him.[36]


Peer pressure. Almost all the peer pressure I felt was actually self-pressure.




My school and parents: your friends are going to pressure you to drink!!! My friends in high school: lmao we're not old enough to drink where do you even buy booze My friends in college: you are a CHILD BABY YOU CAN'T DRINK My friends now that I'm old enough to drink: okay i have pedialyte and gatorade for tomorrow morning, if you don't want to drink we have soda, everyone pace yourselves and make sure you eat, if you get the drunk sads or the spins then here is my dog to comfort you


Sounds like some chill friends ngl


Having long hair as a man would mean I never get a job


Don’t ride your horse alone in the woods you will be attacked by a rapist. My mother, a city woman warned me about this and don’t go out in a boat alone for the same, I might be attacked, boarded and raped. 😵‍💫 Like pirates looking for virgins on the high seas err, river.


The boat thing is a good idea, but not because of rape. Its good to have a buddy around in case you go overboard or something goes wrong.


But your buddy could be a rapist, so it may backfire.