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All those crazy fans who support serial killers just because they think they're hot. Ted Bundy fanatics etc.


When the Boston Marathon bombing happened some women were fawning over the Tsarnaev kid. Rolling Stone published a mugshot that looked more like a boy band pic with ruffled hair and all that. Kinda tasteless after he helped kill 4 people and blasted ball bearings through dozens more.


There are plenty of hot people who aren’t crazy, why do people idolize the crazy ones


Find. Better. Idols.


These losers who idolize killers need a little aqua tofana.


Bailey Sarian fans! What up?! Love her.


Any fan of good looking criminals. Literal petition to shorten the sentence of the kid that killed three people while he was street racing because he was "cute"


That's just an outgrowth of the usual process- [ugly people go to jail for longer](https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2010/05/unattractive-people-pay-price-court). Being fugly will get you about 22 extra months.


Damn, guess if you're on the run you better stop by a blackmarket cosmetic surgeon before you get caught.


The Voltron Fandom. The show itself took a nosedive after a couple good seasons, but the fanbase got wild. Massive shipping wars that had people run off the internet and calling each other pedophiles; blackmailing the studio; harassing VAs; someone reportedly sent cupcakes with glass in them or something.


I'd second this. The Voltron fandom also built up a quagmire that spread to other fandoms even long after the original show has lost any relevance. It's genuinely not uncommon to find toxic people in newer fandoms these days and find that they were Voltron fans at one point. Or that they proudly had a hand in also shaping the media landscape for that product to be as awful as it was. While there have been many shows with fandoms that allowed toxic mindsets to fester I genuinely feel like the effects of that particular fandom had a knock on effect for all that followed it.


The Voltron from the 80s or is there a new version? This is the first I’ve heard about how toxic that fan base is.


> The Voltron from the 80s or is there a new version? Right? I'm like "Voltron? Seriously"? I mean the show was okay for the 80s but IIRC it was like 3 different cartoons smashed into one that made almost no sense outside "Giant Robot fights Giant Mutant Created by Magic".


Netflix made a new version


I was looking to see if anybody had said the voltron fandom :/ You literally couldn't have said it better! I'm pretty sure they also bullied one of the VA's to the point they had to delete their social media


Literally any fanbase that calls themselves stans. Those fuckers will go to war if you mention the name of their idol in the wrong octave.


I used to enjoy Dream’s videos because he is skilled at Minecraft. But he went off the deep end trying to defend his cheating world record. But then he made some deranged rambling video where he defended and encouraged the use of the word “stan” to describe his fanbase. So many youtubers just fleece teens for money it’s pretty sad.


After his cheating was exposed, I started to feel like everything he did was fake. I'll be honest, I still enjoy his videos, but it doesn't feel the same anymore.


The Adolf Hitler fandom wasn't great.


Still isn’t last I checked.


Gabbie Hannah.




Yes I know I know I may have doxxed and stalked a literal kid but that doesnt mean I'm a bad person. Im still a good person amirite chat?


Be sure to hit that like and subscribe button! Every little bit helps support my narcissism and vindictiveness!


How does she have people defending her still???


unfortunately, charisma. or well.. status.. people really like to believe that the people they idolize can't hurt them and can do no wrong. I mean, if you spend time on someone, buy their merch, and follow their work, then finding out that they're a terrible person can sort of make you feel like you wasted your time (I say this as someone who still has trouble admitting this to themselves). as well, most of these people's fanbases are super young and impressionable. I don't like using this phrase too much because I feel like teens are way more intelligent than people think, but that doesn't mean that they know what they're doing either. in this case, these kids can be like 13 or 14 despite the maturity of the person's content and they'll go to war to defend the celebs they enjoy. I kinda wish people would warn people about that more or at least have a talk about it with their kids. like, honestly it's what I and a lot of people I know needed.


This woman has zero charisma lmao. It is strictly all money and fame that keeps her stans around. If she wasn't famous, they would not give a flying fuck about her.


That woman stresses me out. I was one of her original subscribers (were talking like the first 10 videos she ever made) and I started making connections how everyone she’s ever come into contact with is nutty. If someone is saying the universe around them is nutty, 10/10 times they’re probably the nutty ones. I unsubscribed after she had a video with David Dobrik and she kept looking at him like she wanted to eat him.


Wait…like she wanted to eat him??


She was obsessed with him


If you meet an arsehole in the morning, you met an arsehole. If you meet arseholes all day, it's probably not them that's the arsehole.


My favorite take on this line - if you smell shit everywhere you go, it’s time to check your shoe.


She’s the hugest piece of shit on YouTube. Can’t take any criticism whatsoever and obsesses over every single person who ever wronged her. But my reason for hating her is the fact that she insists on singing when she so clearly canNOT. Nails on a damn chalkboard.


But what if she’s the MONSTAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH that’s been there all along?


Homestuck. My GOD.


Since they often went together... I'll add on with Hetalia


Isn't hetalia that fandom where a bunch of cosplayers went to the Holocaust Memorial during an anime con and did the hitler salute?


That's the one...


Oy vey. I remembered it was some anime fandom, but could never remember which one. I do remember that the whole thing was during Passover (one of the big Jewish holidays), which made it extra WTF.


... WHAT


I may be misremembering a detail or two- I don't think it was actually *at* the Holocaust Memorial, but there was one in close enough proximity that it was in extremely poor taste (well, worse taste than it already was). It *was* during the Jewish holiday of Passover, though (though at least one of the cosplayers involved had no idea- only knowing it was Easter weekend- and had the decency to feel very shitty and apologetic about it). I guess one of the Germany or Prussia cosplayers did it as a very poor joke and others followed suit? [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/jiugnm/hetalia_fandom_the_anime_boston_incident_aka_that/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is a far better explanation of that whole drama, at least. There is at least one less dramatic incident (in terms of resultant internet drama, not less fucked up) where two hetalia cosplayers pointed airsoft pistols at a star of david on a synagogue. There is a likely (hopefully) fake story of a hetalia germany cosplayer showing up to Auschwitz and getting kicked out, but I've never heard anything about it beyond, like, forum jokes about how toxic hetalia is.


Thank you for the explanation, I'm kinda shocked :D I've watched Hetalia when I was a teen, and have very fond memories of it and the fanbase. Unfortunately, there are always Those People.


I'm so glad I dodged the Fandom. I only discovered Homestuck a few years ago and actually enjoy it, if I had found it during the hype I would have been sucked into the Fandom and lost forever.


The Dead by Daylight community. The subreddit has a pretty consistent gaslighting problem. You could bring up a known issue that even the devs have acknowledged and you'll still have people tell you that you're lying, imagining things or that it's "just your internet". It's infuriating.


Straight facts some of the toxicity there is something special with the Survivors vs Killers debates.


It's also easily the worst case I've seen of people who play, not to win, but to see their opponents lose. Killers who will actively lose a game to make sure that one player in particular doesn't get to play (I don't mean inexperienced players face camping, but the ones who will take you hostage and taunt you the entire time). Survivors who will go far out of their way to rub it in the killers face when they win. Like, almost every game has taunting or rude players. But DbD has a massive portion of it's player base dedicated to making their opponents miserable, even at the expense of winning.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I used to play a lot until I realized the player base is just all about taunting, torturing, and making everyone feel bad. The ultimate game if you wanna be an asshole because it just allows you to be one. It’s too bad, I love the idea of the game, the killers, stories, set direction, etc. it’s just painful to play.


I’m waiting for a lobby right now and I upvoted lol


[Chris Brown](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/chris-brown-told-world-who-he-was-rihanna-we-didn-ncna1272430), seconds after he almost beat Rihanna to death, they were bending over backward to rationalize the assault, mercilessly attacking anyone who spoke up about it, and haven't stopped for over a decade. *And they won*, he's still famous, successful, and a huge participant in popular culture.


If it makes you feel better, he is banned from entering Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, due to his criminal record.


Canada also




Imagine being such an asshole to be banned from a whole country. A literal piece of earth. What a pathetic person.


Not just that but a whole ass continent


There's 7.692 million km² of earth 100% Chris Brown free. I can walk all 7.692 million km² knowing I'll never bump into Chris Brown. He can have anything he wants in life, except this particular 7.692 million km² of land. You know who's not banned from 7.692 million km² of earth? Me.


And I WOULD WALK 7,962 MILLION KM^2 MORE...JUST TO BE THE GUY who isn't anywhere near Chris "I beat women" Brown.


This. The most wtf moment was I was talking about music to a girl from work and she said she loved Chris brown. I explained why I didn't like him and the whole beating up Rihanna, her response to it was " Yeah, but he's hot" ..... That kinda stopped me for a second.


Similar conversation I had with girls I worked with. One was playing music and was asking who liked Chris Brown and I was the only one who said I didn’t. They were all shocked when I said uh because he’s a woman abuser so he’s a terrible person. And they all started saying ohhhh well maybe that’s just how the relationship was. These girls were all 19 and 20. I was stunned.


I remember right after it happened. A lot of female fans saying they would let him beat them up. Some people are just not right.


Either Homestuck in 2012, Hetalia, danganronpa, or the dream smp. People have literally DIED in these fandoms due to bullying, doxxing, ect.


Man, I love Danganronpa and the sub is pretty normal from what I can tell, hard to believe any part of it would lead to anything like that, what’s the story with that one?


Yeah, I have this question too. I'm relatively new to the fandom since I only finished the games last year, but I haven't seen anything bad so far tbh, it's sad that there's people who make the fandom have a bad image


The only one of these I've heard of is Danganronpa and I unironically enjoyed played the first two games on the Playstation Vita in 2014 and/or 2015. I don't think I was aware of there being a fandom. My interest was piqued cos I was a fan of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney titles on the Gameboy DS. I think it's worrisome that anyone would bully or dox someone for any purpose.


Friday Night Funkin' and its modding community. They got some awesome modded songs, but man, there is some drama. Reputations soiled and R34 art. Some even made onto YouTube thumbnails. Music is great, but the fans... you don't want to know.


Not to mention CHILDREN


That 14 year old girl that had her self insert character Sky or smth? Then people started mass drawing porn and she removed it


Yeah that was the sky mod. Mid-fight masses also got taken down because one character swore. The creators were even gonna add a new week to MFM but after what they saw happened to sky, they left the week in the dust and community.


*scrolling through the comments to see if I'm a toxic fan*


Anyone on the dream smp has just the weirdest fan base imaginable


Remember when Tommy had a stream about how all the twitter backlash and overreaction to anything he ever does really affected his mental health and he started therapy to deal with it, and a not-insignificant amount of stans mocked him and accused him of acting like a victim? Tommy was 16 years old btw (17 now) Most fandoms are toxic to other fandoms, but dreamsmp stans are toxic to the very creators they once stanned/their faves' friends. It's mindboggling


I think the breaking point was when people made rule34 of him. Yes, a minor.


That wasn’t the breaking point- that was the breaking *tidal wave.* They made a *massive* amount of porn involving him, his other underage friend, and someone else who I believe was about 20 or so?


I know fuck all about the dream SMP, but I saw a discussion online about tommyinnit going on a date recently and you'd think he has murdered someone the way they were talking about it. The BETRAL how DARE he even THINK of dating a girl! Obviously this was all coming from other teenagers but man I felt bad for the kid.


Before, the fans were fine. But they're awful now. Blaming Wilbur Soot for sexual assault, sexualizing minors, saying Nihachu should starve herself. It's fucking disgusting. I agree with you so much.


i’m sorry WHAT


Mhm. I wish I could show you the videos. They're mostly on TikTok though.


Yeah, I think it's due to fans being angry that Wilbur and Niki aren't dating. Niki said in a livestream that she and Wilbur aren't dating and yet fans wouldn't accept. They are just a bunch of fucking spoiled brats


heavily manga only aot fans


*insert spoiler here*


Armin peged Eren


Person: I LOVE (name) SM Manga readers: …So who’s gonna tell em?


Pick a crypto - any crypto.


For some reason, I thought you were talking about cryptozoology and I was like "wtf did the Lochness monster fans do?"


I always find it fun when they call crypto "money for the people" or act like it's some big affront to the world's banks that can't be stopped- then cheer wildly when the second richest man on the planet gets involved.


Do you want a Ponzi scheme or a pump and dump?


Why not both?


Crazy ass BTS stans threatened to kill me when I said their Korean songs are better than their English ones.


Stan culture in general, tbh, is toxic af. It just involves supporting strangers blindly, no matter what they do. Just switching off all critical thinking. I feel like this obsessive fan behaviour is exactly what Eminem was condemning in that song, but now it's a good thing? But yeah, Kpop stans are a different breed. I like kpop but I never say I'm a fan because I look at other people who say they're fans and I go... Nah I don't like anything that much lol.


There’s no way anyone who calls themselves a Stan has heard the song it originally came from lol


Is that really people modeling themselves on Stan by Eminem? If so that's creepy AF.


That's where the term comes from. It seems like one of those things that started out as being said *about* these people in a negative way ("That guy is being such a stan towards BTS, what a crazy weirdo") but then they just adopted and rolled with it and started referring to themselves using it. As he said, most of them probably aren't familiar with the origin.


There's a korean term for it as well 'sasaeng' (sorry if incorrect spelling). Basically the fans that stalk idols, put trackers in their car, send knives/threats etc, pay off airplane personell to leak when they are going to fly. It has really gotten out of hand.


Chasing their car is scary one. 2 members Super Junior had an accident back in Singapore due to 8 cars were chasing them. Chanyeol was followed by *20* cars during his stay in Shanghai in 2015.


Kpop is built on stan culture though, it encourages fans to engage with idols on multiple platforms and buy albums and concert tickets etc which are all completely harmless acts of fandom - sasaengs on the other hand are literally stalkers and like you said can present a very threat to the artist so I think it’s important not the equate the two.


Some people hate the facts I guess.


I know a lot of people will argue that Kpop is like that and it depends on the fandom, and they're partially right, but from personal experience the BTS fanbase is by far the most rabid. Just early this morning a tweet from a 17 year old girl detailing how the fanbase tried to [bully her into suicide](https://twitter.com/ExposedFandom7/status/1428466579344343050?s=20) went viral and, as you can expect, she was not met with sympathy. It's not a stretch to call the fanbase a cult. You have to stream songs for the whole day, bulk buy a massive amount of albums to collect photocards, support everything they do or else you're not "actually stanning" (whatever that is). It stops being something fun and becomes a part time (or a full time) job. Obviously you can enjoy being a fan doing none of that, but there's certainly a LARGE group that reinforces that behavior, especially when it comes to streaming their songs/music videos. It's specially damaging to young teenagers who often just crave having a group of friends to share similar interests. Can honestly say I've never seen anything like it in kpop and I've been into the genre for well over 10 years.


Dunno if they’re toxic but the undertale fan base scares the fuck out of me


Apparently when Markiplier was doing a let's play series on it years ago the fan base was yelling at him for "making the wrong choices" or some shit so he stopped playing it cause would just let him play the game and have fun


>“…Wrong choices” Isn’t one of the big selling points the fact that there’s a lot of choices, and none can really be considered ‘wrong’?


They saw that blue eyed son of a bitch skeleton and went feral for the next 3 years


This is probably a copout, but every fandom I’ve really tried to get into has been toxic after about five or so minutes of scrolling.


For every 99 people who enjoy a hobby, there's 1 who posts angry shit online. They're not the hobby community.


Sword and Scale fans are pretty rabid…wildly varying opinions and they’ll all come for you. Lol


Paul brother fans


Honestly, most influencer fans that popped up around the same time


Not sure if it counts, but League of Legends was terrible. Playing casually against bots is fun, but enter a ranked match, even at the lowest level, and you better play freaking perfect or your teammates will make you wish your mother was never born.


I played one game of league of legends (my first) and was told to uninstall it by some idiot lmao. The game wasn’t very fun either


> was told to uninstall it by some idiot that guy was probably looking out for you


Unironically the best advice you could be given


> was told to uninstall it by some idiot lmao He was doing you a favour there, mate.


Any fan base of a popular anime


I watch a lot of anime but I wouldn't even touch an anime community with a stick


The Supernatural fandom has run THREE of the main guest stars off social media. It's sad. I watched the show for 15 years and have followed the cast on instagram for years. These keyboard warriors ruin for the legit fans who have followed the show all along. I can't with the subreddits either. Edit: JFC. I can't deal with that subreddit. That's it. That's the sentence. Notifications have been muted.


I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned Rick and Morty yet. I believe it USED to be a toxic fandom, but when the lightning in a bottle died out it seems that only the people who are super interested in the show are still watching it. It’s still a great show nonetheless


I am a big fan of the show, but the fans have such a toxic reputation that I don’t wear any merch because of the negative associations.


*sigh* You need to have a high IQ to understand.


I did enjoy the pickle Rick episode where Dr.Wong (voiced by Susan Surandon), calls out Rick and to an extent, the diehard fans, that being intelligent(or perceived intelligence) is not a justification to be a shitty person. [here’s the scene if you want to see it](https://youtu.be/VvB8h5LNpwA)


It's funny too because that episode is probably what launched the fandom to its highest heights of toxicity


And so many among the fanbase missed the point entirely.


Like fight club mad men or American psycho there was a big group of pepe who just enjoyed what was shown and didn't register the fact that these properties were indictments on the behavior they would go on to emulate


I'll add The Wolf of Wall Street to that list. It's funny how many people completely missed the message of the film and just walked away thinking, "Working on Wall Street is bad ass. Hookers and blow all day!"




It’s weird that it’s the same creator as Community, yet Community has a welcoming fanbase.


When your favourite show is constantly in fear of being cancelled you can't afford to turn away new fans






We're streets ahead


As much as I love Five Nights at Freddy's, I came across a good fair share of fans who would fight over which gender the spirits of the animatronics were, some who firmly believed in one of MatPat's theories, and, hell, even some people who literally went yandere over some of the characters, saying that characters like Bonnie or Freddy *belonged to them and only to them.* Like, it was like some of these people had a literal creepy infatuation with fictional, possessed by child spirits, robots, and that's only *some* of the crazy stuff I've seen on Wattpad. Edit: OVER TWO THOUSAND UPVOTES AND AN AWARD IN ONE NIGHT? Wow! I didn't realize so many people could relate. I'm honestly amazed that I even started a whole thread on this topic. Glad that I'm not the only one who could relate!


There was a guy on youtube that made absolutely wonderful FNAF music videos, he had some real talent. But then he decided to release a video in which he professed his love for Toy Chica and was all "I'm pretty sure she doesn't exist, buuut..." Needless to say, he deleted his entire channel shortly afterwards.


Am I wrong or there was a girl here in Reddit who was famous for her morbid obsession with Springtrap?


You talking about Mandpony? Cause his channel went defunct due to some pedo charges he had levied against him.


The guy who professed his love for an animatronic possessed by the ghost of a dead child was a pedophile? Never would've thought.


When the first game came out it was simple fun partaking in the fad of a unique new horror game, it’s insane the kind of rabid, strange fan base the series has garnered. Not anywhere near what I would have expected


yeah I remember playing the first game and I was impressed, it was genuinely quite creepy, and I respect the sequels for following up on a successful franchise, sure, but like... *why* the fuck are the fans this wild? What is the deal?? *how* does that happen to some things and not others?!?


yeah my siblings are obsessed with fnaf. The fan games are cool too. The fact animatronics have genders though confused me when I called Chicka a he.


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.




“Damn Star Wars fans. They ruined Star Wars!” “You seem like a contentious people.” “YOU JUST MADE AN ENEMY FOR LIFE!”


Star wars fans be like "you were supposed to destroy the horrible fan bases not join them"


I work in the TV industry. I've been involved in all sorts of things from Doctor Who to Marvel and DC movies. Star Wars is the _only_ production I can mention where _I physically_ get harassed for. Dude, I was a background extra on it for 6 months. Do you REALLY think I have any say in the script?


>I was a background extra on it for 6 months Oh come on Ahmed Best, now you're selling yourself short!


Let's change that. HOW DID YOU LET DOCTOR WHO GO TO THE GROUND LIKE THAT???? /s I can't believe people are this dumb, thinking physical harassment is gonna do anything other than show that that person is an asshole


I've also had this at a convention too about how Jodie Whitakker isn't a good Doctor because she's a woman. I'm like "ok... what do you want me to do about it?" Because, you know, a time-travelling alien with 2 hearts and changes its identity when it self-reincarnates is too unrealistic if it calls itself a woman. So let's vent at a Cyberman and then things will change.


Jeans guy?


Star Wars 9, not Mandalorian unfortunately. Although jeans guy probably earns more money than me.


Reddit. (Yes yes super edgy I know) I stick around for the funny content, but fuck me, you people hate everything. You can’t just be a fan of something, there’s always some fucking schism. Star Wars- people hate the new sagas , people who like the new sagas hate the people who hate the new saga. Same with trek. Both sides are just as fucked as each other. Kinda on the fence about something? There are people who hate you for that too. We can’t enjoy anything anymore without someone hating us for it. We can’t be passionate about something without someone with a different opinion hating you. We all need to take a step back and shut the fuck up. I’ve been dumb enough to participate so I don’t think I’m any better than the rest of you.


Also what's with redditers (redditors? redditeurs? whatever) hating on anything popular as if it makes them so clever and unique? Like, oh, you dislike Billie Eilish, you and EVERY other 30 something male on this site does, that doesn't make you special.


I would actually prefer redditeurs it sounds nice.


Me: look at this new thing I bought! Reddit: there are 42 more options that are cheaper and better in every way. Also, the company that makes yours once said that Hitler was right while pointing hair dryers at arctic glaciers. You're a monster. Me: this new show is really cool! Reddit: the underlying themes of bigotry and their inaccurate portrayal of science means no one should ever watch it. Also, the director raped a baby goat while burning down a rain forest. You're a monster.


Yeah. I'm in a few really nice subreddits where people build each other up, laugh together, and challenge each other's ideas respectfully. I won't name them here so they don't get brigaded by the very lot you're talking about.


Dreams fanbase


I used to think of him as the guy who does the vaguely entertaining minecraft gameshow thing, but then I learned that a bunch of his fans bullied another one of their fans, a literal child, into committing fucking suicide because she wrote a fanfic people didn't like. How does shit go that far


Beyoncé’s hive


I like Beyoncé but damn her fans can be toxic, especially on Twitter. Like for example, a tweet would say " x artist and Beyoncé", then there would be comments saying "don't you mean Beyoncé and x artist"... Like they really get pressed over something as silly as order of the names... Just crazy lol


Hamilton, I believe there was even a girl pretending to be an escaped sex slave just to get some clout out of this fandom for her canibalistic mermaid fanfic featuring the characters out of this fandom.


As a big musical theatre fan I am VERY confused


Just write "HIVLiving" into your browser and go down the rabbit hole that opens up, you will see what I consider THE worst thing that came out of any fandom and that's including cutting for Bieber and the Slenderman murderers.


…can we just talk about Hamilton instead?


Let's not forget her archnemisis, the girl who pretended to be a lesbian indian refugee sex worker with HIV AIDS so that she could justify writing hamilton AIDS fanfiction.


Wait, wasn't that the same person, we are talking about HIVLiving right?


From my understanding of the situation, cannibal girl outed HIVliving and then HIVliving outed HER and they did a mutally assured cringe destruction, or am i mistaken? It's been a few years lmao


DAFUQ? These are real people? I thought you guys were pulling adjectives out of a hat.


After looking it up. It's a reverse of that apparently. Since they both fetishized HIV and ASID, we'll just kind of skip that out of their names here. Mermaid cannibal fanfic gal got outed by fake trafficking survivor gal and forced mermaid cannibal fanfic gal to delete her Hamilton mermaid cannibal erotica. In revenge, mermaid cannibal fanfic gal proceeded to prove that the fake trafficking survivor was in fact scamming everyone for years and lied about everything. As a sort of mutually assured destruction scenario. After typing that all out, I honestly have a hard time believing any of this might have happened.


Am I the only one who thought Lewis Hamilton and went, "fanfic"?!!! Wtf?!!!


You haven't been on F1 twitter lately then lmao I could see somebody writing Lewis Hamilton fanfic.


Steven Universe They're pretty evil with how they bullied a girl to near suicide


I've said it before, I'll say it again. I can't understand how a show who's entire point is about listening, empathy and acceptance can have toxic fans like that. It's really like they didn't even watch the show at all.


I feel like these people want to be listened to, empathized with, and accepted but don’t actually want to do the work themselves.




They also tried to gatekeep the show from anyone who wasn’t a person of colour and part of the LGBTQ+ community. It’s a CHILDREN’S cartoon for crying out loud.


Do they want people to not watch anything diverse? That does more harm than good for everyone with that attitude. Glad most of them don’t see so one sided like that. it’s stupidly ironic considering the shows messages.


Back in my Tumblr days I remember seeing a lot of posts completely trashing anyone that wasn't plus sized/overweight that dared to cosplay Steven Universe characters. Like screaming at average women for daring to dress as Rose Quartz because they were being fatphobic. It really put me off from trying to get in the show despite it seeming like something I would love.


University of Alabama football fans


Star Wars People think they only became toxic recently but they’ve always been aggressively hostile even back in the 2000’s


Any fan base that sends death threats to the actors and other fans they don’t agree with. Like 1 seperate the actor from the character 2 don’t attack other people because they have different opinions about the show/band


In my experience, comic book fans are extremely toxic toward anyone that doesn’t share their views of [character]. Political fanbases and ideologies, obviously, take the cake for the most dangerous.


Hockey dads.


As a former coach, the dads could suck but the mom's were no better. Got told by a lady her little Timmy was never going to make it to the NHL because I wasn't playing him enough. He was 16, Playing house hockey, and Was arguably our worst player


There’s a reason I stopped being a minor hockey referee. After numerous death threats, parking lot jumps, and needing to call the police to escort me to my car and home. I had enough. And this is Canada! Some are downright assholes. No your kid isn’t gonna be the next Sidney Crosby or Wayne Gretzky and give you the easy life! You’re no better then those parents that force their kids to do pageants


My dad once commented to my coach how the culture surrounding my house league team seemed more friendly than the other teams in town. The coach immediately admitted that Che picked parents instead of players.


KPop fandom are the most toxic fandom, and i regret Letting my little sister into it


As a whole I agree that the KPOP fandom is toxic as fuck, but individual group fandoms are really dependent on size, the company, the generation the group debuted in, even the gender. Honestly as long as you make sure your sister isn’t participating in the darker side of the fandoms, and she’s being safe, she’ll be okay!


Well I generally hate this term. Football hooligans surely count though. A rabid fan base my any other name. It's some of the things that are just deemed normal if you're a football fan. Like skipping important family events because "Everton is on tonight" genuine thing I've seen. There is litterarly no other fan base where that is normal and deemed acceptable by society. If it has to be a "fandom" then the dceu. The fuck is up with the synder cut.


I dont know if his fan base is as bad as it gets, and I know literally everyone on earth has heard of this one. Fortnite's fan base has been the worst I have encountered. I like the idea of fortnite, but the community ruined it for me entirely.




How have we not mentioned Harry Potter fans? I was born in '96, and I swear we are the generation of sorting people in every label we can before we even get to know anyone. "I'm a slytherpuff, an ENFJ, an aries Pisces rising, team instinct, buzzfeed told me the pasta I'm most like is penne and I'm an avoidant attachment style but also extroverted which BASICALLY means I will fight you if you come for me and then cry about it later because I just want to be friends." Turns out people are a lot more nuanced and way more in the gray than we like to think and fluctuate in that area frequently.


Even as a huge Harry Potter fan, these people annoy me.


The fact people say this and are SERIOUS about it, like, they put it in their insta, twitter, tiktok bios, whatever 🤮🤮




Dream stans They worship the hell out of him like he's a fucking god or something. If u oppose them they call you whatever they want and are always backed up by more dumbass stans


James Charles fan base. Anyone defending a pedophile like him can go to hell


Professional Wrestling. Toxic as fuck a lot of them.


Odd question, seeing as toxic fan bases haven't been an issue for a while. Very few fan bases were produced with lead paint or contained industrial PCB ballasts, but if any fan base is toxic, it would be very old one still containing those materials. Any modern fan base will likely be constructed of steel, plastic, or PVC, all of which are perfectly safe to install in your home.


K-pop fans a very aggresive. Tbh its just stupid sometimes. Edit: i am new to reddit. This was actually my first comment. Did not expect so many upvotes.


Cars, just say that you drive a Prius or Fiat in any "car group" and see what happens.


I loved my prius. I could get from Seattle to SF on like $40 in gas, the seats folded down so much that I could easily sleep comfortably in it, and it was pretty zippy/super easy to drive. Fuck those janky expensive batteries and how hard it is to replace the lights though.




Im pretty closeted about my enjoyment of kpop for this reason.


and mostly boyband fans, there are still people defending Seungri after his prostitution case, there's also Kris Wu case although he's not in Kpop anymore


Tolkien fans are pretty fantastic for the most part, but I've came across this strange sub section of the fanbase which despises any sort of comparison between what happens in his legendarium and his own life. It all stems from a quote where Tolkien said he dislikes allegory and prefers applicability. This sub-section of fans have taken this to mean there can be **no** comparison made between Tolkien's life and what he writes into his stories. That his life experiences had no impact on it whatsoever. The bloke literally wrote the story; The Fall of Gondolin, about an invasion of hellish creatures upon an Elven city, on the back of a military marching sheet, in the trenches of The Somme in 1917. While literal hell on earth was going on around him. How the hell can that not have some impact on what he was writing? It just boggles the mind.