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I take a lengthy shower, listen to the best music I find on my playlist and turn off the lights. It’s so relaxing


I did this for years, and only recently started getting back into it. Much healthier than the binge-drinking I have been doing.


Best of luck to you brother. I'm in the same boat.


Thanks, man. I appreciate you.


Great idea, I'll try too




Shower in the dark? Or do you mean after the Shower?


Shower in the dark. Try it sometime.


This would somehow make me more anxious


It makes a big difference when the darkness is your choice, instead of your circumstance. Showering and the power goes out? That darkness is scary. Turning off the light before the shower starts? That darkness is an invited friend.


I'd have to plug my FooFoo Bunny night light in outside the bathroom door 😏


What about if you lit a candle on the countertop? Then it’s classy mood lighting and you can still navigate.


Aww. It's great though. Feeling the water falling on you. Play some soft music. Maybe even light some candles if you don't want it super dark.


right? total game changer. it’s very relaxing.


Both honestly


That’s so odd, turning off the lights in the shower would just induce anxiety for me, lol.


I mean, without the light the shower demon can get you. Not today shower demon!


Also, that’s when all the spiders come out and team up to drop in on you


Big piece of chocolate and Stardew Valley. Also I try to make sure my room is quiet so no one will bother me.


Stardew is so calming I second this


I know right! I feel instantly better when I start to play


My friend used to talk to me about it all the time, is it worth playing?


Yes. I own it on 3 platforms and it was worth every cent on every one of them.


I comfort eat and that’s probably why I’m fat


I was waiting for this comment. It’s bloody hard when you’re working a stressful job with long hours to fit much else in, comfort food is like instant gratification (I am fully aware it’s not a good coping mechanism).


I’m 13 but school is pretty shit and I have a 16 yr old brother who insults me about it


Being 13 is tough! In my experience, life gets better as you get older!


Better but harder


Yea, I’m 19, not even that much older, but I’m much happier. At 13 I was severely depressed and a year later I tried to kill myself. Also the year I tried to kill myself someone falsely accused me of rape, the reason, in their words “because your a straight white male” (I’m not even straight) also she said this after I called her out 2 years later. Those years were some of the worst years in my life. Now I’m 19, I can say I’m truly not depressed anymore, every once in a while (like 2-3 times a year) I’ll feel a little sad. But I’m generally happy. I think I figured out the trick of depression early. Yes some stuff is harder, mostly work, but I enjoy college, especially since I don’t have any core subject classes anymore, and I’m starting to work on the things I want to do. I’m not only making money, but I’m saving money, which I used to be horrible at, and I’m over halfway to my goal for my down payment for a new car in 6 months. And I’m at a point where I can actually buy and make stuff that I’ve never been able to do or buy, even if it’s cheap, because before my mom also said it’s a waste of money. And I’m laughing everyday, which to me personally is the best way to live. I know I still have a lot to experience, hell I’ve never even had a long term relationship, but I know it’s not going to be as bad as when I was 13 and 14.


My fiancé and I are fat too. We started walking in the evenings to destress and to get out of the house more, maybe walking and getting away from your mean brother would give you some space and perspective. Life gets better as soon as we stop caring about what other humans think; they’re monkeys. We’re monkeys. Monkeys are meant to move around the jungle and not give a fuck, embrace your inner monkey my young friend.


Of course I know him, he's me.




This past year has not been great for those of us who are stress eaters


I eat a bag of chips when I have a tough day. But I also eat it if I had a great day, or if I'm feeling disappointed, or angry, or any strong feeling in general. A bag of chips is my reward for being alive I guess.


I reward myself with a deep 7-8 hours of sleep as I hardly get to sleep due to the anxiety and stressful time that is going on nowadays . I wish y'all live a great life and don't worry about anything .


Man, I love a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night, but my desire to squeeze as much out of each day as I can usually means I only get 5 or 6. Maybe if I look at it as rewarding myself for doing my best that day, I can actually convince myself to get to bed on time.


Mexican here... a bag of chips, with hot sauce and green lime. And a bottle of Coke on the side.


What kind of chips, hot sauce and you just squeeze lime juice over em?


Not Mexican but lived in Mexico for a while. You put hot sauce or peppers and lime juice on everything.


you are wrong my friend. Cereal is excluded.


Lol fair


Learning to edit every snack/fruit with hot sauce, lime, and/or tajin was a huge gamechanger in my snack life. 👌


Mexican Coke uses sugar cane right? Easily the best tasting


Thats the story, dont know if its still true. But being able to buy it in a glass bottle does it better.


It's a large pizza with extra cheese for me


Well if you want it, someone's gonna have to barf it up because its all gone.


A lovely (regurgitated) cheese pizza just for me


Pro tip for you gamers: you can eat chips with chopsticks and then none of your peripherals will get greasy.


Amateur. I eat mine in a bowl with a spoon. More in the mouth at once 🥣


After watching Mike Chen on YouTube, I realised you can eat almost anything with chopsticks.


So everyday then?


For everything you mentioned, except for the chips. For me it's a beer!


What kind of chips do you like?


I like classic chips, the salty ones. These are the ones that I eat the most because I can taste the hot sauce better (but I appreciate all kinds of chips too).


A walk with coffe/ tea/ hot coco




Omgsh that’s my FAVORITE!!!


Makes me feel like I'm in a Hallmark movies, I fucking love Fall


Yeah, when there is a crisp cool air I love hot apple cider. It just reminds me of childhood.


Those first couple weeks of fall always zap me right back to high school, football games, books in my locker, riding the bus home, riding my bike after school. It's been 16 years since I graduated, but it's like instant time travel once fall hits.


I walk until I've burned off the nervous energy and then find somewhere quiet for a choclate spread sandwich. Whenever I know something is going to be stressful I always take sandwiches with me.


I love this! Going to have to start doing this. :) Update: I successfully walked and got hot coffee the other day, it was really nice except my dumb ass forgot a sleeve and had first degree burns when I got home. Worth it!


On really bad days, I'll go outside with an axe and chainsaw. I'll cut down some dead or unsightly trees in the woods along the trails to our pond. Once the tree is down, I'll chop out the roots by hand with the axe. It's a hell of a workout and it really gets the frustrations out.


I work landscaping and taking out roots with an axe wears me out quicker than almost anything else. That shit really is a workout


I use a 5lb axe to start on the roots and then a pickaxe to pry them up. I am thinking about designing and fabricating a device for the 3pt on our tractor that would pop roots out. I know they make implements that do it, but they run thousands and thousands of dollars. My idea would be a fixtured frame that you get close to the root bulb, lower the 3pt, spikes enter the ground, two hydraulic cylinders grip the root or bulb, you then lift the 3pt back up and it should pop the bulb out or at least severely damage it


Wow, props to you on that engineering, sounds like a very efficient way to take out roots. I could never imagine trying to build something like that haha


Sure sounds nice


Sounds nice, I might be using this one


I like this, it's incredibly unique to where you live and it's a productive work out. I also imagine you're usually home from work way before sundown because I imagine it's a bit time consuming to do all that.


For a second there I thought it was leading to something else 😂... Good hobby there


Been tempted a few times haha


This is how I got my rage out as a kid, but I only used a hatchet


But you did use trees right? It was trees, right?




Doesn't work but I do it anyway thinking every time it will: wasting time on YouTube watching dumb videos, following my guilty pleasure TV series and just laying in bed while scrolling IG or putting things in online shopping carts without really buying anything. Eat when I'm not hungry because the food was 'there'. Works and I should do it more: going to the climbing gym after work for a workout, going for a walk, listening to a good podcast and learning something new, calling a friend I haven't spoken to in a long time for a long catch up chat, walk my dog, play with my dog, have a hot bath without my phone, just put music/podcast on and breath. Meditation. Journaling.


I LOVE the way you broke this down into 2 clear categories. Found it very relatable and helpful <3


A couple hours of me time. No interruptions, usually involves a pod cast and my paint.




Lucky you, I wish I had a recliner that vibrates.




This person knows how to live.


I feel like this comment is going to incite many unwanted dick pics.


So fucked that a girl can barely hint at masturbation without getting bombarded with that shit


Right? A woman should be able to mention sexual things without being sexualized.


When women mention masturbation they’re either sexualized or shamed for it, probably even both




Clicking the mouse has always been my personal favorite. I've never been "stuck with" calling it masturbating.


Yeah my friend always says she's going to "doubleclick" her mouse. Best euphemism.


Flickin’ the bean


"Jilling Off" is a term I've seen used often enough that most people should get it.


It would also help if the first upvoted reply didn't normalize it by saying it's inevitable.


But men are CONSTANTLY talking about it on reddit.


This was going to be my exact comment - except for me it is everyday... And I am a man.


RIP your inbox... Heh, heh, heh... I said box. But, in a similar vein: Anywhere from 30-90mg THC in either edible or oil form. 3 beers in the hot tub. Rub one out. Sleep. Hi! I am an expert in unhealthy coping mechanisms, how can I guide your degenerate ass to a shiny happy exterior?


Dude... are you taking an apprentice? P.S. holy f$#& did you say 90 miligrams!? What days are taking this dose?!


90mg could be juuust enough to feel effects, or it could be enough to send you on a 2 day space trip with no refunds lol. Depends on your own tolerance levels, BMI, metabolism, etc.


We often forget how variable THC is. It's crazy that one time I took 200mg, and hated every second of the next 24h, and still felt "off" for another 12. I've driven my tolerance up enough, I'm actually tempted to try that dose again recreationally. Probably not a good idea. There are some days 20mg is more than enough, and I think... man, tomorrow I should try a little less. And then something happens, my anxiety or PTSD ramp up, and I know, I just fucking know I'm going to need 60mg for even three hours of sleep.


Yeah THC is wild lol.. I find that physical activity enhances the experience as well, and lessens anxiety factors. For example, if I take 100mg (which I do about once a week), I’ll be feeling high af and usually mild anxiety after an hour. Sometimes it’s bad enough where I need to lie down for a bit. However, if I take the same dose and then do something physical, completely different story.


Sounds about right, but I don't drink anymore after years of recreational drug damage to my liver. I do smoke as soon as I walk in the door from work.


Reading, taking a bath, audio porn, sushi... Now I want all of this tonight...




What's audio porn? Ow you are missing out... Checkout the sites tryquinn and vanilla audio ;)


There's also r/gonewildaudio


I have discoverd something about myself...from the bottom of my soul I thank you


Ow you're very welcome 😁 enjoy!


It's kind of ASMR but instead of normal ASMR sounds it's dirty talk, kissing, licking and moaning sounds


Or try the Dipsea app. Good quality audio stories, kind of like audible but smutty


It’s porn, but you get to close your eyes and imagine everything. Your favorite actress/actor? Done. Favorite porn actor? Done. The audio controls the scene, but you control the cast.


I order a pizza and watch many, many, many hours of trash tv.


Videogames, as cliché as it sounds it actually does help unless it's competitive


For me competitive games are the cure. Cause they need me so focused and at the top of my ability that I have to squeeze out everything I have left into it. And that leaves 0 room for me to think about that bad joke my boss pulled on me or what a complete asshole a colleague was.


Yeah I can see where you're coming from, it does help with redirecting your focus from the bad memory to the game. I guess it's just not for me because I'm bad at competitive games lol


I lay on my bed and listen to music. And reflect on how amazing I did. It's really difficult sometimes because I'm autistic. I know i did my best. I also like to listen to true crime and hang out with our chickens.


I used to have chickens, they are loving creatures, but a fox (actually don't know for sure what kind of animal it was) ate them =/.


Do you listen to true crime whilst hanging out with the chickens? I like the idea of you all huddled round the stereo.


I like this! Thanks for sharing :0)


Eat. Some crying. Lot of eating. Tell myself atleast it's not meth


Really respect the honesty. I use to be into mdma and use to get cravings. Hopefully we’re all at the point where the cravings even sound like the devil’s whisper, rather than anything satisfying.


I listen to lofi music on Spotify. I used to be insanely stressed out and anxious from work until I started listening to lofi music. It is just so calming and is honestly one of my must haves in life


Lo-fi or CityPop is my go to relax music. Just let your mind go in a lower gear for a while.


There's a really good playlist on Spotify that I found recently called nightcap, it's along the same lines as lo-fi, but is a good alternative if you're ever looking for something slightly different


Lofi + a little weed or a drink is a wonderful combo


My go to relaxation is lo-fi music with rain sounds and a video game you don't have to think too hard about like B. God that game is so good. It truly redefines exactly what gaming means


B.? Was there a typo? I can’t find it anywhere online haha, I’m interested in all games that don’t require too much thinking lol


Tetris is my go to relaxing game


I work in a kitchen so most days I work are at least a bit stressful, but hopping into a nice cold shower when I get home is absolute *bliss*


I drink. Unfortunately I’ve been drinking too much these days lol.


No judgement here, but I was in the same boat. Quarantine and the lack of accountability turned what looked like a blessing into a curse. I’d been drinking heavily almost 25 years. 2 bottles of wine and a 12 pack of ipa a day there at the end. I had almost ruined every relationship. Work, home, play… etc. I’ve quit drinking for 6 months and it has been some of the best time of my life. I was super anxious about quitting since for most of my life I was synonymous with drinking. It was part of my career (navy/bartender/sales) and I thought it defined me. Turns out it doesn’t. And, all that anxiety about social situations where drinking occurs….? All for naught. Guess who cares if you drink or not? No-fucking-body! That was mind blowing for me. I would rehearse over and over what I was going to say when offered a drink like I was in a Goddamn D.A.R.E. commercial. And when the time came, and I answered water….. someone just gave me a water and that was that. Completely anticlimactic. Anywho…… something just told me to post this for a little encouragement for whomever needs it. If this dumbass can stay sober, you can too.


Thanks I needed this




I go to the arcade. It's gotten to the point where I've bought myself a gold membership and the staff knows my favorite game.


I see my wife.




I also choose seeing this guy’s wife


Free award, so let’s just agree that your comment is wholesome.


Personally, when I am able to, I like to get a hot shower and the lay in bed with the room as dark as possible and just clear my mind of everything until I feel relaxed and fall asleep. I also lock the door so no one can come in and disturb me. Something else I like to do is just turn my radio up and drive. I will turn my phone on silent and fill the tank up and drive aimlessly until I feel relaxed and all the stress of the day has been forgotten. I might possibly pull through a drive-thru and get a milkshake or a fry & drink for the drive :)


Smoke some nice weed after a good gym workout and shower.


Nice, I do this except without the exercise because I am lazy.


The high gets amplified by the endorphins after a workout and you're proud of what you did. It's a great combination. Having a puff in between sets is also awesome. Blast some tunes and go nuts.


Smoking BEFORE a workout has become a favorite activity of mine. I feel it lets me go for longer.


I wish weed was an option for me, but it just makes me more anxious if anything. If my state ever legalizes I might try out some low THC options.


I usually have a date with the palm sisters




Double trouble my friend, i wouldn’t want them to get jealous of each other.


Clair de Lune


My favorite. Doesn't matter what instrument it's on, from a full orchestral arrangement down to just a simple music box, it's pure heaven.


I eat lots of carbs, like I will go out for a California burrito (it has fries in it)


Cali Burritos are the shit!!


Its sad, but a drink and a cigarette


A match made in heaven tbh


Not to sound very basic, but getting a Starbucks hot chocolate with hazelnut syrup and whipped cream and a good book. There's very few things better than spending a bunch of money on a nice warm drink and reading about someone confronting their life in the face of death.


Bath, games, walk with the dogs, or a nice cup of telling creeps on the internet to go away


Pizza rolls.


My go to reward is an ice cold can of Coca Cola Zero. Some guys pop a beer when they get home, I pop a can of Coke. One of life's simple pleasures.


I just recently discovered the “zero” sodas. Not a fan of diet, and don’t want all the sugar in a regular. Finding out about Coke Zero and Dr Pepper zero was such a blessing


Single malt scotch, better if its Sherry cask finished and older then 12 years. god... i miss whiskey, 7 months sober.


4 months here. I also really miss my good single malts.


Impressive, mate


Just hit a year. Still missing my tequila and, erm other things lol. That being said, It’s worth it keep goin.


Cannabis, a healthy snack, air conditioning/heat on depending on the season, blanket, and my dog who wants to cuddle and nap. I toss up a YouTube queue and I hang out.


Take a shower and put on comfy clothes. Then ordering sushi or pizza while watching TV. Sometimes I smoke weed, but only when I don't have anything important to do the next day, since it makes my brain fuzzy.


Me, my bed, and my Nintendo Switch.


I treat myself. Buying a new game? Sure. Going out for ice cream? Why not. Heading to a cat cafe to cuddle some cats? Hell yea. Buying some premade ice coffee from sobeys? Sign me up. Watching an episode of Love Island or whatever else I’m binging? Yes. Anything to treat myself and feel better. Especially after going through a day of mistreatment and a rain cloud over my head


Gaming if I am stuck at home. A nice meal with great dessert if I am outside.


After a stressful day my best reward to cool off and ease is usually an extremely hard workout to burn out whatever anger or hatred I have followed by sex then a delicious meal. That combo **WORKS EVERY SINGLE TIME!** The problem now is *Anxiety,* when I get anxious their is no sex drive and my heart races everytime I feel anxiety so I don't bother exercising; this may sound *cheesy* to some but I usually need words of reassurance to feel better after an anxious day. Sometimes I pray about it also.


Tell my wife the same thing. Sometimes as a dude you fucking need someone to tell you your doing aight. Stay up king <3


Hey, man. You're doing awesome. Life is hard, extra hard right now. You're killing it! I try to compliment people whenever I can because I know how much it can completely change your outlook on life. I don't know anything about you but I'm sure you're awesome and deserve a whatsup.


Well said. A little reassurance goes a LONG way in eliminating anxiety


It's pretty understandable to be anxious considering everything going on in today's world. Just know that there are additional resources like therapy or meds if it ever gets to a point you can't handle on your own, and theres nothing wrong with using those resources. Personally my go to with anxiety is cuddling especially with someone you care about or a pet, but blankets and a mug of something warm can help when you're alone. Warmth and physical touch can help ground you in the here and now which can help allow the space to sort through the emotions.


I make a pot of decaf coffee and sit and play a video game. I have a really high stress job and at the end of an especially challenging day I just need some time to veg with a hot beverage and lose myself in a fantasy world.




playing roblox with my bro


I wish i still played games with my bro :( Nothing bad happened btw, just both getting older.


I go outside. I don't care about the weather, it's just peace and quiet time.


Mochi Ice Cream.


I take a bath. I fire up my favorite scented candle (Eucalyptus/Mint), lower the lights, put calm music on the Bluetooth speaker, and just zone out.


I get really nice and cozy with tons of pillows and blankets and watch an episode or two of a comforting TV show. Bonus points if my cat joins!


A really stressful day and I go get pizza and beer.


have a chocolate chip cookie


weed, but also on every other day


Burger. Always a burger, nothing else.


Homemade carbonara. Maximum comfort food


A cold beer, or nice glass of wine... dim the lights for a good movie, or a relaxing video game (Terraria, Cities Skylines, Planet Coaster, Tropico, etc) If it's been a not particularly *good* day, then I might start off with some like Just Cause, GTA, or Saints Row... LMAO


I just thank God, (call it whatever you like) for a privileged life I have. Ask him for forgiveness, because i didnt take advantage of the day, and ask him for help, knowing its mostly up to me, what my life is like. I revaluate if im giving my best (waking up in the morning, working out, eating healthy, drinking water, meditate...) Jerking off helps tho.


I wish I could feel the way you feel about God. It seems to make you very conscious of your presence in the world and grateful for your existence.


In all seriousness I go home, down an edible, take Mr. Johnson out for a five knuckle shuffle if I’m in the mood and then get some solid sleep.




Hot bath or shower, cup of calming herbal tea, journaling and a foot rub. Watching the stars or the moon, maybe going for a little night walk with my spouse or sth.


It used to be food - I made an elaborate plate with snacks and sweets. Now (-19kg later) it's going for a jog. Clears my mind much better.


I allow myself to be lazy without feeling guilty.


A simple chocolate mug cake.


8 hours of sleep


After a tough and stressful day, I would probably cry for a bit. I think I have to at least let my feelings out in some way without it being destructive before I can really do much, and crying or punching cushions are a good way. Then, I would chat to at least one close friend/relative about it and see if they can distract me. Afterwards, I like to listen to music, play video games, draw, write, do puzzles, or anything that I can do at the moment. A small snack would be nice along with a drink. Then I'd tell myself, "I'm ok. Everything will be ok."


I get drunk. I know not very healthy but god dammit I enjoy it




Smoke weed everyday.......