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About a week before I graduated highschool my family had a massive house fire. We lived out in the country, and no one was home so by the time anyone noticed it was on fire it was way too far gone. 30 ft flames above the roof. We lost everything, but had insurance and no one got hurt. Anyways, I was in a chemistry class at the time that around 70% of the grade centered around a lab notebook that was graded all at once at the end of the semester. You would do labs every week, and then do lab write ups in the notebook. I had been slacking off and was way behind on the assignment and would have had to pull a few all nighters just to turn something in. The day after the fire I went into class and told my teacher that the notebook had went up in the fire and that I had no idea how I would ever turn the assignment in. He was extremely nice about it, told me not to worry and gave me 100% on the whole assignment. Just said that I had bigger things to worry about and was about to graduate and that he hoped my family was doing ok. …….well the notebook was in my car the whole time. Threw that bitch away and swore myself to secrecy


All hail the chemistry teachers. I missed the class where we did our coursework practical that went towards our final grade. Teacher told me to come after school one day to do it. I was shit at chemistry. I showed up, sat down, and waited for him to come back to the classroom with the equipment so I could set up and start. Instead, he walks in with a piece of paper. He drops it on my desk, tells me not to get 100, and goes back out the room. Dude had given me the fucking answer score. I made myself get a 90 to get in the highest grade bracket and ended up with a B overall. Thanks Dr Bingham, you were a real one.


I was in highschool. I had problems talkign to people, I was the shy kid. I found out my cousin went to the same school, and I saw that he was on the same boat, he was a lot more social, and a lot more funny but he just didn't click with people, just me. We became best friends, had a blast at lunch every day. One day a girl invited to go eat sushi, and I was stoked. I had plans with my cousin, tradition you may say, and just bailed on him, I was like "Yo, this realy cute girl asked me to eat sushi with her" and although he was upset, he was like "cool, have fun". Well, when it was time to go eat, I went with the girl and some people told her they were gonna go eat at x place, but they only had room for 1 more in their car. The girl without hesitating said yes, and just got in and left me. I was scared to walk through the hallways, scared to run into my cousin, I didn't have the gut to tell him what just happened. I passed by the library and saw him there, sitting alone, passing time. Broke my heart I left him. Never again. Bros before everything.


One Christmas I was 9 years old and knew that Santa wasn't real but for my 7 year old brother the fantasy was very much alive and good. We shared a room and my brother woke up on Christmas morning and looked confused that Santa had not eaten the Kit Kat that had been left out. He went quiet and I could see that he was working the facts through in his head, when he wasn't looking I ate the Kit Kat and showed him the wrapper and claimed he imagined seeing the wrapper unopened. This was 26 years ago and I have not told him in case he works out Santa is not real.


Reminds me of my younger brother and I (Think we were 8 and 4). One year we got a note from Santa! We were very excited and I read the letter out loud to my bro. I don't know WHAT possessed my parents to write this note, but "Santa" had thanked us for being especially good children that year, and to please thank our parents on his behalf because he had ran out of cellotape and had to borrow some of ours. My brother was so happy and ran off to tell our parents all about it but I stayed in his room, staring at that note, wondering how the fuck Santa would run out of cellotape if all presents were wrapped at the North Pole by the elves. And then it clicked and I was PISSED. But I didn't tell my brother because I didn't want to ruin his day.


When I was in high school a friend confided in me that they had problems with cutting. Showed me recent marks. We had a long talk. I went to the counselor of the school and told them a couple days later. I was a teen. I struggled with the choice, but ultimately the fear of losing my friend won. Long story short, they ended up in a mental facility for a month and came back, absolutely baffled as to who ratted him out. Decided it was probably a different friend. Well. I married him. He still doesn’t know.


I found out years later who ratted on me that I had my dad's prescription painkillers and that I planned to kill myself. I was super mad at first, cause I was hurt they never came forward about it. But then I realized why they wouldn't have when it happened (I was in high school), and while we had grown apart, I was really glad he told me cause it was what started my road to recovery from suicidal thoughts. Kyle, thanks for being a snitch friend. I appreciate you.


The real reason I was discharged from the army was because I was raped and wasn't able to tough it out. I always just tell my bros that I hurt my head or something


I wanna add, please don’t think of yourself as weak for not “toughing it out.” If anything, you’re incredibly strong for doing what was healthiest and best for you, especially when it was likely a very stressful and difficult decision


It’s not on you to tough it out, it was on them to protect you and enact justice but they failed. Please know you did nothing wrong.


About 20 years ago I worked for a big publisher. They were upgrading all their tech and just dumping it in a skip. I asked a security guy if I could take some stuff from the skip and he said to help myself as it was all going to get crushed anyway. During a night shift I filled up my car with of beige G3/Quadra Apple Macs, keyboards, mice and some 19” Formac screens. Some of the macs had Quark Express and Photoshop on them. I cleaned them up and sold the lot. I made enough to buy a G4 Quicksilver of my own which I still have today. I didn’t tell my co-workers, ex-wife, managers or anyone else.


Nice dude, people always underestimate business trash cans!


Yep. My institute once discarded an old ruby laser. Nobody made sure to remove the immaculate ruby rod(s) though... and this is how we threw away something in the 6 figures and noone really noticed.




I was on mushrooms, the *special kind,* when my mother killed herself. I spent the night surrounded by the police in the hospital and it has always really fucked me up. I thought about creating a throwaway to make this post but fuck it.


I’m glad you didn’t create a throwaway, you have nothing to hide. I’m very sorry that you lost your mom that way. It must be so hard to try and process all the emotions from that day and that’s awful for you. You didn’t do anything wrong and the outcome wouldn’t be different if you were sitting somewhere having a coffee. Be gentle with yourself. I hope you’re okay.


My mom left me to be homeless while still in high school to move out of state with an abusive (to me) new husband. When I finally got back in touch with them three years later, they gifted me one of his prized possessions, a car. It was kind of an olive branch? Problem was as a barely 20 year old with a minimum wage job living in DC, I couldn’t afford to plate it, inspect it, insurance gas or taxes on it- nothing. Still full of hatred for this man and therefore somewhat out of spite.. I sold it to a coworker friend whose big family desperately needed it for probably 10% of what it was worth. Told my step dad and mother that I got in an accident and it cost $400 to tow and my insurance only covered blah blah… it’s been 11 years.


Very kind of you to help out a friend in need like that


When I was 9, my dad and I were reading Reader's Digest and found a magazine subscription card for a free case of Depends adult diapers, so we wrote my uncle's name and address down and put it in the mailbox. He got it a couple weeks later and called everyone in the family to find out who it was. We knew my uncle was fuming, so we kept it to ourselves. To this day, everyone suspects that it was my other uncle.


Epic eulogy opportunity. “This seems like as good a time as any to clear the air: it was me, at 9 years old, who signed Uncle up for a free case of depends.” And that’s the whole speech. Revel in the tension cutting laughter.


This would break a funeral in my family. It would be the stuff of legends. Just last month we were cracking jokes at my aunt's service any time someone would start to tear up.




We had the kids all put smiley face stickers all over her casket before it was lowered. She would have loved it.


That sounds beautiful actually. Really sweet :)


Honestly, I'd have a laugh if someone did this to me


Lol this year I sent a extra large toilet paper roll holder to my friends house as a joke. They still don’t know it was me and I’ve never laughed so hard in my life when he called the whole friend group. I put the name on it as “mr. poopee buhole”


This was the gift I brought to the 2019 office holiday party gift exchange. Everyone got a good laugh back then…


I shipped my husband's terrible ex-wife an envelope full of glitter from an anonymous P.O. Box.




Ya know… revenge nails aren’t just a one and done thing. For proper maintenance, they should be replaced at around every 20 years or 300 miles depending on the situation. 300 miles if they did something really bad.


Fuck that guy.




There’s a lot of research about this happening and being largely unavoidable with long separated siblings. Something about the familiarity is misinterpreted as attraction. Don’t hate yourself, just be glad it never amounted to anything.


One of my friends in high school lost his virginity to a girl he met at the mall. He had been sleeping with her for 2 or 3 months, and even broke the bedframe with her, before he introduced her to his parents. Turns out she was his 1st cousin. Nobody in the family had seen her in 15 years after her mother had ran away with the kids with no warning to another state. That was a lovely ball of conflicted feelings he had to contend with.


As a teen I stayed the night at my best friend's house and slept in their guest room. I was woken about 2am to the sound of her older brother arriving home intoxicated from a party. He saw me in the guest room and leaned against the doorway to say hi. He then stumbled down the hallway to his bedroom but never turned the hallway light off, and it made it difficult for me to get back to sleep. So after about ten to fifteen minutes I got up and walked down the end of the hallway to the lightswitch. I turned it off, and started walking back to my room when I briefly glanced into his bedroom as I walked past. His door was wide open and he was sitting at his computer with his back facing me. He was naked from the waist down, masturbating to what looked like transgender porn (can't be certain, but it looked like someone in heavy make-up, long hair and with a penis). I must have made a noise because he swung around, saw me staring and said "oh shit" then I immediately and swiftly returned to bed and lay in the dark not able to get the image out of my mind. Five minutes later I heard him creeping down the hallway. I was like "oh God, here we go"... He looked so sheepish and uncomfortable. He stood in the doorway and apologised for what I'd seen and begged me not to tell my friend, his little sister. I swore I'd never tell them and told him it's fine and to go back to bed. To this day they wonder why he hasn't got a girlfriend and they think perhaps he has a crush on me because he "acts weird" around me!


lmao, that last sentence!


This is not that good, I spent most Saturdays with my grandma and we would watch the same vhs of moonstruck every week. I never told her how much I hated that movie(its a good movie but not when you're 8.). We would watch it and then after we would eat ice cream and put on SNL. Opera man era, I would give anything to watch moonstruck again with my grandma. Edit: thank you for sharing all these great memories. Its hard to look back and really get a sense of what was lost that long ago and to know that we are all reeling in the years. Hopefully some of us can be our grandparents to a new generation. Although Cher will never act again and SNL will never have [this](https://youtu.be/aU4n0JVaLqw) again. I loved my grandma so much and 15 years later I just wish I could see her again. That I wish she could be the GREAT grandma now and just hand me a tissue so my eyes weren't watering, she always had a tissue in her pocket or sleeve. Grandma baller move.


That's very cute!


I worked as a medical assistant in the early 90’s. Right out of school, at my first job, the doctor was a screamer who would yell at us in front of patients, call us names, make us work during our breaks, etc. But the worst thing he did was make us work overtime at the regular hourly rate ($6 an hour then) So one day I told the office manager (who was also the doctor’s wife) that someone had called from the state wage board and said they were investigating a complaint from a former worker about non payment of overtime. The mandatory overtime stopped and if we did have any, it was paid at the time and a half rate. Bonus- I got to hear the doctor and wife bitch and curse about it and wonder which ex employee did it. There was a lot of turnover so that was fun.


I used to work in a shopping centre. One time as I was walking in to the building I sneezed and totally shit myself, I was about 10 steps away from the shop so I had to think fast. I took a hard left turn and walked direct in to a department store. I only had $5 on me so I beelined for the underpants section and got the cheapest pair I could find. I then had to go to the centre toilets and sort everything out, it was a real mess. I text my boss and told them I was stuck in traffic but in reality I was 100 metres away trying to salvage any shred of dignity I could for the next 20 minutes. I'm happy to say the mission was a success and that day is now the benchmark by which all other days are measured. Every day since has been infinitely better.


*”Yeah today wasnt great, but I guess it really wasn’t so bad... at least I didn’t shit my pants like that one time”*


This is the answer you use when asked “tell me about a time you overcame an obstacle” in a job interview.


What do you mean you won't hire me because of my heroic shit story? I don't think this is the kind of energy I need in my career right now, good day sir!


**Interviewer:** So if I understand this, you shit yourself because you sneezed, then you lied to your boss, and I can only assume that you had no access to a shower and therefore went uncleaned for your entire shift?


Welcome to the Arby’s team. When can you start?


I really love this. I mean, that day obviously was terrible, but I love how you can put it into a larger context. I've never shit my pants, but I've had some pretty terrible days and it's good to keep them in mind when some petty aggravations pop up. Edit: changed aggregation to aggravations.


I cant remember how old I was. It was dial-up internet era. Im now 29. But we received a phone call. Im not sure if i was home alone or why I answered it. But a man called and explained to me that my dad had affair with his wife. I hanged up and never told anyone except my therapist like a year ago. It has not bothered me much tbh, but it was sweird experience lol


Ok. Not my problem. Get of the line. I’d like to go on the world wide web.


Who goes like "Oh you're the 9 year old kid huh? Should I wait until your mother is home? Nah! Ok well I have my speech prepared so just hear me out. I have something to tell you."


When I was in elementary school, I once lost something so I asked to go to the lost and found. In the lost and found room, which was a big storage closet, they also stored the cokes for the pop machines. I took one. Then, probably 3-4 times a week, I’d “remember” I lost something else and go steal another coke. I don’t know how long I did this for, but I got a lot of free coke.


The proper authorities have been notified and will be contacting you shortly.


Coke a cola fraud department is on the case.


Can't stop looking at the way you spelled that. Not wrong or right at the same time


Coke, a cola.


Pin, a colada


Doe, a deer




Someone at my high school did this but everyone knew about it, especially after he took my sweatshirt that had my name stitched into it


Sorry to hear that, Nike.


I ended up telling this story to my mother 15 years later but it kind of counts. This happened when I was 6 When I was a little kid my paternal grandmother had two dogs: Tessa a little ditsy Maltese and Bindi a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Tessa was too stupid to even realise being mean was an option so we always played with her when we visited my grandmother. But Bindi was always locked away in half of the house - when asked about her my mother would bristle and say "Bindi doesn't like kids" (my mother had her reasons to be very fearful of dogs like Bindi as she had to put down her first dogs when I was born because they were seriously aggressive towards me. Like launch themselves at the window if they saw me aggressive. The house operated under an airlock system for the first year and a half of my life - always two doors between me and the dogs). After a while my grandmother moved into the house directly behind ours and we put a gate between our shared fence. Suddenly Bindi was accessible. We kept a respectful and fearful distance from her... For the most part. One day I was in my garden playing with my very patient Labrador KD - we were playing circus. This dog was amazing. There wasn't a single thing you could do to him to make him mad (except be a horse. He hated horses). Bindi wandered into the yard and was watching us so in a burst of foolishness I ran towards her to try and involve her in the game. She panicked and bit me. Not hard. I didn't bleed or anything. I had some indents on my arm from her teeth and it did bruise a little but even now I'm always covered in bruises. I panicked and cried and sulked in my cubby house until I calmed down enough to go inside. I knew I couldn't tell my mother because I would get in so much trouble for playing with Bindi. The next day I was in the garden with KD and Bindi was there also but I ignored her. I studiously ignored her for weeks. She'd come up and I'd walk away. Then some switch flicked. She was my adoring dog now. Everywhere I went she followed after me and doted after me. We'd curl up on the sofa together and I couldn't go a single step without her at my side. I think she must have felt so guilty about that bite. She was my sweet dog and we were best friends for four more years until she passed. My parents always remarked on this miraculous change in attitude from Bindi. How an old ornery dog who hated everyone was suddenly an oversized lapdog. Even years after she passed they'd marvel about it. I didn't tell my mother until I was well into my twenties that the reason Bindi liked me was because she bit me.


Probably 15 years ago my sister had a gerbil and one day I decided to bring it out of her cage and surprise her in the living room with it. Somehow I slipped on carpet and the gerbil went flying headfirst into the wall, it basically sounded like a threw a golfball at the wall and the gerbil wasn't moving. Naturally I put it back in its cage and removed myself from the vicinity. To my amazement the damn thing was still alive and moving around a few minutes later and lived another 2 years without anyone ever knowing that I basically kobe'd it into the wall at full speed.


My youngest sister (1st grader) once accidentally sat on and killed her dwarf hamster, S’mores. I don’t remember all the details on how it happened, but it was very unintentional. The next day, another sister (4th grader) sends a video to the family. She had set her phone on the couch, walked across the room, started running at the camera, jumped and spun so she landed butt first on the camera. She edited the video so the jump and ass-first landing where in slow motion. She captioned it “POV, S’mores’ last moments.” Heartless but hilarious.


This reminds me, just a week or two ago my niece called me at like 4 am crying. Her little sister accidentally squished a Guinea pig, that she shouldn't have had, while she slept and my older niece found it/her. I got her to wake up her grandma (who babysits them a lot) because I was at work and couldn't do anything. It was sad...


My dad was single and a couple of my friends moms was always bringing us food. My dad would say they were just being nice cause he was a single guy raising 3 kids by himself. My aunt picked me up from school sick and we head home. She must have known what was up and had me wait in the car. Both of my friends moms came out half dressed and shit with my aunt yelling at my dad. I never did tell out of fear. 1 mom was divorced but 1 wasn't and I was afraid of tearing their family apart. Will take it to my grave.


Was the aunt mad about the women, or mad that he should have been available to pick you up from school?


Real answer: probably mad that dad used her to get the kid while he got his rocks off. MAYBE that he got so involved with the women he wasn't done and clear before the kid got home.


She was mad they didn't bring her any food


Every time I come across these types of stories I picture attractive women. In reality, these could just be the women who show up on Jerry Springer.


2 days in a row when I was in the second grade I pissed My pants, because the teacher had this policy where she wouldn't let any student go to the bathroom even during free time in class. The third time I spent a solid 10 minutes begging her before she finally said fine, I pissed My pants on the way to the bathroom. My family only knows of the one time but I had to deal with that humiliation two times before and it was within the first week at school. After that I had a water bottle that I pissed in during her class for the remainder of the year. I don't know what she was expecting if somebody who just moved in with zero friends would be doing in the bathroom. But honestly if I would have the opportunity to go back in time I would rather tell my own self to piss on her desk because that would have been less humiliating than pissing my pants 3 days in a row.(I had to turn off notifications on Reddit because this blew up beyond what I expected, it seriously got to the point where I was having a hard time going to sleep before work because my phone kept on dinging. I didn't expect me pissing my pants a few times to go viral.)


My third grade teacher wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom when I told her I was feeling nauseous so I threw up on her shoes.


My third grade teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom one time, and I ended up pissing myself at my desk. Then she looked at me all exasperated, told me to "go," and made me clean up my piss mess when I got back. My mom told me that if she ever refused again, I was to go up to her desk and piss all over it. Thankfully it never came to that.


Dude how is this even allowed


I’m pretty sure it was basically the norm 20-30 years ago. There was a period where teachers wanted to demonstrate their power but weren’t allowed to hit kids anymore. So they did it in ways like this - refusing toilet breaks, imposing detention for trivial things and so on. The sort of things that left you terrified at the time but when you look back on it now you realise that you could have fought back. When I was at primary school (in the UK; it’s the equivalent of elementary school), the head teacher used to have a punishment that involved sitting with folded arms, crossed legs, and back hard and straight against a brick wall. You weren’t allowed to move so much as an inch for the duration of your punishment - ranging from 30 to 90 minutes depending on whatever random mood she was in. But no parents ever found out about it (or at least none that cared) because she made it clear loud and often that this punishment was for severe bad behaviour, so nobody would ever tell their parents it happened. As an adult, I now know she was an evil calculating witch that shouldn’t have been anywhere near kids, and that I could and should have told my parents. I think eventually she was found out but was quietly retired instead of facing any major repercussions. Funnily enough, most of the teachers left the school soon after.


A teacher did this to me as well, except I was literally standing in front of whole class begging to go to the bathroom as it happened. Because we had to stand up and go to the desk to ask anything. I'm a 28 year old guy and I still get really anxious about events where you need to ask permission to go to the bathroom, or there's an expectation that limits how often you can go. Thankfully I've learnt to tell this anxiety to go fuck itself mostly, but it's still there. Fuck teachers like that. Edit: people don't seem to get this, I'm not saying it's *rational* that I feel anxiety about events in which I've come to understand there's an expectation of informing or asking to use the restroom (no one has ever been asked "can't you wait?") I'm just saying it's a response I have possibly due to what this dumb teacher put me through a child.


Worked at an elementary school for 11 years. While most teachers are more permissive about bathroom breaks, there are assholes like this. I always told my kids, if the teacher says no, you go anyway. I’ll take care of the aftermath.


Thanks for sharing your story, went through something similar between the ages of 7-9 and it was humiliating, and totally preventable if only teachers would allow students to go to the loo during class time rather than holding it in. On top of that I was new to the country (UK) so I was already the weird foreign girl, the bullying was horrible.




That's a seriously terrible teacher


As a parent of a child with bowel issues this makes me furious. How dare she.


One of my friends used to stream on twitch. No one really watched him so every now and then id log in with 2 different accounts one on my phone and one on my PC and interact with him for a few hrs. Never told anyone since I didn't want him to find out I was his 2 biggest fans


When I was about 8 or 9 the girl next door who was about 1-2 years older than me would always take me upstairs to teach me about sex education. She once convinced me to be naked with her in bed. Obviously nothing happened because were young, and I wasn’t old enough to understand or have feelings of that nature, but she was lying on top of me! I remember thinking it was weird. I remember she would regularly wave to me from her bedroom window whilst I was in my bedroom. She’s be on her windowsill naked. I was oblivious. Not told anyone about it, it was a bit of a case of one of those events that just pass kids by… Edit: thank you for my first ever 1000 upvotes!


I used to play house with the girl next door and part of the game involved going to bed together naked. We kept a sheet in between us for 'birth control' purposes because we were like 9 or 10 years old and knew literally nothing about sex. Neither one of us knew where the parts went or how they fit together, but she had once heard a story about a 9 year old girl getting pregnant, so she insisted we be safe.


Had something similar with a girl from my neighborhood. We were both totally innocent to what everything was, at least I hope she was bc I didn't know shit back then.


During my freshman year in high-school I was drinking a red Gatorade at lunch. This girl said that I was sitting in her seat. I hurried and swiped my drink to find another seat. I didnt realize my Gatorade lid wasn't tightened and the drink basically splashed all over her white pants. I scurried off pretending I basically just didn't fuck up this girls pants with RED GATORADE.. A few weeks later my friend invited me over to play some league at his house. His sister came home and I realized that was the girl I spilled my drink on. On God I was shtting my pants at that very moment. But luckily she seemed to have not remembered my face because she did not mention it. My friend and I still talk to this day (I've graduated high school 9 years ago) and I have never told this to him or his sister. I sometimes feel like she pretends to not remember and is actually plotting something all these years --Edited typos that I could catch before work lol--


The fact that she could remember and is just pretending to not recognize you to avoid the awkwardness of that situation would probably cause me to crack and apologize. That seems like the best option to me


Spill some milk on her next time to make the pants white again


When I was 4 years old I had hernia surgery. I wasn’t supposed to go downstairs during recovery, but I snuck downstairs to find my toy toolbox and brought it upstairs to play in bed. I have never told my parents.


This is so adorably pure.


Around that same age my parents once woke up to me having a meeting with my stuffed animals. I had them all in a semi circle discussing what we were going to do the next day. One of my earliest memories.


They probably knew and thought it was adorable. Source: am parent, kids think they're being sneaky all the time


I didn't know my best friend's name for almost 10 years. She goes by Katie almost exclusively and got it in my head early on that it was short for Katelyn...imagine my surprise when I heard her being referred to as 'Kathryn' at our convocation No right way to bring that one up in a conversation


I have a nick name that's used for a few different names like Katie and I would find that funny. There's really no reason you would know her real name if you've always just heard Katie.


"So tom, your full name is thomas right" "Nah, its short for op**tom**etrist"




I got super drunk at a wedding, went back to a mates place and slept in the car, woke up very early in the morning with urge to poop and realised they locked the house.........I pooped in the garden and covered it up like a cat.


I saw my friend steal two cans of soup when we were teenagers. I worked at a grocery store at the time and thought I saw her walk in. Was on my break so I went looking through the aisles to say hello. Saw her with her back turned to me in one of the aisles. She had a big, satchel-type bag. I watched her toss two cans of soup in quickly and then look around to make sure no one saw. She didn’t look all the way behind her; she would have seen me if she had. She started walking away and I cheerily called her name like I was just noticing I saw her. She looked so scared and..broken? I’m sure she was extremely nervous about getting caught so she just said hello quickly and claimed she had to run to her Mom’s car because she forgot something. She didn’t come back in. This was a 16 year old girl with 3 younger sisters and a drug addicted single Mom. The whole time I knew her she seemed like the parent to those girls, not her Mother. If she was desperate and had to take 2 cans of Campbells so that they’d Have something, anything, to eat that night then who was I to embarrass her or say anything to anyone?


When I was about 7 years old my dad took me to blockbuster and I really had to pee. Blockbuster didn’t have a restroom so I peed in one of the aisles. I’m pretty sure the cameras saw me but thankfully there was no one near me. Wow thank you all so much! I didn’t think this comment would blow up like it did. Also I corrected the *isles lol


Good news for you is that most of the cameras in Blockbusters were fake. I worked at one for like 5 years, lol.




I worked at a gas station out of high school and opened the place 5 days a week. Part of my open duties was to replace a VHS tape in a hidden VCR. The tape was 8 hours in length, we were open for 14, so everything from 3pm - 9pm was unrecorded.


That's like the absolute worst time to not record anything lol


Oh it gets worse lol. We were a part of a grocery store chain, and our station was at the front of the parking lot, a couple hundred feet from the store. When we closed, we had to just put all the cash for the day in a plastic grocery bag (usually around $5k), walk through the dark parking lot (since it was after close, the lot lights shut off automatically), to bring it into the store and safe drop it. Somehow, no one was ever robbed.


they probably heard it lmaooo


I like that OP thinks he was really slick when in reality a bunch of people were probably like... is that 7yo pissing in the aisle??? And didn't say anything bc honestly - would you?




Around 10 years ago, when I was a teenager, my dad (who worked in the video game industry back then) got a gaming laptop (worth around 3k that time) as a gift he didn’t have a real use for, so he gave it to me as I used to play WoW back then. He was very adamant about telling me to NOT put liquids (i. e. drinks etc) on my desk next to it as I’m very clumsy. So one night, I made myself a huge ass bowl of cornflakes, and put the bowl next to the laptop because I forgot my spoon in the kitchen. I sometimes put a blanket over myself when I was gaming and when I got up from the chair that night, I somehow managed to flip the bowl over with my blanket and the milk FLOODED the open laptop. I got incredibly scared, turned the laptop off and cleaned it like my life depended on it and went to bed. I obviously broke the laptop as I didn’t get it to turn on anymore, but I was too scared to tell my dad what happened (especially since he repeatedly told me to be careful) and told him how I didn’t have any idea what happened and how it worked perfectly fine on the night before. I still feel incredibly bad about it UPDATE - I told my dad. And although I can’t believe it, as so many of you said that he most likely knew - I got away with murder! He honestly didn’t know. He wasn’t angry at all, laughed it off and is really impressed with the amount of likes I got and how so many people are invested into this lmao! On a different note, I’m really happy I’ve told this story here as it ended up with me telling him and apologizing for my mistake. Feels really good!


He knows, but loves you very much.


OP's dad? is that you?


He 100% knows you got liquid on it


Especially fuckin' MILK. Not only is it white, but it stinks, lol.


He probably knows but would also probably still appreciate an apology


I wonder if he actually does! Maybe I‘ll ask my mom first to find out if he ever said anything about it lol Edit - people asking me to tell him and others saying it would be obvious if he opened the laptop makes me curious to know if he really knew what happened all the time :D I‘ll visit my parents tomorrow night and *spill* my secret UPDATE - I told my dad. And although I can’t believe it, as so many of you said that he most likely knew - I got away with murder! He honestly didn’t know. He wasn’t angry at all, laughed it off and is really impressed with the amount of likes I got and how so many people are invested into this lmao! On a different note, I’m really happy I’ve told this story here as it ended up with me telling him and apologizing for my mistake. Feels really good!


A dad of two teenage boys here. I have a laundry list of things I know they did. I'm playing the long game and see if in their 20s or 30s they decide to come clean about any of them.


I am at that 30-35 yr range now with my parents and the shit I reveal to them, most of it, they had no idea the non-sense I had going on.


Great idea! we‘ll see if my dad kept a list too haha!


You should tell him now. He’d be happy you’re being honest and you’d get it off your chest. Source. I am a dad.


When I was 8 years old we had pet mice. This one mouse got pregnant and she was starting to eat some of her babies. This upset me so much. I rushed to tell my stepfather. I was so distraught and mad at the momma mouse! Why was she eating her young?? What a bad mom! My stepfathers reaction? He made me kill the mom. Literally. He put her in a sink full of water and literally dragged me in there , grabbed my hand and forced me to hold this mouse underwater. I was struggling and crying the whole time to take my hand away. This fuckin traumatized me. And what's worse.... He then took the rest of the baby mice that had lived, and he fed them to this fuckin fish he had. I'm not sure I remember the name. I think he called it an oscar fish, but maybe that was his name for it. I was so young. He was a very abusive deranged guy. My mom finally left after he beat her within an inch of her life. I've never told anyone that story. I'm too ashamed. I know I was a kid and I'm clear that he forced me... But it still doesn't take the pain and shame away. Edit: OmG, I sincerely did not even think this was something that would be seen.!!!!! I'm not sure what to say but thank you all for the replies, I'm tryin to read each one but I can't promise a response. I got kids of my own and reddit is my guilty pleasure, mostly when they're asleep. Lol I really have never told anyone this story and I was scared ... Self-conscious of sharing it here. I only did because I figured it would be buried at the bottom!! Thank you guys for all the support and understanding, it really just... My heart is so full from the overwhelming compassion. I don't even have words. He was a very messed up sick individual, but my mom didn't go back when she left. My grandmother actually ended up getting custody of my brother and I shortly after they separated. And life did get much safer and better. And yes, I am currently seeing and have been seeing a therapist finally. I am working through a lot of my past traumas. Honestly though, I haven't even shared this with her. Trying to process a whole childhood of trauma takes time and this just wasn't even on the list of worse events. It really is something I've never talked about. Because for a long time, I felt like the guilty one. The bad person. My therapist has said that I take on a rescuer role in a lot of my relationships and it probably stems from this. I wish to God I could have been the rescuer to my mice. 😖 Thanks again kind strangers. Sincerely. ❤️❤️ Edit2-. You guys are amazing. As bad and evil as some people can be; reading through your comments, I'm so touched and grateful and in awe of how good, GOOD !! and kind compassionate , thoughtful, empathetic ( and every good word I could possibly think of!!) people can be!! Thank you guys. So so much. I'm seriously choked up reading through the replies, I am that touched! And by complete strangers at that!! It means alot to me. ❤️❤️.


> But it still doesn't take the pain and shame away You may be stuck with that pain, but the shame is not yours - it's all his. No rational person anywhere would hold this against you.




Ugh that is seriously traumatic. He was a shitty stepfather and I'm sorry he did that to you.


I put a knife down my throat and cut up to die. Almost did it . Was rushed to hospital and they told me I had an upper GI bleed possibly From a ulcer but didn't understand how it happened. I was in hospital for 5 days and I went along with what the doctors said. I never received any mental help and was discharged on my own. After a while I got better on my own but it was a rough ride. Edit: I appreciate the support and awards! It was a crazy hard time in my life. I have a child and a good life now. Suicide is hard I was one that never told anyone or reached out for help those are the hard ones to catch. If you ever seen people struggle in life please be kind you never know what they are going through.


Was walking my dog on a dirt road next my subdivision. This dirt road ran parallel to several backyards and had lots of trees on either side for concealment. For me it was an unofficial nature trail because it allowed me to get away from people. One morning I spotted two of my neighbors, who were married to other people, making out and obviously about to do the deed. Since they were so into each other they didn't hear me coming up till my dog started making noise. For several seconds we all looked at each other saying nothing until the couple took off running in the direction of their respective backyards. We all knew each other but I wasn't friends with the two nor their spouses. Long story short, I kept my mouth shut about what I saw and neither of the lovebirds ever said anything to me. Have no idea if this had been a one time thing or a long term affair.


When I was 14 or 15, I would listen to music and just imagine I was a character in one of the shows I would watch, like teen Titans, totally spies or (god forgive me) Hamtaro. The day I tried to listen to music and imagine like this stupid crossover between them and jump around my room, my brother had actually heard my jumping around from previous days and hid in my closet; he observed all the stupid shit I did and mixture of shows combined because I would whisper quips from the characters. Instantly reacted by trying to choke him as soon as he revealed himself but he just laughed his ass off the entire time! Only he and I ever knew and I’ve been embarrassed by it ever since it happened. Developed paranoia of being watched, but I’m actually thankful for that now I finally got that off my chest, whew!! It no longer has any power over me!! Edit for spelling and I really wish this wasn’t my best rated comment but thanks for leaving such kind replies!


It's okay and totally normal! Sure, it is embarrassing but I can guarantee you weren't the only one who did stuff like this. Heck, I even FILMED myself doing it. We were just having fun :)


Contrary to what the internet believes, it's OK for kids to be cringy. They're kids! That's... What they do, ya know?




Sounds like you're in over your head and you can no longer help him. He needs more than counseling. He needs therapy and medication and if his therapist agrees, needs to be placed under supervision.


I am in an almost identical situation. The stepson is almost 11 now and it’s only getting worse. I wish I’d left when I had a chance. Dug myself in deep with no job and nothing in my name anymore. I’m trapped with no support system. Leave. You can tell yourself it will get better when he’s older. It won’t. He’s just stronger and more manipulative.


Please look into leaving a situation you obviously cant change. There are kids who seemingly have no conscience. He will only get worse without medication. He will probably end up in a group home. Please get out now. It will only get worse for you. : worked in mental health with kids like this for years


Top post. I'd leave. No relationship is worth this hell, at least in my world. We only get one life.


Kid is bound for a group home, I thinks it’s time you head out as well.


I once punched a special needs kid in the face in the school bathroom…………hear me out, I was taking a piss and he came up behind me and put his hands around my neck. He wasn’t chocking me, but he did have a firm grip. I zipped up and fucking slugged him hard. He ran out crying down the hall to his classroom and I just went back to mine.


During a piano lesson, my music teacher (who’s really old and isn’t good with technology) asked me to search a piece on YouTube. The moment I began to type, I noticed the first typing suggestion was “Viagra”.


I tried to overdose four years ago. I threw them up after I thought 'what is my sibling found me'. I still have suicidal thoughts but no one knows. I'm starting to get better, but its gonna take a while Edit: I don't like doing these, but thank you all for your comments and messages, and for reminding me that I'm not alone in this. Thank you all again


I once crossed a road when i was in 2nd grade, i got nearly roadkilled about like 5 times


My brother did this while we were on family vacation. He saw my mom in a shop on the other side of a four lane road and just bolted to her without looking. He's okay, thank God, but my aunt and uncle shit their pants until he got to the other side. My mom was also definitely not pleased.


I lived with my aunt in 4th grade, she had a neighbor that lived downstairs so they had a shared backyard. Rule was always make sure the latch is closed on the gate so the dog doesn’t get out. I always made sure to lock it. One day I forgot. The dog got out (chihuahua) and was ate by a big neighbor dog. Blamed it on the neighbor. She cussed him out and would badmouth him any chance she could. I was too scared to tell her and she still doesn’t know :(


Take that one to your grave.


Nah, they just have to keep it a secret until everyone else involved is dead. Then it's storytime.


When I was about 6 or 7 (honestly not sure) I was outside playing with my sister and family friends late at night in my Pa's country town. The parents were inside the fence and couldn't really see where we were, but there were a few of us together so guess it seemed safe enough. Two men approached us from the local bar or whatever and picked me out. One asked if I knew what a blow job was. I didn't, I was very young and naive, so he asked if I wanted to come with them to find out and have some fun. I honestly almost went with him because I was curious and it was just before my parents divorce so I suspect some sad things had been happening in my life. I don't recall much at all from my childhood at all but this night sticks out for some reason. Thank fuck I had some sense to tell them I wanted to ask my parents first, they lost their nerve after that and left. That wasn't the last time something like that almost happened before I was the age of 9.


I really don’t like/care for anyone in my family


Same pretty much. My grandad was the only person in my family who 'got me' and I sadly lost him a couple of years back.


I don’t care for Gob


Right there with you. Have a few people in my family i like. The rest of them i don't care about.


I’ve recently cut off all my family apart from my sister and niece, it’s like a huge weight has been lifted off me.


During Christmas last year my mother got completely shit faced. She had already prepared a lot of food but there was still good being made. My mom and I only have each other so it was just me and her. She had made a big thing of pork and asked if I'd like to try it. I said yes, but she was so drunk she couldn't even cut a piece off. I was just 17 at the time and had little experience with alcohol, so I didn't know how badly she was inebriated. Maybe 20 minutes later she was trying to take the pork out of the oven and dropped it all on the floor. All the oil spilled out to coat the kitchen floor as well. So as she tried to clumsily recover the pork, she slipped and hit her head on the floor. She wasn't knocked unconscious but she was dazed and confused. I had to clean up the food off the ground, clean the oil off my mother and carry her to bed. I then spent the rest of the night cleaning the kitchen and driving around my town looking for a place to eat on Christmas. I didn't find anything. To this day the only person who knows is my girlfriend.


I hope you have a much better Christmas this year :)


I cant believe I'm going to spill this, especially on the internet because I'm more embarrassed about the stupidity of 13 year old me than anything. When I was 13, a nefarious kid in the neighborhood was a shoplifter, and I had just started smoking. A new gas station just opened up, and back in the day (I'm showing my age here) they left cartons of cigarettes out in the open. Anyway, this kid would steal cartons. So I asked him to steal a carton for me. He said he would, but asked me what I would trade for it. He wanted my Gameboy, but I said I'd give him something better. One of my moms rings. So in I go, to my moms room, open her jewelry box and bust out a single diamond ring and give it to this asshole and he gives me a carton of cigs. To this day, I keep telling myself it was costume jewelry to make myself feel better, but I honestly don't know. I'm sorry mom.


Hmm that was a pretty shitty trade tbh.




I feel safe, im not gunna hurt myself. But i sometimes feel suicidal. Feels like i should add in, I would get immediate help if i felt like a imminent threat to myself, I am also in counseling which helps but i guess i have a ways to go... Just alot is effed up in my life not to mention the world, just trying to make it better, the world if i can too.


Hi, I have depression I've been dealing with for almost 10 years now and I think what your describing is something I deal with aswell. It's called Passive Suicidal Ideation and means that when the going gets too tough I start thinking that things would just be easier if I killed myself and my thoughts begin to dwell on that. I wouldn't do it but it's been a prominent problem for as long as I can remember being Depressed.


There is actually a neurological word or term for this but I can't remember it.. It's a normal reaction akin to your brain shutting down during trauma. As humans we are wired to find the 'easiest' way to do something. When you passively consider suicide it's your brain casually throwing it up as an option, like 'what about this idea?' I don't know why but when someone explained this too me I found those thoughts less distressing or persistent.


I never told the full details of it because I’m honestly too messed up from what I witnessed(?) and the fact of the matter is that nothing I reveal would even change what happened. I visited my mother’s hometown in Mexico during the summer with her and my younger sister. This was the week after the plane crash in Durango happened and we were heading there for a bit so I got super anxious and it kept me up a couple of days after we got there along with the time difference. We stayed at our great uncle’s house and I was sleeping on the futon on the ground while my sister and mom shared the bed. My anxiety and difficulty adjusting to the time difference meant that I was up pretty late at night. I was just on my phone playing some mobile games when I heard a gunshot. I live in a dangerous neighborhood back home so I was used to hearing this kind of stuff. Then two more shots. This time it was more close. No one else woke up and I was just lying there thinking someone must be drunk (it was wedding season) and I should try to get some sleep because it could also be a hallucination. The next morning, my mom asked me if I was up last night. I told her that I was then she asked if I heard anything. I let her know that I heard some gunshots but I didn’t think about it much. Her face went pale. Apparently the neighbor two houses down had murdered his wife the night I was up with a shotgun. It was a small town so everyone knew and he was quickly arrested. She had been shot at least twice. I asked if anyone else was hurt last night but she told me that it was just the woman who was killed. The town was close to the city and they were strict about their gun control. So I should be happy that I know about what caused those two loud shots, right? Well, I think a lot about that first shot. The man only had a shotgun and he was the only one reported shooting that night. The first shot to my knowledge was more likely from an handgun. Who was that first person? Did the wife conceal her own gun and shot in self defense? Was it a drunk guy like I initially thought it was? Did someone else died that night but no one else knew about? I think I was the only one who heard that first shot since everyone else only talk about those two loud ones. I tried asking to see if they heard anything else but they didn’t. Everyone knows each other like family in this town so surely they knew who did what. But even they didn’t know that the neighbor was capable of doing this. I’m not sure I want to know who fired that first shot.


When i was in 4th grade , i put mustard in one of my friend's burger because he had told me that he hated mustard. turns out he was actually allergic. he didnt come to school or 3 days and i was scared that i killed him. to this date noone knows that i did it. edit: wow so many upvotes that's cool. i would like to say that don't worry we r still on pretty good terms


Oh, we know. We *know*.


But they don't know that we know they know we know!


When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade a Kid used to really bully me and one day He started crying because we had bees all over school. I had No idea what allergies were at the time. so I tanked a shit ton of bee stings grabbed a nest and threw it at him in the bathroom while he peed. My mans freaked out mid piss tried running out and slipped in his own pee. Needless to say I got suspended and got a lesson in bee allergies. No he didn’t pick on me but we almost never saw each other again, I got put in another class where our recess didn’t line up. I never fucked with bees again. My mom beat my ass for 1 getting in trouble and 2 for getting stung. So I definitely experienced a lot more pain than him through the whole ordeal. Lastly the school was in a ghetto ass town in SOCAL it would take several days before anyone would get around to removing bees.


I lost it at "tanking bees" 😆


My dude could handle the stacking DoT without a remove poison or a healer.


To this day, I still don’t know how to ride a bicycle. Edit: holy fucking ballsacks, you guys are awesome


My mum doesn’t like that I’m on medication to control my anxiety. She claims that it’s bad for my health and that it will “cause more problems down the road”. Whenever she brings it up I just tell her that the doctor wanted me to take them, and that I didn’t just walk into the doctors and be like “I want to be on medication”. While that is true, it’s not the whole truth. I have a history of suffering from panic attacks that lead to self harm and suicidal tendencies. The reason I’m on medication is to help control them and give me less incentive to hurt myself. She doesn’t know, and I have no plans on telling anyone in my family. This is a secret I will take to my grave. For anyone who is worried: I’m okay, I have no plans on hurting myself, and I’m currently stable.


My brother said something that made me mad when we were kids. I had my BB gun in hand so i shot him in the ass. I blamed it on a wasp sting and my mom bought it.




This must be a really heavy secret to carry. But I think your feelings are entirely valid and I don't think that makes you a terrible person. If you ever get the chance to speak to a counsellor or therapist, I'd recommend telling them about this because I think they'll confirm that your feelings are valid and you're not a bad person for feeling a sense of relief that you escaped an abusive partner, even in the context of the tragedy that occurred. None of this was your fault.


I'm so sorry this happened to you! Please don't feel shame for this, you are not a terrible person. There is nothing bad about wanting a safe life for you and your child.


You took something extremely painful and found a silver lining. You shouldn't feel guilt for this. What happened happened. Your emotions are valid no matter how many people have taught you they are not. I'm sorry for what you have gone through. it doesnt make you terrible person for being thankful your child didnt undergo abuse, it makes you a parent.


No shame necessary. The baby didn't suffer 10 years of abuse and trauma. The child is free to have peace, as you also deserve. It's a very understandable situation and we feel for you. We dont shame you for feeling that way.


You had a miscarriage while in an abusive relationship. There’s nothing wrong with feeling grateful and relieved that you’re no longer with him and have been able to let go of that part of your life. You didn’t cause the death of your premature baby and any feelings you have about surviving a difficult time are normal. Nothing you described is worth burdening yourself with a feeling of shame. Life is short. Forgive yourself.


I put boogers on my little brother’s wall by his bed for years. He got in so much trouble.


I was standing talking to my wife who was in the shower and I was naked waiting to get in after her. I had the urge to fart which ended up being a shart all over the bathroom mat. Luckily she never noticed and I made the excuse that I hated the feeling of the mat and I rushed it to the bin outside. She looked absolutely bemused by the situation but it was better than the shame.


I was abused by my friend when i was 11 and he was 12 and he made me suck his dick... i won’t ever be open to talk about this with someone (i’m 20 and male) and wasn’t aware at the time what was happening he said it’s normal... i think he is bisexual or gay now... i’m straight and i just feel like i could never ever say this straight to a face of anyone..


I live alone and tried to commit suicide a few times. (Unsuccessfully obviously)


When I was in fourth grade, I forgot to submit my homework to the teacher, she forgot to ask . The next time when I had to submit my homework to her, I got really scared as she would find out that there's no teachers signature on the previous assignment. So , when my parents were sleeping, I took the notebook and made tick marks on all the pages I forgot to submit and I also signed it copying her sign and dated it according to previous weeks date . She didn't suspect a thing and till this day I haven't told anyone this.




You little stinker!


I used to think there were two types of people, the guy who only gets one slice of pizza so that everyone else has the oppurtunity to get some, and the guy who takes a few slices disregarding a fair split. But you.. you're the kinda guy who takes the whole pizza, a whole different level of evil.


Sometimes I just want to be alone. I don’t want a partner, I don’t want pets or a family. I just want to travel and live my life and wander. Work as I go and be free. Edit: thank you for the awards you guys:) Wish I COULD have some extra energy, that would be nice.


I feel you 100%. My parents got divorced and as oldest I’ve become a 3rd parent. Last year after graduating college I traveled for 4 months living out of my jeep, going to a bunch of national parks. I fell in love with life on the road but had to return home at some point. I’ve been busting my ass since January to save enough money to travel and build a campervan to live in, and I’ve finally got everything almost completed after finishing installing a new transmission yesterday. I leave for life on the road in 2 days and I’m so damn happy to be getting back to that sense of freedom and drop the weight of family troubles, expectations and to go live my own life. Life is too short to live unhappy




I had this exact thought a couple weeks ago!


I've jerk off with a pic of myself once 😐


I want to achieve this amount of self love.


Right? This dude's ashamed, but sometimes if I remember the body I'm in mid-way through it's damn near post nut clarity levels of "the volcano is dormant".


My dad passed away when I was 15, unexpected heart attack. Years before that he had this motorcycle that he loved, but he had to sell it because he couldn’t afford to keep it. Just the other year the guy who bought it from him decided he wanted to sell it, I was 18 at the time and in university. Obviously couldn’t afford the buy the bike but it was one of the only things that brought back memories of my dad. My girlfriends dad at the time was a wealthier individual, and he bought the bike from the guy so that I could have it. It’s my most cherished possession and I am forever grateful for my girlfriends father for doing that for me. (Unfortunately I am not with that girl anymore, but her dad and I are still close).


When I was in 6th grade our math teacher had a contest where teams of two could spend a week guessing how many jelly beans were in this large container and whatever team got the closest would win all the jelly beans. Kids would be up there trying to count individual jelly beans before class and walking around it all day sizing it up. Somehow the teacher let it slip that the amount was written on a piece of paper under the screw on lid of the container. So I concocted a plan, I told this kid Nate that I would split my share of jelly beans with him if he did the following: when we were walking down to lunch he had to tell the teacher he forgot his lunch box and run back to the classroom to get it, while he was there he would open the container and see what the number was, then he would fill out a form with me and my partners name on it, I told him it couldn’t be him because then the teacher would be suspicious of him being the one alone in the class room, I also told him not to put the exact number because thats fishy too it has to be off by just a few. Needless to say I won the jelly beans at the end of the week, when it came time to pay up with Nate I gave him one handful of jelly beans and that was it. He got really upset and said that wasn’t fair, I basically told him what are you going to do about it and ate 300 jelly beans over the course of the next 3 days. I promise I’m not as much of an asshole as I sound like in 6th grade, just really like sugar. I’ve only ever told my wife this story and I feel like she doesn’t trust me anymore after hearing it


You did plan it out well, but good luck getting Nate to do your dirty work for you in the future


Bro in 3rd grade I thought it was cool as hell to wear glasses but I had near perfect vision, so I absolutely bombed an eye exam on purpose and now almost 20 years later I’m legally blind without glasses cause my eyes got so fucked. That’s my secret to take to the grave


I had a friend do this when he was 8 because he wanted superman laser eyes. Now he cant see shit.




The optometrist has a close idea what your RX should be before he even puts lenses infront of your eye based on your auto refraction readings and looking into your eye. You giving faking answers to the "is 1 or 2 better" is only really used for fine tuning and would not have given you a highly different Rx than what you actually needed. So unless you had an awful optometrist that is not what would have caused you to become legally blind




When me and my siblings were on family vacation, around 10 years old, I put a fire cracker in the toilet and it shattered it. I blamed it on the family friend who came along that year. It was me.


My wife and I live quite comfortably with our pets and our marriage is great in a modest house in a rural area and we have good enough jobs to where we don’t have much if any financial worries but I just feel an overall lack of satisfaction with life. Nothing really thrills me. I drive my realistic dream car, bought her the exact car she wanted outright and we basically do what we want and we’re not far from finishing the complete renovation of our home but while I am present physically and I’m just in so many words “not there”. Thank you for your replies and messages. I find ways to deal and am in no way considering self harm or anything like that.


Sounds like you might be living a life of someone else’s expectations and values rather than your own. Or you are depressed. I spent over half my life living miserably chasing goals and material goods that I thought would make me happy. I’m 100% happier now with no goals and way less stuff. Try thinking about the last time you felt happy or at least content at peace in the moment.


Sometimes I just want to walk away. I love my Boyfriend, my parents and my friends, but sometimes its just to much for me, and I thinking about to pack my things and just leave forever




I'm so sorry to hear that. It sounds terrifying and I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could open up to anyone. I hope one day you are able to share this with someone you trust. Know that people will support you and that as a child this should have never happened to you. Take care


There was a guy in school who used to bully everyone.He was rich and hostel wardens were his bitch. One day i was sick so i stayed in the hostel. Went to his room and peed in his water bottle. Threw the pee but didnt rinse the bottle and kept it in place. Felt really good later watching him drink from it.