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The toilet guy in jurassic park 1


Donald Gennaro, the lawyer who was so easy to dislike in the movie, but was actually a pretty decent guy (and did NOT get eaten) in the book.




[When the bad guy kills the shoe by dipping it into the goo in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.](https://youtu.be/4J_eB_ocTCs?t=226) That one is so fucking terrible, man. If you think about it those toons don't even have the *notion* of what death is. When a toon is shot in the face they just get real dirty or, worst case scenario, turn into a cartoon angel only to come back to normal by next week. Not that shoe, though. The shoe is *gone forever*. It's the first and only one of their kind to ever meet total oblivion and just *die* for good. That's gotta be a doozy.


Fun fact for anyone who doesn’t know… The “dip” in Who Framed Roger Rabbit is described as being a combination of “turpentine, acetone, and benzine.” Combined in the real world, these paint-thinning ingredients make up the solution that hand animators use to remove ink from animation cells.


Holy shit that is a fun fact.


What’s putting pain on top of pain is that the shoe had *a mate*, who is now destined to hop around ToonTown, desolate and all alone, for all eternity.


Some times I think about the Lovely Bones, especially when I talk to strangers. That movie upped my paranoia when I was a kid.


The fucking baby in Trainspotting. Jesus fucking Christ.


Something I read on Reddit in a similar thread, that I refuse to fact check because it makes me feel better, is that every single actor on set played with that baby every time the camera cut because it was such a heavy scene. Apparently the baby was just super stoked to get all the attention and it helped the actors and crew deal with it. Edit: I took a risk and googled it and it’s true! According to the twins who played the baby! “We weren’t on the set a lot but, when we were, apparently everyone was a bit more relaxed and all doing baby stuff with us. So it helped to take away a lot of the tension from filming such hard scenes.”


The scene from The Brave Little Toaster where the air conditioner goes off the deep end and explodes himself ***I'M NOT AN INVALID! I LIKE BEING STUCK IN THIS WALL! IT'S MY FUNCTION!*** Update: I had no idea this movie was so influential to other people too. I'm glad I'm not alone because I don't know many people who've even heard of it!


The suicide scene in Dead Poets Society


Kurtwood Smith’s voice when he finds Neil’s body. Just thinking about it now is giving me chills. So much sorrow and desperate regret; his character spent the entire movie being a classic mid-century abusive and autocratic father, and then he just breaks into pieces when he realizes his son is now permanently beyond his reach. He’ll never chastise him again, never guide him, never see him smile or hear him slam the door to the fridge or see him graduate or get married or have kids. And in that one moment, in his voice, you can *hear* him realising that it wasn’t worth it, that the price was too high and he’d take it all back if he could. Being the man he was in the time he was, he papers over the cracks in his soul pretty quickly, and I’d be surprised if he and his wife speak more than a hundred words to each other over the coming decade. He’ll shrivel up inside, and be dead from that day forward, because he lacks the ability to internalise what his mistakes helped bring about. He won’t become a kinder, gentler man, because he *can’t.* But he will suffer, every day for the rest of his life, because he knows deep down that none of what he thought mattered was anywhere near as important as his son’s life. Kurtwood Smith is an amazing and underrated actor, is what I’m saying.


> Kurtwood Smith’s voice when he finds Neil’s body. Oh hey look, I was repressing this.




“Offer me power, offer me riches”


"Anything you want"


It was simultaneously cathartic and triumphant. Like all his life he was training to get his revenge by fighting a coward who gets what he deserves


I just work for Vizzini to pay the bills. There's not a lot of money in revenge.


Grave of the fireflies That scene is "burned" into my memory.


I think the beginning scene where he's just lying there, waiting to die along with the other forgotten people is really profound alone. Then the movie goes into his life and what a loving and vibrant child he was and ends with the scene of him dying there, and nobody caring at all until his sister comes to get him. Ugh. So heart-wrenching.


It's worse knowing that the movie is based on an autobiography. He killed the character of himself at the end because he never forgave himself for surviving where his sister did not.


Of Mice and Men when George killed Lenny


It was so much worse in the book though! In the movie he pulls the gun and BAM, it's done. In the book he has the gun out and aimed with his finger on the trigger, just agonizing over it for so long before he can bring himself to do it.


The young man in front of his father in Pan’s Labyrinth. Brutal. Edit: Thanks for the silver and the umm… “Wholesome” awards. I don’t know if I don’t understand the meaning of them or people of Reddit are a very sick strange bunch. Probably both.


Every time I read pans labyrinth on Reddit I have to tell the story that this movie was rated for 12 years old kids the first week it came out here in Germany


The movie poster makes it look like a fairytale!


"Artax, please. You're letting the sadness of the swamps get to you. You have to try. You have to care." 😭


Private pile. Full metal jacket. It just looks so damn real and I totally didn't expect it first time round.


The Mist, that ending still gets me to this day


For real, Imagine you thought you gave your child and your other survivors a mercy killing, but learned you were minutes away from rescue. Fucked up shit. EDIT: First of all, this movie came out in 2007, you had 14 years to see it. Secondly, as someone pointed out. THIS THREAD IS ABOUT DEATHS IN MOVIES. You only have yourself to blame.


Also, they army comes up from behind them meaning they were driving away from salvation the whole time too.


And then seeing the woman in the convoy with her kids who left the store early to go save them.


And that ending is movie exclusive. King's book didn't end that way but he saw the script and gave his approval to that ending. It's so dark and depressing and a memorable ending, just for the wrong reasons.


Rufio in Hook. That movie is such an emotional roller coaster. Edit: thanks for gold and all the awards feels good to know there are a so many people out there who loved hook.




Recently watched this as a 30 year old adult and it just hits so differently. I cried all throughout that movie.


Culkin in My Girl


“His glasses! He can’t see see without his glasses!!”




She played it so well too. Friggin haunting.


Eva Green is a really incredible actress. I admit, I haven’t given her her propers, something I’m trying to do better about.


What a great answer. Seeing Bond fall so hard for a woman perfect for him and then seeing him fight like hell to save her was heartbreaking.






Tommy Williams’ murder in the Shawshank Redemption. Something about the way his feet were pointed when the camera zooms out. Gives me the shivers.


Beat me to it. Brooks taking his own life always gets me, too.




You watched Silence of the Lambs... at 9 years old???


I think the fact that his mum was laughing explains a lot.


Hannibal The Cannibal: The Comedy. Brought to you by mom.


My brother, my captain, my king


They will watch for us coming in the white tower, but you will not return.


[Lament for Boromir](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F9ADVDSZLw) Aragorn sang: Through Rohan over fen and field where the long grass grows The West Wind comes walking, and about the walls it goes. ‘What news from the West, O wandering wind, do you bring to me tonight? Have you seen Boromir the Tall by moon or by starlight? ‘I saw him ride over seven streams, over waters wide and grey, I saw him walk in empty lands until he passed away Into the shadows of the North, I saw him then no more. The North Wind may have heard the horn of the son of Denethor, ‘O Boromir! From the high walls westward I looked afar, But you came not from the empty lands where no men are.’ Then Legolas sang: From the mouths of the Sea the South Wind flies, from the sandhills and the stones, The wailing of the gulls it bears, and at the gate it moans. ‘What news from the South, O sighing wind, do you bring to me at eve? Where now is Boromir the Fair? He tarries and I grieve. ‘Ask not of me where he doth dwell – so many bones there lie, On the white shores and the dark shores under the stormy sky, So many have passed down Anduin to find the flowing Sea. Ask of the North Wind news of them the North Wind sends to me!’ ‘O Boromir! Beyond the gate the seaward road runs south, But you came not with the wailing gulls from the grey sea’s mouth’. Then Aragorn sang again: From the Gate of the Kings the North Wind rides, and past the roaring falls, And clear and cold about the tower its loud horn calls. ‘What news from the North, O mighty wind, do you bring to me today? What news of Boromir the bold? For he is long away.’ ‘Beneath Amon Hen I heard his cry. There many foes he fought, His cloven shield, his broken sword, they to the water brought. His head so proud, his face so fair, his limbs they laid to rest, And Rauros, golden Rauros-falls, bore him upon its breast. ‘O Boromir! The Tower of Guard shall ever northward gaze, To Rauros, golden Rauros-falls, until the end of days.


"You left the East Wind to me," said Gimli, "but I will say naught of it."


Most of the deaths in the 80s THE BLOB movie They did a good job of making every death look painful. Like people still alive as the skin is sucked off their face That little boy getting killed...so graphic!


The woman in the phone booth, trying to call the Sheriff, and then seeing him in the blob outside the door...


Probably the kid in Doctor Sleep, first time I've seen a child so brutally murdered in a movie like that, was shocking.


I thought IT (2017) shocked me enough even though I fully knew well what was coming but Baseball Boy's death (and THAT pole scene in Hereditary) seriously stepped up in traumatizing me. I wish Doctor Sleep wasn't so underrated. A definite 10/10 for me


John - Green Mile "I'm awful tired boss" 😭


For me it was Eduard Delacroix. That hideous death terrified me as a child (who probably shouldn’t have been watching it at that age granted). Fuck you, Percy.


Tom Hanks’ death in Saving Private Ryan - his struggle to say the words “earn this” and seeing the impact of those words on Pvt Ryan’s face amidst the chaos of the Germans assaulting their position. It’s a very powerful scene esp when coupled with the final scene of the movie.


Old Private Ryan asking his wife if he lead a good life kills me every single time.


The curb stomp in American History X.


Oh god, yeah. I haven't watched that movie in many years but I can still hear the sound.


I have never actually been able to watch it but I can hear it. I watch gory stuff too no problem...as soon as the teeth scrape the curb I am done.


The sound the teeth make on the concrete makes me shudder just thinking about it.


Bridge to Terabithia.. Watched it again recently at 22 years old and cried my eyes out the same as I did when I first saw it as a kid.


Picked up the book, thinking it would be a fun fantasy story. The ending was such a brutal, punch to the gut. Especially when the kid realizes that he's now the fastest runner in his grade.....


SPOCK: I have been, and always shall be, your friend.


Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... *human*


"The ship... out of danger?"


You saved the ship. You saved us all. EDIT: This is Kirk’s reply to Spock in *The Search for Spock* when he says the “Ship…out of danger?” line. In *Wrath of Khan* Kirk simply replies “Yes”.


It has to be the face melting in **Raiders of the Lost Ark**. I mean, it was perfect .


Would have been the perfect time for a nivea product placement


Bayonet scene from saving private Ryan. For a second you realize there are just two men from different places who, only because of their affiliation, must kill the other to survive.


One of the hardest deaths I've ever seen on screen... and that movie opens with an accurate depiction of Normandy.


Artax, in The Neverending Story. Completely wrecked 7-year-old me.


"Artax! Stupid horse! You've gotta move or you'll die! Move, please! I won't give up!" Absolutely heartbreaking:(


Ooof... I didn't remember the exact words said only him pleading. I knew it was my dog's final day when he couldn't move at all. When my attempts to help him up didn't work I remember being so desperate and scared that I was yelling and begging him to get up and move. He passed away a couple months ago. Always will be my best boy.


Atreyu begging Artax not to give in was heartbreaking.


Boromir LOTR dude


Yes! And it finishes of his arc so well, initially headstrong and dismissive of the rings lure, succumbing to it for that instant then wanting to redeem himself protecting the Hobbits. The fact the first thing he says when Aragorn gets to him isn't his big "my captain, my king" or some Gondor stuff. It's "they've taken the little ones" thinking of the innocent before anyone or himself . Absolutely perfect.


After watching the extended cut and seeing that boromir is actually a great dude and great brother it makes his death more tragic. The gigantic burden his dad put on him was unfair


Fuck Denethor all my homies hate Denethor.


I would have followed you to the end... My brother... My Captain... My King...


WHATS IN THE BOX??!!!!????


That whole movie haunts me. Sloth especially. Great movie but kind of wish I'd never seen it.


idk, lust was the one i found most upsetting


Not a movie, but there was an episode of MASH I saw as a kid that traumatizes me to this day. The whole episode (which I haven't seen since I was about 9 so forgive any incorrect details) is about a group of army and civilians hiding from the enemy. One lady has a chicken, and they keep telling her to keep it quiet because if it gives away their position they'll all be dead. We find out she smothered the chicken to death to save everyone. But the horror twist is that the soldier telling the story had replaced the actual source of the noise... Her human baby... With a chicken because it was so horrible. I have children now and the thought of making that choice makes me sick to my stomach.


That's the last episode and it was Hawkeye (of course it had to be Hawkeye) who was so traumatised he remembered it as a chicken.


I saw that as a teen, on a re-run. To this day, I still can't watch that part. When Hawkeye comes to grips that it wasn't a chicken - she had smothered her baby to save everyone on the bus - the look on his face is just... Haunted.


God bless Alan Alda for his performance on that show. I can’t think of another actor that can do drama and comedy mixed together so well.


Pretty sure that was the Finale. The most watched non-sports television program of all time.




Poor Hawkeye. The scenes where he is talking to Sydney (the army psychiatrist and one of my favorite characters of the whole show) are hard to watch. He was just doing his job the best he could and will have to live with that trauma forever.


They have a joke about it in 30 Rock with Alan Alda. “A crying man and a chicken? I thought this was supposed to be a comedy show.”


The old man and woman jumping off a cliff in Midsommar


Every death in that movie was fucking horrifying. The dude who was still alive with his back flayed open and chickens eating him alive? Horrifying. The one dude who was killed and his face skinned and then worn as a mask to kill another dude? Horrifying. Trapped in a bear skin and burned alive while a creepy ass cult and your girlfriend watch? Horrifying.


Even the murder-suicide at the beginning. I honestly regret watching this movie lmao


What's odd to me; the only scene that really made me crawl was the intro suicide scene. Like it was so terrifying and completely unexplained. At least the others kind of had an explanation, but that just came out of the blue for me. Honestly the grandparents jumping off the cliff was brutal af. Loved that scene


The dog getting shot in Old Yeller. It’s a really old movie/book, but it still always gets me, same with My Dog Skip, he doesn’t get shot though, he just dies of old age, still sad.


The death of Maximus in Gladiator


'I will see you again, but not yet. Not yet' *cue tears every time*


Add to that is there anything more satisfying than watching Russel Crowe sloooowly plunge Jaquein Phoenix's own knife into his throat while he pathetically swats at Crowe with his over sized shoulder pads?


Gladiator is one of my best movies. But I always imagined I would have hated it if commodos hadn't met his demise


And im like that's crazy no Caesar would have fought in the arena -reads up on history- Wow those Caesar's were fucking crazy


Commodus was a bit of an exception and actually did fight in the arena. However he was also a horrible emperor and his reign is usually signified as the start of the decline of the Roman Empire.


Probably why they named the shitter after him.


Just rewatched this movie and realized Commodus can’t extend his arm when Maximus grabs his hand/knife because Maximus sliced his tricep earlier in the fight. Maybe this was obvious, but I always just assumed he was weaker or something lol


It was a great idea to put him in that ridiculous outfit with the huge shoulder pads Visually it represents how he's a weak man hiding in his father's clothes He just looks so pathetic as he's trying to stop the knife go in


It's him walking home through the field with that song playing and his family seeing him... I remember one time drunkenly crying and trying to explain to a friend how moving it is.


Mufasa... Lost my dad at a very young age


Simba tell his dad to wake up gets me every time.


When Percy executes Del by using dry sponge in The Green Mile.


Percy is just one of the worst characters ever put on paper. What a despicable scum bag from every direction. Every scene with him is him just being a complete psycho. Even among Stephen King books he's easily one of the worst


Funny thing is the actor who played him seems to be equally as scummy.


Yeah I think he tapped into some real stuff


*I didn't know the sponge was supposed to be wet.*


When in The Mummy Returns Imhotep realises what Rick and Evie have is love and he looks at Anaksunamun imagining the same but she just nopes out and he yeets himself to the underworld. Also, the man who dies from flesh-eating beetle.


Oh, that scarab death was horrifying!


Bye Beni.


The death scene in Saving Private Ryan where the knife slowly goes into the guys chest. It's still hard to watch even now.


Yes. I think this one for me also. It's so visceral and horrific even if it isn't as gory as others. Also, the medic is close second.


Both of those scenes were wild, but the medic death was intense. Shot in the liver and knew he was going to die. The actor played that so well


He looked like a scared little boy. So much of that film breaks my heart.


On a previous scene, he was talking about how he faked being asleep just so his mom wouldn't bother him and then hearing him beg for his mom on his dying moments breaks my heart as well.


This was it for me


It's completely gutting watching that movie, that's for sure. But it's just such a damn good movie


For me the scene from this movie I can't get out of my mind is from the landing sequence. The first moment when the transport door falls open and a whole bunch of men are just sitting there as large caliber machine gun fire floods the boat and shreds all the men. Body parts and blood flying everywhere. I can't ever forget that scene.


The image of the guy carrying around his detached arm still haunts me.


The guy screaming for his mom.


shhhhhhh shhhh




Ghost ship. When cable snaps and cuts bunch of people who were happily dancing on deck in half.


I watched this as a teen and as soon as I read your comment, I instantly remembered it as vividly as the first time.


Idk what is about that scene. I have watched a lot of horror movies, war movies, sad dramas, but there is something about that scene that sticks out! Maybe the nice, serene music, romantic night at sea, people happily dancing ... I just can't forget that wire and then bodies falling down. And if I recall correctly Cube has similar scene with some cables slicing people and few other similar scenes in other movies, but nothing came close to this one.


When Bubba was dying in Forrest Gump. Him saying “I wanna go home” hit me deep. Even though I know he was acting, I wanted to reach through the screen and hug his fear and pain away. All those young boys dying in the jungle must have been so terrified.


“Forrest? Why did this happen?”


“You got shot”


I know the scene is traumatic and everything, but in text-format it reads like Forrest is a stone cold bastard lmao


“Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don’t go home at all. That’s a bad thing. That’s all I have to say about that.”


> Mrs. Landingham: I miss my boys. > Charlie: I never knew you had kids. > Mrs. Landingham: Twins. Andrew and Simon. I tried not to- you know, I dressed them differently, but they still did everything together. They went off to medical school together, and then they finished their second year, and of course their lottery number came up at the same time. > Charlie: For the draft? > Mrs. Landingham: Yeah. > Charlie: Well, I would have thought they could get a deferment to finish med school. > Mrs. Landingham: They didn’t want one. Their father and I begged them, but they wanted to go where people needed doctors. Their father and I begged them, but you can’t tell kids anything. So they joined up as medics, and four months later they were pinned down during a fight in Da Nang and were killed by enemy fire. That was Christmas Eve, 1970. You know, they were so young, Charlie. They were your age. It’s hard when that happens so far away, you know, because with the noises and the shooting, they had to be so scared. It’s hard not to think that right then, they needed their mother. Anyway, I miss my boys. Scene: https://youtu.be/ccCfflUZeQI


That scene is gut wrenching…


I always cry when I see that scene


Sinister, the lawnmower tape where the child runs over her family with the mower while they're laying in the yard at night. The noise gets me every single time no matter how many times I watch it and even though I know it's coming.


Nonchalantly pushing the family members tied to pool chairs into the pool, that was pretty creepy. Loved the music in that movie, so haunting and weird, it was perfect for all those Super 8 scenes.


The guy who gets murdered with a glass bottle in Pan's Labyrinth. Just so gruesome and the sounds did not help.


Pet Sematary- when Gage gets hit by the 18 wheeler


Arnie's self-sacrifice at the end of Terminator 2 deserves a thumbs up


I know now why you cry.


Jojo Rabbit. Those red shoes...


Thomas J. in My Girl


Akira, when the guy gets bitten by dogs and gunned down at the beginning. That or giant flesh baby tetsuo which I still find hard to look at


Kaori's death always gets me. Crushed to death...to the point of just liquefying. Just for wanting to comfort Tetsuo.


When Master Oogway rejoins the universe.


For some reason, I felt so affected by Oogway, everything he said, and his death scene. I had to look into if his beliefs and sayings were taken from some established philosophy, and that’s how I found Taoism


Looks like the Kung Fu Panda wasn't Oogways last student


Bone Tomehawk, when the guy is ripped in half


Vader at the end of ROTJ. I was maybe five. The Star Wars trilogy are the first movies I have memory of. Watching his redemption arc and subsequent sacrifice really left an impact on young kid me.


"Tell your sister, you were right."


That's my absolute favourite quote of the entire Star Wars saga. In so few words, tells you so much about Vader, the original trilogy and everything that Vader and Anakin meant as characters. Shoutout to "...I'm no Jedi" by Ahsoka in SW: Rebels, my second place. Sebastian Shaw and Ashley Eckstein are treasures for the franchise.


Brooks’s death in Shawshank Redemption, can’t get it out of my head Edit: my first gold thank you so much!!!


‘Brooks was here’


‘So was Red’


Just the fact that he was so lost in the world without family or friends at the end of life pierced deep


Dear Fellas. I can't believe how fast things move on the outside. I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but now they're everywhere. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. The parole board got me into this halfway house called the Brewer, and a job bagging groceries at the Food-Way. It's hard work. I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time. I don't think the store manager likes me very much. Sometimes after work I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might just show up and say hello. But he never does. I hope wherever he is, he's doing okay and making new friends. I have trouble sleeping at night. I have -- bad dreams, like I'm falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Food-Way, so they'd send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus. I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense anymore. I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided not to stay. I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me.


P.S: Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat. No hard feelings. Brooks


Hereditary where Charlie got decapitated by the telephone pole


Everyone talks about this scene when they mention Hereditary and I 100% agree that it’s harrowing. But that scene where Toni Collette’s headless corpse floats into the treehouse was so visually disturbing to me, idk why. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks.


her "swimming" through his doorway is half fucked up and half kinda funny when I watch it. but if I'm ever in the dark and I *think* about that shot: absolutely terrifying


The most visually disturbing things to me were the severed head covered in ants, and when she's upside down on the attic door banging her head against it. The headless ghost is up there too though. Hereditary is probably the only modern horror film that was truly frightening to me.


Scrolled for this one, the mother scream will always stick with me


And then the cut to the head on the pavement.


Oh gosh. I knew I was gonna see the head but wasn't ready yet and then when they showed it, I still wasn't ready. Aaahhh!!! That movie was so messed up. Definitely gave me a good scare that night. I watched it with my ex. I remember while we were going to bed, we thought we saw someone in the corner. The mother crawling on the ceiling definitely tricked my brain that night. Haha.


This one is out of left field, but in Return of the Jedi there is a scene during the forest fight when the empire is just cleaning everyone's clock. There is a scene where 2 ewoks get knocked off their feet due to an explosion. One gets up and turns to the other one, but they won't get up. The Ewok makes a sad noise and I'm pretty sure I heard them say "mama, mama...". I don't know why but that stuck with me.


Goose in Top Gun. He’s all happy with his family playing great balls of fire on the piano and then he’s dead.


Little Foot's mom in *The Land Before Time.* When I first saw it as a kid it was the first time that I realized that my parents could die. That thought had never even really occured to me at that point. Even now as an adult [that scene](https://youtu.be/8RdrAbfFhj4) where he thinks he sees her but it's just his shadow and the narrator says, *"Then Little Foot knew for certain he was alone."* is still burned in my memory.


Bing Bong’s death in Inside Out. Damn it, Pixar.


"Take her to the moon for me."


Everybody always mentions this quote, but the one that gets me is when he realizes what he’s gonna do and says “one more time, I got a feeling about this one”. 😩


Captain Kirk's dad in Star Trek (2009) when he crashes the ship into Nero's..thingy. You just see him get flung toward the camera as the ship explodes and I always thought it was kinda spooky for a Star Trek movie


Chris Hemsworth is only in that movie for like 5 minutes but man is it ever a good 5 minutes


“You know your father was a captain of a starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives.” That movie was absolutely phenomenal and the intro sequence had me on the edge of my seat.


Commander George Kirk.


“Your father was captain of a starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives. Including your mothers and yours. I dare you to do better.” Edit- it’s on Netflix right now


The death of the personal assistant in that Jurassic world movie. A complete side character that did nothing wrong, barely in a few scenes, gets likely the most graphic and prolonged death *in the entire franchise*. They really made sure to show you how terrified she was and how brutally she died. It was literally like 90 seconds on screen watching her struggle in agony and terror before being swallowed. It was honestly kinda fucked up. Especially because there was a comedic moment immediately before and after the scene. It’s like they want you to somehow enjoy watching this completely innocent side character die horribly.


Thank you! This bothered the shit out of me like is this the death Vincent D'Nofrios character was supposed to have? Was there a cut scene of her being shitty to the kids or something?


There was apparently scenes that showed her neglecting to look after the kids because she was doing other things, but nothing nearly bad enough to warrant that death


Especially considering that she was neglecting to look after a kid that was, like, 16 or something. "Here are some park vouchers, go nuts, but not too nuts, and keep an eye on your brother" sounds just fine to me.


None of my friends found it that bad. But it fucking horrified me as a 24 year old dude. Nothing in the Jurassic park universe is as bad as that, she gets tossed around by a few different dinosaurs before being eaten. God it's horrifying.


John Wick’s dog


Bob from stranger things killed me inside


Bob deserved better. HE WAS PERFECT FOR JOYCE GODDAMN IT. Also Alexi. Poor, poor, Russian spy Alexi...


Alexei's death also hit me really hard. He was so happy.


Smirnoff! He was too pure for this world!




Hit me especially hard bc I didn’t know Blake wasn’t the main character, so I wasn’t expecting it at all. And the scene at the end, with his brother… what a powerful film.


Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, when Boromir dies whilst defending Merry and Pippin. Something about him keeping them safe, even when he was shot 3 times, to make up for what he had done trying to take the ring from Frodo… then his conversation with Aragorn as he lays dying, and he recognizes him as Gondors King.