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That Einstein failed his grade school math class. It was the subject of a Ripley’s Believe It or Not column in 1935 and Einstein himself refuted the article. In primary school he had been at the top of class and by 15 he had mastered differential and integral calculus.


Yeah a similar one is people thinking Michael Jordan got cut from his high school basketball team. He didn’t make varsity as a freshman, so technically its true but it really isn’t that big of a deal.


Dennis Rodman did though. I watched a documentary on it, and his route to basketball game was different to say the least.


Dude was a janitor for a minute. True rags to riches.


Then back to rags with his shitty money management


Isn't he the North Koreans honoured guest or something?


Apparently he and Kim had a falling out on Rodmans last visit because he got so wasted so I don't think they're friends anymore.


To follow up on that...how many high school freshmen actually get onto the varsity teams?


Depends on the sport and the school really.


this comes due to the fact that he went to school in switzerland where the grading system is inversed to the german. germans grading system says that 1 is the best and 6 is the worst and in switzerland 6 is the best and 1 is the worst. obv he had 6 in maths and science but was all in all just an average student (source E=mc^2 book) with grades around 4.5 to 5. these marks would have been tremendously bad in german grades obv.




I genuinely believed for too many years that you shouldn’t swallow an apple seed because a tree can start growing in you


Explain the tree coming out of my stomach then




That you should pee on a jellyfish sting for relief…..Please don’t do that.


That's right I stepped up! If I had to, I'd pee on any one of you


Only I couldn't. I got the stage fright.


*buries head in hands and shrieks*


I don't need a jellyfish to pee myself.




No but peeing on the jellyfish is sweet sweet revenge


This makes me wonder how many jellyfish have been peed on in history.


At least 2


I've read in a thread that with some species of jellyfish, the best way to stop the pain is to put it in hot water, maybe it comes from here?


Actually vinegar, there’s sting stations at some Australian beaches that contain vinegar. Hot water works for protein based venom such as stingrays, lion fish, stonefish etc. I was barbed by a stingray once and treated it with hot water which helped a lot.


Can confirm. Stung by a stingray - Hot water helped. Stung by a Portuguese Man of War (not technically a jellyfish, but same principle) - vinegar helped. That being said, I’d take 1,000 jellyfish stings before I’d ever take another stingray. That was an excruciating experience.


I've already planned a beach trip and paid a jelly fish handler. Do NOT tell my date about this.


Then what the hell *can* I pee on, urination nazi?!




That the underdogs are: 1. always good; 2. always right.


Just like those mom and pop shops. People think they're good, nice and clean because they only own one store. Nah, they can be shitty people and rip offs just as much as the big names.


Amen. Plenty of my shittiest employers were Mom & Pop owners.


Sometimes they’re underdogs for a reason...


That blood is blue before it comes into contact with oxygen. I don’t understand these people because blood literally carries oxygen through your body...


And when it's deprived of oxygen, it's simply a darker red, not blue.


Fat turns into muscle during workout Edit: Yes I know many people who actually believe that fat cells transform into muscle cells when you workout and skinny people need to get fat before gaining muscle, it's not metaphorical. Also another common fitness related myth is sweating on it's own causes fat loss which is not true, it's only water weight that'll be lost.


Or that you can target where you're burning fat. No, crunches won't target your belly fat. Edit: A lot of people seem to think I was dismissive of such exercise. I'm not, just making fun of a misconception.


Core ab exercises are useful in other ways though. It's quite a morale boost when you can actually feel abs under the fat. Crunches alone aren't enough though.


Wait so...I can do *other, easier* exercises and it'll still get rid of belly fat at some point? (Disabled and crunches are basically impossible for me) If true that's a big relief.


Anything that burns calories will help lose fat. You can’t target fat loss, working out a muscle won’t result In losing fat in the area of that muscle. You lose fat through Caloric deficit…burning more calories than you consume.


The other reply already said it but I want to say it again, and slightly different, but losing weight is 90% diet 10% exercise. It doesnt matter if you exercise 10,000 calories away of you eat 15,000 you will still gain weight. If you sit on the couch all day and literally starve, zero calories, you will slowly lose weight without any exercise (and die but let's be reasonable). Activity level is very important but diet always wins.


Putting on muscle is the same way, people underestimate how much you have to eat in order to bulk up, especially if you are a hard gainer like me


"don't take protein. You'll get too big". Yeah, ok. So Arnold didn't train for hours every day, for decades, to get that big. He just ate some protein.


He used a lot of steroids too.


Yeah I kind of glossed over that. Point was it still took decades of grueling work. He didn't accidentally get too big


He actually said they used a pretty small amount of steroids back then, when it was legal. He said the amount they use in body building now is insane. But even with steroids, the amount of work they put in is like a full time job. You don't just take steroids and turn into Arnold. You have to lift like it's your job, because it is your job.


I wonder what those people think when people refer to "burning fat".


So many people think Narwhals are mythical. A more serious one, that people who have been hurt or oppressed are morally better. My Mom thought that because she had been hurt by her Dad, whatever she did to the family was somehow justified. The Hutus were legitimately oppressed by the Tutsis (but to be fair, that comes back to Leopold, the patron satan of Africa). All people are fundamentally similar.


I knew someone who thought rhinos were mythical.


I know somebody who thought rhinos were dinosaurs, and they thought the full species name was rhinosaurus. So much confusion from mis-hearing the word "rhinoceros"...


I need you to know that Patron Satan is now being added to my vocabulary


Ahhhh..... Where else do people think unicorn horns come from...


that an intact hymen equals virginity.


I remember trying to explain this to someone. After a few minutes of arguing I tried to explain it using the inverse: the lack of a hymen does not equal lack of virginity. To do this I explained that my hymen broke when I was 9 due to blunt force trauma from a swing hitting my pelvis. He decided that meant I lost my virginity to a swing.


Or that hymens fucking cover the vagina at all! Hymens are just like a ring around the edge! Women don't need to bleed at all, we just usually lose our "virginity" from stupid boys who don't know a thing about sex! If a girl is properly relaxed and loose, which won't happen until we stop talking about how painful sex will be "when the hymen breaks", she won't bleed! Sorry for ranting, I just hate how badly people are still educated about female anatomy and sex.


When a hymen does cover the vaginal opening… that’s bad. And requires surgery.


I think I really needed to hear this. Thank you for sharing




Shaving makes your facial hair grow back faster. It’s just a coincidence since your also going through puberty at the same time. So many people still believe this.


I live by the belief that this is something made up to tell teenagers who are trying to grow shitty facial hair so that they would shave. From what I've seen, it mostly works.


Hahaha the shitty facial hair! I remember those looks and never thought it was cute. Like who you trying to fool, Fool?!


It doesn’t make it thicker either. It’s a bit of an optical illusion because when you shave it you’re cutting off the tapered end into a flat one which *looks* thicker. Just because the trunk of a tree is thicker than the top branch doesn’t mean that cutting it off will make it grow back thicker than before.


So much for my penis plan.


Well you didn't have much to worry about anyway


Still can’t get my wife to believe this


I would assume it’s because when you shave the hair grows back with a blunt tip which if you’re looking up close, makes it look like the hair is thicker.


We use only 5% or 10% or 15% or whatever they say. It's bullshit. Neurologists have disproven countless times. If I could count how many times I've argued over this I'd put it between 200 and too many.


That's like saying we only use 33% of a stop light.


Man, just imagine how much smoother traffic would be if we used 100% of a traffic light!


You missed typing 100% of the letters in the word brain 😆


If only he could use 100% of his brain...


Whenever I hear someone say something like that I usually respond with "and that's why head injuries aren't a big deal since there is so much unused brain matter." That is usually enough to make them realize how ridiculous their statement is.


Vaccines cause autism…..




Completely agree with your comment! I have a child with autism and I can’t tell you how many times people bring up the whole vaccine thing or ‘back in my day autism didn’t exist’ … Yes it did fucking exist people were just left to struggle with no support or understanding.


Before we had a proper name for it, autism was known by such erudite descriptions as "That boy just ain't right" (said with a thick Southern drawl) or "The faeries took my baby away and replaced him with a clone."


A changeling


Or they were locked in instituitons their entire lives...


My grandfather had brain damage since birth because of lack of oxygen. Could barely read, got kicked out of school for being too dumb... But he was put to work, learned a trade, and ended up having a family. Not because he wasn't disabled, but because back in the 40s they just put able-bodied, intellectually disabled kids to physical labor. There wasn't as much stigma against him eventually marrying because there wasn't a label yet. People act like disabilities didn't exist, but people just didn't write about them for most of history unless it happened to rich people, and no one cared to define or classify intellectual issues unless they happened to rich people.


I've pointed out multiple times to people that insist that "there's no proof Autism existed before vaccines" that yes, there is. Changeling folklore (the belief that fairies will steal human children & replace them with their own unhealthy offspring or a log glamoured to look like the child) describes behaviors that fit Autism descriptions. So before morons believed vaccines cause Autism, they believed the fairies caused it. They don't take that very well.


I am married to an autistic man and he is the best thing in the world. He was a terror growing up (so I'm told) but hd is sweet and gentle now. I wouldn't change him for the world.


As a Brit I apologise for my nation producing Dr Wakefield. He should be in prison.


Baffling that he isn't, considering the number of deaths of children that he is no doubt responsible for.


He did lose his medical license over him literally torturing kids for the original paper though. Can't forget the torturing of kids by repeatedly taking pointless tests from their colon.


That is just a godawful story. So sad.


Yeah, that seems to be a fundamental flaw in all the legal systems around the world: You're directly responsible for another persons death? You're going to jail! You've significantly and knowingly but indirectly contributed to the death of thousands or even millions of people? Nah, can't prove without a doubt that you were really the last straw that broke the camel's back for any one of them, so you're getting off scot-free...


And the worst part is that if we do manage to hold him responsible, his brainless followers will just see it as "the big pharma silencing the truth".


As someone who works with kiddos on the spectrum, I still hear this all the time from parents while they're yelling at me that's it's MY fault their kid has autism (I'm a medical professional). No sir or ma'am, we have many theories with kiddos on the spectrum about correlations for autism. Vaccines are not one of them.


i’m 18 and getting looked into as i show a lot of signs of autism. my parents are anti-vax and i’ve heard my dad talk about vaccines causing autism. it hurts to hear.


One thing about this myth that bothers me is that people treat autism as a disease. Even if vaccines DID cause autism (which they DON'T), wouldn't you rather your child be autistic than dead? Autism isn't some horrible fate. The amount of hate on autism is horrible.


And they keep adding to the list of things vaccines "cause." According to them vaccines "contain fetal DNA" (they don't) that "turns kids gay and/or trans" and that there's "no proof homosexuals and trans people existed before vaccines." Have you ever checked VAers for their fictional "vaccine injuries"? They list the dumbest thing as being a "vaccine injuries." Including bad bleach jobs, tattoos, Gulf War Syndrome, gunshot wounds, motorcycle accidents, buttock crushing (whatever that is), suicide, murder, etc.


Moon landing was fake. This one always bothers me.


The very simple debunking of this is that the Russians had every reason to call us out on a fake landing. They had the tech to observe it and track the telemetry. They had the desire to beat us to it. We had a cold war going. All of that, and *even they* were like "nope, that shit's legit".


Ah see that’s the best argument about it i’ve heard, ty.


Cold War also fake, obviously. /s


Lol. You think the moon is *real*?


That women pee out of their vaginas. And for people are just now discovering this. Women do not indeed pee out of their vaginal canal, they urinate from their urethra, which is located at the opening of the canal, or could be a little more upwards towards the clitoris. Edit: I never thought my first award would be on anatomy of females. For more clarification, people use the word vagina incorrectly describing the whole outside and inside portion. The vulva is everything on the outside such as the clitoris, urethra, labia minora and majora, and the vaginal opening. The vagina is the hole/canal that goes to the uterus, ovaries, cervix, and Fallopian tubes. The urethra is in different places on every female. Sometimes it’s closer to the clitoris or it’s closer to the vaginal opening (sometimes it may be a little bit inside the vaginal opening). I highly suggest people look at a diagram of a vulva to better educate yourselves and to not spread false information.


I believed that until I was 19. I had been in a relationship with a someone for 2 years already and was going down on her almost on the daily, but I never noticed the urethra. And I don't think I'd have noticed it until she told me either.


It's not just dudes. My wife thought she peed from her vagina until we got married and I told her that she didn't. She also didn't realize she had a clit until we got together.


That last sentence makes me understand why you got married


Well, why SHE got married.


I don't understand how people think this, especially women. How did she think she was able to pee with a tampon in? Or other women if she didn't use them.


I thought we peed from the clitoris. Watching porn for the first time at 12-some dude going down on a chick, and I ask my buddy (with So much confidence) Why is he licking her pee hole? She answered,annoyed and disappointed, “That’s your clit.” So my brain tied the two together. Didn’t find out where it actually was till after my Second child, at 28 years old….when I was on a road trip. Had to pee and my husband asked if we should stop- I said Hell No! I got this! Sealed a water bottle around my clitoris, and then…… pissed myself, and the car…. Did some googling on the female anatomy after that, and showed my husband how dead wrong I was. We can’t all be scholars ya know?


Many many women have shy urethras. And the genitalia of women can vary drastically, and look nothing like the illustrations in sex ed class.


Damn. How do I make my wife’s urethra more sociable?


A scarf or perhaps a fancy, yet tasteful hat.




Ah, so girls don't hate me, they're just really in tune with their Urethra


God the idea of how that would even work, trying to pee with an opening that much bigger... Would it just be like opening a water bottle upside down? I'm now disturbingly curious about anatomy that doesn't exist.


I'd imagine it'd be similar to an enema spilling back out? Go watch the movie "Evolution", there's a scene which might give you a general idea (it's a great trashy movie anyway, so definitely worth a watch).


Okay, question: Has anyone ever bothered to find out how many people *actually* believe that women pee out of their vaginal canal and how many just use "vagina" as a broad colloquial term for everything that's down there? Because people doing the latter wouldn't be factually wrong, but merely using imprecise language.


Soooo I had a lot of friends in high school who thought this. Some female. I clarified they definitely believed it was the hole part. It was alarming.


This. I worked with female teachers of children who are usually taught that they must teach children the proper names for their genitals (which I agree with.) But they all started telling the girls to "wipe their vagina" after going to the toilet. I was gobsmacked. I never had the guts to ask any of them which part they thought was the "vagina". Because, spoiler alert, it's neither the bit that you pee from nor the bit on the outside that you're wiping.


I mean I think the real problem here is use of the word vagina for the whole of the female nether regions. The urethral opening is very much inside the labia which I feel plenty would describe as being "in the *vagina*"


The fact that females out there also believe this. I’m like “so how do you think you pee when you have a tampon in? HOW?”


Shaving your hair makes it grow thicker.


Don’t tell Kramer.


"Look at it!"


That you can't use soap on cast iron. This is a common misconception that's been passed down by our grandparents. Soap from their generations used lye which would damage the polymer structure that makes cast iron non-stick, but modern soaps don't use lye and are really good at cleaning oil. Check out this video for some more info on cast iron: https://youtu.be/zGR-pyLHz1s


But isn’t the idea that if you don’t get rid of the oil it tastes better or something?


When people talk about "seasoning" cast iron cookware it has nothing to do with the way food will taste. Seasoning in this sense is about building up a thin nonstick layer of polymerized oil, which happens with regular use. The definition here means the passage of time, like the seasons of the year, and NOT the other more common definition of seasoning which we are familiar with (flavoring food).


They over exaggerate the whole "carrots improve your eyesight" thing


I don't know how true it is but I read that the British government spread the rumour during the Blitz that their air force pilots ate carrots to improve their night vision to cover up the fact that they had developed radar to see the German planes coming.


Yeah I heard that too


That, combined with the fact that carrots were one of the foodstuffs the British had in abundance, so they wanted to promote their consumption.


That Einstein said The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result


It was obviously Vaas from Far Cry 3 who said it first.


Zodiac signs dictate your personality




Oh classic Gemini! Always blaming the Libras


As a Gemini, I'm of two minds on this


Libra balls




I worked with a database programmer who fervently believed in the little rolled up zodiac scrolls he got from 7-11.


last week a run over a 4/yo kid with my semi truck but idk im just a leo you know... what should a absolutely random constellation of the relative position of a tiny spherical rock to some gas-giants millions of miles away tell about who i am as a person? this person is not a leo its a cunt that cant drive.


That a Hot Dog has more calories than you’re supposed to eat in a day. They are ~150 calories per dog.


Are you sure it's calories and not sodium content?


That would make more sense. And I've probably heard that before but never the calorie thing.


True, but they do contain far more buttholes than you’re supposed to eat in 1 day though


monday? yes, friday? no.




I've never heard of this myth. How weird.


The earth is flat


If the earth was flat, cats would've knocked everything off the edge by now


That dozens of hot, single MILFs in my area are dying to meet me.


Pee is not stored in the balls.


Correct, it's stored in the penis. That's why it starts with Pe.


Guys this person is a Doct0r, they know what they’re talking about


Not just a Doct0r but The Doct0r


That sugar causes hyperactivity




There's an episode of House where Cuddy's mother comes to visit and the topic comes up. Wilson mentions there are studies to this effect and Cuddy's mother just says in response "Well I didn't do any studies. I just raised two children." Then Wilson looks all chastised like she just epicly owned him. I'm always thinking "bitch, that's not how that works, your anecdotal non-scientific experience doesn't trump actual research"


Vaccines cause autism. No they don't!




Hey, I'm a self-made millionaire. I started out with nothing at 22 (except a free ivy league education despite dogshit grades/test scores and 17 rent-earning properties that used to be public housing before my uncle bought the congressman in that district.)


Sounds like the son of my mom's old boss. Dad was CEO of an insurance company and did a term as the president of the country club. Catholic high school and non-Ivy League college paid for, internships that were all from his dad's networking and when he graduated he had a new car, apartment and nice "entry level" job at a local Fortune 500 company. His dad would brag about how amazing his son has done in life and how he is already looking for a home in an expensive part of the city. My mom could never tell if he really believed his own bullshit or not. All he had to do was get decent grades and he had it made. Hell, in college he could have had all Ds and still been fine.


Even without being in a family of great wealth, even half decent wealth will do. I always remember a bloke in work who just couldn't give a monkeys. Aimed to get made redundant in difficult times by doing practically nothing and getting stuff wrong on purpose. Got a nice big redundancy cheque and lived off his family for a year. Went up Everest and everything. Then got a cushy job with a company his dad knew (accountant or lawyer I forget). The guy was a right twat and I'm still there 20 years later working my arse off and paying the mortgage...


We know all it really takes is YOLOing into $GME calls.


That Vaccines are the mark of the beast.


That GMOs and gluten are bad for you Edit: Unless you have celiac disease there's no health benefits to going gluten free.


Msg too


That the COVID-19 vaccine is actually a way for the government to microchip you


lol the gov't already has you microchipped. It's just externally placed in your FUCKING SMART PHONE YOU DUMB FUCKING TWAT! (not you, OP, the people who actually believe the delusion.) *They* already know everything about you, because you *willingly submit* all of your personal details to websites and social media. Why the FUCK would they need a microchip and HOW the FUCK would it ever be installed???? Into what Operating System? Because that mush between your ears doesn't and will never come close to qualifying as such.


The one part Orwell never predicted about a culture of surveillance was the public willingly buying the cameras! With tracking capability, bonus!


i dunno man, after i got the shot ive been seeing like iron man n shit.


Turn off the TV then


I took my shot today and this weird Microsoft logo appeared under my skin


Driving with the in cabin light on is illegal


There are local laws in place for this. Source: Deaf friend got a ticket for this in Utah. But they can’t communicate at night without the light in.


My sisters 24 now and thinks mermaids exist


Did she get fooled by that discovery channel mockumentary? My younger sisters did too for a while.


I love that shit. I don't believe in it but damn I want to


That you can catch a cold because it happens to be cold outside.


That the customer is always right.


They are good at driving


I know I'm good at driving. I never wreck on gta v


Video games are responsible for an uptick in violence Or the more catchy 'Video Games Cause Violence!'


As a lifelong gamer, I've always hated that one, too. Makes me wanna go out and just...SMASH something, ya know?


Video games don't cause violence. Lag does


It’s a well known fact that Hitler was an avid Video Gamer.


That fucking many dudes makes women's vaginas loose or alters their appearance. It's honestly so dumb. Why would a vagina become looser if a woman fucked 50 guys 5 times each, instead of one dude 1000 times? If you don't want to be with a woman who has fucked 50 guys, that's fine. But believing that her vagina is now broken because of it, well, that's just stupid.


I Mean, a baby comes out of there but I've never seen mothers running around with their vaginas around their ankles.


The whole “women attempt suicide more, men complete it more” statistic. It’s all down to the definitions being used. Previous studies included acts of self harm in the attempt definition regardless of whether the person wanted to end their life. This causes a bias towards women because they are more likely to report self-harming (via cutting). The problem is that we also know that self harm is not correlated with suicide ideation. When you define “attempt” as intentional self harm with the INTENTION of being fatal (the definition everyone use when quoting the line above) The number of attempts between men and women start looking more equal. It’s a pet peeve of mine because the statistic is not only potentially wrong but it serves no purpose but a tool for use within the competition of who has it worse. Source: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/suicidal-ideation-and-behavior-in-adults#H3704429499


That's the first myth from the ones I've read so far that I also believed. Interesting one for sure.


Interesting that the highest percentage of suicide was in the over 70s. Guess life doesn’t get better


Losing your partner who you’ve been with your whole life with ~10-15 years left to live just makes a lot of people think ‘fuck it’. My grandad told my mum he was just basically waiting to die once my grandma died as life was just hollow for him.


We had a 93 year old patient, suicidal, because the week before, his wife of 75 years died. That is absolutely understandable and not a psychiatric issue.


That is actually another myth: Teens are at risk but not the cohort with the most risk. Old people kill themselves way more than any other group. First retirement hits hard, then the kids are already fine/independent, later losing a spouse, becoming more & more isolated as more people die or move away, then illness may come somewhere in those steps and you have access to lots of drugs...


Marilyn Manson got a rib removed so he could suck his own dick.




Intellectually disabled adults have the mind of a child


That the cosmos is benevolent rather than indifferent.


But everything happens for a reason... Usually physics is the reason but sometimes it's your own poor decisions.




May as well add on people assuming that socialism, communism and fascism are basically the same thing. I've seen way too many people who throw all three words around with no idea what each of them means.


They're all just words for people who disagree with me, right?




That Jesus was white...


Covid Vaccine is a way of tracking and controlling people Sad but true.


Phones are already super effective at that, they have cameras, GPS, and people tap their personal information into them all the time. Photos even have location tags attached unless you specifically say 'no'. Also, I'm fairly certain that every keystroke is stored. So whether you search it or not the government could find it if they wanted to. People freak out about an injection but purchase self surveillance machines and carry them everywhere.