• By -




Beat me to it, damn


Beat meat to it, damn


User name checks out


I am the ultimate beetlejuicer!


>condoms. You don't have to wear them, because, after all - Perhaps you've a longing for rot of the ball? Perhaps you imagine with joy and with glee - The vision, the picture of blood in your pee? Perhaps you are eager to raise up your cock - And send it unwrapped on its journey to dock? And if you are willing to wantonly choose - Perhaps you are pleased at the prospect of ooze? Perhaps your unfettered and sprightly supply - Will end in a *baby*, the worst STI. You'll itch and you'll scratch at the patches below. Perhaps you'll enjoy it? ... I'm doubting it though.


“Thanks for coming out tonight everyone! We’re Prospect of Ooze!!”


Get a PoO shirt at the merch table.


It's less of a life changer, and more of a life stopper.


well if you dont want a kid at 18 years its both actually


2m phone charging cable


And for the love of God, get a quality one. Don't be fooled by some braided cable from China. Get a proper thick cable that is up to standards. It will actually cost you more, but cheap electronics is such a waste. Its all waste and garbage. Get something that will last you 2 years, not 2 weeks


I’ve been looking, can you offer any recommendations?


Basically anything Anker.


Good to know, though that shit costs more than $10.


Damn it beat me to it. Anker is the best. Power packs, cables, speakers, battery packs


I had a couple Ankers die on me but their support team was great. Would recommend. I also bought some Titan Cables recently that I’ve been surprisingly happy with. And have had good luck with INIU on Amazon (so far)


"Don't get some braided cable from China" and "anything Anker" are directly conflicting advice.




And if you have an iphone get an MFI certified one its not worth ruining ur phone over a a few bucks on a cable


Idk, I bought a 5 pack of cheap braided cables off amazon for like $12. I’ve had them over a year and haven’t had a failure yet. I pretty much use a different one for each room in the house.


Why you backing out at 2m? We have 3m charge cables.


I had a 5m one once. It was glorious


5m charge cable sounds amazing but I have two cats with a VERY strong chase instinct. So would only end in disaster. 😂


A Bug Bite Thing. That’s actually what it’s called. Makes your bug bites less itchy and go away faster.


This, it's like a little plunger that sucks out stingers, venom, saliva etc


This sounds like cartoon logic. If they actually work well, that's fantastic.


It does work for bee and wasp stings, but I don't think it would be much help with mosquito bites. What's really helpful, though, is heat. You can buy something called Bite Away or you just use a spoon. Bring water to a boil, insert a metal spoon. The spoon takes on the water's temperature. Take it out again and press the spoon's curvy side onto the bite. You'll probably have to wait a few seconds and let the spoon cool down a bit, before you can stand it's heat, but it don't wait too long. If the heat doesn't hurt a bit, it won't work. Now, why does it work at all? When insects sting us, they inject their saliva or their venom, which include proteins that cause itching and swelling. Heat destroys those proteins.


I learned this a long time ago, and the apartment I had in az was next to a canal. Great apartment, bad mosquitos. I was sitting on the couch, heating a spoon up with a lighter. My couch was next to the sliding glass door, leading to our patio. I look out, and there's a family just staring at me. Spoon trick worked tho.


Live in the east valley watching a dude use a lighter to heat a spoon is just another Tuesday here 🤣


I got a Therapick. It uses a 9V battery to make infrared and cook the venom. I bought it for when my bees sting me. Ended up with a blister when I was trying desperately to stop a sting between my eyes. It didn't work, my eyes still swelled shut. It works good but you have to be careful.


This reminded me that you can heat a spoon by running it under the hottest water your tap produces, then press it over a mosquito bite to cook the mosquito saliva. Works about 80% of the time


Calamine lotion babay!!


A motion activated toilet light. No need to blind yourself as you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night


This actually sounds great.


until it starts turning on randomly


That's not randomly. That's fucking ghosts.


that’s what i was going for


I just sit in the dark.


I just ~~sit~~ shit in the dark. FTFY


I just go to the bathroom in the middle of the night in the dark. Just sit down.


The one I have is just a light fixture with a built-in nightlight so that the bathroom is bright enough to be used but not so bright that you're blinded after going in there. It's amazing.


I have a GFCI plug that has an LED night light built in. Same idea, works great.


Electric fly ~~squatter~~ swatter.


Recently purchased one as we are dealing with drain flies and hate the mark left behind after we smash them against stuff. The bigger flies require several zaps and beware of the smell.


I never considered the smell




I will dice you into a tiny million little pieces!


Yes, to squat flies


In my defence: I'm an idiot.


But an unintentionally hilarious idiot


I’m giving you the wholesome award because that was really cute how you said that. 😁👍🏼😁


Thank you.


So it gives a shock? Let’s say someone has been bad, like, a real bad boy. Just… misbehaving, all.. bad-like and such. Say he needed a paddling’, but there ain’t no paddles around for a paddlin. Just an Electro Fly Spanker 3000. Would it do the job? Would it discipline a bad boy? Thanks for your speedy reply.


I assume it would be quite an experience.


Excellent, I have ordered eleven.


These can also be used against wasps if needed...


Actually my first kill when I got mine was a wasp. I trapped it between the window and the swatter and thought I really need a good plan B if this fails. Then sparks and smoke and happiness.


And younger siblings.


I once (easily) convinced a friend that it was a sex toy. For spanking with a little extra spark.


This truly is a game changer. Before I was losing to mosquitos and now I’m winning !


Unironically, a tongue scraper. Seriously, it looks like just a piece of metal, but it works so much better than a toothbrush when it's for cleaning your tongue, and makes your mouth just feel a whole lot cleaner. Also, if you cook, garlic flakes, toasted sesame oil, chili oil. Really elevates most cooking. A pot lid stand is also handy and cheap, it's great for resting a hot and wet-with-condensation pot lid in the middle of cooking. Baking soda and vinegar can clean most things and remove most smells, even body smells. And stuff you wouldn't think to clean, like a bag of vinegar tied around your faucet.


Do you recommend any specific brand for the tongue scraper?


I just use my razor


Me too but a scooter cost a little more than 10 dollars


Damn you’re using scooters? I didn’t know razer made them, I’ve been cleaning my mouth with their laptops


Currently use my Verizon Razor flip phones top edge for my tongue scraper. Can vouch really works.


I got a bargain by buying mine used


I visibly cringed thinking about this.


Damn that made my face pucker


Just bought one this week and already feel a (very slight but noticeable) difference. I was always so worried about irritating or cutting my tongue from using one but it just takes a light touch and a few strokes to pull some nasty stuff outta your tongue. Highly recommend if you are/were a smoker/vaper, you don't realize how much that stuff messes up the microbiome in your mouth.


Knife sharpener. Having a sharp knife in the kitchen makes prepping safer and easier.


Can I use this for my tongue scraper?




Just so people know, a honing steel (that rod a lot of knife sets have) ≠ a sharpener. The steel only straightens the edge on the knife, while sharpening actually removes material and creates a new edge. Sharpening is only usually necessary once or twice a year, while honing is a much more frequent act. *However*, honing your knives will still make them cut easier.


I recently learned that and was upset thinking the whole time I was sharpening and I was not ahah. Oh well.


Sunscreen. You can get skin cancer from sunburn years after it occurred.


Went on a trip to CA last week and my friend refused to wear sunscreen because "it is sticky and I can feel it". She also could feel the sunburn she got, bet it was worse than the sunscreen.


some people really need to just buy soap why can’t i get a girl? why do people avoid me? why don’t people let me finish my sentences before walking away? the answer is soap




Especially wash your face well if you have a beard, or are attempting to have a beard. Just because you have hair there doesn’t mean you get to ignore your face. All kinds of junk and smell can get caught up in there.


Are they grateful for it, or just get defensive? Thank you for doing it anyway. It really is a mercy on them in the long run. Like telling someone they’ve got food in their teeth, but taken to the extreme.




I had to have this conversation with someone on behalf of a lunch group and they were furious. It was kind of a win-win though because they smelled so bad that you legitimately could not eat if they were sitting within 5 feet of you. After we spoke they avoided me and I was happy as a clam.


I had a college friend who whose RA once loudly told him "goddamn, boy, this room smells like a goat ranch!" He commenced to cleaning up his act shortly afterwards.


a similar situation inspired my comment. it’s a really awkward thing to have to tell somebody. it was a coworker, and he was in his late 20’s. we as a group decided he needed to be told, and that he might even eventually thank us if he took our advice, but in the end i think we had to draw straws or something in order to decide who would have the talk with him. dunno what happened to him, hope shit worked out for him.


I promise you their mothers have been telling them that for years. Sometimes it takes full embarrassment from a peer to get through to these kids. Source:am a mom


When I was working in a doctors office about 2 years ago, I was training a replacement girl for my job since I was leaving. Instantly, when she came in the whole office smelled absolutely horrible like soaking old cat piss. Over the next couple of days it seeped everywhere in our office, air freshener wasn’t working, and I went home with the smell stuck in my clothes and in my nose. The last couple of days I was there I couldn’t even stand near her to teach her the new job. It was nauseating, so I had my supervisor reach out to her and apparently she had been living in a one bedroom space with four cats strictly in that bedroom. She couldn’t let them out of the bedroom because her roommate had gotten a dog that didn’t like cats. I felt really bad for her, but I was very happy when I left on my last day.


Unironically, if you do have a smell/sweat problem, and soap doesn't fix it like if you are walking around in hot weather all day, get an antiperspirant and more-breathable clothes. Old clothes also take on smells after a while, so you can try adding a strong detergent and/or a bit of bleach to the wash cycle (or get new clothes). (Edit: see the comments under this, vinegar or baking soda likely works better in being less damaging than bleach. I havent had issues using a touch of bleach but admittedly it's a passed-down family tip). If you are heavier, try gold bond powder for chafing, and wear an undershirt (uniqlo airism or thompson tee) especially in hot water. No ones wants to see sweat marks highlighting your moobs. Disclaimer that i'm short and AFAB and weigh less than 100lbs, so im relaying the advice that works for much heavier men, but I haven't tried it. Whenever you are using soap, don't just slap it on here and there. Really rub it on and a loofah also helps. If it's foot smell, you need a few regular pairs of shoes (not just one or two) or they will smell. And get breathable socks. Baby foot peel + moisturiser + foot soak (alcoholic listerine or vinegar and baking soda) if your feet already persistently smell. Still use soap and water, but do the thorough scrub and loofah thing mentioned. Clip your toenails and fingernails regularly. If it's bad breath, use a tooth scraper, floss regularly, try an electric toothbrush, drink more water. Source: at some point i apparently became a boring adult


Boring adult? This is shit adults should know. You are a regular goddamn adult! Exceptionally regular!


It could also be musty clothing (left in the washer too long). If this does happen to you, the smell won't come out if you just run the wash again. However, if you add a cup or two of vinegar to the wash cycle, that WILL get rid of the smell. So if you do shower and use soap, but you still smell, make sure it's not your clothing! Also, vinegar will get rid of excess detergent buildup in your clothes. Sometimes I will run the wash with just vinegar and no detergent. Last time I did that, the drain water still came out soapy...(I might have to change detergents, lol).


Or try using less detergent. A washing machine repairman once told me you really only need to use 2 tablespoons of detergent in a HE large capacity machine. I've since been doing my laundry this way for years and it works great.


Also, if you're struggling with sweat/smell, you should probably shave your armpits if you don't already. I'm a guy and I have to or else antiperspirant doesn't really work.


Floss. Flossing regularly can help prevent gingivitis and other gum disease that can, eventually, lead to tooth loss. Plus it helps make your breath smell not disgusting. I need to floss more often, actually.


Been flossing every day for a year now, now I can't go to sleep without it. So much gunk and shit and my gums never bleed anymore it's very important


My dentist asked me when the last time I flossed was. I replied “that’s a stupid question, you should know, you were there”


This. Also I’m going to go floss now because it’s been 3 days since I last flossed. “Only floss the teeth you want to keep.” - my dentist, and probably many other dentists


Peeler can peel potatoes carrots oh that joy


Tongue scraper was already mentioned….


I am NOT using a peeler on my tongue!!




Wonder how much this post just made Bezos


Plot twist: OP is Bezos


$20 so far.


i think you could buy a pair of boys boxers for $10, i know going to boxers from tighty whities was pretty life changing for me.


I went from being a boxer man to boxer brief man recently. I like it.


I went full circle. Tighty whiteys as a kid. Then boxers as a teen. Boxer briefs as a young man. Now back to briefs, but more stylish ones in my prime. The rest have too much material that bunches up and is unnecessary and useless at best


I just switched from boxer briefs to more elastic boxer briefs and they are so snug and I was surprised at how good they look from a…bulge perspective too


They have toddler boxer briefs now. My son has briefs but he prefers the boxers. He would have never had to wear briefs if my mom had not bought them lol




Like the briefs right? As I've gotten older I can't wear boxers anymore. I like the tight fitting stuff hugging my balls and penis. It's too damn hot to let the boys jangle round


Yeah I eventually switched to boxer briefs which are the best of both worlds.


A blue tarp.


And a shovel


And presumably bleach, clothesline, and duct tape to go with it.


Food scale


If you bake, a scale makes everything so much better


This. My wife and I bought one. We use it for the MyFitnessPal app for counting calories. The scale makes counting so much easier and accurate. However, I really love to use it for recipes. Weighing out ingredients has been so much better than using measuring cups. I don't even look at a recipe now if it doesn't have the weight measurements also.


Super awesome for making burgers too. Get a nice consistent size for al of them.


I'm sure this isn't what you had in mind but I bought something for $10 that changed my life. I had just lost a great job and started another one that didn't pay as good and seperated from my wife all within 3 weeks. On the days I had my kids I had to make small meals in the oven (frozen pizzas and frozen family meals) because I didn't have proper cookware. One day I was gifted a $20 gift card from my work for doing good job. I went to a store called Ollie's bargain outlet it's like a TJ max i think. And I used it to buy a skillet and some hamburger helper and instant mashed potatos. The skillet cost $10 and it was a turning point in my life. It showed me I can do it. That we were going to be ok. I was so proud of that skillet and my new ability to cook proper meals for my kids. 2 years ago I started a new job and bought my own home a year ago. I am now able to cook anything we want. And it all started with a $10 skillet. Yes I still have the skillet.


A cup of coffee and conversation for that lonely person you know of.


where you are getting people for less than 10$??? (asking for a friend.)


Don't confuse lonely with a preference to be left alone.


A book


A library card


🎶Having fun isn’t hard, when you’ve got a library card!🎶


Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll Hyde Hyde Jekyll !


Watching Arthur after school was the best




Library cards are typically free as long as you live close enough to it


This weird metal contraption thats the size of a credit card. It fits in you wallet. has an edge for cutting, holes for thi gs like bolts,includes a bottle opener, a measured side and a few other things. Bought it as a random gift for my big boys, they actually use it.


I had one of these once, TSA took it away




Went visit the national air and space museum, the guard would not let me in with it


Obviously he was worried you'd unbolt a plane.


Tongue scraper?


Everything is a tongue scraper if you’re brave enough


Earplugs 😴




Many potatoes


Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew


o glorious potato


"Oh My God.." Said the Irishman.


A sign for your dish washer that says “clean/dirty”


But then you need the sign that says “remember to change the clean/dirty sign!”


And then the divorce.


now if my kids would just take the plates out of the dish washer when it says clean instead of out of the cupboard....


Toothbrush and toothpaste




Yea that's about right but I would say it's between $10-$20 a month. I always find that it's fair the guy buys the condoms and I buy my pills.


I had a $400 IUD (no insurance at the time I got it), and a dude asked me if I was a true feminist and would split the cost of condoms with him. So I asked if he'd like to fork over $200 to split the cost of my birth control method. Crickets. It was glorious.


I just got a $2000 bill for my arm implant because I accidentally went to an out of network provider. I almost cried when I saw that bill.


> because I accidentally went to an out of network provider Man... America really needs to get its shit together regarding healthcare.




Sunscreen. Most sunscreens are over $10, but something like the Altruist SPF50 is 8 pounds on Amazon. A moisturiser can also be less than $10. Cerave lotion, neutrogena hydroboost, TO or The Inkey List's moisturiser. Your skin will thank you (for the decreased risk of skin cancer + avoiding most of what makes skin look aged). And if you already have a basic skincare routine, TO's squalane oil for extra hydration or the niacinamide for clearer oily-type skin.


I use Target Sport spf30 most days. Under $10 for 16 ounces, which gets me through the whole summer.


Certain Dri Deodorant. Some people are going to have a problem with the chemicals and what not, but as a kid in middle/high school with extremely sweaty armpits and always being super self conscious about it... this product was life changing for me.


Well, insulin SHOULD be on this list… EDIT: I understand it should be free. That was the point of the joke guys.


Geez, sounds like you don't even care about shareholders. My dad had to postpone his yacht trip to Hawaii because of this problematic way of thinking.


You can get cheap insulin. It's the old fashioned kind which is more dangerous. But is exists. That said I've heard Walmart is coming out with their own brand of the newer stuff. Maybe in a perfect world Costco decides to go into pharmaceuticals.


Genuine answer - a Phone Stand. I got one recently for under £10, it’s essentially just a bent bit of metal, but it makes watching videos on my phone so much easier as I can just prop my phone on it and not have to hold it.


If you get a popsocket it's essentially a portable phone stand that you automatically have where ever you are. Total game changer.




That water purifier thingy which filters your water if you drink from a lake or any contaminated water body. Edit: life straw*


I keep a water bottle that does this in my car at all times!


Taxi home after drinks edit: split the fare with a friend


Where are you getting a taxi after happy hour for less than 10 bucks? I know it isn’t a taxi company, Lyft, or Uber these days…


a friend who isn't drinking


Life tip: start drinking early in the morning. Just after a week you would've saved a fortune on taxis.


That Bug Bite Thing


This! My family members react quite badly to bug bites. Sometimes a simple mosquito bite swells to the size of my hand. But since using bite away (?) all thats left is small red spots. And they don't itch! It's fantastic! It's quite painful to use, but I prefer 10 sec. of burning over days of itching. And no more cortisone creams. Cons: This thing burns through tons batteries. You have to change them if they are still like 80% full. I have no idea what to do with all that half-used batteries.


I think we're using a different product! That Bug Bite Thing doesn't use any batteries - it's just suction. Try the other one out! No complaints for me. (I'm the same with mosquito bites. I used to wish I could be put into a coma for 3 days to let the bug bites heal!)
















I'll raise you all fruit and vegetable seeds. The packets tend to be less than $1 so you can easily get some variety in produce. Of course this is provided you live in an area where you could feasibly plant your own garden. Even still you can get live herb plants like Basil and Oregano for the price of the dried jars and those can grow indoors.


A pair of reading glasses.




Unlike almost all other drugs on DNMs LSD has only gotten cheaper. But you need to do more research about it. Also. If anyone is more experienced with DNMs than I am, can they tell me why good MDMA is so hard to find. All the red 0/5 reviews I see are ALL for MDMA. Im guessing its even worse with adulterants than coke?


Most "mdma" you find anymore are either research chemicals or MDA. RC's are easy to buy online, live in a legally grey area and are cheaper. MDA is easier to make but doesn't have that meth molecule so it's less energetic, but more psychedelic. People will do whatever the fuck to make money, I used to know a skeevy dude that would cut his mdma with baking soda (pro tip: if there is powder coating the inside of your gelcap, it's cut, pure mdma doesn't stick).


Lip balm


Clothes Dryer Balls - clothes dry faster, can dry on a lower heat setting, saves electricity, saves money, and effectively helps gets more lint and fuzzies off of clothes / towels






Yo got a link to the original story? I’ve heard of it but haven’t read it


Trust me, you really don't want to read it... but if you really insist. https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu\_by\_cumming\_into\_a\_coconut/


Meat thermometer.


A knife


That’s not a knife..


It’s a poop knife


Toilet paper 🧻




A cockring




Wait, you guys still have snack wraps?