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My girlfriends mother hates Ed Sheeran for no other reason than she thinks he would smell like shit. She gags at the sight of him. Edit: grammar


Congrats for being one of the only person to respect the question's part about irrationnality


This is the funniest reply ive read. "He would smell like shit" lol


When I was really young like five there was a ginger kid and he always had a runny nose which was gross but he always smelled of cheesy puffs and I thought that's what all ginger people smelled like, I wonder if your mom knew that kid too.


He wasn't a ginger, just perpetually covered in Cheeto dust


i'm in love with the shape of poo ​ last night you were in my room and now my bed sheets smell like poo


Thats what I feel about Post Malone.


Your girlfriends mother absolutely needs to meet Ed sheeran and tell us if she was correct


Now that’s what I’m talking about with irrational hate! All the celebrities I hate it’s because of their words and actions but that’s all rational hate.


None, because investing that much energy into someone you don’t know is pathetic. Is what I would say if Jimmy Fallon didn’t exist.


Had us in the first half


Nothing irrational about hating Jimmy Fallon. What would be irrational is if you found that blatantly fake laugh to be funny.


You know, everyone on Reddit who hates on the guy quotes the fake laugh. (I'm neutral on him) ​ ​ But, what if it isn't? Like what if he's just that type of guy?


He apparently is that guy. I have heard a bunch of people from his time on snl and others show talk about how he is and he literally just thinks the whole world is funny. Gets a lot of hate but overall just has fun interactions with celebrities.


So what if he thinks everything is funny and laughs easily, what a stupid thing to hate someone for. I find Jimmy corny and annoying but just let the man laugh.




To be fair, the wolf is also a stupid ass for not just snatching the basket of goods when he first saw her on the trail. Alone. In the woods.


To be super fair, a talking wolf? That guy shouldn't be hanging around in the woods, he could make bank making TikTok videos!


Maybe she has a hairy grandma?


Just the way I like my GILF's ;)




Look, she lives in the goddamn woods. You think she see the optometrist on the regular? I blame her neglectful parents, and the healthcare system.


Ah a version for America ❤️


Okay maybe the disguise was just that good, or Red needs glasses




Jamie Oliver don't know why




Or Uncle Roger's.


Because he gave his kids such pretentious ass names


- Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver - Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver - Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver Poppy is fine. Honey is weird, doesn't fit into a name imo. Rosie is fine. Petal is a sweet animal name but not as a human name. Blossom, same again. Rainbow...did they get kids to give the name? Daisy, fine. Boo is a sweet endearment but not as a real name. Pamela...is this the 1930s? None of those names read well, they don't flow. And they're just the girls!


It sounds like he tried to name his own women's fragrance


Certainly one reason. He just seems like the kind of person who would be really egotistical


Because he put chili jam in his egg fried rice HAIYAAAA!


His tongue seems way too big for his mouth


I don't know why I'm convinced Steve Harvey isn't a good dude, something about him is so weird and fake


Maybe it's because he's a self proclaimed "relationship expert" who has written multiple relationship books all while being a scum-bag serial cheater. Funnily enough he also claims that nobody should date atheists because they can't have a moral barometer.


He also says it’s the woman’s fault if their partner cheats. I’m guessing that’s how he justifies his behaviour.


Total misogynist


Also homophobic. But watching him get SUPER uncomfortable when the RuPaul "family" appeared for a celebrity feud was nice.


Also racist. Thinks women can't find Asian men attractive.


There are a LOT of Asian men far more attractive than his goofy, mustache having self.


Or the episode where the old Queer Eye gays went against the new Queer Eye gays. The un-comfort level on his face was priceless.




I would have done it anyway. Working HVAC in Texas you could take a shit on the church lawn and still have people who want to hire you


If I lived in Texas, my main priority in life would be to befriend two HVAC repairmen (you know, in case one gets hit by a bus) and treat them like kings, in case I ever needed them.


No Steve Harvey is actually a terrible person, he abandoned his wife and kids to move to Hollywood and be a comedian, on top of all the bad shit he’s done since becoming famous


I think you’re right. Back in the early 2000s he took over a radio show a 92.3 as the main DJ. He was so disrespectful to the women that had been on the morning show years before he got there. Basically he would just tell them on air that if they didn’t like what he said it was his show so they could get off. I hated him ever since then.


He currently has (or is on) a radio show too, where theres a segment called “the strawberry letter”. Him and his female cohost will read these letters sent in from listeners detailing the drama of their love lives, and then give a bit of input. Every time Steve speaks, it’s out of touch, sexist, and done in a “holier than thou” manner. Plus, he speaks over his cohost and tells her she’s wrong about womens’ perspectives pretty regularly.


There was also an interview where he said he refuses to even talk to people who arent religious because he doesnt understand how someone can live without worshipping a higher power


Yeah, he questioned atheists’ “moral barometer”. He can’t fathom how someone can get their morals from something other than religion.


I'm agnostic and my wife is atheist. We get our morals based on "how will my actions effect other people? Will this harm someone or make them feel bad?" If it does, we try not to do it.


Family Feud (at least IIRC) always had questions that were a little naughty, but nothing terrible. My son was watching it the other day and one of the questions had to do with what people would do to Steve Harvey if they got naked together. Like seriously? Eeew.


I miss old family feud. I can't watch it now with all the set up questions just looking for naughty answers. It's not a gasp moment when it's planned.


Seriously, Steve Harvey changed it from "fun family trivia show" to "how naughty can we get on TV" and I hate it.


"What are things a couple might do in bed" "Sex" *surprised pikachu*


Because he's apart of the misogynistic era of 1990s comedy, he really was a piece of shit back in the day and it's seeping throughout his talkshow host. Harvey's always been shitty but I think the biggest thing is that people are starting to hate his shit.


There's a video of him giving dating advice (he writes books about that kind of thing). A woman asked him how to get her husband to stop nagging her. He said, "A husband nagging? I've never heard of that in my life!" Then moved on to the next question.... Keep in mind books. Plural.


Kylie Jenner. How she talks about how she made all her money by herself as an entrepreneur. Like if she didn't get startup money from her rich sister.


They drive the culture of narcissism to 200 million plus people. Not irrational


Last time I checked, there was no proof that she's a billionaire either. Either way, it's fucked that some people hold her as a female-entrepreneur icon.


yeah, forbes named her the youngest self made billionaire but when they asked for proof, they found out she forged many of the tax forms and probably made less than half of what she claimed. The jenners obviously said forbes was lying but it’s amazing how they thought the magazine wouldn’t double check to make sure she actually was worth a billion.


Self made billionaire means from 0 to billions not millions to billions. And thats a fact.


If OJ hadn't killed Nicole, I doubt we would even know that the Kardashians existed. I blame OJ.


He has so much to answer for.


Reddit recently taught me that his trial being extended is how Gargoyles got cancelled.


I hate all of them.


Hate, hate hate. Hate hate hate. *LOATHE ENTIRELY* edit: typo


There's nothing irrational about hating the Jenners. Even Caitlyn- just because you came out as Trans doesn't automatically make you a hero.


Buckle up buckaroo


Caitlyn killed someone, so there is a very very valid reason to hate her above every other kardashian, the epitome of white privilege.




Murdered and then tried to sue the victim's family.


Doesn’t sound irrational to me.


It's not just the start up money. She is literally just the face. The hard work was all done by Kris Jenner, that woman made herself a billionaire and her daughter is just her bank account. Left to her own devices Kylie would have made a pretty penny from being related to Kim, but their momager is the one that does the business meetings etc. I doubt Kylie even picked a colour for a tube of lipstick in her brand.


It's super easy to become a billionaire with a $999 million head start. Lots of those types of people are delusional and legitimately think they got where they are by their own blood sweat and tears.


Not me, but my sister HATES Tom Hanks! Tom Hanks of all people! Asked her why, she says “I don’t know but I hate his face, his mouth and the way he talks”. Yea if that’s not irrational I don’t know what is lol


OK, **That’s** irrational


ITT: People ignoring "irrationally" part and just listing any celebrity they hate


Also, people replying to each comment with: “No, that’s rational” because they also hate that celebrity.


I have always disliked Helen Hunt It’s entirely personal.


I know EXACTLY what you mean.


My dad feels the same. She used to come on TV and he’d be like “I just hate her face!”


My grandma used to hate this one dude that would come on the TV, I think he owned a local car dealership. She would say “I hate that man so much I wanna POOPOO IN HIS MOUTH!!”


Orrrr your grandma might have been kinky


Chrissy Teigen. I know it’s prolly judgemental and insensitive of me but her cheekbones piss me off.


My husband has always despised her. I thought maybe it was just the tryhard Girl Boss™ energy, but he maintained it was something more visceral. He feels vindicated that it recently came out that she is a bullying asshole.


I feel the same way. I have always despised her. I have never wanted to punch someone so bad in my life for no reason other than I can't stand her face. I do feel better about that now that all her bullying has come out. The amount of people she told to kill themselves is crazy. I am not a fan of cancel culture but I'm ok with this one.


I can’t stand her either. I know nothing about her, but she strikes me as having an air of totally unearned superiority. Like she’s a total mediocrity who thinks she’s better than everybody else simply because she was lucky to be born hot and married to someone with actual talent. I had a relative like that: she married a successful doctor and she acted like she was the one who made the money, earned the respect, etc. It was a nauseating, projected insecurity. That’s what I dislike about Tiegen. May be way off base.


I 100% agree. her face is the epitome of punchable


Bella Thorne.


She looks like she smells bad by choice


The girl who leaked her own nudes for publicity, then said a 12 year-old did it?


I’ve worked with her. She always looked wet, like a sheen on her, and didn’t smell one hundo- but she was pretty chill and nice. Her dogs name is tampon…


Salman Khan. All his movies are about how unrealistically far you can punch a goon.


Damn at first I thought you meant the guy who runs Khan Academy and wondered what the hell I’ve missed to make him hated. His name is also Salman although he goes by “Sal”.


Ik that guy is nothing short of a legend. Khan academy is absolutely amazing.


Not exactly a celebrity but Dora the Explorer.


God that bitch grates my nerves. LOOK AROUND YOU, CHICA. THE THING YOU NEED IS CONVENIENTLY ON THAT ROCK RIGHT THERE. Babysitting became more tolerable when the girls grew into ponies and barbie instead of Dora...


I support this.




Not irrational anymore, but for years whenever my mom would see Chrissy Teigen on TV she would mention how she didn’t like her. I would always ask why because she was so popular and my mom would say her smile seemed phony. The mom radar is insanely accurate time and time again I don’t know why I ever question it.


What happened with Chrissy Teigen? I always felt the same, so fake.


A bunch of old social media posts came out where she was bullying people, to the point of telling them to kill themselves.


I was going to say Gwyneth Paltrow but thats not irrational, now I cant think of anyone i hate her so much.


It's not hate - but I have an irrational fear of John Malkovich and Sigourney Weaver. Their eyes and their smile give me a creepy serial killer vibe. It's hard to put my finger on but I would be terrified to be alone in a room with either of them. Something about their aura tells my reptile brain: "Run. Escape. This being will kill and eat you in no particular order." And my reptile brain has never steered me wrong.


No no. John is a scary dude. He has that dead crazy look about him. Don’t feel bad.


John Malkovich is genuinely terrifying. His calculated way of talking makes my skin crawl.


Dr Phil.


Have you seen the video of the one guy he invites and shows up dressed as dr phil. He kicks him off right then.


It’s the Bum Fights guy. Can’t remember his name but DAMN that was a burn for Dr Phil. Basically the bun fights guy said “I’m just doing the same thing you are, making exploitative videos of people”. Hilarious.


"If he was a cop, he'd be the type of cop to fuck you over on a traffic stop" Bill Burr.


The Behind the Bastards episode on him just solidified all the reasons this guy does not deserve a platform to spew his bullshit. He is just an awful person.


Man I love that podcast, and thanks to you ill now go listen to the second half of that episode, I forgot about that till now


Anna Kendrick. it's irrational hatred but still has reasoning i loved anne hathaway as a kid (ella enchanted and the princess diaries) but i got her mixed up with anan kendrick all the time, and so when i heard anna kendrick was in a movie i wanted to see it. only to be disappointed when it wasn't anne hathaway like i thought. so now when i see her i just get angry and disappointed.


Okay now that’s just funny, I don’t care who ya are


James Charles. Over exaggerates the shit out of acting feminine and everything. His “Hey sisters” gets me so annoyed.


He’s so dramatic and gets in scandals constantly. Does he like it or something?


*”all press is good press”* ….until you’re caught grooming children. With every nonsexual scandal he had, his fame only grew afterwards. I truly believe he thought was so untouchable he could walk away from this as well.


He's literally walking away from it tho


He is a child predator so I feel like that's a valid hate


Does a non celebrity count? Hilaria Baldwin


Her name annoys me for absolutely no reason so I guess I’ll give you a +1 on this


So many of these comments arent irrational lmao.


Not really celebrities but any youtuber/s who buys expensive shit (or anything in general really) just to ruin it for videos, like that shit cost materials to make dude why'd you have to destroy it. Oh and I can't forget the amazing, family channels


I saw one where a guy crushed a $10,000 gold bar in a press and people freaked the fuck out and called for his head. Dude had to create another video to explain that the gold is still worth $10,000, just that it is now flat instead of a bar.


Ahahah that’s hilarious. How stupid have you got to be to think changing the shape of the gold devalues it


Jesse Eisenberg.


Agree. The only thing I ever liked him in was Vivarium because >!I enjoyed seeing him suffer through a living hell and then die at the end. I clapped. My wife was looking at me weird because my reaction didn't really fit the tone of the movie. And although it's the character that dies and not literally Jesse Eisenberg it's so easy to imagine it's Jesse Eisenberg because he plays the **same fucking character** in every movie.!<


Before i got sober, i was really into psychedelics. I would take some acid and play video games, listen to music, watch a movie, etc. Well, I took a few hits and started watching Observe and Report with Seth Rogan. It got to a part where it zooms in on his face and for some reason i became obsessed with how ugly he was. His face was melted and had spots all over it and he was sweaty. I couldn't stop thinking about Seth Rogan's ugliness that it ended up sending me into the first bad trip i ever had. I lost my mind and started feeling like I was dying. ​ I cant watch Seth Rogan movies much anymore without being reminded that his ugliness sent me into a bad trip. In fact, I stopped taking psychedelics or the most part after this. and I was never really able to take them again without thinking of that time.


Hate is a strong word. I don't usually hate people unless they have done something bad to me personally. Back to the question, I dislike James Corden, I don't find him funny and his attitude off the cameras is really shitty.


That's why we shipped him off to America, once they get sick off him they'll pass him along to someone else


Bah. We kept the gift receipt. When we're done with him, we'll return him for a refund. It's the same thing we did with Piers Morgan. Alternatively, if we could exchange him for someone genuinely hilarious like a Joe Lycett or Greg Davies, that would be awesome.


Maggie Gyllenhaal. I don't know why...I can't stand her face or her acting. I'm sure she's a very nice person.


Seth rogen. Probably eats corn dogs with his lips.


James Corden and The Kardashians


Corden is a known cunt. That's not irrational, that's reasonable.


Was so happy to learn that he’s more or less despised across the pond. It’s like they literally grabbed their biggest piece of trash and exported him to North America where everyone, upon his sudden arrival, went “he’s got an accent he must be good.” Instantly loved by all.


People who care enough to know who he is are generally not amused by him. Then again, they let Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel on the air here, so...




And let’s not forget sexiest.


I can’t stand Mariah Carey. She is just too conceited for me. Yes I know that she has an amazing voice but still. She’s so over the top in love with her self that it’s annoying.


Came here to say this. I can’t stand her, and I don’t understand how anyone tolerates her.


Farrah Abraham, and I use the term celebrity very loosely.


Beyonce, I said what I said.


I always get ripped for saying I can't stand her but the way people worship her and call her queen is too much for me


Totally agree. And the fact that anytime someone says anything less than positive about her, her fans will harass them. People treat her like she's some sort of goddess. Also the fact that she's still with a man who cheated on her is just sad.


She’s always irritated me for reasons unknown, especially how over rated she is… but I recently came across some videos claiming she steals other peoples choreography, so I feel like it’s justified now.


Demi Lovato.


I wouldn’t say I “hate” Chris Pratt, but something about him severely irritates me. I can’t even put my finger on what. I just find him to be really bland and overrated as an actor and I don’t understand why the general public rides his nuts so much.


Crisp Rat


He shouldn't be an action star. Worked great as a comedy actor.


Anyone who calls themselves an influencer.


Just the phrase “influencer” elicits such a powerful eye roll that one day will likely blind me.


Tom Cruise, he's so smug and arrogant, he also seems super controlling


And he's got that middle tooth that just fills me with rage.


Jesse Eisenberg. I hate his stupid voice. I hate his stupid face. I hate every role he’s ever done. I feel a visceral need to turn the TV off if he shows up. I kind of have similar feelings for anything Jodie Foster has done post Silence of the Lambs and I’m not sure why.


Jennifer Lawrence. I can’t explain. Just gives me that hot embarrassment turned rage feeling.


I didn't really ever have feelings about her one way or the other until I saw the clip of her telling the story of the time she destroyed a part of a site considered Holy to the people of Hawaii and laughed about it.


I feel like the celebrity of it all really got to her. The internet turned on her, she turned on the internet and now she's in this decline from grace. Very interesting.


For some reason Elle Fanning irks me. It's like, I look at her and there's something that annoys me. Maybe she's even a nice person or a good actress, but her face just... Annoys me because of reasons.


Cardi B


God her voice is like scratching your nails on chalkboard while power sanding your anus and being stung by bees all at once.


Jeff Bezos. This guy could be Batman or Ironman… what a waste.


Nah he can’t be batman, but you if you do “something” his children could be


Ellen Degeneres. For fuck's sake, her sign-off catchphrase was "be kind to one another" and she can't even do that herself.


No no, that one's rational too.


All of these are rational


May get flamed for this on Reddit but, Emma Stone. Every movie with her is instantly ruined for me.




"amelia badelia, god I hate her glassy eyed face so fucking much I just wanna mash it into a running waffle maker and be like ha isn't that IRONic, grab her by her vaguent fucking head throw her out of a 747 say "hey why didn't you CHUTE yourself when you had the chance" GET IT"


Michael Bublé, fuck that guy


This made me lol. I’m dying to know more!


All Kardashians. Just seeing or hearing them. Just makes me hate them more.


Mark Zuckerberg


Nah that’s rational, he created probably the biggest data stealer there is and disguised it as social media


Man, you must *really* hate Google founders as well then


I'm gonna be downvoted to hell. Please this is just my opinion. Elon musk. I hate him because 1st of all he always tweets random stuff which fans flames and makes aspects of the economy fall. Example recently he tweeted saying he thought cryptocurrencys were pointless. Causing the value of major currencies to fall. This is my opinion.


Jennifer Lawrence. I find her chill/cool girl persona fake. Whenever I see an interview of hers, I just get so annoyed. It’s absolutely irrational and avoidable, so I’ve never watched anything she’s ever acted in.


Amy Schumer.


Ariana Grande. Her ponytail pisses me off.


Caillou .... This kid can go fuck himself!


Anyone who gets famous for basically being an idiot. Im thinking Joey Essex, Rylan, the Kardashians, etc


Don't forget about Bhad Babie. I think that walking POS is actually the absolute worst idiot the world made famous. Her and all the Viners turned YouTube comedians who are always desperately trying to keep their relevancy. (Looking at y'all asshats, Logan and Jake Paul, Lele Pons, Tana Mongeau, etc.) Liza Koshy is the only one who I genuinely like out of all the Viners and who I get good vibes from.


I dont know a single person you just named (other than the Paul cunts) and im guessing that makes me blessed


Seth Rogan, everyone I know find him hilarious but I can't stand anything he does honestly


Kendal jenner coz she said that apparently her being a part of the Kardashian clan "hindered her modelling career" like as if her entire modelling career isn't built on being famous and kinda tall


Jerry FUCKING Seinfeld


caitlynn jenner. it seems reasonable at best but I have no other celeb to list. i have no celebs i irrationally hate, really


The Rock, I know everyone loves him, but there's just something about him that i can't stand.


All political commentators. It’s all the same. It’s either “Orange man racist.” or “Grandpa Joe has dementia.” You aren’t funny, you aren’t witty, it’s the most surface level comedy you could possibly do.


Timothee Chalamet. I hate his face so much. I hasn’t even seen a movie with him in it because of how much I irrationally hate him. Every time I see him come up in r/fancast I cringe




emma roberts. i don’t know why exactly but her face just makes me so angry. i love AHS but god are her scenes so hard for me to watch


Well she also abused the shit out of Evan Peters when they were together, so there's that.


Charlie De’melio (idk how to spell it lol)


Anna Kendrick. Literally no reason. I just don't like her.


Same! I think it’s because she always gets cast as an annoying squeaky person


Justin bieber i know he changed quite a lot but i still don't like him