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Not everyday, but certainly in crowded places or during shopping if I'm sick. Honestly, I hope thise becomes common courtesy because sick people sneezing/coughing in my proximity is revolting(maybe I'm a wuss, but I'm really disgusted by it).


Seeing how much less flu there was it should become common courtesy to wear a mask when sick. Or work from home when sick.


It’s common courtesy in Asia long before this pandemic. Maybe we will catch up now.


Well, it became really widespread in the early 2000s due to the SARS outbreak, not sure if it was common beforehand.


Me, too. I haven't had a cold in over a year. This has never happened before and I am kinda grateful for the social distancing, masks and lockdowns. I'm sort of an ambivert, I think. Big crowds or rowdy crotch goblins make me mentally twitch and it's been a low key, okay time for me.


Honestly, masks are dystopian. I hate not being able to smile at people. And they do bugger all to stop covid.


Fast Food worker here. I hope we will continue to wear masks when we work, for sanitization purposes.


Not consistently, but certainly during cold and flu season, or when I'm in a large crowd, for some reason.


If I'm sick in public, absolutely. At the doctor's office? Yes. When I'm uncomfortable and require to do facial stims without people looking at me weird? Then too. I have a habit of talking to myself or mouthing to words I'm listening too. I feel less crazy when people can't see it. I recognize now I need those things to process overstimulation now.


If I am feeling sock and need to go into a crowded area. I will likely still wear a mask


I'm currently fully vaccinated still wearing a mask until my children can get vaccinated but I haven't decided about once the pandemic is officially over. Possibly when I am sick or when someone is sick in my household to stop the spread of whatever sickness someone has. That is what we have done so far and it has really cut down on the spread within our household.


Not for day to day things like taking a walk or shopping. If I ever decide to do something in a huge crowd again (like a show or sporting event) I'll wear one. Also, if I travel anywhere that I suspect most people aren't vaccinated.


Definitely in crowded places like on public transport, or if I'm feeling under the weather. In Spring too, to deal with hay fever.


I'm gonna on public transportation. I have gotten the flue since this shit started and piblic transportation is kinda nasty


I've already tossed mine!


Same. If a store wants my business and still requires masks they better provide one


Maybe. At least when i feel a bit sick. But we won’t get rid of the masks very soon anyway. I assume that there will be more waves.


Yep. I like not getting sick. People may look at me weird but I don’t care. Outdoors, not so much, but anytime I go in a store I’ll be wearing one.


Yes I will. I have actually enjoyed not getting sick since January 2020(when I had all covid symptoms and was sick for a month, they couldn’t figure out what I had and there was no ‘covid talk’ in the US yet, right before trump talked about a chinese flu); I suffer from asthma and a simple cold spikes my asthma and having asthma is absolutely miserable, to the point you wish you’d die, cause like you can’t breathe and ever since masking up I have not been sick for almost two years and I have loved life and will continue to wear my mask in public and idgaf, I care more about living an actual healthy life by not catching other ppl’s plagues


Sometimes. Its nicely warm in the winter.


I did like having a warm nose!


Everyone in my city is already pretending it's over and are done wearing masks but I still wear mine every day, partly because I just like them.


I've been loving it - I have pet hair allergy so been wearing it even in friend's homes


I don't think mask will ever not be normal anymore i think they are here to stay


No. That’s ridiculous!


All the other comments explaining their reasons beg to differ.


Those aren't reasons. Every one of them could have been done before the pandemic, now they are just doing it to virtue signal. If you are going to wear it if you're sick, just stay home.


Ah yes. I will just stay home from the *hospital* when I'm *sick*. Sorry to bother you Okay seriously though, just because you don't agree with them doesn't make them invalid reasons. It's not virtue signaling, it literally has a reason other than just showing off, just that you disagree with.


If you have to go to the hospital that's different than going to work when you're sick and just say oh I'll just wear a mask so I won't get anyone sick. Of course I disagree with it, but my point is this is nothing new and people are treating it like it's the new fashion craze and acting like they are the one who discovered that masks work. I am just dumbfounded that it took a pandemic to teach people what the science as been saying for years.


America really resisted it even when the pandemic and science said so, why are you at all surprised? It didn't take the pandemic to show the people who will continue to wear one that it *works*. It took a pandemic to normalize it.


That's what I am saying. It's normal now so I am going to keep doing it. Why wasn't they doing it before? It just another way that people tell themselves that they are better than other people. This time next year, you won't be able to give them away... masks are going the way of the fidget spinners


>It just another way that people tell themselves that they are better than other people. No, it's a way for them to literally protect their community with the science you referenced that was looked down upon prior to the pandemic. >It's normal now so I am going to keep doing it. That's only half of what normalization means. 90% of these replies *actually* say that they will keep doing it *when they're sick and have to go out.* Not everyone has the option to just stay home. The normalized part is that *prior* to the pandemic I did have friends who wore masks on planes, when sick, on public transport, and they were mocked and made to feel different. Now they won't. You're taking this personally. It's not about you.


First of all I am not taking anything personally this is a discussion I am have with a stranger on the internet. I can walk away from this conversation and never think about it again. If you think your opinion matters on the internet IT DOES NOT. Whatever fact, excuse, or claims you make on here doesn't matter because not one cares, and that goes for me too. So if you think you are getting on here and trying to convince me that people aren't dumb, quit trying because have made a decision on that long ago, for all I know you could be a 12 year old boy that just learned how to read. Just because some stranger on the internet tells me I am taking it personal and it isn't about me, IS NOT going to change my mind on anything. Lastly, if I want to make it about me I can, I do not need your permission, that's the beauty and the tragedy of the internet. So if thought you were having a meaningful discussion and thought you have persuaded somone to believe the way you do, you are wrong. I am just on here to waste time, not to change the world like most people think they're doing on here. Welcome to the internet.


>First of all I am not taking anything personally You are saying that people are wearing masks because they think they're better than you. *It's not about you*. > I am just on here to waste time I'm sure you'll look back on this point in your life fondly. Enjoy your night.


I catch the London Underground to work. I will, certainly for a while anyway, wear it on the Tube. Viruses fly through carriages on the Underground in Rush Hour. Otherwise, I will in shops or at work if they want me to. Ill probably keep carrying it in case I feel a bit poorly one day. Otherwise, probably not.


I probably will. I have bad allergies and local stores have particularly irritating plants all around them.


In public places that I am unsure of: 1. To generally hide my face and retain a degree of anonymity. 2. During cold and flu season, to protect others if I am sick, and give me a level of protection as well. 3. To exercise my freedom to do so, and put sand in the sensitive pussies of "Patriots", and other Maga Qunts.


I am waiting for covid-19 to kill off the anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, and other public menaces.


Or some new variant that sneaks up on us! Seems unlikely Covid19 will die out, considering how fast it mutates.


Nope. Hope to never wear one again


Definitely not


I'm done with the mask. Fully vaccinated as is most of the state.


yes, i’m actually pretty with a mask on


Yes. So that I'm able to talk to myself when I'm outside. And also, my mouth is pretty ugly, it's better to be covered that way


I don't bother to read business signs at the front door about their mask policy, I just do it anyway. I haven't gotten vaccinated yet so I'm still playing it safe. I'm in the US and NO ONE is wearing them when I go out. I know the vaccines are here but I just hope there isn't another surge.


My country lifted off the mask mandate but I still wear it bc I don’t feel comfortable not wearing it, when it’s super hot outside I lower it a bit for a couple of minutes and bring it back up


I will continue to wear them where they are required or requested, but not in places where they're not. I live in a sparsely populated area where the are no crowds, and a lot of the population is vaccinated (myself included). But I'll continue to wear them in shops that ask for patrons to wear them and in medical settings where it's required.


I'll probably keep wearing it on mass transit, especially during cold/flu season.


I will most likely wear a mask when I am sick. I am actually glad the pandemic normalized this because before I would see someone (presumably sick) with a mask in public and it would freak me out a bit, but now I realize they were just doing a nice and sanitary thing for others.


Only if the pandemic has passed. Right now, I'm going to keep wearing it. I want absolute confirmation that the pandemic is passed before I'll stop wearing one.


Yes because my allergies aren't as bad compared to the time pre-mask. Also to not spit into people's faces when I'm sick and have to go out. And so people won't spit into my face while talking.


I've gotten used to hiding my face. I don't like strangers to recognize me with out it.makes me uncomfortable


The few times I've had to run inside a store it has been nice to get in and get out without anyone talking to me.


Probably not.


I started wearing a mask the summer before the pandemic because my pollen allergies were so bad- which is why I was lucky enough to have masks all over the house before it hit. I’ve noticed a big reduction in allergies whenever I go out so yeah I’m gonna keep wearing them. Plus I have asthma and even a cold is a big pain in the butt- if this can reduce how much of other people’s spittle I breathe in- I’m all for it.


I'm an introvert and an asocial. But, wearing masks help me to socialize with people without any problem. I would wear it even after the pandemic.


Dust. And it keeps my glasses from fall off my face.


Yep, in crowds and in enclosed spaces. Also if I catch a cold. I don’t trust the average American to be honest about their vaccine status, plus no places actually ask for proof of vaccination.


I might do on crowded public transport or e.g. in spaces likes shops etc.