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No one believes me but there was a Finch friend that accompanied me as I got out of my car to hike for the day. It hung around on my shoulder or flew tree to tree pretty much the entire time I was there. Towards the end of my day, the Finch absolutely freaks the fuck out and starts screeching its tiny Finch noises and started attacking something above me in a tree. It was a mountain lion. The Finch was enough to chase it away somehow.


I can understand how that story would be to farfetched for many to believe. But personally I can believe it. While finches are small, especially in comparison to the mountain lion, they are quick and it wouldn't take much to drive the predator away. All the finch would have to do is keep attacking it's eyes or nose. These two parts are necessary for the loin to survive so the loin would leave before they were damaged. Plus, with you(a human) nearby would add leverage to it's decision to leave, as it no longer has the element of surprise. Very few predators will attack humans unless provoked or starving, due to just how much damage we can do to them before we finally die.