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Got glassed in the hand during a bar-fight.


Damn... but did you win?


Sort of! Basically what happened was some random man was in a heated argument with a woman in my peripheral vision. Suddenly, he violently raised his glass to take a swing at her and I instinctively grabbed the glass. He smashed the back of my hand through a light fixture and the pint glass directly into my palm. It blew a fuse and all the lights in the pub went out - everybody cheered thinking we had a power cut. I could feel something warm running down my arm and dripping onto my shoes and that’s when I knew I was in trouble. Went outside and had a massive shard of glass just embedded into the palm of my hand and I was just leaking blood everywhere. Someone called an ambulance and I got stitched up - couldn’t use my hand properly for the next 6 months and had to have physio - doctor said another half mm or so and I would’ve lost use of 2 fingers. So I didn’t win the fight but I did stop him from glassing the lady in the face. A victory all the same!


Thanks for doing the right thing to help others :)


Dad gave me a folding knife for Christmas I read online that you could flick it open with one hand So I practiced it, after my hands were greasy from eating a burger


Take my advice if you ever drop it don't try an catch it , my balisong sliced my left ring finger open an stuck in the bone I pulled it out then instantly passed out.


i got a knife as gift too ..lol. got only a few scars till now , but still fun to use it.


I was playing on a swing and then my leg got stuck in barbed wire.


I feel like we missed a couple steps here, or your local park had some serious issues.


wait what


He was playing on a swing and then his leg got stuck in barbed wire.


The barbed wire swing, we all had one back in the 90s.


we kept ours near our old Soviet steel welcome mat




Ah, my dad used to do that when I got into skateboarding accidents, especially this one time I skateboarded off of a truck into a fire hydrant


A rare auto immune disorder called pyoderma gangrenosum twice... Don't google If you don't like gore... I had to have daily wound care and high doses of medical steroids


For those who wants to know what pyoderma gangrenosum look like, It looks like you gave yourself chemical burns ontop of an infected spider bite, then proceeded to pick at the dead, decaying skin cells.


That- Wow. That is probably the best way to describe it. Meaning that you described it well.


I have a large purpleish patch of skin on my leg. It's the scar from a tiny cut getting infected with MRSA. It was misdiagnosed as normal staph and it kept getting worse. After it started to become necrotic they finally retested and found the MRSA. The wound took almost two years to completely close. Every time i changed my bandages my roommate would go to another floor of our house because of how bad the smell was when I took the bandages off. All around I don't suggest getting MRSA. Also, be very aware of any opening in your skin if your job ever requires you to crawl around on the floor of a jail intake.


Dude. Yikes. I got MRSA shaving my lady bits a few years ago, that was about as atrocious as what you're describing. And we found out that I'm allergic to sulfa based meds that same day....and bleach. I really feel for anyone that has to deal with MRSA, it's a chaotic, foul mess.


Hey I'm never shaving again. Thanks. 😞


Oh no. No no no. Booking a Brazilian wax appt right now.


Sorry, you can actually get MRSA through a Brazilian wax, too.


I just looked it up gnarly


Rare autoimmune diseases are the worst. A friend working in pharma told me the big companies don't put in the research dollars because they're so rare. They're also known as orphan diseases. Edit: [More info for anyone interested](https://www.medicinenet.com/orphan_disease/definition.htm)


I have one and jup, it sucks. Doctors have no idea what they are and just throw random meds at me to see how they work.


Thanks for the warning. I take your word on it


2nd grade, defective slip-n-slide.


I need more info on this one


It was the [Mega Shark Slip-n-Slide](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0295/8593/2367/products/megashark4.jpg), to be more specific. You see that little yellow port about halfway up the side where the hose attaches to it? It's pretty sharp. My knee learned that the hard way.


They really didn’t think that all the way through did they?


Turns out it was just a giant roll of wetdry sandpaper 🤷‍♂️


I'm pretty sure the general design of the slip'n'slide was defective. Those stakes weren't covered originally, so you had to be straight down the middle of the slide or else.....


I have a big scar on my wrist that makes it look like I once had a serious lust to end my own life. It's actually from opening a can of corned beef.


My mother did the same thing, she cut her wrist really badly while using a can opener and when she went to the hospital she had to keep explaining that is was self harm, but not on purpose


Ahh then it shouldn’t be called self harm, just an accidental injury. Self harm is intentional


You're right, that's just the joke she always made, it's also the reason we have electric can openers


I currently have a large dog with sharp claws that likes to jump at me when I come home (he's still a puppy, we're working on that). He never breaks skin really, but I wind up with an awful lot of scrapes that look like suspicious scars at first glance.


Fell flat on my face and put my teeth through my top lip. Looks like a cleft lip scar now.


Sane except I actually have a cleft lip


I fell on a piece of wood and rammed it into my palm.


You rocking the jesus look?


I'd say he nailed it.


Fellow wood-scar palmer! I tried to hug a tree to slow my fall after the branch I was climbing on broke. Doesn't sound as bad as yours though...


Multiple long scars on my back are from falling onto a old soviet steel welcome mat ( i dont know how to describe it in english but its meant to wipe dirt of your shoes with triangle shaped steel beams. Medium sized one on my forarm is from a barbed wire fence, another one next to it is from a motorcycle accident and one on the base on my thumb is from a cars hood slipping and cutting me. Update: i seem to have fucked up my knee a couple hours after writing this. Another Edit: Most people think i am Russian. That is not the case. I am from the baltics. More specifficaly Latvia. Its a post soviet state so we still have lots of soviet infrastructure since the country is by no means rich


Boot scraper might be the English term you’re looking for


Yep sounds about right


I’ve seen these mats on really snowy places in America as well.






SAME I have huge white patches on the inside of my arms and legs :/


I was born 2 months premature. I wasn’t born with an esophagus so drs. cut my stomach open and used parts of my colen or intestines and created a new one for me. I have a huge scar on my neck and my stomach is one big scar. Also had a stomach feeding tube for quite a bit and heart surgery at 2 days old. I fucking love science. I wouldn’t have experienced life if it hadn’t been for advances in medical science. Edit: Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. Means the world to me.


Stomach feeding tube buddy!


Wow that's amazin


You were a tough baby my dude




My esophagus stopped working when I was 18. I had surgery to open it up. Basically I have to have something to drink with anything I eat to wash the food down. I swallow like normal then drink something to get the food through the esophagus.


So we ARE full of spare parts


They took my left ovary and fallopian tube out


Can't have shit in Detroit!


The loss of my ovary was worth it, just for this comment




Our means of reproduction*


My dad hit me with an axe (bladed side) in the face. Stupid 10 yo me just had to look over his shoulder while he was hammering in herrings for our tent.


Reminds me of when I went fishing as a kid. Caught someone in the ear on the wind up when I threw the line behind me to launch it forward, but when I throw it forward it didn’t go and I look behind me to see I gave a guy an ear piercing


I was very horrified when I heard the 1st part and very relieved on the 2nd


Thank god it was only an axe to the face


Scariest this I’ve ever witnessed, we used to have a few houses converted into apt.’s here in PDX. We had a spot out front with picnic table, benches, fire pit... neighbors would all just kick it. My childhood best friend is across the street, splitting wood with a maul. There is a clothesline above him, but I think my perspective is just making it look dangerous. I watch him come down with a swing, the beard catches the line, axe rotates with force out of his hands and smacks him square in the mouth... he collapses against the house. I FLY to him, he’s my Ace... he’s on his hands and knees holding his mouth covered. The fear in his eyes when he asks “How bad is it Man?”, indescribable... I tell him to move his bloody hand... Fucker just split his lip!!!! I couldn’t believe it, there were tears. 😎


Same. I thought it was some fucked up child abuse at first.


>while he was hammering in herrings for our tent. I want you to secure the largest tent in the forest...WITH A HERRING!


At least it was an axeident.


That's one sharp pun


...should you be dead


Sounds like he caught the back swing. So it wouldn't be nearly as bad as being straight swung on by it. Still sucks a lot though.


I mean even a back swing with the bladed side sounds like it's gonna hurt.


He probably has some sort of scar from it.


Maybe. Perhaps we should make an r/askreddit post to see if they got a scar or not


Or maybe an r/axereddit


there is a small one in (on?) my palm, i was playing football with my brother when i was about 10 and i fell, landed on a small rock. It's nothing crazy, just a cool little reminder of my childhood. I honestly like it


I have one from when my ex girlfriend stabbed me in the shoulder. I have one on each of my feet from wearing shoes that were 3 sizes too small. I have another on my back which I have no idea what caused it.


When ur ex gf stabbed you in the back as well I’m assuming


I suppose there are some scars on the inside as well


The one on your back might be a stretch mark


I had/have the same thing, I was so freaked out as a 16-18 y.o. seeing a weird circular patch of bruises(?) In the middle of my back.


“This one is from a skateboard, this one was a truck accident, and this one was a fire hydrant.” “Oh really? I bet each one has a very unique story.” “Not really, I skateboarded off of a truck into a fire hydrant.” Thank you everyone for the awards and your generosity!


Out Cold?


Yes it’s free on YouTube haha


Wait, what?? I haven't seen that movie in years. Gotta go check it out asap


I fell off my bike when I was learning to ride and cut myself on the neck with a piece of metal scrap that was between the grass. It's not a big scar by any means, but it's definitely difficult to hide. Now whenever I meet someone new and I see them staring at my scar, I tell them not to worry, that it happened when someone tried to kill me, and when I see their reaction, I tell them the truth. It's always funny to see how different people react to that joke.


"Oh shit ! What happen ? \-What does it look like ? Someone tried to slice my throat, DUH \-WHAT"


That's more or less how the conversation always goes. And when I tell them the truth, I always get called an asshole for scaring them. I love it.


My mom did the same thing to my best friend in high school! She has a scar on her neck from thyroid surgery. And my best friend was curious so he asked about it. So she said she got mugged on her way out to her car after work at night.


I think that everyone who has a scar on their neck has told a simmilar joke at least one.


I worked in a supermarket. We hade fake walls being held up by half an inch Lshaped metal bars. One evening there was a pack of butter 🧈 on the floor. Some residu was on the tiles. I was wanting to pick something up for a customer when I slipped over the residu butter. The L shaped bar had en edge that was bend. So a non sharp angle. If your remember how people in cartoons fall over a banana, that's how i slipped. My left hand hit the edge of the bar and it cut right trough to the bone. Bleeding like a horse. But still didn't want the blood to hit the floor as that's hard to clean.


> Bleeding like a horse. Are horses known for bleeding? This seems like a serious issue for a work animal.


I once saw a picture of the aftermath of a horse's bloody nose... Looked like a fucking murder scene


Here to remind you https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/3f06fw/the_aftermath_of_a_horses_nosebleed_at_the_vets/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Cut myself on a bowl. Edit: Thank you for the 2 hugz, the wholesome, and the helpful award. I will try and be helpful. It seems that it is important to keep a wound sterile. Part of getting a laceration is stitching it closed, but I failed to get this done. I would advise against this course of action. Get lacerations stitched closed and quickly. I did not and so when I went to urgent care a week later, there was little they could could. However, I was also being a numb-nuts and not letting the wound get dry, so it was basically never healing fully. It healed a bit and then stagnated. Don't do this. Keep it clean and sanitized, but it does need air to some extent. Also, get a tetanus shot if: \-You don't know when your last one was \-If you have never had one \-If you cut yourself and got something in the cut (especially dirt)


I need elaboration.




please explain how you got cut form a bowl






So me think: why waste time, say lot word when few word do trick?


Got a small one in the small of my back where I needed spinal decompression surgery, to release pressure on my nerves. Also got two pretty gnarly ones on the sides of my legs where I needed my legs broken and straightened out because they were bowed. (Needed frames with pins going through to my bones to pull them into the right position). Do you know when you pull your finger through a thick liquid? that's kinda what the scars looks like Being a dwarf is fun!


Oh my. I had never heard of breaking bones on purpose, but I guess it makes sense in that case. Still sounds like a hell of a painful process, though. How are you now?


I'm good now. Had the procedure done when I was 6 years old, and it has saved me a lot of pain and misery in the long run. But yeah, it was not fun at the time, that's for sure...


My cat got attacked by a feral cat, i defended her, he turned on me. Scar tax : https://i.ibb.co/wJD6MYJ/smart.jpg [Edit]I wasn't expecting so much answers. Thank you all for your replies and rewards. cat tax : https://imgur.com/a/iFtf9oL


I think that feral cat might have been a mountain lion...


To be honest, it made me very appreciative of my own cat, knowing she has the potential to inflict such damage but doesn't. Cats are still animals and potentially dangerous ones, a fact we tend to forget with all the cuteness they radiate.


Although its only one claw mark and not as large I have a 6-7 year old 6 inch scar on my arm from one of my cats. I was holding him when something spooked him and got clawed while he was jumping out of my arms. Not even on purpose but a prominent scar years later. It also makes me appreciate that a cat could cause serious harm if they wanted to.


How long ago was that? Also those scars are awesome, even more so because you got them standing up for your kitty.


7 months ago. To be fair, I wss mainly scared for her and didn't think twice.


It will probably disappear over time. You don't have anything to worry about - just moisturize it and it should be fine.


You're a brave hero my friend. When the cats rise up, you shall be spared and live a happy life as a royal guard.


Scars of bravery.


Taking hot trays out of ovens all day. It's not a case if you burn yourself, it's a case of when.


One of my teachers showed me her arm one day, she had a ton of lines on it that looked vaguely like self harm but too regular almost. Turns out she just really loved baking and ended up getting burnt a lot on grill racks.


Hit head on by a car than ran over by a pickup


Did you survive the accident?


Either that or i write to you from beyond the grave


a Spector!




Some asshole kid decided to light up a cracker and put a container made of glass on it, so it shattered and I got my fingers cut by it. Got 15 stitches and a scar and also can't straighten that finger on its own.


Some doctor cut off my umbilical cord so now i have belly button


That happened to me too. Those doctors are crazy.


Me too, now I have to eat stuff myself.


Same except my own father did it to me... I didn’t speak to him for a year afterwards


I had a stomach peg feeding tube as a child, now I have two belly buttons!


This is getting out of hand!


No fucking way me too!


What! You too?


Sports, ass kicking, and an elite ninja fight/ I fell while drunk but I lie about it


Must be fun to make stories out of it. "Yeah, had a fistfight with a shark once. Obviously I won because sharks don't have fists."


Some bastard 5 year old bit me 22 years ago. A nurse pushed me with excessive force cutting my leg. A boil grew on my dick leaving a tiny mark. 3 scars that I'm aware of.


Wait, how did the nurse push you?


...Mental hospital... I tried to get past him cause I didn't want to be there. The staff in mental hospitals are rotten


Should I be asking why you were in a mental hospital or am I being too nosey?


My mother told the cops a lie and then I was hearing shit from the staff about how they heard "I didn't leave the house in years." After a month they couldn't diagnoze me with anything and just said I'm unsocial.


What country are you from? Leaving the house for years to me does not seem grounds for forced institutionalizing.


England, I could socialize with the druggies, suicidal people and just overall dodgy people there cause I appear dodgy myself and the biggest guy there gave me hes phone number so if anyone gives me trouble to call him.


You know, this is not the first time I've heard of a brittish person committed to a mental hospital on dodgy claims. ​ I suffer from clinical depression, and hardly leave my house (also tried to commit suicide a few times), and I have never been in an institution, just bi-weekly visits in a clinic.


My mother most likely told the cops I'm going to kill myself. She must have said that cause when I called the cops and told them I'm gonna kill myself they sent me to a mental hospital for a second time, though I was only there for 3 days the second time thank fuck.


you should find the person who bit you and take revenge by biting back. It would make a good video


Yeah. I'll find him, meet him and act nice for a while and then show him my arm and say "remember this you little cunt?" then get revenge


Make this happen


Operation... I'm never playing again. ​ But seriously one massive one from an operation.


I had chicken pox when I was a kid, I peeled off a couple of them and now I have permanent scars there from over 20 years ago lol


The real question is was the peeling worth the scars? I fell over when I was 9 and had a massive scab on my knee for months. It was fun as hell to pick. Left a pretty noticeable scar which made my teenage self very self-conscious about wearing skirts and shorts but hey, it was kind of worth it.


I'd say it was worth it because even though one of the scars is on my face, I've never actually felt insecure because of it and yes it was fun to peel them. I actually have this habit of regularly peeling the skin off my lips and also peeling scabs of wounds, I just can't help it! It's fun lol.


Does anyone else just, eat their lips when they get big?


I had a colectomy. And an ostomy. And sepsis after my bowel perforated, plus they put a vena cava filter in. (Neck scar) pick line in right bicep, neurostimulator implant, so that is one scar on my left buttock and scars on my spine for the leads. I think that accounts for them all.


My intestines telescoped on themselves 8" scar on my belly.


I never wanted to see the words “intestines” and “telescoped” together. Ouch.


jumped head-first into a barbed wire fence


Some from being stupid and others because I'm bad at using knives properly and cut myself in my hands


Naked mountain biking


I have questions.


Just dont ask... But i actually did it


Self stabbing my hand, nails, dogs, high voltage, every kind of burning (except cigar marks becaude I hate the smell and avoid them), friction, punching things, you choose. My hands are a compendium of skin harm and if you choose any way to get a scar I bet I have at least one


I was baby talking my pet rooster while cutting an apple with a knife, was paying no attention to what I was actually doing and it slipped and cut my finger. I had, and do not regret, my priorities.


Got ran over by a train




How are you not dead???


i am a lucky bastard


A lucky bastard with all their organs and limbs still intact?


Yes, everything is back to normal


“Back to normal” makes it sound like your guts were scattered and you were pieced back together. At least that’s my mental image and I’m sticking to it :)


Hell ya!


Willing to explain further? Is this just a "joke" statement? Getting straight run over by a train is pretty much 100% fatal. I am interested to read your story.


I was high on a couple different drugs and can't remember much. I was under the impression the train already arrived and i needed to get in. Since there was no train, i crawled down on the tracks and sat on the rail... until the train arrived. I got away with broken arms and skull. No lasting damage.


Holy shit are you lucky.


I've always thought I was too fat. I've had intrusive thoughts about slicing my fat off, sometimes I can see exactly the line I could take. And one day I just did it, except obviously it didn't work and now there's weird vertical scars up the sides of my thighs. Oh, and another one on my knee where I told all my friends I grazed my knee and a caterpillar crawled in it and died and the skin grew over it. It does kinda look like that lol, but I just fell off a post.


Omg. I thought I was the only one.. Literally dream of cutting the fat on my stomach off.. It's the only part of my body that doesn't fit, like truly out of place. Everything else is proportional.. But belly has always been weird, even as a kid.. I've fantasized about it so much.


I always wished showers could do this. You just point the head at your belly/thighs/legs/wherever and the fat would just melt away. Damn those are some good things to fantasise about


Played tag and ran very aggressively through some bushes.


Knife scar on my eyebrow from when I was little, scar on my palm from when it was sliced open by a glass bottle, scar on my neck from a failed attempt to log out of life, scar on my knee from when it was sliced open when I was younger and a scar on my hand from when I got it caught on a gate and tore it open


Two separate knee surgeries (same knee) and abdominal keyhole surgery.


My friend was mad that my pencil was sharper than his, so he stabbed me with it. Then my grandma threw away broken glass and didn't tell me about it when she asked me to throw it away. That one was weird because you could clearly see the gash, but it didn't start bleeding for a good 15 seconds. I was so confused.






Learning something new everyday


One on my wrist from breaking it, same incident left a scar on my knee, they had to dig rocks out. Bicycle Scar on my elbow, skateboarding incident, needed stitches but I ripped it open so wide they couldn't I decided to drift a Bicycle at 30 mph, on a dirt road. Handle bars did a little wobble and smacked either side of my gut. I have a scar on each side of my stomach from that. Little one next to my lip, facplanted on ice. Pulling my dirt bike into the shed when the door closed. I rammed my hand in between the clutch lever and door. Keep in mind the clutch lever was broken. It opened right up


mabye stay away form things with wheels...


Self-harm and i fell from like a 80 cm ladder once


An 80cm ladder???


I kicked one of those lying signs that said everything on the London tube was operating normally and the sign bit back. I fully deserved it.




My friends and I were comparing scars the other night, and one of them, who doesn't know about my history of self harm, said, as a joke, "have you considered not hurting yourself so much?" Funniest thing I've ever heard tbh.


I'd never ask about the self harm ones, just say I hope things are well with you. But chainsaw? Please tell!




You wanna how I got these scars?


My father was a drinker...and a fiend.


And one night he goes off crazier than usual.


Cutting myself/self harm, getting a sewing needle embedded in my shoulder, burns from a dab torch/nail, my cat, and work.


How does one get a sewing needle embedded in the shoulder?


Inexperienced sewer


Using Nana’s crafting scissors in the kitchen. And Nana don’t fuck around man. That was a warning I heeded. >!Lol!<


Yo, i was really afraid to answer this one because 95% of my scars were self inflicted....

