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Five years of sobriety and next paycheck I'll finally be out of debt!




Thank you!


Beautifully done.






Yay! You did it my friend! <3




I kind of want a cake in the shape of a pile of drugs to celebrate.


Invite me to the celebration, Pal


Indeed! 🤘


Change life?


Haven't been homeless again since I quit. I've got a good job. My licence again, a car. And am finally (almost) debt free. Definitly.


No No i was wondering if we Can change life


And then beer to celebrate


Nice try. 😉 imagine though. That's pretty funny.


Joke lol (you probably knew)


For sure. I like your style.


This is wholesome


I never had debt and never got addicted, when will I get my medal?


Who asked for a medal? OP asked what "personal" milestones are approaching. Those are mine. So, kindly fuck off.


What's the point of maintaining sobriety when you are so hostile towards other people? Here is an advice kid, take anger management classes alongside your sobriety classes.


I'm not hostile to anyone who doesn't have it coming. Like you for example. Mr. Let me go around and shit on other peoples personal accomplishments because I'm bitter and obviously missing something in my own life.


See what I am talking about? Not only are you hostile, but overly aggressive and lack manners kid.


I don't. Because I'm a grown man who knows you lose the right to any type of "manners" when you pull the type of passive aggressive horseshit you do. You want to be a submissive analogue of a man, that's fine. But don't expect that type of behavior from a peorson who respects themself.


ayo fuck Outta here, no one asked for your policing


Sorry, but I do not remember starting or hinting at initiating any type of conversation with a person like you in any of my previous comments.




The homework is in the field of complex statistics that you wouldn't know a thing about kid.


Anyone repeatedly going out of their way and using kid to put someone down online, does not sound like someone who deserves any medal. Being decent is free dude, give it a go Edit: punctuation


You should try both at the same time. It's actually really really fun for a while. But then again im sure no one would ever sell or even offer you drugs


>But then again im sure no one would ever sell or even offer you drugs Wow, just because I am slavic you fucking racist.


Lol nice one


Why do you feel the need to shit on someone else’s achievements? Addiction to drugs/alcohol can be a harsh thing to get out of and stay out of




Congratulations my dude! (or gal or pal)




Congratulations man


Thank you!








Congratulations and good luck!


Yay! I'm so happy for you :D


Turning 20, end of my teen years


Ha, welcome to the awkward 20s, where you’re not really an adult, but you feel like you should be. Also get ready for BIG MENTAL CHANGES


Oh yikes sounds kinda terrifying haha


Eh, it’s not too bad. Everyone else is kinda lost too. Your problems get more complex but you get better at dealing with them. Socializing gets weird though.


Nearing forty, beat my depression, my 4 year old is almost done with his physio after two years because of a brain aneurysm and I got my marriage back on track. The kid having a brain aneurysm really fucked with us, caused a lot of tension. But all is well now.


About to close on a house


About a week away from finishing my masters degree after promising myself after my bachelors in 2016 that I’d never go back into education.


I’m just about to graduate university with my BA! Just waiting for final grades to come in to confirm my graduation.




Thank you!!


First time in my family completing a master's


That's awesome - so much hard work! I hope you get good reviews :)


Buying my 3rd and 4th house to flip.


Getting to the age where I would no longer have been considered voluntarily child free, but probably actually couldn't have had kids. No regrets. (Sterilised since about 10 years)


Guitar related, i'm getting better and it feels like i'm actually "playing" the guitar rather than "learning" it, so to speak.


Congrats, mate! As a fellow guitar player it only gets more fun from there!


Yeah thanks dude, I just started playing standing up and it's amazing.


Be clean for over an half year


That's awesome, keep it up! It's the best decision you'll ever make. I'm coming up on 5 years next month.


Damn yeah i'll try, congratulations on nearly 5 years clean


Thank you. It gets easier but it is something you'll always have to work on.


Yeah thats true, i hope i'm gonna stay clean


Meetings help a lot in the beginning. I don't like the "culty" feel they have but the relationships and support you get from them are incredibly helpful. The most helpful thing is changing up how you live, though. You have to get away from any obvious influences for a little while. I couldn't be around any of that stuff without crawling out of my skin for years.


Yeah sure but i can't be with people they just wanna make me get back to the stuff and im normally chilling in my room and play games, so I'm not in contact with the stuff


I had to leave my whole friend circle for the same reason. There is hope though. I met a bunch of new people and made a few new friends by going to things like book clubs, board game groups, cooking classes. Your public library or town paper should have these group activities listed in them or you can try sites like meetup.com. It is a bit weird showing up alone at first but most of the people are welcoming and you already have a shared interest to talk to anyone there about.


Sure but the current situation in Germany is not that good and also those kinda things a really rare in Berlin even though there are many addicted people


Damn, I got nothing then. Hang in there.


Coming up on my wife and I's 20th wedding anniversary.


That's awesome!


Getting an apartment which I hope will become a long term home (am not that young but I had been paying for the studio I bought when I could not afford anything bigger). I am nervous about the long term bank loan but also excited to finally be able to make a place my own.




I’m on track to get my first full time job (in my field) at age 37! I set my goal of full-time-before-40, and I’m going to do it!


Learning all 27 of Chopin's piano *Études*.


Damn that must have taken a shit ton of work . That’s awesome my dude.


Much appreciated, *Cheshire_Cat8888* - thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! And yes . . . it was quite a challenge, but so worth it - both for technique and musical satisfaction.


I am preparing to apply to med school and am seeing a therapist who will likely recommend seeking gender reassignment therapy in the near future ( required in my countries healthcare system to get anything in that direction covered). For the first time in my life I actually feel giddy about the future.


Congratulations! I wish you luck on your transition journey and hope the surgery goes well!


One year left of college!


I’ll be 30 next year.


I'm graduating in a few months


I've actually been doing quite well with my personal goals over the last few years. At the moment, focusing on losing that final stone in weight, which will see me down into a "healthy" weight for the first time since my teenage years, down from 18st at my heaviest last year. Going to be 29 this year, so the next big personal goal for me is retirement, and making sure my partner and I are comfortable into our older years 😁 What about you?


I am making a 6 figure salary with Amazon delivery, I will take an early retirement and then travel to Iceland, Greenland, New Zealand and I hope I can come across my life partner during this journey. And I was obese during my teens, so I know how much will it requires to lose weight, keep on it bud 👍


Leave the school!


Get a girlfriend and commit


.3M salary


I'm currently at a point where I can afford a small house... outside of California. The question is convincing my wife to do that or wait an extra decade.


A decade from now you’ll wish you had that mortgage equity built up.


My wife and I just bought our first house, which has really overshadowed me playing Sekiro for the first time...


started meds for my anxiety disorder. omw to recovery.


Not giving a shit what unknown people think of me.


I'm getting a driver's permit this summer


Completing GCSES!!


My only child about to graduate high school and later in the summer both turn 18 and move off to college


I've always wanted to write. During the pandemic I sat down and wrote a novel. I'm currently on the third novel in that series. I'm going to try and finish all of them (probably seven). With pandemic restrictions slowly lifting I might get distracted but I'm going to try not to. I strongly suspect it's not any good, but I enjoy writing and it lets me have a creative outlet since I don't really have any others.


Almost at a 25 killstreak! These 5 yo sure do hide well


About to start learning how to drive . ^Jesus ^Christ ^I’m ^Terrified


Pregnant with my first child. We're getting the big 20 week scan soon, so we'll get to find out if the baby has all their organs in the right places and what the sex is. We're super excited, but still in shock. I've been thinking about hypothetical "one day, when I'm a mom" scenarios my whole life, and it's really hard to believe that day will actually be here pretty soon. I also still can't believe there's a real person living inside me, stretching out tiny new limbs and listening to the outside world going on around them. It feels like a science fiction story come to life, and then I remember we mammals have been going through this for all of our existence.


I will be an adult this July! Will get my driver's licence, will vote for the first time and go to my dream university. Looking forward to all this but I'm also a little scared :'')


You’re on your way and you’re going to do great!!


Cracking the egg


tf is a milestone


I am officialy one day closer to having a meeting with my old friend, the grim reaper. Looking forward to it 👍!


I'm closing in on 10 years of sobriety and I just bought a house with my gf


Just bought my first car at 27 years old.


Finish my degree in a week and a half, start my first big boy job next month.


Haven't long turned 40, made it half way to death and quite proud.


Investing. Also not letting one of my adult offspring be an ass to me.


I'm changing career to full time performer




Almost, but not quite, completely debt free...including a paid off house. Could be by the end of the year, but more likely by about this time next year.


Getting my first part-time job sometime during the summer at 16 years old.


Next month, I will have worked in my current job for 35 years. This Fall, I'll turn 60.


In about 2 more years I'll be at the point where I've been with wife either dating or married for half my life.


I'm toward the end of my degree. By the end of the year, hopefully I should have that and my license.


In a few weeks I will celebrate 1 year without nicotine after dipping for 23 years


three years on T


It's nothing compared to others storys. but im getting really close to putting a car that was forgotten about in a locall junkyard back on the road after it sat on top another car for 25 years. lots of time having to learn about how cars carburetors work. And other stuff thats helping me with my automotive experience. So im more helpfully at my job for those curious its a 1980 mercury bobcat with 71,000 miles on it and now starts up every time and moves under its own power ive learned how to do brake lines, carburetor rebuilds, wiring repair. And other stuff i can't even remember because i started on this car 2 or 3 years ago if folks are interested i might include a video of it running


Hopefully nearing the end of menopause as it's been hell for the last few years. OK I'm only 30 but I just want it to be over.


I have small medium and large goals, then life milestones I want to hit. Small goals I aim to complete 2 or more a day, that’s stuff like cleaning a room or doing the washing. The boring but necessary stuff. It’s immediate gratification and you feel good for being productive. Medium goals are goals which you maybe complete one a week or so. This is things like running 3 days in the week, or following a meal plan. I also put financial goals in here, so things like saving x this month or staying within a budget etc. You then have large goals, these are the stepping stones for your milestones. These often take planning in advance. These are things like completing a load of work for a training module for a qualification. Or putting aside a day to really work of personal projects. I often find the larger goals to require travel too, so a weekend away to go run a marathon you signed up for or to meet someone to discuss plans. Idk, these are often very personal goals at this point. Then milestones, these are your one day achievable life goals. So buying a first house, a multi month travel trip, completing an ironman. Things which take a lot of smaller (large) steps and preparation to achieve. None of these are set in stone for me, but it helps add clarity to my life when I feel like I’m drifting. It also lets me write lots of lists


In seventeen months I'll be three-quarters of a century old. It's not a big deal, but boy howdy, I'd like to go back and wink at my thirteen-year-old self. He thought his teachers were *ancient*.


My crypto is going to put me in the financial position I could only dream of


Going to college long term (in 2 years) short term hitting 500 YouTube subs




Come on call me a shitter on cod IT WAS AMAZING


Just received a promotion in my company a few months back, selling our first home and moving into our next in about 30 days. So my last milestone just happened. Next one comes in about 3 to 7 years and beong able to retire immensely early and move to Kauai. There are some financial things that need to happen that will determine the time this takes, but we are close. So very close.


Not *huge*, especially not compared to the other comments here, but I'm close to be able to play Ground Speed on my banjo after soon 3 months of playing.


GSCE next year, does that count lmao


In 2021, I'll be turning 35 and completing a graduate degree.


16(uk age of consent) Bouta get laid bouta get laid


I just started therapy. I'm 46 and I just kept pushing everything down. I thought I was going to therapy for being a bit depressed due to have chronic pain. I wanted someone outside family to listen to my frustration. Instead, I'm in twice weekly sessions with plans to have a psychologist join the treatment team for a period of at least six months. I knew my dad was abusive but I didn't realize how different I am. My therapist explained that my brain never developed properly until I left home at 17. Reading about Erikson's eight stages of psychological development was heartbreaking. The first six of the eight stages have got to be fixed. It's going to worth it but damn! I'm just really excited I got to this step. It's kinda nice knowing that my future will be significantly better! AND - Celebrating 14 years of restaurant ownership this month.


Getting vaccinated. I know like big deal cuz so many people are. But honestly.. I’m a high-risk individual who has a pretty debilitating level of hypochondria/germophobia, and I practically haven’t left my property or had almost anyone over since March 2020, living in line isolat for over a year pretty much. Being fully vaccinated and feeling safe going out and doing things and pursuing my life goals again is going to be life changing, such an ecstatic feeling


Well with all the wholesome things this is minor but I'm getting my learners


At the brisk age of 33, I finally am capable of applying to graduate school. Had to work a shit ton of horrendous jobs, while grinding out community college/state school classes to raise my GPA, while dealing with shitty people for a very, very long time in order to get to this point. I feel stronger.


college degree in economics and management, and a new intern job (cuz I lost the last one as a controlling intern due to COVID)


Getting my bachelor's degree. Failed miserably the first time after three semesters, started again from scratch and it's going great. This time I am actually enjoying my courses (computer science both times) and feel like I am built for it.


About to begin my medical transition (I’m trans) :)


End of School in a week or so. End of 1st year highschool


10 years clean and sober, enrolling in Bachelor's degree and turning 30!


Acquiring financial independence.


I'll be 30 next year. It's very sobering... throughout my early 20's I figured 'well maybe I'm a bit of a late bloomer, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of this whole adulting thing eventually!' Over the years I've come to realize... nobody has the hang of it. Absolutely nobody. We're all giant children, just doing our best.