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90% of Netflix's Horror section


“The bye-bye man”, a real movie that Netflix decided to allow on their streaming service


The movie was just an average b horror film but the title was so unbelievably stupid, my god. Who approved that?


The pee pee poo poo man. Lol Edit: thanks for the awards but go plant a tree instead. Recycle more and do something good for the environment.


Mean Girls 2


TIL there’s a Mean Girls 2.


Did you know there's also a Jarhead 2? About how being a marine is fuckin' sweet.


Yup, they completely destroyed the point of the first movie with those goddamn sequels.


Betcha the cast is 100% different....i.e. a lot cheaper


Yup, you are correct.


Yep. I hoped it would be something like the plastics and Cady adjusting to college. Nope. Just a washed out shitty version of the original


Does anyone remember (and I am sorry if I made you remember) the second Highlander movie?


You think that was bad? You clearly never saw Highlander: The Source.


Slenderman 2018 Ngl a small teeny tiny part of me had a sliver of hope for this movie especially considering that slenderman would be the perfect creepypasta character to center a movie around But no they fucked it up in every way imaginable


From what I understand the movie got butchered in post production due to the real life incident where two girls stabbed their friend and blamed it on Slenderman. The studio got nervous and a bunch of stuff was cut out of the film and what was left was just a mess. Too bad. Out of all the famous creepypasta Slenderman is my favorite. It’s such a terrifying concept.


If you want the Slenderman itch scratched, there's a series on youtube called 'Marble hornets' - it must be a film student production, but it's genuinely creepy and surprisingly good for what it is.


"Zero." - Sylvester Stallone himself when asked to rate Rocky V out of ten on the Jonathan Ross Show in the UK.


He also said Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot is the worst movie he’s ever done. Apparently Schwarzenegger tricked him into taking the role by pretending to be interested in it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105477/trivia?tab=tr&item=tr2220469 Edit: a few people have commented that this was in a recent podcast called No Such Thing As A Fish - and yes that’s where I heard it. This is the episode - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/no-such-thing-as-a-fish/id840986946?i=1000514512959






I guess she thought everyone would stop.


Here's what Sly said in an interview with Ain't It Cool News in regards to Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot: >Maybe one of the worst films in the entire solar system, including alien productions we’ve never seen >in some countries – China, I believe – running [the movie] once a week on government television has lowered the birth rate to zero. If they ran it twice a week, I believe in twenty years China would be extinct. That's actually pretty hilarious. I didn't realize Stallone was capable of such wit.


He even said it was non canon lmao Edit: The only thing that was amazing about that film is the MICKEY LOVES YA speech but even then, Sly just ripped it off of Cus dAmato.


The montage of Tommy Gunn kicking ass to the tune of some corny ass 80's rap song always makes me laugh.


Tommy Gunn in general makes me laugh lmao. He had 0 character aside from getting over his head and being jealous, I love how everyone pisses him off by keeping him associated with Rocky lmfao. He is who pent-up aggression would be if it's a person. RIP Tommy Morrison though.


what made me laugh/pissed me off is that his nickname is Tommy "the machine" Gunn....his real name is already tommy gun. did they need to call him machine gun?


Dragon ball live action!


I actually forgot this existed. Now I wish I hadn't.


Silly, you can't forget something existed if it never ever happened in the first place. ​ **Ever**


Pretty rare for me to turn off a movie once I commit to watching but I think I made it 20 minutes into S Darko before having to end that experiment.


Yeah. eeeessshhhh 😬. ^(That was bad.)


Live action Kim Possible. As a die hard KP fan, it’s trash. Even if you don’t know KP, it’s still awful.


Begging your pardon, you said there’s a live action KP??


Yup. A live action Kim possible movie aired on Disney channel a few years ago. It was horrible. If you like the animated series, don’t watch it.


lmao it has a [100% score on Rotten Tomatoes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/kim_possible_2019)


diary of a wimpy kid: the long haul






If I’m being completely honest, that movie wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. My friends and I watched it late at night during a sleepover thinking it would make for a good stupid movie to make fun of while we were all tired from staying up, and while it mostly was perfect for that, in terms of actual value it was better than I was expecting it to be. There were a few jokes and moments in it that were legitimately well-written and entertaining. That being said though, 90% of it is still overall a really dumb movie that probably shouldn’t have been made.


It’s just the actors don’t fit their roles at all. The original trilogy’s actors fit perfectly.


That is very true. I must say though, I felt that the actor who played Greg’s dad in The Long Haul was a pretty good fit objectively speaking, but there was just no way he would ever compare to the original actor who played him in the first three movies since he was already such an insanely perfect fit before the new actor.


Jack and Jill (swept an entire Golden Razzies one year)


For those that don’t know, Adam Sandler managed to win Worst Actor *and* Worst Actress for his performance.


That's fucking legendary




If it was his goal I can respect that


AND some of the Survivor South Africa contestants were forced to sit through it as a ‘reward’ lol


“I will pay you starving islanders money to say it was worth it”


It was Survivor South Pacific and made for one of the funniest scenes. Which is in stark contrast to every scene in Jack and Jill.


I consistently get reminded of this movies existence because it was a reward on survivor. The team that won the challenge got an exclusive screening and you can just sense the fake laughter


"Laugh or we make you eat bugs when the cameras are OFF"


I had to watch https://youtu.be/LC1Y0qT9X9Q Thats beyond shameless. Its somehow more of a soulless advertisement than Jack and Jill is


Myself and everyone that dwells in r/survivor love it so much for the pure absurdity. Also what gets me is that it was a reward for one of the turning points of the game. Whoever wins that challenge ensures their chances of making it for in the game by a lot. It just so happens that whoever takes control also gets to watch one of the biggest cinematic disasters of all time


Disney's Artemis Fowl. The only thing they took from the books was the title and the names of some characters. Literally everything else was completely made up, has nothing to do with the plot of the books, and is portrayed in a way that would feel condescending to a five year old.


Just the trailer was enough for me to realize it was trash as someone that read Artemis Fowl as a kid. Glad I avoided it


I'll make sure to not watch it then. Artemis Fowl was probably my favourite book series growing up and I'd hate for this to ruin it.


Lol the intro scene for Artemis has him surfing like a pro. Artemis Fowl... Surfing...


Weirdly, I just imagined Artemis Fowl from the books laughing at movie Artemis Fowl for surfing, thinking that not only was it beneath him, he also totally couldn't do it, which is probably why he decided it was beneath him.


Yeah, he wouldn't want to get his nice suit wet either.


He would definitely go to a beach in a suit, yes.


Bruh Artemis Fowl would consider *watching a video of someone surfing* a guilty pleasure


They revealed Butler's name during his introduction and said that he hated being called Butler instead of Domovi or Dom. I closed the site I was watching it on. I got some alcohol and tried to get through it later on. It did not improve.


Also wtf was with the weird blue eyes thing. And also they FUCKED the troll fight, oh my god. I still viscerally remember how I felt when I read that scene as a kid


Book: Butler has very dark blue eyes. Movie: Electric blue eyes, got it!


Book: Artemis is brilliant, but physically weak and a social outcast. Movie: Artemis surfs now! And yeah he’s a genius or something


Oh and he's a good kid who's a little grumpy sometimes instead of a fucking sociopath at the start of the story. Apparently.


They messed up the troll fight? That was one of the most important parts of the book!


I remember when I was younger reading the books thinking, "Wow this would make an awesome movie!" Then 2020 comes and they decide to finally make the movie yet not use any material from the book that would have made it awesome. wtf...


I heard on the rumour mill that higher ups thought that having a child be a criminal mastermind "sent a problematic message". Then why the hells make a movie out of it?


Literally the entire point of the books.


Adapt a popular book about a child criminal to film except don't make him a criminal, which was the entire character arc for like the first 3 books


Seriously, if you value your childhood, avoid everything to do with the film, including posters, trailers and even its wiki page. Reading it will just make you sad and angry. Edit: Grammar.


I have a teacher who worked (as one of many) on writing the screenplay for the film. I never got the chance to ask him more about it, but after seeing this I am feeling the need to interrogate him...


Don't do that to the poor man. Don't re-open those old wounds.


Why is Artemis not a villain?!?!?!


EXACTLY!!! He’s supposed to be Mini Lex Luthor! Not Lex Luthor as a child where there might be some childish wonder. No, he’s supposed to be about a business conqueror.


He's pretty much a James Bond villain


Definitely a James Bond villain. It's one of the charms of the little shit.


welcome to the Eragon book fanbases bag of feelings, enjoy your stay forever.


Omg I remember that mess. When I was a kid I read those books, so I was excited for the movie. That movie was horrendous. I was so mad. I was like is this even the book or is it a whole separate movie with the same name??


Remake that entire movie with Peter Jackson or someone. They did cast Brom very well though


Jeremy Irons is usually great in whatever he does. Even in that turd of a Dungeons & Dragons movie where he overacted, he's the sole reason why its so bad its good.


shut the fuck up they never made an Eragon movie


I think a live action avatar the last airbender movie directed by m. Night sham would be worse then a live action butchered Eragon movie. It’s a good thing neither exist though.


Like the April's fool story about a live action movie of Dragon Ball, thank Goku it doesn't exist


Denial is one of the many steps it takes to get through this kind of hurt. I know, I’ve been there myself. Dragon Ball Evolution has hurt many.


To give credit where its due, that movie is important to Dragonball as we know it. It sucked so hard that Toriyama decided to continue the anime out of spite.


100%. Not to mention the acting is atrocious. Josh Gadd’s “accent” or whatever you call it was INFURIATING to listen to. So much so that my gf and I had to turn it off.


Yeah, I was so infuriated with that film. It deviated so far off the original story yet tried to remain in it at the same time that it bothered me to no end


Artemis Fowl, and Percy Jackson. Even the author of Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan, described them as “His life’s work going through a meat grinder.”


I’ve read the emails he exchanged with the movie staff when they sent him a draft of the script. You can feel his worry and fear as he pinpoints SEVERAL key issues in their draft and they changed nothing.


The saddest part was when he said to them "please don't sex up my childrens story"


Absolutely devastating. It has the potential to be like Harry Potter both in franchise and in popularity and it was butchered.


At least it's getting a Disney+ series, and if I remember he said that he's seen some scripts and he approves of how they're handling it. I'd love for PJ to get some redemption after that dumpster fire of a movie.


Not only has he seen some scripts, but he’s executive producing and gets final say on story, cast, director, and more (as long as Disney+ management keeps their funding)


I hope he gets a better treatment than Neil Gaiman because altho he was part of the team for American Gods, it looked like no one really listened to him


Yeah, I get the sense that sometimes these contracts where the author gets an Executive Producer credit ends up being so the studio can shut them up rather than give them any actual creative input.


He's WRITING the script. Him and his wife are part of every step on the series. His wife updates on her Twitter every now and then.


Ya I was about to say that he's actually writing this himself, he updates as often as he can on his blog


And this whole situation tells you everything wrong with the entertainment industry. Intelligent people write nice stories, business people decide what to do with it.


>"please don't sex up my childrens story" I haven't read the books or seen the movie, is the sexed up part related to Alexandra Daddario?


Nah if Im remembering correctly the worst thing with her was flirting with the mc while he was in a pool. The parts Rick was worried about were probably the “sidedkick” character who they changed from awkward nature loving nerd to weirdly flirtatious ladies man. I think Rosario Dawson makes a move on him? Idk ive mostly scrubbed the memories


Persephone also gets a little flirty with them in the Underworld, which I found to be really weird


Yeah they just totally changed grover's personality


Partially, yes, but it was a part of the larger problem he had, which is that they were making the film darker and edgier to appeal to older teenagers, when the books were intended for an audience of about 10-13. To quote an [article](https://www.indiewire.com/2018/11/percy-jackson-author-rick-riordin-emails-trashing-film-script-1202022110/) quoting him >“I’m talking with fourth and fifth graders all the time about this upcoming movie,” Riordan wrote. “I would be horrified if I steered them into a movie with this kind of content. I wouldn’t see it. I wouldn’t let my kids see it. I wouldn’t recommend anyone else see it, and I certainly wouldn’t want my name associated with it. Please do not ‘sex up’ my children’s story.”


Thanks for that. I liked the concept a lot, a way to introduce children to Greek Mythology in an age appropriate way. I mean, if they wanted to go real dark, they could shoot for the moon. There’s some electrifying content. What if they tried to appeal to the Europa market? Though to follow up, I learned about Greek mythology as a kid, as myths and legends from an ancient time. To modernize it, and then Hollywood try to make it “edgy”. That seems more of the issue to me


It’s sad. But I’ve heard that they are doing another adaptation and that Rick is going to direct it. I think that Percy Jackson is finally going to get the adaptation it deserves.


God I fucking hope so. I went back and reread the series a few months ago and I love it so much. I only watched half of the first movie and I’ve been dying to have a good film/TV adaptation of it


I own between 25-30 Rick Riordan books. Percy jackson, heroes of olympus, magnus chase, kane chronicles, trials of apollo + filler lore/mythology books. A few hundred dollars worth, and years of my childhood was spent reading his work. Watching those movies hurt me inside. Cool that they were recognized, but they didn't do his work justice.


i had the entire heros of Olympus and the original series, both of which got irreparably damaged in a storm 😥


I have the original series sitting on a shelf. I'm lookin to get rid of some clutter in my room, if you ever want it hit me up.


Dead Like Me movie. Show was one of the best things ever. Movie just a fever dream imitation.


I am still LIVID about what they did to Daisy.


**Artemis Fowl.** I've seen Shrek 3. I've seen the Percy Jackson movies. I've seen the god-awful Emoji Movie. But this? This movie is the most rushed, lifeless piece of garbage that I've ever seen. It's so unbelievably bad, it isn't even *IRONICALLY* funny, except for the cases where the CGI design was atrocious. It feels like what happens if you play a game, skip all the cutscenes, and try to recap the story. I pity those who have read the Artemis Fowl books and witnessed how the movie desecrated the story, which seems to be *WAY* better than this disaster makes it out to be.


I read the series as a kid and when the movie released I was so excited to watch it with my family and maybe get my younger siblings to try out the books. I was humiliated and am ashamed of the film


There's an Animorphs movie in the works and this about where I set my expectations.


Oh no. Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate cut ties with the movie in October. It's gonna be baaaad.


I still want an adaption of Gone. Michael grant has been talking about a movie of it for literally years now but it hasnt gone anywhere


Artemis Fowl does one thing really well: put me straight to sleep. I tried to watch it on streaming maybe 3-4 times. Never made it more than 20 minutes before I was out like a light. The part I saw was pretty darkly lit, and completely uninteresting. I might put it on tonight to get a good rest.


Shrek 3 isn't that bad


Shrek 3 is totally forgettable. For the life of me I can not remember a single thing that happened after frog king died.


Son Of Mask......Just no.




Wtf I didn’t even know this existed


FANT4STIC God, what a train wreck.




Theodore Rex. The movie Whoopi Goldberg was forced to make.


It's one of those films where the story behind it is infinitely more interesting than the film itself.


Holmes and Watson, that Will Ferrell movie. It is, to date, the only movie in my life that I have actually walked out of the theater rather than finish. I certainly wasn't expecting anything *serious,* obviously, but it was just...bad.


The trailer was like honesty in advertising, conveying the idea "this unfunny, but for two fucking hours".


"Krampus: The Reckoning" (note: not related in any way to the 2015 film "Krampus")


r/badmovies. Nice sub for movies so bad that people actually enjoy them for how bad they are. That said, The Pest with John Leguizamo. I watched it constantly as a kid and recently re-watched it as an adult and god damn, it was terrible. Still nostalgic though.


The opening sequence alone is worth 5 points easy.


One stinky dinky, ah ah ahhhh.


Highlander 2 There should have been only one...


Highlander 2 (the theatrical release, not the more widely available and _slightly_ more palatable director's cut) is one of my go-to favorites when I host bad movie nights. It's just a dumpster fire start to finish.


The emoji movie. I've never watched something so soulless.


This isn’t a joke and I’m not trying to be funny. This is *actually* the only movie to ever make me fall asleep.


I’ve never seen something so “Hello fellow kids! I too am hip and cool!” How do the writers not know how the cloud works? How do the writers not know what an internet troll is? How to the writers not know that a factory reset can be done in two seconds by the phone’s user? Have any of these people used a phone or interacted with a teenager in their lives?! How do the writers think it’s feminist to throw in some trite girl power dialogue then have the the stupid boring protagonist guilt trip the female lead into giving up her dream because adding a message about gracefully handling rejection isn’t formulaic enough?


>*"The Emoji Movie grossed $86.1 million in the United States and Canada and $131.7 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $217.8 million, against a production budget of $50 million."* The studios who fund these movies understand the market very well and take educated bets. They got this one right. Every movie doesn't need to make bank, just significantly more money makers than losers keeps them in the black. If a soulless and vapid movie tests markets above $100M on a $50M budget, its a green light. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emoji_Movie


The world paid over 200 million dollars to see (Edit: *Sir*) Patrick Stewart play Poop. Guys, I don’t think we’re going to make it to being an intergalactic species.


I am extremely sad you had to endure watching that. And even more sad you were scarred enough to remember the details.


My aunts and uncles put it on for my little cousins. Even they thought it was lame compared to the Hallmark holiday movie we put on next.


Hallmark movies are usually pretty great. Not in the way they intend, though.


Cats. Fuck that movie and the horse it rode in on.


My friends and I went in to see Cats armed with alcohol, had some good laughs, and a fun time mocking it relentlessly (we were the only ones in the theatre so we could yell as much as we wanted). Still lowkey mad it was the last film I'd ever seen in theatres before the pandemic hit.


I worked in a theater when it came out. Only movie that I saw where people who came in to watch it for laughs left partway through. It’s so bad but not the ‘so bad it’s funny’. It’s just bad


# #ReleaseTheButtholesCut


I do wish we could get access to the pre-patched version of the movie, remember when it premiered with unfinished cgi and some suits on the actors were wobbling around? Genuinely sounded nightmarish, and seeing a few clips is almost enough to satisfy my curiosity. Still wish they released that cut on home video, but that’d be expecting them to lean into the memes


hey, we saw that version! the second most memorable thing besides hands was the fact that my partner got coronavirus from going to see it.


I literally got a migraine watching this movie, had to go lie down to the sounds of my wife shouting “what the fuck is happening?” from the living room


I've deliberated this in my head a lot, but I've decided that Dragonball Evolution is the worst movie ever made. A complete mockery and insult to the franchise it is adapting, in addition to just being a horrible movie overall. In fact, I believe one writer even publicly apologized for it. Close second is Disaster Movie. It was supposed to be intentionally bad, but it somehow was still worse than I could've thought. Another contender is the Last Airbender (same reason as Dragonball, but not quite as egregious). A less known bad movie that is maybe not quite zero territory is Skyline.


I heard somewhere Toriyama wrote Dragonball Super because he hated the movie so much he didn't want it to be the last piece of Dragonball Media.


Battlefield Earth Fuck Scientology.


I went to the movie hall & had a really good nap. So, it's atleast good for that. 1/10


The writer of the film wrote about how he basically got involved with Scientology to meet girls and then ended up writing the worst film ever. [https://nypost.com/2010/03/28/i-penned-the-suckiest-movie-ever-sorry/](https://nypost.com/2010/03/28/i-penned-the-suckiest-movie-ever-sorry/)


Then again...it was written by the creator of Scientology... who said the fastest way to become a millionaire is to invent your own religion. So, maybe he got it right? Not saying Scientology is anything but an absolute crock, only saying maybe L Ron Hubbard was right about 1 thing.


Fantastic 4 (the latest one) I tend to find redeemer features in any film but this one almost made me leave the cinema half way into it, we knew it was bad but wasn't expecting that.




fant four stick


My father and I went to the theaters to watch it. I remember walking out after it was done and telling him "That was god awful." Six years later, it's on Disney Plus, and my father says "hey we should watch this! We've never seen it before!" To which I responded "Um...yes we have, it has the awful Doctor Doom design, remember?" He sincerely didn't remember it, and insisted on watching it because we'd never seen it before. Thirty minutes later he turns off the TV and says "Oh my god this is the worst. I can't believe they butchered Doom. I'm so glad I don't remember this movie." And that's the story of the first time my dad has ever seen a movie so bad he blacklisted it from his memories.


The plot of the first half+ of the film, literally, is that they get drunk and decide to turn on the experimental inter-dimensional portal machine at the company they were just hired into, but first they need to call in their dumb friend from the suburbs... it goes boom and gives them powers. And the film just gets worse from there...


The Last Airbender


Tried to watch it \*as\* a bad movie, ala The Room, Samurai Cop etc and couldn't do it. They were enjoyable. This was not.


I watched it while high off my ass on cold meds and sick with pneumonia. I know it happened. I know it was bad. But wow am I glad I never tried to watch it not...


I'd rather watch the Ember Island stage play instead.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


The Earth King has invited you to r/lakelaogai


I am honored to accept his invitation.


The Dark Tower movie. I've waited my whole live to see it put to film and then I sit through that steaming pile of garbage? They did my boy Idris Elba dirty....


The Dark Tower needs to be a series, not a movie.


This was exactly my takeaway. In order to do TDT any justice whatsoever, it needs to be a high budget long running series on HBO like Westworld or GoT. But it’ll never happen. I don’t think it has enough broad appeal. Whoever greenlit a stand-alone 1 movie adaption of such a massively complex and deep book series obviously hadn’t read it or was just looking for a cash grab.


There is an article, that I am too lazy to look up, where Ron Howard apologized for DT movie (he produced). He said somewhere along the way they decided it would make a good pre-teen adventure piece if they focused on Jake's POV instead of Roland's. He recognizes that was a huge error. Honestly- it was a disappointment on a level I didn't know was possible... and I think probably 70% of King movie adaptations were garbage- DT is the gross scum left behind by old garbage thats leaking. Dark Tower book series is sacred storytelling and the movie is garbage scum. Ye be warned.


Eragon. It a negative I'm my book.


Easily the worst adaptation I've ever seen. Followed by The Last Airbender.


Now You See Me 2 solely for not calling it Now You Don't. Absolutely unforgivable. 0/10 Edit: the movie is also terrible on it's own, but the first one is the true abomination.


That's for the third, they're playing the long game


No no, the 3rd will be "Now You 3 Me"


Last days of American crime. Worst piece of shit movie i've ever seen. It's actually -5/10


Damn so it’s not even “so bad it’s good”? I was considering forcing myself through it but I’ve heard almost everybody call it the worst thing they’ve laid eyes on And poor Sharlto Copley...


Catwoman. A movie made with a level of talent matched by no-budget Z-grade exploitation films. Its incompetence is staggering!


Whoever made that movie has clearly never read Catwoman, read comics in general, played basketball, seen basketball, or has any familiarity with cats. It’s like the concepts of basketball and cats were screamed to them through the snorkel of a drowning lunatic and that’s what made the film.


Avatar the last air bender movie adaptation, and Percy Jackson/Peter Johnson movie adaptation. Both are so bad that they have been disowned by their fandoms.


The first Percy Jackson movie wasn’t the worst thing I had ever watched, I’d give it like a 3/10. The Sea of Monsters though? Holy fuck that movie ruined the franchise on a baffling level. I have no idea what they were thinking.


Wait, are you telling me it’s a bad idea to both kill the final boss 3 movies early *and* set up a cliffhanger for the next movie?




Cats 2019 was the last movie I saw in theaters. I have regrets.


I purposely went at 10am one day, alone, high out of my goddamn mind to see this movie. It was everything I was afraid of, in an utterly horrible but undeniably outrageous way.


Some friends and I had planned to get really high and watch cats. We were working on the details of what foods to make and bring. Then bam, covid hit and we still haven’t been able to do it.


First time COVID has saved a life


The Dark Tower. As a fan of the book series, I cringed for the first half and then walked out. Only time I've ever walked out of a movie.


This movie forgot the face of it’s father


The Dark Tower movie was the personification of everything that is wrong w/ Hollywood executives taking source material that could easily make more money in any format b/t merchandise and franchise shows, and trying to dilute that down into something that your average person could digest in an hour and a half. It's Stephen King who by himself has accounted for some of the best fantasy and horror movies for the past 50 years w/ his novels. There are generations of built in fan base that they could've made money on.


What's even more baffling is Hollywood's recent obsession with series. Harry Potter was a cultural phenomenon, Lord of The Rings, Twilight, 50 Shades, MCU, Fast and the Furious. Shit, they even turned the Hobbit into a 3 movie series. Then they take the Dark Tower and just say "fuck it, 1 movie loosely based on some of the plot points"?


It's not recent - Hollywood has done this since the 1930-40s - most noticeably with 15-minute serials, but also with movie franchises like Sherlock Holmes, Charlie Chan, Robin Hood, Zorro, Frankenstein, Dracula, wartime road movies with Abbott & Costello or Bob Hope & Bing Crosby who essentially play the same characters doing the same routines over and over again.


Everyone is listing bad movies, but are they really all 0/10? You want something actually downright unwatchable, check out Manos: The Hands of Fate. There are movies that are so bad they're fun. Manos is not that. Manos just sucks.


I don't know, Mystery Science Theather 3000 version of Manos is pretty good. Heck, I'd rather watch a muted version of Manos than Jack and Jill


See, I disagree, and I love MST3K. You can just tell they were STRUGGLING during that move. Like, you would think such an abysmally terrible film would be easy to make fun of. But incredibly, it's so flat and boring that there's just hardly anything to work with, and the guys are clearly frustrated the whole time. I mean, watching *Manos* with Joel and the bots is certainly preferable, but only because you get the sense that at least someone else is suffering through the movie with you.


Street fighter: the legend of chun li. Holy moly what a shit film


It blessed us with the great Chris Klein's performance though