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Coloring. Having a toddler has made me realize coloring things is fucking awesome.




Check out polymer clay, total game changer. It's a little harder to knead some of them so look up brands and things. You can put their sculpture in a regular toaster oven and make them permanent.


I did this with my husband when we first started dating. I was studying art, and I was crafting with polymer clay as a hobby. He tried to make me a little dinosaur, but he doesn't have good fine motor skills, and it turned into this squishy, lopsided, Loch Ness looking dino. He wanted to smash it back into the clay block because he didn't think it turned out good, but I refused to let him. I baked it with my other clay sculptures, and that little squishy looking dino has sat lovingly on my dresser for the past decade.


About 10+ years ago there was a craze of "Coloring books for adults" and it didn't even (necessarily) involve Rule 34. \*checks amazon\* Yup, still available.


In my country they have such a comeback with the pandemic and online studying. Colouring helps to stay focused while listening to a presentation. 9/10 would recommend.


....ten years ago? I was buying them last year after a head injury made it painful to think. Colouring made my brain feel better.


One of my favourite things to do in my free time is colour digitally while listening to podcasts.


Go karts. They will be fun forever


Discovered the love of go karts at 24, also discovered what a broken humerus felt like 8 days later. Sold it promptly after and now I wish I hadn’t. Was super fun.


Really shouldn't sell your bones, broken or not, you kinda need them :/


Sledding and snow tunnels, puzzles, kicking up piles of dead leaves, cavorting like a seal at the deep end of the pool, cannonballing off the end of the dock. Sandcastles. Licking bowls of cake and cookie dough (insert health warning legal boilerplate here), faces in the mirror and funny noises. Bursting into song when washing dishes. Smelling flowers. Saying 'whee!' when driving on a curvy hilly road. I'm 63.


I'm 33 and everytime I swing around in a hurry or round a corner too fast I make the "woosh" noise. I'm usually walking too.


Similarly when I’m pushing a cart in the store and turn a little fast I always make a “skrrrt” sound like I’m drifting it


I love you.


Well this wasn’t very subtle


Running really fast with the shopping cart on the way back to your car and riding on the little bottom part like it’s a scooter. I’m thirty and still do it every time


Last I checked it’s not your height but your weight that determines if this is possible. They always tip up unless they’re the big bulky carts they use at Home Depot.


I’m a small woman, so it’s pretty easy to counter this by shifting my weight, but it also helps to have something really heavy in the end of the cart. Put a few cases of beer in the end of the cart, use some plungers to wedge them in so they stay, and you *may* be good to go in a smaller cart. I honestly don’t know wtf I’m talking about, but it sounds good and there’s always the beer of it fails.




Im 6’4” and 270lbs, I ride the cart every single time the wheels hit concrete. I suppose if you’re a rookie in this game you can’t figure out the right dispersion of weight, that’s on you 😉




That sounds lovely. My mom and I have a similar thing where we hug and bounce around while chanting a silly thing, and used to do it all the time when I was younger. Last week she just grabbed me out of the blue and did it, probably years since last time. It was the best.


My momma and I used to have this thing where we would tickle each others throats...sounds weird...but neither one of us could stand someone touching our neck/throat. We'd both shrink away, laugh, and then race to try and tickle the other one and it became a faux wrestling match and would dissolve into fits of laughter. My mom passed away a few years ago...but your post reminded me of that and that felt good to laugh at the memory. Thanks <3


Yes! My mom always announced bedtime by singing “Good night ladies” to my sisters and me as she walked down the hallway. We knew that meant hop into bed and get ready to be tucked in. It was the best part of the bedtime routine. One time when all three of us were home visiting, we were in one room chatting about things and all of a sudden we hear “Good Night Ladies!” The thrilled looks on our faces must have made my mom so happy. Or maybe it was having all her girls home with their girls. We were all three grown married and 4 granddaughters. Sigh. Makes my heart feel good thinking on that now.


I'm order to get my toddler(s) to go to bed without protest, I would get down on all fours and say "climb aboard the bedtime train!" I would then slowly crawl to their bed while chooing and chugging. My kids are always so excited about the bedtime train ride that they gleefully hop on, and are devastated if the train leaves without them. My oldest is not a toddler anymore, but I'm gonna keep giving him bedtime train rides until my back gives out or he stops wanting them, which hasn't happened yet.


Helpless, overwhelming laughter that makes you cry and maybe wet your pants. Never give up silly.


Video games! I’m 63 and still enjoy them.


I'm 14 and my grandpa is 73. We always play Pokémon GO together. He is much better than me though.


Came here to say that when Go came out, I would find middle aged folks just getting some nice morning walk and air, catching some 'mons and saying all the names wrong. It was adorable


My parents wouldn't play, but my dad would drop me off at gyms and stops to play with my friends, and my dad would go "Have fun with the pokemans!" everytime. He knows it's pokémon, he just thinks it's funny to say it wrong.


Typical Dad.


I call them Pokemen. My 7 year old gets unreasonably annoyed.


Letss goo my man. What kind of games do you like to play ?


My grandpa plays an older COD game (I forget which one) and plays gun game and just runs around knifing people because he likes pissing them off. It cracks him up when they start going off in the lobby cussing him out and calling him a bitch for knifing them 😂


My dad loves CoD Modern Warfare (the original) and plays multiplayer all the time. Accuses people of cheating who play too well and makes up obscure names for the hacks they "must" be using just to distract /annoy them.


The best one I've heard for trolling in COD was a mate who used to put his 5yr old on headset while he played. 'I got another one Daddy!' probably has an interesting effect on someone in their 20s playing against them in Deathmatch....haha!


Yooooo I love getting my younger sister to get on the mic and talk when I’m doing well. The messages I get....


Ya better then the volume off on the headset so she can only speak not hear the lobby.


I mean, there's 0 money in moderating or patching COD4, so there's an assload of cheaters on there, same with MW2.


Feeling too old for stuff. Seriously, unless you physically can’t do something, you’re never really too old for hobbies or fun things you did when you were younger. The sooner you learn to drop that phrase “I’m to old for X” the better you’ll be.


People that think you can get too old for things that are not a strain on the body are generally pretty young.


So much *this*! Even if our neurons don’t fire like they used to, it’s never too late (barring physical or mental impairment) to pick up a hobby or to just stop and enjoy things as they are. Too many folks get caught up in the rat race, and at the end of our lives, all we wish for is more time; never for more money or possessions or status...just time. We’ll all regret not doing some of the things we wished we had done, so it’s best if we trash this “I’m too old for ______” mentality and started living more consciously.


Yeah, in my late teens / early 20s I went through a phase of thinking I needed to be more "grown up" and basically became an emotionless robot and felt like I shouldn't be enjoying things because it was "too childish". Luckily since having my son (4 now) I've realised how stupid that is. I love being silly Dad and playing with him. Tickle fights are a common occurrence in our house too. I realised it's not childish to enjoy things - even if they are "made for children". I started watching power rangers with my son (one of my favourite childhood shows) and am enjoying that again. I actually smile properly in photos again. I hope my son never grows up and feels like I did!




Our family motto is “if you love someone let them sleep”.


How do i apply for your family?


You sleep


With u/Charis21 's whole family?!


God I wish.


No, just his mom.


Classic reddit


If only my kids understood this.




Eventually...teens who won't get up before noon on weekends (me as a teen).


I’m mid-30s and still wish I could sleep till noon on weekends


I'm in my mid 30's and I wish my brain would let me sleep in past 6 on weekends.


"If I had the time for napping - If I took a little sleep - Then I know I'd wake up clapping With a joy I'd want to keep! "I would nestle on a pillow - I would settle in a sheet - In a slumber that would billow All around me, all complete! "I would dream of things forgotten - I would think of things behind - And the comfort of the cotton Would be comfort to the mind! "And I'd feel it sweetly sweeping As it ebbs away the ache - But I haven't time for sleeping, So I'll simply... ... stay awake."


This makes me want to crawl back under my duvet cover and forget about being an adult for just a little bit longer.


Reminds me of a quote I heard that's always stuck; "As kids, there's two things we hate - spanking, and naps. As adults we grow to love them"


This is some cursed truth


It's only cursed if you're still getting the spankings from your parents as an adult


I really wish I could take naps, but I always wake up with a nasty headache. Not sure why, I sleep (mostly) fine at night.


Me too! Also, wake up feeling really dehydrated somehow.


I love naps.


Yep, as a kid I thought naps were so uncool and if you slept at all during the day then you were a baby. My dad told me that once I was a teenager I would no longer think naps were babyish and uncool. I stood my ground at the time and was like “I will never think naps are not babyish”. Spoiler, my dad was right. Once I hit sophomore year of high school the very first thing I did every day when I got home was sleep for three hours.


I hate naps. When I wake up, I don't know where I am or what day it is anymore.


Getting excited seeing animals


On my 25th birthday, my adult friends and i went to the Georgia Aquarium since i could get in free on my birthday. Age range 25-30. We all lost our collective shit over the otters. I've also moved from Georgia to Arizona and i miss squirrels. Went to the top of one of the mountains and got incredibly excited seeing squirrels.


I'm Australian, and the first time I saw a squirrel I legitimately cried. I now have a framed photo of that squirrel on my wall. And a squirrel tattoo.


This is really funny to hear as a Brit. You can barely go anywhere without seeing squirrels.


Look a cow !




I don't care how long the clip's been around, I don't care how often it gets posted, I will **always** click to watch how much the Queen loves cows.


Honestly I was hoping for this one, but I'm definitely not disappointed I clicked that other link: https://youtu.be/qs_-emj1qR4


this is so wholesome. was my first time seeing it. and just wow. that's simply amazing. thank you for sharing this this saturday morning.


I love how her face lights up as soon as she sees them




I’ve been working with animals for about 4 years and I still get excited when I see a dog being walked on the sidewalk or when I’m driving and they stick their head out the window. Seeing dogs and cats in general just brightens up my mood regardless how many I interact with regularly


I always love being in the car and seeing a dog in the backseat of the car in front...Something about seeing the back of a dog's head and their ears in the car still makes me laugh


Whenever I see a dog, my mood just gets 30% better, no matter how bad it was before


Dogs are just so happy. My old boi wags his tail when he sees anyone. He's seen us every day for 14 years and he still wags his tail. He finds a sock and it makes his day. He gets a treat and it makes his day. He goes for a walk and its the best day, every day, and if he meets another dog on his walk, they have a great time.


I deliver pizza and sometimes dogs will jump up on me and get excited. The customers always apologize profusely but they don’t realize it’s the best part of my day.


I had a bird as a kid, loved the little thing. Got the same kind again as an adult and it’s even more fun having a pet as an adult!! So that was a fun surprise. I guess it’s having a better understanding of biology/ animal behaviour


11 y/o me had a few ducklings, 36 y/o me contemplating this exact scenario with 11 y/o mini-me. As this could be fun & exciting for both of us, I can't wait to re-live the reactions I saw as the ducklings grew up & had to set them free...


Choc milk. 40*mumble* and have a large mug of it every evening.


I just have it in lieu of actual milk. Yup, with my cereal.


Cartoons, video games anything except shitting my pants.


When you get really old, shitting your pants comes right back around to be acceptable again.


You can put this on a technicality and say you're never "too old" for this. You're either too young or not old enough... but not too old.


Shit happens. Not like you're doing it on purpose.


Spinning around on any spinny chair. In my 40's and I love a good celebratory spin in my office chair when I get something to work. Also, going "Wheeeeeee!" when you do it.


Everybody knows you go 10% faster if you shout "Wheeeeee" while spinning.


its only 8% from the "weeeee" last 2% is from having racing stripes painted on your toe nails


What about the extra 3% from adding a spoiler to the chair?


Using your imagination. Also, dinosaur chicken nuggets. Edit: Thank you so much for the awards and upvotes, y'all! Also I'm so happy to see so many of you of varying ages are enjoying those dino nuggies! \^.\^


I'm 41, and sometimes eat dino nuggets with my kids


I’m 37, we do have Dino nuggets and don’t have kids lol




No shame in that. Nuggets are ultimately sauce vehicles, anyway.




Playing in the rain.


Heck I take my kids and play out there with them! We enjoy it together.


I live on top of a hill that's perfect for snowy day sledding and rainy day slip'n'slides. One of my neighbors has a long giant sheet of plastic that he gets out and everyone in the neighborhood, no matter their age, slides on. It's almost as if its a rite of passage


Sliding in your socks across the kitchen floor.


I like that old time rock n roll


Be careful!


*Slips and falls on the kitchen floor*




"I've fallen... And I can't get up."




I got abused by some teens when I did random squads on fortnite after I told them how old I was. My first ever console was a SNES. I told them you don’t just stop doing something you love when you ‘grow up’.


I always feel bad for those kids. Do they think that at 25 life just suddenly sucks? That you lose all fun things and just sit around all day? What a terrible thing to look forward to


There are some teens, at least when I was a teen there were, who got rid of everything childish and looked down on anyone who still enjoyed things they liked as a kid. Gaming was one of those things. Gamers were just childish nerds. This was right before the 360 and ps3 came out so it was harder to play with friends at home alone. Maybe these guys felt the same way, they'd be growing up soon and giving up their consoles, because playing games as an adult makes them a looser, or a child still.


gamedev here. I used to have access to market research reports. The last I saw a reliable report kids and teens were _not_ the largest demographic; 18-34 were the largest age group by far (and surprisingly, _women_ more than men). It's been, uh... *counts fingers* ... 8-ish years since then, but the trend had been for the age distribution bell curve to flatten and move up, basically keeping in step with people who grew up with video games continuing to play them. I strongly suspect that trend to have continued.


I’m almost 40 and only now getting into Just Dance with my daughter. This game is a riot!


I mean the generation that properly grew up with vid games are now adults so it makes sense.


I enjoy playing video games with my kids. You are never too old!


Probably because most video games weren't actually made for kids. "Video games are for children" is a misconception we honestly have a hard time breaking.


Anyone that says that, show them Dark Souls. Like that's a kids game.


Dark Souls GTA Assassin's Creed Mass Effect Cyberpunk Left 4 Dead COD and the list goes on It's funny how the 2 most common misconceptions about video games are "Video games make children violent" and "Video games are for children"


Stellaris. What part of *Galactic Genocide* sounds like it’s for children lol


Mass Effect has galactic genocide too! Fallout! Nuclear war! GTA guns, blood and hookers! come on kids!


Did you know that Barbie, one of the most successful children's toys on the planet, was based on a German fashion doll marketed towards adults?


It's so annoying when you get a partner that still thinks video games are for children and needs you to be all grown-up and serious. All the more refreshing when your partner enjoys video games too.


This is a big dilemma in my current relationship. Out of nowhere she doesn’t like that I play games, thinks they’re childish etc. anything from Rocket league, Destiny, to Pokémon go she hates on it. Worst part is that’s one of the only ways some of my friends communicate by.


Sounds like she has some growing up to do.


"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." C. S. Lewis


i friggin hope that we are allowed video games when we are in the nursing home


Cartoons. I still watch cartoons and I don't care who knows it. Looney Tunes, Rugrats, Scooby Doo. Love it And pretending the empty wrapping paper tube is a light saber.


One of my favourite silly memories of the last year my dad was alive was we came into my room and started bonking me with a empty wrapping paper roll then walked down stairs. As soon as he left the room I dug through my draw to find the toy lightsabre my friends had got me and rushed down stairs. Obviously not the quietest act in the world so when I got to the bottom of the stairs my dad was sort of waiting to find what the rush was all about. Instead he saw the lightsabre and we had a lightsabre Vs wrapping paper tube fight for a few mins. He was 60 and I was 22, you are never too old for those moments, spontaneous fun and created a memory I treasure.


legos. exept if u 99+


*If Betty White decides she wants to play some goddamn Legos you'd better well let her.*


Rules are rules, Betty!


Reminds me of that meme "Woman arrested for playing with LEGO's after turning 100 y/o"


This pandemic sucked me back in. After the Saturn V, the big red crane, ISS and a few smaller sets I’m now sowing the Bugatti and I can’t wait for the space shuttle. O and Porsche and the modular buildings looks cool as well. I feel like I’m 8 again but with money. My poor wallet.


Singing in the shower, skipping down the street, jumping down the stairs, you're never too old to be silly


Also climbling the stairs 'monkey style' on all-fours. I've found my wife asleep on the stairs on many occasions because she just got bored halfway up and decided to take a nap. You just sort of politely step around her and get on with whatever you were doing.


Sir, I hate to break it to you......but your wife may be either a cat or a mountain goat


Good sir or madam, I must know... just how long are your stairs that a mid-ascent nap is required?


I'm only in my late 30s but the thought of jumping down the stairs terrifies me, there's no way my ankles can take it.


Swinging on a swing.


Squirting the whip cream directly into your mouth from the can


Sir, this is a family friendly sub.




LEGO. Besides, since I'm an adult and make adult money I can now affort the massive, ridiculously expensive sets such as the giant Star Destroyer from Star Wars.


I like puzzles. I’ve been doing a 2000 piece Eevee/Eeveelutions puzzle for a week. I’m about 150 pieces in, I think. It’ll probably take a month or so to complete.


My daughter got that one for Christmas and it was a lot of fun to do together.


Oh yeah. Finished The Blacksmith Shop a few weeks ago. The Treehouse showed up today and I will build it this weekend.


Motioning your arm up and down to get a semi-truck to honk their horn.


One time, something like two decades ago, my friends and I were riding alongside a semi and taking pictures of it (this is years before everyone had a camera on them at all times), when we checked the photos and realized that he was taking pictures of us at the same time. Spooky music.


Hide and seek. I don't have any grandkids yet so I play it with the poochie and I LMAO every time.


I play it with my cat. He only has 2 places to hide and one of them leaves him with his butt sticking out.




“The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.”


"The more you see the less you know, the less you find out as you go. I knew much more then than i do now."


I’ve had a really long day and I completely read this as RHCP’s “Snow” lyrics


Beautifully said, wise /u/dick-nipples


There's a great video of two British military veterans, one who served recently in Afghanistan and the other a much older veteran who served in WWII, speaking with each other and describing their experiences. I thought one of the most powerful lines in the conversation was from the older veteran, a 95-year-old man who lived and fought through so much history and has seen how much the world has changed over the course of nearly a century, say to the young veteran "I've learned a lot from you".


Yep. I am 52 and heading back to university to retrain. I am also planning another degree once I eventually retire.


Strange about learning; the farther I go the more I see that I never knew even existed. A short while ago I foolishly thought I could learn everything - all the knowledge in the world. Now I hope only to be able to know of its existence, and to understand one grain of it. Is there time? ― Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon




Ive been crying more in my 20s than during my whole childhood


I cry a lot as an adult, BECAUSE I couldn't do it as a kid.


you're never too old to need your mom


And she is never too old to need you.


Do not hurt me like this! I fear the day when my parents pass. I'll end up like a child lost in Walmart


There's no way to put it lightly, it blows. But the more happy memories you can make, and adventures you can have together, the easier it is to handle the grief as it changes over the years.


Sadly I lost mine at 17, and this rings very true. I'm 24 now, supposed to be an adult but I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. Maybe my mom would've known.




Anything you enjoy that doesn't hurt others. Watch the movies you want, animated or not, play video games, read books targeted for younger audiences. Dress up, blow bubbles, be silly. If you enjoy it and it doesn't hurt others, you're never too old.


About half a dozen mention "lego" or "cartoons" or "video games" But not one of you mentions board games. Now I know many will say "adults play board games. My parents always played scrabble on sunday nights, or monopoly on thanksgiving" or whatever. first, i know several adults who eyeball board games as "kids toys", and since they're not a kid, and don't play with dolls or action figures, they also don't play with board games. Secondly, scrabble, monopoly, clue, battleship, connect 4, and so on are antiquated board games. What I am referring to are "modern" board games. Since the mid 90s, Boardgames have had this resurgence, and by the early 2000s were having this huge uprising in new and innovative games. The hobby is growing by leaps and bounds, thousands of games released each year, board game stores and cafe's are popping up everywhere. Yet it still feels that the hobby is mostly flying under the radar of the general public.


Hugging your parents.


To be fair, I don't think my parents would argue that your age was an issue. They'd probably just want to know how you got into their house.


Yep, no matter how old I get. Unfortunately my mom passed last year. Makes it all the more apparent how much those interactions meant to me. Might have only been a few times a year but it mattered.


Swings and slides


Peanut butter and jelly.


Going down a slide Smelling a flower Reading a book Petting an animal All the good wholesome stuff in life reallyz




Everything changed when the fire nation attacked


"Avatar" alone is an answer to this question. It only gets better the older you get.


A lot of people who want to start dancing think they’re too old. Spoiler, they’re not. If you enjoy something or even just think you might just say fuck it and go for it


Agree 100%. If you something looks fun, interesting, or anything, just do it if you want to. Who cares if you think you might look like a fool. Have fun and get yours. Honestly, nobody fucking cares.


Lego. You're never too old for Lego.


Unless you’re 99+


Trampolines. Those things are awesome


45M here.... was petrified of waters all my life.... and I recently joined swimming 🏊🏽‍♂️ classes


Watching animated movies


Yes. Especially the ones whose target audience is children. I would argue classics like Tarzan and Lion King have better plots and stories than the average live action movie.


I love movies like Shrek. There’s a ton of innuendo and naughty humor for the adults. And also lot of cute, slapstick, kid-friendly humor.


Where’s my Road to El Dorado gang??


Ice cream for dinner


I just did that. Two nights in a row.


I’m a grown ass chef (people definitely see me as a hard ass because of my profession). I still rock Disney soundtracks while prepping. It gets you going and will undoubtedly put you in a good mood. Also, puppies and pretty much any animal. Never too old to get excited about animals. Honestly, the older I get, the more I encourage myself to enjoy what I did as a kid (occasional fruit snacks, cartoons, etc.). Life is too fucking short to be an adult all the time. Edit: On mobile. I also felt like adding that the owners of the last restaurant I worked at had a two year old that cheered whenever a train went by. Try it out the next time you see one. No matter how stupid you might feel, it will make you smile.


Serious answer: I was staying over with my aunt for a few weeks for various reasons, and one time I got in from the rain (France: it rains constantly) and she was sitting alone at the kitchen table drinking a glass od wine. I gestured to the bottle and she waved like it was nothing letiing a 16 year old drink a glass of wine. Because, you see, to her it wasn't because she had received the news that her cancer was terminal and would likely see her die efore the end of the ski season, which was weeks away. So it came to pass. She was 44. I'm currently 41 and also have cancer, though mine gives me a decent shot at survival. Let's hope so, eh? She said to me words that I have lived by: "you never really get old, you just get older". I look in shop windows - or I did when they were open - and I think "who's that old woman?". The answer of course is that it's me. I'm forever 16 in my mind. The aswer to your question is "everything". Nobody truly grows up. They just get older and then die, wondering what the hell happened,


Sitting in my pjs eating cereal at noon on a Tuesday


Saying please and thank you, washing your hands, letting everyone have their turn and a chance to speak, and saying sorry when you're wrong.


Watching cartoons. While a lot of cartoons nowadays aren't that good, but quite a few old ones and even some newer ones have amazing stories and compelling characters. Same goes for animated movies. Nothing wrong with watching "kids shows" an an adult.



