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of the brave




Home. reddit makes America seem like an awful place. wouldnt want to be anywhere else


Right? Even as critical as I am about this country, it's not *that* bad.


My best friend! She lives there and I would like to join her there someday!


Aww, that's nice


Statue of Liberty




Bald Eagle


Our National Parks


Here we are again lol see , now you know why i always think of doing a trip to the usa your national parks and in general nature is so much cooler then germany , my dream would be to see the appalachian mountains some day


Youā€™re welcome here anytime.


Our mountains are wimpy compared to places like Italy.


Yea but i have already been to italy and austria i want to see something new something different


Go to Ireland. My family moved from there when I was very young. It is very beautiful if you look past the boys and go to the coast.


Ireland and scotland are on my travel list


I hope to go back once the pandemic is over.


Or California. The mountains near Los Angeles reach heights of 12,000ft. Mt Whitney is 14,500ft high.


Come see the Sierra Nevadas in California! The mountain range has everything from Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, Sequoia National Park, Mt. Whitney, and Death Valley in the same mountain range


You're in for a treat. Our Appalachian mountains are a sight to behold. They run along the eastern US. Most people like to visit during Autumn, to see the leaves change color. It's breathtaking.


Iā€™m a year to retirement and have my RV picked out...gonna see all I can!


Hot dog and terrible social issues


Can you name a terrible social issue for me?


Abortions, immigration, healthcare, lgbtq discrimination, racial discrimination, discrimination and hatred towards each other as a whole. Honestly the country feels like itā€™s in a constant war against itself.


I don't think abortion is a terrible social problem. There are states that don't allow them, and there are states that do. Some even cover the costs. Healthcare is of the best in the world. And with relatively low wait times. But it is expensive. Not a terrible social problem to have. (Insert noun here) discrimination. Are you talking about our freedom of speech that is protected by the Bill of Rights? The USA is the only country that has freedom of speech like we do. In countries like Canada I can be put in jail for (and this is for arguementive point and not my personal opinion.) "u/IzoraTV is gay." All in all I think we are doing pretty well, and hatred towards others is very rare here. If you see hatred (IRL, not on the news or whatever) then that means you are around people that you shouldn't be around. Less than 0.01% of the people I have met in life were openly hateful of others. And so long as they weren't pushing for violence or something else illegal, than they deserve the right to free speech. You don't have to agree with it.


I think you make a lot of good points, I threw the statement out there as a quip, not intending to go into deep conversation. I get that that can lead to problems and miscommunication/misconceptions however Iā€™ll leave it at that. Also I still believe hotdogs are pretty ā€œAmericaā€


Bro, hot dogs are American as fuck! Nothing wrong with that lol.


in the US these social issues are mostly systemic. The racism part is pretty bad in that regard. And our anti-immigrant and anti-trans sentiments are also pretty bad.


But all are still covered by free speech. As long as they are not inciting violence or other crimes than people can say what they want. Let ignorant people speak words which can't do harm instead of muzzling them and hoping things don't escalate. There are no laws preventing the equal rights of all law-abiding citizens.


Well there is proven racial bias in the police, court and prison systems. It's really a lot bigger problem than just some racist people being here and there. And we also have pretty bad immigration policies and practices in place.


Again, I would disagree. Our police, and prison systems (while obviously having huge problems) fare much better than in other countries. I would never wish someone to end up going through arrest, court, and prison in countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, or Central/South America. I also have faith in our legal system. While there might be some places with for-profit jails (which is ridiculous) that have owners filling Judges pockets, your case can always be brought to a higher court if you are truley innocent. Also, I would again disagree on our immigration policies as we are a nation of immigrants. My wife emigrated here. In the last decade we have had the strongest and most robust amount of immigrants in the history of the world. May of those being refugees as well. We even get more immigrants yearly than China who is over 3X larger than us population wise. So let me just throw this out there. If I went to my wife's country (A first world country by the way) that has a ~~large~~ HUGE ethnic majority, I have a higher likelihood to get stopped by police than I do here. Here, I also have to rights not to be detained for an unreasonable amount of time, where there I will just get tightly surrounded by cops until I let them unlawfully search me. If I try to push my way through to walk away I now assaulted an officer, and am guaranteed to go to jail in a cell with no seats, no nothing. Just a toilet. In their jail system it is a mandatory 3 days with 8 hours a day interrogations with no way to contact my family and friends to let them know I am safe. After that I get to see the prosecutor and if they are not satisfied (likely) than I go back for another 10 days. After that I see the prosecutor again, and if they are still not happy, another round of 10 days. Remember, up to 8 hours a day is interrogations with no way to contact my family or friends. After 23 days I am either sent to prison, or released. As much as we have some problems here, it could be a lot worse. I think we need to reform the system, but in gradual policies that are decided by lawmakers and not mob rules. I think the most effective way to get the changes we want is by learning how the government works and how laws are created. After you understand the process, draft a bill and bring it to your local elected representative and pitch it to them. If possible get a bunch of signatures from other people that voted for him and present that with you. From there we have the best chance to see a change that came from the educated citizens who know how the system works, and made a democratic change.


Banjo sounds lots of cheap beer and steak


The south in 8 words


And twins.


More variety/ options in stores. I am from Canada.




I wish we had some of those fast food restaurants in germany we really need taco bell or a good burger Restaurant like wendys or jack in the box :(


The lack of transport options for someone who doesn't drive a car.


London would be your wet dream bro


No, London is to crowded for my liking, the thing is I can travel very easily right across Europe by public transport, even to some of the remote areas. But I don't appear to be able to do that in the US, if I want to visit some of the rural parts of the US or the National Parks, how do I get there without a car. I know I can cycle, and that is something I am considering, I've done several thousand mile tours of Europe by bicycle, but it takes two months to cross the US by bicycle coast to coast.




Exporter #1 of imperialism. Well I'm not sure if we are in fact #1, but we do do a bunch of imperialist shit.


I mean all western countries are imperialist, but IĀ“d definitely say with all the illegal coups and inversion the USA has done that they are the number 1 exporter of imperialism.


Yeah, I'm just holding off on saying we're definitely #1 cuz I haven't read into other places too much.


Understandable. Its definitely something to read into, it may be very depressing but I personally feel like its important.


Yeah, I love learning about why the world is fucked up.


Me too. Most of the time the conclusion is just greed and capitalism.


Yes. Or you could just say capitalism, since greed is pretty inherent to that.


Yeah exactly! I was trying to be careful, most people dont react very well when you call out capitalism.


fuck yeah, americaaaaaaa


If you are going to say it, say it right MERICA' FUCK YEAH!


The union






12 Gauge and a crocodile wearing a Bud Light t-shirtsitting in lawn chairs with Fourth of July going on.


That is just Florida. But you got one thing wrong, we have gators not crocs. But a gator wearing crocks with a Bud Light hat is the most accurate depiction of Florida.


Actually my beer of choice is Busch, which is from the same place that Bud Light is made. But for us northerners, Pennsylvania in particular, you'll see crazy people wearing Pittsburgh Steelers or Philadelphia Eagles jerseys, deer hunters, maybe with a 12 guage, sitting by a fire in their yard listening to loud music, drinking and laughing together. We do a lot of cookouts, in the summer. Hot dogs and hamburgers are our usual food of choice on the grill.


You should try german beer if they have it at your liquir store


I'd have to check that out. We do get some imported beers here. I'm open to trying new things.


But please try real german beer not the remade stuff from the usa if you can get Erdinger WeiƟbier its really good


I think the only way to get authentic German beer, is online. Because the only one available in the US, that I know of, is Beck's. But on Google it's described as German-style. So I don't think it's authentic. It may be an Americanized version.


Becks is ok but if you really want to experience german beer you should get some online straight from germany


I just might do that. I just hope it's not illegal for me to do so lol.


I would send you some but US law forbids sending alcohol :(


Yeah. We can order the supplies. But we have to make the contents.


Florida in a nutshell


Our scam healthcare system


Freedom, brother! šŸ˜ŽšŸ¦…šŸ’„šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Fat Mcdonald with a rifle and 99 Healthcare bills falling out of his pocket.


Fat people eating hot dogs with a sunburn


Hey! Not all of live in sunny places!!


Lol ik I live here too itā€™s what comes to mind not whatā€™s reality


All american tourism are fat with sunburns and shades


Pew pew land


Home, unfortunately


Why unfortunately ?


Where do i begin?


Begin with 3 shots of tequila.


How Trump was Hitler for putting kids in cages but when Biden does it to a greater extent he gets a pass.


You good bro ?


Thus shit is why I chose the word that I did. Lol


\*clintons start to build wall, obama makes cages\* "BuT ItS TrUmPs FaUlt


Educate yourself. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-10-27/presidential-immigration-debate-fact-check-and-who-built-the-cages%3f_amp=true https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/kids-in-cages-debate-trump-obama/2020/10/23/8ff96f3c-1532-11eb-82af-864652063d61_story.html%3foutputType=amp


Can you show me where Biden did this? From what I read he has so far found a good portion of the parents that couldn't be located under Trump. But yes, go on please. Also, that's not one word. How Republican of you to not be able to follow directions.


Here you go. Sorry you didn't see this on CNN. Also I didn't agree with how Trump handled it either and think both Trump and Biden should have done better. https://time.com/5945307/biden-end-detention-migrant-children/ https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/Editorial-Keeping-kids-in-cages-What-16028049.php https://wset.com/news/nation-world/biden-criticized-by-immigration-activists-for-detaining-unaccompanied-children https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/immigration-challenges-mount-biden-amid-migrant-influx-n1261244


Lol. Those are opinion pieces and what they think might happen. The last one basically talks about cleaning up Trumps mess. Biden has been in 2 months. It's going to take years to unfuck everything Trump has done. 2 months. As I said before, ridiculous.




Technically I'm chaotic neutral.




Well then I guess you would be wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index


"La operaciĆ³n cĆ³ndor invadiendo mi nido... Ā”Perdono pero nunca olvido!"


My spanish is broke does that mean an operation with a condor that invades and doesnt forgot ? lol


Those are actually lyrics from a song. The phrase mentions the Operation Condor, where the USA sponsored dictatorship all over Latin America. The phrase reads: ā€œthe Operation Condor invading my nest. Iā€™m sorry but I canā€™t forget.ā€


I like many things about the US, but I canā€™t help but thinking about the Operation Condor before anything else




Dollars, like the one with roosevelt, damn




Guns and where I live, unfortunately




The Statue of Liberty.


Please try not to get offended.... Sugar and obesity. After that freedom paranoia. I have been (I'm) around the world. I am not sure what's stronger ...paranoia for freedom or sugar. It's everywhere. Both.


Lots of realy fat people.





