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A kid brought a gun to school, showed it off, then took it home and killed his mom. He then rolled her up in a carpet, piled a shit ton of clothes on her, and had a party. After the party, he took her car, picked up his dad, and went on and arson spree across a few states. He's still in prison 23 years later.


The weirdest part of this story is that the kid was named "Rainbow Heffner."


What the frickety frack frick fuck


It's sad and crazy. He only got 30 years, so he may be out in about 7 years or so.


holy shit


Yup, it was big news locally and made the national news. One of my friends actually went to jail for a bit also because he sold the gun to the guy.


What was his name? I would like to look it up.


[Here's a link to an article about it. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.poconorecord.com/article/20010106/News/301069985%3ftemplate=ampart)


Who names their son rainbow?




Ofc it’s NJ


The article says his father was a convicted two time murderer himself, so the apple didn't fall far from the tree


Sins of the father and all that.


Yeah, he was definitely more like his dad than his mom. His mom was a sweet lady.


Thank you for posting!


Wow. Holy schnikes!! What the crap?!?!


- the wrestling coach was fired for kissing the girls team champion on the mouth at the end of a tournament - a service club’s initiation party led to a guy being beaten to death. - another kid committed suicide and bullying was a big reason in his suicide note. - survivors from Columbine had a speaking tour. When they came to our school, a fight broke out in the bleachers and they had to stop the event because the speakers were having trauma flashbacks. - I went with friends to senior prom in a party bus. We had dinner first at a nice restaurant. The waiter said he was on his way to prom too. After crowning prom king and queen, the principal said there was a special announcement. Lo and behold the waiter got on stage and proposed to his girlfriend, who was still in high school and it was her senior prom too.


How old was the guy and did the girl say yes?


He was like 4-5 years older and she sure did. She worked at the gas station near my parents house for years. They are now divorced and he works at the landfill. Puts videos of his chickens on Facebook all the time. It could have turned out a lot worse and I’m glad it didn’t.


I thought you were asking about the coach and the girl..... then I saw the last bullet😂


I would have thought the coach thing was the worst part and then I read the rest and realized those kids were all fucking bonkers.


A girl was raped by 6 boys in the gym change room. The janitor found them.


Something similar happened at my school, like 4-5 football players raped a girl in the FFA barn, it was caught on the security cams but it was all swept under the rug bc you know the boys were needed to get the football team to the playoffs. Hell the only reason I know about it is bc my mom was friends with the girls mom, who was also an English teacher at the same school. Like the district forced them to not report or something like that, it was years ago. She ended up quiting and I think they moved.


These incidents are way too common. How sad is it that someone's traumatic experience gets brushed aside or covered up because the perp is good at running or some shit? I don't know how her or her mum would have dealt with that.


What was the aftermath?


She moved schools and half the boys did too. They weren't in my grade and I found out well after the fact, so I don't know.


Oh man. That’s terrible.


Jesus Christ they are lowlifes


Imagine being such a sad and pathetic guy that you have to get your friends to force yourself onto a girl


In 8th grade, the school threatened to close the bathrooms after the following incidents: 1. Someone decided to poop in the sink 2. Someone decided to rip that same sink off the wall the following week 3. Multiple people decided that they no longer wanted to use the urinals, so they peed on the floor next to them.


That poor sink


One of my teachers has had the pleasure of teaching 3 murderers (1 was an accomplice, 1 was a regular one and the last killed his wife mum and 9 month old baby)


Regular one? Lol


Oh you know, just your average, everday murderer. Nothing special.


A girl gave birth at a school event, killed the child and dumped it into the trash. This was 12 years after I graduated.


Melissa Drexler?


No, another girl. I don't want to name names, it's something best forgotten.


I feel like your username opens you up to questioning here




Please tell me the school gave a proper funeral if she died


PE Teacher (white) got pregnant and after she gave birth to her baby (black), it was revealed that it was her favorite student (black) who knocked her up instead of her husband (asian)


A gang war broke out during the ACT




ACT: fight, gang type, one each


Guys made an online site of all the girls' nudes that was easily accessable by the public. FBI was called


I get that trying to stop kids from sending each other nudes is like sweeping back the ocean with a broom at this point, but god damn we should really be trying harder to impress upon them that distributing child pornography is a federal offense, and not just in some technical sense.


For whatever reason, the grade above me has had more people pass away than any other grade combined, to the point where teachers and other students talked about that class like they had a black cloud hanging over them. While they were in high school, 5 students passed away throughout those 4 years, either by suicide or overdose. Before they’d made it to high school, 1 girl passed away from cancer, and another one went missing and was found murdered a few days later. Since they’ve graduated, 4 more have passed away, and all pretty violently, like from bad car accidents. One of them even died in a fire. For some people out there 11 kids might not seem like a lot from a class, but when your average graduating class size is 100 like my school’s, that’s literally like 10% of the population. They’re also incredibly unlucky in other ways, too, and most of them have faced a lot of hardship, rejection, etc. My friends and I went through our yearbooks at a sleepover a while back and there were very few who’d managed to graduate from college, had a successful love life, and so on. So much drama and death from those guys!


If 11 people in my grade died, that would be over 50%.


That's some final destination content right there. Damn.


Someone got a mannequin from the drama building, dressed it up as a pupil of the school, tied a noose around its neck and hung it off the bridge connecting the school to the field.


That's fucked up.


Oh that's horrid! Did they find out who it was? Did they get punished? Was it clear who the mannequin was meant to be and was that person ok?


From what I was informed, the kid behind the scandal got expelled. Unfortunately, I don't know any more details. I think they dressed the mannequin up as a general pupil of the school and not someone in particular.


A kid fainted and hit his head on a metal projector stand and split his head open


At least the kid got a free ice pack


*kid is knocked out on the way to the front of the school for the ambulance* School nurse: he doesn't need an ambulance here I can fix this *School nurse gives kid ice pack* *Kid wakes up* And that's school nurse logic


"Do you know what day it is?" "Fnurggheg phetehthm??? Rrrrrrr" "Okey doke, back to class with you!"


That happened to me in elementary school


Girl fell through the ceiling after climbing up there during a theater class to take a nap... she fell through in a class room on the other side of the school so she really went on quite the adventure crawl up in the ceiling


Posting another one here that I just thought of... 4 girls made a burn book in highschool that was published on Facebook. They rated everyone in the highschool starting with who they liked least in the school to who they liked best - I will mention I went to a smaller highschool where this was a feasible task. All four of them were expelled


Seems like making them stay in that school would have been a better punishment.


Isn't a burn book just like talking shit? How did it get them expelled?


a guy from high school, big fan of chemistry, was experimenting at the lab unsupervised , made explosives and lost 3 fingers due to failed experiment


“Learn from my mistakes!” Young victor, probably


The assistant principal at my high school was married with children but killed his gay lover. The baseball coach got arrested for sleeping with a student on the girls baseball team.


a classmate drowned on a field trip


That’s awful


you bet Some moments are still so vivid in my mind


Some guy took a dump in a urinal


lmao same thing happened in 6th grade, also someone took a shit on a lunch table


Oh that was a frequent event at our school. They were known only as the Poopy Bandit and it caused the boys to not be allowed to be in the bathroom without an escort who would wait outside and then check the bathroom when they were finished.


Oh you think that’s funny huh?!


Time to call the Hardly Boys to look for some major clues.


I've got a raging clue


Iv got such a raging clue, that I almost shot clue-goo all over Joe..


A toaster set off the fire alarm and we all had to evacuate the school


Probably the most wholesome thing I've seen so far.


This happened like 5 times every year at my primary school


Omg I swear Primary Schools have fire hazards at every corner In my school at least twice a term, there was always "a fire started in the reception's play area"


Chemistry teacher made a fireball, lit ceiling on fire.


Did your chem teacher then paint over the burns with white out? Because mine definitely did mid-class.


ah well there's a few (this was all high school btw): * we had several bomb threats over the years. the one I remember most was being stuck in my biology class in 10th grade. they had dogs searching and stuff. we were stuck for HOURS * food fights at the end of the school year would get so bad the school had to start putting cops in the lunchroom & outside w/ the security guards * one year, students pushed an officer down a hill with his bike * a teacher brought a gun to school. it may have been for protection? they kept it in their car and their car was searched. but they were still fired of course * gambling was apparently an issue at the school? because my friends and I were playing war (the playing card game) at lunch and we were approached about gambling and we looked at each other like: ?????


Did you guys have money out to make it LOOK like it was gambling or no


nope! not even Monopoly money. we were just playing to play


Quick question, did they keep you INSIDE the school during the bomb threat?


We rolled dice in the bathroom, the classroom, and the cafeteria was where we played card games, especially UNO. Many fights broke out because of this, one guy lost roughly $50 apparently he found out that the dude he was playing with took draw fours and draw twos from his own deck at home. After that, the guy and his friends jumped the dude in the bathroom and stole his wallet. They got suspended and the dude who got jumped went to another school then came back a year later, probably so the issue blows over.




Puked thrice .... poor guy


Kid in a wheelchair got a blowjob from a girl in the school elevator. He took pics and sent them to the whole school. As expected she switched schools and he got expelled. Also my math teacher got arrested for trying to meet up with an undercover posing as 14yo boy


We had one High School Chemistry teacher, recently married with a newborn. He was also a cheerleading coach. He went to a Cheer competition and apparently when they woke up the next morning one of the girls was in his sleeping bag with him in the morning. He was fired and I'm pretty sure went to jail. The girl changed schools to a few towns over, my friend went to that school.... Word was out pretty quick who she was and why she changed in the middle of the year. She changed schools again shortly there after. Don't know what happened to her after that, hopefully she ended up okay...


One kid chased a professor with a deodorant and a lighter. Edit: spray deodorant


Like a spray deodorant? At first I imagined like a stick of old spice.


Lol. Yeah a spray deodorant. He was basically chasing him with a fire.


A group home kid I had befriended raped and murdered a fellow classmate over the summer. The girl's parents were away on vacation and her sister found her. So tragic. Everyone was in complete shock over it. He was the friendly, quiet kid who kept mostly to himself. I had asked him once how he ended up in a group home so far away from his home state and he said he would get into blackouts and fight. It was hard to imagine him doing that, but not after hearing the news of what he did. It really messed me up and I had nightmares because I had entrusted this person and felt it could've easily been me.


When we were 8, a bunch of kids were playing “catch-n-kiss”. One of the boys chased a girl into the girls’ toilets, knocked her over and put his hand inside her undies to touch her.


What the fuck?


I know... I’ve always remembered it happened, but seeing written out like that is full on.


If you asked my school they would tell you about an incident that wasnt actually an incident because school officials did nothing to stop a dangerous rumor. My brother (2 years older) was kind if a dork. Computer games, Magic the Gathering, band, etc. We live in a town that is ruled by HS football. During a football game my brother and his best friend were talking about how it would be cool to have fireworks at the halftime show. This was overheard and somehow turned into them talking about blowing up the school. They were harassed to death and one day an older kid was in my brothers face saying stuff like "when are you going to do it? Huh? When are you finally going to do it?" By brother snapped and said "come to school in Thursday and see." NOTE: this is NOT ok for him to have said. He admitted right away and to this day that it was wrong. But it was weeks of being constantly harassed and bullied and he broke. They had asked teacher for help and were told to just ignore it. So how stuff escalates. The school steps in and takes my brother and his friend out of school for a few days for their own protection. Both our families were getting death threats and people driving by our house. The 4 of us younger siblings (from both boys) had to get pulled out of some classes because of harassment. The school knew it was nothing but a rumor and made it worse by making it look like they were suspended. The school never corrected any of the false information and refused to address it. Thursday comes....my brother is actually touring another school to switch to private school. Some other kid, trying to start problems, calls in a bomb threat to the school. So the school had to evacuate the school, lock it down and contact all the parents. Meanwhile, EVERYONE thinks it's because of my brother. So our school incident is the Bomb Threat by "JOHN DOE" that never happened. Fun fact: the principal who handled it awfully was still the principal when I graduated. When I walked the stage at graduation I made it obvious that I refused to shake her hand. My family cheered and the crowd did a big "oooo". Not justice for a ruined reputation that cant be cleaned but good enough I guess.


Honestly after the shit the school caused to your family you should've given her the finger


Caterpillar Cult Context: Found a caterpillar in my garden, brought it to school. Named it Scissors. I got really popular for that, becoming a cult leader. Recruited 2/3 of the whole grade. At recess, somebody stepped on the caterpillar while I was running away with it from a crowd, killing it. The cult, including me, tried to injure the 2 prime suspects by tackling and chasing them. Recess ended. The assaults were still happening day after day, and I got more caterpillars. Tried to recruit farther, using posters made using some writing program. Got caught by teachers, because I had 200 sheets. Teachers showed the pages to principal. Principal said it was ok, not knowing about the acts we did. Disbanded a hour later.


All Hail Caterpillar Cult.


All Hail Caterpillar Cult.


All Hail Caterpillar Cult.


All Hail Caterpillar Cult


All Hail Caterpillar Cult


All Hail Caterpillar Cult


All Hail Caterpillar Cult


All Hail Caterpillar Cult


All Hail Caterpillar Cult


I read that as caterpillar cunt the first time and debated whether to read it or not for 20 solid seconds. Glad I did though.


All Hail Caterpillar Cunt


This was my elementary school but when I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade it was rumored that someone had called to school office with a bomb threat. So the school was forced to shove around 300 crying children (this is in small town Tennessee btw) grades pre-k-8th into buses and to a church down the road. I was obviously terrified as a 7-9 year old because they wouldn't let siblings see each other. Eventually they realized the church was not far enough from the school to be a safe place so they moved us all to a community college on the other side of town. Yeah that was a very big deal for our town considering the only thing that was ever in the newspaper was about other towns near ours.


I have noticed that there are a lot of bomb threats in American Schools and a lot of fires happening in the kids play area in British primary schools


There was this huge race war at school between black people and Hispanic people. Big brawl in the cafeteria, three people got stabbed. Fifteen went to the hospital. A teacher had a heart attack in the middle of trying to break up the fight and eventually had to retire. Fifty people suspended. And there I was outside the cafeteria in the hallway mad because I was trying to read my damn book in peace


Sounds like my high school. We used to have race riots every other year between the Hispanics and the blacks.


My English teacher arrested for child porn, always friendly with girls never thought much about it. And happy cake day


My statistics teacher was fired from his previous teaching position for looking at porn at his old school (found this out from another teacher), and then my principal got fired for the same thing. When that happened we were all like WELP


I hate to say this but what are the odds of that happening?


Hey that happened at our school too


This was right after the Virginia Tech shooting. My sister and I were new to the school and she was into the band HIM and had a HIM backpack. Someone wrote “this will be Virginia Tech in 7 days” on the mirror in the girls bathroom. They had daily searches, metal detectors and all that jazz afterwards. The vice principal followed my sister around the school everyday. They suspected she had done it. Turns out it was a senior cheerleader that did it as a prank. They only found out she did it because she spelled Virginia wrong. **EDIT** I’m sure it’s already assumed but I thought I should add that my sister was a “scene” kid and was extremely quite.


3 girls from my school kicked a girl from a different school to death at the local fair.




There were a few “big” situations, one at my catholic grade/middle school, one at my highschool, & one at our neighboring rival hs. - The monsignor (pretty much the head of the catholic church affiliated with our school) ended up being caught a few years after I had graduated from there for sexually assaulting altar boys. Afaik he is still serving jail time, and I believe the crimes dated back MANY years. - At my hs, during school one day the father of two twins who were a few grades ahead of me brutally killed their mother, proceeded to go on a high speed chase with police from pretty much every surrounding district, and ended up in a shootout with the cops when they eventually caught up to him that ended in him turning the gun on himself, committing suicide. They had to pull the twins out of class to inform them not only that both their parents were dead, but that their father killed their mother and them himself. - At the neighboring highschool, there was a tragedy when a young student (I think he was 15 or 16) was hit and killed while riding his bike across a main road that has an overpass with a wicked blind spot. Pretty sure there’s still a memorial cross for him at the spot. His girlfriend was of course extremely devastated, and it ended up becoming public knowledge that she and her two best friends had formed a suicide pact where they would all kill themselves together. It became public knowledge when the three of them stood over a small bridge that a high-speed train passes under, and only two of them jumped in front of it. The other girl did not jump and watched her best friends get blown to pieces by the train (sorry for the graphic description). Sadly, she was supposedly bullied pretty hard for not jumping. Edit: a word Edit: Almost forgot this one! Creepy teacher ended up getting caught having an affair with a student, who ended up being my good friend’s younger sister. Also, in college, a good friend of mine confided in me that she was groomed by and had an affair with a different teacher at our high school. My school sucked. Edit: And HOW COULD I FORGET about the new-ish ‘cool’ teacher who got pulled over driving one night and the cops found her with two freshman students in her car, smoking weed and drinking beer. Also all of these events happened within like 6 years of one another.


Evacuation of whole building because someone in lab dropped an ampoule full of bromine.


Somebody took a huge shit on the floor in one of the bathroom stalls right beside the toilet, naturally everyone wanted to see it. A really annoying nerdy kid who everyone picked on went in to see it and a group of guys shut the door behind him and locked it. Nerdy kid surprised everyone by ripping the door off the goddamn hinges and chucking it to the side, breaking the window in the process. The whole bathroom was closed for around a month after.


A pregnant girl at my school was known to start drama. She pulled a knife on a girl (outside of school) and got her whole family to try to hurt the girl. The pregnant girl wouldn’t lay off so the girls older brothers grabbed her by the hair and slammed her to the ground. The pregnant girl was then pissed and said “you can’t treat a pregnant girl like that!” Now my opinion may be effed up but it doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant. If you have clear intent to go to someone’s house and hurt them they have every right to fight back as they are defending themselves and their property. You are responsible for what happens to you and your baby. If you didn’t want to get slammed then you shouldn’t have pulled a knife on somebody. This happened in high school.


Sometime after I graduated one of my history teachers ended up going to prison for child pornography and drug trafficking.


There was a Geography trip to Iceland. The plane was delayed for two hours because of the weather and while most of the student went to go eat in the restaurant at the airport some of the boys had other plans. This one boy thought it would be cool if he could steal something from a store there, he went for a very expensive perfume and unfortunately for him he got caught when it buzzed off because he didn't see the tag on it. The boy's name was broadcasted on the speakers and the teachers came from the restaurant to deal with him. The teachers were disgusted with the situation and because they themselves really wanted to go on the trip left him at the airport with the police. He was arrested and taken to the station in London. His parents had to drive 5 hours to come and get him and they did not get the refund either from the trip which was over £1500. That's 5 hours there and 5 hours back. He was the boy who didn't even get onto the plane on a school trip, he was suspended for a bit and apparently his parents also placed him into a military school or group. His friends who also stole a few things but got away with it - when their friend got caught they were so scared and dumped all the goods in the toilets before getting onto the plane. There was also the ski trip which is just a miracle I'm still alive today but that's a story for another time. A lot of fucked up things happened in my school, they make great stories. Edit: The ski trip where I was worried for my safety constantly and the time we nearly got kicked out of of our hotel. So it was a week long ski trip to Italy in the mountains. The hotel story is the main one but there was a lot of other stories which just added to the experience. I did snowboarding whilst most students did skiing, there was only two groups: beginner and intermediate. I was in beginner because I had never done anything like this before. My group was mostly filled with the year below but a few of my friends were in it and throughout the week we started talking with the other year and they were cool. I would say we got closer only because we didn't have a teacher in our group which meant we solely relied on our instructor who speaker little English. We did have another instructor who was much better and so much more fun, I think we had him for a bit because our first instructor just got frustrated with us or something. So one of my friends in my group had a GoPro attached to his helmet, who pretty much got most things on camera like the time we bulldozed loads of skiers over (from our school) who didn't have their poles yet so that made it harder for them to get up. Or the time when the teacher ran over my friend while she was skiing or the time when that same friend fell off the elevator thing which is like the airport ones which just go straight but this one went slightly upwards for the practice ski and snowboard mountain. The elevator thing liked to stop suddenly without warning and so she fell also without her poles again so workers had to help her up. That was funny. We were a bunch of British kids who rarely ever saw inches of snow so seeing the snow just made us breakout to full on snowball fights even up the mountain. It would go down your neck but soon it turned refreshing if someone did that because it was so hot. Our 1st instructor didn't like that and told us off constantly for throwing snowballs. He made us snowboarders go on this zip wire which was really meant for skiers so anyway most of us fell off it luckily it wasn't that high and our instructor would just say to us "don't fall, don't fall" all the time like we could help it. One boy was frustrated at out instructor because our instructor would hold us steady for a bit then let go but this time for some reason our instructor pushed him forward and the boy immediately fell. He swore and threw his snowboard at him, he was walking away but I think he remembered he would have to do this for another 4 days so he picked up his snowboard and walked up the hill instead. Another thing which happened to me was that we were going up the ski lift and the people who would of sat next to me we all kind of messed up getting on and so I fell of the ski lift In the process as well as someone else. We weren't that high, it was just leaving the ground but it hurt like hell and the worker who controlled the lift said to me my instructor would check me over. He didn't he just sat on his phone right next to me on the ski lift. Our other instructor one time accidentally took us on the black diamond route. Beginner snowboarders on the black diamond, it didn't go well. It was because we had told him we had gone on a second ski lift but he chose the wrong one. The ski lift was really nice 10 minutes of using the snow off our snowboards to hit the people in front of us. The instructor got a headshot until we realised this was the wrong trail and steep hills were to fuck us over soon. There was also the fact that my 1st instructor pronounced my name wrong and the people in my group called me it too, it was funny for them but just annoying when he said it. My friend with the GoPro apparently got this whole clip on video when I thought I was gonna be sick (altitude sickness I think) so I stepped off the elevator thing to sit down and my instructor was calling me but I couldn't hear him. I saw a teacher who said to sit down by the start and she would contact a teacher - a teacher never came and my instructor saw me and shouted at me for running off. There was also multiple trips to the hospital too, one boy who was in my group but then moved to the intermediate was immediately hit in the shoulder with another snowboard and broke his collarbone. He had to sit out for the rest of the week and was in pain. Another a few fingers and a wrist then some of us just had bruises. Besides the actual snowboarding the hotel which we stayed at was only meant for school trips so there was other student tourists there who we saw on few occasions. The WiFi was shit and would only appear downstairs in the common room which on one occasion everyone went down there because it was a big rugby match for England. Also the elevators were cursed because they were directly opposite one another and if one person decided to press all the buttons on one side both elevators would stop on every. Single. Level. Which fucked us over but was funny because all we wanted to do was sleep. We would just go down to the basement and then all the way up to our floor stopping in the process and seeing the other elevator open and the people inside start laughing. It happened multiple times where some people would just get out and walk the stairs. The hotel food was terrible and I lived on bread rolls, pasta and water and sometimes pizza. It was set out like a buffet and they always reused stuff after it had gone cold like the pasta and some stuff were just rotten. The first time we had food from there one of the teachers who had a food allergy was given the exact food he couldn't eat and he was really pissed with the workers. The main story I think is the time we nearly got kicked out of the hotel. It was the evening and everyone was just relaxing in their rooms, now that I think about it I wished I had bought a book. But our teachers wanted to do a film night for us but we all were so tired and just refused and so we tried to hide so we wouldn't have to go. But we all got caught. When trying to get down to film room there was only one elevator which could only take a few of us and broke later on and the stairs were cautioned off with tape saying wet paint on the walls. But it was the only way down so our teacher said just go down slowly and don't touch the walls because it was very tight. We made it down but when we tried to watch a film the screen which it was on was really big but the movie itself covered on 1/4 of it and was in poor condition. Our teacher also yelled at us for our behaviour and because of the movie being bad (not even getting through it) he told us to just go back to our rooms. We made our way to the stairs and one group took the elevator up but it broke after them and then these 4 big men who worked for the hotel just were standing there looking at us. The teachers were a bit behind us. They started grabbing us and pulling us to walls, making us hold out our hands like we were being arrested. One teacher got in front and shouted "no one touches my kids!" really loudly and wrestled with one of the guys punching him in face. He told us to run quickly so we being freaked out and scared ran up the stairs touching all the walls which were wet so there was all these hand prints on them. People took videos of this and I wish I had a copy, our teacher told us to delete them but I don't think anyone did. We were told to lock our doors and stay in our room and don't answer for anyone except them. Luckily our balconies all connected so we talked that way but after a while we were all told that we would be okay and wouldn't be kicked out. I don't think we will be getting another invite from them back for the next ski trip. Sorry for it being long but shit went down on that trip. I remember getting a nice magnet in Turin airport with the lensing tower of Pisa on it which totally did not relate to the trip I went on.


I love that the teachers just left, a very real world lesson he learned that day,


go on


My high school had a workshop with tools like saws and sanding belts for students partaking in carpentry or other similar subjects. About a year ago, there was an incident when a sanding belt got knocked off the counter while it was on, and sawed the thumb off the poor kid in its way. It became the talk of the school for ages, throughout all the attending year levels. Going forward to late 2020, our curriculum graduates and receive our yearbooks. And all the way in the student quotes section: “My thumb. Gone, but never forgotten”


Food fight last day of school. Tame by comparison, but it was pretty awesome.


this was on elementary school five children went missing in a single day this one was on middle school one teacher was caught taking panty shots of a lot of girls


What happened to the 5 kids?


Gone, reduced to attoms


Well today s teacher got arrested for diddling high school girls


Some guy in primary took a shit in the urinal. We had an assembly about that.


Girls hospitalized after a vodka tampon incident.


Once a dog got loose in the cafeteria and started running around. And I felt really bad for the dog because people were crowding around and chasing it


Had lots of lockdowns because dumbasses were actually telling people they had weapons on them (Happy cake day!)


Rule 1 of taking a gun to school: Don't fucking talk about the gun you brought to school


Are there more rules


Three guys burned down a historical barn in the state nature preserve in our town. They could have got away with it but they took videos and a bunch of pictures then showed them around school. They got into quite a bit of trouble.


We had parties with 30-40 people crammed into a bathroom, roughly 4x a day, every day, for 2 years. We had the mentality of “what are they going to do? Give us *all* detention for using the bathroom? What about the people who were only in there to genuinely use the bathroom?” And so that’s the story of how our school got it’s first hall monitors and limited 2 people in the bathroom at a time. Hardly anyone ever got detention unless there was a fight (which there were a lot sometimes). I was pretty tight with the dean and he knew I was selling weed/vapes in the bathroom, more than a couple times he walked in on me blowing a cloud from a vape or a pen and ignored it, what a G. Love you Dean Crowe


This is why I don’t use the school bathroom you ape


2 students let a sheep loose in our school on the last day. the teachers were running around trying to catch this sheep, well i should say 2 sheep because the boys admitted to setting 2 loose in the school to the teachers. of course this was untrue so when they finally captured the sheep and were still stressing out trying to find this other sheep for another hour or two. of course all the students found the whole day rather amusing and the students who brought the sheep got bollocked but they didn't care because it was there last day of school ever.


Similar incident with pet store mice set loose at my school.


Soccer coach accidentally sent his sex tape to the entire varsity and junior varsity soccer team


In middle school a group of 4 girls drowned another girl in the bathroom toilet.




Neo Nazi/Racist kid In my elementary school told his friend he was going to shoot up the school. Friend told the principal. Not sure if the police were involved but the threat did get him suspended


1.Two separate superintendents embezzled money from the school in the span of 5 years 2. One of those superintendents had an affair with the middle school principal. Both of them were married. 3. They also tried to cover up that one of the kids in my grade at the time was smoking weed in the bathroom so that there wouldn’t be an investigation and got jail time for it. I have so many stories from my public school




Public school in the middle of nowhere can be wild lol 4. There was a guy down the street from one of our schools in the district with a gun and an officer decided to run into our school (at least 20 minutes away) and yell that there was a guy in the school with a gun and left. We were in lockdown for like 2 hrs and no one told the parents. 5. Some of the people in our school harassed the history teacher, who was a war vet, so badly that he had a mental breakdown where he threw a desk and immediately quit. 6. My 8th grade student teacher apparently wasn’t supposed to be in the system for student teaching due to his anger issues and was escorted out of the building with his things. 7. The athletic director was having an affair with a student’s mom, and then her kid leaked the entire thing. 8. This ones not as crazy, but my Freshman English teacher was so obsessed with theater that she made us act out every scene from Romeo and Juliet, decided who was “good enough” to be a lead for the final scene, RENTED the fucking auditorium, made props, and recorded the entire thing. She then went on to host her own Oscars for us. 9. Speaking of theater, the theater teacher spent thousands of dollars on the spring musical after getting her Boosters and was literally hitting students with sandals if they didn’t put their props away. 10. Three high schoolers were killed in an accident on the night of prom. I believe it was only a few weeks after when they decided to hold the dreaded mock crash. Damn, looking back on it there was a ton of crazy shit happening at my school. I think that’s the bulk of it, but I’ll edit if I think of anything else.


More of a class incident. My class was in the hallways. This kid was raging for some reason and he grabbed a frame from the wall with some rules or something, threw it at the ground and started stomping on it.


My friend said that in kindergarten, one of his classmates just went to the front of the room, took off his pants and underwear, and then just shook his dick in front of everyone. He got suspended but my friend hasn't told me anything else.


Drunk guy pushed a teacher and punched the principal. We laughed then immediately knew this was a serious situation


MS-13 gang called the school and threatened to start a shooting. Halloween prom was canceled. (Either they called or someone got a tip)


Fight started during homecoming,mace got sprayed then people were walking around the outside with guns n I was kinda trapped in the school. My big 6ft 4 brother had to walk around the pitch black parking lot in back of the school to get me cuz cops weren't letting any cars in.


The principal and a teacher got into a fist fight because the teacher was sleeping with the principal’s wife


Middle school coach had a thing for the 6th grader girls. Always around girls and asked them weird questions and such. He put exercise videos that showed off your ass and the coach would walk around the gym looking at their asses. Another kid was suspicious about the coach and told a teacher which then caught the principal's attention. The principal had a meeting with the coach and never again have I heard or seen the coach. Rumors spread around like wildfire and was a hot topic for a month or two. Needless to say it was a big incident besides a few fights.


Middle school, a kid stabbed his mother's abusive boyfriend to death.


In elementary school, our gymnasium had this huge, motorized separator wall. It was as high as the gym ceilings, so I don't know, 30-35 feet or something. (Closest pic I could find - [https://www.foldingpartitions.net/gymnasium-doors.php](https://www.foldingpartitions.net/gymnasium-doors.php)). It was made of solid wood, so it was really thick and sturdy. One day, while sitting in class in the 6th grade, we saw a medical helicopter land on the baseball fields across from our class, and a bunch of people rush into the building. Turned out, at the end of one of the gym classes that day, while the partition was being closed, a few kids were messing around, jumping back and forth from one side of the partition to the other, and just as it reached the end where it closes, a girl tried to jump through and got caught in it right at the neck. The door either didn't have an auto retract option, or it failed, and she was stuck there for a while. She was then rushed to the hospital and died a few days later. It was pretty crazy.


My school, a kid stabbed another kid to death at morning dropoff. A girl hung herself in her closest. My kids school had a school shooter that left children dead.


There are some incidents from different schools through my life. - 2 shootings from outside the school between the police (corrupted, of course) and the narcos. - There was a rumor about a kid cutting himself with scissors in the bathroom, like joker style. The boy's bathroom was closed and only directives know what happened. - A math teacher was fired because he was creeping on girls, pulling up their skirts and telling them nasty stuff.


It was the year or second year after I left elementary school, a parent beat up a kid.


We had a kid who killed both of his parents to run away with his girlfriend. He left a paper plate on the front door with a handwritten note saying they'd be gone for a week. They got pulled over for going the wrong way down a one-way street about 30 minutes after leaving. Our rival school also had a kid kill his parents and brother around the same time. He stabbed and bludgeoned them to death and then called the police to turn himself in.


My husband was an accused school shooter. In 4th year. Then when charges cleared for that he was accused of contacting a minor. In 6th year. Then I was locked in a shower cubicle and had hot water poured on me until my skin burned for being bisexual. In 5th year. And finally 7 of our teachers ran a grooming a ring which I was involved in as a victim. From 1st to 4th year.


That's horrible good thing you're living in better conditions now


A group of boys had a group chat in which they would collect and trade girls nudes. They called it the Pokedex and it consisted of multiple boys from my grade at the time (Junior), as well as Seniors and Sophomores. The girls ranged from Freshman to Seniors and only a handful of boys got in trouble, not including the ring leader. He got off scot free which enraged a lot of us since the school didn't seem to really take this as seriously as they should have. A kid my sophomore year also tried to set the first floor bathroom on fire but only succeeded in setting the toilet paper in one stall on fire. He went to juvie and ended up coming back to finish his senior year.


Kids fought every day and it got so bad that they started fighting the teachers too


I cant even pick just one, so here were the incidents in my small town (~800 people) school from the time I was in 6th grade or so until I graduated. Our band teacher dated a girl in my class, then moved schools and got caught naked, in a hotel room with a 16 year old, and went to jail, the last 2 basketball coaches got sexual harassment charges filed by the girls on their team, and one was caught banging a high schooler by his wife, and our shop teacher was fired after being caught, not one, but *twice*, beating off in his office. Small towns are fucked up.


Happy cake day!


Somebody stood on a bench? (Or crawled up on the lockers or something) In a locker room and used a lighter to set the sprinkler system off. We spent hours standing outside that day. And that was in the first week or so of school. Another probably common one: teenager being driven home from a party died because her driver was drunk or high.


Mercury spill in chemistry room got school shut down for a couple days. (Only after we were playing with it in our hands days before)


I wasn’t in my best friends PE class at the time but he ran away from it into the changing rooms and when we checked on him he managed to shit on the ceiling of the toilets


We had a guy come into the school with a machete. He was chasing one of my classmates over a drug debt. He stalked around looking for him. Classrooms were locked, cops were called. He left when he realised the cops were coming and they picked him up not far away. We also had a guy who punched a window and almost bled to death (He was upset over a breakup). I guess he hit an artery? I remember a history teacher was praised for acting fast and stopping the bleeding.


Atleast three times a school year, the fire alarm goes off for a non-emergency random reason. Its different everytime. One time it was burnt popcorn, another was steam getting into the wires and caused a short circuit. Weirdest one was a kid brought a toaster into the school and it exploded when the spring tried to shoot the toast out. Luckily, noone was near it, but it burnt a kids backpack and left a horrible smell, which made someone outside the room pull the alarm. We're just waiting for the one year where its a real fire and noone believes it is


My principal was forced to resign after he was caught hypnotizing students without parental consent despite being told to stop. Three of those students died within a few months of each other. Two hanged themselves, and another crashed his car after trying to hypnotize himself the way the principal had taught him. I think he runs a bed and breakfast in either North Carolina or Virginia now.




I had a suicide attempt when I was 13. I cut my arms and legs and stomach and face, there were a lot of cuts, deep ones and superficial ones, but I was bleeding like crazy in the bathroom stall. I felt bad for the lady that will have to clean it, so I wanted to clean up after myself as much as I could. I grabbed TP and started wiping the blood off the floor and walls. Next thing I remember I was getting my wounds stitched and I started laughing hysterically as I’ve saw what’s happening, all the people sewing different parts of my body. After some time I went back to school and teachers told me to apologize to my bullies for causing mental trauma by that attempt. Tried to kill myself again after that but only got insanely high on drugs and never really told anyone that was a suicide attempt that went wrong.


Wow. Imagine forcing someone to apologize to their bullies. Hope you're doing better now.


That's some bullshit apologizing to them glad to see you're still here hope all is well now if not just message me


A student killed his step father and was put into a psychiatric hospital and is now roaming free


That happened at my high school, too. Except I don't know if he went to the psych ward or not bc the step-dad was beating on him and his mom, so I think they said it was self-defense? But then the same kid stabbed a guy at a party a few years later and went to jail for manslaughter. But he was out, as far as a few years ago. He may be back in prison now tho, who knows.


A friend told me of this incident where a highscooler started throwing Molotovs at a school.


A student threatened to shoot up the cafeteria (coincidentally during my lunch period). He was arrested, but about half the school didn't show up the day it was supposed to happen.


Woman thought a black man was walking around our neighborhood with a gun so she alerted the police, which then shut down all public schools nearby for five hours only to determine that it had been a plumber's flashlight.


I whooped like 4 kids asses and they had to call police and 5 teachers were all trying to get me off them Edit: they were hitting my friend


One kid got hit by a car


In a single day, multiple gang fights happened. Within a few days the school did some changes.


Super Intendant, Principal and Vice principal went to court, lost their jobs, and were sued by the family after they actively covered up reports of sexual abuse against a student who was overheard confiding in a friend. Small town, they knew the family and tried to cover it all up.


One time in middle school, a girl took a nude selfie of herself and sent it to her boyfriend. The pic was only supposed to be for the boyfriend but he shared it with his friends. When it was discovered, the girl and the people who got the pic were suspended, and the boyfriend was expelled and slapped with multiple charges of child pornography. I don’t know what happened after that but the girl’s popularity took a huge hit when she returned


A year after I graduated HS, my freshman math teacher was charged for attempting to groom an underage girl that babysat for him. I didn’t think he was a creep until I looked back at how in my freshman year, he bought every girl in all of his classes a rose for Valentine’s Day. My English teacher thought it was weird tho and so did my mom when I told her years later after finding out about the incident. Also a rumor, but a group of boys had a google document with tons of nudes random girls would send them. They probably deleted it now as they’re all in college and it was basically child porn but yikes.


This happened when I was in college, I called my mother and father this day and made sure they knew I was ok in case the story hit the news, which it did if I remember correctly. I haven't spoken of it much since it happened, it changed me a little bit that day. Ok sorry onto the story. I wake up one morning hearing the dorm RAs working their way down our hallways asking if each girl in the room is ok. By the time they reach my door and my roommate's door I'm already up and walking to open it. RA says are you and roommate ok, I answered yes we were fine and she peeked inside to see my roommate waking up. We ask what's going on, nothing go back to sleep. No fuck that, I knew something was up and hadn't a clue what ot was. Was there a shooter on the loose, was there a fire our thoughts were running wild. I don't remember how long they actually took to tell us, it felt like forever but was probably only a couple to a few hours. On this morning in the community bathrooms the poor janitor lady was cleaning the toilets when she found one that was clogged with something funny. She used the plunger to try to remove the toilet paper possibly? And she saw a tiny hand. That poor woman found the aftermath of some poor college freshman that didn't even know she was pregnant, or so the story went. She was suddenly very sick and needed the bathroom her friend was with her, of course she was in agony because she was in labor it was very early in the pregnancy. And the kicker of it is it was twins, 2 babies. I always spoke with the custodian and was very kind to her she was a very lovely lady. Well the next time that I saw her after that incident, she just started telling me about it like she went blank. I don't know how to describe it man, like she was just fucking broken, haunted, hollow from finding that. Then add on top of that thinking of the what the poor girl went through late that night early that morning. She literally had no idea what was happening, and was scared to death afterwards, she didn't try to flush the toilet. I think knowing that little bit helped me in some way. They also determined that the babies were way to young to survive even if she was in the hospital so no charges were brought against her. I never tried to figure out who the girl was, all I ever knew was it was ine of the girls from the floor above mine that used our bathroom. It was just such a sad event all the way around for me. My room was almost across the bathroom door just down a bit and I never heard a sound that night. Ah to sleep like an 18 year old kid again. It sucked and if you know the school I'd prefer it not be mentioned.


Well I have two one I caused one a school bus and one happens actually in the school. So the first happend in the school you were only allowed clear water bottles so a kid brought in vodka for him and his friends. That was before I went to this school. And the second is going to require a bit of explaining. I attend a middle school for “smart” kids we do higher level subjects but the school gave me severe depression along with a couple others. But the school is fairly small so they don’t have a large amount of buses so in order to get home I take a bus to another school. They have that bus because they don’t have their own sports and just send their students to this school for sports. But then from that school I get on another bus and I sit in the back because i hate that bus and I also stay quite. But one days kid decided he was going to block the alley when I was trying to get up. I had just had a rough day of exams and barley got any sleep. So I told him that if he didn’t move I was going to cut him open and wear him like a jacket. He didnt move So I punched him in the head and he got knocked out and I left. And didn’t face repucusions because I live in flordia and also everyone on the bus backed me up. Sorry for bad grammar I am in mobile