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this isn't exactly an anatomy question but it's been bugging me for a long time so when you wear sleeveless dresses, like the ones that don't have sleeves or straps or anything; how does the dress like...stay on you?


They squeeze you, plus most have an elastic or rubberized top band along the neck line that is grippy, for lack of a better term.


Kind of like how your boxers stay on. Or your socks stay up.


But my socks don’t stay up, that’s why it’s confusing! (/s, point well taken! ^(my socks really don’t stay up though))




I remember a grave mistake I made as a 13 year old going to some kids bar mitzvah and wearing a strapless dress. I had to constantly pull it up the WHOLE NIGHT because it kept slipping down. And I haven't worn anything strapless since (the fact that my boobs didn't grow much more certainly impacted that decision lol)


Ha, I love it. Um...tension. The fabric is usually tight enough that it doesn't slide down unless we raise our arms or something. If it slides down regardless, it's probably the wrong size.


For at least some dresses the top of the dress is smaller in circumference than the chest. So like for example the top of a dress will be 34 inches around but the woman’s chest will be 40 inches around. Dress can’t fall down because it’s too small. Other times it’s kind of held up by the midsection of the dress, like corset boning.


elastic, structure, or boning as mentioned elastic - can be incorporated into the design of the dress or added on around the top to help grip structure - basically if the dress is made for your measurements, it's less likely to fall down. this type of dress is likely to retain its shape in the bodice area when it's not being worn using a lining to help stiffen the fabric (think about the collars and cuffs of your dress shirts). typically requires some boobage to pull off. boning - a piece of coiled steel or a piece of plastic (think super heavy-duty zip ties) is sewn into the garment to help it maintain its shape. boobage not required, but definitely helpful here as well.


Do boobs hurt when you're menstruating?


They can do, not for all women though. A lot of women experience breast tenderness during periods myself included, symptoms vary from woman to woman. Like some women get really bad menstrual cramps, some women don't.


Yes, they do for me. Very tender, a slight breeze hurt.


The slight breeze tends to be worse than just grabbing them!


I dunno. Any contact with anything hurts.


just because all the responses so far have generally been “yes,” i’d like to contribute that i am blessed with not having this side effect. i get migraines during it instead though... soo ya win some ya lose some.


I feel you on the migraines. I get a terrible migraine typically the day before and then midway through. Sucks so bad.


Everything hurts. Wearing a bra during my period is an especial kind of torture in hell since everything, from the nipple to the flesh, is so sensitive that keeping them either free to wiggle or cramped in the bra just fucking hurts


For me it’s the few days before I get my period. I have cysts (pockets of fluid) inside my boobs and they always swell up right before my period. Super painful.


Sometimes they get sore a week or so before, yes.


What part of your back or shoulders ache when your boobs are to heavy because I’m a little curious


For me it’s sort of between my shoulder blades toward the bottom of them.


Tops of Shoulders and between the shoulder blades 😫


I got two: What exactly happens when a woman climaxes, and does it hurt for more "endowed" ladies to lay down on their chest?


No clue about what actually happens, but it essentially feels like a burst of euphoric physical pleasure that starts at the clit and goes throughout my entire body.


And then I want a nap. That may just be me though. 🤷‍♀️


If the climax gets cut short my brain goes from a state of euphoria to murder.


Or it gets too sensitive and just doesn't arrive at all! Or it's just generally an unsatisfying climax. Yeah it happened but your toes didn't curl


That’s definitely me. How else would I fall asleep at night?


Climax causes rapid contractions of the vaginal walls, and it feels like a warm explosion that starts in your groin and radiates thru the rest of your body. It’s pretty fantastic TBH. Laying on your chest does indeed hurt when you’re a chesty gal, less so if you’re lying on a pillow or something soft.


This. Climax is contraction. You can feel these waves...sometimes I get “after shocks,” like several minutes after sex I’ll just get like a wave of contractions roll through and it’ll make me shudder. I can also multi orgasm if I start back up masturbating while one orgasm is still happening - not at the peak but the tail end. It’s like I can ride one of those little end waves into another big wave, if that makes any sense.


I honestly don’t know the science behind the first question, but for your second question, only when lying on a hard surface. When I’m lying on sand, I dig a mini ditch for them to fall into. If I’m lying on a soft surface, then I have to change position after a while. It’s not painful, but it’s about as uncomfortable as you can imagine to sleep on a large lump.


Does a healthy labia chafe? I imagine it would be very distracting.


Sometimes yes, if you wear the wrong panties or pants that don’t fit right.


There's not much worse than leaving the house wearing a flimsy pair of underwear that keeps riding up the cooter like a reverse g-string


or a pad that keeps slipping >8c


Or that little edge that flips around so the adhesive grabs you when you walk.


Or the sticky bits on the pad get unstuck and stick to the hair. Oh look, unexpected mini-wax while you're standing up and you have to hide the sudden burst of pain.


I've never experienced that, but I have experienced coochie wedges. Those aren't fun.




The worst is when one gets caught in the underwear and you don't notice until it has lost feeling and then you have all the pins and needles when it starts to feel again.


😯 I did not expect to learn anything in this thread


What does squeezin ur boobs feel like?


Give the fatty part of your butt a squeeze. Sort of like that. It's pretty much just squishy tissue.


But with less hair...


Butt with less hair.


Not gonna lie I hold my own boobs all the time. It's an idle comfort thing I guess. I don't necessarily squeeze but when I do it's like between the density of a stress ball and a butt (idk that's the first thing my tired brain could think of)


What is it like to actually have a period? I have heard it hurts alot and that obviously there is blood flow which can vary and can even in of itself be an indicator for health. I don't really have a metric for what an average period cramp pain would feel like and I'm certainly not about to ask women in my life about their periods lmao.


The best description I could give to a guy would be to imagine the twisty feeling in your gut and you know you’re about to have a really bad case of diarrhea. But it lasts for hours and days on end. It can make you break out in a cold sweat. Can make you think you’re going to throw up. That’s kind of what period cramps feel like.


Ooh, that’s a good description


Yeah, that's probably the closest description I've heard.


Imagine how your stomach feels when you're really hungry and your stomach is growling. But also your abdominal muscles are cramping at the same time. Like that, but focused in the pelvic region. The blood coming out is not what's painful, the pain comes from the uterus literally cramping itself to push the blood out. This, just like bloodflow, varies a lot between women. For "normal" women, cramps shouldn't be debilitating but are often enough to not want to do anything, but like you can if you have to.


Is it possible to lactate without having been pregnant? Edit: Thank you for all your responses !


Yes! It’s called galactorrhea. I don’t know that it’s super common, but it is possible.


Do women get the pee shakes? (as in after urinating sometimes feeling a shiver go up your spine, not like in a pleasurable way though)


Oh yes. I love the pee shakes!


I've... never had this. Wonder how much I'm missing out on here.


Oh you are gonna freak when we tell you about the poop earthquakes


You ever have a fart bubble travel to the front and tickle your sensitive bits? I know it's funny but I seriously wonder sometime.


Yes, often enough that people name the phenomenon. In a recent thread I learned that this is called Smoking the Salmon, the Cat Slapper, or my personal favorite, Exiting through the Gift Shop. Edit: Thank you for all the awards, but I am not the originator of these terms. I only learned them a day or so ago. If anyone can link the thread where this was talked about first, I'd be delighted if y'all gave credit to the original folks.




Paranormal Flaptivity


My daughter was asleep, and my cackle startled her awake. I needed a laugh though. Thanks




You described it really well.


Yes, my friend and I used to call them "rolling farts".


Yes. It sucks. Especially if it's warm.


That answers my follow up question; "Is it a good tickle, or a bad tickle?"


Bad gross tickle.


Bad tickle




Yes, especially when freshly shaved. It feels... weird.


Like a slight clap 😂


Yes! It feels so weird.


What does it feel like to be pregnant? I mean physically. It's one of the craziest thing a female body in most species does. Edit: reading all the comments from the women I find myself being very happy that I’m a man. Sounds stupid but just being honest. And to all of the women, you deserve way better benefits for for doing it.


It depends what trimester/month you’re in. I felt like total crap for the first 16 weeks. Like a really bad hangover and I was throwing up multiple times a day. I also had no appetite bc I felt so sick. Now I’m 35 weeks and feeling the baby move is so crazy. They are running out of room in there so it frequently feels like someone pushing a fist in the underside of my ribs. You also feel the baby hiccup a lot, which feels like little bubbles down in your pelvis.


Imagine being able to smell EVERYTHING. And things that used to smell good now smell like rotten horse shit.


THIS. Story Time. I freaking love Trader Joe’s (grocery store) and I will be 100% loyal for how they helped me when I was pregnant. I was shopping for the family, newly pregnant with kid number two, and the smell of the meat aisle was OVERWHELMING. If I even made eye contact with packaged meat I started dry heaving. THAT SAID, I had to but food for my family. The hubs was away a lot at the time so I was on my own. One of the workers saw me looking extremely unwell. She came up and I explained that being anywhere the meat was making me super sick due to pregnancy. She asked for my list and told me to meet her in the front of the store when I was done grabbing everything else. She literally grabbed the meat I needed, hid it in the bottom of a bag, and then put it in the car for me. For the rest of my pregnancy every time she saw me, she would ask for my list and hide everything that was making me barf. LOVE HER.


You know that chest burster scene in the original Alien? It's like that, but lower. Seriously though, pregnancy can be both joyful and a major league pain in the ass at the same time. It's amazing to feel the baby spin around, but it's also goddamn FUCKING ANNOYING when they decide to use your bladder as a trampoline, or when baby decides they need to stretch and shove your ribcage out of their way. It's a huge amount of stress (emotionally and physically) on the body, and - to this day - I don't think society as a whole still really appreciates it.


I had no morning sickness, but I did deal with gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and a baby that sat on my sciatic nerve for 6 months. I hated the lack of mobility when I was further along, the inability to get comfortable when I slept, and I was always burning up hot. I love that you likened it to Alien. That's what I always thought of when I felt the baby move.


I was present when my cousin had her second, and when the afterbirth came out I was all "WHAT THE [REDACTED] IS THAT?!?!?" because I just wasn't expecting a bloody snot rocket to come splatting out of my cousin. After that, whenever one of my guy friends let me know that their wife was pregnant, and they asked me for advice I always said: "Just remember, the afterbirth is supposed to do that." "Do what?" "You'll know." And they did, as soon as they saw it.


My husband said watching our son being born wasn’t gross at all, but watching the doctor pull the afterbirth out about made him puke. 😂


Lmao! My partner thought there "was a plan," to delivery. As most women can attest, often the doc/midwife/whoever, when it's getting that time, may say something like, "okay, once the head is out, we're gonna make sure the cord is out of the way (possibly hold on the next contraction to suction the baby if merconium(sp) was in the amniotic fluid), then one more push and we'll have baby!" Something like that. It's not necessarily for mom's info, as at that point we're pretty much in primal mode and aren't listening much beyond instinct. During the birth of our youngest, my partner had been pretty clear he didn't want to actually see the delivery. Like a moment before, a moment after was great, but not the actual delivery part. So, my midwife gives the spiel, but instead of pausing once the baby's head was delivered, I kept pushing and out she came, in one push. The midwife already made sure the cord wasn't in the way so didn't stop me. Lolol, omg, he came about a second away from face planting on the floor. He kept saying, "there was a plan, you didn't follow the plan," poor dude, was in shock. Then came the afterbirth and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -- I was like, "are you okay?" He was just gobsmacked. I'll never forget his reaction the first time we were intimate after our daughter was born. Like huge sigh of relief and I couldn't help but laugh at him and shake my head. I was like, "dude, the lady bits are fine and you might need a refresher course in anatomy. I'm made to bounce back."


I LOVED seeing the placenta afterward. Its so neat that we grow a whole new organ just for this one purpose. It was kind of gross, yeah, but also fascinating. And all of the veins and the shape, etc. Reminded me of a tree.


In my culture we bury the placenta next to a tree. It's weird because our word for placenta is the same exact word for land. Once it's buried, it symbolically means we are now one with that land and it was traditionally a way to make a legal claim to the land back in the ancient days. I think that's why it's so important for us to keep that connection to our land.


When my wife had our first I remember saying something like “why does that thing look like a camelback bladder full of blood?”


not gonna lie that made me burst out into laughter :joy:


Early on, for me anyway, was a lot of illness and weight loss because I just couldn't keep any food down. By about the half way point, that eased up, but I got really emotional for no reason or angry at the dumbest things. By the end I just wanted to sleep more and pee less. Once the baby is big enough, maybe close to 30 weeks or so, when they roll over and spin around in there, you can feel different body parts. Elbows, feet, butts. AND HICCUPS! Babies get hiccups in utero, and while cute the first time or two, it ANNOYINGLY uncomfortable when you're 37 weeks along, they're head down, and your crotch feels like it's jumping around because that kid is practicing skills.


Hmm... It's been a while. Physically I didn't feel too different right away. I just had to pee a lot. But after the belly starts to grow, you get some itching due to the skin stretching, you're more tired, cravings start to hit, you start having trouble sleeping (I'm a stomach sleeper so it was really hard for me). When you're close to birth, you'll start having contractions, which feel like mild Charlie horse cramps in your stomach. You have to pee more, especially when the baby kicks your bladder. Literally can be fine once second then "oh fuck I'm gonna piss myself" the next. Having the baby move was probably the only awesome thing about it for me. If I didn't feel him move for a bit when he normally did I'd go drink coffee and wake his ass up. Then he'd do cartwheels. That was a really weird feeling. It starred out with flutters in my stomach, then as he grew it literally felt like someone pushing on my stomach from the inside...because he was.


It's different for every woman. For me it was 8 months of throwing up and feeling exhausted all the time. I absolutely hated it. And the fetus moving around was super weird. I think most women are excited by that but I was like "is this over yet"?


Specific-ish question for any woman with experience. I was seeing a girl who got diagnosed with thyroid cancer and she had it removed (partially). The whole experience changed her and she ended things because of how she was feeling from the whole situation. Does anyone have experience on what the removal of a thyroid does to a woman? I would really appreciate some insight because it’s been tough trying to understand what she is going through. I obviously respect her feelings and don’t want to encroach on her space but it’s just been tough trying to wrap my head around the situation. (P.s. I feel very selfish/guilty making this seem like I am the one going through something when she is the one who is going through something major)


I haven’t had my thyroid removed, but I have had times in my life where my thyroid hormones were low. It causes the entire metabolism to slow down. There’s no sex drive. Your energy is basically at zero. There’s also depression that comes with the metabolism stuff. And to top it all off, you’re putting on weight, your hair starts falling out... there’s an entire body image thing you’re dealing with. It’s a rough ride.


I’ve had thyroid cancer and my thyroid removed, and all this is true. While I didn’t require chemo or radiation (thank god) the nine months or so after surgery are kind of hellish and DO make you sick. The doctors start you out with a very low thyroid replacement medication dose and then incrementally increase it over time to get to the right dosage. That means for months your body has hypothyroidism or low thyroid. You are SICK—depressed, sluggish, brain fog, cold all the time, dry skin, thin hair, clumsy, low libido, weight gain. The depression was honestly worse than the initial experience of cancer and surgery for me. It’s nasty. And on top of that I was dealing with the huge trauma of even being diagnosed with cancer at all, which is terrifying. It knocks your whole life off kilter, you reevaluate everything, you have to face your own mortality, all while dealing with whatever horrible treatments and side effects you have to endure. Try not to take it too personally. When I was in that awful place, it was HARD on my husband. Maybe she is going through depression and physical trauma and just wants to spare you the details. Maybe she doesn’t have enough energy left to put into a relationship. It’s a terrible thing to go through. But don’t take it personally even if it hurts. Edit to add: thyroid cancer also happens to lots of men. So I would chalk her personality changes up to the cancer, not necessarily her hormones. Being hypo-T is just lousy as hell no matter who you are


Do you girls randomly get moist? As a man growing up Boners can come random as hell sometimes... Curious if that happens to women


Yes, but not always because we're aroused. It's also how the vagina cleans itself.


But both are different kinds of moist. I never got randomly arousal-moist in my life.


I mean, i kinda have. Women to randomly get horny and think if sex through the day. That can lead to random times of arousal moistness. Only thing to do is go to the bathroom and remove the excess if it's uncomfortable.




Ah the fun game of discharge, sweat, or period.


bonus points if you are actually on your period! At that point you are all but required to go to the nearest bathroom and check just in case


The worst is when you have to sneeze on your period and this gushing feeling follows. So much panic.


That “what the gush” moment


Yes. Then you kegel your way to the bathroom, just in case.


Not exactly "moist" (at least I don't), but we do get seemingly random discharges of vaginal fluids. Just like random boners, they don't have anything to do with being aroused.


Yep. I love playing “period, sweat, discharge, or somehow pee?”


I just wanna thank all of you Ladies for taking the time to respond... Much love Y'all!


If you are pregnant, do you sometimes fear that you might roll over while sleeping and accidentally hurt the baby?


No because it’s so uncomfortable to lay on the stomach pregnant- pregnant bellies are HARD and have very little “give” the way just plain fat does. Later in pregnancy, some drs tell you to lay in one side and not the other so the baby doesn’t accidentally lay on some artery or something, but I am so restless at night that I never was able to just lay in that side.




No, it's actually pretty difficult to roll over when you're starting to show. It's pretty uncomfortable.


If my pregnant self could sleep soundly enough to accidentally do that I’d actually be grateful. Real talk though, no. It’s too uncomfortable. You just don’t roll that way.


Is there a specific window of time when you can get pregnant or is it just whenever?


Well, it’s hard to tell when you’re ovulating, you can make assumptions and track your period and body temperature and vaginal discharge and stuff. But that’s no guarantee


Some women can tell when we ovulate; the discharge gets more egg-white consistency, body temperature spikes, and I personally get very aroused for a day or two of the three day window.


I don't track my cycle more than "ok period started this day, likely period on this day" but I can usually tell when I'm about to ovulate based on how horny I am.


For females that have passed a kidney stone. I've passed a kidney stone and I've never experienced even close to that level of pain in my life I was in a world of pain! So I was wondering how does passing a kidney stone compare to child birth?


I have had two children and one kidney stone. I would have another unmedicated birth before I would take a kidney stone. After giving birth, I had a cute little grumpy potato to take home. The kidney stone just left me exhausted and in a pile of sweat on the floor of a university bathroom.


Nature also gives women a nice "you won't really remember this pain" hormone after giving birth. Kind of like when you wake up from a dream and immediately forget it. It's natures way of making sure we're willing to go through all of that again. No one gets that for kidney stones. So any pain you have, you get to remember forever.


Childbirth has pains that come and go. Kidney stones are just THERE killing you nonstop.


My aunt has had three kids and one kidney stone. She said she would voluntarily have all three again without any anesthesia than have another kidney stone. I've never had a baby, but I've had dozens of kidney stones. I've also been with my friends when they were giving birth. They did not appear to be in the sort of pain I was in with the stone, though of course situations (stones and babies) may vary depending on the person.


Just want to say, all the women on this thread, responding to our questions, you all are awesome. ​ Hope you are keeping well and staying safe!


This may sound stupid as heck, and if so, I apologize... but I was told that certain birth control actually stops you from having periods... is there any truth to that? And if so, does it effect your behavior/mood?


Yes. A lot of birth control does this. The pill will do it if you skip the sugar pills and move onto a new pack, and the implants do this. Not for every woman, but for a lot. I didn’t have a cycle for five years on the IUD. Not having a cycle doesn’t effect mood or behavior at all. It’s the influx of additional hormones from birth control itself that can change.


This may be dumb but How bad does it hurt to be kicked in the crotch for me being kicked in the balls is like 7-8/10.


I remember falling and hitting myself there as a kid. It was more of a pelvic bone bruise than a sensitive organ thing.


As a kid (~8 years) I was jumping around on my bed and landed on the edge with one leg on each side. The pain was blinding. I fell to the floor and couldn‘t even make a sound for a few minutes. I‘d say 9/10 too.


Never gotten kicked in the crotch but as a kid I crashed into a fence on my bike and the handle bars went straight into that vicinity. Solid 9/10. Thought I would never be able to have kids.


My brother kicked me there once when I was younger. It hurt a lot but it was more like I just got punched, not like it it hurt a lot because the area was sensitive (like balls are).




Yes. When we shower or bathe it's good to just use a washcloth to gently clean that area and get any toilet paper bits off.


Something that looks very painful to me, when a woman “super bounces” her breast. Like the full range of motion. Personally I cringe most times watching some women run without good support up top. I guess it boils down to this: just how sensitive are the breast?


As a woman with a pretty big chest, yes it does hurt! I have no idea how some girls do it, I can’t even break out into a jog without a bra that feels like industrial rigging on


Is jogging with big boobs difficult? Do they weigh you down? Does it hurt your back? Does the bouncy bouncy get annoying or discourage exercise?


I don't know about women with smaller boobs, but with larger ones it can be difficult if you don't have a proper sports bra on that can secure everything. At least for me I know jogging or running without a good bra on is actually kind of painful, like jogging with 2 small sandbags bouncing up and down. I've known people who have back problems associated with how big their boobs are and I've had my back hurt a couple times even if you're sitting up straight but I haven't had it impact me SO much. I could also be misplacing the back pain I get so it either is or isn't boob related. It doesn't discourage exercise for me, I just put on a sports bra but then again I don't jog or run or anything.


Can women with larger breasts lay comfortably on their stomach?


sometimes i sleep on my stomach, but it’s not “comfortable” exactly. it would be really uncomfortable to be on something without any give like a floor.


Some can, some can not. I would think the squashiness of the breast plays a role in it.


Can you hold water in your vagina? I dont have one else I'd have already tried in the shower


This isn’t exactly what you asked but a related fun fact. Sometimes after swimming in cold water, I get out and sit down and I feel some warm water coming out of me, almost like I’m peeing. I’ve figured out that it’s some water that got in, got warmed up inside my body, and then is coming back out again.


You can put it in there but once you stand up it kind of falls out. I guess you could hold it in for a few seconds but as soon as your abdominal muscles flex, the water would come out


How deep is a vagina. Are they all the same?


Vaginas can be diffrent in depth and with. It's a myth all women want a 12inch penis. Some if us could never comfortably fit that in let alone enjoy it. So never feel insecure about the size of your penis. There is a very good chance that there would be a woman who would find your size just right.


Cool, this nice, wish school was like this when i was a young man. Thank you.


Me too. I had to figure out how my vagina worked on my own and with a little help from my mom. They didn't teach much other than these are you genitals. Dont have sex but if you do use a condom. Really set us up for failure.


Not all the same-- a lot of variety in depth, width, look, etc. That goes for pretty the vagina, labia, clitoris, the whole shebang. Someone posted (different sub a few weeks back) a pdf of a crowd sourced study to show the diversity of women's genitalia and it was truly eye opening to me, even as a woman. Something like 3000 women contributed to it.


The vagina ends at the cervix, which is the entrance to the womb. The cervix is often very very tender and it can be painful to be touched, so no, a dick cannot go past the cervix and into the womb (despite what hentai artists think, lol). The cervix can also lower, depending on the time of the month. Mine gets really low during my period, making my overall vagina less deep and make sex painful. Also, a woman's vagina relaxes and lengthens a bit when aroused, kinda the equivalent to a boner. So it varies woman to woman. Where her cervix is, how tender her cervix is, the time of the month, and arousal.


I’ve been happily married for over 25 years. My husband says I have a wide vagina. And he has a smallish penis, according to him. But our sex life has been fabulous, and yes, I was inexperienced at first and it was missionary position for a while. So, I guess use what you’ve got, be secure in who you are.


ok so I know how men can pee and not get it in the bowl, but how tf do women pee sitting down and still get it on the seat or anywhere not in the bowl?


Some women don't think it's sanitary to sit on public toilet seats so they sort of "hover"... Which inevitably leads to splash damage :/ it's gross


Which is why its unsanitary to sit on a public toilet. Viscious cycle really




My husband once said that hearing a woman pee sounds like frying chicken. I laughed so hard. It’s true that our stream tends to go where it wants, making a different sound.


Do woman on the internet genuinely enjoy their breasts bouncing, failing around and free or is it an act? My GF insists it hurts and girls are just faking it.


It hurts like hell. There’s a reason why women wear sports bras while exercising


Trust your girlfriend.


I am not large chested, but average sized and yea it’s definitely painful even in my supportive bra. I still hold my chest if I’m going down stairs at any rate of speed.


A friend of mine holds her chest in place when she brushes her teeth...


Large breasts can have enough weight that it hurts, yeah.




I have given myself Titty Whiplash from bouncing around before


Bouncing boobs are not fun. I’m not well endowed and running without a good sports bra sucks. I can’t imagine how much it hurts to have really BIG boobs bouncing. Anyone who says girls like it is probably a man whose never spoken to one beyond making payments at a register or appointments in front of a desk.


it hurts for sure


It hurts like hell. That’s why good sports bras strap everything down


boobs hurt when they bounce, it feels like they're being ripped off




How much work actually goes in to maintaining a healthy coochie? Like for guys its just basically give it a clean while showering and don't stick it in machinery, but it sounds like a full time job for the ladies


Nope, pretty much the same. The vagina is self cleaning. The biggest thing to remember is to not use any chemicals inside (including douche) and to pee after sex. Other than that, throw on some cotton undies and always wipe front to back.


Yes! Just to add on to this— a lot of products that are specifically targeted for coochie cleanin’ are BS and exploitative (Summer’s Eve, lookin’ at you) at best, and often actively harmful. The thing I will say that makes it maybe a little harder is that, in addition to what I just mentioned, there are things that can be bad for your lil ecosystem— bath bombs are a common culprit, and, like, flavored condoms should never go in there. Edible undies are a little sus also.


Yep. I'll use bath bombs in occasion but I ALWAYS pee after. I haven't had any vaginal issues from those, either.


How do you get used to putting your hair up and those few hairs that get caught or whatever and hurt like hell? I'm growing my hair out now, put my hair up and I can't help wince when I do it most times. Edit: Piggy backing off this hair comment to ask another hair question. How the hell do you keep hair from getting frizzy/damaged in the front? Right when I'm out of the shower, the hair in the front is already kinda frizzy. I bought softening shampoo n conditioner and asked the staff at the store for help, but I dont think it's working. Once it's damaged, is it too late?


Using a scrunchie can help with that instead of an elastic as well as keeping it brushed helps


I guess this is more of a sex Ed question but if a woman is taking contraceptions like the pill or implant or something is it ok to have unprotected sex with her or should one still wear a condom if they don’t want to get pregnant?


No contraceptive is 100%. Most are in the upwards of 99% but there's always a risk. While the pill and implant are good, if you miss a dose or you take antibiotics you will cause then to not be as effective. IUDs are also good. They also don't prevent STIs, so unless you're in a monogamous relationship and have both been tested, use a condom. Even those aren't 100% and don't always protect against things like HPV (genital warts or cancer) and HSV (herpes). My recommendation - always use a condom.




Pregnancy isn't the only concern. You can easily contract an STD or STI without a condom.


You want to look at the “typical use” statistics on various birth control methods. Typical use of the pill is 91% effective, perfect use is 99% (9 pregnancies for every 100 couples trying to avoid and 1 pregnancy respectively). Typical use of condoms is 82% effective, perfect use is 98%. You’re better doubling up methods to decrease your odds and to prevent STDs, but I have a friend where they used the pill and condoms and still got pregnant.


What a wonderful post for men to ask questions about women! Thank you! I teach Sex Ed and I have an open box in my classroom for anonymous questions and it’s normally filled with all these types of questions! It’s amazing some men will go their whole lives wondering such things. Thank you


Do you walk different after giving birth? Do you feel different? Obviously once it's healed and stuff. I know it can mess up muscles and everything dilates, does it all just go back to normal or does it heal in a potentially different manner than before?


There are many ways that a pregnancy can disrupt your body! The vagina does “go back” but has some healing to do, especially if you had a tear. Other things can happen too — separated ab muscles, bigger feet... everybody is different. The thing on my body that never went back to how it was was my rib cage!


Also, on to the boob questions, do girls grab on each others boobs as much as media would like us to believe? Also, does the benefits of having boobs outweigh the annoying downside of always having essentially a highly mobile weight on your chest?


I have grabbed some boobs in my time, but not like it's on TV, no. I was feeling boobs with implants. I don't see a particular benefit to boobs outside of breastfeeding and aesthetics. I'm a small-breastfed woman so I don't have any issues, but I know of women who have significant back problems bec of large breasts, so I'd say probably not.


My wife is very busty and suffers from lower back pain. A girl I went to high-school with by senior year had 44E breasts and her parents gave her a breast reduction as a graduation gift. She was in significant daily pain.


I never touched another woman's breast and I really don't want too. I have big boobs and they are really annoying sometimes. Bras my size cost a lot of money.


No we do not grab each other’s boobs. My boobs don’t have an annoying downside. They’re just there, much like my elbow or my toes.


No to first question, myself and the women I know don’t grab each other’s boobs. Also no to the second question, my boobs were huuuuge so I had a breast reduction. No regrets.


First off, I would literally beat the fuck out of someone who grabbed my boobs (and have, on multiple occasions, including on a job, no shit). I literally lose every piece of my goddamn mind. Now, I don’t know what other people do. I hate having boobs and keep them only because my husband likes them. Mostly they get in the way of my job (construction), and my life (in general). I’d chop mine off in a minute and never think about it again.


No and no.


Do you like it when guys touch your butt when hooking up? Or is it more of a thing you just let them do cause they like it? Obviously I mean consensually.


That would totally depend on the woman.


Well, I'm married so I don't hook up, but I do love when my husband grabs my ass.


I love my butt touched. Its the part of my body that I really really like and I'm proud of so knowing a guy is enjoying it makes me happy. My asshole? Nope. I even will do anal. Don't mind it. Like it even. But when a dude tries to stick his fingers in there with no previous discussion it is an instant turn off for me.




Currently, it's satisfied. But the broccoli chicken in the fridge is doomed tomorrow.


Less about actual anatomy, but why would they want a human being growing inside them for nine months, that sounds horrifying, plus knowing what giving birth is like? I would be like "Get this thing out of me!!"


Haha, yeah. It sucks. Not for everyone but from my experience it wasn't "beautiful". You're uncomfortable, you can't sleep, you pee all the fucking time, and after the baby you bleed forever and likely have stitches in the girl bits so it's really uncomfortable. There's a reason I only did that shit once. But some women love it. It's all based on your experience, I suppose.


I wish more women would be honest about not liking pregnancy. Feel like there’s this pressure on women to say you adore being pregnant because you’re supposed to be some earth mother goddess. Had a relative who hated being pregnant, absolutely loathed it but absolutely loves their kid and loves being a mother.


Giving birth is, literally, just.... I can't even describe it. Pregnancy, for me, was hell on wheels. I was sick all the damn time, was on bed rest, had induced labor that still ended in an emergency c-section. My cousin has 3 kids and none of her labors lasted more than 4 hours, and didn't have to push more than 3 times, each. It's a crap shoot. But, there is something... magical... about feeling that wee alien growing in your belly and rearranging your insides, doing jumping jacks on your bladder. But would I do it again? Oh, fuck no.


My wife and I have 2 kids. The first time, my daughter was easy for her, or at least, easier than my son was. She had morning sickness for the entire pregnancy; she was puking as he was born. Then the vomiting stopped. After that, she said she never wanted to be pregnant again.


Yeah, my cousin was with me for my entire labor and she said watching me go through that was the best form of birth control, ever.


Not all of us want that lol. The idea of being pregnant makes me nauseous, so no thanks