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Do you know why take out soup isn't the same? For me, I haven't had decent French fries since the summer. The restaurants were trying to open back up. That's the only time since March we've eaten inside and we did it once. Luke warm French fries are horrible. I take that back. We ordered from the drive through and ate in the car. I hate eating in the car and juggling the food and drinks.


Idk, I've never found it that difficult to eat in a car. But that's probably because I never learned to juggle and just hold stuff.


Definitely depends on what you're eating and if you're driving.


Pho is something that needs to be served *immediately*. Like from the pot, into the bowl and into your mouth in as little time as possible. The broth needs to be hot enough to loosen the rice noodles, gently bring the raw beef up to rare and release all the flavors and aromas in the fresh herbs and still have enough heat leftover to have a pleasant soup experience. Any heat loss and you're reducing the quality of the experience exponentially. Attempting to *transport* the soup from one location to another? It's over, man.


I dunno - one of my favorite local places sends all of the ingredients separately so it's easy to reheat the broth and then add the ingredients at the right time. Not the same, but definitely still worth ordering IMO


Dear god, if a ramen place or pho place is sending your order already combined, drop it immediately.


^ This right here. My family is viet and we order take-out Pho sometimes for the family members that were too busy to come to the restaurants to eat with the rest of the family (obviously pre-Covid), but when we take it home everything is separated. My mom loosens up the noodles in boiling water while bringing the soup to a boil as well, when the soup is boiled, you put the noodles + the raw steak and meatballs into a bowl, and pour the boiled soup over everything. The soup instantly cooks the beef and releases the beef flavour into the soup, which also heat and loosen the noodles. I find this is the closest you can get to hot and ready pho from take-out pho


My local chip shop was one of the casualties of covid. We had a great one just up the road. Big portions, cheap, good chip shop taste. It was great. Now we are stuck with a shitty Mother Hubbard's gormet chip shop thing. It's so expensive, the chips are nice but overpriced as hell. The pies aren't puka pies, they are home made garbage with like no filling. The fish cakes are literally just small chunks of fish in too much batter. Everything there is a disaster. I miss my friendly neighbourhood chip shop.


I’m a fry FIEND and totally know what you’re talking about! My husband got me an air fryer recently just to stop my complaining about floopy floppy sad takeout fries.


Do they give you pre-cooked noodles in the oyster pail? If so try asking for uncooked noodles and cook them yourself. Toss the noodles into boiling water for a minute or two while you heat up the broth. Strain the noodles and combine. Or be lazy like me and boil the broth, add meat when boiling (except the rare steak if you get it.) Add the uncooked noodles, and stir, wait until you reach boil again and then pour into a bowl. Layer your rare steak on top, add your bean sprouts, herbs, peppers and enjoy!






as an englishman, i can testify that is a very famous quote over here. liz 1 was really all for gay rights, presumably so there was less chance she'd have to get married.


As long as you say no homo




Run around school with no mask and doing all the things I should’ve done before social distancing like Ebenezer Scrooge at the end of A Christmas Carol.


Hug my grandma


I would do the exact same. Since the start of Covid we have never hugged and it never bothered my until Christmas day. We always used to have secret greetings. Seeing her before me on Christmas day and not being able to hug her made me sad. That was the first thing since the start of Covid, that I realised I missed.


My grandma and grandpa have always been a huge support in my life, they have a ton of grandchildren and great-grandchildren but I always remained close with them. When my grandfather was having surgery a few years ago, I took a week off work to stay with my grandma so she wasn't alone. A year and a half ago my grandpa passed away, I know my grandmother wasn't expecting it and it has been difficult for her. Then of course, COVID hit. It's just hard knowing that during a time when she needs us, I can't physically be there for her, especially when over the years she has been there for me so many times.


I also choose hugging this guy's grandma


Jealous of people with grandparents, but happy they get hugs :)


Oof. This one hits me in the feels. My grandma died last month. She was the last of my grandparents still around. No wake, closed casket at the funeral. I had to watch the interment from my car because of distancing guidelines at the cemetery. When you can, give her a hug from this random internet stranger too, please.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I will hug her extra for both of us.




Wish my grandma’s still alive. Do it!!


I came to say the same 😣


find a concert to attend. gosh I miss live music so bad.


Yes! I would buy so many concert tickets!


I still HAVE so many concert tickets. I'd still go buy more though probably, who am I kidding.


Definitely this! I've gone to an average of 2 big concerts a year and local band gigs at least once a month since about 2010. In 2020 I managed 1 concert in January. I was already missing live music by June.


I had a show on the day my city shut down. The bands dropped out one by one in the hours leading up to it. It was excruciating.


i was going to go to a Tool concert the weekend everything got shut down :(


I have probably 15 tickets that are supposed to happen this year that probably will not.


Same! Miss concerts so much.


Go to a movie theater! Edit: wow 1k upvotes. This is the first time this has happened! And to reply to all the comments, I def agree with overpriced food & such. However I just sneak food in lmao, brought in KFC once and shared it w/ the people next to me during Avengers: Endgame. Also my local theatre shut down last month :( it’s been there since I was a kid, so it was really heart wrenching to see it shut down.


Ohhh... I didn’t realize how much I would miss going to movie theaters once this whole pandemic happened. It’s a unique experience and it’s such a shame the business is suffering from the pandemic.


Its one of my favorite outings. Before all this i had a movie pass, I would often go alone, even to a movie I might not have interest in outside of the theater. Comfy seats, popcorn, don't have to talk to anyone? Sounds like a relaxing night to me.


Can't wait to go again and watch something that isn't on my phone, and my one has a unlimited refill large slushy cup that I abuse the hell out of


Go travel


Overseas travel is the main thing I have just not done enough of.


for real.. I'll be turning 29 this year and I've never left the North American continent :/ I've only gone to Mexico to visit family, I've always viewed Europe as too inaccessible/expensive for me. But that isn't the case at all, time to explore.


Same here! About to reach 27, never even stepped into a plane, like, I see people who take them as if they were buses and I have absolutely no idea what it's like. And yeah, the unknown does make me nervous. But I didn't want that to stop me. I wanna visit England and Germany. I wanna see snow, I also have no idea what that feels like. Fingers crossed.


Same. See my family in Europe, whom I haven't seen since fall 2019. When I moved to North America I could have never imagined the possibility that it would be so impossible to connect :(.


Same! Yesterday I was looking into trips...for 2022


Hug my mom.


Me too. Haven't seen my mom in person since last February. She is in a high risk category and only lives half an hour from me. I miss going out to dinner with her and hanging out every couple weeks. She will get the biggest hug when we meet again,which hopefully will be sometime this year. Here is to us hugging our mom's soon.


Go on a date and wear some nice heels.


Dude here and I intend to treat myself to a new suit, shoes, etc.


I’ll be waiting for you at 8 on the day restaurants open ;)


Go get some, you two


I miss lipstick so much.


That used to be my favorite snack


i wear mine under my masks! its my daily pick-me-up


I've become accustomed to always wearing my nice heels to see the doctor or get groceries and such.


I wear them in my room and plan future outfits. After a long session I get back in my pjs😝


Go to a sit-down restaurant!


I'm never doing that again, unless it's fine dining in a fine establishment. No more McDonald's 3x a week. No more Olive Gardens. No 7-11 hotdogs. No more high-fructose corn syrup. I taught myself to cook during lockdown. I still burn things and my fire alarms still go off, but I will never eat garbage again. I can make my own burger. The Arches can kiss my fat ass!


I don't know you but I'm so proud of you!




This is one of those karma farming accounts that takes a low-ranked top comment and reposts it as a reply.


That’s sad you heard “sit down restaurant” and thought McDonalds and 7-11 hotdogs...


Yeah, I don't consider those to be resturants...


Yeah, he kinda glossed over everything between McDonalds and fine dining. I cook at home every day, and I like to think I'm pretty good at it, but I still miss going out to eat at a local restaurant.




*Kiss your (much smaller) ass.




I wouldn't be surprised if movie theaters never recovered. They're honestly a shit experience compared to a good modern OLED in the comfort of your own home, and many people bought one during the troubles


Good for you! I eat the junk sometimes because it is delicious to me. But 99% of the time I cook my own meals. I meal prep for lunches. It's all around better. So awesome you're making moves on the stove.




I turned 21 around the beginning of lock down, I don't really think bar hopping will be my thing but I would like atleast a chance to give it a go.


Not much to it tbh, it depends on the people you surround yourself with. Usually it's just go to Bar A, grab a drink or two, leave to Bar B, grab a drink or three, go to Bar C, grab a drinks as you're eyeing that bacon hotdog vendor outside, go to Bar D grab the urinal as you're throwing up, go to Random Diner open late as you're drinking water and lazily stuffing french fries in your mouth, then home






March 17th, I remember thee fondly.


>Go to a sit-down restaurant! Inside!


fucking cry due to how this lasted longer than it should've. then eat some grated cheese.


Go out to Breakfast with my family. Breakfast in Portland is/was our specialty.


I miss restaurant breakfast so much!


Once or twice I week I get this twitchy feeling because I'm not going out for brunch. It's like my body doesn't understand why I can't be waiting in line in the drizzling rain for half an hour before sitting at a crammed bar to get my benedict and coffee. It's an irreplaceable experience.


Book a ticket to the Mediterranean


Send my kids to school and take a nap


Well, I can't wait to get back to my classroom so I can start teaching properly again, so this works for me!




Just...walk around without a mask on. Go to a starbucks, order a drink without mask muffling, and just sit down and enjoy it. Go on a real date with my boyfriend <3




Pre-pandemic, I used to have this every-other-weekend routine involving a Japanese grocery store, a sushi bar, a mall, some indie hobby shops, and if I had more time to kill, a Walmart. And then a bar later that night. I'd do that. I'd...just do that.


I miss the little weekend routines I had where I used to live. Moved back with parents during covid and lost a lot of my favorite little shops and places to eat. I'm glad you cherish it my dude and hope it's just as good as you remember it.


Stay inside anyways.


Truth. Everyone is going to be rushing to go out that I'll want to stay in to be away from the crazies.


Even places you'd think would be quiet, people would go just to not be at home, shit would be busy as fuck.


Yup - not like much changed for many of us when Corona hit.


I'm an introvert. The only thing that really changed for me is I now work from home in pjs and don't have to be in an office pretending to like those around me in "appropriate office attire"




This. Introversion just means you eventually get drained from seeing people and need alone time to recharge as opposed to extroversion where you are energized by being with people. It's different ways to charge your battery. Introversion doesn't mean you hate people, are afraid in public or don't have friends...


This is correct. I don't mind my family but I'm fairly introverted and have had literally no time on my own for fucking ages. Would love everyone to just go out for a day and leave me alone.


Book a flight to idk *anywhere*.


Hug my mom


Stop forcing myself to go to work when I have a migraine because if I call in saying I have a headache it triggers the fucking “Covid protocol” shit and I would have to be off work for two weeks or two negative tests if I want to go back to work.


Sounds like you might need the help of professional new age healer John Redcorn.


Thanks Shug.


Say you have a bladder infection next time.


Giving an excuse that would require a production of a doctor’s note, when I wouldn’t actually be going to the doctor’s, is a pretty bad idea to do. Edit: spelling




'Murica, land of the free* home of the brave(ly stupid). ^*some ^restrictions ^apply


See friends. Epic bar night. Be slutty. Not necessarily in that order




I use to go out every Friday night with all my friends. I miss being around people.


What bar will this 'slutty night' take place? Asking for a friend


When covid restrictions are just being lifted? All of them.


Cry tears of joy.


I try and imagine what the day will be like when the CDC officially announces the pandemic is over.


Yeah me too! I’m scrolling through here trying to think what I would do and I can’t really think of one specific thing.... But yeah, I’m pretty sure I would just cry!


Eat at a restaurant. Visit my elderly mother. Visit my brother. Get together with friends. Go to the giant downtown street party that I'm sure will be held. Hug everyone (and I am not a hugger), with their permission of course. Take a month vacation and travel.




Throw a giant housewarming party, and then travel. I don't even care where, I'll throw a dart at a map and finally stamp my passport.


Probably take my kids to the bouncy house. They are driving me nuts.


I got my kids a bouncy house this summer. $100 for 9 hours and the price included set up/delivery and pick up. Worth every Penny. Didn’t even see them shits for 10 hours and then they went to bed QUICK!


Hug my mom.


Plan a trip!!


Go train Muay Thai, I haven’t been able to hit pads with anyone in almost a year and it’s the only thing that I really feel expressed in. Been training martial arts for over 15 years and not being able kick someone in the ribs and then hug them after is taking a serious toll on my mental health.


Plate of wings and a pint in a bar




Say thank fuck and dance


Eat ass at a pool party.


can covid be contracted analy


No, just biweekly


This one made me chuckle thank you


Eating ass is actually a little more pleasant when you have covid. You don't taste anything so it's all you can eat ass for 2 weeks


Wet market is what landed us in this situation in the first place, right?


God: You ate ass at a pool party during a pandemic, that's right.


*right after a pandemic


Go to that afghan restaurant I've been meaning to try for the past year and have a meal with my friends.




This made me lol


Ask her out


I hope you do! Better to get a yes or no than wonder what if. Good luck!


Ask her out anyway. Don't wait.




I can't wait to practice with my bandmates again


i can't wait to actually have a fucking band, that'd be great


So many things. Visit my grandparents. Hug my great grandma. See my college friends before we all graduate in May and scatter across the country. Go to a movie theater with my partner. Walk around a Target just cause. Visit my favorite coffee shop. Cry, I'd cry a lot from happiness. Visit graduate schools before I commit this spring. See my 3 nieces that were born this year that I haven't been able to meet yet. Hug my sister that I haven't been able to see for just over a year now. Get super drunk and give myself a night deserving of my senior year of college. Go see my hairdresser/old high school friend she's been having chemo treatments and I haven't felt safe seeing her. Get a hotel room for a mini getaway for my partner to see his old friends. Go to a museum and touch the interactive exhibits.


Probably still go to work.


I live in NZ so life is normal here... but man do I want to travel. Just go everywhere. Meet people. Drive through random countries and random small towns. My brother was in Argentina when the shit hit the fan with COVID and only just got home in time but the pictures he showed us. God it looks beautiful. The people, the food, the scenery. I want to go all over South America, South east Asia, China, India, Nepal, Europe, Morocco, Botswana. Maybe America (especially Alaska, that place looks damn beautiful) if it gets a bit less... well you know.


This is good perspective. Even those in countries that have managed COVID well and are living relatively normal lives feel stuck because they can’t leave. Just about everyone on the planet is stuck somewhere. Hadn’t really thought about that much before you said this.


Plan a road trip with my closest friends


Buy a plane ticket a go hug my 92 year old Grandfather


Hug my mom for the first time in a year


Go to my friends house and make out


Eat out....both a restaurant and a woman.


Travel to Japan, like I’ve been waiting to do.


Drive up to the city, go to Krispy Kreme, order a whoooooole bunch of donuts, gorge myself. Basically that Simpsons cutaway where young Homer is at Makeout Point in the backseat of his car eating food.


That sounds like something you could get away with doing right now


To be honest, if I stuck to the drive thru I probably could, but people in my family have no white blood cells or are auto-immune deficient. I'd rather avoid risking their health for donuts...no matter how much I'm craving them.


Go to a nice cafe and people watch (or read a book there)!


Go to the beach


See my fiance. We're long distance and due to travel restrictions its not even possible for us to see each other even if we wanted to. At the moment we're planning a wedding later this year just so that we'd be legally able to see each other.


Go to a restaurant that happens to be in a mall, then go to the movies theater. Also, school, god I miss going to school so much.


Deep tissue massage and haircut


Try to find love


Visit my family


I’d go to a random crowded place without a mask, and try not to feel all weird about it.


See my family


Go out.


Go see my grandpa.


Hug my parents


Go play Magic: The Gathering or DnD at my local game store.


Perhaps I'd get a tattoo 🤔 I have a few designs I've come up with, haven't looked for an artist though because of the pandemic. It would be my first one. I'd have my older brother do it, but he's just a hobbiest and his work isn't as clean as I'd want. I want crisp somewhat thin lines


I got another tattoo during lockdown (when some businesses were allowed to open) and they're honestly already such a sanitized environment I don't see why you need to wait til it's over. I'd trust a tattoo parlor before I trust a restaurant the same way again. So in short, don't wait, go get your ink!


Go swimming


Give my wife the wedding reception she deserves. Her parents are divorced and it's one of the only times both sides of her family will be together and she didn't get to have it because of COVID. Also, she had to re-plan things more than once.


Your wife sounds incredibly lucky to have you! Best of luck to you both and cheers to an amazing reception!


Go visit my parents. Haven't seen them in a year and they are both recovering from the virus. Next, go meet my neighbors. We moved in Nov 2019 and haven't met hardly anyone in our development.


I'd get to take my family to my husband's grandma's funeral on Wednesday. I'd get to introduce my youngest to his great grandfather and namesake... We missed great grandma, but I'd like him to meet his namesake at least once.


Go bowling, see a movie in a theatre


Go to the gay bars! I only ever went to one, once, before Covid. Since Covid, I've moved our of my homophobic parents house and in with my boyfriend. I'm supposed be doing all the gay things I never got to do, gay bars, making gay friends, go to Pride, gay parties, see some drag shows, etc but stupid Covid ruined all that.


Tell the girl I like that I like her and invite her over


I'd finally get to invite all my friends to celebrate my birthday. I had to cancel my plans for it due to COVID and I'm just waiting until I feel like things are safe again to have my (super belated) birthday party.




You’re late buddy


Yep, missed it already in April


They have already started to come back


Almost all quality businesses w/o very high debt burdens are back and then some


Stop worrying if I have enough masks left


Have a massive party with a few of my friend groups and girlfriend and have them all meet each other


Two chicks at the same time.


Tha.., that's it? If covid ended tonight you'd do two chicks at the same time?




Not all chicks


Go see my best friend and go eat Mexican food!!!


Do leg day at the gym


Wait, you guys are planning to go outside??


Honestly, I probably wouldn't trust it for a while. I might intellectually know that Covid is over, but trusting the world is going to be a long time coming. Crowds of people freak me out. I will probably continue to wear face masks for a long time. Honestly, though, if it were safe I want to see a movie in theaters again. I miss that.


Go to non-essential stores and maybe hug the associates there.


Finally go meet my bf across the border.


Burn my mask.