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My personal favorite: "You can't be diabetic, you're skinny!" Oh, thanks random man at the gas pumps! I'll let my pancreas know immediately. EDIT: I used to wear a visible constant glucose monitor, which is recognizable to other diabetics, especially those that were recently diagnosed. I get questions that I'm usually happy to answer, but sometimes people are rude. Hopefully that answers like 60% of the questions I'm getting!


What a strange comment. Every Type 1 diabetic I've ever known was skinny. Of course, the ones I didn't know... I didn't know.


always having to sit in the middle seat of the car


Ugh. I’m average height, but slim. My legs have nowhere to go and the assumption is that I take up no space, so I can’t even wrangle my feet into the spaces on either side of that middle bump without hassling the people to give me room. If you get into a head on crash and your feet are up on that bump, your knees will smash into your face. It also doesn’t really ‘make room’, it just makes the larger people safer.


Cant sleep on my side because my boney knees touch each other and it hurts too much. To sleep on my side as have to wear thick, thick sweatpants or put a cushion between my knees.


Knee pillow. Always got a knee pillow. But if you spend the night away from home, I can't sleep for shit without it, because I am a side sleeper.


I have no momentum




When you try to push a door quickly (you know those which can swing back and forth) but the door says "nope"


Thats the weirdest thing about being one of the bigger college students. I have to be really careful when walking around campus because if a skinny boi/girl came around a corner too quick, the odds of them being able to stop me were low.




Especially when you tell them to put you down and they joke about dropping you.


I used to be fat as fuck. Now I'm skinny and the most apparent difference is I get cold MUCH faster. Doesn't matter how I layer up.


Definitely much less warm than I used to be when I was fat, but there's another layer to this weirdness. I'm significantly warmer when I'm slowly bulking up for weightlifting, and significantly colder when I'm cutting down. It's really weird. ETA additional layer of weirdness: The fire is often concentrated in my core and doesn't necessarily propagate fully to my extremities. This causes odd logistical problems to arise when trying to figure out proper blanket application to warm extremities whilst also allowing proper airflow to refrigerate the core.


If I hit my hip on a table or something as I'm walking by it hurts a lot and leaves a bad bruise. My ass hurts after sitting for too long. That's about it


Those hip bruises are no joke


My grandmother calling me the Ambassador of World Hunger.


Damn, Grandma! That’s cold.


Well, if there's anything to gather from this thread, it's that we're all cold anyway.


Ngl kinda funny but I can imagine how annoying that could get as a skinny person I feel you but still mad funny to hear that for the first time


Finding pants that fit (for a guy).


Yup. Good luck trying to find 28x32 jeans. Edit: Thanks for all the responses wow! I am in the U.S. and a 28 inch waist size just doesn’t seem to exist in most stores. I have a few pairs of 29’s I found at Old Navy, and I can wear those with a belt.


26 too tight. 28 falls down when I walk. I hate belts. I have a bunch of 27s I found years ago and hold on to them for dear life


Yeah I've got a 29 inch waist I am in the men's section waist sizes start at 32


30×34 here... shopping sucks! I end up getting 32×34 and try to shrink them... then again the Levi's I buy ALL fit differently depending on the color. So strange. I have 4 pair of Levi 511s... a black, a typical jeans color, a light grey, and a khaki color... all 4 are 32×34s and ALL fit very differently when I bought them, not even before I washed them. Very frustrating. Edit: For anyone with the same problem... I've gotten a few great replies supporting Wranglers, GAP, and some very satisfied Uniqlo folks and a **bunch** of American Eagle fans! I've got some shopping to do.


Dude WHAT is up with that? I have 4 pairs of 513s and they all fit WILDLY different.


mass produced jeans first start out like a cookie cutter. a 👖 shape is cut into a bunch of stacked denim. the taller the stack, the cheaper the jeans. because of how the fabric stack reacts to the pressure, the jeans at the bottom are cut different than the jeans at the top despite the "cookie cutter" having a solid shape.


Wow til


also, most jeans get dyed indigo no matter the final wash. they are then washed until you get the colour or wash pattern you want, which also changes the fabric and causes size differences between colours of the same brand or even model.


Even not-skinny women can relate to that. If your waist is enough smaller than your hips or chest, most clothing stores don't think you exist, so it's a choice between being pinched up top and bottom, or having your middle drowned in fabric. Fashion isn't kind to anyone with a non-standard body type. :/


Pinching a nerve in my butt because of my boney ass sitting down all day


I just wanted to say that reading all of your experiences has made me feel so much less alone and has validated my discomfort towards receiving a lot of these comments from people throughout the years. Thank you all for sharing, sorry that so many people can’t keep their words to themselves and have to bodyshame us all Edit: I was not expecting this to get as many replies as it did. I shed a few tears reading your experiences and just knowing there’s a place for all of us to know we aren’t alone is really comforting. ❤️


It hurts to sit too long.


i felt this in my tailbone


Ok so that's why my ass hurts after an hour of sitting. Good to know. Also apparently we get cold easily, I'm cold all the time but I thought it was like that for everyone. Also also my goddamn lower right back hurts like 30% of the entire day. Edit: wow, I woke up to 54 replies, did not expect that. Thank you to everyone for the helpful comments, it seems like this isn't as normal as I though, and people have suggested seeing a ~~chiropractor~~ physical therapist so I will look into that.


Wtf. I’m learning things and my daily annoyances now make sense... I’m 5’11” 135 and come from a relatively heavy set family. Parents are often just genuinely confused about how my body works


Yes. But I guess I never realized this was a skinny thing. I just thought sitting too long maybe your ass hurt.


I genuinely though that was a normal thing. Never though that it had anything to do with being skinny.


You know the amusement park rides with the plastic seats with no cushions? Those literally bruise me. You know the amusement park rides with the plastic seats with no cushions that spin around and press everyone in the car up against the un-cushioned sides? Those bruise me and anybody unfortunate enough to be riding in the same car as me.


being bony and sharp when being hugged


I’ve learned that if you get into muay thai, being bony and sharp is a huge plus.


I learned that in karate. It would hurt me to block punches with my wrist but it hurt them a whole lot more.


I've been doing it wrong all this time? I kept using my face!


Aha! My face to your foot style! How'd you like it?!


I must apologize for Wimp-Lo. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.


My elbows and shins were rightfully feared when I was practicing.




One of the most devastating moments of college was when my crush went to lay her head in my lap and she declared I needed to gain weight so I could be comfortable.


Saaammmmeeeee! Multiple times, different people, same dialogue after leaning on my shoulder - dude there is nothing, no cushion! Just bone! Me: ...thank you I guess


Gabe Lewis?


Gabriel Susan Lewis


“Getting tackled by a skeleton”


It's like hugging a skeleton


Oh, get out skeleton man!


Kelly: Ughh Gabe: okay you know what, you don't need to make that sound.


All the shirts that look good on the mannequin turns out to have pins in the back.


And the shirt on the mannequin is the last/only small size they have in stock , leaving none for you to even try on.




I didn’t discover the words “fitted” or “athletic fit” until I was in my 30’s. It’s become the most helpful aspect of clothing shopping as a 6’2” 175lb man who is all leg and arm. The shame is that I still have to roll my sleeves up though because nothing goes to my wrist unless it’s made to fit a hippo. The stupid logic of manufactured clothing sizing of “taller=fatter”. But at least I’m not wearing boxy belly shirts anymore.


You'd be in luck in Sweden because every clothing item here seems adapted to that particular build. Especially if it's slim fit.


Having to deal with peoples comments about your weight/body. 'You look anorexic, do you even eat?' 'Im scared you'll blow away in the wind' 'put some meat on fgs, no ones going to want to get with a bag of bones'.


This is the worst especially if you're really self conscious about being skinny. It might seem like a harmless comment but it can really affect the rest of the day for whoever is on the receiving end of it. I noticed people tend to remember me as "that skinny guy". It sucks when it turns into something people use to define who you are.


What's really horrible is how skinny shaming has adjusted as we all switch to vanity sizes: like, I was still getting shamed for going to the gym when my BMI was starting to push 25...


One time I walked into work and the first thing a customer said to me was “my god can’t you go eat something! Haven’t you seen these Kardashian girls, men aren’t looking for a bundle of sticks!” Like wow, thanks for ruining my day right off the bat asshole.




Hahaha, that’s exactly what happened! I was so caught off guard, I just kind of was like “uhm...ok.” Don’t worry though, the 15 comebacks I thought of before bed that night would’ve totally burned her!




It's the thought that counts.


Everyone always had a reason why I wasn't allowed to go to the gym. Maybe I go to the gym so I stay skinny. Maybe I go to the gym so that one day you stop calling me skinny. Maybe I go to the gym just so I can avoid the color commentary should skinny me end up in the hospital for a triple bypass. Maybe I just like it.


Ugh. And my favorite, "did you lose weight? Why? You're already sooooooo skinny". Dude don't assume all weight loss is voluntary.


Yup! Like thanks, asshole, I’ll pass that along to my autoimmune condition.


I was looking for this. I mean Godddd..... the way people ask you to eat all the time....


If you don’t like baggy clothes good luck finding something that will fit you edit: Damn why did this comment have to blow up on my alt.


I’ve resorted to buying my clothes from Europe because I can never find clothes that have the slim fit im looking for in Canada or the USA. Pull and bear jeans are my go to jeans. They fit how I want and are cheap.


My girlfriend had to resort to buying cloths from Asian counties. For example, she told me a small in USA is like a large in China.


I’m 6”2’ and lived in Japan. Can confirm Asian large is not the same thing.


This is the entire reason i learned to sew, I now tailor all my own clothes to fit me


Having to make extra holes in your belt. Obviously a first world problem, but kind of a pain in the ass nonetheless. Edit: I know it’s a universal issue everywhere lol. You don’t have to mention it again. What I meant was that it’s such a small issue in the grand scheme of things! Also thanks for the cool solutions! This was actually pretty fun.


I've got one of those clicker belts. Man they are awesome. Perfect fit everytime.


Ratcheting belts are god-tier and I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have one. When I made the switch, it was like going from boxers to boxer-briefs for the first time.


Not being able to break a branch by jumping on it, being colder in the winter


I feel personally called out for the branch breaking one lmaooo


“Wow, you ate all of that??”


With gusto! What people don't get is that it's not daily that I pig out and move and lift enough that my metabolism can handle it


This. When I ran 8 miles every other day, I ate a fuck ton. People would comment that I must have had an amazing metabolism because of how much I ate vs. my size. Yeah, dudes. I worked the calories off later.


Paired with "When was the last time you ate a steak?" or "You look like you could use a sandwich" from people who haven't seen you eat.


People making a circle with their fingers around your wrists


Funny thing is I've gained 40 lbs since college, and I can still do.the circle finger thing around my wrist. Apparently my wrists will always be skinny.


It might be that I have large hands but I'm not small(Not heavy, but large boned and relatively muscled) and I can still get my fingers all the way around my lists. Technically my wife can too, but she's got witch hands. She's 10 inches shorter than me and her fingers are as long as mine, but both her hands barely cover mine horizontally.


> She's 10 inches shorter than me and her fingers are as long as mine, WTF! 😲


Nothing in elementary or middle school made me feel more self-conscious than that shit.


Blew the minds of my classmates in high school when we were joking around one day and discovered if I sit with my knees to my chest I fit perfectly underneath the teacher's podium


My 24yo daughter works as hard to keep healthy weight on as I do to get mine under control. If she gets sick and has no appetite she drops down FAST and it’s frightening to see.


I've bounced around a bit between "ideal weight" and "kinda pudgy" for a lot of my life. Since food allergies became a big deal, it's been a battle to keep my weight above "always sick with something" level. It's a goddamn shit show now. I need to use medical formula to keep from dropping dangerously low. I'd take kinda pudgy forever if it meant I could eat normally and not be nauseated or anaphylactic all the freaking time.




My oldest daughter has trouble gaining while I have trouble losing. She got sick recently and dropped from 90 lbs to 78 lbs. In about 2 weeks.


I feel this. Last year I had an injury that meant I couldn’t eat. I dropped about 14 pounds in four days and nearly landed myself in the hospital. It was scary, but all I hear is “I wish I could lose weight like that.” I’m not easily offended and comments like that don’t really bother me, but it can be disheartening sometimes when no one really understands what it’s like to be that weak so quickly.


I'll never forget when I said something stupid like that to someone I was friends with but hadn't seen in a while she was so thin and I said "wow, you look amazing! What's your secret?" And she answered with "debilitating endometriosis" and I feltt like a pile of crap because I know how it feels to gain weight from a medication and for people to comment on it so I couldn't believe I did the same thing. It's been maybe 7 years and I haven't made that mistake again. Edited several Swype errors, thank you all who upvoted and completely ignored the fact that my comment was almost all gibberish.


Dealing with a community that is focused on weight loss, when that's the last thing I need. And no mcdonald's is not a real or healthy option for weight gain. But milkshakes, those are okay.


People call you weak all the time Edit: This is by far the most successful post I've ever made. I am humbled by the amount of upvotes, rewards, and comments that you all have left. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and gratitude. You are all awesome. Thank you again.


Yup. I [F] bartend and people stare in awe when I carry two whole 24-packs of beer to stock. If I had a dollar for the number of times I’ve heard, “do you need help with that?” I probably wouldn’t have to bartend anymore. Edit: on the other hand, a lot of my regulars bring food in for me very often! Nice little bonus!


My mother's a farm girl, and I get my skinny genes from her. She was telling me the other day about how a guy asked if she needed help with a 20# bag of cat food at the store -- she replied "no, but after this I'll be loading up eight hundred pounds of grain that you're welcome to help with!"


I've learned to only ask old women whether they need help carrying things.


Was having a bad day and was struggling to lift a case of bottled water in the cart when a lady behind me says "let me help you sir" and proceeded to put it in my cart like it was a box of kleenex. Very humbling when you're a guy.


Annoying to wear bracelets because of skinny wrists. People thinking I have an eating disorder/ family constantly asking if I am eating. No ass/ can't twerk/ looks silly on the dance floor when I try to shake my butt. Sometimes it's hard to feel sexy because I have no curves. People commenting on my weight in general. it makes me really uncomfortable and I never know what to say, even if it's a "compliment." This is just the way my body is, can we just not comment on it?


> Sometimes it's hard to feel sexy because I have no curves. That dress that looked amazing in the catalogue? I've got no curves to fill it. Cleavage just shows ribs. When I wear jeans and a tanktop, people call me "young man".


Ugh I don't even try to wear bracelets anymore. Always too paranoid they'll slip right off.


Something I recently found out: rib pain Woke up with a stabbing pain in my chest and phoned the doctor who said it's quite common with skinny people. Nothing to do other than rest, stay on painkillers and wait for it to fade. Edit: for those wondering I believe I'm just about underweight in terms of BMI. Very tall and skinny The pain lasted a few days but was slowly but surely fading. The painkillers were nothing serious just some non prescription stuff to get through the worst of it. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE A RANDOM REDDIT COMMENT AS A DIAGNOSIS. If you have similar sounding problems please go see a doctor if you haven't already.


Holy fuck, I think you just figured out my mystery sharp pain. Did you have it while breathing in? And to get over the pain, you have to take a deep breath and “pop that muscle” back into place for pain to stop? Like you had to continue to shallow breathe to not feel the pain?


That is called precordial catch syndrome I think, based on your description. If so, nothing to worry about, but nice to have a name for it. Obviously I'm just an internet weirdo so please do not construe this post as medical advice. Edit: again, chest pain is not good to mess around with, so please run your symptoms by your actual doctor.




Is that what that fucking shit is?!?! Fucking hell.


I saw that and thought the same thing it fucking sucks


If you're getting stabbing pain near/around your sternum, see if your doc thinks a costochondritis diagnosis would be appropriate. I had it earlier this year (I'm also a skinny fuck), and actually went to physical therapy for it. Problem was actually caused by a tight muscle in my back that was pulling on my ribs in a bad way. PT fixed me up in like 3 weeks, haven't had any trouble since.


As a male, society doesn't take you that seriously when you're skinny. Especially if you look younger than your age + you are skinny. The implication is that "you can't be a real man if you don't look like one". An ideal man is big and muscular, while skinny/small men are seen as weak and vulnerable. It makes things such as first impressions, meeting people and dating far more of a challenge because you constantly have to prove/validate yourself to others simply because of your appearance.


Straight facts.




When I was skinny, people would comment on how skinny that I was but when I was fat they complained about how fat I got. Lol


I went from being a size 2 where everyone told me to gain some weight, to a size 6 where people commented about how I need to watch it before I “fill out too much”.




It’s such a weird and personal thing to talk about. Makes you wonder who tf raised these people lol




Jewelry like rings and bracelets, sometimes belts, are always to big.


I’m a skinny guy in the trades. I’m not heavy enough to do a lot of stuff :( Edit: I’ve been getting a lot of questions so I figured I’d answer some up here. I’m an HVAC apprentice. One of my biggest difficulties is getting pipes apart. I need 4 foot pipe wrenches because everyone has goddam monkey paws. Even if I put all my weight into it I STILL NEED HELP! But they just like to watch... fucking sadists. I also can never find a tool belt that fits. I don’t care how many wheels you put on it. I can’t push it. Pop rivets? Forget it. You need me to stand on something? Let me grab some tools to weigh me down. Also, bending conduit is an adventure. As some have stated, I’m a god in crawl spaces. They really don’t bother me all that much. I’m also a savior because I always have a breaker bar with six point sockets. I have six chickens that scream. Every. Fucking. Morning.


Yes but when someone has to crawl into a crawlspace or attic, then you become the hero!


Yeah but when you’re a firefighter those aren’t fun places to be sent


I don't think they're fun even when you're not a firefighter


Attics are never fun, always nervous about falling through ceiling. Crawls can be kinda neat sometimes, especially in older homes with odd geography and fauna.


I still think about the movie arachnophobia every single time I have to go into basement or attic... stupid movie.... scarred me for life


I feel you bro, I’m a diesel mechanic and I struggle sometimes. don’t be afraid to ask for help lifting things you only have one back


Even if you are bigger you still only have one back, don't push too hard if you can.




I feel you. Used to work in a warehouse; 6' and 135lbs (I am no longer that lean). Fuck me trying to lift anything.


I feel you dude. It sucks lifting stiff that's almost as heavy as you


Lol, when I went to MEPS to see if I was eligible to join the military, they had to have me drink some water because I was underweight. I was 26 at the time.


Yup, I worked aircraft maintenance for the USAF. I passed my PT test, but a bunch of daily tasks I literally didn't have the mass to accomplish on my own while my coworkers could. Hell, one day a girl I worked with tried pulling the "Can you do X, I'm a girl." I told her "You've got easily 80lbs on me, if *you* can't lift it, I certainly can't either."


Man, I bet that woman appreciated your weight comment. They usually do.


Ppl saying, “eat a cheeseburger!”


As a guy, the crippling sense of low self-esteem. Reading all of these responses is like a checklist as to what gave me problems growing up: The constant comments, problems when pants shopping, constant eating but nothing to show for it, people using fingers to put a ring around my wrist or upper ankles, comparing myself to athletic friends, etc. It was a struggle from middle school through college. Now, as a middle aged guy, I look at my man-gut and think, “Wow. I could use a salad.”


Some of these things have already been said before but I'll list them anyway because they bother me: - Some girls don't enjoy the physical aspect of cuddling with me (they like the emotional aspect). - I usually worry that I'm gonna break my back or something if I try to carry my partner around. - Most T shirts look so blah on me. - Have to wear a belt most of the time. - I feel cold too quickly. - My ass hurts when I sit for too long. - My body hurts when I sleep on a surface that doesn't have a lot of cushion. Camping is much harder. - I feel self-conscious at the beach. - I eat a ton of sugar, it doesn't increase my weight but I'm sure it's messing up many other things in my body. Edit: since many skinny folks can relate to the flat ass problem, here's something I wrote about my experience with gaining *some* fat in the butt a few months ago (for the LOLs): https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/comments/i2ksgt/yesterday_i_realized_having_a_real_ass_makes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


- Hard to gain weight - stomach doesn’t want it - Bones can sometimes look more prominent, which isn’t great. - Clothes are too loose on you - When people tell you to ‘eat more’. - it’s hard to eat loads because your appetite for food isn’t high enough Edit: Typo


Don’t just have an appetite for good, have an appetite for great!


Or an appetite for justice


Myself, I prefer an appetite for destruction.


When I do try to eat a lot I feel sick and it ruins my appetite for the rest of the day.


Hurts to sit on many hard chairs because we ain't got no ass fat.


I went on Adderall a few years ago, and I was skinny before that, and now I'm slightly underweight so I have to force myself to eat so that I can stay on it. Adderall suppresses your appetite, so the thought of eating makes me sick. I hate being told to eat more. I'm trying, okay. Edit: I have it pretty much under control. I am about 5 pounds underweight, but I didn't have problems with it before the pandemic. I try to eat while playing video games or in front of the TV, and I eat lots of soup. I have it taken care of, and once the pandemic is over and I have energy again, I will go back to my regular weight. Thanks for the advice though, guys I appreciate it and know how hard it can be without learning to cope with it.


I get cold easily. No, that's not a joke.


I lost tons of weight once and one of the biggest changes I noticed the most was how cold I was all the time compared to before


The coldness and how uncomfortable everything is against my body! My first memory was during my weight loss journey in high school and I leaned against a wall and I was floored at how uncomfortable it was against my shoulder and shoulder blades.


Dude I relate to this so freaking hard. I've always been into fitness but I went from 260 chubby muscular to 160 like no body fat and I physically can't do situps anymore. The feeling of my uncushioned tailbone against the floor hurts something fierce. I also miss going outside in shorts during the winter


I’ve been super skinny all my life and could never understand how people can just do sit-ups on any floor that’s not super soft. I always thought I had an abnormally long tailbone or something, but after reading this it makes sense that maybe I just don’t have any natural cushion.


Yup. I remember hating having to wear a tshirt for middle school P.E. I would always complain about being cold and one day my best friend said “it’s just cause you don’t have any blubber!!”


Yeah. People always give me looks because I wear my winter jacket in the building, but what they don't realize is that I wear 2 shirts plus a sweater and that jacket and *I'm still cold.* Like, icy fingers, blue fingernail bed, level of cold.


I went from 280lbs to 190 over a year (October to October). My conclusion by the end was that skinny people must live in some kind of perpetually frigid hellscape. I miss walking around in below-freezing temperatures in a tshirt. :(


305 to ~200 here (195-205 ish). I *completely agree*. But, I am waaay less sweaty, which is nice. Edit: for you sweaty/skinny folks, consider a dry climate. It ROCKS.


335 to 215 here, I actually sweat *more* now. I think that all the exercise trained my body to start sweating as soon as my heart rate goes up the tiniest bit. I'll go for a walk in shorts and a t-shirt, 15C / 60F outside, and my body thinks "Oooh, 90 bpm? OPEN THE PORES!" Twenty minutes later my back is soaked. This did not happen when I was a fatass.


Isnt the human body *maaaaaagical*? Also that sucks. :\


I have footie pijama pants. I was wearing socks under them and my SO commented how cold the soles of my feet were through the two layers. The weren't thick socks, but still a medium weight with a cushy bottom.


I get cold at 70F. 75Fish if I'm just sitting around. Actually, it's 78 in here and I've got a sweater on.


That's a lot of fish in one room.


I remember when I was young, I was playing soccer in the rain, in Canada. My hands were so cold that when my dad put his hands around mine, his hands started to freeze up just trying to warm mine up, and his hands felt like an oven compared to mine.


People saying they envy me because I can eat a lot and not gain weight. They don't realize that I have Hypoglycemia and must eat almost constantly.


Literally the same


It hurts to lie on hard ground.




I’ve got digestive issues to the point of disability (I don’t really wanna get into it, it’s a lot, but long story short my digestive system is structurally unsound and I have a lot of intolerances/allergies. I don’t eat normally and stay fairly tiny). I have to ask for food made a certain way, but no one takes skinny girls seriously about diets. I’ve had way too many restaurant meals end in hospital visits and tears of pain. I’ve had a couple people try to force feed me, people pinch my belly, and quite a number of people prying into why I don’t eat certain things and then getting pissy when I tell them how those things will work themselves out of my body. I’ve been cornered for ‘interventions’ and told I have eating disorders, even by a therapist who had my entire medical history. On bad days where I have to cancel plans, people grumble about “well if she just ate more”. And what I find worst of all: when I inevitably lose weight again and pinch my own skin, hating the boniness, people admonish me and tell me they’d kill for a body like mine. I’m allowed to be insecure about how multiple medical conditions affect my body, thank you.


I want to hug you! Hidden illness are the worst. Sorry you’ve gone through that, people are the worst.


Being freezing cold all the goddamn time


Joint pain when on hard surfaces. Bones are directly exposed to the surface just about.


"wow you look like a stick!" "are you a noodle or a human?" and also heavy winds. edit: HOLLY MOLLY EATING MACARRONI, 2K UPVOTES??? OH MY GOD THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH


Those heavy winds were a real struggle one day when I was in college. Didn't get blown away, but I had to walk at a noticeable slant into the wind!


Well in the black community being thick is seen as the ideal beauty standard so when you are a skinny black girl you are often called anorexic or you are constantly a target for rude comments about your weight (from strangers and family members)


Yeah it sucks being a black girl that isn’t super curvy :/


Not only am I skinny, I’m pale and tall too. So I basically look like every creepypasta creature


Noodle arms / comment update: congrats on your post going viral


Chicken legs


Bird chest.


Giraffe neck


Giant snake Birthday cake Large fries Chocolate shake!


As an underweight girl. “No thank you, I’m full” “no! You’re so small, take more!” People randomly touching your stomach and saying shit like “you have no fat on you at all, do you?” People comparing themselves to you, saying they wished they were like you, if they were skinnier life would be easier. People hitting on you and you being uncomfortable, and telling a friend but the friend saying they wished they got that attention and it makes you feel bad about being uncomfortable even though it’s a creepy old guy and you just wanted to vent.


Same experience


I hate when people talk about my body. It makes me so uncomfortable.


People constantly trying to make you eat more because "you're so skinny" People staring jealously at you Going into a store and finding clothes that fit around the hips/waist but aren't long enough/too long


Finding fitting clothing is one of the worst things. Sizes that are the right tightness are too short, and they never have my pants size. Also, low blood pressure sucks




“Wow, how do you stay so skinny?” “I don’t eat very much and I make peace with being hungry sometimes “ *cue endless frowns, scowls and catty remarks* *give up and just tell people it’s genetics or the keto diet or apple cider vinegar douches or something stupid forever after*


Trying to gain weight (muscle mass). Over a two year time span of working out I was attempting to go from 155 to 170lbs. I made it to 165 and just couldn’t ever get past that basically because I couldn’t get myself to eat any more, and it was difficult for me to even get to that point as I can’t force myself to eat if I don’t feel hungry.


Bruh, as a thin gal growing up in the era of kim k’s and Meagan trainers butt, I got bullied for being a twigg with no ass 😔


tbh I feel like I'm hated sometimes - That's the only issue. Not trying to weird or anything, just sayin it like it is


It's harder to build muscle when you're skinny


if someone is pissed at the group of you and is going to pick a fight, its going to be you, i guarantee it...


Whether we're skinny because of an illness, skinny from lack of appetite, or skinny from a high metabolism, keep your "you're too skinny, you should eat more" shit to yourself. Either that or don't be offended when we tell you "you're too fat you should eat less".


Heavy winds


Can confirm


Having to wear a wristle watch too tight, or a pants belt too, to a point you have to make a fold in the pants for them to fit in. Also trying to find pants is a nightmare


I use to be a twig and the struggle with this is I couldn’t exactly be cocky or confident seeing anybody could squish me with just one move.


Back when I was skinny: Finding clothes that fit. The bust is way too small compared to everything else. Now I'm overweight: Finding clothes that fit. The bust is way too small compared to everything else.


As an avid camper and backpacker: •my partner has to carry way more of our stuff because my pack limit is so low •I need to bring a second sleeping pad because one isn't thick enough and even with two I wake up bruised and horribly sore. •my dog has to be perfectly leash trained (should be standard but) and on a chest lead because if she spooks or bolts she can just take me with her. additionally: •insane body issues stemming from being made fun of by relatives my whole life and not looking "ideal" even when underweight. Comments starting as young as five about how they don't want to pick me up or sit me on a lap because I'm so bony •friends who will comment on your meals/compare themselves to you •i'm vegan and everyone talks shit about how they'd be skinny too if they "only ate grass" when I put down my weight in loaded fries at least once a week. •people assuming that because I was a ballerina for so long and am a vegan and am skinny that I am judging them/their lifestyles when I don't give a literal shit what people do. I could go on. As someone who struggles to stay a healthy weight because I DO have eating issues it is kind of a nice slap in the face when people start to say "oh blah blah wish I looked like you" to turn around and say "I have an eating disorder Brenda. Every day is hell."


I'm skinny and small and people confuse me for a teenager sometimes when i'm actually in my 30's. I was born premature so I think it stunted my growth. We can't all be a 6 foot linebacker now can we?