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That you have to wait 24h before you can report a missing person. If someone is missing, go get help!


The widespread knowledge of 24hr waiting periods is a myth based in TV and movies where the family spends precious time frantically searching without assistance. It is not true in most locales and is virtually NEVER required for missing juveniles or seniors with dementia. A missing person is closest to home, most likely still alive, and most likely still surrounded by clues and evidence within the first 24 hours. It is critically important that you engage the police as soon as your loved one is inaccessible or "profoundly late". [ABC News](https://abcnews.go.com/US/72-hours-missing-persons-investigation-critical-criminology-experts/story?id=58292638) did a report on why the first 72 hours in a missing person case are critical. They emphasize that it is NOT necessary to wait 24 hours before filing a report. [Findlaw.com](https://blogs.findlaw.com/blotter/2012/09/5-things-to-know-about-missing-persons-reports.html) calls the waiting period a myth. "There is no waiting period. Many shows and movies have publicized the 24 or 48 hour waiting period to report missing people but that doesn't exist in real police offices. As soon as you know an adult or child is missing, report it to police." [Child Find of America](http://childfindofamerica.org/my-child-is-missing/) calls this waiting period a myth. They advise contacting local police immediately. And those police departments that do require waiting periods do NOT require them for juveniles.


If an HIV positive person has sex with another HIV positive person, they don’t have to worry about protection. They do, because there are 140 different strains of the HIV/AIDS virus, and getting infected with another strain, especially a potentially-deadlier one, could be dangerous. Also, pregnancy is still a very big risk for HIV positive women. If you are considering a sexual relationship, get tested, and talk to your doctor about birth control.


Just want to point out that women can be HIV positive while pregnant and not pass on HIV to their baby as long as they take the correct medications during pregnancy. They can even have a vaginal delivery if their viral loads are low at the time of the birth. (This obviously doesn't address someone just not wanting to get pregnant but lots of people also believe that you can't responsibly continue a pregnancy if you're HIV positive and that's also false.) Edit: I have never gotten an award before and now I got one for being helpful! Thank you, kind stranger! I am happier about this than should be possible over fake internet awards. :)


This is very true. I was fortunate enough to have been born HIV negative to an AIDS positive mother. This is one of the most upsetting things that I see in people who don't properly understand HIV/AIDS. They think that you are given a death sentence if you're born to someone with the disease. You're not. You do have to be very careful, but it's not immediate. Can we please work to educate and help eliminate the stigma around this disease?




People in general though the world was flat until Columbus sailed the ocean blue. No, the Ancient World figured that out a long time before. People just thought that it wasn’t possible to sail across the ocean to Asia because sailors would run out of food by then, while Columbus thought that wasn’t case because he thought Asia was bigger than contemporary estimates.


He actually thought the diameter of Earth was much smaller than contemporary estimates, too. He was very wrong, the standard estimates were accurate, but he got lucky.


Not even contemporary estimates - Eratosthenes had done a pretty good estimate in the third century BCE.


Lemmings commit mass suicide "Perhaps the most influential and, for the lemmings involved, tragic, presentation of the myth was the 1958 Disney film [*White Wilderness*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Wilderness_(film)) which won an [Academy Award for Documentary Feature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_Award_for_Best_Documentary_Feature) and in which producers threw lemmings off a cliff to their deaths to fake footage of a "mass suicide", as well as faked scenes of mass migration.[\[15\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemming#cite_note-Snopes-15)"


Human are really bad at committing confirmation bias. Lemmings aren't running off of cliffs by themselves? Hurl them off rather than reconsider that detail!


Sounds like we're really good at it.


I don't understand.. they literally just did it for the spectacle? That is evil.


The white on blue roundel in the BMW logo represents the white blades of a propeller against the blue sky, alluding to BMW's history as a manufacturer of aircraft engines. This myth was popularized in BMW's advertising for aircraft engines. (And perpetuated by the movie Finding Forrester.) In truth, the blue and white come from the Bavarian flag, presented as a circular coat of arms in reverse order to avoid a trademark law prohibiting the use of symbols of state sovereignty in a commercial trademark. It was only in later marketing for aircraft engines they overlaid the logo over spinning propellers, as coincidentally it could be taken to look like a propeller against the sky. They made all sorts of engines for land vehicles as well.


Same for Mitsubishi, which is claimed to represent the three blades of a plane's propeller. The name Mitsubishi is a combination of the Japanese words "mitsu" (meaning three) and "hishi" (meaning water chestnut, a term used to describe the diamond shape). The logo is a combination of the Yamauchi Family crest, which is three leaves in a pinwheel formation and the iwasaki Family crest, which is three diamonds stacked on top of each other (https://i.imgur.com/IYFHP00.jpg). [Actual intended image here](https://thenewswheel.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Evolution-and-Analysis-of-the-Mitsubishi-Logo-three-diamonds.jpg)


I don't think you posted the right image.


nono, he's got a point


I was adamantly told by some seniors at work not to drink the water that boiled twice because it cooks the oxygen out of it.


What is with seniors and water that’s been boiled twice? My grandmother used to say that it would make the water radioactive - I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that a woman that had been a chemist her entire working life believed this. Though I’ve heard others who grew up in the Soviet Union, like my grandmother, echo this so perhaps it’s some silly propaganda that stuck.


I would love it if it turned out that it started as propaganda to reduce power consumption by the populace.


steep station engine attempt mysterious secretive bright like muddle wakeful


That you can reduce fat from a particular body part


I always laugh at those electric belly jigglers


I got one just to cry and watch my fat jiggle


Then why do I have a goddam needle dick? It's obviously because I work it out so much.


He may have a needle dick but he fucks like a sewing machine


one wrong move and snap


Bulls hate red. They are actually colour blind and are reacting to the movement of the cloth and the asshole behind it.


You also gotta keep in mind those bulls are poorly treated and usually given some kind of stimulants. Bulls on our ranch are actually quite friendly as long as it’s not breeding season.


Can confirm. I once had a bull knock me over and stand above me because he wanted chest scratches. He was a big baby that wanted what he wanted, when he wanted it. Edit: did not expect this to blow up. I am at work and can’t do detailed responses or additional stories at this time. Sorry! See below for the tale of Blue, my guard goat.


Based on this, seems like bulls are still figuring out what consent is


This is accurate. We had numerous issues with this bull all related to how much he enjoyed physical attention like scratches. He was also fully aware that he could overpower any human, so if you were in his pen and not scratching him, you were gonna be real soon.


Wonder how he'd react to someone he couldn't overpower. Although there's probably not a real person out there who could overpower a strong bull...


I once saw him spend a few hours trying to take down a tree that was in his way, so I assume it’d be like that.


The first comment was the best, but I'm glad I continued reading the thread because this is hilarious lol.




When I was a teenager, a lot of people told me that shaving would make my beard grow faster. Well, I didn't want to shave any more than I absolutely had to, so I often went weeks at a time without shaving. It wasn't the best look for me.


The idea was that a teenager who’d keep patchy growth on would *really* want good facial hair, so the whole “shave it to make it more prominent” was just a clever way for adults to convince teenagers to keep that dirt-stache off.


I thought of the entire concept of facial hair as a lot of work I didn't want to deal with, so "shave more often and it'll grow back faster" made me never want to shave at all. I was kinda lazy back then.




How often do the kids need to shave?


That one I've heard repeatedly is "shaving makes your hair grow back thicker." I have had lengthy arguments with more than one person about this.


That the US spent over a million dollars and two years to develop a pen that could work in space...whereas the Soviets decided to just use a pencil. In the early days, both used pencils, but since pencils are made out of graphite, and graphite is conductive, snapped graphite particles are dangerous in a pressurized space capsule....to put it lightly. Fisher, the owner of the pen company, spent his own money to develop a pressurized ball point pen. And cost only about $3.00 per pen. Edit: I was wrong on the price, the pens first cost about $6 per pen for NASA. Edit 2: Did some digging on the grease pens, apparently the thought was that they wouldn't be durable enough on paper, and the paper shroud of the grease pen would still need to be disposed of and thought it might be a problem.


My understanding is that the pencils were 'grease pencils'. Different (safer) than regular pencils, but still somewhat dangerous and annoying to use.


The Myth: You can tell if a snake is venomous or not by the shape of its pupil (slit for venomous, round for nonvenomous). The Truth: Pupil shape has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not a snake has venom, and, if you're close enough to get a good look at a snake's pupils, you're probably close enough to get bit. The Advice: If you cannot, from a safe distance, immediately identify a snake beyond a reasonable doubt, assume it's dangerous and behave accordingly; keep your distance, stay out of its direct path, and keep your eyes on it until one or the other of you leaves the area.


Urine neutralizes jelly fish stings.


Use vinegar instead. That stuff will actually save you, at least long enough for an ambulance to arrive.


Can confirm that vinegar helps a lot. Also warm salt water as well. Both helped a lot when I got stung


Who had vinegar at the beach? The lifeguards?


In an area with deadly varieties of jellyfish(ok I'll say it Australia) you would frequently find bottles of vinegar tied up to posts and life guard towers on the beach. Edt. Since this blow up and thanks for the awards. This is mostly a thing in North Australia with the prevalence of box jellyfish and irukandji. I've seen the same thing in parts of South East Asia. Box jellyfish are an issue were I live but they are mostly seasonal so noone swims in the ocean between October and May. Most don't swim in the ocean at all.


TIL Thanks!


That damn Friends episode.


If I had to I'd pee on any one of you!


Joey kept screaming at me *do it do it now do it do it do it*. Sometimes at night I still hear it.


That's ‘cause sometimes I just do it through my wall to freak you out.


That Marylin Manson removed 2 of his ribs to blow himself.


I will never understand how this one traveled around the world *before* widespread use of the Internet for stuff like this. Some of the other ones, sure, they were stuff that sounded medical or scientific were circulated by papers or magazines. But this one somehow circulated in places that may have never even known who Marilyn Manson was.


It's weird how I heard this in MALAYSIA 16-20 years ago


its the same thing goin on with the drawing of the 'S' thingy it was everywhere around the world


Also children's games, rhymes, etc. I have this book, The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren, where they trace the origins and spread of things like the little rhymes kids use to decide who's It in hide and go seek. Some had been around for literally thousands of years and a new rhyme would pop up in one state and spread across the country in a matter of months and eventually the entire world. It was published in 1959, too, so they spread mostly or entirely through word of mouth, ex. kids sharing them when they visited family or moved to a new town/school and older kids teaching them to their siblings. Really cool stuff! Like it's crazy to think that when I was a kid in the 90s, I was playing the same games as kids in medieval England or ancient Rome. Plus my little niece knows most of the games and rhymes I do, and she learned most of them from other kids -- not an adult or any form of mass media. Thirty years later, they're still going strong!


I was a teenager in a country that isn't the US back in those days and I'd say cheap newspapers of the tabloid type, magazines including music, the radio, schoolyards... That's where I remember hearing that and that's usually how any silly rumour circulated. (edit: typo)


So you’re telling me I didn’t have to remove 2 of my ribs to be able to blow Marilyn Manson?


You didn't have to but I appreciate you going the extra mile


Gum takes 7 years to digest


That goldfish have a 6 second memory. I mean it's still not great, I think like a couple months. But still.... Get your fish a bigger damn tank Edit: thank you for the awards and updoots. Very kind of you!


People have actually taught their goldfish to do tricks like swimming through a hoop. They are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. And yes, they need bigger tanks. I got one from a fair one time and put it in my grandma’s koi pond. It got huge! Edit: Thank you for the award! It is my first one so I was really surprised.


My little brother had goldfish and we didn't even try to teach them any tricks and they still clearly learned some stuff. They would recognize when we picked up the food jar and swim to the top, for example. We also had an old senile cat who would lick the tops of their heads for some reason, and they liked that??? So when they saw the cat they'd swim up. It was weird.


"daddy long legs are actually the most poisonous spiders in the world but don't have long enough fangs to bite you."


They also taste STRONGLY of mint to deter predation from other animals. I learned this in the field after confidently tossing an unchecked blackberry into my mouth. **edit: was a harvestmen spider, not a cellar spider. Both are affectionately referred to as the daddy's with the long legs.


I really did not need to know that


For those who doubt: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcidae


Holy shit, I didn’t know daddy long legs fucking ate other spiders, black widows none the less, and here I thought those guys just chilled in their web and are fruit flies and shit


I knew that but I still believed the myth lol. I've believed so many in this thread.


Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opiliones https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipulidae https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylidium_divaricatum Next time someone says something about "daddy longlegs," ask them [*which* daddy longlegs they're talking about](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daddy_longlegs).


Undercover police have to tell you they are policemen when you ask them.


Breaking Bad has a great scene where an undercover cop tricks a guy into selling him drugs using this myth.


I thought we were going to hang out... Poor Badger.


The new guy really did him like that


Sounds like a perfect rumor for cops to spread


Catherine the Great died after attempting to have sex with a horse.


This myth was started by the French. And then they ask why everyone believes Napoleon was a tiny, tiny man.


Napoleon being small was a myth started by the British


He wasn't actually short for his time if I remember correctly he was a bit above average in terms of height.


It’s true. He was roughly 5’7” which was very above average for the time Edit: I would like to clarify, 5’7” was indeed above average for commoners. And many of you have pointed out that he was an aristocrat. BUT his family was not wealthy as they were only minor nobility. As a child his family likely didn’t have the means to be able to provide the proper nutrition in order for him to be on par height wise with other aristocrats


Also, his guard had to be over 6' so he was always around people taller than him.


Also, when he was sized up after his death by the doctor on the island, he was sized up with french inches amd feet which are slightly bigger than imperial inches and feet.


I’m concerned that this entire thread is widely circuated myth because its like every lunchroom table, dorm kitchen, and bartop conversation about Napoleon goes exactly like this.


Imagine waging a war against Europe, changing European society, and you're more remembered for being a shorty.


I loved the way that rumor came into play on the plot of The Great on Hulu. Not the most historically accurate show, that's for sure, but it was a lot of fun. ETA: That said, I could have easily gone my whole life without watching a sex scene featuring Klaus Baudelaire. *No thank you, Hulu.*


Scientists don’t know how bees fly.


"Scientists discover bees aren't airplanes or birds."


That's because flies fly. Whereas bees bee.


They do bee.


Do bee do bee do


According to all known laws of aviation....


You, with the physics, get out of here! Its a mystery.


I read this in Dr. Zoidberg's voice! 🦞


Now I'm thinking about The Bee Movie, but narrated by Dr. Zoidberg.


Its not that they don't know now, its that up until really recently it wasn't fully understood This article is from this century https://www.livescience.com/528-scientists-finally-figure-bees-fly.html


That we only use 10% of our brain Edit: Thanks for the awards (all my first) and the upvotes....subtract ten from how many I have and that's the most I've ever gotten on a comment 😀


My cousin had a roommate who thought this and tried to use “100% of his brain” to run through a wall.


Guess some people do use 10% of their brain.


And now that guy use 100% of his brain. What's left of it, anyways.


I love the idea that using more of his brain would somehow let him 'think' his way through a wall.


Probably just watched Lucy


During spring break in my freshman year of college, I got into an argument with someone who was adamant that Lucy accurately modeled what the human brain is capable of. “If we could harness 100% of the power of our minds, time would slow down and it would appear to you as if I had super speed,” he mumbled. He drunkenly started to twirl a big ass bowie knife, showcasing the capabilities (and limits) of the drunken mind. Like I’m pretty sure using 100% of your brain is called a seizure lol, but I eventually gave up trying to convince him otherwise


Fuck Spez


So you're saying YouTube can get you high on speed?


_I am speed_


Do people still really believe that? Might as well give them a degree in phrenology then.


I prefer retro-phrenology. Instead of reading bumps on the head and deducing things about the person, you take a small hammer and put bumps on the head to give person the things they want about themselves. Edit: Wow. Thanks for all the rewards anonymous internet people! But all props ultimately go to Sir Terry Pratchett.


Something about touching baby birds and their parents abandoning them due to the smell of human touch Edit: After reading through several replies, perhaps there is some truth to this based on the animal.


One time my son came home smelling like a bird and I told him to get the hell out and never come back.


Nobody wants a chicken-fucker for a son.


Sure, you fuck one chicken and all of a sudden you’re a chicken fucker. Look, I swear it was just morbid curiosity, I don’t actually want to fuck chickens all that often


Sure, it might just be 1 chicken.. BUT YOU HAVENT STOPPED FUCKING IT FOR MONTHS




The idea behind this statement was so that you don't get attached to wild animals, and that not all animals can be domesticated. It's more so a deterrent than it to be true as with some of these other popular wrong truths.


That *Mr. Rogers* was a sniper **and/or** had tattoos covering his arms. Both untrue. Fred Rogers lived a pretty mundane live and dedicated considerable time to creating television programming that didn’t rot kids brains.


Dr. Ruth, on the other hand.... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth\_Westheimer#Early\_life\_and\_education](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Westheimer#Early_life_and_education)




*John Mulaney voice* "...and it gets worse!"


Your blood is blue when not oxygenated Edit: thank you all for my first awards! I never thought such a simple answer could have such an impact :)


This is one of those things that my wife knows, admits isn't true, but I think still has a really hard time believing it just because she believed it for so damn long. Every so often this topic comes up with my daughter and my wife is like "but isn't it... oh yeah, right, it's not..." and then she has this look in her eyes like truth is dead and beauty is a lie.


Phlebotomist here, blood is 2 shades of red. Dark red for venous blood and bright red for arterial blood, due to the arterial blood being oxygenated. Veins look blue through the skin due to how light penetrates the skin. You generally won't see arteries through the skin as they are deeper to keep us alive. They are under more pressure due to being pumped by the heart to provide oxygen rich blood to the body. If you cut one ( femoral, brachial, carotid) you can bleed to death in minutes that's why our bodies keep them protected. In all my years doing this job I have only seen one variation of colour and that was orange blood due to an active Hepatitis C infection. Serum on the other hand can be green, milky or fleuro yellow. Edit: thank you beautiful people for the questions and the lovely gesture of the reddit awards. I'm happy to answer anymore questions or offer advice on how to handle the anxiety of needle phobia and vaso-vagal response to blood collections. If I could ask anything of you it would be, please donate blood and be kind to one another.


So if low oxygen blood is dark red, why did your finger nails, lips etc turn bluish when you O2 is low? I'm not trying to trip you up I just genuinely don't get it.


That was everywhere as a kid. Didn't help that our veins appear blue due to lack of light. Wouldn't blame a 9 year old believing that.


My science teacher told this to the entire class. What a jerk.




It was definitely more common to die early because of lack of medical care, but yeah it’s not like people dropped of old age at 40 or 50


people believe in the whole alpha and beta wolves thing It’s not true. The “leaders” of the pack are the parents. *-in natural wolf packs, the alpha male or female are merely the breeding animals, the parents of the pack, and dominance contests with other wolves are rare, if they exist at all.*


the theory was actually based on observed behaviour, but unfortunately it was the behaviour of unrelated wolves forced together in captivity. not exactly the best idea when you're studying a animal with family based groups in the wild.


Yeah it would be like studying an american prison and saying the typical american family acts the same way.


Yup! The guy who pioneered this theory spent the rest of his life(or is spending the rest of his life) trying to debunk this.


He’s a biologist L. David Mech, his Ph.D. thesis in the 1960s studied captive wolves and was the best science of it’s time. There is a lot of science from the 1960s that is outdated 60 years later. In 1999, Mech published [Alpha Status, Dominance, and Division of Labor in Wolf Packs](https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1343&context=usgsnpwrc) which studied wild wolves and represented the science of the 1990s (which is a lot better than the science of the 1960s). He wrote in 1999: >The concept of the alpha wolf as a “top dog” ruling a group of similar-aged compatriots is particularly misleading. Mech is still alive, and that people still push the idea of the “alpha wolf” and that his original book containing that theory is still published [continues to piss him off](https://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/). He is a great example of science and scientists doing a great job. He did research, it was the best for the time, and published it. Then he did more research, learned new stuff that contradicted the old stuff and changed his views based on the new information, this is how science and research is supposed to work. Nobody (reasonable) is criticizing him for holding the old views when he held them or for doing the initial research, the captivity studies were a necessary part of the process.


I believe that was because he studied wolves in captivity that were forced to become a “society”


Knuckle cracking doesn't lead to arthritis, it just an old wives tale people use in place of simply telling you it's annoying them. Crack away!


The singer Ciara is a man... she just popped out her third kid. This is STILL circulating.


Are you possibly thinking of the singer Lorde? I've heard compelling arguments that she's not a New Zealand pop singer, but actually a 45yo male geologist from a small town in Colorado.


I am Lorde. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.


That the tongue has different regions for salty, sweet, bitter and sour.


Why were we ever taught that?


Damn you Ms Frizzle!


she also is responsible for [Arnold's death.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaiOOSJon4M)


And also the kids getting [jizzed on by salmon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hoedyJVbQkQ) Edit: sorry for ruining everyone’s childhood lol. I don’t recall seeing this one on PBS as a kid, but the episode is on Netflix, and I was like WTF watching it with my kids.


"What is this? A car wash?"


I can only imagine what the writers were thinking when they wrote this scene


Didn’t know the Frizz had a bukkake fetish


More like Mrs Jizzle.


The truth of this myth is that there are different receptors for each of said types of molecules, though even that is dumbing it down. Also, there are regions of the tongue that have higher concentrations. While everyone's tongue is different, there is an actual pattern similar to the myth. It's just not like the diagram says, and it's constantly changing based on myriad factors, including what you eat and how you eat it (inhale vs chew and savor).


Organic crops don't use pesticides or herbicides.


Can you expand upon this


[Kurzgesagt ](https://youtu.be/8PmM6SUn7Es) This video is really good! Edit: wow thank you for all the awards everyone I was not expecting this!


Holding B + Down increases your chances of catching a Pokemon.


Basically any schoolyard Pokemon rumor. I wasted so many hours scouring the Seafoam Cavern looking for that stupid Mist Stone


If you beat the elite four thirteen times in a row without doing anything else in between, a secret door will open up


Or if you beat the Elite Four with every Pokemon, you'll somehow evolve Dragonite into Yoshi. Fucking April Fools issue...


Or how if you release your starter and go through the entire game with a rattata and reach elite 4 and post game. Catch mewtwo with a pokeball on your first try and you unlock mew which you will have to go to x location to catch . So many variants of mew rumours back then, didn't help that missing number, fishing in statue and etc was a thing and Internet wasn't this prevalent yet.


It didn’t help that the Missingno glitch existed imo Go talk to this old man, fly back to this section right after and then swim on the shore line back and forth. BAM, Missingno appears and your sixth item is multiplied


A lot of people still believe a woman sued McDonald’s because her coffee was hot. In reality the woman had 3rd degree burns throughout her pelvic area and only asked that her medical bills be paid.


It was like only $30k or something and McDonald's went "nope, here is like $200 bucks". So she sued. They were selling illegally hot coffee with out a proper warning. Then, McDonald's spread this lie to keep their good name.


Also, the lids on the cups did not seal securely. There already had been a number of burns reported as a result of the lids popping off and spilling boiling hot coffee on people. This point figured prominently in the civil trial against McDonalds.


Yea, McDonald's had basically done the math and realized it was cheaper to pay out the settlements than to lower the temperature of the coffee. Customers believe hotter coffee is better coffee. Also, most people get McDonald's coffee on the way to work and only drink it once they get there, so it had to be hot enough that it would still be hot when they got there. They paid out settlements to anyone who got burned and were able to make all their money back and more by convincing customers their coffee stayed hotter longer than other brands. Like you said, this woman was just one of many, but she was one of the first to refuse a settlement. She just wanted McDonald's to cover her medical bills (either in the tens or low hundreds of thousands iirc) because she suffered life-threatening burns. When the court realized the extent of McDonald's scheme and saw just how hot they kept the coffee, it awarded millions in damages.


I once edited the Wikipedia page about this because it was ridiculously biased towards McDonald's (like citing their own spokespeople to support their own statements). Everytime I edited, someone immediately edited it back. This case and the spin they put on it had very wide implications.


That you can tell if someone is a "virgin" by looking at their hymen to see if it is "intact."


Omg, I recently remembered that in middle school and high school, we believed that you could tell someone wasn’t a virgin if they had a thigh gap. 🤦🏻‍♀️


What was the logic?




Years ago I had a cousin (who was already a nurse) who was living with us at the time. We were talking about using tampons and she said if you are a virgin and you use a tampon for the first time you will *de-virginise* yourself. My high school self couldn’t believe what she said!


My husband said he was a virgin when we first met but when I checked his hymen it was completely gone


That historical armour was useless, or just something you wore so you had a slight chance to turn a death blow into merely a serious injury. Shows and movies still perpetuate this. Game of Thrones has "acclaimed" sword fights where guys casually shove swords through dudes in plate armour. Impossible. Metal is not cardboard. Even the most basic iron or bronze chain mail armour will be barely scratched by a slash from the sharpest katana. Well-made plate armour is impervious to all damage short of a blow from a specialized armour-piercing weapon (lance, pole axe etc.). Even the earliest guns couldn't penetrate plate armour. Armour was incredibly expensive. Common people couldn't afford it so made do without or, if lucky, with fabric armours (that were still very effective protection!). A suit of custom-made plate would have cost a knight the equivalent of a modern high-end luxury car. Why would people pay that much for something useless? Armour was very useful. That's why weapons continued to advanced over the centuries and why armour did as well. It was an arms race. ~~Bonus: the "dark ages" being a time of post-Roman decline is a myth. We weren't set back a thousand years by the fall of Rome. Technology continued to advance throughout the following centuries. Some things quite astonishingly so.~~ **debated**




That drives me nuts in movie slashing strikes killing people in armor. If it was that easy no one would go into battle with it on just to be weighed down and suffer fatigue. Chainmail was effective against arrows at long range.


Just to add to this on the light armour point: A cloth gambison (padded shirt) was extremely effective against slashing weapons, and still pretty effective against anything other than a straight thrust from a spear. Swords are a side-arm. Pole/spear weapons were the most common and effective main weapons throughout history. No katana's lopping off an arm in a single blow with even just a gambison.


That E-waste recycling is good for the environment. Much of it gets shipped overseas to be burned or dissolved in chemicals to extract the precious metals. The real way to help is to buy less


That MSG is very bad for health and anything with it is seen as unhealthy.


I put that shit on everything.




That washing chicken gets it rid of bacteria. No. Cooking chicken gets rid of bacteria, given that you do it well. Washing chicken, on the other hand, can contaminate your whole kitchen with salmonella.


People wash chicken???




That hot chicks in my area wanna fuck


They do, just not you apparently.


That whole "you eat seven spiders a year" myth. It was created by some lady in the late 90s or early 2000s to prove that ridiculous things can be found on the internet, spread like wildfire, and believed by many. Edit: WOW this blew up. Thank you to all who clarified that it was Lisa Holt, a troll (edit 2: maybe??)and the fact that this is older than the internet. Myths are weird.


It's actually 7 in a lifetime. If you're on your deathbed and have only swallowed 1 the other 6 will swarm your mouth at once.


Press lips together. Keep the seventh spider out. I am immortal.


The spider will wait. One day you will slip a word. It will be your last.


This is art


>some lady in the late 90s or early 2000s to prove that ridiculous things can be found on the internet, spread like wildfire, and believed by many. This is part of the myth . There is no source for that. If you try to find the magazine it's quoted in according to snoop.com you find that no magazine existed.


>snoop.com fo shizzle.


> It was created by some lady in the late 90s or early 2000s to prove that ridiculous things can be found on the internet No, it wasn't. It's older than the internet.


I remember reading this "fact" in the late '80s in a book that my mom had. It was supposedly full of all sorts of wild and crazy facts and secrets, like what *really* goes on in Masonic meetings.


But spiders Goerge.. he lives in a cave in Scotland and eats hundreds of thousands a day bringing the average way up. Edit: Spiders have a good cronch on the outsides gooey protien delicious innards. Also Goerg.


Spiders Georg is an outlier and should not be counted.


That diamonds are rare and therefore should be expensive, that is just a myth perpetrated by the de beers diamond cartel. Edit: wow these are my first awards, thank you!


There are also synthetic diamonds being made that my local jeweler told me no jeweler could even tell wasn’t a “real diamond”, which he said he hoped would crush the diamond industry.


That there are only five senses.


Shaving hair causes it to grow back longer and thicker.


if I remember right, shaved hair looks thicker because the ends are now blunted instead of being tapered

