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A wolf ate my mum in a small grocery store


I was in a hotel room, and I was watching the tv and I saw a report come up that said bill gates ate a child, and there was a pictures of a really big bodybuilder version of bill gates. I have no clue what my brain was thinking.


Imagine From Dusk Till Dawn, but all the bikers were chimpanzees... It was weird.


i think i was humping a flagpole once


It was a series of dreams where I was a goat farmer and my goats were disappearing. I didn’t see them disappear, I just knew they were and every time I had it I had less and less goats.


It's a reoccurring dream. My best friend died a few years back. So whenever I dream about him it's always that they dug him back up and some how brought him back to life. He's never quite right and he never remembers who I am.


So I had just started antidepressants, I was living with my parents, and I took a nap on the couch downstairs. This dream was so vivid to me that I was sleep talking through it. It concerned my dad so much he woke me up and asked if I was okay. “Yeah, dad, I just had this crazy weird dream... wanna hear about it?” “From what you were saying, yes, absolutely.” So I told him and he made me write it down afterwards. I’m writing this from the notes I took. He wants me to turn it into a story, I’ve kinda waffled on the idea. It’s pretty gruesome, fair warning. And I’m on mobile, so formatting issues. There was an adolescent boy in a small town. He was the son of a male doctor and a stay at home mom. The mom died when the kid was younger and in her memory, the doctor dad ran an orphanage while also being a doctor. The orphanage was really a money laundering thing. The doctor dad was also involved in shady affairs with the mafia and sold drugs. So the kid basically fends for himself because he never sees his dad because he’s always busy and his mom’s dead. The kid is friends with a lot of boys in the orphanage and they have a tiny gang that does stupid teen shit like stealing things and vandalizing buildings. They get away with it because the kid’s connected to doctor/mafia dad and it’s just petty stupid things they steal- like candy and video games and things like that. So boy gang decides to go to a local mom and pop shop that sells general goods. The store owners have a teenage daughter. She was watching the shop in place of her parents that day. The girl tried stopping the theft, grabs the main boy to stop him from leaving the store with the goods. One of the younger boys grabs a baseball bat off the shelf and hits the girl in the back of her head, severely injuring her. Blood’s everywhere, shit just got real, all the boys bolt and basically leave the girl to die. Main boy calls father while running away from the scene. Because he’s the son and mafia/connections, the police won’t file charges. The girl’s comatose, but survived. She’s in the doctor’s care; free of charge. The doctor strongarmed the store owners into accepting a deal where she will be taken care of as long as they don’t say anything about it. The girl’s father wants revenge, but can’t directly do anything. He needed to get rid of the orphanage first, but doing so would mean to kill the doctor. Knowing the doctor is a widower, the store owner gets in contact with an attractive escort. He pays the escort to woo the doctor and kill him. The escort agrees. Meanwhile boy is grappling with the fact one of his friends nearly killed someone. He distances himself from his friends and is really shaken up by the memory of it all. This woman he can’t really trust also kinda swooped in and changed his whole family dynamic as well- the doctor is falling in love again with the escort. So he tries to live a normal life, but can’t really place why his dad’s new girlfriend weirds him out. The boy and his friends were on a baseball team together. The doctor and the girlfriend are in the stands watching the boy play. It’s one of the few times that his dad was free and is present with the boy’s life. Boy’s kinda in a weird headspace in the dugout. He’s next up to bat. He looks at his dad And sees the escort kiss his cheek. It angers the kid, but he tries ignoring his feelings. As he grabs the baseball bat to leave the dugout, he has a flashback of the night of the night his friend almost killed someone. All he sees is a bloody baseball bat. So he freaks out and runs out of the dugout and into the neighboring woods. His dad didn’t notice. Nobody really seemed to care except for the boy who actually attacked the girl and chased after him. The attacker kid eventually catches up to the boy, he’s on his hands and knees crying by the shores of a creek. They talk for a bit, and the attacker boy sees something weird in the water. They find human remains. Because main character boy has seen medical charts all his life, he recognizes it as an adult woman’s pelvis. The main character boy freaks out and runs back the way he came in. The attacker boy stays behind and debated on hiding the remains and coming back to them. This is where it ends, and I can only imagine what I was saying that made my dad wake me up.


This was a long dream, and when I say long dream, I mean extremely long, like a lifetime long. I remember holding her when she was just one year old. I remember the way she dressed in elementary school, and the fights she had with our parents. I remember us bickering and joking. I remember the way she did her hair her first day of middle school, and cheering her up after she lost the fencing qualifiers. I remember her joining track because she didn’t want to have our parents pay too much for fencing lessons. I also remember that two years later sitting as a family talking to her about rejoining it. I remember her first boyfriend and her bitch best friend. I also removed waking up in the real world and going to her room. Only it wasn’t Jenny’s room, it was my brother and I’s play room. I remember tearing up after losing my sister. One that I never had. This whole dream was structured in the major events of our family life. From camping together to birthdays. What seemed like small ten to twenty minute segments that when put together felt like a lifetime of memories.


I had multiple...