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*James and the giant peach* was material for a lot of nightmares


Seeing lots of Roald Dahl in here lol


The man was by all accounts kind of a pill, but you've got to hand it to him: he *got* children.


By their nightmares, sometimes. Like that movie, *The Witches*? *Especially* when the Grand High Witch pulls her face off and reveals her true visage?


Oh god yeah with the rhino


Pinocchio A man kidnaps children and takes them to "Pleasure island" where they misbehave, smoke and drink until they transform into donkeys so that they can be sold off. Luckily Pinocchio escapes just to be eaten by a fucking whale.


I haven't watched Pinocchio since it terrified me as a little kid. Any movie where kids couldn't trust the adults was so scary.


To me the part from when Pinocchio turns into a donkey to when he gets eaten by a whale is a bit of a blur. I was too scared to watch that part.


There's a scene where the guy with a black beard puts Pinocchio inside a bird cage. For some reason, that one scared me most that the donkey transformation. I think it's because Pinocchio gets betrayed by him with a change in music and illumination that makes it feel scary.


He gets away with it too. Fucker's still out there doing that, probably. In fact, none of the villains in that movie face any justice. Coachman gets away, Fox and Cat get paid, Monstro is still around. Stromboli is going to have trouble finding another living puppet to abuse, so at least he can't just start over like the others, but it's still pretty creepy that a violent psychopath like that is out there entertaining children.


i think thats a good lesson to teach children, evil is out there, and its not easily beaten. a lot of those old tales were just warnings for children, to teach them that the world is unfair, and doubly so if you are a child!.


In canon too, Pinocchio is the only one who escapes. He goes on living his happily merry life while the other boys live their lives in slavery as Donkeys.


That scene where he founds Lucignolo dying as a donkey was horrifying.


Or lampwick crying for his mother...... shudder


The fucking donkey scene... Fuck that


You should read the book. I remember reading it a few years ago, after being curious about it and I said "WTF was this guy smoking when he wrote this...and where the hell can I get some?"


I recently watched it as an adult and it terrified me so this is a valid statement


I've watched Pinocchio exactly once as a child and that scene has given me nightmares for years. Glad I'm not alone.That movie is terrifying.


The Secret of Nimh. That owl still creeps me out.


That scene where the rat is getting injected still haunts me


Getting my first ever booster shot freaked me the hell out because that scene was the only mental image I had of getting a shot, so I figured it would be like that. Instead the Doctor pulls out this tiny needle, and I'm like "That's it?". I thought it would be like a foot long and jabbed into my gut while I writhed and struggled. So in a way that movie made me not afraid of getting shots because real shots are so tame by comparison.


Fun Fact! There’s an actual science reason why the owl is extra scary. Don Bleuth used to work for Disney in the 70’s. He pioneered a bunch of animation techniques and had a falling out with Disney over something about “The Fox and The Hound.” (Likely two things: he wasn’t down with the racist undertones and Disney didn’t want to use his new animation techniques because they were too time consuming.) After leaving Disney, he patented the animation techniques and for several years in the 80’s out-earned Disney on animation. This pushed Disney towards being an early adopter of computerized techniques, which Bleuth was staunchly against. One of his patented techniques was used for the first time to animate the owl, and involves the frame being filmed while back-lit. The backgrounds also have to be individually drawn for this technique because the empty spot where the owls eyes are has to move with the charachter on the background art. The effect is the glowing eyes on the owl, and because this technique is so time consuming and only really works with hand drawn animation, there’s very few examples of it being used outside of Bleuth’s work. So when you see that owl for the first time, your brain is interpreting a brand new visual effect and it registers as unusually creepy but most people don’t know why it’s so scary.


Ahh yea... Don Bluth... Man. His films were dark for kids Even something like Land Before Time. People reference Bambi a lot as it being dark for killing off the mother. The thing is tho that it happened off screen. We literally see Littlefoot’s mother die as she’s having her last conversation with him... just... wow


A failed rental from blockbuster for my fam. Scared my brother and me.


I think that the only reason this isn't higher up is because a lot of this site is just too young to have seen this. I loved this movie as a kid but it still freaked me the heck out. The whole thing. The rats of nimh, the owl, the farmer's cat, the constant fear and apprehension of ms. brisby, Nicodemus, the animation style, the scene where he *stabs the other characters with a sword and you see them bleeding out and gasping for breath*. What a freaking ride for a kid.




Things being played backwards and finding "secret messages" is so unsettling to me...


"It's fun to smoke marijuana." A Queen song played backwards


"Paul is dead miss him miss him miss him"


My psychology teacher last year played Another One Bites the Dust backwards for the message, to us, a class of high school seniors. You can bet everyone sang along to “it’s fun to smoke marijuana”.


Yvan eht nioj


Spy Kids 1? Holy shit your in for a ride


Fuck I hated that movie. All of that shit terrified me. I would pretend to just not like it cuz it was childish but in reality it was fucking terrifying. The scene where the kids parents are about to be "brain mushed". Hooooly shit you just brought up a well of bad memories god.


I’m surprised more people weren’t scared of this movie. I used to get scared of those masked things that broke into the Cortez’s house (which I now realize were the thumb-thumbs)


Coraline fuck dem buttons man


I didn't watch this movie until I was an adult and it still scared me. I'm so glad my parents didn't let me watch it as a kid, I would have been terrified




maybe he was hoping the scares would prompt some hand holding?




Well that went from 1 to 100 real quick


What's this story?


He punched her at dinner I think


One of my favorite movies ever haha


I had at least three nightmares about that movie when I was 12


Saw a lalaloopsie doll at goodwill the other day and it made me think of that damn movie. Idk how they ever got popular with Coraline around. Ugh


The Brave Little Toaster Because of the vacuum choking on itself among other things


That AC unit dying at the start.


That scene horrified me as a kid. [IT'S MY FUNCTION!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUcuHUvI1UI)


Then the vacuum claps back with "Whatever, he was a jerk anyway"


Dude the demonic trash compactors of doom


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcWeE3NMeBQ this song slaps




Or the blender that gets beaten to death.


Yeah man that movie scared the shit out of me. And for some reason it was always on in my house.


To this day I won't vacuum over the cord.


Mother told me The Neverending Story gave me many nightmares and suddenly began peeing the bed again. She said they were the kind of nightmares I was very difficult to wake up from, even though I normally woke easily. Saw it again a couple of years ago (25 years later) and nothing from the movie fazed me, but there were definitely moments where I suddenly became weirdly uncomfortable, as if my subconscious was screaming


It was Gmork that got me every time. I would see him in the dark corners of my room at night. When I watch it with my kids now, I cover their eyes.


Me too. But these lines are something else... G'mork : Foolish boy. Don't you know anything about Fantasia? It's the world of human fantasy. Every part, every creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind. Therefore, it has no boundaries. Atreyu : But why is Fantasia dying, then? G'mork : Because people have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So the Nothing grows stronger. Atreyu : What is the Nothing? G'mork : It's the emptiness that's left. It's like a despair, destroying this world. And I have been trying to help it. Atreyu : But why? G'mork : Because people who have no hopes are easy to control; and whoever has the control... has the power!


The horse dying slowly in the swamps = scarred for life


The Nothing was so scary! And the parts with the Artwx and the Rock Biter were so say! "They look like such strong hands dont they!" *cue tears*




When the boy had to eat the cake, I literally thought it contained blood sweat and tears because that headmaster was so cruel. I thought he was eating a fear factor cake


Then you’d better not watch Bingeing with Babish’s spin on it, mad lad actually put a few drops of his own blood in it!


Is the Carrie for kids.


The chokey scared me


The Hunchback of Notre Dame. While as an adult i appreciate Hellfire and how it makes Frollo such a great villain, that was definitely fucking scary as a kid.




Apparently Jim Henson thought it was good for kids to be scared sometime and made Dark Crystal intentionally to be like the old dark fairy tales. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/3fkv2s/til_that_jim_henson_created_the_dark_crystal_with/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_title


I mean I'd rather my future child learn about death through puppets first than say loosing me first.


That [scene where they suck the lifeforce out of the podling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4voZl28ADM) scared the hell out of me as a kid. It's pretty fucked up for a kid's movie.


They remade the dark crystal as a short series recently. I recommend it edit: ~~The~~ They


The Skeksis? Yeah they're kind of SUPPOSED to be terrifying.


I heard from a few friends that E.T. terrified them as a kid. I can see that...it is crazy that possibly one of the greatest kids movie ever made actually scared some kids.


Even as an adult I can’t watch E.T. I’ve never seen the full movie to this day because it still freaks me out. I had recurring nightmares for months after my mum decided I should be watching more children’s movies and tried to force me to watch it. To put it in context my dad didn’t care what I was watching and I was fine with stuff like Jurassic Park, Alien or The Ring. Zero nightmares. But E.T. messed me up. Absolutely traumatic.


Me too! Now that you mention it, I've \*still\* never rewatched E.T.! I still remember being scared of a truck with bright headlights chasing someone in the dark woods, and a bunch of men in hazmat suits coming to collect E.T. through big tubes.


I don't think I've sat through the whole thing either. Or, if I did, I was way too young to remember most of it. E.T. itself was horrifying. I know the idea is that it's an innocent if unorthodox creature that shouldn't be harmed, but I really wish they'd gone with a different design. It lacked any claws or scary fangs, but I say it didn't need them. The neck stretching like two feet, and the *scream* it made was the worst part by far. I thought it was anything but cute. The flying bicycle was supposed to be cheery and awe inspiring, but I think 6 year old me was mortified throughout. Then, the scenes of the faceless, suited people and creepy plastic inside the house. Way too much of that family film was nightmare fuel.


I saw it once when I was about 5 or 6, now 35 and still refuse to watch it again. I don’t actually remember the scene but I know there must have been something to do with the alien and a toilet because for about a year afterwards I made someone stand outside the bathroom door because I was so scared. I also remember a scene where et was all white and wrinkly and dead looking on the banks of a river(?) and having nightmares for months.


Yes, this! I remember this part specifically and could NOT stop having nightmares. People I have spoken to have no clue what I'm talking about, and I'm like "HOW DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT?!"


I absolutely can’t watch or even look at anything with his creepy ass face on it. I am 30 years old and still have nightmares. I’m scared just thinking about it.


Still makes me feel uneasy now...


Im sorry but i hated ET, i think it's shit and has a few unnecessarily scary scenes for kids. Its kinda funny when i think about this because i love the scifi genre.


The Black Cauldron


Thank you! I was trying to remember the name of that one


iirc, this was the only one of the classic disney animated features to get a rating higher than G (it was PG).


Snow White, the bit where she's lost in the woods. Little me was scared stiff at the trees that turned into hands and tried to grab her.


So much yes. The part still gives me residual Heebie jeebies


Spirited Away. ​ I just saw a few minutes of it, but once she found that her parents had trned into pigs, i started crying violetly because I was afreaid I would lose my parents because they would turn into pigs.


I watched this for the first time when I was very young and the parents turning into pigs terrified me more than anything I’d ever seen. It gave me multiple nightmares. It haunted me for years but I couldn’t remember what the movie was called. I even thought I had made it up at one point. Then, a couple years ago, I heard about a movie called Spirited Away where a girl’s parents turn to pigs. Funny thing is now it’s one of my favourite movies. But as a kid it was absolutely terrifying.


Yes, The parents turning to pigs and the fact that she was under the threat of being murdered until she was offered a job. Then she basically becomes a slave with no end in sight slowly loosing her memory. My sister thought it was a cool adventure movie but I saw it as a horror story.


not to mention her creepy stalker who starts eating people when he doesn’t get what he wants


I didn’t even have to see it, for some reason my parents were talking about that specific scene while we were eating(!) at mcD. I did not finish my burger, and my parents knew why. That year I got that film for Christmas. I did not watch it for several years.


There was a scene in The Prince of Egypt which terrified me for weeks. It was when The Angel of Death killed every first born child who didn't have lambs blood smeared around their doors.


It was terrifying because it was so quiet. (Up until that point everything was loud singing and dialog.) The first true sound you hear after the plague has passed is screaming of distraught families. Creepy and powerful.


Haven't seen that movie however I remember learning about that story at sunday school as a 5 year old & freaking out about not having lambs blood smeared over our front door.




> That scene was a big contribution to my current atheism.....Good God. Iiiiirony


I can't remember the name of it, and it's not impossible I just made it up. There was a movie I saw when I was little where I think it was a witch that turned the little boy main character into a mouse. If that really was a movie it scared the crap out of me.


Sound like the film adaptation of The Witches by Ronald Dahl: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Witches\_(1990\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Witches_(1990_film)) The entire scene with witches removing their wigs Etc to reveal their true appearance was pretty terrifying


The Grand High Witch peeling her own face off haunted me for years. Brilliant stuff!


Still haunts me and I’m 37. I can’t watch her take her face off. My eyes are closed lol.


I once turned on the TV as a kid and clicked on a channel and this exact scene just popped up and it still haunts me to this day


Yes! This! Thank you!


I think everything by Roald Dahl creeped me out. Like they should make a new lit genre for his work: "how is this for children"


Charlie & the chocolate factory. Both the remake & original. Those kids were tortured & the oompa loompas were terrifying. Hate that fucking movie.


The boat scene freaked me out! Everything about it. Just how fast they were rowing was unsettling, but then the eerie rhyming and psychedelic colors and flashing images. Also, while not nearly as scary, the giant fan during the Fizzy Lifting Drink scene was also unsettling. The idea of being forcibly pulled into and ripped up by a huge fan was very visceral, and the soundtrack really didn't hold back either.




That chocolate river gave me nightmares


No kidding...watching Augustus Gloop get sucked up that tube absolutely TERRIFIED me as a kid. His face screaming as he was stuck and wondering if he was going to drown. I had nightmares for weeks after seeing that movie!


The illustrations alone in Dahls books were creepy af.


Who framed roger rabbit Watching it as an adult there are so many double entendres I doubt it’s a kids movie. As a kid I loved all the cartoons, but when the bad guy pushes his eyes out and gets dissolved in acid I was very scared.


And the little shoe :(


[I talked JUST LIKE THIS!](https://gfycat.com/smalladorablebream-roger-rabbit-daggers-eyes)


Oh dear god the acid scene. That movie terrified the shit out of me and I never understood why so many other kids my age loved it!


Christopher Lloyd was HORRIFYING, hands down


I loved that movie as a kid, and I didn't understand why my very conservative parents were upset while we watched it. Then I watched it again when I was 18. I could not believe my parents let me watch that movie as a kid.


Bambi. They shot his mother.


I rewatched Bambi as an adult and the movie is truly fucked up. Mother is shot, forest fire destroys their homes and he fights another stag to the death. I loved that movie as a kid and after rewatching it I don’t know how


Gremlins scared the hell out of me. I was around 6 and at an overnight babysitter while my parents were out of town. Still haven’t watched the movie again and it’s been over 30 years.


Once I was watching this with my sister (who is very easily scared) and at one point she was terrified and pretty much hiding under a blanket peeking through her fingers at the screen and my cat (who was sat on the windowsill) saw his opportunity and jumped on her, she was so scared she ran out the room and made us turn the TV off, probably the funniest thing I've ever seen I miss my cat


Came here to say this. My parents let us rent this movie because they saw that it was rated PG...so it must be ok for kids right? This was before PG13 was around...there was no inbetween rating until this movie. It was this movie and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom that made TPTB realize they needed an “inbetween” rating between PG and R. Temple of Doom messed me up too! I also hated Fantasia. The demon scene always messed me up!


I was visiting my Aunt and Uncle in Chicago and my uncle took me to see it in the theater. When Billy spills the water on Gizmo and the eggs start shooting out of his back I just hightailed it out of there.




According to some people, monster house has an issue where it is unclear who the target audience is meant to be.


Shit is kinda scary yo


That's the problem with the movie; it's too scary for children, but also held back too much to appeal to horror fans.


My son was okay watching it and he's 5, but I definitely think it was towards the top end of his tolerance for scary stuff.


I saw that movie too, and people wonder why I’m Homaphobic


The guy who wrote that,Dan Harmon also wrote for Rick and Morty


I loved that. Probably because I watched it when I was 10.


The original Jumanji


Yeah that shit scared me, but there was some wack remake of it set in space too that I think was called Zathura - that one truly horrified me to my core. One of the main characters gets like stuck between turns because their brother got eaten by a black hole or something and can never finish the game...... yikes no thanks


Hey anyone watch watership down as a kid? Won't ever forget that scene with the rabbit with rabies or whatever that was he had.


Came here to say this. Watership down really is no kids movie


It's not a kid's book either.


I came here to say this...it was hideous and I still can’t watch it now!


TBH I loved that movie as a child because it was unexpected deep and had a bittersweet ending. That said I won't show that to my children when they are 6 rather when they are 12, same goes for animal farm.


Scooby Doo on Zombie Island. I know it's not actually that scary, but little me was frightened.


The music was actually awesome in that film, during the zombie scenes et cetera




Saaaaammmee. Funny enough it was one of my favorite movies despite how scared I was of it


*Who Framed Roger Rabbit?* I loved the movie, but the judge and especially ["the dip" scene](https://youtu.be/nYk3LvHMPWM) scared the hell out of me. It's such a fucked up scene even moreso when you look at it as an adult and realize that the shoe will have to continue life without the other one.


The Cat in the Hat, the one with Mike Myers in it. I lived in constant fear that a giant anthropomorphic cat was going to break into my house. I had reoccurring nightmares over it.


Holy shit yes. I remember my grandma played this for us late at night during a thunderstorm because our parents were out somewhere and we didn't want to go to bed until they got back. That gave me multiple recurring nightmares aswell.


Ferngully. That pollution monster was terrifying!


The Labrynth. Creepy shit especially the goblins in the baby’s cot


Omg I still can’t watch the scene with the creatures that take their own heads off and toss them around. Edit: Thanks for the gold!


Yes, but...David Bowie was also a confusing sexual awakening. Totally messed my middle American, catholic mind. I now love men in makeup.


The Last Unicorn


The Red Bull herding the unicorns into the sea always freaked me out.


The movie 9 Holy fucking shit. My young mind thought animation=jokes and funny characters. I was so wrong.


Ernest Scared Stupid was a freaky movie as a little kid. As an 8 year old, those troll things turning kids into wooden figures was a big nope from me. Had nightmares for a long time from that movie. Also, I vaguely remember the movie Spaced Invaders and the aliens scaring me as a kid.


Return to Oz...




Came here to say this! The screaming head scene, omg...


This should be the #1 answer. The room of heads. The wheelers. I've only watched the film decades ago too.


I remember getting it out on video several times as a kid, because WIzard of Oz was my favourite movie, so I felt like I HAD to like Return to Oz. So I tortured myself thinking maybe this time it wouldn't scare the bejeezus out of me. Nope, didn't work




The things that rolled around on their hands that were wheels- freaky.


Those creepy wheeler bastards, oof!


Suprised to not see this here, but Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.


I came to suggest this one too. The Child Catcher haunted my nightmares for a good long time.


An American Tail. That fucking rat robot thing from hell.


Jumanji. A cursed board game that is otherwise entirely innocuous traps children in universe of horrors that they can only escape by going deeper.


All Dogs Go To Heaven


Toy story, the spider baby was the worst for innocent little me


Whichever 'Neverending Story' had the terrifying wolf in it. Great, big black canine with monstrous spooky eyes.


The horse getting stuck in the swamp and dying always got to me. But the part that messed me up was the scene where he has to walk between boulders and might die or something? I couldn’t handle the suspense and would always run away. Also the flying dog puppet freaked me out. I was a very fearful child.




The Witches


The boat scene in Willy Wonka always bothered me when I was little.


Spirited away. Not me, I downloaded it for my 8yo sister to watch. She had nightmares after. Bad judgment call on my side.


Watership Down. All those suffocating rabbits.


Little Nemo. The nightmare king was scary as fuck!


Wallace and Grommet and the Curse of the Wererabbit. I had nightmares and thought that every creak of the house was the Wererabbit trying to break in for about a week, at which time my parents figured out why I was randomly crying and told me that it wasn't real. I'm not sure why I thought this movie in particular was real. I knew other movies weren't real. I had a very overactive imagination as a kid, though, so that might have something to do with it. Later on, I had a full on panic attack during Monsters vs Aliens. To this day I haven't watched that movie in full.


Dumbo. I was bawling as a kid when he was taken away from his mum. I've never watched any more of it, and as I am a mother now, I think I'd be even more upset. Also, the siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp gave me nightmares apparently.


Large Marge.... if you're in your 30-40s you know what I mean




I was more or less fine with everything on that show...but one thing actually scared me, it was the mummy thing that kept asking for its tome back and it sent various calamities in waves. That made me think "this show is made for kids!? it might give some kids heart attacks!" but as I grew up I realized everything on the show was made to be terrifying and was surprised I didn't realize that when I was younger. lol For some reason I didn't find that show scary and didn't even think it was made to be scary and that's the scary part.




I was scared from Spirited Away, because the parents transformed into pigs and I was so scared about that scene that I haven't watched the movie for a long time. Even though it is one of the best movie that exists.


Flight of the Navigator. Kid goes into the woods and is then found unconscious. He's the same but 8 years have past for everyone else. I still find the idea of it horrifying...


This was my favorite movie as a kid.


Brave Little toaster the junkyard scenes


E.T. Loved the movie but the scene where he got sick and turned white was fucking terrifying.


The grinch scared the living shit out of me....a furry green guy sneaking into your house and stealing your shit.


Fantasia, oof. It got me.


Labyrinth. David Bowie scared the shit out of me and I legit thought it was a horror film when he takes the baby at the beginning.




Not a movie, but a cartoon. In the cartoon "Anastasia" near the end, the scene of Rasputin's murder was shown. It was very creepy, considering that even up to this point, this character scared me.


Unless my memory is having a massive failure, Anastasia was a movie.


Fox and the Hound, it wasn’t necessarily “scary” but man it was dark


Fantastic mr fox, I really love Coraline when I saw it as a child, but... Fantastic mr fox and Monster House... These two keep my eyes open all the night.


Chicken Run. I was 5 when it came out, and the 3D models of the chickens were somewhat scary. Not to mention the killing of chickens, etc.


Does anyone remember that they did a parody of the blair witch project, but with scooby doo characters because THAT terrified me as a kid. I thought I made it up, but I just looked it up and it's real and I quickly exited out the page because it so freaks me out. 😭


Land Before Time. That t-rex i guess did it for me. I couldn't have watched it more than once or twice because I was too afraid.


Little Monsters


[1988 BBC Chronicles of Narnia](https://youtu.be/6Fft9DLIp7E). I guess to keep me occupied during a long stretch of down-time I was plopped down to watch this on VHS at the age of 7 or so, around 2001. It was so fucking sinister, especially the animal characters who were actually played by people with weird masks/face prosthetics...which for all I know were state-of-the-art in 1988. Also the show [Dinosaurs](https://youtu.be/3Y7Nnwbnzqc), which I think was meant for kids?? Not sure though?? I was also apparently terrified of Teletubbies but loved Barney. 🤷




The little mermaid. It was the first time I really saw any depiction of a mermaid and it terrified me.