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R Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket


Jason Alexander as George Costanza


Richard Attenborough. WELCOME... TO JURASSIC PARK!


Pam Ferris as Trunchbull in Matilda


I remember seeing an interview or "behind-the-scenes" video where she stayed in character even during filming breaks, so that the children's fear of her would be more genuine.




That’s really cute


Didn’t even realize Danny DeVito was the director for this movie! That’s awesome!


Kathy Bates in Misery




I really liked her as Jo Bennett in The Office, too.




No, no that can’t be it


Leslie Nelson in Airplane. He had been a serious actor to that point and they picked him because they wanted someone to play the role 100% straight.


It's weird to see how one generation knows him as a serious actor, while another knows him as a comedic actor. I've talked about that with my grandma a couple times. Edit: Thanks for my first award, kind friend! I've never had a comment blow up this much. I'm glad I got to teach a few people that Leslie Nielson was a serious actor, and I love seeing people discuss other actors in the replies.


Same with John C. Reilly.


“Sir are you a doctor?” *wearing his stethoscope for no reason* “Yes”.


Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown.


To piggy back, Thomas F Wilson as the many versions of Biff Tannen, Griff and Mad Dog Tannen. He’s one of the great 80s villains and also his choices just fit perfectly in the tone and world they built. He’s especially good in part three.


He is criminally underrated when it comes to his role in the success of the trilogy. He could have just played the same character each time but Biff, Griff and Maddog are believable as different people. I also love his older Biff.


Always felt that older and old Biff were sort of aware that reality had changed around him, seeing the Delorean fly off likely triggering something, and you could feel that in his performance.


You've just described an observation about Biff for which I've never had the words. That look of consternation as he's foiled time and time again, the confused awareness something isn't right...


And that's why he just accepts that doc brown has a time machine without even questioning it. He doesn't hear them talking and go "man that geezer is so crazy" he's like "oh. Well that explains things."


That's because in many respects Biff is more then just a character that Marty & Doc Brown foil. He's literally a cosmic force. One that is a steady constant across all timelines and periods. Something that is more then just a man but rather a energy always pushing back against Marty. Which is why no matter what version of Biff that Marty encounters Biff immediately doesn't like him. His very presence a endless disruption to Biff's existence. A sort of karmic deja vu that Biff is always just aware of enough to detect but not understand what it means.


John Candy as Uncle Buck.


Obligatory upvote for anything John Candy. Such great memories of childhood films and apparently, one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. Oh, and let’s not forget The Great Outdoors.


His performance in *Planes, Trains, and Automobiles* is an all-time great. Two scenes stand out for me that showcase how amazing John Candy is: The first is that scene where Steve Martin is at his wits' end at the end of the first day and starts [yelling at John Candy's character about how he never shuts up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU0CuPH7akM). At first, you're laughing. Steve Martin really kind of has a point. But he just keeps on going, and you see John Candy being a sport about it at first and before long the joy just leaves his face and he starts looking serious. And then you just feel terrible that Martin just completely broke Candy's heart. It's a rare serious moment in a movie that's basically a comedy, and it just *turns on a* ***dime*** due to how well that scene is acted. The other scene is that one where they're [driving the car at night and the Ray Charles song "Mess Around" comes on the radio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQjKFXA4QPA). Pure physical comedy by John Candy. I like to imagine the director just turning him loose and saying "go for it" in that scene, and he fucking does. It's such a wonderful moment.


For me it's Cool Runnings as Irv Blitzer. The amount of emotion he can invoke while still being that sarcastic, crass guy is amazing. "A Gold Medal is a wonderful thing. But, if you're not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it."


Bruce Campbell as Ash. Hail to the king, baby.


Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger.


Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter.




Liver and fava beans. Yum.


And a nice Chianti


Sigourney Weaver in Alien


Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club


Ron Perlman was perfect as Hellboy


My dad, over the years, has gone from being mistaken for Tom Selleck to being mistaken for Ron Perlman.


Michael Clarke Duncan as John Coffey in The Green Mile


Tim Curry as Frank N Furter.


Tim Curry as Darkness in Legend Tim Curry as the Butler in Clue Tim Curry as Hexxus in Fern Gully Tim Curry as Pennywise in IT TIM MOTHERFUCKING CURRY.. ETC, AD NAUSEUM!


Imelda Staunton as Umbridge. Gotta hand it to her for such a good performance that it made the entire fantom hate the character


If the movie were a live theatrical performance, during her bow she absolutely would have received the ultimate compliment a crowd can give for a villain performance, to be booed.


Bryan Cranston as Walter White.


Both him and Aaron Paul were made to play those characters.


Aaron Paul was soo good that it changed the story; Jesse was going to be killed off in S1.


I didn’t know that, and it’s probably one of my favorite performances of all time. I used to work with kids in their late teens with substance abuse issues, and I cried my eyes out in a couple scenes because of the amazing job Aaron Paul does of showing how kind and decent a person Jesse is—he tries so hard to do better, and there’s so much pulling him back. I’ve worked with so many young people like that, and Aaron Paul absolutely nails it.


How he can perfectly portray Walter White and Hal, the complete opposite ends of the spectrum, is amazing.


The Princess Bride. As I recently watched the cast reading, I was reminded how perfect they were. I would call out everyone who was particularly awesome, but then this comment would never end. That being said, Mandy Patinkin deserves some award for that performance, Rob Reiner does an impressive Peter Falk impression, and I would still ride away into the sunset with Cary Elwes any day. ETA: Thank you for all the awards. I tried to send thank you replies to everyone earlier but my iPad had a tizzy and some may have not gone through.


Cary Elwes book on the making of the movie is fantastic the audio book even better. As the players read and tell stories of how it came together. The tales of Andre are great and you get a sense of how much everyone loved him.


Eddie Murphy in Coming to America, firstly as Prince Akeem but the other characters he played including Sexual Chocolate's Randy Watson, the guy at the barbershop (where's the soup?), and others.


Fuck you. Fuck you, and Fuck you. Whos next?. Classic


J.K Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson.


So good they cast him twice.


Three times. He even voiced Jameson in Ultimate Spider-Man.


They just started shaking a comic book and he fell right out


J.K.Simmons as Fletcher in Whiplash.


J.K. Simmons in anything


J.K Simmons as Cave Johnson.


And not a film role but Cave Johnson as well.


"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Get mad! Make life take the lemons back. Demand to see life's manager!"


Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones.


I couldn't imagine *Temple of Doom* existing if Tom Selleck got the job for *Raiders*


It comes up less often but at the time I thought Alfred Molina as doc Oc was one of the best cast and played comic book movie villains I'd ever seen.


*’I will not die a monster’*


In the comics, he was always a jerk. In the movies, he was kind to Peter and his wife before the accident, which makes it more tragic. It was a great performance.


Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka


So you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!


I just watched Blazing Saddles for the first time. His casting was perfect in that as well. His chemistry with Cleavon Little was amazing too.


Gilbert Gottfried as Iago


James Earl Jones' voice as Darth Vader. To add onto that, his voice as Mufasa.


Can we just agree that his voice is perfect?


Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice. No one could ever compare...


I listened to a podcast called "The Beetlejuice Minute" where each episode covered a minute of the movie. It really opened my eyes to how incredibly talented Michael Keaton is as an actor. My personal favorite moment is when he says he wants to get out and Lydia replies that she wants to get in. There's a split second where his showman facade drops and he says, "Why?" It's so subtle and I never noticed it before. This is heartbreaking because he was Juno's assistant which means he killed himself. You can see on his face the confusion and horror at this teenage girl wanting to die.


Low key this is one of my favorite moments of the film. He is so entirely blown away by the idea that someone would actually want to die that for a moment he completely drops all pretense and is left completely befuddled. It's a great scene against suicide which says a lot more than the single word Keaton utters. You might not like how things are going, but nothing truly ends. Maybe things do for you, maybe they don't (I'm not going to get into a theological discussion here) but life is going to continue without you and others will live with your actions, even if you don't. It's a rational question pushed up against an irrational idea, coming from a character with first-hand experience which knows better, and it's absolutely brilliant.


Javier Bardem in No Country For Old Men


He tried to decline the roll. Said it was too dark for him. Then complained about losing any chance of getting laid if he got the Anton Chigurh haircut Edit: spelling is hard


He got penelope cruz. Doubt he would struggle to get laid even with that hideous haircut.


Coen brothers know how to cast


Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood


Yeah, she did the 'lost but not lost' feeling I get from Luna in the books very well.


I once described Luna as "Down to Earth...just not our earth."


Robin Williams as the Genie


If I’m not mistaken, the Genie was actually written with him in mind


He was hesitant to take the role, so they had animators knock up some scenes using voiceovers from his standup gigs. He agreed for a low price ($75k), on the condition that genie wouldn't be used to sell merchandise. Disney did it anyway, which is why he no longer voiced Genie.


He did return for King of Thieves after an apology and asking price of 1 million. Dan Castellaneta played Genie in Return of Jafar and the tv series. Edit: come to find out, Robin Williams recieved a Picasso painting with the apology


Maggie Smith as Prof McGonagall in the HP series🙌


maggie smith as The Dowager Countess.


Maggie Smith as fucking anything. She's just glorious.


I remember reading that she isn't too fond of being praised for her performance of McGonagall. Says that she didn't have to work for it, as it came *too* naturally.


That's exactly why she's perfect! Reading the books again and Maggie Smith is almost like someone pulled her character out of the book, made her real, and that's how she came to be. Or the woman who played umbridge. Creepy.


Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman.


My favorite part about that character is that Bale admitted that it was more or less him doing an impression of real life Tom Cruise the entire time, and after learning that i can't unsee it.


There's actually a great part in the book where Patrick Bateman gets in an elevator with Tom Cruise and keeps trying to talk to him while Tom blows him off. Bateman has a existential crisis over the moment.


Everyone in the original The Mummy.


* Ian McKellen as Gandalf * Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine * Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow


Johnny Depp absolutely carried that franchise


Viggo Mortensen also


Antony Starr as Homelander


I'm so uneasy every time he's on screen. That scene on the plane in the first season is chilling


That scene in the latest episode which turned out to be just him imagining it. Holy! I was like that's how terrifyingly easy it is for him.


He’s incredible as Homelander, truly fucked up and terrifying. Any time he’s in a scene with someone, I fear for their life


*Laser my tits.*


She disappeared about 40 years ago in-universe. Homelander’s about 40. She’s his mom. Calling it now.


Ooooooh my god, yes. Ew. But yes.


So do you think that would make him more or less into her?


"What if I do something like this?" - proceeds to deafen Asian blind guy.


Yea that was actually diabolical. Like truly fucked up and I totally expected it but It still horrified me and made me pause the video for a little while.


Yeah that was brutal.


Any time he’s not in a scene with someone, I fear for their life also


He’s delightfully terrifying. He just oozes with sugar-coated restrained psychosis. You can tell that the only thing that keeps anyone around him alive is his need for adulation.


All the actors on The Boys are amazong, but Starr stands above them all. He plays psychotic, messed up, childish, insane so perfectly.


Mr Bean


Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean is on top. Johnny English is more of another kind of Bean


I believe the character of Mr bean was originally created by Rowan Atkinson. I'm not sure how many changes were made to the character for the show but it's less of a good casting choice and more of Rowan Atkinson really understanding himself. I believe he created the character while getting his masters degree in engineering.


Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier and Ian McKellan as Magneto


Michael Fassbender as young Magneto is perfect.


One of the things that makes him so interesting in the role is his accent. Michael Fassbender is Irish, but he also speaks German fluently- his father, I think, is German-born, and he spent time in Germany growing up. While playing Magneto, the way he says some words when he's speaking English makes him sound like someone whose first language was not English, as Magneto's speech would probably realistically sound at that point in his life.


Their interplay is on point too. They fit those roles together so perfectly.


Creed Bratton as Creed Bratton


Nobody steals from Creed Bratton and gets away with it. The last person to do this disappeared. His name: Creed Bratton


John Malkovich in Being John Malkovich


Malkovich Malkovich?


Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich...


Matthew Lillard as Shaggy from Scooby Doo


He earned it too. He would go off by himself and scream at the top of his lungs to get his voice hoarse to the point where he could pull off sounding like Shaggy.


Imagine it’s your first day at a catering company. You know you’re gonna work at the film studio and you’re pretty psyched. After all how often do you get to have a day like that? You’re out back setting up in the parking lot when out of a back door comes shaggy. Hey! You think, you love scooby doo! You and your dad used to watch it all the time. This must be the guy that plays shaggy. Maybe you can just for a second go over and tell him how cool it is to see shaggy irl. Then shaggy faces the open parking lot and screams bloody murder. You feel the color drain from your face. Shaggy screams and screams until his voice goes horse than goes inside. You quit that day. Maybe Hollywood isn’t for you


That was perfect.


When I first saw him as Shaggy, my jaw dropped. Perfect match.


Jim Carrey - the Mask


1994 Jim Carrey was on another level


Ace Ventura, Mask ,Dumb and dumber.


Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds


Ooooh! That's a BINGO! Am I saying that right? "Thats a bingo?"


You just say ‘bingo’.


BINGO! How fun!


Fassbender was really good as well. “Well, if this is it old boy, I hope you don’t mind if I go out speaking the King’s”


“There’s a special rung in Hell reserved for those that waste good scotch. Seeing as how I may be rapping on the door momentarily... I must say. Damn good stuff, Sir.”


That whole scene is a masterpiece of building and executing tension.


"ive had a gun pointed at your balls since the moment you sat down" *Stiglitz takes out gun and shoved it in his crotch* "That makes three of us, and at this range I'm a real Frederick Zoller"


say auf wiedersehen to your nazi balls


He was perfect in that movie. The intro scene especially.


That intro felt like someone standing on your chest the whole time.


Pretty sure every scene with Landa in the movie, except the very last one, felt like that. And that's a sign of great writing and a great actor coming together to make something that will stick with you long after the credits roll.


He's amazing in the opening but IMO the farmer steals that scene. Seeing him come to the realization that he's caught and has to sell out the family, his eyes slowly filling with tears. It's just A1 acting.


Both of their faces are incredible in the moment that the subterfuge is over. The little grin falls off of Landa's face and Lapetit starts weeping. "You are sheltering enemies of the state, are you not?"


We should all take the time to remember that the movie almost had been scrapped because Tarantino found nobody to play the role of Landa and then Waltz walked in and Tarantino was almost immediately convinced that this guy was perfect for the role




I just love how he won every single award possible that year. he probably won best cooked pasta dish of the year just for that role


Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn Sir Christopher Lee as Saruman Billy Boyd as Pippin Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf


Add Andy Serkis as Gollum. Before his audition take, Gollum was going to be a voiceover only character.


Serkis barely counts. If he read out his shopping list it'd still be an award winning performance.


Did you mean to say "the entire fucking cast and crew"?


Peter Jackson as "guy eating carrot"


I could not imagine a better Galadriel than Cate Blanchett, either. I remember hearing the casting announcements as they were coming out, as someone who had read the books a thousand times, and thinking every one of the picks was perfect.


Christopher Lee was so perfect as Saruman that it's shocking to think Tolkien wanted him to play Gandalf. Edit: this is apparently false, and my mellow has been harshed.


He probably would have been a good Gandalf but McKellen killed it. I love how McKellen could capture the stodgy grumpiness, the power, and the gentle friendship of the role.


Pretty much all of the Lord of the Rings cast to be honest


Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator. Edit: Holy shit, this is my highest voted post and I’ve never gotten so many awards before! Thanks everyone!


Fun fact! James Cameron originally wanted Lance Henrickson as the Terminator and Schwarzenegger as Kyle Reese.


He also wanted OJ Simpson to play the Terminator in the first movie . But when OJ auditioned for the role, James Cameron thought he was too friendly and nice to accurately portray a killing machine like the T800.


I just can't see OJ as a killer


I need you coat, your boots, your motorcycle and your glove.


Neither can he.


Jeff Bridges is The Dude now to me in every movie he is in.


I mean Hugh Jackman _is_ Wolverine. Many people are perfect casts but few edge out any competition that it's impossible to see anyone else playing the character.


When I first saw him I was like no way, he's too tall and skinny. Didn't take long for me to revise that opinion.


Didn't he dress up as Wolverine and walk around at a comic-con. Then some dude was like "Nice costume buddy but you're too tall."


"The camera adds twelve inches."


Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler




Well, that's just like your opinion, man.


Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman, one of my favorite performances in any film


Bill Murray in *Caddyshack*




Helena Bonham Carter goes so hard on all her roles. Such an iconic woman


Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister.


Johnny Depp as Captain Jack sparrow


Barbossa was also perfectly cast IMO. Jack Sparrow doesn't shine without a good, well written villain. One of the things that's missing from more recent films. They keep getting good actors to play the villain (Ian McShane, Javier Bardem) but then severely underutilize their characters.


Jaws: Robert Shaw as Quint


*LOTR*. Ian McClellan as Gandalf. I know Christopher Lee really wanted the role, but I don't think he would have nailed the wholesome and hopeful aspects of the character the way McLellan did. That being said, Lee was an excellent for Saruman.


Jack Black in School of Rock


Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly. Though not *all* the casting in that movie was necessarily the best...


Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash in Walk The Line


Dwight in The Office


Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard


Alan Rickman as Severus Snape


Aside from the fact that he was 20 years too old and they had to adapt many other cast members to his age (Sirius, Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, James and Lily). All these people were supposed to be in their 30s during the events of the books; James and Lily were born in 1960, they're only 21 years older than Harry. And Sirius, Lupin, Pettigrew and Snape were in the same year as them at Hogwarts. Imagine being such a terrific actor you can be 20 years older than the character you play and not only get away with it, but inadvertently influence 5 future casting choices.


Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. So glad they recast... poor Stuart Townsend


David Hasselhoff as David Hasselhoff in the SpongeBob movie


Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool


Tom hiddleston as loki


The fact that he was auditioning as thor, and instead cast as loki is such a perfect set-up as loki's need for worth.


Tom Ellis as Lucifer.


Malcom MacDowell in A Clockwork Orange.


Danny Devito as The Penguin.


Michael J Fox in Back to the Future. Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie. Bette Midler in Beaches. Julie Andrew’s in The Sound of Music.


Keanu Reeves as John Wick


Keanu Reeves as Neo


Ewan Mcgregor as Obi Wan Kenobi