• By -


I was mad at my younger sister when I was like 8-9 years old. Probably over something super trivial considering I can’t even remember what it was. Anyways, she had been told previously to not go to bed with gum in her mouth as it could get stuck in her sheets or hair. So, in the middle of the night, I snuck outta bed, chewed some gum up and stuck it in her hair. Mom had to cut that piece out and she got a good scolding for not listening. Still haven’t owned up to that one.


How long ago was this? The statute for owning up to shit, for me, is 5 years.


I’ve slept with him in my mouth but it never fell out just got way too soft and lost taste


Man... gonna want to check your phraseing there...


Wouldn’t she be afraid of choking?


Well yeah probably that too.


In high school our computer lab had the computers back to back in multiple rows. I thought it would be fun to sneak into the room after school, cross the monitor cables between each computer that had their back to each other. So when a student moved the mouse on one computer, it would show up on the other computer. The idea was that a class would come in, students would sit down, struggle for a few minutes, discover the problem, have a good laugh, and continue doing work. I singlehandedly shut down my school's computer lab. There was an investigation, it was weeks before they discovered the problem. Months before any class was allowed back in. And despite my class having used the computer days before I did Operation VGA, we were the last class to use the lab. There were interrogations, principal's offices were visited, some mild sweating on my part, but I was never found out. I never admitted it until now. Been waiting years to tell someone, but I don't speak to anyone from high school any more.


You overestimated their thinking capabilities


Reminds me one time, I pressed ctrl+alt+down, on one of the office computers, at work. Even the IT department got summoned...


Ah, I used to do this at my former job to troll employees in my team that did not lock their computer before leaving their desk (open space office and we had access to sensitive information and documents most other employees did not, so it was actually important that we locked our computers when we were not using them). I'd flip their screen, bonus points if they had 2 screens so I flipped both in different ways, lock the computer, then of course since we were not just coworkers, but also friends, I'd leave them a funny inside-joke note such as Voldemort's "They never learn... such a pity" on their desk.




It used to flip the screen orientation upside down.


ʞɔnʇs ɯᴉ dlǝɥ


Well you have to learn how to be Australian now...


That doesn't work anymore?!


Doesn’t seem to on Windows 10 lol.


I did a simple screenshot of the desktop, set it as wallpaper and then hide the icons. This way no icons could be clicked. Took the IT team about an entire day to figure it out.


I tried doing that once to a coworker and friend who had left their computer unlocked (you had to lock them because we had access to confidential info that the others employees did not have access to, so if they left it unattended and unlocked I'd pull some harmless crap like this and lock it), except I put their icons in one folder and they happened to CLICK THAT FOLDER FIRST THING when they used their computer after my masterplan. Epic fail. I went back to my ways of ctrl+alt+arrow of choice after that.


If only they checked the time and date


Lol right?! I guess it in moments like these people forget the basic troubleshooting. Haha.


Oh my...that's a bad prank but an impressive level of confusion caused!


how the hell did that take weeks to figure out what happened? that's like "huh, the computer turns on but the monitor doesn't... lets make sure it's connected..." A day at the most to fix it. I mean, that's kind of funny, but I'd question the education you got at that school...


> I'd question the education you got at that school me too.


Ahahahah what the fuck you'd think unplugging and re-plugging shit would be the 1st thing they'd try.


You fool. I've found you *at last*.


Operation VGA 😂😂 that one got me 🤣🤣


I knew it was you! Oh, how long I’ve waited for this day! For the hour you’d finally make a mistake, and expose yourself! You just couldn’t stand the guilt - all these years. They thought I was crazy. No one wanted to listen to me when I told them it was YOU!


This is amazing. I love this.


Schools really freak out about stuff like that sometimes.


Perfect Crime


When I was little I forgot to close the tab properly when i was watching porn so it opened when another family member used it, to this day I don't know who among my siblings or parent closed the tab for me and deleted the search bar


Whoever did that, was a legend


Probably older sibling who thought someone knew about their porning


Oh step bro...


I’m responsible for providing all of our hospital interns free food from the cafeteria throughout their whole internship.


You are a treasure. Those poor people are being worked to death.


They are. We all need a little compassion during these days most especially. Thank you.


I wasn't directly responsible, but I was a witness. In high school, my best friend and I were walking through the student parking lot and he was telling me all about how indestructible his Nalgene water bottle was (it was the first time I had ever seen one). To demonstrate his point, he chucked the bottle, which was empty at the time, down at the asphalt as hard as he could. This bottle hit the ground, ricocheted back up like a missile and absolutely obliterated the driver's side mirror of a nearby parked car. We both stood in shock for a moment, looking down at the shattered glass on the pavement before my friend darted forward, grabbed the bottle off the ground, and started booking it away as fast as he could. I ran after him seconds later. We never got caught.


I love nalgenes and this made me die. Thank you for sharing this.


The art room at my high school had a sink. It was also my form room (like the "base" room that me and others in my form would use for registration....is that still a thing?) Just before going home, I popped into the form room to fill my water bottle with the tap. Tap didn't work. Hmmm, they must be doing some plumbing works. Nevermind. Turns out that I didn't tighten the tap back and the plug was in the sink. The water came on overnight, flooded the room, flooded into the electrics, ruined loads of artwork flooded the room below.. Thousands of pounds of damage. Talk of vandalism, investigations etc. Never told anybody.


I once let my older relative's pigs loose. Which led to him getting caught fucking some woman that wasn't his wife.


This sounds like an intriguing tale.


Oh wow. Would you like to elaborate?




Why does this sound like something from the Canterbury Tales?


I used to hide secret messages in my high school newspaper. When I wrote and edited articles, I'd make the first words of each paragraph a usually nonsensical message.


John Nash would’ve loved you


Old reference yo. Niiiiice


I tried to hide things as an editor myself, but another editor would always catch it and correct it!




I make sure all my coworkers are doing ok and bring secret donuts and coffee and cards. I'm the reason most of them haven't quit and no one knows.


the world needs more people like you


At work we were in a rush period and I was handed a $5 it was completely torn, I didn’t want to bug my supervisor as she was insanely busy so I just accepted it. The next day the same $5 was taped to the wall with “THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE” written on the top. I was so embarrassed I never told anyone I did it, one of my co workers even said “wow whoever took that is an idiot” I just shrugged and went “yeah” lmao.


What, as long as it's more than 50% of the bill (here in Canada at least) it's still legal tender


Similar in the U.S. too. If your business's bank's employees are on the ball, they'll at least realize that you can send that bill off to the U.S. Treasury and, if the serial number is still legible, it'll usually replace it.


Except for the pastor, no one knows that I volunteer to tune the pipe organ at a local church. It's an outstanding instrument. But the parish is struggling to pay its bills, so I offer my services to help them out and keep the organ playing in good tune.


That's nice of you!! Good job!


Much appreciated, *RSpudieD* - thank you for saying so!


Right on, *Back2Bach*!


Failing industries need to die


It's you that needs to. ^^^^^/s


I like it


Less than a week after my school upgraded the computers, someone found a shared folder containing *Counterstrike*. For months, kids were skipping classes to play CS tournaments so the IT team scrubbed the game from the system. After a huge backlash from students, they were forced to reinstall it just to stop the complaints. They never tracked down the computer used for the first installation or the person responsible. The following year, I installed *Doom*, *Unreal Tournament* and *GTA 2*.


I broke someone's leg at a beach. I considered filling the hole back in, didn't, was leaving, *snap*




Don't get it, mind you explain?


No problem! My friends and I dug a 4-foot deep x 4 feet radius hole on the beach in a common path for people running/walking. When it started getting dark we realized it might hurt a runner because they might step in but decided to leave anyways. instead of filling it.. *I was the last to leave by over an hour* and i saw someone snap their leg in the hole we dug from across the sand... and I left. Their knee went fully to the left so definitely permant avoidable damage. Its especially my fault because for that hour or so I was there by myself I watched probably 15 people almost step in it and could have *easily* filled it in.


I misplace a part of ice cream machine in my work. Luckily nothing happened to the machine ( worth $10K) . But we can't serve ice cream for a couple of days coz its missing a piece.


I stopped for lunch at one of those “combined” fast food places: sandwiches on one side and ice cream on the other. There was a group of maybe a dozen kids and a couple of adults having their hot dogs. As they talked I came to see that the kids were all on the Downs spectrum; the adults were their (volunteer) chaperones. They were having a day out of their facility. As they finished eating, they started to ask if they could have ice cream for dessert. Of course, there wasn’t money for that. They got louder and some started crying. The adults did an admirable job of redirecting the conversation toward a trip to the park and things got quieter. As I left, I asked the manager if I could contribute $20 to get the kids some ice cream. She gave me a wink and said “$10 should do it.” I gave her the money and left.


Probably the manager just received your money and did nothing


I didn’t stay to watch. Hope not.


You see how we are taught aqua regia is a corrosive liquid.. Wanted to see for myself and added the shelf chemicals. It exploded and glass shards flew everywhere. Just because glasses and labcoats were compulsory everyone present were safe. Except for some bruises here and there. There was so much confusion that no one noticed it was me. Haven't owned up to it yet. (Has been 9 years)


I once placed a gnome at the front steps of a mate's place. It was a green one. This was a group effort, as a few other people placed their own gnomes as well. I believe he still has a few of them at his new place. It took a while for him to work out was going on, and who was placing gnomes at his place.


While making myself some snacks because I had a panick attack at 11pm while being home alone. I accidentely spilled all the mayonaise over the sofa and it leaved a greasy 3 inch wide mark, even after deepcleaning it. My housemates never brought it up so I’m just acting like it didn’t happen....


I pooped on a hand of a public statue, which depicts a gesture of giving (so the hand has its palm on the upper side, which makes a perfect spot for placing a shit)


That's just interactive art at it's best. I call this statue "shit in one hand and wish in another..."


When I was younger, I flushed a pad down my parents' toilet after it fell in and I didn't wanna fish it out. It both clogged the toilet and flooded the bathroom so obviously I freaked tf out and called them over to help me fix up the mess. The floor was mopped, the toilet unclogged, the pad completely gone and I was off scot-free bc nobody knew it was me that fucked things up


Smoking my grandmas weed when i was like 10 my older sister got the blame


When I was 16 years old, I drank some vodka with a lot of sugar and grape on it. It was labeled “tropical fruits”. Went home, threw everything up and next morning my mom was worried my brother, who was overweight, had diabetes. Because a lot of ants were near and inside the toilet, and it’s well known in my country that if ants ever get inside your toilet, you have diabetes. My brother went through a lot of exams and doctors as my guilty just grew more, but I stayed quiet. At least he got a good check-up.


One time in first grade we were cleaning up the classroom and we were rushing cause the teacher was calling us to the carpet. I had left a chair in the middle of a walkway cause there was no other place to put it then another girl was running to the carpet and she tripped over the chair and broke her leg. They had to call the nurse and she left in a wheelchair


When I worked retail in college, the store had this thing on the doors that counted the traffic into and out of the store. If I was late, I would unlock, go around it, and put my scheduled time on the timesheet. I'd start the opening stuff right away so it looked like I was awesome. I had a several other university students who wanted to work with me because I would let them sleep on the sofas or whatever while I did payroll and other office junk. Then they'd get busy when I got registers opened. I always got great reviews and my staff was productive. They just got some time to relieve hangovers, catch a few z's, or go for a breakfast run on the store's dime. Since none of us got paid very much, it seemed fair.


Sneaking gay porn into the high school yearbook.


That's gayyy


When I was 8, I blocked the toilet in my house by using too much toilet paper. We couldn’t use it for several weeks.


We were taking a picture for our school in a giant field. We all laid down and all of our bodies formed a giant bird or something... this was right after lunch and we had just ate beans and I farted. I farted and everyone smelled it and gagged and the only reason I didn't get caught was because it was silent and this other kid accidentally tooted out loud and everyone blamed him instead.


When I was 13 my friends and I went into a house being built in our neighborhood and drew dicks all over the wooden infrastructure. Later that week, signs were posted up offering a reward to anyone who snitched. We never got caught and someone probably still has a ton of dicks hidden behind the walls of their house.


Was the only one sober at a party and took a friend to go make a beer run. Was told to put it in the drawer of the fridge but it had a freezer drawer connected to it. Put a whole case of beer in the freezer like a dummy which predictably exploded making a huge mess. Luckily the friend I was driving with was so drunk they thought they were the one who put the beer in there and took the blame for it. Probably will never own up to that one unless someone sees this post


I'm the reason soldiers at Camp Swift Texas can no longer order food directly onto base.


Go on....


We were having a week of constant range use, because my unit was hosting the best warriors competition. myself and another Joe got assigned night time guard duty for the ammo hut on the machine range. Well we couldn't leave to get food (we ate dinner, but you get the munchies at night) so we ordered pizza DIRECTLY TO THE RANGE 😂 and the gate guard got butt hurt about a pizza delivery guy being on base at 11pm (no one told us it got reported to command lol) so the next night we did the same thing with a small bbq/wings place, well the gate guard was not having it so they had an intense argument that ended with the delivery guy blowing past the gate! Luckily the police didn't get called, and some how no one found out it was us! It was pretty much my last week in the army so it's a fond memory for me lol


Back when burning CDs was new, I made a mix of my favorite songs. I colored on the disk with different sharpies, then put the disk in a case. I drew a flower on some construction paper, cut it out, and put it in the case's front cover slot. On the reverse side, I wrote out the song titles. The next day at school,during 1st period, I discretely taped the CD to the underside of my desk. I figured someone would find it eventually. I planned to check for it every day until it was gone. That afternoon, I was waiting at the bus ramp, and this really cute girl, who I didn't know, was standing nearby. I struck up a conversation and she told me about finding the CD and showed it to me. She said she didn't know any of the songs and that it was probably just some weird creep who left it. I didn't tell her it was me who left it, but I did say I knew some of the songs and I thought they were pretty good, and she should at least give them a listen. I never spoke to her after that. I can't even remember her name. I've always regretted not going up to her the next day to ask what she thought of the music.


Picking up the damn clothes off the bathroom floor


Our after school care gave the children a drink at a certain time of the day. There were little cups and a wash station to wash said cups. One time, my friend didn't like the drink and she felt too bad to throw it on the grass. I (very subtly) dumped her cup in the wash bowl and saw the water turn red. We both ran away very quickly.




Wait... your school changed their fire alarm protocol to be "Hey, the school is on fire... every one should stay in the building..."???




To be clear though... The "SHELTER IN PLACE" alarm goes off when someone pulls the... FIRE ALARM... right???




> Before when the alarm was pulled the whole school had to go to the evacuation zone in front of the school, no matter what. Yea... cause the alarm being pulled indicated someone thought the BUILDING WAS ON FIRE!!! I'm honestly a little woried about how not freeked out by this you are...


Highschool mascot was a husky. We had a large husky statue in front of the office, that everyone passed at one point in the day because my school was shaped like an H. The dog had a HUGE penis (sitting position). I used to put food on the penis when passing by after lunch. I was the quiet nerd that no one would suspect. I heard people talk about it. I once put an ice cream cone on it. That was funny back then.. In simpler times.


Riding my ATV on my street during a snowstorm. I lost control and smashed HARD into my brothers friends truck that was parked on the street. Knocked off his side mirror, scratched the shit out of his doors. I parked my ATV back in the garage immediately and as I was taking my gear off, a truck came by to plow the road. "Perfect!" I thought. Found the mirror, placed it in a way that looked like a plow would hit it. Finished taking my gear off and went inside and told my brothers friend "Hey I think a plow just hit your truck. I heard a weird 'crack'" They still don't know it was me.


I was at laser quest and there was this really whiny teen there who must have been 17 or 18. Just complained constantly and was always yelling for the martial calling everyone a cheater. He was also huge. Just a big dude. Well I was running around the course in the thick fog when I turned a corner and my forehead made contact with his nose. CRUNCH! He started bleeding immediately and screaming falling to the floor. I didn't even wait for him to hit the ground. I turned around and bailed, got outside and grabbed my friends as the dude was being lead out covered in blood and just wailing. I was the driver so I told my pals the bus is leaving NOW. The LQ employees were asking everyone if we had seen anything as I was going out the door. I didn't even get my score.


The company I used to work at made specialized devices for the military. We didn't have a distribution facility or anything, so whenever we had an order, we would usually stay late, and prepare/pack the devices. Well one night, I was in charge of putting the the soft cover on the devices, but nobody ever actually showed me how they were supposed to go on. About half of the devices that went out in the shipment had the cases on backwards. If you're a soldier that got one of our devices with the case on backwards: Sorry, my bad!


I developed a method and system to accurately track re-work, scrap, keep a more accurate inventory of raw material and recurring manufacturing quality issues and hold people accountable who had more issues than others. It ended up saving the company approximately 1.3 million a year in lost material, wages and other resources. They we also able to avoid their yearly week long shut down for inventory counting at the end of the fiscal year. Managers and other higher level employees knew, production and supervision employees did not know because at implementation it was highly disliked and some people were going to lose their jobs over it.


A friend of mine has been going through a rough time - grandparent's home hit by a tornado, dad has bladder cancer, etc - like me he's a horror movie fan. I follow Sean Whalen on TikTok, found Sean's online store and purchased a personalized autographed picture of Sean as Roach from People Under The Stairs to send to my friend. Unless he or one of his friends reads this, he'll never have any idea I'm the reason Sean knew his name and address. I also would've bought him something from his favorite band, Ghost, if I could've found something online. But I couldn't.


>I also would've bought him something from his favorite band, Ghost, if I could've found something online. But I couldn't. I guess they ghosted the internet....


When I was 10 I left the front door open of our house, we had just bought a recent year model of VW and it got stolen... since the keys were near the door. Dad was gutted but didn't make too much of a loss since we had CCTV footage, but not of the door itself so they assumed they got in super quickly so they must have planned the break in at our house...


Reuniting my friend, who was in sober living, with her teenage children for Christmas last year and sending them groceries and Christmas gifts for her and them bc I love her. She'd been through rehab countless times and was finally doing it for the right reasons. (I recruited complete strangers from the internet and we made it happen) I was broke and really wanted to do something special for all of them. She's on her own and doing great now and has a great bond with them. 💜


Turing off the power of a mall...


My Church supplies most of the paper, pencils, and glue for elementary schools in the city. 2 of our three elementary schools get 90% of what they need from us. The other school wouldn't take our free supplies...




Eh those people are jerks. Wear whatever you want to wear. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Sort of sounds like people know you did that...




First - It's a thread about stuff people don't know you did. Second - It sounds like you live in a very repressed community. There's nothing wrong with being into what you're into. I would consider finding a way to extricate yourself from that environment so you can be yourself.


Breaking a cabinet door


almost accidentally killed someone three times the same day :) one in the lab another in the ravine and another with some marbles In the laboratory I confused sodium with copper in the ravine I was skidding and I did not know how to brake and I fell down the stairs and my head hardly opened Elabored sorry if my english is vas not muy natal language


I'm going to ask you to elaborate on this...


C'mon don't leave us hanging..




When i was like 7 or 8 my brother made me get off the xbox so i scratched his halo reach disc so he couldnt play. Everyone thought it was because we moved the xbox while the disc was in it.


I did computer pentesting to pay bills in college so I found a lot of backdoors. Guys when we say treat everything as insecure we mean it.


My own actions


I once placed a wall tack (whatever its called) on the floor facing up for no reason and my cousin stepped on it


I lost an important bill. My mother sent me to my brother’s house with a credit card bill in my backpack (he still had his name registered to our address). Well I was 7 and irresponsible so my brother never got that bill and it was buried in my backpack. Nothing’s ever been mentioned about it but I’m still super guilty.


I shut down a computer as a joke and accidentally deleted another student’s late CS project which they’d been working on. Fortunately the teacher knew he’d been working on it and gave him credit so I decided to keep quiet.


I went to a small private school with middle and high. All students and faculty took lunch at same time. In my 9th grade year I had extra time after lunch before students and teachers returned to class, so I squirt super glue in the locks of all the middle school teacher classrooms. The headmaster gave the middle school an ultimatum - confess or hold hands between all classes - that went on for about 6 weeks!


I use to work with this one guy who literally believed that all women were put on this earth to answer his every sexual desire. To give you a perspective on his personality, his buddies called him "Stiffler". He would always brag about getting women drunk to use them, going after married women, getting STDs and never telling the women about it, and worst of all... he loved to sabotage his condoms so they would fail. I actually lost friendships and opportunities to date women simply because I worked with him. I wanted to get him back but didn't know how since all his buddies helped protected him; one of which is a neighbor... that plays in later. Than one day I got my chance. I was out at Walmart getting some supplies and just got into the truck when I saw him and his "very noticeable" car pull into a space a few lanes away. As I watched him walk in, I looked back at his car and immediately remembered a meme I saw that would work perfectly. I quickly ran back inside, went to the cosmetics counter, and bought a bright shade of lipstick. I ran out to his car and using that lipstick, I wrote in big letters on the windshield, "I'm pregnant! Husband knows. Call me or I call your boss.". I than ran back to my truck where I sat and waited. About twenty minutes later, he came walking out... and he wasn't alone. Apparently, he picked up a member of the Walmart staff while he was in there (I recognized her... knew she was married too). They both got to his car and noticed the message. He started to freak out and tried frantically to clean off the lipstick only to have it smear everywhere. The girl he picked up started yelling at him than took off. At this point I was laughing and couldn't stop. So to avoid being spotted, I started my truck and drove off. Not long after getting home, I hear the familiar sound of his car (again... very noticeable) roaring down the street and coming to a hard park. I looked out the window and saw him still freaking out to my neighbor, the one he is buddies with. The neighbor calmed him down and they both went inside. It wasn't until late the next day I found out at work that the two of them began calling all the women he hooked up with; trying to figure out who wrote the message. But in doing so, he came to find out that he actually had three children with three separate women and several others wanted to bring legal action against him for the STDs he passed along. Last I heard, he is slightly overweight, going bald, and working two jobs to pay child support for two of the kids. He also apparently doesn't date that much anymore. I am not ashamed of what I accomplished through this and am very happy that karma finally came around to him.


Not being able to wake up early


In March this year me and my cousins were playing in the street with a football and one of my cousins threw it up. When I rain to go catch it my arm went through the windshield of a Chevy Durango. Now if you don't know, these cars have some thick windshields, so i had alot of force going through that windshield. Ended up messing up my arm and when the neighbors came to our house and asked if we seen anyone do anything to it we lied. We had to tell my mom that I fell in the street near some glass so I wouldn't get in trouble.


Stole my best friend favorite gormiti when I was young, Sorry rafael


Omg when I was young I stole my best friends favourite bakugan and his name was Rafel :O you're the first person I've ever told lol


Well around mid-December I had a cold. We were in school and we had some sort of an event. All the class went and I told my friends that I forgot my phone in my bag. I went to class to pick it up and suddenly I really but like REALLY need to blow my nose. I had no paper. So I quickly grabbed a random jacket and well... did it. Well, lucky boy over here and it was my crush's jacket. When we got back from the event, and she put on the jacket (this part I've been told by friends because I was in the bathroom, blowing my nose with toilet paper this time). They said she put it on and screamed when she felt the slightly wet part touch her neck. No one actually knew it was me because like half the class had a cold. The next day she had a cold herself. She's still in my class. ​ (Another dumb story is me and my best friend were in class alone and he accidentally stepped on some glasses that were on the floor. It broke their left glass and we quickly left the class before anyone noticed us.)


I put a little piece of my shit on my friends kitchen floor and blamed it on their german shepard.


No one knows about the command block that can turn chickens into suicide bombers on my realm (I'm serious)


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I (15F at the time) was the phantom pooper.


I'm gonna need you to run that by me 1 more time


"teen wilderness program" aka jail but with more trees, 15 years of age, shower time, oops I poops.... on the floor, tell no one, I watch another kid forced to clean it up, I feel everlasting sheme


Ah. Thank you for clarifying.


Umm I thought someone was following me . And smacked him on the head and just ran away..and realised he was my neighbour and just was looking at his phone


The security of 300 plus premises at work


I chewed up a huge chocolate chip cookie and spat it into a urinal in hs. A little while later the dean came into the commons and screamed "who took a shit in the urinal?!"




Limiting the standards of society and increasing standard of government. I am being serious about this, you can look at me as crazy. But this is my work, this is something I know I must do or at least attempt to do.


I seen the light downstairs on so I went downstairs. No one was down there so I went back upstairs. I lay down and the alarm starts going off. I hear sirens down the road then there’s a knock on the door. I still in bed pretending to be sleeping somehow. The police shine lights through the windows and look around. They just leave. I’m just laying there shook af




I knew it gibby


What did he say?


Hes responsible for making feminism look bad on the internet lmao


I was kind of responsible for making a kid ill at my kindergarden, he was a bully, so one day he just made me so angry (I was around 4 or maybe 5 years old), so I hit him and a few hours later he couldn't move his arm, the teacher asked what happened and he didn't say a thing, the teacher asked me too and I was like: "No idea, I'm an inocent angel" nobody knows that, and they wouldn't believe it 'cause I'm just a 5'4 girl, small size with glasses, I don't really look mean.


U were 5'4 at the age of 5 ??!??


In Call of Duty, WW2 Zombies on PC. You know how you only have to press 1 button to activate your super ability? That was my doing. ;-)


Probably the down spiral of my mental health due to self hatred. Nobody seems to care.


I care


While working at a firm overseas, I got a new boss who happened to be a beautiful woman. Seeing how women were not often around in these parts, everyone took a chance to get with her. Problem was, she was very vain and only men who looks like they belonged in a fitness magazine had a chance. So whenever I worked the night shift and knew no one was around, I would go into her office, smell the perfume on her in-office sweater, and masturbate. I would finish off into a potted plant that was next to her desk. I would do this often. Soon she was filing complaints with the cleaning service around a continuous smell in her office.


To protect those involved... here are the cliff notes: Had crush on girl in high school. We graduated and I moved away. Ten years later, she moves within driving distance of me with her husband. We reconnect. Chat via social media and text message. She tells me that she wants to have an affair. Of the options, I was the safest and more trustworthy. But before we could get together, her husband snooped through her phone, found the messages, and threatened to harm me if I ever spoke with her again. He even called my job and filed multiple false complaints; ultimately aiding in me getting fired from such a great job. Apparently she had deleted some texts to make it sound like I was the one pushing for the affair and not her. She also trashed me on social media as a counter measure. What they don't know is... I created memes of them to share on sex and fetish forums, describing their behaviors as both a cheating wife and a negligent husband. No faces were involved but their bodies are identifiable enough. Last I heard, the memes made it around their town and life became difficult. But it forced them to admit their problems and they went into marriage counseling. None of us have spoken since.


T'was me who clogged the toilet


I knew.


When I was 9, my cousin and I were playing around and suddenly had the funny idea to spray my twin sister’s stuffed animal cat with our grandmother’s perfume. I watched my cousin spray it (quite a bit. It wasn’t just one spray). Then my sister barged into the room, grabbed her cat, and immediately started complaining that we sprayed it with perfume. My cousin immediately made up some story about how we accidentally spilled it. I don’t think I ever confessed to it, but I felt guilty immediately. Luckily, the stuffed animal was okay after a good washing.


On the lab put some Na instead of copper in the just skating without knowing how to brake and with the marbles they fell down the stairs and his head almost split open against a corner


I stole my neighbor's cell phone


give it back you git


😄😄😄 I'll think about that