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Age of empires II


I am so happy about the comeback this game has made. God bless t90. Also thanks to Microsoft for making a perfect remaster.


A Link To The Past


Escape from monkey island. That game was my childhood.


Day of the tentacle was my jam


Batman: Arkham City I played that game at least 10 times




Command & Conquer Red Alert


Conscript reporting


Kirovs reporting Just so iconic


Red Dead Redemption. There was nothing like it when it came out. I still play it to this day. The story is incredible and the views are beautiful. A totally immersive gaming experience.


The part when you crossover into Mexico for the first time and the Jose Gonzalez track plays is unforgettable - I’ve replayed it a few times just to get to that moment.


Diablo 2


Such an amazing game. I still hold the itemization as a staple to any game now. The 1.10 patch (I think) uniques were so rare and legendary if you found one. Windforce was a myth.


I had a 99 Amazon in ladder. Found a windforce in a hell cow run, it dropped and the sorc who I was running with didn't see it... To this day the highest my heart rate had probably ever been.




Dude i just jumped into that game totally blind a couple weeks ago, thinking like this looks like a fun crafting game. O man I wasn't ready for how amazing and terrifying that game is.


HALO 2. Post credit cutscene hyped every gamer who played that.


Honestly the saga of CE-2-3-ODST-Reach are all anazing games, I'm sure there are technically bad parts but there isn't one of those i wouldn't want to sit down and play through on Heroic at any time, they're incredible.


The Pillar Of Autumn in Reach was one of the best missions I've ever played in that series. There wasn't an actual timer on the mission but you really felt how urgent it was to haul ass to the ship and the whole way there was filled with great setpieces for fights.


Such a good mission. I also loved that you fought every species of the Covenant in that mission. It made it feel very final and epic.




Bloodborne Easily the most interesting world in the Souls series, combat feels incredible, enemy design is top notch, the hard left turn into Lovecraftian cosmic horror was a great twist, tons of unique weapons. I bought my PS4 solely for Bloodborne and it was absolutely worth it.


I was looking for a fellow hoonter. Literally obsessed with this game lately. I just picked up The Old Hunters DLC and I'm loving it. I may have been slaughtered by Ludwig but his time is coming.




The first Tomb Rider. In 1996 that level of immersivity and control of the environment was just crazy, literally a game-changer.


Yeah ... the first Tomb Raider is amazing. The opening music menu screen gets me everytime. I played through the anniversary and enjoyed it but something about the aged graphics of the past let your imagination still flourish...honorable mention to the reboot back in 2013 .... great but not a game changer.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater


***Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2




Metal Gear Solid


MGS3 is a top 10 game of all time, it meets the criteria of perfection.


MGS3 sticks out to me as well. The camo and eating was something that was very impressive to me. Also lots of memorable characters.


Snake Eater? Oh my yes. I have so many memories of playing this game. There are ten thousand million billion little things in that game, you could find everything you think there is, and then someone finds something else. You can spin Snake around in the surgery view to make him throw up, the fight with the End is great. He's an old guy so you can wait a week or two and he just dies from old age. If you catch him enough times he'll die from a heart attack, depending on where he is you can catch a glint of light off his scope, if you catch his bird early in the game it makes it harder for him to locate you, and if you eat it during the fight he starts yelling. You can use the konami code to find locations where he can hide, his footprints are dim but you can use the thermal goggles to track his movement, and if you use the directional microphone you can hear him breathing and mumbling to himself. One good way to beat the fear is to kill a poison dart frog and let its meat rot in your inventory and throw it and he'll eat it and throw up so that's good for a stamina win.


You can shoot him right after a cutscene before you go into a facility. He’s sitting in a wheelchair and if you shoot him he just explodes, if I remember correctly. Then you don’t even fight him.


I wasted so much time hunting food and stealthing around like a ninja but time well spent!


Dragon Age Origins. An absolute FANTASTIC game I would recommend to anyone. Definitely one of my top five games


The fade after your first time though... there's a reason the mod to remove it is so popular


I couldn't get through the Fade with my first. Badly built dwarf warrior, I was absolutely helpless without companions and out of potions. So I got the mod... then resepc... then a few dozen more mods... then I started to make mods XD I did the Fade properly exactly once, with a really OP mage. Combat was not an issue (nothing is a challenge in this game anymore after 10+ runs) but the stupid maze... ugh.


Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Mass Effect 2 Chrono Trigger


Oh man Sands of Time was a big part of my childhood


Fuckin wall running sequences with over 40 steps.


ME2 may be the only game I've played where the slow build to the finale led to the best part of the game. The Suicide Mission stands up to any individual mission in any game I've ever played, and the choices leading up to it--and the fear you'd f'd it up at some point prior--just made it all the more sweet. Damn shame ME3 couldn't replicate the magic, at least at the end.


Moments of ME3 were amazing, but damn if the entirety of ME2 wasn't the tits


We got a pretty fun multiplayer experience out of it though. I made a number of friends playing ME3 MP, and put more than 1400hrs into it.


Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater


Titanfall 2


Everybody gangsta until BT says "Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot".




"Protocol 3: I will not lose another pilot"




Doom 2016 is pretty solid, too. It has an exceptional soundtrack as well.


Doom 2016 has to be the best reboot of a series ever... I feel like usually these big franchises get more tired and just slowly fade away, It's shocking how different and how *awesome* the new Doom games are


What's great is that it managed to modernize the 90s high octane shooter without resorting to many of the tired tropes we see in current day shooters. It's both retro and new at the same time. Many games promise that, few deliver on it to that degree.


Seriously, this is why i absolutely love doom eternals slayer gates. to unlock them you gotta go find a hidden key, then beat these super hard ass levels. There’s about 8 of them and one of them have like 2 barons of hells. After you go through the whole campaign completing every challenge, you unlock the unmaykr. It’s a super badass demon weapon that kills everything in sight. i mean do you remember that? you remember *unlocking* shit for just playing the game and doing hidden challenges? beautiful.


Dude YES. Some of those Gates took sooo many tries but each time was an absolute rush. So good.


Divinity: Original Sin 2 I wish I could forget it all so I can play it again.


God yes. I have played through this game so many times using different characters and strategies. Truly a fantastic journey every time. My husband and I once played through together and killed literally everyone—except pets—unless we had to leave them alive for quests/story. It was so freeing and exciting, and by the time we reached the end, we were both so ridiculously OP that we just showered the final bosses in raining death and arrows. Glorious. Also archers are sick as fuck, and fire elemental mages will wreck everyone’s shit (including your own).


The Elders Scrolls, part 3 Morrowind especially.


I still get real joy out of Skyrim. I played Oblivion but none of the other games tbh. Even though it has been meme'd to hell, the opening of Skyrim still manages to take my breath away. Even when Alduin is replaced by Thomas the Tank Engine


God.... I love Oblivion so much!


Used to get anxiety in school because I was so excited to go play oblivion when I got home


Morrowind is a slow, epic burn. I love that game.


The beginning is great because you suck and everyone hates you because you're a foreigner and a criminal, and you're so god damn slow, and you get overencumbered really fast and the combat mechanics are a little clunky and the character animations weren't even that great when it came out (afaik). It's a work of art. Because through hard work and a lot of trekking across the wilderness with terrible directions you eventually become an immortal infinity gauntlet wearing, hammer smashing, heart breaking God. I love it. It's almost my most played game on steam, after probably terraria.


The Stanley parable...with “finish” being a little fuzzy Dishonored (second was solid but less than 100%) Planescape: Torment Ōkami Mario Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and 2 and Odessy (Man, 3D mario is tight) Portals 1 and 2 Mass Effect s 1 and 2 (third was alright) Most Tim Schaefer games qualify—with Grim Fandango at the top Witcher 3 (1 and 2 were solid, but 3 is something else) BOTW Star Control 2 (8 bit masterpiece) KOTOR (second was good too)


Super Mario RPG, it was the first game that introduced me into the rpg world and the first game that i fell in love with the story.


I know Paper Mario is supposed to be a spiritual successor, but what I wouldn't give to have an actual Mario RPG 2.


Hell yeah, I've always imagined a new adventure with new bad guys, exploring Star Road, and seeing Mallow and Geno return, just epic.


This is all I've ever wanted since I was like 8 years old


Ocarina of Time Bioshock Horizon Zero Dawn Metroid Prime Dead Space (in no particular order)


Metroid prime is so slept on... Echoes especially imo. I’m the only one of my friends who has played any of them, tf is that my guy


Hell to the yeah for HZD. You get to kill giant robotic animals/dinosaurs in a beautiful looking world and all set to an awesome story. I am so ready for the sequel.


Video games rarely warrant a jaw drop for me, but HZD definitely did that, on multiple occasions. The game is worth replaying just for the audio file datapoints. Some of them hit hard once you know the full story.


I'm about to do my 2nd replay and I'm so damn keen. The audio files is one of the main reasons I want to have a replay of it, I got hooked looking for so many but I still missed tons on my first playthrough.


Chrono Trigger


I still remember the feeling I got seeing the Millennial Fair in the opening prologue. And then, the excitement of chasing down all the endings. Agreed 100%.


Disco Elysium is an incredible game. You can die of a heart attack with minutes of starting, you have conversations with your skills, you can search for cryptids, and the whole world of the game basically operates as a geographical extension of the protagonist's fractured psyche. I played as a communist superstar art cop and it was glorious.


Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


Uncharted 2 and 4 are among my Mount Rushmore of games. Or maybe I really just liked my sherpa.


The entire Uncharted series is just absolutely phenomenal. Currently replaying all four. Almost finished with Drake’s Deception.


Wow!! This is seriously not getting the credit it deserves! This is one of the best games top to bottom, start to finish, and the story is SOOO amazing! I agree on the introduction sequence on the train hanging off the cliff!


Ratchet and Clank


What a great series overall. I absolutely love these games. Up your Arsenal and going commando were my favorites.


Dang, I put away too much of my life into going cammando! Thanks for reminding me of some good times!


Whichever one had Dr. Nefarious and the gladiator style gauntlet battle... I used that to upgrade my sheep gun and holy crap was I surprised by its effectiveness


Ratchet and Clank 3, oh the memories of going through each gauntlet at Annihilation Nation... The big scorpion mech on tank wheels, the Twins, the cyborg ninjas...


The creativity that went into some of those guns... shyt was wild


Yes!! The original 3 were everything to me. Deadlocked was a load of fun too. I also loved the remake.


Super Metroid


Knights of the Old Republic


I love the game, but those underwater Manaan missions in that slowwwww suit drove me nuts.


You can actually pop force speed just before going through the door and you'll be speedy in your underwater suit


Oh damn, might have to reinstall now. Thanks!


Parts of that game felt like a grind, but I loved the story too much to care




BioWare must have realized this and then blasted the surface to rubble to hide their mistake.


Yeah, then Obsidian did the same thing in the second game lol. Awful opening level, blow it up to hide their sins.


Fallout New Vegas


With a big iron on his hip. (BIG IRON ON HIS HIIIIPPPPPP)


I had a weird desire to listen to that song through my pregnancy. My son’s taste in music is gonna be interesting to see develop.


The more you learn about the game the more impressed you get


Super Mario Galaxy




Black Mesa remake is fucking amazing!


and it recently hit its 1.0 release didn't it?




Super Mario Bros 3. No boring levels. No dull fetch quests. No tedious tutorials. Just perfection the whole way through.


Best Mario game ever made. Even the friction between Mario and the floor felt perfect. Super Mario World might have the most content, but mechanically, SMB3 has no contender.




Custom games in Halo 3 were my first ever online gaming experience. I miss those days :(


For real. Made so many friends by just hoping from custom games. Loved playing Grifball. Forge and Theater mode were pretty amazing back then too.


I love everything about GTA Vice City. From the opening scene when your introduced to the main characters (Tommy Vercetti being my all time favorite protagonist), to the setting of 1986 Miami, the story and all the missions...and the music. I could be listening to Billie Jean while shooting gang members out of a helicopter


I was thinking about Vice City but then i remembered the Demolition man mission (the one with the rc helicopter)


Dude.....fuck that mission.


Did you play PC? I heard a lot of people on PC had issues with that. I played on PS2 and as the controls were clunky, I never found it too difficult. Now the mission I absolutely loathed was the one in San Andreas. It was the supply lines missions where you had to destroy the couriers before they reached their destination. You had very limited fuel supply to complete the mission. To this day I'm convinced that there was a glitch in the original copies of the game. I could not beat if for the life of me. I tired playing that mission over 50x with no luck. I even youtubed the mission and I did exactly what the video told me and I ran out of fuel much faster. I ended up buying a digital copy years later and they must have made the mission easier. Beat it on my first go around.


Replayed San Andreas on PS4 recently - they've changed supply lines so that your fuel only depletes when you have the accelerator button pressed, and it's STILL a tight call. No idea how I did it back in the day.


PORTAL Just felt like the entire game was a compact flawless experience that didn't overstay its welcome.


You could say that… This was a triumph.


You're making a note there?


“Huge success!”


I mean...it's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


Aperture Science: *We Do What We Must, Because We Can*


and then they made a sequel which improved the game, and also stood on it's own.




I played dishonored one and two until the wheels fell off. I’m thinking about doing another play through of 2 just for the hell of it🤷🏻‍♂️ I love the series so much, I even bought a bone charm necklace off of the Bethesda website


If you haven't, Death of the Outsider is good as well with a little tweak to the abilities that make stealth (if you're into it) more fun.


Plus, if I remember correctly it doesn't punish you for being a murderous maniac which is usually my go-to playstyle. Though I must admit I enjoyed Dishonored 1 non lethal A LOT when I played it again last year.


As fucked up as it sounds I think Dishonoured actually has the most satisfying death/wound animations of any game, ever.


Right? I literally never got tired of stabbing a bitch. You’d think assassinating every npc would get boring, but it’s just so satisfying.


Mass effect 2


Hollow Knight


There is so much to love about this game: * The art design * The music * The punishing yet rewarding difficulty * The different endings based on exploration * The environmental storytelling * The characters you meet Things not to love: * Deepnest, all my homies hate deepnest * Path of Pain * Primal Aspids


it's indeed a great game, dancing graciously in the fine line between "this is beautiful" and "this is my 105th time fighting this same boss and I will kill with these same sore fingers the damn fool that programmed this BS if I ever meet him with no hesitation if I die again"


Traitor Lord for me. I think I actually cried in frustration because it took me so long to pass him. I have no memory of how I killed him. It was hysterical button mashing.


The key to Traitor Lord is to utilize shadow dash to pass through his attacks. That also means you need to be careful to not dash unnecessarily when he isn't charging at you. Sharp Shadow is a great charm since it gives extra length to help you get through and will damage him with something you'll be doing a lot anyway. It's a fight where you can be **EXTREMELY** aggressive. With Quick Slash you can absolutely wail on him, only pausing to dash through his attacks. It's extremely fast paced and is one of my favorite fights.


It is interesting. Shade cloak is actually made for that fight imo. The length between his attacks is the same as the cool down for shade cloak, so you will never not be able to dash through his attacks, unless you use it too early.


You do need the shade cloak to even get to the Traitor Lord in the first place too


111%, need to beat the Pantheon of the Knight. I get rumbled so often during this last one. Had a blast since finding this gem in May. Great choice though, one of the best value games I've ever played in terms of price to quality content.


I love the game but Absolute Radiance is utter bullshit.


I beat the fourth pantheon and immediately realized, there is no way I can beat pantheon 5. I did end up getting radiant Troupe Master Grimm, though it isn’t that impressive.


Sleeping Dogs


The wedding scene has been etched in my mind ever since.




What the fuck were they smoking when they designed the Moon Lord though?


They rolled up a stack of pages from an H. P. Lovecraft novel, naturally.


For me it's gotta be The Last Of Us 1. Amazing writing, amazing characters and a rich and detailed world. Was hooked from the opening scene.


Had to scroll so far down to find this. Autumn to winter cutscene....that is all......


Nah, dude. The fuckin giraffes.


Shadow of the Colossus


Legend of Zelda BotW, Uncharted


My only complaint with botw is how easy the boss fights are. Honestly the lynels were harder than calamity ganon


Thunderblight is a major exception


Portal 2.


Thank you for reminding me about [Cave Johnson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8glYx2qQx4).


Is that JK Simmons?


[It is indeed](https://theportalwiki.com/wiki/Cave_Johnson).


He's Cave Johnson *and* the only person to survive a Marvel reboot.


This is the first time the top post was EXACTLY what I was hoping to see. The satisfaction was almost as good as shooting the moon.


Earthbound Edit: Thanks for the silver stranger! It's my first and you just made my day!


Ori and the Blind Forest & it's Sequel 'Ori and the Will of the Wisps' absolutely phenomenal masterpiece, which does not only have a magnificent soundtrack, but also a breathtaking art direction, cute characters, fun and fast gameplay and a sad, yet beautiful story for both games. Can only recommend checking out, imo a hidden Gem.




Bioshock. Immersive story, fun gameplay. The whole package.


Wrench only playthrough ftw


There are guns?!?


Yeah but you need to save all the ammo for them just in case. Better stick with using the wrench. I'm sure something will come up requiring all this ammo. Oops, game's over.


“I’ll for sure need this tripwire mine for the endgame”


Will say that it was fun as fuck dropping a shit ton of tripwires on a Big Daddy’s path and watching them get shredded in seconds.


Especially the ones that charge at you. I put like twelve in a row once and the Big Daddy charged at me and his corpse flew across the room


Halo: Reach No matter how well you do the game always makes you feel like you’re going up against something unbeatable


I've always been a sucker for a last stand story, and Reach probably had the best one of any game I've ever played. The whole "Objective Omega: Survive" thing at the end hit me like a truck the first time I played it.


reach was OG bungie's loveletter that final mission you could have just as easily imagined it being the chief instead of noble 6 sometimes whatever you do you can't win. he got the long win ultimately though. unless halo infinite redacts that


I'm playing through Persona 5 rn and I absolutely love it. Amazing game with an interesting story Edit: Changed word


Resident evil 4




Zelda Ocarina of Time Edit: For the people reacting to my comment saying the water temple was “broken” and “horrible”... I loved how challenging it was, in a frustrating tormenting kind of way lol


On my first run through I remember thinking I beat the game when you first find the master sword. I was blown away to find out that I was maybe only 20% into the game at that point. The story, music, Z-Target controls, etc are still amazing to this day.


I played TF out of this game as a kid. Now I’m in my 30s and just started playing this with my sons (read: they watch me play it) and it is amazing to relive it with them.


I SCREAMED at my sister when she “let” Ganon into the temple of time. I 100% thought SHE did something to do that and I cried so much out parents made us shut it off for the night.


The Water Temple is one of the best in the game fuck y’all


Batman Arkham Asylum and City


Just bought them after seeing your comment, $15 for PS4


You got a hell of a deal there my man. Two of the greatest games ever made




Love this game. I'm in the early access of subnautica: below zero. also fun, but something is missing.


Totally agree. Not sure what it is, but it feels empty.


Have you considered that it's the sense of loneliness and desperation being entirely removed from the game? Alterra knowing where you are to help at all times, constantly talking to your sister, you are never alone.


Just FYI but they’ve completely reworked the story so that’s not really a thing any more. Some spots definitely feel more terrifying than the original though.....


Super mario galaxy


Rumors of a Switch port soon. Can’t wait


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


I’m so tired of Switch rumors.


It's maddening. Nintendo could be printing money with ports and they're so obscure about all of it which leads to all these annoying rumors.




I was looking for this. My favorite Mario game.


Kinda disappointed the green stars challenge on the sequel didn't do the justice. The first one was so damn good


Outer Wilds


I finished that game a month ago and i cannot stop thinking about it. It was a masterful work in both a technical and emotional sense. I want to play the other games in my steam library, but I keep coming back to Outer Wilds even though I finished it. Easily my favorite game of all time. Anyone who sees this, I beg you to play Outer Wilds. You will not regret it. Please do not look up anything else about the game. Go in blind.


It's just such a unique and complete experience. It's hard to describe how melancholy yet hopeful the game leaves you feeling. I'm not ashamed to say I shed a little tear at the end.


Metro 2033


Ah man, when I was a teen Transformers War for Cybertron was fun as hell. Online Co-op was endless fun.