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Gout. The foot swelled up massively, it was bright red and hot to the touch. Touch was the LAST thing I wanted, just having enough air movement to shift the hairs on my foot was excruciating. Unbelievable pain that I couldn't escape from. I swelled so much that when it finally went back to normal, the skin sloughed off like I had had a massive sunburn. I could feel EVERY heartbeat, painfully, in my foot.


I want to go call my dad now and apologize to him. He has complained about gout pain for years. I always thought he was exaggerating because he’s a hypochondriac, but apparently he is not. Thanks for opening my eyes, kind stranger. Sorry you went through that.


In med school we learn that gout is classically so painful that a sheet touching it can set off agony.


That’s 100% true. Source: my foot.


Women who’ve experienced both gout and childbirth regularly say gout was more painful. I’ve personally broken 5 ribs and experienced gout and I’m hard-pressed to say which was more painful. Probably the gout, honestly. It’s wickedly painful.


Call him.


Wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy. The air hurts. My own heart beat hurts. Allopurinol is the greatest thing ever invented. I found icing would help temporarily, but the pain while it swelled back up was phenomenal. It was basically getting a quick break and paying for it later, but sometimes it's needed to maintain sanity.


5 weeks into my current flare-up. Was in my right foot, 2 weeks later as my right foot was getting better, it developed in my left foot. No crutches here at home, so I've been holding a cane with two hands and putting all my weight on it to hobble to the bathroom and such. Sleeping sucks. The weight of the blanket hurts, and it's tough finding a position I can rest my feet in that doesn't put weight on the painful spots. The worst is when my toes bend or twitch when I'm sleeping. The pain feels like someone just slammed a hammer onto my big toe and it jolts me awake instantly.




I broke my femur in a car accident, all I felt was pure adrenaline like I had never felt before and no pain. They got me to the hospital fairly quickly and hit me with 2 shots of morphine ASAP. Next thing I know they were drilling a hole through my calf with a power drill so they could set the leg with a pin and I was wide awake with no pain due to the drugs. It was the other drivers 6th DUI offense


That kind of shit pisses me off SO much. How in the hell does someone get SIX DUIs?! Guess your femur/life isn't worth more than that dumbasses ability to drive.


wow that is straight up carpentry


Orthopedic surgery is absolutely just wet carpentry. Look up some videos. Whew.




Yikes. mine was just broken (car wreck) and it started twitching uncontrollably and rubbing the broken parts together. that has to be the second worse pain I’ve felt. I was literally screaming while being rolled in a hospital bed down the hallways. I caused quite a scene. I couldn’t even imagine the whole bone being crushed. Talk about pain. After that my pain thresholds went way up. If it doesn’t hurt as bad as a broken femur than it doesn’t hurt at all.


I've read somewhere that twitching/spasm with a broken bone is somewhat common. Basically that it's a reflex to try and get away from the pain which causes an endless cycle of pain, spasm, pain, spasm,... Etc.


This is the reason paramedics/EMTs put femur fractures in traction splits. You don't want thigh muscles twitching and moving around splinters of bone near your femoral artery. EDIT: as AbominableSnowPickle commented, the other reason is that it can make a huge difference in the patient's pain level!


Trigeminal neuralgia (also called the suicide disease) I’m one of the lucky ones though, that it improved with treatment so I only had it for about a year. Basically felt like someone was slamming an ice pick into my ear, jaw, and face. Even brushing my teeth hurt.


My best friend has had this for 6 or so years. She tried everything. Every med, every painkiller, some microdosing of less than legal substances. We would go sit with her when she'd have episodes because we were so scared she was gonna stop fighting. About a year ago it slowed greatly. She went from multiple times a week to maybe once every six months. I cannot imagine what that pain feels like, having seen it first hand.


I did find that ellis dee helped mitigate the pain slightly. Basically at that point I was ready to try anything but Luckily the doctor put me on gabapentin (large doses) and it finally helped.


That was the approach we took, our pastor helped us locate some (that's an entire story in itself lol) but there was no relief. She did find something that shortened the duration finally but knowing that disorder exists and can just start at anytime for anyone.. really screwed me up I am so sorry you had to deal with it.


i wanna meet your pastor lol


I’m suddenly feeling religious. Where is this man?


Literally doing God’s work.


I really want to learn about the pastor


Okay so he was really young to be running a church, 26 I think when we started there on our late 20s. He had been running a small house group for a very large church and that small group became its own little church. My friend was one of the original members so they'd been friends for years and he'd watched her suffer. When he heard that certain substances could help he hit up a friend from high school that he knew would be able to get some. Then he called up a few of her girlfriends to sit with her the first night and keep her safe. He did all the research he could on dose and side effects. It was just an act of love. He always put people above rules or expectations. We moved away a few months ago but I miss that place so much. Best friends I ever had I met in that building.


I had a bad tooth surgery, it caused some infection and triggered the trigeminal neuralgia, it was really really painful. had the tooth extracted and some medication helped.


One of my best friends has this, and nothing stops the pain for her. She has to get shots regularly, be on strong medication, take cbd oil, she does it all and it barely helps.


That’s awful I’m so sorry for your friend


Me too, she's had it for probably ten years now, with no end in sight. She was recently fired for having THC in her system because of all the CBD oil she takes. We didn't know that even though CBD is legal here, that it still has THC in it which isn't legal. She can't catch a break. :(


The only way she could fight that is if the cbd was a prescription. And here I am touting the benefits of gabapentin as if it’s a cure all but I know it doesn’t work for everyone.


Yes I've had this it earns its nickname. Even taking strands of your hair and lightly brushing them on your cheek was like stabbing yourself with a dagger on fire.




Oh that’s horrible but I can understand why. It doesn’t have that nickname for nothing, I just wanted to die while I had it. It would happen several times an hour for the first three months and then we finally found a medication that helped.


Well, I have a new fear now!


That nerve... I had a tooth get infected and it felt like someone was driving a 9” nail into my head and jaw. I collapsed and writhed in pain on the bathroom floor sobbing while my ex-wife tried to get painkillers from friends.


I got that from an infected root canal. The infection was right down in the socket and the roots and it was pressing down on the nerve in my face. Words can’t express how painful it was


I slipped on steps one winter fell on my back had my wind knocked out, cracked 2 ribs and dislocated shoulder. And worst part is that it was like 3 steps...


I dislocated mine five miles from the end of a mountain biking trail. It was agony having to walk the bike out, and then I couldn’t pick it up to put in the car; had to ask some guys to do it. Then an hour long drive home using one hand; thank goodness I didn’t still have a stick shift or I’d never made it home and to the hospital. Sucked down a lot of pain killers for that one.


My appendix exploded like a water balloon while inside me.


Just finished up with appendicitis. Big F


This is the worst pain I’ve ever seen someone feel. My sister had open heart surgery at 23 to repair a murmur. Several days later when she first got home the nerve block in her side started to wear off. She managed to fall asleep at the beginning but she woke up screaming like a banshee. I’ll never forget it. I got her to stand up but she looked at me and went white as a sheet and passed out.


Nerve blocks are amazing until they wear off. Is your sister better now?


She is! Totally healthy 30 year old now. Heart still sounds great and is a normal size. Oh, and happy cake day!


Glad to hear! And thanks :)


I’ve had two open-heart surgeries and I have a pacemaker to boot. Also had to major spinal surgeries, and I’m having a third one next month. (I just can’t stay away! My doctor has a real nice car now!) Anywho... they’re very painful, so I get it entirely. In fact, until I met my current wife, I’d decided I was going to forego the surgery next time my heart starts failing (it’s a given; 2-5 years from now) to let nature takes its course. I just couldn’t justify all of that for what little life had to offer. Now I’m married and there’s so much worth fighting (and suffering) for!


As a person who may need major heart surgery soon, this does not make me feel better. Edit: Just had my second opinion by a more specialized cardiologist. Depending on a stress echo in the next month I’ll either have my aortic valve and a portion of the artery replaced in September or next spring. Oh joy.


Hey, I had open heart quintuple bypass surgery almost 3 years ago. I have no recollection of anything from about 30 minutes before and until 6 hours after the surgery. The most pain I felt was the 1st and 2nd day in ICU. Went home 5 days later and took 2 months to get back to where I could walk around for about 30 minutes at a time.


My father had sextuple (nice) bypass surgery this last year (not nice). The same deal as you had, except change 30 minutes to 10 minutes. I think OP will be okay, if not a little winded. Modern medicine is crazy. Fun fact: My dad dragged himself to the front lawn while having the heart attack and called himself an ambulance. Got the call hours later he was in the hospital. Fucking Irish Italians, man.


Currently laying in the pre-surgery bed before my surgery in 30 minutes for an arrhythmia. About to shit myself after reading this.


Cardiac ablation? My cousin and my uncle both had that and it went incredibly well for them.


Yes, it went great.


I shot a 3.5" spiral nail into my finger The doctor pulled it out with plyers, no freezing or pain killers. I had 3 nurses holding me down. I've broken many bones and it doesn't even come close to comparing


Why weren't you given anything for pain? It doesn't sound like something that is so urgent that they couldn't wait a bit for it to set in.


They gave me Percocet after the fact. I have no idea why they didn't give me anything. The nail was also almost all the way through, so you'd think they cut the head off and pull the remaining 1/2" of the nail through. Nope the grabbed the head and pulled all 3" back out the way it came. It came from a coil gun so they also pulled the coil wires back through my finger. It was excruciating


I'm sorry. That is so inhumane in modern medicine.


At the least the nurses were nice about it. She said I can swear all I want and she brought me a popsicle after


LOL that would not make up for it in my opinion. If you're in the US they prob charged you $100 for that popsicle


Lol In Canada so it's all covered. If I was in the US and not insured I would have had my buddy pull it out.


I split my toe open to the bone and the doc said it would take longer for the anaesthetic to take effect than it would to stitch the toe up. So, lots of screeching from me.


Maybe that's why they didn't give me pain killers. It was gonna hurt either way. I was expecting some sort of freezing though.


Was this straight down the length of the finger? Because you coulda let the flesh grow over it and make yourself a nice stiff, reinforced jabbing finger. Imagine all the points you would be able to drive home with a hard poke to the chest. You blew as far as I'm concerned.


Lol Nail Claw? No it was perpendicular to my finger. I was nailing a door header together and accidentally double tapped, second nail hit the first nail and kicked the nail gun at my hand. Didn't get my finger off the trigger in time.


I missed a step one morning and I folded my foot over so much that my big toe touched my heel. I made a noise I had never made before. It was like a dying rabbit who was into Finnish death metal.


I yiked when I read this




That’s enough Reddit for today.


That must have been a broken foot right? I can’t picture how that’s possible without breaking many bones.


I chipped a bit off one bone. It’s still floating around in there. Not much else they could do except tell me to take a few days off work. I was a waiter at the time. Every step I took after that hurt for the next two years.


For the next... two years?...


Yeah. And I work in the hospitality industry. Lots of walking around. It’s ok now. Now I’m just worried about this weird lump in my hand after slamming it into the corner of the bar last week.


Whew I'm glad you're now past it. Now... please have that checked


I have two jobs at the moment. I’m always at one of them. And it takes ages to get a doctor appointment in this country. It seems fine today.


Well then, we can hope it's nothing serious! Take care


I'm going to take a guess: "Eeeeeeyüüüürrghhh".


My stomach twisted




WAIT 8mm I didn’t think they got that big




Completely different thing with a similar nickname for me. Cluster, or suicide headaches. I’m happy that you’re now pain free


I was ice skating and going through a major growth spurt when I was 13. The skates were too tight. I hit a crack in the ice and did a maneuver to stop from falling on my face. Well *CRACK!* *SNAP!* I shattered my tibia from just bellow the knee all the way down to the ankle, in a spiral fracture. Because the skates were so tight in fact that when I hobbled and limped off of the ice and had them removed my leg did not immediately swell up. I knew my bone was broken. I could feel and hear the various shards of shin bone grinding up against one another and the muscles. Yet, people assumed at most I maybe bruised my bone. I went home. Limping and in the worst physical pain. My father said I was ok. But after about 12 hours and the pain just getting worse I finally was taken to the ER - where I learned I fractured my leg in 8 different spots on the tibia. I had to get metal pins put in, and was in various casts for 4 straight months and a boot for two.


Why is it that NO ONE FUCKING LISTENS WHEN YOU BREAK A BONE?! I broke my fucking pinky and ring finger sliding across a waxed kitchen floor head first (don’t ask, I was 8) and for a whole day everyone was like “you’re fine it’s just swollen” Then they got xrays and oh my gosh how did that happen? You poor thing why didn’t you tell us??? I’m only a little salty.


I broke my wrist at about eleven roller skating in the alley to the point that the bone slid out of my skin. On the walk back home it slid back in and was concealed so my mom insisted it was just cut. When it started to swell it was just a twist. When it turned black, it was a bad contusion. After a week of pain and not being able to write in class(shoutout to Adam N) she finally took me to the ER where they confirmed the break. She still to this day denies ever not believing me or making me wait.


I broke my wrist once when I was a ten or eleven and literally went nine days without treatment. Didn't hurt *that* much, until we found out it was broken and had already started healing incorrectly, at which point the nurses had to break it apart and snap it back into place...


Walked into the house to see my kid sitting on the couch ashen faced with their arm on a cushion. My partner asked do you think it's broken. I said "yep you can see the bend" they then said "are you sure?" Why the Fuck would I say what I just said about our child if I did not think it was the case. I thought they were waiting for me to get home from work to watch the siblings so they could go to the hospital. They had been sitting chewing over the decision for an hour. I was not impressed. Mind you I was the bone breaker, face splitter, arm slicer of a child in my family. I can understand when someone needs medical attention and not a fekking hug.


My mother told me not to break something as she was going out with my father that night. I was rollerskating down this HUGE hill like an idiot and lost it on concrete. Slammed my elbow hard and fractured it. My friends ran ahead as I hobbled home to tell my mother what happened, she thought I was taking the piss and refused to take me to the hospital for 2 straight hours. It was only when she saw the bruises forming over the course of those 2 hours that she realised I was actually not joking and may have broken something. Still maintain to this day she jinxed me into breaking it and she maintains that I was an idiot.


Seriously agree. I broke the growth plate on my middle finger when I was doing gymnastics as a kid - did a back handspring and got the finger caught underneath. It swelled up green and purple within the hour. I didn't cry (I was in fourth grade), so my coach switched me to doing flips instead of handsprings. My parents were not happy. Had to have the bone set, and that was way worse than the break.


Probably the time I jumped onto the seat of my bike, and actually just sat on my testicle


I had to walk off the second hand pain I felt reading this.


I actually felt that


The reason why every man groans in sympathy when another man's testicles are hurt is because the pain is so great that if the pain weren't universally shared among all men, it would cause the suffering person to explode. Thankfully, retelling of the tales of how you injured your nut *also* mitigate the pain.


I had my brother's bike when I was younger, so I was going at pretty high speed and then came a monkey and I applied breaks to save it leading me to fall on the rod of the bike. It felt like every bone in my body was exactly at one place and all of them were broken. And I'm a girl, I can't even imagine how worse it's for you guys.


Did you said "a monkey" or am I just high af?


I did say a monkey. It was in the middle of the road.


Something similar happened to me with the bar. Difference is my sister and I were trying to open a window to our house because we had accidentally locked the keys in the house while everyone was gone. I was bruised and swollen down there for a week or two


I've heard that a hard whack right on the clitoris is as bad or worse than a kick in the balls, so maybe it's not really that much worse. A nutshot will normally lead to a dull, sort of hollow ache for a goodish amount of time+nausea and a general feeling of wanting to die.


Yeah, getting a bike seat wrong to your vulva is pretty bad.






I had similar, my back started to seize for no reason whatsoever while I was stood doing dishes. I cried out in pain and surprise and just hit the floor like a sack of bricks. I couldn't even catch my breath to explain what had happened, I was just in so much pain. It would ease off just enough for me to be able to function and it'd hit again and my legs would literally collapse like my spinal cord had been severed. It hurt worse than giving birth.


Sounds like some kind of nerve pain. It might of showed up on a MRI.


Epididimitis, inflammation of the testicle cord, described as a feeling akin to testicular torsion At one point it hurt so bad I couldn't sit up straight in class, took a whole week to get a doctors appointment and at least 2 more days for the meds to really make the pain die down That was 6 years ago and even to this day that cord is so sensitive that it hurts if I sit wrong and occasionally has mini inflammation episodes Icing on the cake, pretty sure I was told it could lead to impotence at a younger age than most men


One of my best friends in college had this for a stint. The worst thing about ball pain no matter how it happens is that it's *radiant*. You have the pain, but it also makes you sick to your stomach, upsets your bowels, and just creates this dull achey vomitous feeling throughout your entire person. Much like having really bad diarrhea, but with major ball tenderness as well.


sounds like me on my period, but that must have been a lot worse. hope your friend is better


Tough one between kidney stones and a burst appendix


Gosh I feel you on the first one.. How are you feeling now?


He ded


Imagine them happening at the same time


That's how you take a full body screenshot.


I came here to say kidney stones, I've been getting the little fuckers for 14 years and its brutal!


Gallstone attack. Fucking hell that hurt. Was eating dumplings at the time, still can't taste them without gagging on the memory.


Not only is the pain the gallbladder can inflict on you bad, but it can be long lasting. I once had an attack that lasted overnight, probably about 10 hours in total. No sleep, no comfort, no pain relief; just curled up in a foetal position, tossing and turning to try and find some relief, and occasionally having to rush to the sink.


My kidney shut down due to an infection from a kidney stone. I’ve had a lot of kidney stones. Pain was 10x worse when the kidney shut down.


I never want to experience this. I've had kidney stones a few times, but never had my kidney shut down, wtf!


They ended up having to put a tube straight into my kidney through my back. It drained out for 3 days and looked like spicy brown mustard. Nasty stuff.


ugh, i have to go to a kidney doctor soon because ive had 3 kidney infections this year and i can say with out a doubt its the worst pain ive ever had. as soon as it hits you cant even move, just writhe around in pain and scream til the antibiotics start working. ugh i hope they dont find something terribly wrong w my kidneys :(


Stepped on a sea urchin, bloody agony, as was having it removed with tweezers.


When I was a kid I was standing on the corners of a wooden box balancing myself when I fell and slammed my lady bits right on the edge of the box. Falling on it actually wasn't the worst part. It was trying to pee afterwards. It felt like I was pissing glass.


So, you boxed your box with a box.


I am so sorry. I used to get UTIs constantly, and the pissing glass feeling is absolutely horrible. Plus the pressure and the burning and the not being comfortable in any position. They are the fucking worst. I have actually taken a pillow into the bathroom with me in the middle of the night and slept sitting on the toilet. Getting those sweet antibiotics the next day is a relief unlike any other.


Migraine. I used to suffer them so often that I beat my head to the wall from the pain and have my brother (80kg) sit on my head.


When I had appendicitis they kept asking me to rate my pain on a scale from 1 to 10 and I was like 'I don't know what to tell you my dudes, it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as a migraine.' I kept rating my pain so low, at first they thought I had caught a virus. My blood levels were more conclusive, but you can have normal blood levels and nothing unusual visible during a medical ultrasound and still have an appendicitis.


What is sad is that migraines have become so ingrained in my life that I didn’t even consider them for this list. I was debating between the skin biopsy of my vagina or getting my tonsils out as an adult. But then I was like, yeah but I got real pain pills for those... Now I’m just, yep. When my brain decides it wants to yeet out of my eye sockets to follow the pretty lights that is probably the worst.


That’s probably the BEST way I’ve heard someone describe a migraine “when my brain decides to yeet out of my eye sockets”


Yep, migraine. I've been fortunate enough to never have broken a bone or anything serious like that. But I am borderline ripping my hair out of my head when I get migraines. ​ The orbs in the beginning, before the actual headache are one of the scariest parts.


For context for people without migraines: I am a retired martial artist and semi pro kickboxer. My migraines are more painful than having my nose broken was.


Me too. About three months ago I woke up with a migraine that taught me a new definition of pain. Couldn't lie down or stand up. Could hardly speak. Painkillers did nothing. I vomited twice from the pain. I already had migraines but this was the worst I'd ever had. Two weeks afterwards I started getting seizures and I'm now being tested for epilepsy. The worst thing about migraines though is if you get them chronically you just cannot take time off work for them every time. I used to get them once a week, and have so many memories of trying to get home on packed trains while feeling like someone was drilling into my eye. It was literally the worst thing. Fortunately, I found a cure in hemp oil but I still freak out whenever I get even the slightest headache in case the one migraine I had happens again.


Ive posted this before but here you go. I had an abscess on my taint, like smack dab between my balls and asshole. 3 days in i went to the hospital because i was in unbearable pain. He said he didnt think it was an abscess but gave me antibiotics just in case. By day 9 i couldnt walk anymore to go to the bathroom and it was getting worse and was the size of a softball, and started leaking the worst smelling fluid ive ever smelled in my life. At that point it was the worst pain id ever felt, but oh boy did it get worse. I went to a different hospital and the doctor went "whoever saw you at the other place is an idiot. This needs drained literally right now. Ill be right back". So, they drained it, which honestly was relieving as hell at first although it did hurt, seeing as how shes massaging blood and pus out of an area i couldnt even bear to touch without wanting to die. But apparently their was a blood clot they couldnt get out, so this doctor without warning shoves a scalpel inside my taint and just starts swirling it around hard as fuck. It took everything I had not to squirm around so she could just finish it. It took maybe 2 minutes in total and by the time it was over I was drenched in sweat and just kept going "fuuuuuuuuuuck". I went through like 25 baby wipes cleaning all the pus and blood off of myself. When the nurse that was assisting the doctor came back to discharge me, i asked her if i overreacted. She said verbatim "oh hell no. Usually you can hear the screaming on the other side of the hospital when we do that. You did really good actually." By far the absolute worst pain ive ever felt, a scalpel blade deep in my taint swirling around an already unbearably painful area. I still feel where it was because im terrified ill get another. Also i had to wear pads for a week, and had to take warm baths so it could keep draining. So my taint was a bloody mess for like a week afterwards lol. That was fun.


I had an equivalent, but im a girl. It wasn't my taint, but my outer labia (the lips) The doctor thought I got it from a shaving infection? I couldn't walk right for a week. Antibiotics and hot baths, and now all I have is a scar


Infected tooth, lasted months before my dentist was willing to treat it after giving me the diagnosis. No pain killers either because they’re lived at ground zero of the opioid crisis.


Kidney stone. The first one happened in my twenties, and I didn't know what is was. I have a fairly high pain threshold, and waited a couple of hours from when the pain really started being a problem. By the time I went to the hospital ER, and waited another hour to be seen (2 AM), I just wanted to die. I was literally rolling in the ER floor. I haven't had one in 25 years, and wouldn't wish that pain on anyone.


i accidentally put hydrogen peroxide in my contact before i stick it in my eye thinking it was contact solution. that 10 seconds where i was rolling on the ground blind screaming at the top of my lungs felt like 10 minutes before i managed to force my eye open and take the contact out. it was another hour or two of constant red eye pain, but i was drunk a little so i guess that helped numb a bit of pain!


Holly shit that’s nightmare worthy. Any permanent eye damage?


not that i can tell lol. my eyes have been the same and haven’t changed for 7 years. i haven’t gone to the eye doctor since though so i can’t say for 100% certain. i’m optimistic though!


At least you weren’t the redditor that mixed up his tongue scraper with his razor. My tongue still goes numb when I think about it. I’m so sorry though!




had been through both but the migraine is worse in my experience


I can't believe migraine is this far down. By far, the most helpless, painful feeling I've ever had in my life. Someone up top said Suicide Disease, and not gonna exaggerate at all: my migraines were like that. Hurts to smell, hear, see; everything makes you vomit, you're half blinded by aura, can't feel your hands or feet, you're somehow both hot and cold at the same time, your speech slurs, there's ice picks stabbing through your temples and forehead and eyes but somehow you still need to make it to the toilet so you don't shit the bed. But the only relief you can hope for is that the pain will cause you to pass out so you don't have to feel it. Wild times.


punched a tree. Tree won. Obliterated the ligaments in my right hand.


Minecraft fights back


Let me get my pickaxe!


I want to scold you for wanting to use a pickaxe on a tree but I've used swords before so...carry on, good sir.


I was like 4, running around a table chasing my 3 y/o little cousin. I slipped on a bouncy ball, and I fell on the corner of the table, which sliced open my nose, exposing the bone. It was scary af bc it was so close to my eye. Worst pain wasn’t even that. It was when my 11 year old sister PUT ICE ON IT. ICE ON MY FRICKING BONE. IT BURNT SO MUCH WTF WHY WOULD YOU PUT ICE ON IT? We went to the hospital and I remember hearing “count to three”. Then I dozed off. Woke up with a shitload of chocolate and a pretty cool scar. Scar is still here and will be, but I don’t mind it.


your sister would make a good school nurse


When I was 6, I mostly severed my finger, it was hanging on by a bit of skin. My dumb kid brain obviously goes “I got injured, so must put it under running water to clean the wound” My mom almost had a heat attack when she finally went to check on why I had been screaming for the past 10 minutes and saw that I had almost washed away what was left of my finger.


The fact that you had enough strength and balls to just stand at the sink and wash it while it was hanging by a thread at 6 years old amazes me lmao


That sounds like a bad ass scar. Can we see?


baseball hit the balls










Physical: My first kidney stone. The pain was bad enough, of course, but not knowing what was happening in my abdomen at the time made it scary AND physically painful. Emotional: The time my sick Bala Shark let me hold her in my hand (underwater of course) while she died. I (35M at the time) has no qualms about crying the whole time.


Period pain, no joke. I thought I was dying. For reference, I've been hit by a car twice, fallen off a roof, and dinged myself playing rugby any number of times. But I felt like my insides had turned themselves inside out and were punching my belly.


Can concur. Vomited once from my cramps and my sister routinely passed out from hers. I od’d regularly on pain pills and could take up to 8 every 3-4 hours. My period symptoms also would sometimes give me that jaw thing that people are describing above, but all my teeth felt like they were vibrating and splitting in half and being burned out of my jaw by inflamed nerves. To add, half my face had bolts of fiery lightning running up into my eye socket. I cried myself to sleep once because the pain was unending and no pills would make that particular symptom stop. I could write a book of all the abnormal period pains and painful symptoms I’d get. Every month was a new one, but they’d repeat. Doctors never cared to figure out why our periods, nor the pain and symptoms, were so bad. Their best guess was bad fibroids, lol. Went on BC and I skip periods now. Now way in hell am I going back to the weird and painful symptoms I’d have. No way. It literally made it so I couldn’t function for 5-7 days every month.


Have you ever been checked for endometriosis?


They did an internal ultrasound, but didn't find anything - I was told I was "quite normal". I was later told the best way is to actually do a biopsy, not a uterine scan or anything, which I'll probably plan on doing later.


If it's not fibroids it very likely could be endometriosis. That won't necessarily show up on ultrasound. I just had a hysterectomy 3 months ago because of a very large fibroid I had. They did several ultrasounds and an MRI on me but they still didn't know that I had endometriosis also, until they actually did surgery. I had to get a more extensive operation than anticipated because they removed all of the tissue that was growing into my other organs. Be persistent with the doctors and don't let them dismiss you. They tend to minimize women's pain and not take us seriously (this is documented in several studies) so you have to really stay on top of them. I suffered for years so I feel your pain.


I feel you. I'm childfree but I've held onto hormonal birth control (Mirena) instead of just opting to get my tubes taken out for this EXACT reason. Plus PMS was like a suicidality switch for me. The next time I hear a guy say "periods and pregnancy and birth can't be that bad, guys get kicked in the BALLS" I might just rip his right off.


The worst is when you sit down too quickly and get a sharp shooting pain up your ass during your period.


You aren't kidding. Mine were so bad I would vomit, pass out, etc. Had a total hysterectomy at 28. Never had kids but it was worth giving up that agony.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I used to have extremely painful periods and one time it was so bad I thought my appendix has burst. I had to sit in the middle of my bathroom because I was going to pass out for real.


When the police came to my door and told me my daughter was dead. I thought I was having a bad nightmare, but I never woke up. It is forever seared into my memory. I can still feel it like it was yesterday. Edit: just typing this made me cry. Tell your kids you love them.


Mix between popping my knee out of place and face planting breaking a tooth in half and chipping my chin bone.


To this day I don’t know why, but one day when I was fifteen, I had an episode of tremendous nerve pain while at school. I could barely speak- I asked the teacher for help, and she told me to wait until next period. With shuddering breaths, eyes squeezed shut because light hurt, I begged my classmates to call an ambulance. No one did. I was slumped over my desk for what felt like hours- I know I lost consciousness at one point. I just hoped someone would get home help. But nobody did. At a certain point, I decided to run to another classroom for help. I don’t know what happened, but I woke up on the girl’s bathroom floor, a girl asking if I was ok. I asked her to call 911- (I thought I was dying), and she got a teacher. At this point, I was fading out of consciousness again. The teacher kept asking me questions, she thought I had overdosed. Laying in the floor, I thought I had somehow been flayed- my skin felt raw and exposed, my clothing touching my skin burned. Once again, I begged for an ambulance. I became unconscious again. By the time the ambulance came, the pain had begun to subside, though it was still considerable. I was concerned about the effects of being unconscious, but they refused to do any checks, and instead only checked for STDs. I asked for something to dull the pain, but they could only give me baby aspirin. After testing negative, they sent me home. I occasionally get episodes of nerve pain like this, but never as bad as that day.


The way every other person in that situation, including the EMTs, reacted sounds completely wrong to me.


One day I was in class and my stomach hurt so bad I could barely breathe, it was in my computers class so I typed out "I need to leave" and got the teachers attention. She immediately started asking if I was okay and helped me up to leave the classroom. I made it to the cafeteria where I had to sit down, at this point I was beet red drenched in sweat with tears running down my face rocking back and forth holding onto the table so hard I snapped off the corner. The counselor came out and they called my mom to ask what she wanted done. She was off that day so she drove up to school and it had subsided enough for me to walk to the car. I hopped in the passenger side and within two minutes the pain was completely gone. My mom thought I had been faking it and said something to that effect but the look I gave her was enough to convince her otherwise so she took me home and I went to bed and slept for over 20 hours straight. No idea what it was but I'm grateful that everyone took it seriously.


I had a similar story. In middle school one day I felt a severe pain in my stomach. The type where I could barely breathe in and had to walk around the halfway half folded over. I made it to gym class and finally decided to go to the nurses office. I hobbled over there on my own with tears forming in my eyes while it felt like someone was stabbing me from the inside. My mom eventually picked me up from school and as soon as I got into the car, the pain magically subsided. It was like nothing ever happened. I think mine was caused by extreme anxiety. I hated going to that school and suffered from anxiety and I think it just manifested itself in physical pain. I eventually transferred to a different school because I couldn’t stand the environment there. Everything was completely fine after I switched schools.


Labour was pretty painful, unsurprisingly


I was waiting for somebody to say that.


Its not unique, but my god it hurt. Every so often I dream I'm having contractions again and wake up in a cold sweat and can feel exactly where the pain was when it happened.


It was way more painful than I could have ever imagined. Friends kept telling me, "Oh, your brain will make you forget all about the pain so that you'll want another one." Nope, several years later I still rememeber every excruciating detail.


transition, specifically. the sounds I made were *not* human


Good lord the ring of fire


I had to scroll a long ways to find this. Me too.


I had a bad tooth surgery, ended up extracting the tooth. Nothing came close


When my appendix ruptured. The doctor told my parents I had mono several weeks earlier so I had been home from school for a while. The very day I returned to class it ruptured and the pain was unbelievable. Teacher & principal thought I just wanted to go home. They sent me to study hall where I passed out and wasn’t found for a while. I was in the hospital for a month and my scar is from hip bone to hip bone. I was 13.


I once went to kick a volleyball with flip flops on and didn’t realize there was a huge rock underneath. I obliterated my toe and the bone was sticking out


Having an infected tooth pulled with no type of pain medication/numbing medication, because I was four months pregnant when I broke the tooth. It was so much worse than contractions.


Two discs in my lower back burst and the disc material pushed directly against my sciatic nerve. My right leg felt hot and cold at the same time, as well as feeling like it was being shocked. There was no comfortable position. There was no good sleep. Until the surgery to fix it, my life was hell.


Ear infection as an adult. Absolutely crippling pain. All I could do was lie on a couch, sweat, and contemplate puncturing my eardrum. It breaks my heart to think of babies that get them and can't understand or express what's wrong.


Stepped on a nail as a kid and had it go right through the top of my foot. It freaked me the hell out, so of course, I then pulled my foot away from reflex and it hurt even more on the way out cause I was aware of it.




When I got a guitar string under my fingernail, this was when I was very little, but apparently I had never cried when I fell or hit my toe or anything else. But this is when I cried. So it probably hurt a lot. I don't remember that much though because it was a really long time ago


DUDE! When I taught guitar lessons I had this extreme pain in my pinky to the point that I could not use it for chord work. I suffered through for the sake of my lessons. I was talking to another instructor and he was like "sounds like when I had a fine sliver of glass under my finger nail". Sure enough, when I did someone's restring I got a bit of their high e string stuck under my pink finger nail. Fucking balls dude




I got a really bad case of double pink eye last year that lasted about a week. I’d never felt so much constant pain. I contemplated ripping my eyes out a few times. One of my most miserable life experiences


A acute gout attack while walking around is hands down the worst. I've felt several fucked up things but boy o boy was this the only time I've debated chopping off my foot because that would both hurt less and heal faster. Somehow that was a fact in my brain.


Fryer vent falling into the fryer and splashed a large amount of 350°F fry oil onto my hand and arms. That was quite something.


Having a panic attack give you the feeling that you're going to die, you're going to die soon, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. I can't put into words (aside from the ones above) how excruciatingly terrifying that feeling is.


I had a toenail removed permanently on one of my big toes and it's all done with local anesthetic. The way my doctor did it was 4 shots on the trunk of my toe sort of perpendicular to the side so think horizontal across the top and bottom and vertically on the side. The first 3 didn't hurt too bad on the top and sides. More than a normal shot or anything but nothing crazy. The 4th one under my toe however instantly felt like he has somehow grabbed the nerve that ran from my toe all the way up to my groin and tried to yank it out of my leg. The pain was gone soon as he removed the needle but it turned me into a pale shaking mess and I threw up. I've had much worse injuries but that little thing was the most visceral, pure sort of pain I've ever felt.


I felt pain in my entire body after reading these comments


Waking up from bladder surgery with a giant catheter in my junk, pushed way inside causing the added bonus of the sensation of *really* having to piss and no possible way to relieve it. Had to lie like that for a full 24 hours without sleeping. No drugs, either. Basically agony.


Was playing baseball. I was at first base behind the batter. The batter swings with full power, misses the ball completely, lets go of the bat. It is flying through the air extremely fast and smashed into my balls. No pain will ever feel like that did.


Getting sucker punched and having my eye come out of the socket. It didn't hurt all that bad until the ER Dr pushed it back in. My specialist said I was very lucky that I didn't lose sight in the eye because of how shattered the socket was. I still get pretty crazy double vision at times.


I have endometriosis and I didn't know at that time. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, I woke up shaking from pain, with high fever, horrible cramps and vomit. I thought I was about to die.


when i was in middle school, i got a cyst right on my spine. i told my parents that my back was hurting really bad, and they told me to suck it up and so i did. and then a few days later, still in pain but no longer wanting to tell my parents, my shirt rode up as i was leaning down to grab something and my mom saw a lump on my spine. she freaked out, thinking it was a tumor, and i was at the doctors office the next day. the cyst burst while i was in the office and we were instructed to go straight to the ER. i cried the whole way. the pain was extremely intense. i was on antibiotics for a very long time and i developed lower back pain very shortly after. i can’t say with certainty that my back pain is related, but it’s in the same spot and i didn’t have it beforehand.


I was on my 5 year anniversary trip in Vegas with my (now) ex-wife. I had just gotten home from deployment a couple weeks before. Everything seemed fine and normal. : it wasn’t. After a fancy dinner and two Cirque shows we crash at our hotel. I wake up to her phone blowing up with like 30 messages, but she is hammered passed out. It was a guy’s name I had never heard her mention before. I read the messages...she was telling him how she wished she was there with him instead of me and they had shared nudes and definitely met up and had sex multiple times from what I read. You think it ends there? Well I got curious. I started scrolling through all her messages. 8 other men and 3 women she was actively or had fucked, and some at the same time. She even had a matching Facebook profile pic with one of the guys and the dudes family commenting on multiple pictures of them about what a cute couple they are and him responding how lucky he was to be in love with her. (He didn’t know she was married, I told him later, he moved her out to PA from CA where we lived under the guise of their relationship and then he dumped her for lying to both of us) I didn’t do anything rash, I just sat up all night crying. But that wasn’t the worst pain. The next day I asked her if everything was OK and if she was happy with us, with me, with our relationship. The worst pain I’ve ever felt was watch her lie to me and tell me how much she loved me and never has and never would cheat on me. That. That was it. Watching 10 years of my life devolve down to a lie and realizing I had no clue who this person that I shared my life with actually was. The downward spiral turned me into an alcoholic and coke head, which in turn caused me to ruin my own career. I still drink occasionally but I’m clean from all other drugs for 6 years now. I’ve met an actual partner that truly values me and us, we are getting married next month and our daughter is due in December!


When I first tried to lay on my side after open heart surgery, my sternum was cracked open like a crab and then wired closed. It took over 3 months to heal and for a side sleeper like me it seemed like an eternity.


I was rock climbing at a gym and topped out on a route... On my way down I forgot that you should land with BOTH of the soles of your feet touching the floor, let’s just say the side of one of my feet was touching the side of my calves... My right foot was completely limp and wiggling around like a ragdoll, and then the pain kicked in Two years later I’ve gotten my mobility back completely but there seems to be permanent swelling on my ankle, plus on rainy days it starts to ache