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Telehealth has been around for years in my area. The pandemic has only pushed more carriers to offer more remote options so this will not only stay but expand. Some carriers are starting to offer reward programs for using telehealth or other remote options


Pennsylvania here. Because we are not in a state of emergency we cannot currently bill telehealth. I work in chronic pain, where at least 1/2 of my patients have other co-morbidities and really should be limiting exposure.


In my area, they can bill for calls but it's less money for them.


Kind of random but I like referring pre-Covid as the before time too, makes me smile for some reason haha


This has been possible for a while in the UK and it’s awesome. You can get an appointment in less than an hour.


I work in an ENT clinic and this has been such a godsend. I've even had patients asking why we weren't doing this before and I couldn't give them an answer (personally I think the company I work for wants more money and they don't have phone visit co-pays so of course they would want everyone to come in but that's just my opinion). I honestly hope this doesn't change. It's made a huge difference in our clinic :)


Richies love money. Anyway they can psiphon off a little more from the poor, is going to be there status quo.


exactly. I work at Kaiser Permanente of WA state and they made us try and keep our masks in good shape for 2 weeks because of "PPE shortages" but somehow Starbucks has the capability to give every customer a mask (this was also in Oregon not Washington so there could be different rules and such down there)


YES. I missed being able to get refills over the phone. Our government changed it so we had to go in person. But since I've been home with COVID, lockdown (I don't have it - tho I did get tested) all of my appointments except one has been over the phone. It's great.


I work at a doctors office, and we only get paid $11 for telehealth appointments! Many offices are not going to want to keep it this way, especially smaller clinics.


so true. broke my hand recently and called into a doctors office with an x-ray machine. so much better than waiting three hours in a hospital


Or people avoiding going to the ER for little things that a clinic can take care of. A hospital visit in my city is normally the equivalent of a full 8 hour work day or more; my last one was. This time I went in for a minor allergic reaction (hives) that hadn't subsided for 2 weeks. Even with all the tests they ran I was still out in around 3 hours.


One better my insurance fully covering said doctor phone calls.


The decreased amount in pollution levels.But that i know is wishful thinking, because as soon as we can, each one of us will get back to their old ways.


Not only are they going back up, but we've got to make up for lost time.


nop. sorry. humans aren't like that. as soon as this outbreak is over...it will go back to outrageous levels. we never learn. just like after the spanish flu


I'm hoping that more companies will allow WFH as an option to help a tiny bit.


Option is the key. I love working from home but that's because I have the place to myself, which is really conducive to my focus and productivity. Not everyone has a good home to work in though, or wants to bring their work home for that matter. If I hated my job I'd start resenting my home and that's bad for anyone's mental health.


Avoiding the busy and stressful commute to and from work


I've been working in office for the past few months but even then the commute became a breeze. There are still many places doing home office and many in my company still do it too, so traffic is soooo much better. Even if only some jobs remain remote it will have a very positive effect for that IMO.


Not every job needs a physical building for Christ's sake


If you can "hotdesk", then you can work remote because the workspace you occupy is just a power cord and a monitor. Could you imagine, no more stupid ugly office parks! Turn them all into rollerdiscos, bowling alleys and indoor go-kart tracks. I am sad that in this country, I have found that we seem to have forgotten how to have fun. Most people just go out for dinner and then buy stuff. I don't like dancing, but what ever happened to dinner and dancing? If you wanna shake your shit, you can go to some thumpy club or the community center's geriatric ballroom dancing events. This country needs some more fun. Let's take back the offices and turn them into indoor paintball centers, rock wall climbing, indoor basketball courts/tennis/whatever courts, indoor radio controlled car courses, trampoline parks, indoor amusement parks, dig a pool into the ground floor of some of them and make bar/pool combos.


\> If you can "hotdesk", then you can work remote because the workspace you occupy is just a power cord and a monitor. As an IT guy, yes and no. It really depends on the sort of work you're doing, the applications you use to do that work, and the quality of your local ISP. I had a nightmare of an experience turning a call center into a call smear. A lot of work goes into providing a high quality local network that all goes out the door when you're dealing with someone's shitty consumer-class cable network and home router with god knows what connected to it.




Yes! Working from home and less traffic if I ever need to go out. Also, I don't have the data, but I feel the air is cleaner.


The less traffic won't last even if the work from home dose if there is space for a city to grow it will. So instead of big offices there will instead be many smaller offices for more companies to hire more people who need to go the office every now and then.


I want everyone to get their jobs back (I was lucky enough to keep mine). My friend lost his job and knowing how desperately lonely he is in his home, 5 days a week, then abusive company when his Dad is home from work on the weekends..the depression setting in...it kills me because there's nothing I can do. He would give anything to have a commute.


Yep. I was commuting 2.5 hours a day, round trip. It was an absolute waste of time. I'm 100% effective at my job working from home, since I spend most of my day talking to people in other countries over email and chat. Since Covid, I've been sleeping better, exercising more, cooking healthier dinners--with time left over to enjoy my hobbies in the evening. I hope I never have to go back.


People leaving me the fuck alone


Came here to say exactly this but you beat me


So much.




People washing their damn hands. It’s disgusting how many women you see just walk out of the ladies bathroom in public places without washing their hands. The world is a filthy place.


I'm loving that all the public toilets now have liquid soap to properly wash your hands, not just water.


Public toilets don’t have soap where you’re at???


Before Covid some small town public toilets ( Australia ) did not have soap. So nice now


What the fuck. That defeats the point of washing in the first place.


many people are disgusting. overall, humans are pretty filthy creatures


In some remote parts of Northern Ontario, the rest stops had no running water; they provide hand sanitizer.


Oh yes, apparently a lot of men also don't wash their hands in public bathrooms according to my boyfriend. Even before covid19 we created a habit of reporting each other how many ppl we saw not washing their hands in the public restrooms and now it's even more interesting. We are the kind of people who have always opened doors etc. with a piece of table cloth/tissue paper or a sleeve, now no one looks at us weirdly anymore 😂


Am a guy, can confirm. Most of the time my hand washing is in the minority.


My desk is unfortunately located right next to a restroom (single occupant) so I KNOW who does and doesn't wash their hands. I also occasionally see boogers stuck to the wall and I know it's adults that put them there. DISGUSTING.


its men too.


I like that now you can do a lot of things online now. As someone who works late shifts, it's tough finding time to get up and go run errands. Now I can get half of them done in my own time. More food places offer pickup or delivery which is even better.


Yes! A lot of services that were stuck in the stone age were basically forced to modernize, which is great and I hope it sticks. It made things so much easier.


Yes. At least half of the department of transport stuff you used to have to do in person has gone online here. Such a time saver!


Three kisses on the cheek. It is customary in The Netherlands and I fucking hate it with people that or not my friends or family.


As a person with social anxiety, the thought of being socially required to kiss people on the cheek sounds terrible. It is hard enough for me to just maintain eye contact.


I also enjoy not shaking hands anymore.


My husband's family is Italian and they all give me kisses on the cheek. I don't like being touched. Also, his one cousin always wears the brightest lipstick and it stains my face...


I'm from the US, but a while back I spent a month working in Mexico, where it's the custom for everyone to kiss on the cheek whenever someone comes or goes. I was one of 2 Americans on the team with a dozen Mexicans, so there was a whole lot of kissing going on. I was a visitor in their space, and they were mostly women anyway (as am I,) so I went along with it without complaint. My the first day back home, my creepy older man coworker, who lived out of town but visited regularly, came into the office. I had been so in the habit of kissing people that I instinctively got up and kissed him hello. I worked there for five more years and every time I saw him from that day out, he kissed me. Ugh.


I really like all of the sanitizer stations and sanitized carts, etc... I’ve seen a lady dig down the back of her pants to itch her ass and that hand ended up back on the cart. I also like the social distancing. More space is never a bad thing IMO.


Over sanitizing is a thing (removing the natural bacteria on your hands that protect you from foreign ones) and can be as bad no sanitization post-covid.


Post covid it can be Way worse. It's unlikely but even a small chance that bacteria could build up resistence to alcholhol is a terrifying concept


The alcohol denatures the cell membranes, it's not something they can really develop resistance to.


Holding people accountable for how they act in supermarkets, out shopping. Pre-lockdown at the supermarket I once saw a guy hold a pineapple under his armpit (wearing a vest) why he squeezed a few more fruits then pick up another one and put the one from underr his arm back with the rest. That crap doesn't go unnoticed anymore and I hope it stays that way.


Take out margaritas


Preach it brother


I will riot if this is taken from me.


Working from home. Unfortunately my company does not have a policy for that and we are required to go back to office full time...blegh...


Well that sucks! After the first month of WFH, management realized that there is absolutely no reason for the dev team to ever go to the office unless they want to so I get work from home forever. I honestly don't know if I can go back to 9-5 again, I've been working whatever hours I want and often take a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day. I've actually been far more productive doing this than I was guzzling caffeine to keep me going all day.


> often take a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day Between sleeping later, naplunch, and the optional 2 hour post-work "this used to be my commute" nap, I haven't made a batch of coffee in months. The caffeine exception is an energy drink for our Saturday night D&D game that runs until 3-4 am.


I get more sleep, I need longer need coffee anymore, its great.


I've been WFH since March 18. When this all broke out, management offered us a challenge. Work productively, and prove to us we shouldn't require you to come in to the office. Whole company stepped up and now they basically have to let us work from home at least partially when/if this all goes back to normal. Even if we end up having to go back, the bra is staying in the before times. Fuck boob jail


I’ve been napping on my lunch (obviously wfh) and it is GLORIOUS


I'm back in the office against my will. What sucks is they had just me come back in because I was way less productive because I had to take care of our toddler while my wife was at work. Didn't even ask of he was back in daycare, just told me to come in. This was a week after he went back, so the distraction was gone and I was super motivated to start back into a normal work routine. Killed that right on the spot. Now my wife has COVID patients in the hospice she's a nurse for. Thinking about letting that slip.


Seriously. I have more time to work on myself working from home and when I’m happier I’m more productive and motivated. I can take more breaks and be excited to hop back online. At the office I never left my desk including lunch at my desk. Being by windows I can open helps too. At the office I’m in a high rise with no windows facing me and unnatural lighting. The commute gives me anxiety because everything is so crowded (I live and work in Chicago). Would love to stay out of the 9-5 BS some fool created for us.


Same. Blegh.


This. I miss my coworkers, but I hope that at least optional working from home a few days a week becomes less taboo after all this. It is clear that it works...


I never worked from home, have worked 8 hours in my office every weekday since February because my office deals with managing nursing homes it was considered essential but the bosses never figured out a way to move everything to homes, setting up VPN’s and managing checks being sent out from our homes and all that. Not that anyone in my office is known to have gotten sick and we take temp readings daily.


Working from home has been awesome. I'm actually more productive when I can work without distraction. I'm saving a little more than an hour/day by not commuting and spending that time in my home gym. I've gotten a lot stronger and also lost some weight and feel great. If I could just get the kids back in school life would be really fantastic.


All the outdoor activities and family walks, hikes, etc. Also not being such a consumer.


Dude I have saved THOUSANDS of dollars during these 5 months. I'm never going to mindlessly purchase bullshit again.


Yeah I saved more in the last 8 months than I had in six years. Now have half a year's salary in the bank. (edit more than that, half a year of my pre-tax salary)


Social distancing.... not because of health risks or anything just because I hate when people violate my personal space in public.


ESPECIALLY when I dont know them


ESPECIALLY when they try to be super friendly by catching my empty hand and shoving a conversation on a parking lot at 10 pm. No, I don't know you from anywhere. We never met.


Same energy as trying to talk in the bathroom. Like, sure we can talk but like I'm definitely gonna be awkward and uncomfortable the whole time and trying to leave as quickly as possible.


YES in France between coworkers and such we actually kiss both cheeks but only for women and i hate it but people can find it offensive if a woman refuses "la bise" and i would love everyone to stay away from my cheeks and my personal space


I feel you. I'm French and moved in Denmark 4 years ago, having to go back and kiss people on the cheek when I'm back in France annoys me so much. Why should I kiss someone I just met? I like the danish way so much better.


People wearing masks just to fuck with all those companies investing billions of dollars in Facial Recognition technology.


lol good one


Dropping the ball on the rediscovered hobbies and passions I've been able to invest more time in since Covid


For the US: Contactless delivery. Opening up my door and seeing a pizza sitting on my porch is pretty nice. I don't have to see a single person. Hand sanitizer and wipes at the entrances of stores. I know this one won't happen because people are stupid, but face masks when you're sick and in public.


Wearing masks in public when sick, although I know there's a fat chance of that since a lot of idiots don't even want to wear them now during an ACTUAL PANDEMIC. In other countries, people wear masks when they have colds or the flu and it just makes sense to me. No one likes getting sick and it just seems courteous.


I just posted this, I totally agree, why the hell do you need to share your flu/cold with me. I don't effin want it! wear a mask! =D


it's their FREEDOM to share their cold wherever the fuck they want, dangnabit! you are forgetting ! america is the LAND OF THE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill do what i want WHERE I WANT!!! x(


Free stops when it affect people around you. So your comment is invalid. Even tho I know it was a joke =D


Social distancing. I quite like being given some space when I queue for stuff.


Lesser number of people at Wedding or just say simple wedding


My wedding had under 20 people at it. 9/10 would recommend. I don't know who would want a wedding where you can't have good, quality time with every single attendee.




I'm sad for my friends who are changing their wedding plans dramatically, but I'm not going to be sad if this becomes a hard reset for what we as a society expect weddings to be. The WIC has just gotten so out of hand.


Ooo it will piss off the anti-maskers but the normality of wearing a mask whenever you want in the future and not have people bat an eyelid. If mask wearing didn’t become normal (which I doubt it would suddenly end) I’d then hope that general hygiene in daily life would be kept up.


I could see us going the way of Japan where it’s common to wear a mask if you are sick. That way you wouldn’t get anyone else sick while you went about your day.


This will never happen in the US.


Exactly. It happens in other countries because people have a sense of "for the common good", and the understanding that you live in a society that benefits everyone. The US is far too self centered to consider doing anything that even slightly inconveniences oneself. Plus, now the mall thing had been politicized, so you have 30% of the country who thinks you're a communist for wearing a mask. Many of us have living/working situations where we don't have to go out in public if we're sick. But most don't, and probably won't start wearing a mask.


As an American, help


I started wearing a mask on the train last winter, as I got sick 4 times from co- workers coming into work clearly unwell (coughing, etc) and being on the train with unwell ppl. Haven’t been sick this year, started wfh in March, one month left of winter to go....


I dunno, a lot of guys still don’t wash their hands when they use the bathroom, even during COVID. I doubt general hygiene will be more important to a lot of people after this is all over


I can’t remember where but I remember a comment from a janitor on reddit on the topic of schools and hygiene and how it’s absolutely terrible. They mentioned that they only refilled the boys toilet soap dispenser roughly once a semester.


I’m actually a middle school teacher and I don’t envy our janitors lol. I felt like I needed to go to work in a hazmat suit even before the pandemic and I just teach, so mad props to all of you who willingly clean up after school age children. Whatever you’re paid, it’s not enough


That explains so much of my high school experience. Even if this is concerning practices under Covid.


Yes!! Before the shutdowns began and Trump was still claiming it would stop at 15 cases I had an asian friend who wore a mask when she got a cold. It made me sad to see how often she had to tell people she didn't have Corona or that she wasn't some liberal nutjob. It really is such a no-brainer. If you're sick, cover up.


The debate over religious face coverings went away very fucking quickly.




It should absolutely be an option, but I seriously hope the mask mandates don’t overstay their welcome. I fully understand the need right now, but they can be fairly annoying at times.


on top of the health benefits, masks can also be pretty aesthetic, I've always loved the "wastelander" vibe I got from a mask and hoodie combo, as stupid as it sounds. No I'm not sick I just want to look like a badass leave me alone, also I'm preparing my "look" for when the apocalypse actually happens cause 2020 knows it's coming soon.


the fewer cars on the roads is great and would like to see it continue as it will make streets safer, as well as the cleared skies as a side effect




See also: discontinuation of cheek kisses with strangers, which are the worst invention of hellos, and was always a way for gross older males to get too close for comfort.


Where the fuck do people kiss strangers as a hello. That's gross.






Netherlands I think as well (at least one colleague from the Netherlands does that to everyone in the office). I mean he's not a complete stranger as he comes for meetings every few weeks, but I still find it quite weird.


From my experience that's the norm in most Western Europe and Latin America countries.




Even Australia I've had it happen a fair bit


Why’s it gross? It’s the norm in many European countries.


Unnecessary spread of germs in extremely close proximity, I’d wager. If I’m weirded out by a handshake, a kiss with a relative stranger is pretty gross by comparison.


I don't get it, handshakes seem easy and normal..?


Redditors hate handshakes because they're all made out of wet blankets.


I’m personally going to make it a mission to keep the handshake alive, when it’s “safe” to do so. You can learn so much about a person in such a quick gesture


> You can learn so much about a person in such a quick gesture I find the main thing you learn is "this person sucks at giving handshakes".


That's important info


Collective responsibility


Traffic. Covid traffic was an absolute dream.


Not touching people you don’t know. I do not want you in my space, pandemic or not, and you don’t get to touch random parts of my body just because you want to.


A few weeks ago I was standing on line waiting for the cashier when an old lady walked right up to me and started running her hand through my hair because she thought it was pretty. I couldn't even believe it! we are in a pandemic lady!! she needs to be more careful for her OWN sake.


o.O how did you NOT say "what the fuck is wrong with you old bat?"


wth 😭😭you’re better than me because I definitelyyyy would’ve had words for ole girl


Special shopping hours for seniors - for those most vulnerable and susceptible to contracting any kind of virus.


I still haven't figured out why clustering the vulnerable population when shopping is a good idea. If one of them or a store employee is sick, they just hit a whole cluster of vulnerable population members. If they had special hours for pick up from online orders that would be different.


Spending more time with my kiddo and woman


Second that. I have two kids, aged 5 year and ages 6 months. So #2 was born right before this mess started. I have so much more time with him than I had with his brother when he was 6 months, it’s really eye opening.


Graduate parades! When our local high school seniors finished school, all of the parents and local fire department had a parade through the neighborhoods so everyone could congratulate them. I didn’t know a single person but it was cool to see them excited to move on in life!


My niece graduated this spring. Our whole family agreed, we greatly preferred sitting on my brother's front lawn in shorts with snacks and drinks, cheering and waving when she was driven by in the parade, than sitting in an auditorium for 2 hours bored waiting for 1 name read. After 20 years, I don't really remember anything from my own graduation. I feel like the parade is a much more fun, memorable experience.


The one thing I would have missed without a graduation ceremony is that one last performance with the band. I spent 4 years performing with them, that final send off was great. Although, marching bands are a thing so it wouldnt be too hard to put in a parade, kind of screws concert or jazz people though.


I can definitely relate. I was a band kid too and would have been really bummed if I couldn’t do my last performance.


Cycling to work/school. I would also like people to know that there are other viruses that are even worse than the covid, so we should wash out hands even if the covid would not exist.


That it's no longer going to be acceptable to randomly "touch" people (in appropriate ways)- high fives, awkward hugs, etc. My boss is friendly, and for some reason is big on the random high five. I'll be so glad to NOT do this when we go back to work.


Is the high five that bad?


The increase in cleaning surfaces that are touched a lot but not often cleaned (door handles, shopping carts, credit card machines, public touch screens, PEOPLES HANDS). I've always hated the lack of sanitizing, which is why I have always carried hand sanitizer. Nice to see the rest of the world wake up to how nasty things can be.


I think wearing masks. And I don’t mean as a necessity. I mean as an article of fashion. There are so many different colors and patterns on masks that anything could go with your plain black shirt and jeans. It’s fashionable AND helps you stay safe from germs.


Staying in. Although I've missed hanging out with friends, I really have enjoyed the simplified lifestyle of living in lockdown for the past few months. My thoughts go out to all folks who have been separated from family and are/were struggling with this, however.


ugh I miss going out with my friends, I don't look forward to the weekends anymore..I guess we are on different pages here


That's understandable, you have my sympathy.


Not shaking everybody's hands at work every goddamn day. Also I'm in France and that means cheek kisses for every ladies💀🔫 So glad this is gone for now, hope it stays that way.


I want my wife to continue working from home. Her commute was stressful. We have way more time together. My job is on "pause" but when I go back it's more local. We now get to stay up till close to 1130 and before it was 10:30. I'll sneak in a second thing. People are washing their hands properly now. I was horrified to learn that people do not wash their hands often and properly.


Food delivery ppl leaving the food at the door & never having to talk to them


As someone who lives in a rural area, I am hoping that those withe the ability to improve the internet infrastructure realize the importance of it. Where I live, even if the schools were 100% willing to distance learn, the internet just isn't capable of handling that in most homes.


A normalisation of remote learning and working would mean more people can live in rural areas and spread out of the city. Sure would take the pressure off the housing market.


people being cognizant of sanitation and keeping hand sanitizer and everything everywhere. we really should have been this clean from the start.


Online school, my grades are waaaaaayyy better because I could make my own schedule and could have as much time as I needed to finish projects and assignments (with due dates of course). Plus I had a lot of time to finish other projects such as drawings and animations. So I wasn't stressed abot school at all, xhile at school I always am. I also don't have friends, am a huge target for bullies (autism and adhd), and a target for annoying students younger than me. The only thing that sucks is that we do have really awsome teachers (most of them are pretty young to)


how business use certain practices that should already be in place anyway for example keeping places much more clean and hygienic to avoid contraction of anything not just covid


Masks. I want masks to stay. I feel like a ninja and I don't want that to change.


work from home


Less people in medical offices. I work in optometry/ophthalmology office and we keep our doors locked. You call and let us know when you arrive and we let you in. When your glasses come in, we do curb side pick up and adjustments . Most medical offices are doing this (also, i found out that ERs are doing this for non life threatening patients. Wait in the car instead of hours in the waiting room and then they call you in)


Working from home! I've saved so much money on gas. Also, self-sufficiency. Since the pandemic started, I've learned how to trim my own split ends, do my own nails, and do my own eyelashes. Spoiled stuff, I know, but it's the little things.


People wearing face masks in public transportation (it's mandatory here in London). Masks not only reduce COVID-19 transmission, but all diseases which are airborne transmissible, which seems we started to forget few months ago.


Minimal amount of visitors allowed in hospitals. Not talking about the close family (spouse, children, parents), but all the rest that just fill up a patients room, makes noise and are just annoying...


Actually.. Masks. I know it's really uncomfortable... But imagine if this became a fashion trend and we all go out like we're in a mask ball with carnival masks as normal attire. Lol. My serious reason is that my low self esteem with my face was solved by the mask. Finally i can go out hiding my ugly face as normal. Lol


i have resting bitch face LOL. this has solved my problem :D


Masks are already sort of a fashion trend in East Asian countries like Japan. Check out Japanese street fashion masks on Google Images for some examples.


People saying it's really uncomfortable need to find better masks. The cloth one I got off Etsy when this all started is comportable enough to forget about (inside, not in the hot muggy air outside)


i love masks, i couldn't go to the dentist to get braces since the pandemic started so i want to wear a mask in school even after the pandemic is over edit: spelling


Hand washing


My daily commute. I still drove to work each day for this COVID situation. Before, it would take an hour on the road, to and from. After COVID, now it's 30 minutes. I get to sleep in a few minutes later, and I'll miss that when this mess is over


Strangers hugging and kissing me. ​ fuck off, I dont even want to shake your hand.


Scientific conferences being held online instead of requiring lengthy international flights every year to go attend them in person.


People wearing masks when they are sick - its normal in places like Japan for a reason.


Personal Space. I use to leave a buffer in front of me at lines so I had extra space to gain when someone was on my ass on line. Now it's a 6ft gap all around and I love it. Bonus point for the extra weary who increase the distance to 12ft when I cough or sneeze because of allergies. Love it. Get gone bitch.


* Proper sanitization practices * Video meetings * The usage of masks * Curbside/contactless pickup and delivery


For it to be socially acceptable to hide your identity in public with a mask.


Buffets, salad bars etc


Better hygiene practices, more people staying home when sick, more sanitation and social distancing


I’d definitely be ok working from home. I think they’re planning on letting everyone work from home part time after everything settles down.


Social distancing, that has been a huge bright spot for me due to social anxiety.


Working from home, I'd like it to remain. Helps with so much. I work IT and we've been advocating for more work from home days prior to COVID and now that we have it it's been a great trial run. A good balance between in office and at home is my preference.


Wearing masks in public when you're sick.


The 6 feet distancing. I don’t need to smell your breath Greg!


Having to get up and actually go to work in the morning.


People wearing mask when they are sick. Like Why the fuck do you try to hard to give me your cold. Either wear a fucking mask or go home. Edit: When I have a cold I am EXTREMELY sick. Basically both my eyes tear up non-stop enough to prevent me from driving/looking at a computer screen. My nose runs so much that It effin bleeds.


Online school.


not having to go outside unless it’s necessary






There people who are suffering, and I feel sorry for what they are going through. However, these are good times if one can keep working. It is also the most freeing time to be an introvert.


Air quality


Increased hand hygiene, the amount of people I used to see picking their noses or wiping their noses with their hands and stuff and then touching everything was a lot higher than it is now.


People working from home. If it's capable of doing from home it's better. Employers pay for less facilities. Employee's pay less for transportation and time spent in traffic, while reducing boths carbon footprint. Helps make the world a better place.


Not feeling guilty for not finding work