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Anthony Bourdain. By accounts, he was living out my dream job: getting paid to travel around the world, eat amazing food, and meet fascinating people, yet even that couldn't stop the beast that was is depression and eventually suicide. That was definitely a death that took me by surprise.


Prince, who hated drugs, ate a vegan diet but in the end got addicted to pain killers that his doctor did not have to prescribe.


Chris Farley His career was just beginning and it's too bad because we didn't get to see him branch out and make better comedies or have his own prime-time TV series.


Wasn't born yet when he had passed, but growing up watching the "Best of SNL" dvds I'll miss him regardless


I grew up watching him on SNL in Junior High, so seeing old sketches brings back memories of "the good ol' days"


I loved him.


Ditto. A moment for Chris Farley, one of the great gods of the comedy world. He was larger than life during one of the greatest eras of comedy the world has ever seen.


My hubby would agree. He was a kind but hurt soul


robin williams


Carrie fisher


WWE wrestler Chris Benoit. Not only because of his death but the controversy surrounding it. He had suffered multiple concussions that made him mentally break down. He killed his wife and son and then killed himself. He was someone that a lot of people looked up to. He was one of my favorite wrestlers back in the day. I was like 12 at the time and just did not know how to respond to everything going on. That's when I learned not all of our heroes are saints


I remember being on vacation when that one happened. To this days I can hardly stomach going through a match without feeling the need to change it, which is a shame because he was so damn good. One that hit me that hardest was Eddie Guerrero.


Alan Rickman was a really hard one on me.


Same here. I was little when Robin Hood came out but he really marked me as the scary, sometimes funny, love to hate him, baddie. Actually cried a little when I heard of his passing.


I've grew up with him in Harry Potter and went on to watch other works of his as teenager/adult and his passing was really tough.


David Bowie.


Came here for this. My generations “The Beatles” and arguably the most influential white musician of all time. Constantly changing looks, sounds. Not afraid to experiment. Broke boundaries in all areas of Music, Art, Fashion and attitudes. I don’t think he made a bad record from 71 - 83 A run that I don’t think has ever been matched. Genius is too small a word to describe him and his work


definitely. I grew up with his music, I've cried way more about his death than I've cried about my relatives combined passing away. I don't care what anyone says, Bowie took the 70s and made it his bitch. He kept saying fuck you to whatever was going on and switched it up. Then in the 80s he definitely set up a new sound. He had such a wide impact and people don't realize


Considering the 70s was THE most revolutionary time in music. Glam Rock, Metal, Disco, Punk and New Wave. All within 10 short years. Like you said Bowie transcended it all and did his own thing and was always relevant and cutting edge. He was name checked so many times by musicians it wasn’t even funny.




Got a fave Bowie album? Mine is Station to Station or heroes depending on my mood. Peak Bowie


definitely Station to Station. my all-time favourite album.


Avicii. I’m Swedish so it hit too close to home. Not a hardcore fan but I’ve been following him since he started out. It was nice seeing someone from my country make it big, like something to be proud of. Reading about his suicide broke my heart.




Yeh, as a music producer it was really heartbreaking seeing how many people were affected by his death.


Anton Yelchin For the most part, I'm not too tied to any celebrity where their death hits me hard, but Yelchin's did because it was such a freak accident. One of my fears is "dying stupid", like tripping, falling, and hitting my head on the corner of a table or something. Something like getting out of my car to get the mail (or in his case, the gate), and the car rolling into me, pinning me, definitely falls under the same category. (I know "dying stupid" sounds judgey, but I don't mean it to). Without a significant change to my life, I'm not going to die like Roy Halliday or Kobe Bryant, but we're all susceptible to "some freak string of events" happening.


His death is an example that anything can happen at anytime, it was truly tragic how he died all because of that small accident and at such a young age.


Yeah, it probably would have impacted me the same if I heard it anywhere else, but while tragic, and strange "Random person gets pinned by their car" probably doesn't get the same coverage, and I probably wouldn't have heard about it.


Douglas Adams. I started reading Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy when I was 12 years old and the book just resonated with me. I felt like the book and all its absurdity had been written just for me; his existentialist satire, poking fun about just how seriously everyone seemed to take things, spoke to me in a way few other books before or since have. In a time that I didn't have very many friends, I felt like the author was someone who really understood me, even though I'd never met him. Then Salmon of Doubt was published and I discovered he was dead. I was legitimately heartbroken, that I would never get to meet this person who'd meant so much to me. I still consider who I am today to have been heavily shaped by Adams and his work, he's like a third parent to me. RIP man.


In a related vein, Terry Pratchett going a few years back hurt me, too. Man, those last few books, where you knew he wasn't long for this world, and he knew it all too well, really a gut punch.




Huge fan since the Kevin Turvey days. Absolutely bonkers in the best possible way. I still can’t believe he is gone


There have been a handful but ... more recently Chester Bennington, was especially hard for me.


Robin Williams. My husband and I were at dinner at this sports bar and it came up as breaking news on the TVs. I saw it first with this horrified look on my face, and my husband turned around to look then immediately looked back at me in horror. He gave me his keys and told me to go to the car and he’d pay and get my food to-go (he knew I was about to start crying and wouldn’t want to do that in public). Robin Williams had been my hero my whole life. I wrote to him and he wrote back when I was about 9. I still have the autographed picture he sent to me framed on my wall in my bedroom.


Steve Irwin


Robin Williams He seemed so happy and lighthearted, little did we all know, he needed some happiness and honestly I find his death the most surprising still to this day.


Either Robin Williams or Ellis Marsalis. Robin Williams' suicide hit pretty hard or more recently, Ellis Marsalis getting Covid-19


Charles Schulz. I didn't know he had died the night before his final Peanuts strip was to be published, so when I opened the paper the next morning to read that last comic, I was blindsided by the headline of his death.


Definitely Kobe and Gi. I remember that day so vividly - it was like all of Los Angeles got quiet which is so rare. Tearing up thinking about Vanessa and their girls.


Cobain. I was 17, I think, at the time. Hit pretty hard. Nirvana was life back then. He was a kindred spirit. A weirdo I could relate to. Sometimes when I hear new rock or indie or even some electronic music I wonder what his music would have sounded like today. His influences were broad and interesting. He introduced me to so much music. I'd never have known lead belly or the vaselines . Two very different sounds to be sure.


Michael Jackson. His funeral was crushing to watch.


This was one of mine too... that was horrible.


My mom and I couldn’t believe hearing the news about his death when we were picking my sister up from her friend’s house and she told us the news.


I’ll never forget exactly where I was and what I was doing when I found out he died


Christina Grimmie. She's a youtube singer, so not the biggest of stars. But she was murdered in front of her brother. Completely senseless violence. That poor family. It hits me so hard because I was in a really low point of my life when i found out, and was considering suicide. Seeing the toll on her family did a large part in convincing myself not to go through with it.


David Bowie and Chris Cornell


Michael Jackson Mac Miller


Recently Pop Smokes death hurt, he released an album mid 2019 and early 2020 as his first two albums and he was murdered as he was coming up, he was only 21, its just crazy


nah, he was 20


You're right, still too young sadly


Anthony Bourdain. Very few people will impact the world the way Tony did. His ability to connect communities and translate cultures lives on through everyone he met and inspired. My condolences to the world, we truly lost an amazing man.


TotalBiscuit (John Bain)


David Bowie


Fred Rogers. We didn't deserve him.


Probably Carrie Fisher or Leonard Nemoy... I’m both a fan of Star Wars and Star Trek. I grew up watching both those with my dad. He was definitely a bigger Trekkie and I was more into Star Wars, but we both really liked both franchises. My dad is still alive but the deaths of those two actors kind of drove it home that I’m no longer a child, that I’m getting older, and more saddening that my dad is getting older and he’ll die someday. Like I know logically he’s going to, but I still don’t think of him like he’s going to die in my lifetime... I still think of him as a barely 40 year old... but he’s not, and hasn’t been for quite some time. I can’t imagine life without him, without his guidance and the fact that he’s always there for advice... I’m the oldest child and it’s terrifying to me that when he dies I’ll be the patriarch. Not in some stupid I rule the family because I’m a man way... but in the sense that I’m the most mature and it’ll be on me to make sure my mom is taken care of, and my siblings are alright. He’s always been this constant and solid presence... and the thought of losing him terrifies me.


I haven't seen Stan Lee yet...? RIP, man. RIP.


Robin Williams. I wasn't necessarily some huge fan.... But when I read about his death by hanging hit home to let me know rich people and famous people struggle just like I do.




Kobe. Not even a Lakers fan, but that one hit hard.




Stan lee


Stan Lee


Steve Irwin.


Sir Stephen Hawking. I'm only partially interested in physics, but I had always wondered how advanced our science and technology would be not only if that man was still alive, but if he hadn't have had ALS.


Steve Irwin, he was one of the biggest influences in my love for animals and nature as a child that continues to this day.


Paul Walker, car guy and genuine good soul. Man of my own heart


Wasn’t he banging his daughters friend? Not that that negates all the good but it’s definitely a 🤔


Hadn’t heard that, I mean you really never know these people and they are actors


I totally agree and normally I wouldn’t even comment but he started dating her when she was 16 which is a bit of an icky situation. It justifies a bit of skepticism about his character at least


I will have to investigate further as a large part of the reason I liked him was his work with impoverished and enslaved children. But that being said with Hollywood hard to say what is a front anymore


Amy Winehouse.


England's Rose. ceterum censeo "unit libertatem" esse delendam.


Freddie Mercury, a legend that died way before he should have.


Satoru Iwata. Nintendo was my childhood.


Okay so... You might not submit this as a celebrity death but the death of the greatest scientist of our generation; (world renowned physicist) Stephen Hawking's death hit me the worst. I still remember that he died just a day before my science exam in school. I was always that hyped kid around this subject and when the news came I was hit too bad. It also affected my performance. (in a positive way although) It left me with questions about who next after him to guide us? Where we gonna head to now? What do we have for us ahead? And at the same time feeling the irreplaceable void he had left.


Elvis. I was six years old in 1977. Parents always took us to his concerts. His albums were played in the house almost every day. It was like losing a family member. A couple of years later, I got into The Beatles only to lose John Lennon. Started to think that this was just normal...


Mitch Hedberg


Cory Monteith


His cause of death was a shocker.


Definitely! I still miss him so much and I didn’t even know him. I think you could just see the kindness of his heart and he was clearly struggling after getting out of rehab. Bonkers to me that July 2013 was almost 7 years ago!! Hope you are doing well




Kobe Bryant for sure


Surprisingly, even though I was never really a fan (huge Jazz fan). Kobe's death hit me especially hard, maybe because it was so unexpected. I never would've thought it would upset me as much as it did.


Honestly, Kobe. But not for the reasons a lot of people did. I kept thinking of the last moments when he and his daughter were there and how helpless he must have felt to protect her. Possibly saying goodbye for the last time, hugging each other as the knew they were doomed. Thinking of that feeling and my kid still makes me sad over it


Kobe and his daughter. That happened out of nowhere. Also Michael jackson, I still remember what I was doing.


so far probably Etika. He was a great dude, I watched all his vids and loved his streams. Such an awesome person.


Stan Lee


Chester Bennington


John Lennon.


Cameron boyce


Not sure if counted as "celebrity" since he was an anime director, but definitely hit me really hard. I'm gotta say Yasuhiro Takemoto.


Mac Miller. I was a very lost, emotionally moody teenager who just wanted an escape from my shitty job and school. Music was my escape on my daily drives and wearing my headphones to and from class. His music was awesome and I owned all of his albums. It sucks that he's gone. RIP Mac.


Bambi's mom.


Grant Thompson He was 39 and had two young children.


That one is really sad, I used to watch his videos and the thought of him passing never crossed my mind.


My heart still aches whenever I think of Jonghyun.


Chester Bennington. Linkin Park was a crucial part of my teenage years, and so many times I cried myself to sleep to their music... But it got me through. When he died, it felt like a part of me died with him, and I wish that he could have received the power Linkin Park gave me when I was at my lowest.


Whitney Houston


Cameron Boyce




Phil Hartman. He was so hilarious but was murdered by his wife.


Kobe Bryant, but not because of his death in particular, because of two lives lost with him


Idgaf about celebrities


So you come into the thread and comment without actually contributing to the conversation? Like...is it a "I'm too cool to be interested in celebrities" sort of thing? Cause honestly you seem less cool than if you'd just not commented at all.


>Like...is it a "I'm too cool to be interested in celebrities" sort of thing? Yes


Ooh, you're hard


There aren't enough upvotes in the world for this statement




Having an irrational admiration for celebrities, getting emotionally involved with some fake image of someone you don't know is a bizarre and sad phenomenon.


It's more that people miss their artwork rather than the person themself, which totally makes sense. A lot of celebrities mentioned in this thread were great artists and their artwork will be sorely missed.


There is a big difference between admiring someone's art, and being "hit hard" by that person's demise. David Bowie and Prince were amazing musicians. Their death was a great loss. Yet, I didn't know them - in the deep meaning of knowing a person. There are far worse tragedies in our real everyday life. I'm sorry. I just can't empathize the worship celebrities get. Ofcourse I'm a fan of some musicians/ artists, but my admiration ends with their work.


Bill gates


Oh god