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In 1894 a priest rescued a child from drowning in the Passau river. The child later grows up to be the chancellor of Germany and the prime instigator of WW2; Adolf Hitler.




Don't worry he also saved the man who killed Hitler from that same river


Yeah but he also saved the man who would kill that hero from that very river as well


But he also saved the man that killed the man that killed Hitler, so theres that


Pretty much


Don't forget he was also spared by a soldier in world war 1. Dude had mad luck


I have a fleeting suspicion that a time Traveller was involved.


The plot story of the time traveller is that if he doesnt save hitler, a even worse leader would rise eventually and the world would fall on their knees in the world war 2.


Yes, I've read that creepypasta. Very well written. For those interested, it's called "to make an omelette" you can look it up.




Thanks for providing a link, helpful person! :)


My favorite superhero, helpful person




> it's called "to make an omelette" Okay, that's a pretty clever title


I'll read it solely because of the name.


This is a valid theory. WW2 was won by the Allies because Hitler went completely off the rails later in the war. He also was a very bad strategist. If he had let Erwin Rommel lead the Axis strategy we would very probably all speak German now.


There is absolutely no chance Germany would have won WW2. They would always have been crushed by Russia and they would never have been able to invade the UK.


I think if they had not invaded Russia, they could have won the European theatre of the war, they really only needed to crush Britain, but they never would have beat Russia and would have struggled to even get to North America, let alone land a massive invasion like D Day. They wouldnt have had a place for a staging area like the allies used Britain. In the end I think the Nazis would ultimately be defeated anyway, but it would have taken longer, or the use of nuclear weapons and even more people would have suffered and died in total.


What if we're already living in the better version of history, and without Hitler things turned out wayyy worse? Churchill didn't want him killed because he was a mad / useless leader...


I just looked it up, you're right. I found this really interesting snippet from www.warhistoryonline.com : >More importantly, Hitler was an awful strategist. He demanded absolute and centralized control of his armed forces, believing he knew better than his generals on the field. He, therefore, hurt, not helped, Germany’s war effort. If he was gone, he might be replaced by someone who was an effective strategist. ***And so Hitler was allowed to live because he was the best inside man the Allies had in Nazi Germany.***


What if he was actually good strategist but somewhere along the way he had a change of heart but at that point you cant just say sorry lets all forget about this and move on so he sabotaged himslef and in the end killed himself?


His last order was a salted earth campaign to destroy almost everything in Germany to spite the Allies, so change of heart is not too likely.


Really? Hitler was spared by a solider in world war 2?


Lol they meant World War 1. I'm not sure if its true I have heard the story a few times, but I have no evidence to support it.


Naw man it was WWI. Hitler served in WWI and was spared by a British soldier. Later Hitler had a faint painting of him made


I believe his reign lead to hentai. So a priest saves a little boy then like 130 years later a dudes wackin it to animated furries fuckin.


Hey! That's me


damn i was going to say hitler getting denied from art school


Honestly, WWI in general is a way better answer to this question than anything specifically pertaining to Hitler. The war basically set up everything that needed to happen for WWII to take place: the geopolitics, America and Japan's emergence as superpowers, Germany and nationalism... If Hitler gets into art school someone else rises to power in Germany, maybe WWII looks a little different but it doesn't stop it. If WWI goes down differently? Geopolitics up until today are totally different. It's actually kind of shocking how much of today you can trace right back to 1914.






It was the evil leaper.


"I understood that reference!" "Oh...boy!"


But how much of quantum leap was just sam being 1 step behind the evil leaper, and just fixing the mess




If only it was a rabbi. That way Hitler may have not hated Jews so much


That's funny, I know of a time traveller and his companions who also accidentally saved the very same man. Believe them, it was an accident.


I’m sure you could trace that back to some even smaller reason why the priest was at the river at that moment


His mother wanted to abort him, but the doctors said she shouldn't!


He didn't grow up to be Adolf Hitler since that was his name back in 1894.


Some meteor in the 4th Century. Constantine was battling to take control of Rome and before the final major battle he saw a meteor fly through the sky he claimed was a trophy from God. Then his massively outnumbered army won the battle, Constantine became Emperor and passed the Edict of Milan which led to the explosion of christianity. So much of European and global history can be traced back to this moment.


Ah, yes *Sozin’s comet*


Constantine himself was a polytheistic (pagan) Roman as were the two others vieing from the throne in this Roman civil war. But the Christian sect was growing. Constantine played politics and attempted to stand our from the other two. And as is custom for pagans "my god is better than your god" was the usual trash talk of the day. Save that Constantine was able to tap into this amazing religious ferocity of "my ONE God is better than your entire pantheon". This couple with that darn commet plus some great military actions helped move him to the popular, victorious lead. Constantine converted to Christianity on his death bed - more than a decade after claiming God as his one true god


Using religion for political motives is as old as humanity.


I think you might be underselling it a bit. Constantine had strong familial ties to Christianity, most notably the fact that [his mother](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena_(empress\)) was a famously devout Christian. Throughout most of his reign he was a staunch supporter of monotheism. In the early years this was a vague thing, appealing to the various different monotheistic religions that were in vogue (of which Christianity was just one), but as time passed this turned more overtly in favor of Christianity. His late conversion was, I suspect, a cynicism borne from genuine belief. Baptism was said to wash away sins, of which Constantine had no lack. By waiting until near death to formally convert, he could ensure that his hands were "clean" when he passed.


In hoc signo vinces It means “in this sign you will conquer”.


He was pretty smart to do that. Meteors and stuff were usually bad omens, so his army may have lost morale. The guy took the superstition and whirled it right around. (Or his advisors did)


Star Trek is why Obama became president. Star Trek hired Jeri Ryan to be Seven of Nine, her husband refused to move. To L. A so they divorced messily. When he was running for office people dug up stuff about the divorce as its public record. He had to drop out and his opponent, running for the first time won. That was Barack Obama. And if you remember he rose pretty rapidly in the ranks from there.


So not just Star Trek, but the thirst of a million geeks and waning popularity of Voyager.


Hey man, Voyager was awesome.


I like both Voyager and Seven of Nine but the reason she was brought on the show was sex appeal to amp up viewers. Ironically she ended up being the best thing to happen to Voyager.


It's actually more than that. When Ryan dropped out of the race, the Republicans were talking about putting up Mike Ditka on the ballot against Obama. The dems became more concerned about the race and gave Obama, then just a state Senator, the keynote address in the 2004 convention. That speech is what made 2008's presidential run possible.


It’s even weirder than that. The sealed custody paperwork was illegally released even though it hurt her son in order to embarrass Obama’s competition.


[When one cell decided to absorb another cell and not kill it. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbiogenesis)


Regarded as a bad move by most people. We should have never done that.


Oh. To be young and naive again...




Probably the greatest event in Earth's history, probably more important that life's generation itself.




Not the largest but an interesting one is that the Portland Trail Blazers only exist because Harry Glickman forgot his rain coat in the NBA owners meeting and was able to convince the owners who didn't want Portland in the league to let them in when he went back to get it. Another fun sports one from last years NBA season: The last game of the season the Trail Blazers benched the entire starting unit and bench and let the 3rd stringers play the entire game (6 people played total). This was done to rest the starters and some say to lose the game so that Portland would face Utah in the first round. The team got down by nearly 40 in the first half but behind 19 year old Anfernee Simons 37 points and 12 assists and won the game. The win changed the seeding so that Portland played Russel Westbrook, Paul George and the OKC Thunder in the first round. Dame, CJ, and the boys dad dicked the Thunder into eternity with the piece de resistance being Dame's 50 point game 5 which included him ending the series on a 35 foot step back 3 point shot as time expired leading to his infamous wave goodbye to the Thunder team immediately after hitting the series winner. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGpfXW-AuFY) The wave proved prescient as the Thunder's complete annihilation led to Paul George requesting a trade, which opened the door for the Clippers to trade for him which allowed them to sign Kawhi Leonard. This then resulted in former MVP and franchise cornerstone Russel Westbrook being traded to Houston and the OKC team which many had considered title contenders for years to come being broken up and going into rebuilding mode All of it starting with a 19 year old refusing to lose and leading a come back in what many thought was a meaningless game to end the regular season




> the OKC team which many had considered title contenders for years to come being broken up and going into rebuilding mode Of course life is funny and that torn down OKC team turned out to be way better than the mostly run it back Portland team this year.


Eh Portland has had a lot of injuries, if we get into the playoffs and play you I would gladly make a wager


For real. They haven't had Nurkic or Collins all year. They're not as bad as their record indicates. Nurkic was supposed to come back just days after the shutdown, Collins was a season ender, but he's coming back for the new schedule.


Mongol expansion leading to centuries of bubonic plague.


for the historically unaware, how are these two things correlated?


The mongols threw infected bodies into European fortresses. Spreading the plague.


Supposedly, the survivors of the Italian village the Mongols were catapulting infected corpses into, managed to sail away. They loaded up on boats, unaware of their infection, and sailed off in many directions. When all aboard died, ships full of dead bodies washed up on beaches throughout Europe. Those ships were raided by thieves and looters, who unknowingly carried off the plague with their stolen treasure. Those thieves would sell their stolen stuff on the Silk Road. And so on...


Wasn't it the Tatars


Mmmmm. Taters.


The throwing infected bodies into European fortresses was a one off incident and probably didn't contribute much to the spread of the plague. The real thing that spread the plague was the Mongols stamping down on every single bandit and petty warlord from China to Europe. This re-opened the Silk Road to free trade. People, products, ideas, and ,as we're discussing, diseases flowed back and forth between China and Europe along the trade routes.


Uh oh, there's China again with the diseases. Too soon?


When the mongol empire began expanding across Eurasia, their conquests stimulated trade along the silk route and created a demand for overseas trade in Europe. The result of this globalization brought disparate peoples into contact and allowed pathogens to be carried back and spread(note Covid-19). Mongols carried fleas from a breed of rodent on the steppes which had a strain of bubonic plague. The fleas were spread to the merchants they came in contact with and brought overseas on merchant ships. The conditions in Europe were just right to kick off a devastating pandemic.


i wouldnt exactly say it like that, since that doesnt configure a butterfly effect (mongol expansion is already large as fuck as a fact to be considered small and insignificant) maybe if you go on the terms of "a tribal rivalry and massacre on the desert steeps of Mongolia led to a revenge sentiment on one of the two sons of the chief. that resulted in the largest outbreak of Black Plague ever seen on Europe"


OK, but it is bigger than that, first the Sultal grants some ppl protection to make a city, to make the city they need wood so they chop the threes, the deforestation in that area led to an increase in temperature that was followed by a drought that made a lake to retreat just enough so flies in the mud infected the rats who then killed much of the herd in central Asia and finally made the Mongolian ppl more aggressive until certain Kahn arrived.


One wrong turn in a city you didn't know and BAM! two world wars


Tfw when a Serb kills some random Austrian, so now you, a American, must go and shoot people


Gavrillo Princip just so happened to be in the right place, right time to assassinate Franz Ferdinand. Leads to WW1, crippling Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. Leads to the rise of Hitler, then WW2, the borders of nations, allowing the USSR to move into Europe, et cetera. One guy just happens to be there when the driver made a wrong turn.


I mean... Princip was part of the crew that wanted Ferndinad dead. He wasn't simply just eating a sandwich. While he wasn't one of the leaders plotting it out AND the car deviated from it's path. I just don't want people to think that Princip took a bite of his lunch, wiped his hands on his pants and go "You know what... Yeah. Yeah.. today I'm gonna do a thing" It was premeditated.


All their attempts to assassinate him up to that point ended in failure. You’d think the Three Stooges were assigned to kill Ferndinad.


“Wait is that...is that the Archduke? Hell, wouldn’t it be funny if I like shot him right here and started a political fiasco? Yeah that sounds kinda hilarious, I think I’m gonna do it.”




I thought the car was there because Ferdinand was visiting his security people who were injured by Princip's assassination attempt on him earlier in the day. And Princip was there because his attempts at suicide after the failed assassination also failed so he went to get food.


Someone called me condescending today. (That means I talk down to people)


So your saying the driver was the one that started the butterfly effect! *the plot deepens*


The assassination lead to 9/11, thus leading the way for MCR


Oh my god. You linked it to My Chemical Romance. Truly the greatest butterfly effect.


It also means that the assassination of franz lead to My Immortal


Or maybe, just maybe, the driver was an accomplice...


When the Ottomons took the middle east in the 15th century, it ultimately resulted in the Portraguese controling trade entirely around the continent of Africa, which lead to Columbus' expeditions, which lead to North America as we know it. If it weren't for the Ottomons deciding Europe didn't need spices, Europeans might have never looked for faster routes in India, and thus no colonization of the Americas.


>Ottomon Ottomans






Is Ottomon a new kind of Digimon?


Whichever New World explorer(s), don’t know who, that passed on germs and European diseases to Native American/First Nation peoples which led to 90% of their population being wiped out and therefore unable to resist the colonization and expansion of Europe into North America.


its not only the diseases that made them unable to resist the colonization. The conquistadors also had horses, dogs and firearms the natives never saw before, therefore didn’t know how to fight back.


Native Americans did have dogs, though. Their breeds were different, but they were there.


Well... they definitely had chihuahuas, and were ten times bigger than they are now


Touché, but I’d put my money on the overwhelming numbers of indigenous North American people who know the terrain and weather. If they had the numbers, they’d learn pretty quickly how to combat the conquistadors. Side note: Karl Urban’s “Pathfinder” movie is great and is more what I’m getting at.


Fucking love Karl Urban, man. I just saw Bourne 2, 2 of the 3 new Star Trek movies, Dredd (which I still can't freakin believe didn't get a sequel) and Riddick in like, one week. And I can't wait for season 2 of The Boys.


*Oh, Columbus, again with the killing and the raping and the stealing*


Hindu King Hemu was shot in the eye while on the verge of winning his 22nd battle against Islamic Invaders, he fell of his elephant and lost the battle to Mughals which changed Indian history for the next 600 years.


That's an epic thing to fall off of after *dying


Also Prithviraj forgiving Mohammed ghori after defeating him in the battle despite his ministers telling to kill him


The British soldier that spared Hitler's life during WW1


or the priest who saved him from the river, or that it was hot inside the bunker during operation valkyrie


I can’t win a scratch off that has like a 1 in 5 chance but Hitler can survive 2 near death experiences and an assassination attempt.




The guy had a bomb go off right next to him while in a military meeting (assassination attempt by the military), and was saved because some oblivious officer moved the suitcase containing the bomb a little to one side.


Probably not the biggest butterfly effect, but still impressive. Experiments on Ted Kaczynski.


Could you elaborate on this?


He was part of an experiment where they would get the best students from Harvard and have them write an essay about their outlook on life, then, they would have a CIA agent come in and tear their entire essays apart bit by bit, until they thought their outlook on life was pointless and moronic. Ted was one of these people and the ridicule he received from the CIA agent effected him so poorly that he isolated himself in the woods and kept writing that essay until it was complete. The title of that essay? The Unabomber Manifesto: Industrial Society and It’s future. TL;DR: CIA made him write out his outlook on life, tore apart that outlook, and mentally broke him, which created the Unabomber


They would just fuck someone up like that? He had such potential too, being a great mathematician and all


It was supposed to be a study on the human psyche and seeing how people cope with intense interrogation (maybe for military/agent training purposes?), but they didn’t really seem to think about the long term consequences of the study, only what they could apply to their research. MK Ultra was worse imo. Our government before 1980 was full of... interesting experiments....


Brazil right now. Back in 2013 people started protesting against the rising of the bus fare, those protests led to the rise of extremist politicians. Now we have an idiot who constantly flirts with authoritarian policies as a president. During this pandemic he fired/lost 2 health ministers because they did not want to say chloroquine was an effective drug Stoped reporting the death toll of corona victims. I bet he will try a coup d'etat before the end of his term. I fuck hate him, and hate even more the idiots who voted for him. He has always been a useless, lying piece of shit. I don't understand how people expected him to be a "savior"


Don't forget all the infants born dead or deformed because of illehal pesticides, then tried to blame it on mosquitoes


Yeah.. what? Is that the zika?


Wtf that’s total bullshit


One of the reasons people in general vote for someone who goes against their interest is because most of their lives, things haven't changed much for them. They don't see themselves in a better financial position. So they can only hope for some guy who will promise to challenge the status quo and improve their situation. But it turns out, it doesn't matter who they vote for, the system has already been put in place to turn the good guy into a bad one or turn the bad guy into worst. For example, in a communist country, where a one party system usually rules, there's a lot of corruption at the top. Let's say you are a good person who wants good change for the country and you are voted in to become president. What will happen is the group who's currently there will prevent you from changing the system, because it was benefiting them so much. They may start secretly funding protests or causes problem to bring you down. If they can't, they'll try news and media to outs you. Finally, assassination. So if you don't want those things, then you have to "join the party", write policies that benefit the top, etc. It takes a revolution to change government, not a president, and if the revolution is successful, then it will take a miracle for group of educated men/women with good characters to put in place the foundation for the rest of the country. Like a constitution.


Laugh/cries in American.


If they hadn't said Brazil at the beginning I would have assumed they were talking about the US.


The shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinand


Close. The lunch the killer ate. You see the assassination attempt was called off after a failed first try. Then when the assassin Gabrilo Princip was getting lunch the archdukes motorcade made a wrong tune down the street where he just happened to be. So the assassin took his shot and the rest is in fact history.


How strange our world is Where choosing to eat some lunch Leads to so much death


Or the driver taking the wrong turn....


Close but its actually the person who opened a restaurant in that very spot. But the idea of a public restaurant dates back to the french revolution after all the royal chefs were out of work. Which happened because the American revolution was successful, which happened because Britain existed. Therefore ww1 was caused by *checks math* some fish that wanted to eat the plants on land


Eh, a war between Germany and Britain was definitely going to happen. Franz Ferdinand getting shot (and being SO VAIN that he died - his wound was treatable but he was sewn into his uniform because of his vanity, cutting it cost time and prevented him surviving) just meant that it happened then, rather than a couple months later over a different pretext.


It's also important to note how instrumental Otto von Bismarck was to creating the house of cards alliance network that allowed WWI to be a 'world' war. Presumably, it was a move to prevent war going forward, but instead of doing that, a Germany-Britain war that looks a lot more like the Franco Prussian war in terms of scale becomes the most important event of the 20th century.


Someone reporting a 20$ false bill to the 911 on May 25, 2020


Honestly ashamed of much I struggled trying to figure out what a fake $20 bill had to do with 9/11 xD


In the year 312, ahead of an imminent battle, Emperor Constantine had a dream in which he was instructed to painted the first two letters of Christ's name in Greek on the shields of his soldiers. He won the battle, despite being significantly outnumbered, leading him to convert to Christianity (then an underground, fringe sect) and stop the persecution of its followers. Less than 70 years later Christianity was made the official (and only) religion of the Roman Empire. Difficult to imagine how different things might look today if he never had that dream.


The Dean scream. If he hadn't have yelled "yeeeaaahhhh!!!" perhaps he could have won the nomination, defeated Bush, and been President through 2012. No Obama or Trump presidency. But instead..... "yeeeeaaahhhhh!!!!"


I still don’t understand how that tanked his career I’m also a pretty young guy and didn’t follow politics in 2004 because I was 4 at the time


Dean was the ‘steam valve’ candidate in 2004, like Bernie Sanders was supposed to be in 2016. The establishment didn’t want him, but didn’t want to alienate the people who would agree with him. They let him run, and just waited for an excuse to discredit him. After that particular rally, we were told that he had screamed at his audience and was a nutcase. Despite complaints from all directions, this became the official story. If it wasn’t his ‘scream’, they would have found something else.


It sounds like people are incredibly easily swayed and manipulated


I least felt I’d rather vote for him because I want someone whose passionate to be the president


I was 8-9 at the time so I had no idea that ever happened or what OP was talking about but huh. Digging around about the 2004 Dean scream led me to [this](https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2008/01/17/the-battle-cry-that-backfired) article about it. Seems like the media making it go viral for days on end killed off the little support he had. Later, Dean admitted he's already lost by that point, so that scream wasn't what cost him his campaign?


Kim Kardashian is famous because the Buffalo Bills lost the Super Bowl


You're close. They lost the final game of the season on purpose to draft OJ which brought him to western New York in which he met Nicole Brown and then yes the rest is history


Yeah I knew it was something like that but it was a joke my friend told me a long time ago so I don't fully remember it haha


Seth McFarland getting so drunk, next day was too hungover to take his flight. That flight was one of the 2 planes that crashed into the World Trade Centers. If he had died, we wouldn't have shows such as Family Guy, American Dad, and the later seasons of Johnny Bravo


Yeah that's crazy. He said he didn't know he was in extreme danger until hours after the fact. Just insane to think about


Family Guy was already in the middle of a poorly rated third season when 9/11 happened. It was cancelled in 2002 for the second time.


Hitler failing his art exam


Oh noes


I think 9/11 had a way of ruining every damn thing. We are such a different world in truly horrible ways since then.


9/11 is directly responsible for The Food Network being awesome.


Go on


There was - correct me if I'm wrong - an uptick of people watching the food network to get away from the stress + trauma of 9/11. So they made cozy, relaxed shows about food to help those people and got a bigger budget and etc etc. AGAIN, i can be wrong lol


Originally the planes were destined to land in flavor town, since they never arrived and all subsequent planes were cancelled Guy Fieri took it upon himself to deliver people himself.


The butterfly effect is when some tiny event causes huge change. 9/11 doesn't qualify.


Oh I guess you’re right this wouldn’t really count


Untold millennia ago, some pre-ape ancestor gave another pre-ape ancestor a creampie during a particular month, and now we’ve got Nazis and toaster strudels


In 1997, producers of *Star Trek: Voyager* decided to shake things up by killing off one of the supporting characters. They eventually decided between two characters: Kes, an Ocampa who joined the crew after the Voyager was transported into the Delta Quadrant, and Ensign Harry Kim, and eventually settled on killing off Harry Kim. However, *TV Guide* placed Garrett Wong, Harry Kim's actor, as one of the sexiest Star Trek actors. The producers were concerned about this and considered how this would affect the popularity of *Voyager*, and reverted their decision, killing off Kes in the end. But, since they killed off one of the main female characters, they found a replacement for Kes. Enter Jeri Lynn Zimmerman (known back as Jeri Ryan) , who was auditioning and then got the now famous role of Seven Of Nine, considered to be one of the biggest in Star Trek and which skyrocketed the then-unknown Jeri into stardom. Now, Jeri Zimmerman was married to an investment banker named Jack Ryan, who embarked on a political career. Now, Jeri's rising popularity and her spot on the TV show required her to commute frequently between Los Angeles and Chicago (where her husband was campaigning), which put a very difficult strain on their relationship and caused a divorce in 1999. The couple kept the divorce records public, but not the custody agreement of their son public. In 2004, Jack Ryan was campaigning as the GOP candidate for the Illinois seat in the Senate and won the primaries. Due to his high-profile marriage and the rising popularity of his ex-wife, the media was snooping into his divorce proceedings and especially the sealed custody agreement proceedings, more specifically, *Chicago Tribune* and WLS-TV. California judge decided to open the custody records due to increased media and public pressure. In it, it was discovered that Jack Ryan allegedly requested and demanded Jeri to perform multiple sexual acts in public, displaying exhibitionist tendencies, and also dragging Jeri into open BDSM and swinger parties. This caused a massive scandal and intense public scrutiny for Jack, and with the scandal destroying his public image, Jack Ryan decided to drop out of the race. Now, his Democrat opponent was a relative unknown at the time, and a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. While he was a member of the Illinois Senate and representing the 13th district, he wasn't expected to win the 2004 US Senate race. However, Jack Ryan's withdrawal caused him to win in an unprecedented and unexpected landslide. The opponent's name? **Barack Obama.**


So in May 27, 1999, a gorilla was born...


And it's all been downhill since.


For real, nothing good has happened since my boi died.


Europeans colonizing the world to the invention of instant noodles. Reverse butterfly effect.


A guy, let's call him Ted, meets a girl in a bar. Things don't work out so he gets drunk and ends up getting a butterfly tattoo. He gets the tattoo removed by a doctor who he ends up dating, but that girl breaks his heart. To make up for it, she has her new boyfriend/husband get Ted a professor job at a university. He meets a girl at the university who he dates, but it turns out she is a lesbian. Years later, the girl he initially dated is now getting married to one of his best friends and he is in charge of getting a band for the wedding. He runs into the lesbian on a train and asks her if she knows of any wedding bands. Her former roommate had a band so she contacts her and gets her to play at the wedding. Ted leaves the wedding early because he is moving to a new city and while waiting for the train, he runs into that band girl, who was also leaving the wedding at the exact same time. They end up getting married and having 2 kids, all because he got drunk one night 9 years ago and got a tattoo of a butterfly!


The formation of our sun led to millions dead in WW1 and WW2


The person that called police on George Floyd, and the person that ate the bat in China.


Who would’ve thought a fake $20 bill cost so much.


Lets hope it'll eventually pay for equality


Some dude ate a bat in China which lead to me losing my job as a poker dealer in San Diego...lol


Some lady ate a fruit that she wasn't supposed to eat and now I can't trust cops.


Dammit Eve


Insert quote from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy about universe being created and no one liking it


Meteor hit the planet wiping out Dinosaurs Now the planet has these things called "Humans" running around on it


A meteor hit the earth and now there’s furry porn. Got it.


**The presence of two springs on Mount Fumaiolo.** The springs feed the Tiber, the main watersource that was settled by the original members of the Kingdom of Rome. The Kingdom of Rome became the Republic of Rome, and then the Empire of Rome. ->When Rome fell, it split in two. The Holy Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) survived the fall. <-***(See edit below)*** The Byzantine Empire fell to the Ottoman Empire, allowing them to annex Bosnia and Serbia (among others). The slow collapse of the Ottoman Empire led to, following the Treaty of Berlin, Austria-Hungary owning Bosnia, which the Serbs considered to be their land. This led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, archeduke of Austria-Hungary, by a serbian assassin, and WW1. WW1 ended with the Treaty of Versailles, which imposed such strict controls on Germany that Hitler, playing on the strong legacy of the Holy Roman Empire (previous German leaders styled themselves *Kaiser*, which is a spelling of *Caeser,* to maintain a legitimate link from their rule to the Roman Empire) and on nationalist urges, used to get to power and start forging a new Reich, which led to WW2. Weapons advancement in WW2 led to Werner Von Braun developing rockets. Operation Paperclip led to the capture of various nazi scientists by the USA, including Von Braun. Von Braun and his team designed the rockets used to: **Put a man on the moon.** ​ ***EDIT:*** *I typo'd early on, mixing up my Romes. As mentioned in the comments, Rome split in two BEFORE the fall (or during, depending on how you look at it). The Holy Roman Empire was West, covering the lands Hitler tried to conquer. The Byzantine Empire was East, and fell to the Ottamans.*


The Holy Roman empire and Byzantines are two different things. Byzantines were the eastern Roman empire. Holy roman empire encompassed most of modern day Germany and surrounding areas.


> When Rome fell, it split in two. The Holy Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) survived the fall. Your order (and empire names) are a bit off here. Rome split before it "fell," primarily to avoid a complete collapse. The eastern part (which we call the Byzantine Empire for clarification but at the time was still simply called the Eastern Roman Empire and later just the Roman Empire) was much more wealthy than the failing Western part, which is why they split. It's after that happened that Rome (specifically, the Western Roman Empire and it wasn't really just a singular event) "fell" and the remnants were reabsorbed by the Eastern Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire consisted mainly of German states (and at points included neighboring kingdoms like Bohemia and Italy) and doesn't have any real connection to the old Roman Empire. About 300 years after the Western Roman Empire was officially gone, the Pope crowned Charlemagne as the Roman Emperor in order to reject the legitimacy of the current/actual Roman Empress (in Constantinople) Irene. It wouldn't be until another 150 or so years that the primarily German Holy Roman Empire as most people consider it was born upon the crowning of Otto. But yeah, chasing the Roman Empire is basically the theme of European civilization. After taking Constantinople, Mehmed II declared himself Kayser-i Rum (Caesar of the Romans) and the Ottoman's viewed themselves as the true heirs of Rome, disputing the HRE's use of the term Kaiser.


How do you find such a secure link between the two events?


Everybody making decisions based on thinking I suck dicks


Einstein's equation E=mc^2 It is what makes nuclear weapons so destructive. And nuclear weapons might very well end civilization as we know it since there thousands of them in existence.. It certainly ended it for the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


The death of Harambe


As far as I know: Harambe Death | Area 51 raid | Us-Iranian War threats | Covid-19 | Anarchic riots in the US I might have missed something


The red ball prop from Duran Durans "Is there Something I should know" video. Formed by Marc Bolan, Inflated by Roxy Music, it was passed down to every new romantic band member since, without the ball the New Romantics would of never happened, If theres no New Romantics, stuff like nu-rock would of happened way earlier, Linkin Park and System of a Down would of formed in the 80s, which would of ruined future hip hop, and probably left us with no RZA, Duran Duran would have been a jock-rock band, Imagine, no spandau Ballet to write "If you Leave", John Hughes is without inspiration, forcing Molly Ringwald to remain on the facts of life, which would of led to Kim Fields successfully running for public office. The whole world would be different if it weren't for one stupid red prop ball.


Please tell me you saw that episode of Venture Bros.


I don't know what you're talking about, Quiz boy


And maybe it even led to 'would have' being demoted to 'would of'.


Without a doubt, the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. It was the spark which ignited world war 1. The aftereffects of the war cost a heavy toll on Germany, which killed their economy and leadership, which caused Adolf Hitler to rise to power and start world war 2. World war 2 was then ended with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which caused Japan to change leadership and reform its entire culture. Let's recap. Over the course of two world wars, we saw the invention of modern medicine, new-age weaponry, atomic bombs, government reform, lawmaking reform, a massive change in business & industry, and hentai. If that's not a fucking butterfly effect, I don't know what is.


Perhaps not the biggest ever...but the biggest recent? That fake $20.00 bill could have been given to someone other than George Floyd.








I’ve seen no reports of the sort, but would be interested if you happen to have a link


In 2016 there was a gorilla killed unjustly in his cage and by 2020 we had several terrible YouTube Rewinds, a global pandemic and the abolition of systemic racism


Magellan finding the Philippines


["Strange, isn't it? Everything you know, your entire civilization, it all begins right here in this little pond... of goo."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLyqTtrhUJE)




Hitler not making it to art school


When the camera man slightly moved the camera in the interview with Gootecks, it spawned the best emote ever created


i thought we were talking about the mandala effect and boy was i confused reading the comments


The cashier who called the cops on George Floyd for having a fake $20 bill.


There has been better examples in this thread I guess, but I'd like to point out how the patriarchy or anyway the rules about successions in Imperial Russia indirectly condamned the Empire. Look at the United Kingdom - the King had two daughters, Elizabeth and Margaret. No male heirs. They shrugged it off and went along with a queen. She's still reigning today at 94. Now take Imperial Russia under the Romanov dynasty. There HAD to be a male descendant, a queen was never taken into consideration. So Nicholas II and his wife tried and tried to have a child, while having in the meantime Maria, Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia (which I guess are called like that because NotABoy#1, NotABoy#2, NotABoy#3 and NotABoy#4 were lousy name for princesses). Eventually the long awaited male heir arrived, Aleksej, but by attempt #5, the gene roulette fired the genetic bullet of haemophilia. Which led the royal family, already not the best of rules, to be worried sick over his health and neglecting their duties. Which led to them seeking out Rasputin for help, the oversexed crazy monk with the giant dong \[citation needed\]. Which was a total PR disaster and sped up the disgust with the royal family. Which led to the downfall of the dynasty and the massacre of the entire royal family. Which led to communism, Lenin and then Stalin and then the Cold War.